Wa*ogsfflW..kly S ffl-U* ~~IW E.SIOPiB YUMRSTRICW lkUl aatisfactory compromise has been arraaiged on the epidemie measures, The s]aughteing of infected wil be resumed. The;%"àt boikr of live stock coni- pners wMi appoint tbree appraisers in each eounty, te federal and state authoritics viii continue to co- te toward the moet thorough weeding out of the e. Publie opinion is given full support to the cam- agiinst the dWsase and it is to be hoped that ail stock m wiii wtderstand tbatt in the long run ther intereet md up with. the nost thmrugh -and compote eradica.- even though that might involve ýocesaliniistakes. Lasiuml be decsded on the side of safety rather than aieof temporary preservation, Sthb other band, cattie owners who lose cattie by àter %bould be assured that they wull be compensa.ted. Oue desdlock merely postpones formai action. There . uestion that provision viii h voted at the earliest le moment.-Chicago Tribune. k gme tbdug for th. parUxb a ofI'teZlmOnOs womau ~10.tw pgeof 1««eé and bimo, but,.wh.u M~-W' uma. tr 1he othr 0 top alsd thik: W~ ou dughr-Iulut ~ackUP." i 0 io114 aýJd Lai elv ,nw Z~~~,i ,tlOk *th1"' et ýtbe i mail 14e t ,o~t ro ffi9 fore t*oWull o dofe tut .to o" a 1 lirwert for taxes.q ff am dld ti ak. up in a, If yota bava reuAtx. eart. or .klda07trob 'et m yu~ oui dmn- ~c abc ~. you hare your dOctèr m*bt Bot. ' Thon. dl...u. us>' i mescA b deeayci mati or infoctia aet gmm, accoe4lg to phyulélauamum dentiste vho adireifeed, ttcemeeting 01 the Chicago Dental soclety M thei Hatel 1Abale PHd.>' nigit. .Dr. Robet Preble discflui rcse IIq vhlola ti oui. lay vith a dantiat rallier ian a piyàlo"a. lim0. Beit icusaci tie tretmae imeuc disons., oti poitai ont that the luéth Mdi #vas;If mfel i m bel i cause ot disésm. auiat tic mm ftim lhih ateffcti O"U"lto mai lie th reMit or adiees e.1ticheaistei. Dr. Frank BIllugeMM iton macla vaccine là belng sdmlelstered lu th. trcatment of ubeumattm.Al» o np vorkla tenecic rinamPhfuiclsuéla tic treatuent of disecaes ýo! tic jointe. '2 ave beavu physicigns ta do everyhiue in aider ta Sud ont tic trouble.» ho ».i'Theyill romovo lieteeli. touais, ldedven thc sp. peudix lu order te cure patients nuf- fering viti rblnmatlmm. JUTII3y . B4L & o tr Man Who TiésaUp t4any Mtter alete ~ Captuf Vitim ,Mm tes1 CIy home." the AltarHimuei. Waukcgal friende of Justice nflus ilyaaita IMM u thoctbc "murrgingjus. m uatics of tic pesos" of tic cil>', tic mon. W u ho baha. .ahohd unqualci records In tic numbor o« Marefl "tat orcercontes 4ertcrmed withln certain Pl~.e orto", hasbecome a benedlct bite. unde he 'u4m.. ..et»WLy u n~vluit ao* as pe m mmge ib. lied oth.ieedh p tem lu"rien ctaKMii.1103a0,Mar- putt s. Mbto% l",e beIdvb" a t a a akogm n abots~m, aliegie Mie roseor aies ait tis a 1ev eau Aue. sie dg laIe bas blal nàw OharIce aetflacbeautip pleret tlie 'In..Hein atmr, ~UA5&U5~justice Baih buas Bo n Waukqma liepps, for 20 Yrem inthe lac c soncmof *ouik113.Bular g Maté. J. Bal%,. mi Bli Or.. beoine of tic omnglecaon tic Milvaniserus throum idelit il' ou tic to iv t e.ru. Nr- el,.r, base lubom Justice of tic peace fer au l 1,1. heto o.. Whea1.lu aci oudailater ho vu a a uounpiccoua fotball sud brx«tmel PlAyOr. lSe te &aWMmber of tic oity' onc ievnuct uni t precut le san to It "id amrdci cAdliato for cmusI.. hgto ps*y et th* aiu g tciqç 1*810 ud lr. ei ue.m»Os u iely locatcd Tida la a la' a suite- of rooMs la th i uira __ boc4 OMM» sumd lMadisonstreet. lfor pro* TU lee NJi WIIé eoUont b Mbv«e* .ad" ptai lIamoby tietisa 8uedaý TueedapOtoSn4g at 9:80 o'6104 *à th b. k oqào. b.eMarriset of J.»Pkb g d - MMe IanHall, bati et " *Mb Iol p*slae. The grcoic I4 a** iM ..So ;bô ha.a otbim, on #hx*utiog tP*nnod tb. 111W. lbr i*W 1-..imo. -vift t4, m o.n. ý Mv il iasr à M* bomne on the, 1'w"tbor ms. wbee. Ail lUre, flbare la LUbulyvIli 'Waré steua ugmw pseraluwe t Publie Irim omanunpod le, »V"aiplifca eurla lthe daw, ti breelgot lb.,WIM ibng cumAt y 0. lu. wffleaboas co*ed tlifful hm BBsat4Op. Uti. Ue Obetric BMd h.. phn srpho ho bt*e avé -.xpeuud gis trousble. clée.U luc. 01 the Chelem", ledov o elvb ie ibeal C. I.lalg rlteEdso Des as b h Pubyl.,lau cbuvm mx Sunday. 1Feb. 1. IrlnfoDavtng ~tm viii b. eudWob he t .church htuplaeof tb. reffler evonlUp ervice tioe: Bervica 0* Pr ale................ Seripiure i»@» ep...........1.....1... Bf rti aMd ?rbgufl. ai tbeC.E ... .............. . ......... Edytb Ouai Praer............. ..Led biPa~o itor>s ou iïOva Uctty .... Ol. Hbu Soa.-"...Lead...... Chrilima Rsdoev, tbe Tr0mleg 1U1booL.......Bgoy, r.,rlgbt oubilm e winib Yek............. On Sataia>'moabg 8:30 olelock, ab bis boa. onu 1tw.eair4 ons Jipi Hau asetpeud awayabthe aop of es yss'u, chie alonu pm rom onIse beatS trouble. Thedmni luia.a i. md ..v ela cilrmato mouru bis desth. 1b Ueraai serviecevers heW et th. et. Joeph's Catiiolle chre la e woeok Monder uoraugRirer. lutrli ociatiug. 'Pe muela. wee thon taboute et. N)(ab@ cemteiî IB Wmkan by eWlec rle for hurli. COMIR5.M-AU NcisPuilq& iuIugrob. th Mas lb M. . euv urc n utod nIe. Qui n» oPWm Pro*ftou Mib. WM b>' Su. ienss. Thère *«Dbtoi OUa »W la lbe, Mesuresboiosu lMe lIuueMa *Mbe4ffdoyptmtelbar t *ar 'le odw Ghei.eunb * 5nuidaw.siem a' 8 o> lb.* fblbT~ esse Md ll Sd "s Unlb.andint.. 'lb.-publie IW C' eorlailavo te tinaainjWyti be»« »Mo, lb. protraefo"ove. OrgaPouslpoL.Mmu.Lain Matto, UBaneafl.MnNorm" ack, irWb Mio gditi is. pianob 'Tb. Proyer Si~1'..Mme.Jusl, 'cader sola-."Ny flelhmerand N Lord"... <a) dagio Iro= Nocaligit Sozgea (b) luaSic Mormteg lOtsP., OinSlBtS ........Mro ueba., Oro» .... ....I........ i Medltatioitm .Te..N. aSioU .. ......*Um i Mrlou Taylor, barp Sàuedloliou................. *..... Pou. ............ Met vitocbs Sa#,Telepln.Wlre of the Wnd'aubeea, la.~ Domsgn -of $10.00 arc asic of thc Chicago, Mlvauke. e, .Pa nanrwad Consoai hy Mr*. Pec AdaEFoa e nDem, Cata on tr, Iowa. laàu a aw it u circmuit os in Wakffa todcw ber SUAtOrnp s~ aira ud C. Hlait ime *centinOdiom agotta aloo tu> *av* wtpl ébila tbirOb"*e". 90*0 fi* M abut Am M,1lm' TicéOL te PaUr dtia abfrOC1g u». vulage et limiUlmi.. reve ata forth lu kit delaatiemi d mma" aOum thwam ictoegcWb"lea 0*thc Mmt malrmei. t -thc Point ichéen li lune erpas.Main sireet. amc M1dm ta fI o mtlil a oraatomtaromt. "6Stew art> Rantg", ~ end m' 191.1. .ock - 0f fgurners Bit Stock-Rlght Price 49d'ilick Bres Uheftyt'tiie qYou watFm-.bein 700V ocin home. By znakzeg .maI mnnthiy paymonte you viii §con ove a Viofola-ti. grestect of aul tnical iustrumenta. Amd 't bringe to yo theovcry ,beet 6. râtiofaievcry àSimd, s"4 Mad played ie tie very but way by thne very bust artifet& The ide- si pino@ ta losa the uev dan- ou s in jtheb.home mai boe the Victor lu aboolutély iudAs. rpo'isble. Plu58t 10 Try "h New Dance H. B. EE ]Eý IBin Wi» PJ'noing MoC u UEWfL E» LOWEEa BUT NOW 'RUU80LI TLU i vas a 1IW..FULIU1NI1~ Reported That Fuliy One Huai Otas wveau e . coastableS arudred Familles blZ 2on Clash forIS,»UIover Re11 on tht mC mtt iM IRS l)ETfl t ta0 m at Ithe"slisdisumulalo - cf Ullioancunirci 5Mm Cl5v homeý INi ~~ Aliaug Min.Puaien, ifs vi lie subject or relo. "r" 10b..tutlms mi herWanksmnsMothom lainlter. te gel- ia eitdhalita :'~~Lt;;;:m*v. ~~~ ting uIaMgver>' alcali la lie JUS itti eliosilSI *tm 19'W ibqeh hé -ts âgeiw* iooi st eg ber wubaliendu and ves bave ean e votés, d*i gliock.taihe B»4«.r*Mccta bac ld n..iis..theabb via litb mi ove y ~ of ii nithcidwmdc.-thb.leit o r It oitD ed IMIi.iY b0 EPiWB*tbo xui f. hubai.urvFailum>, toon u ata I, 9«b . b">LM m .te baciu. r ue th M& mer~~~~~~~qý,Id lu!l ~pyahya , lcagel se. ime. lu aet iu obi bus abanioof ia Votvs ta men alvif t¶~TEaT beahup luacwunnID. Dlwabi lamic 119 v iti ieie allie liei It sis&.,uwm*. iouIu'tsno a b b.~ o byDOWtO htitctàli*0 ta. u2der Ordilm gm.#e"m 0ee in baffl bm ta dbai.the en siaMS *0b9 iai cen htor a rifttteai bope.y.ALL~N IMMtbMilemoiMae sh bo P tocMMi tichubmui Ir f" at * ume f i a ê - Ui: Fum imi hUIT Ixuam laeci Mt latit or, If itl bU CtoW" ubicila -, ttihtmatç >.a sionai iov oM"for tic>'»Vr Ob"cli* ;ffd fér taxes. Aà W* ow t . «>tice »v.mai aie v a& Me.t. mbcol. Oue voli W q aou @ pr WêMenwu siockëd but Mod o, m*.tézîi tic chuici nt qoter sma# uiuob »reolted. Ti. lelala r, r e w4aoss .t Tag omeriiluacett 5be an Mme tfluplbaWp et 1l~ghga1iuta adic* cbMg.mt Mdaireciai the m e. h lutiater neyer tlse. e«ww tho«US r4~~~M ouibvebsam et dowui 10 g»hmoth be aiiumcOmconli ot le N W m&os~dutrua ffofor morn f bt Nq.. . nIIKWt 1an 0 p.Il eesmntN _________________________tcudeibart h0U a U ,bkiiaw, novwdue cedpcy*lp et mir' adk I jcleheation et bar home" a i n nlDo r Ba"sdg'tr. l'A& P> mg m « &eMIML Do" à Bnd'@dVUIeo .. cou#por. IIELPERS WANTED Our 118alary and Commission Proposition In a Nutshell", wilbe mailed b your addressupon fequost. We are iook. ing for a Iimtednuumber of Agentos-wholo or part tim- men and vomen to vhom vo viii psy Commnison and Bai- ary .(vit h opportuultios of tuivaneeont). 'on are to, b. cate prospetive aplicante for Lite Inourance and aosist me _in--wrltlng theti. Write.for acopy of pamphlet vhich tous you hov bo mako money Addroas. PhoçaResdsoe296-m-11 OMMe 162-R. Agent@ wanted'. Moderato salary and commissions char sMd tao. thc i W. 1 e trep cam Chu suce ho * bea houa ot Ai ela thé st tase am loi we Pti tffl Wi of 4 fil .... ............ ........................ ..... . ............... . . . ......... ............ à ........ . . ....... ... .......... ""Or .1- -la