INDPENDENT IoND VO~%~-<o. 21"?11UPGSLITV[4E AEOUWt L *"IDY, FEBB]RUARY 12, 1916. 01M TO IGHT 81.50 pïg YEÂR IN ÂDVÂN0Ob '"THFOR THR FIT Afl3ANINU.S ne UEDCMIl1 TMEI YAR.El flX C. PLANNINQ TO k ~ ~ u fait~ main tbl mait ré DSIT t4TST IIRYVrINS PLANT M4UCII GRAIN >JJ[ I lI mftb. 'hepe C WWI ev vill ThtyTwotedo Cati 8li- vas lofI t'ho Present lime They Are '~* li ORS Att ylmifh fuTaàomrbrTkyTOè o:CtwKl Chags rt*tyfl~ttsIII Prfusso jaco"e av Columia Univer- ed Near arrincIton en. b ~Me' 81seOS Sffrmth g h ics. IU IIUW 11 n tue f.- lo lt i ius 53e u n Dworaok Farmn. clWe a u.epýs~i pcetdal________ <fl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ia m a hait dam, M4i thus It esan arraaq.uao t S buddeOf ANOTHER BILL 1$ FfflE. wppe g*~g t>t~ur' OWNER HMSDISAPPEARED. imt#osem 'Institut» te ho SOLO GRAINREASONABLY. WIFE 0F OVERSSER WILBUR GLENN VOLIVA DIEDIIW Sý e,11 tu uti*M Wais, M ooIîI> *ut te do it wlSb-Had, High Prices Developed DAaIH F~ EN TTEPIT0 lfêluUr. rIloonof.Hgwo time for a mevl am to besomjin W oei .iconsent to SiaFO Makes~hef Unu@» Clalm ha ¶.wot<Mmoons tut mOou out tei~gTs ha t ewMnhAo eyW dFR SEVERAL DAY$-DEATH IS SAID TO HAVE DII fr ivo aesd te". vi b. IVO Dent im@lb. GHi 1as 'ht Have Profded~ by 1hemn. CAUSED BY A CANCEROIIS GROWTH IN HER TI1éI< S.ekng 81ai local peuple, -HAD NO PHYSICIAN IN ATTENDANCE-IT IS àltAI- lIoe5s000Me C. W.J or ub.rtyvfl bus PU S I X R»l The Onrt ca la, Lake County and sudlfon îa7oW 'tndiug tlb t, Rmi. ad the price of wbeat gong up to ED THAT SItE DESIRED NONE. st t" boustit au action. for diiorce spinst ont, sitthe very fiIt uti te wgen tute amd Who wlWpi t the baseinent 09 ;Il:6o a bushel ove menthe mgo, mont-------- be ies mm 0. WaTi &":h caseU the. ewner of a herd of «Uft* f* the Lhberolvllle ,@ bail, botb et unous nof the farmeis ef Lake aounty. and TOMnallurG eniv, ve 0f voli proie au lntoemtifg One beesua.. ro m A witI, feot-,eh disesse abasouyr. sud IDth I beslg, will 1,, giren&fo tha Ma<»e ai ove th country IREJUIN U Mm.î Wsbur Gln oie qfl t . lmin thi parucur feton pe oman l fu»d ermisso tulaughster hle ce. lunceOn fi» Of Cllt$. would bave bonefittod hi It Many ofteetrlOesero h hid 15e *~ ~ th ne ei. rtular bcti cuel ni-s Bom I R LI3PER ti. developed ln the. coa of John The mornllg aPdW*ternoon @mesIns Of them would have profited dUr.ctlY andN RA (iM SV * tieealOrsre ieClsp li tsen laflaei ci. ns-»TU lIASek àE ~ r kfeam living 4 12mies th]natituts will 14, beld inthe towxk generouly beouse tley raine wbeat NE A fN . VOL- Catolld Apostolle Churci la la 1 pi t la te mni vo le defentiant against west of Brigo.bail, n tie .ufibg @ês@"i.n 16 eh n hat I »l s on ; otev ouli u u,"id'rr Cl desd, ber deatb baytii tek"a gueit ciarges. This Diag)hoei of Several EX- Hie persistent refua te pemnit beîd lu the club mudote au the third floor have profiîed laeirmcîly becaus. tey IV A, wur OF 'W. 6.s place 'about twelve ocloct ?huuro WslI dures they- vers married perts on Friday Confirmed state ani federai cubiera b te kl t he I e Firât IaN660061 Bank building. raise other graina, the pries ef Wbieh - -h.Ti onim att t btaViM" 24.,1909, lu Chicago, her Mme ~ ).J«~pno. fetted cattie resultai lu te offies ileUeO the îmetlngî there will h. a la lncllned te move la ymbstiy, with pulntei li th Sua on mo Dr.t Jaura O.nin ,,Prb n ia irr«eenting the state and federai Dûmestie Sciew um",montration In the bat of vis. John X Lewis and H. E. Rose 23, 191, la which th ttmttIM ~UrMm4i SepI 22, 1914. ove et sweoplng dowu on is gymuamne ofhit . hrc.t now, îowever. Il 18 saie te Say of Zion Make Appicaton for maie tiat Mna. veuyave, wut 154 Heebarge8é aog oher tîings: ISOLATED IN TH E CITY JAIL. f=m~rdy 'b lubee 2 Th ntli elnenwbigbl liat 95 per cent of lie formers are Writ But After It Ir Granted, point of death and coikld eurvie bol R0ete oueli4urling Pau tfour, bead. . througitouli the ooopty are drawing un buYlng more fleur than tiey are seii- Fito ursh$0 Bnda short limte at lie meut.' Thone wW yeas'* ltaât "it nduluei la violent Effort le to Be Made to Get the TDe sisugite Was dlrecl. by thealjIr> c0 smd i bas teh&% veî l te et bgt_____ - pum ela' re ela «Wgo uk.ue bWqadMacCoOfn cf lie %tate force ani rsttdboes i.asciinlaIPrices are as bad for them et titis Mrs. Votive, dWe a martyrtek O smlesc xeslm ue auivm i FeIIow Deo«oted-Think He Meirmifleteea ec e thylsle §Bai Meeting forth byear lu Lberty- -1sne i era o noees.TK RDCLSE tii icols'tailg owe agueb use pesbo Got Disease on Boat. ofstes thelaedeml lire of ter, ve.ille ou SaterdiW VýIII be tie large@% ever Tew jof te îîe asriclna dee n et ADI STE band(UP '& a B11<bIparaII jojo e va», net diposei te remet eriuarles. itî nlb omp corne froua lie Dresenl iig pries of l wudhaeli ba7htsesro ionti o r six mentis, a leper bas been j Owner Won Absent. wieat Jual vaît-be gpins. He aâ a Tme o " d ti V5enu~ tatu blv ulielo;liIabu Ot16 ivn lta building on lte Dimoor Tte.offleers for days puit baye been sume theI stnbat ier la pra cf WhtA erdfraTr g141912 s %e d hlbai m; Nov. 27, 1913 Countr club grenades ut Highland trylug te indue, Dvoermk te permit CA1~iSE1 probabîîîty ttowpawu th rupreatBeFsb *Sý m h.btlmon tie itesd viti a saue, Park. te0 kili lie catlle but ho pet- EAJDf)sbeal "II continue ail next season. ltWeMi S( Wr lImZo. idobueb. Apins soniit a» natsive anf oIta>eu leu-eny refused. He weuld net sign H.ea cnDov arrange te tait. adymit- Coud MtConIlnwfit Pln. m cfls utk. I bas où iaed 1buiv 1914 bshe luit 't.k shp ut Oos sud Imndei lu te the vouchers hy vici iê would. a taie ofthle situation -and Juigimg by A ter *eeh as le, bie wt ihiae Iport ef New York Juin@ 1. He came pai inter iy lie ahate aud federal.vrosepsinsbu émh>MMV"WR W. aI ùtantheb bil tuie timi the atralgbtway te Chiicago ami proeut- iepartmente of agicuetltur. Hi ol f"ý1, STAl RE tI.osersineandý U k r t si_ maer mleMs~Vtfr 'jeiia . y wus employei as IL alibI watelian statemeul vas liat bis dl' titiik lte f W TT net 4016 lakren msppin aunVesI * s,1,l ot&ç *# v i' s yig rigit sud loft luVtb ah t#s, UxmOor club. animais slok enougb te inetfirti lem States v a~IS m~H as l -, phet 8~%g om rgallict Lac"&i vent about .aving moitey belng IkUll sud ha wouldn't stand fo Wmth t huIgle Yeur 1915, Itla IDsae tu b.., uu*y- huIsprsruoiai te tlu.1a bis " f vitud tirse chie sno »murmo lut aie las uw"uh 1oe 1. htimar J., bWVýh Val sa eSO i gae~ vr il i . jAIl *«rffFe d.e futile la VU~ mhe 0501iléi am Lailte Çoo11107 rut 411111811111, wuA ILgmt, Wdei SOIi aeSl ep Cgd 15 m a ___ait liff e ha li th.11 Vu"s tlent, bdclimia , to mroi wýn vs t e v6 làTO 1111 bi P..,rt,' be egu Mr j# ent tu cosaux 1W k. . Ia* et'fiud on tueir arrisa tba oner »voi. ue-psaI PM"c ptnrl 010Sal Uca~u-à. ~ S11ICwo.D.3Isclla âei-a*' sp«w nteOsn He farÊea' et them umt aouli rme4 e et5 tWlue d ?IWl imoe 'v hba uU 15.enit on Il r»Ot ef ber »vers taat »r rt -r - tepioe Coutt Fdaey. DOWd liatmk u o ialhhv li !d tint the Temle iet î'mei '.mb brfrb a suoo . lmad a onufesos ef export. sai i b mise vas lb Cbien»o ani ha ia m OfrwuU«hi o ,-e%*W kle bu o* i'l meut ~ ~ ~ ~ r cfck bl.HDoomd .Gln uittaei SsWae for mni- insstha a hle eeeres kenp tb.l1 a RC -ý~~ titis YUus er. T,,vi h *Iae u met bud th aate e* «Vo*e.O ' y'saers vbone »Me Dow aearaf ;a 1 n n oltmo e eawjieM O lol ek yen tbe ios'cet fo ieBs rea - eromoopie exainatin aid ti patimal bands off lie bord. ofitii thS. cie situation sud vIl b. ahi. te- Y4ia>gee lbi L __ e he& in e î te h*mlt e tue of» etffW Hovever. lie veleninanles veut DIfrngat aimntot aur prie liai amani. M1W o* 1i0 IsJUiteIlWON uI.t- palw Wc bim Vl bia M« rubvb opce t oill i lumel ber li doaMdrmuo LfwieiM- ertyvioe ne aime hma a citicuo-siln edetteOOo Dr. Uopd mah lte nome ef tue state »id nom, StaIa's Attorney B. 3,-41r ba beau Titey_ vIU bave a baud TA dktgtiug M4 LaISmm RW* out1 le jDrgen, itoltu ocminlmofte .tU8-1 lon sud despite proteste cf lie young Sesaved IIOlC noiceb Altosue A. P. te-m ani <valuea s , U gel« a .ehted te prummr a heu et $1W. As. Uni& poe , 35Iete l 4ion. f DIOCEFLE. I Park ou FrIa,' sfternoeo Aufomi foreigna, lie,' slaugbler tue aDI' Seumien thal lie Weoueseld ca.te t liu 01M muie&&. thouy iMared l.mee the éi,1g ___m ail e ltao be dw a' -JO ]NI 'tho la stteudaue ver Dr. 'tlmM t involving interesl ou monays held lit If lie Emroue ver oouuue li laldhv elmN a~he 5e u ustt's âo 1. AI3an UrIO0SIOS AU ueye himexeto Thte report la taI Dworack diaap. hi possession and IleuCe tax re- probable taI tue demani for v1hit 501 à honni lie,' fIg mmi CIfit dem Rotel nUisresS cia> glbg tha" imues@tetr &« tbr s"i diseue; Dr. A. IB. ahiden of poani merely lu crder te ho aile to taino b,' him. ts le b. appeaied te durlitg lie prenant year Vil b ove Cl PerS @rehWay oeuld ê«t lemu sa o ,,s omarimge MWt fuai ~'snrw 'W» ln Highland Park, Dr. P. M. Iugmlao sa' ho v»asent viten lie 0meR5« lie supreme court immaediately. This groater b liat Ilà laov for Burope cooen. wthu ~#ic 111110106 P1 ab o mme e smtmu a& ins. aasaetthi t j Ma te» HighElgtand Park and Dr. Jacks of Ri1gil- sinugbtored bis berd, bis plan b.oo actiun fonlevs close on the action ta. vili bave b> look te Arnerica for ls ,do wlhub t IZsn. et 01 Votv Vet e Mw :b toi*a OM amate va f int ccmmntoi;- vod. te demami full velue for lte borid l ken by lthe supreme court on fflda,' suttaane aid fus, coutiita vith amsatluZooth le Von"v 48 4soi wei Ma ahs bilevés ite noer ea b lwved Pelloonun Olvee Chaîne. tIer. The miaximum sun alleved.l toi in a«in re-hearingha lie oas. ot ail te grain liaI vi b. iteoedi latâ.»wb I 0* to aIst hcw om-t'vai$ tccfro.Luaé& 1h I la sali, hoe niait bave seured hot- simllf te tie eue heme Juige Frost cf vits. Titis enobles I.a'e Counhi Lewis 19 lie nuM Who meIelehemaaIýt1Tedm5ola yD.jck o pligI ah7batetuvheolaeue.emU acs hs ommwMke pth rcWhtOjcto e.&g bt* .r ot teai an ah slr, as clark Sit viage ianu V Geor e n ite t ter terme bai lie signed lie vouchter or titi district recenlly enternd a rut- torners te look on the cliver lnlng. viten loinA. noviO loit lb. entie A"it wn~siOies tes. Ai., polio bai ieiiord hi. te lie con- penligtesagtr ng la viei îe beld tat Carl W.slsr- in tus, cou«. seebln te eq*a1 Scuse.t. cfeorbt . î. 300 Kliled Thoemabouts- liei vas ebliged te luru over ail Iu-latecusok o ét héftâamd»« iou , Gan Oeilhua iter ce ttesoue.poeÙt enan d t h TtevloPe ltaI ln SU, te date. terest mne,' as weli as lunhellsec MLI iiN J soate wbe * a edyW 0. maors. Tti vont c emli in d Ibei~~,%tr mus&" tue~ place la oblhim. 'lot. Jucbt a u taire hlm jell ic o Dhub'W G eot.I a elrit, back t, JA 'about 300 caille baye inen billed ha tex mener liaI he bas, retained for lie Votie a»ese lurd lakos len tt bon Aler ntd e'c t u alaiboehe vîcinît,' of Barringlon sBlue ti* tour rears hoe was ha officIL At the, AV1EI TifliflIldiRi. akof t-tbt WhUl » PÀRSÀW Y wa rot outstran t rn e 158~~5 dy l te etiie. vNe ircuit sinte i.~ wadIayu i otsa..Ruefr alctdjs over in Cook venul take an appeal. He wlshed tu Dr.-twtus isele.tssiliâ RIPEuphsglvaà fte ihe andE 013t and ie ecrner et >:ane watl, howeyer. until lie O'connell re- 4 te K NS teheofi uteMnernCml "inId& g l-tbeM iie upf unO gav ov 111e1 chts.Te lnd i Lake ceunI,' Unes. hearli* ater b ail beau dlspoeed of____ cary viera, ie laid the tacts heiro toe Serios ous lnes am iAs oet-li gd9 7- aliit vas gingeril' carea and de- Ib,' lie supreme court. Waukegau, Peb. 6. hMM. Be cialmed tue Toemple . Mthase ber masid boiiy sud osme of lie clinet resideula et Lake poesa" ln a Icuel,' oeil. ISTATE CHAIRMAN T -ALKS. lu lie OConneil cas. OYCestnell la Joe Marine, aged 30, resldlng on formenty Sitilc Park, vas deicatedai ru -set,.deia iehm e te o ~ iaIlm o uectxese i-nd te have nelained 2 per cent ofthe Marbet atreel. escapetîdemal tais, b' iovle s a public Pa* sU con rcuided ber ha ILa ne fflmty dtoe a tnge'ie ber mx [AbSi tttm nth iiso teniei ltaI If Veliva vas allcved te rui, u'tmal i pou.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hila Par vaibedtd doa 1h. Lk That John Dwonmck, lie Barrlng- luberitance tax ltaI te, necelved, stan- shorti,' belten noon in vbat vas ai.Vele matrftla t - pîig. ?uneral Mondai onaoie u f i tta i, toit tanner vito opposai the alta ami ler le lie action inkeit b,' .i West- mnte a mirsoulous nanner. l.e oves bury ie vite thers liaI otiers bail iemde ors ~~u tuterment la a neanby cenOlSi?. 1federal agents kilUng his infectai erqjald. The case vas Ist te i is te.1 the tact liat AI Cooper. aàu an nvlg nlI ol > IIWc Mus. VoUva vasl 84. lentam Daiziol vas lie. grsudncther1 Tt inn etabefYaCs f er*. odo caIlle, vin, as a mosult o m uprene court sud lhe blittrbna lciman and vite la &lso ~ani Henverte ouhalo ah ubieo b r:z aai iatoutni'5 OfW " azilofteID % ounia useay. a cae etleproln Ooito loge ouI entîrel,' on thi. id liaI the inheritabee tax moneydate for commîsmioner, bappened tepo ledulialehie.fD. docllie te &Iv Ont ao ont tiunul 1>an1, Walekegan and hte adi Sftr l eiatD l ae e'lU ,l eviiont, trlftis re-a.belongs e sh tt n must beb eretbn n rsigfrwr ol aiti Il dangiler reoél trou Umet te tino as luet raie ~~Mm Dalail attandeai lie tuieleI. dsoracsertvheebuterence lu lie Tribune, beita a fev tnrfied over. O'Connell, uked for a 1jerked out lrem beneali lie vhitel ut La'Le Mound oemeter,'. Ue pointai oft bé obte. - eai vr, er.Ia more details Ihon the exclusive mon- re-iearing aud Ibis vas ienied. Thus! s movlug train. rTe accident lu ont aise luat lie suprentà court bus IFoUeving are lie dotls. et doua due te advantei age vhlch re. e eVr'Afl Delly' Suit: Oel inl concerned sud ho nuet turit sloiting yards ln Waukegau 1mIpr.Tu, e.rersua ,'A-ls peuaet maina" iti iter te lie gui, ton, eh. 1-it ot th 'u higta riTe chat. sud teillrai authorles over lie mener as ordorei by the su- set Soth Mdsnselaoteee tonne Merton ED. Crese,'e hcg.Io i,,Fb .-Ma n»Ver alait cie regalned iter dîlloit sud *Un&obaemade. resteria,' for the fie lime billed cal- preme court. vus o1ck. Ouai lJngtf lei.-Vollvs vite et.1 g- etb aller lis brsak Dam. Il appear.- A case et lepres,' te aI- tle afflieled vl foot aid mout is- lInthle Lake counI,' 'ase, il a Marine. as nearl,' as esit b. learne, îTue moster aiter lisarina lie tes- oisont Votiva. teneant oversee4r -T ilova sai et Mm. Dalsel liaI site vas the excuse for a lempent hna sage vilieut obtslnlng the. consent DI elalmeil by the board et supervisors vas standing, lit lte middle of lthe limon,' grantod lie iiton. l"I cWsu Can at hoianuoil jet vus met li thev ieWo near th leapot. Tt le net mani,'y no dangerous the oviter. Fedenal inspectera' frunliaI Womlenfleid vas metaithag about track sud due le lte pasming er ~ an msai Rose only bail a short «ie Tort i udr Dovlo, sncuaaor te -lJe" tmm7mrkwh 11yscntnud-teho b exposi te il la ornar, cir- lte bureau et aniront hadustr,', asist- $16,000 vici lie board lieugit sitouli other train iii net bear a train op- to soeure a boitimen If tlisir effoil I aidor oDil, passi va'la 'as- oem t# tark he ater cotina san e sl a os.e u e-d b,' ssistant stale veleriosrlsus, beong le lie countî7 Malt of bile proacblng on lie track on vîlie hite tostop lia huril et Mrg. VoUva wa Il:~.* 5 o i ruolv l I rseliIe l gbis. aiuitri lilrI'-lv itea on lie vasestu foih ow lhe Doit eagtrdtit.w edo h a fer Inlerest sud memainder for vas standing. BThera e llaoa h ucatlfrletrivsuff,,ed viti a oMPlI&ut Mun. I)be bue beau lIing it 1 *PracUcaUl, ail ci the leproe,' lu, tart of John Dvonack noar Barrit*. lmherltsnce tax tees. iankmenle ahlis peint andih hote- sel tor Ivo olélocb sud Il vas lieu le modiig professIon &JI - br mt obet fr mnyyeau.lIetle LIDIIBi »lutes la Impos-ted. Tt ~ as E.. 1Tie rullug ot Judgs Frost wasl In t vici 1, anlier lraok. A tvolve oclock.aEi b« 6M Rober fe m any em e a ho said liée la "nti ne danger The caew tlte yB F avor ofthle ccuel,'. New Ateorne,' train et cars itappenai te ho pasna 111011f Griffun bai 1OOi meUi et lnas 01it oenpiot sth - ers or~u e contagion. Sianle,', cbilmau ofthle Ililinois Uve leaublen malutalus liaI lus declaleit on the latter Inseit ai lie tdue suad l* otxulttacinmi .V5titrt aid mck sud eUu5 nao w»rs >ar in Aireire, lu"it tpp«nr probable hi Itallan se Stock commssin lant nigbt as lie vas ha errer Inasmucitait he claims despîte hie efforts Marino relîei unp holding biinsoît ha remiuom te go toIte eulagsrits. Tis :Ehma BcSumgadmetl-ae 4tyqle leercr*b eltt heem;satfà rdt euot lte lie count,' bas no rigit te dlaim the der them. In aimnt tees tim n i tienc lu hm automobile et onc te buevit te lie nedical orp yeer sao. Site s~ts %Mr la n* Ilaly or on ipboti. Tuer. ofadmuh ies aIlni.limiac a es Tespeetkst el th ol aebutsreteijndn.TWSe id aius cin h £çb 'Visds Mr. -depe nete corn forr lie ib ver.l un- ýte lh ie- mau mWaeoo* "Tte liet ulule.l rushei torvaut sud- r1i une ofpatftlOro utile la Meure a bomimnen. Tlt1 etieffmi ier o. va neeou et1i'm as i lm 1a. bof uimuhisa »dfinl mnnler elai tees thi te. surem tks1 el Itwa and od ave h m ev LbS hauoln 'is re livaomo action. 'Vihe asécd loi ets l top eas Ie source aprnd ettrll lie f 1o Tf tue- u»E bousa -vih Mr. bene.ali s ou. ' lportai liat lie,' oveu t te 81" 1 Mn roNal lie bosmet