Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Feb 1915, p. 2

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<s A 15 cuit EMBROIDERY PATTERN et th Istoui t lusvdon A ahaolm i ad my 25 cemt woeth oi Galvanle Soffl 'Ibo uainnsEay Wshlr« 'our cholce ci 20 deigi.. Tlink ofidii No wnspersto sn-you î«ty- oartt-=neWb= yoeCbhsgtii. son> Dy qaec arrangmntwu h nadaauer 0 1~eFANOUS GALVAMC SOAP we are .abled toIe iw urcoormrhI ta eiay .1er for a ahard t iel Ibsa paamnome f ih bluw ednscoudstlnqof wa1ui ilarim d.a~ e~ md ae oppr~uai Iýthe Ijclohm oop CoI.. Tounai., the.quw ty u Guvaac Sm*g a m ave m us eti de pçly of Ngeats and GrooýeyrW ltaIty iii Clothing' Qualfty la one importnt =0lothln*. It la that of e a geniemans at ' ý tbat.P-tt@ hlm in a clams rximi really smart dresser. WIlty 1hoand hot only aip- bantffl -but Il; means service id thaat meaus .atisfactiou. Yriwouiad lke to show Yu m» fabrics that we are hav- 9,i*d. -Op for a-numbWrof, smr n.ighbom and we knew ~4hma ul. Ub.made astýWeari"8 want p~em for that la te our taoe emeabuz. suite are -made. way Y.1y uiuk Y'e personallty lu a reêdy made, fiit Ma ypu cai have your clotldng made te measure n111 ow and get te be,ùe1t of a full lime of Ile. d have yoar work doue before the spring bt - We eau aupply yon at your own if t o it'ad wlth lte amumoace that you will W"i a diolar's worth of satisfaction for every ~rof cSt, iUryvauji, IL Pqwa i e j Y., cai Save monc fodn Arcady Dairy Feed For Milk Production Arcady Horse Feed For liorses, young or old SoId by the UIeryvile Lmbe Copany »P» by 1.Old Dapt resim.USygs f~p.B~47. -F. A'IUbçp mgr dent. copu mou alpIoPonfrA a"-o. s *M;Ili, *$)MW sd tà tAke roi paricular naUtk hbl gibet. dit Ir <AddHiid alLocal Newsm npige 4) g mihenw i 1Laie r«mt qsnt Bunday oih e W. M. Bpdilua borne. Westan Watd Udo Slai Uirsul. hoi vlatted amerhauday vib is hâporsatalog hore., me . .Howeil aW huan, DM, le apsnding seral vleke fre vith, relatives and friands. MY& ra.Fee Colbr attende4 th iâi P .rablolanShow ag 1etAuditorium, Mir. mal làraé WallseMann of Bpring Grems i W., vieftthe. gaite 0flira. $-. 1. fter and dauabtar Priailla, viditad bu motier, Mmre.C. MIlle111r ad gamlly Tuuaday aiterneon. Ber. B. M. MlîburI aoftii. Preebyterian ohurcb, oM"dlit t I he faneri of lira. Robert Bzaht elalde lionday. Mmre C. B. Râvardeanad doughter Dorathy have rstured home ater epend. Mt, snd lira. E. L Ehrlieh f Dan Diego, Calfornie, vieletad h uncle and' ant, lir. sudlira. J. É. -Bond andI lamlily lutI Wsdaesday antI Thureday. »Y-11l Dilley . Who until tvo veau ago v"sa @ierk la Trlggs & Taylor'. stars bars, nov bma aposition vith praun MmcVia & Ca. lu Chîcago. Tb@ This Chaptir vin naset wthh mi"a B"ahiet the boni. of W. E. Davis. usai vasi Teay @Venins, irb. 16. The Han'. la"vill h. had. Mir. andliMmJ, B. Bond and lire. C. B. Kaleer visltad i a nai, Frlidav rlltig Mir. Bonds brather, R. I. Bond and family and idlra. Kaiser vlsltlng ber sieter, lira.Cora Tajrlorsnd "Ialy. lira. RoberUPslloan, Who oubultllai si) au operationln 1h. liAisanhaspit@4 ln Waik.g.n a couple af ve. sgo. r0tur,.t., 1, br l> lire laaq vopi. Tib. opirat ion vas *tlrlmw sq~I Wrlgit. OnQiga se, lanche Trlggs, Dovotbx ceaia"ntI dhh*Mmieta 1 daiaa .netioof 01 h.he irleria ERda.Or'0-la ià$. loody chiorcA,, CbScao, C. o. Neinon, Jr., timeheepi, for ii. Geo. À. PlIrCabuldinglias uev 1usHilmanda. aoithbofai In, bas rsturne uad rbis daes ai ter viqig at oirAit, i i.; laneasCty, lia.; aiea lhi 4oo@ an cago. lira. E. L. Parker ai Chyenne Wells, Cotarada. pugod away Fob. 6th at ber bone lanhbat ciy. '8h. vas a aiter ai lira. J. M. Vavisi aiLUbryriDî,. mmd bail my Monda bers Who vin h. aeorry la Immruoaiber death. MIesINorma Peck and Miie Eàtye Hyde. tudente ab 1h. Illinois tmavraity, ae vleliag vlhbthei. larmsr' ier. lir. P'auIial MAUR. Tii.yoang ladies are attsndigg ti»an td making eSaica tloft tripe giron for a ile mh.r ai IUaIs etudonne, vho airestaying lu Wb@ Obrlsmmendea"or Proffamgl. at th. Preebytera. hab W at Suadoy --enlng,*as alternaiS ya lare-crowd. Tii. varions nombie sof th. program 4sh*Oiai .,ly t1h. vodeefu rovtb an PrOgrem Ofithe C. E.SocitY mmd lue firai flg vaIS 11h intg bheasWvolt *&*bomgrbe théb. vprld. F A. àxayd,. Pi1 àh 1~'~i~ praiis A Ceauee len #m» *qee lbe @%*itea that h. té kptoffmUi qdltg th. &rat book ut ait wbWSffa, a. orai dy, vmi '4r. 'SI~~Plia Oapter atI ha oie& Ot Rà" Pond, llaaday Isymu' atnl b$~obr.. ers velI planud IT.yoeag lis iWaswlag.lab aofiii. . L nMMY eçbool, ver.eatertolas ltbe boff orMen. Paul MUsGQM14 tday.v»ug. u6iparty prra FNo 1cwi Siitb a nickel *5e. malba, S<lt ram lraMm alluBu nd th. otlbe mmbora ai the. aodely. The Lhbaat vlle Loàge oi MyIUc Worbrseand theirfriand. togtber with .IIghborienglodgm vwill haid au oh Isaionsi Maaqooesandce et the ToW Hall, Tiussds esaing. Feb. 16. Pime wili h. giron: IDst lady snd gentleman valur, hebt draad lady sud geaI, Most coule lady and geas, beab groap. The Vespe,,mariceg ivsa in tihe M. IL chureh Baaday bfieuiooa vuas pliud by anuo uaIueully largocrwd.TMi.Pro. ftram wbiheOOFÀtsdo01 musical natabar. vlth ne sading. vasexceptianoiy veOU réodereci hroughout. Our people ber. seldam have offlranity 10 hier mi more t"tlanladsiger thon UmssAb.t~alkm Who vas thigusetat lire. J. B. lmaOum on tint daY, and Who readereai twa numiesfthelasprogram. The lojlavulma ia cilpping taie. tram a Walauî, Java,4.ivapaper, and viii no doubt h. i flit~reet taurayiofaO- couairy réader e.Ti desth auget enter- si! tbe home .of, lr. sud lira. Rudolph Laireuts laut evdbfug snd laimai tueur hlle daughger PlOrnO,1s brght huist girl tva yréère I age. Dath vas the~ raSaît af au giaci of pueuaia, of Il,. MW@% aVers type. Punitrai aervcse vir heltI at th. home Srtday atteran, Jaune" y201h.1 A irýe. uonuraton of&aveil bW»oned Mntaliih ten OWfartb. vFouas oi làb Otyvill. aMd *ihntlm o SaBndo Feb. 18, iltva ,,p. m.là thlb. wmadum of 1h. Id. E. ch4eia. Mmlire.[anaSlaon. am Umm,. lorsrtf ai Oh.Doijeell Sence Departanasg aI llinoiss Boni. treloty aa-hprest pren» bt of th. H oushosi>mlge tlUina. Bepart- ment of the Patinera lestiluto, Win gir, ttei denattto . Malsta- by , lm Sita.d isa W;î;etivo.tseaut of th. Uàbersyvinpublie »Ch"o. Uliuial aumbara vil bsfureaishedby loliant lira Orpha Harding- fAis, eacusy president, viii coaduct a busiaea mesi. tu &A vhhreprte from Waukigau, OZU Isu ad ohiier tlava i l h. gire.. The. lerebanasDellrerlag Caýmpaay ai Lîbortyvîlls, vbich lookovs*r thddetlvert bouaineasofail but anc ai, th. local grcery alors.and mini naroe t t. frât of Fetamary, ha n ior. uan oleared expos» for the Brut vmeb af ilaopera- lion. The. Companya ma(aae, R. .R. Cols, bas hle quartere ln Rh. -expres office, vhere 1h. paotkum ara aorted, and touted. The. rai w"via tabou over MaOtlY for putitia«Wnoeye"tsm la gfo d orklng arder. b«t nov that thhnge a r unng .moetly tbi eae pany inteada ta expaad,le buelasas a4 go olier llghler draylag vhlch ig 'usally toad la the vay af trausopotlng msit Osas anq baillige aifa"y doaerltlaa. wlih ai ght istov.9r e x dmd Aotetn EcapBentlr bipJn. Cu J. . Wevbtm i 8 PUWr laduwsp-tmttnm MarfIL hsrglaa4ves 010sday for 10"~ Ibasw nneiuob b e unfli luu ipiI 0' urmdmkh. Md 8tewtA"40«. ad M aýý# timig YONang aotowces vas eoeai Jpla5 of M» rom es Io mgo adioli atoisyfor theikfl or aoua Lsb.. lir lorniV bride' vWho le a damihhl oiMlr. ad'âmsJohn semai iof ta lovat;1,00e1i noviberm.. éosat' luru Imm re a" maie ot ouevitIi A1bOJIq 9,mmoiriwIert" , bae. Bbsumuu*à t. ber boue th taittotpus i fDembuti The. gro m #baadsd il. lirap botu1s a(Donth Park avenus lauflaN, McoPy l amU l 'Jius irai md la the 31e60 tinu s vii maie their home vlth th *"o' Parents, beag ai hom . to thair friande alter febraary 151h. "I àw 7007 frlied Brown rester- dau.""Brovo'. no friand 0f mine." «Wbatuthat? WIiY. ho. bld me yon bmwrovd money troct hliza,",Ts, aMd viii did lý do Vila It? uspent it la folle I ttn ruaBroVUE nolie sa et min.:, FiPROM LOCAL MOVIt BOUSES Auinôli Bal, on. aW the aremo.t stari 01 tbe modern atagel, fae< as an cpon. ont aorii the lctal;drm.mis akes Ile ffret appe*nnS lu motion pieautee ID "Thi iPort ofai ing len." tbat populr'ar ory ai foreign intrigue sud rouanio adiresture bj rth. famone covefles, le"sdubNieholson. lt. Dals eabtls delineation of characler und hit délicste arll.trY have earnd hlm a hoet of admree traugbouî lthe ari., filmer al;mte t.érlcTbestre, Ubertyvis,, Btm avang, Pb 8 'A MIiiBd" wbich made such a trendaus bit la the large t etrq l Ciueego, viâ ho rua ait the. Uberty-- Thmeautre e a igu oaly, liondsy, Pcb. 15. Tbuslsalivreoipictore. Admieson, l0e tu sil. ;Wiliin PFarnu., oas of the. mot dialagnaed saieuou dmb.Èmerkma stage, ti. presated by th. Famone, Playere FilinCa. la a voaderfully fim. prece ilm Bsarodnctlop of the limone @tory ai a itroag a etroggle vltb bimeali. "The. Eedempliaii ai David CoWen" by Charloa Praderie " Gas, pub- iahud byOlB. obb-llerrliUl C. Famos throagh hM charactsrisatloae la."Dia ',Tb@ WhiBis ltar," ead mors rsc.atly "The. LIttesot Rebel". William Parnain nmkes a purfect DavidI Catean. At tleaI Lyrie Thiatte, Libertyvilie on llandy eeuleg, $eb. 16. CHAS. D. PROCTrOR INSURANCE.- PIRE TORNAff, LIPE P O N S 1 4 - R m 4 0 5 We a4ve4Wa up4to-«ate servies*igd oeýum poA te*loei, and *0i~upou*vi~em 3% Iiitewrostoi oizg M îI 221-12 Patrons and frlends of the old Houle Lunuber Comnpany of Libertyville are lif- vited to caU at the old stand to get ac. quainted with the new firnu and Its excellent servica. Or LI.UETXVLE oftoîi C Po -, IoeÂTs, VUIGITABLEB AND FRUITS ~er~rx jCORLETT & FREDERJCKS T HE COS 8T F cake materials la higher than ever. Idjvery wo- man knowe that., jm4 sudae tih banbd vho gai. the bilt. That'a'vhy more sensible woman cha amer buy cheir cakes, pas- try, braad and auber thinga fram Ibis bakary. It'. cheaper sud no bother. Prices romain the same. Our 4ih qgaliîy nover varies. LIBERTYVILLE BAKIRY A, VERY SP ECIAL SALE OF SILK If osxe IIBAVY SILK BOOT HIOSE, black, tan and white, usually ooldg aS 60c, special for titis sal,.3 pair for $100 or per pair.,.. ¶ These are fine valuesand te sle cornes at an opportune, ime. Bû~ythem now for Kaster as well as' for present wear. The quomtity la limited. ~*1 W.CARROLL -,SONS COMP4 1;. -il ý- - . 9

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