Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Feb 1915, p. 3

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w 1$ ON OF MER- . NOVEL. Lork. Sat. Evening,~ febuar13 Dauls Frebmm.preaus*0 s faecusAmie.. ,M"s WU FARNUM la e» f det W ufl"eh.hraterdmaioc nTe-.Redemption of 'David Cors'o*n' A 4««P adaçtion of thestory by «hs .ae 1sdW t drem- I~u1s.coetpsr re o ofdie rieur W!lOc t. ai. Mme. Stephens' Beauty1 Ovu QSOOFCE MaMicuing,"' ShaMnpooing, Hair Di ing, Facial Massage & Scalp Treatz Bir APPOINTEENT ONLY. (Contlaucd, rm page one.) ~ebrsor servants. I.bRys taIli D» tliem sud there la dpaulo or ilarm." he vnid. "The. »mide11d quarters spart trom the. ýbouseproper, and ordprq bave .lsaed !or comploes uuigion. 4 teel thore la no danser at aIl." Tii. facto caucerntng the. mmashave boni presented ta Dr. Perey UL Preutte tihe 'United States lImigration sin, vice. -We do flot yet know wbat wtiI b. donc wth the. loper,"- Dr. Preutios id. "If a certificat. la obtaluofi asbowlug the. laper aoiir.d the. dis- «»s prior ta i admission tu thua country' h. ma>' b. deported. A bsar- lng would bave tu bu bsld andi re- oommendatlaus forwardel tu Wash- Ington befare an order of deportatton would lsuse." Lunard lalsto b. remove.d tram the Hilghland Park jli te, au Isolation bos- ptal, providiug0on*eamu b. foqud. Dr. Jacks lu dlscusslng the. case jPrlday niglit declared that It may b. neefisar>' tu Isolats ttie laper iu the. > T FIHighland Park jli for tiie nxttbre:i I( -MtN îermlned uhat la to ho doue wttbhtni. _____________Dr. Jaks vas a former surgeon In the Ilnlted States army. attached f0o 0 the laboratory of the board for the atudy of Tropical dseases at Maulla. Speakîng of the dlsecae he sali: "Thts man te flot dangerous. Lep- rosy la flot contaglous and ta oniy ollgiitly lufectloue. Abuolute contact wth the dirus of the disease te nec- esary to communîcate It. D« fot be afrald. This man wiil ot hurt you." Otoct.d Dines..Manth ^go. Lunardl came to this couniry, June 1, landtug at New Yorle fromn a Ger, mnliner that plcked hlm up at Go- no. Hle came trom TotorI. Provn ce of Lucca, ltjiy. and ha. a vife and thre. chlldreu living there. He le about torty-elght y..,. aId. fuad' orehead, . ose anld cheeks are covered vlth nodules. Dr. Jacks speut seveal years la tue philippines as a Uuitted States army surgeon. Whli there he saw many cases ou leprasy and Instantîr detecteid the disea». fHa came ta Chcago Wed- neada>' and mde a caretul mtscrscap le test. vhlch eonfrmed bis opinion. Dr. Bergen thon tnfored Dr. Per eyc>'ukPreutis, chIot United States lm- mIgratio Inhpector at Cblcaoo. D Dr. Prentls Wini ampan>Dr Blegen and Lunardl this forums bt the Brmoer Club. Whe.uichelatter vili get a&l of bis belonglugs. Including bils passlport. As sami as tbat la lb baud, tx tUited States uthorit i Pia rlers vI et&m. rtUiçlogai stops afamiig atbis LEIUXTYVLLE tment Phone iS0 CLARNG SALE OF AU Winter Clotbi» n d m Underwear mmD OumERwITeau 008 AT T. A. Reynols' CIotigSor -miîs Sae Wini Coninue Until March 15 Our steok is large and cPmPiste lu ail lines._ Thanking our patrons for liberal patronage ini the Put, ve remain Yours truiy, T, A. REYNOLDS Jan. 28,19M5 MIOTUAN Round Lake Resort Keeper An. nounme He WÎUf Put in Sev- - eral New Features. George Iteneban. praprîcton et 'argo summer rcsort at Round ,Ma lu contemplatian Uic cxpcudllm't i fhunfreds ,buprovement recreatlefi. - . dcuand tta âuc largep j~~~~o& tue: t' arnoex i ithe. mont n ~be uthe 0 Swttt add to 0t PPORTUNITIES, lke oee, are eipp ry and Iu additt eJhard t0 hold, unies. frmiy eezed. Th.y suds Instal cci tbrough the. inger.sud are gone een.ue iniaa'. tures. "Bo taUled. I To mae the mnto f opportunities uhat may b. -Ingailcysb grasped by advertiing, use The 1 dependeît'e i l, are quit. t sifiod pagea. Ih in à migbtv elusgive.opportanty cht Tic game ecoapes those who advrtiae in The Indepeudent. or even chi I cant teatures i From Utionsande of raders Tb@. Independent le prtty sure to affard the the cost i advcrtlser mt tii.opportountles that bo la eeklog. trî hPl ----- ---- ---- vices audft s 1 w t:î H.ocia Prmet g CLEAN W 0,R K tmOIn A FULL COLJNT opening t ongm ple Io ot dollars lu tic va>'0o mls vich vIl! b. put la openlur- ot the remort bus- summer. lhau declarefi toda>' iii )dedlded dcfinltely as tu the Improvements yl i wrnklng eut tue plans aud sbuit ticu teansuarcitc mord lie contreot. One cl eo wil! be a flue large dane lo. This la scuethîni sbeen needef for a leng adancing rocu lu tue R.: rt neyer han been tarv eaccomadate the lazi ho vîsiefi te indulge lu ti i.Il vas te satitaf>' l eat ho decided le ersotj pavillon. Ho cays e i epense lu makiug It ane. DIDAT MIT (Coutinued Prom Page One.) Pebyterian and vas marrl.d ta R, Wfubur Glenn Voliva at Palestiue on Auguat 11. 1892. Her parents vers Preabyterlans and sie vas rearci lal fias PresbYterlan churci.L ater. si- became a member or thbe Christi.. Tii. cil, of lgllnd Park lin laced Tork Harbor, Me-. vich eburch at much la thie Sem position as the Overseer Voive hecenie pastor of. pe OverTseer Volive vent Into tic minis-pl Mn vbo bail su lepiaut on bis tril at Urbana, III., un 1892. Tagether bauds, for,.ltii.h Itallan, Angela La. witu hi&e vIte' thcy atteuded the 'l'h. nardi, vio vitloul sny question bas a alogcal Seminan>'let Staniordvtlle W case of l.proey,' tucy have a Pougbîeepoue. Tiey tien moved hS vilci hy otic>' no mev mt boy to tHiram, 0., vicro Rev. Volîva a-M handie. IniMetlug the extremit>' Cf tondilHram Cltege and graduatcd of the sltuatlnp t beesme knovn toda tu 1897. H1e then senvedl as pester lu W that cIl>' offoIsis ef Highland Part Washington Court House, O0.otovaCi and Dr. Borgen vibasmheudled the years sud unlted vti Zion lu the City>'ie ma'case., have mnde an appuai te of ChiC5Sa, lu 1899. Ho vas ln charge ei the tederti gOrernuent to hclp tiem l0f Zion'a vark on the north aide, Chu. th baud le this, tiefing cage cf th.e ?jidcago, for one yean. Ho vas aIse tu hi liat ha. c,., devqloped lu fhil. si ChargecOf ZlO' vor'a lu Cncnnati ai lion.- for elgiit moulu sud thon servéd se to Ceurty Officiaes ocline.. ret assItant lin John Alexander Wtb fie ceont>' austharittes of laits vI, vho Inter sont hlm te Aus- S count>' reofuuig to permit tue Cily' tuila lu 1901. Rev. Wlbur Glenn Ig autiorIte- 1tbtr fie mnu ver la Voliva vorlof for tour yeanc lu Au.- it ticu and viti Do legal rîgît to place itralia and vas necalied to Zlon City'i hlm lu an Isolateil place, offictils of ,ln 1906 on accourit et tic tallure ot Most venue tentures todey. Aud, In. Bile tiat time ie bas been Generel j dications arc that at least twc wee:s Ovenseer et tic Chisltian - Cathicilc yull clapes butor. definîte word vilii Apostollc churchinla Mon tireugieutL camle tram te foderai authoritles as lhe vorid. 1I te wbet disposition wvIi be usde cf The neye ofet.Mra. Voliva's death I Lungard's case. caused e hard blov 10 Zion people. t In tic meantime, lie victlm la etîli Sie vas qulte lu demeaucir. Sie toit-F confined ln -the Hl-giand Park cty c uel'btfeithttitty îti lier lii viene h. vas placed &fter bulue husbeud ail tirougi fie yelirs ici t 1takeu"t rom the lftmoor Country - club lie served Iu the mînlaîr>'. Sic vas a Iviene h. biadtbecu employed for soute ::-au vin neYer Mcddled lu etien tîme pa.t. ppesbiness and for tiat reasenL Dr.Beren.icltioffce otHîg- as muci bcloved b>' evcrybody vhogi l and Park conferred vîth Dr. A, . mthr tle ce Browv f count>' physician ot laie ovenseer et Zion, sie could have eitv Count>' and ungef hlm le permit th erted muci Influence and tusod a goode reoaval of thie patient toe iclie dont et authorîta' ln auy affaira 0f tho, Count>' General Hospital. Dr. Bravu chunci but ie vas medestatendr-> retueed gluolutey te take tue pa. tue sud alva>'. ventcd to keep lu thet tien. dclelnglia Ifi. Idiud background. As a fatifut cowanker praeolli>'ranstic nev baspîtal wth ber iusband. thonse vie kuev vbieh la SuaI bulue epened ta use ber beiievcd tiat elle liitd no equat.t andfwviècWI i!oruiella' de dedicated i Kldly tovards vtetpra and pationtst Tnunmuay next. and forbcarlng, nsic made an Ideal8 Dr. Bergen bas consulted l wtb Dr. vite. We oîavsolgd1 Prentias et Chicago vie la laylng fie ive on u itmal ir>'lu bis earty Min-t WMater butor. tue Ioderai autiiorities. ltry. elceebttdrie scant> p.>' vhlch1 The. later, l ilaadmltted viliihave a ho rocetvadfefr mentis. and va. uev- vexatioua ProbleM, la handte for tiiere or kuovu ta, murmur or cemplaîn. lu tul no Place provlf.ed f or tepro ai ses. Public meetings .b.eb.d llte or notu' Dr. Bergen, epo"kng of tite situa-.lung W say.Site vasneit a volman giv-E UOl iassl: Ho, tetation h«iW plls vl!en ta lalk an u vastai rain buug1 taie fie --an sd lu the. usanime un. m&unsliln ber actions, Iu ber dus 1 0 ti th fodrW utbltle wMtan un e vaswuextremel> qulte aud madeel. vIlwat to do vitbhlm, vs fuMil ieep lail ostentation or shov vas toreigit 9 hm luaIs.i even thougi w v e no to10ber. Her dreses ver. mdeof a rrbt to do so. We reail>' harethe stmplet matons!; sud for ymse s~< no r8gta arettbim. A poilosumte.atnded tefmut of thie afir. Ia belng kePt es, the door cf the:at ber boussbold. Sbe *v aelitulW oelweteilallb.xaii. .le lockDop ta tueencd ltg tue Bien eachins s"0 sud nobaf>' le permitted to go nIai firmly blievef lu Divine H.siIag. hlm. luuardî semes otief fiat 9h. vas attendef b>' Dr. XN. J.-Lseosec vear adofiglie boutins for htim tihcaitb commisioner at Zion City,. sud bu ia venders îov fie mate, j viatuted ber durlng ber Masuse; Wili termInale." *IBO Mrs. Hollîngerti, sa'tralued i T ic tant case et leprs>' lt vict i nurse. I thes Unied States hail te conteuf won Tbey have onec cilif, Ruth Voiva tbat vierein the usn Marly.,a. vho la about 16 years of age. guardedfotaiman'ye"are, tqlloved aIl Refermegto erondeath Ibis marnlng, Iover. ànd, eventuali>' beua fonnd Overseer Voiva sat: *I imtêd ta ualt t bave the dreadedsttee.irust God, if possible, marc thonialler. ilelped ChIldren on IlsT ffn. 1 wsut everybail>' ha visite me dur- Deepte assurances b>' piyslciausj,! u ybreavment tu b. tronted at filEif55i motiers bava lkept fihe tel-wth c.ery courtcsy sud klnduesa." De epiion. bus>' lu lhe heilfi fepartuent 1The iumoral eric. vilI beholif se ot Highland Pari vhchi tic>' lesrued, probail>' Monda> ai 2:30 P. m. lu the mi! tbat fie mn vihai tielpef be,>r ZMon Home Auditorium. la chitdron on the. tobogganasUd. ai, lhe a- Rimoor Club vas Lunarfi. thc tepro.C L E TD Y I t Dr. .Bergen, president of the. board V tof beali, cajd be haltried tae,.... <JAN. 0F AiÀN <IAN. i onodanger ef contaginatotheINEYAR10 of "'Nearly flfty womeu have calcd on le- me ta ask about Lunardl," salit Dr. Wlth the exception ef Jan. 18, 1904, g Bergeu.' 'Tic>' iearned fiat ho vas tie recent ngon< records the coldest g the, mas vie heiîle ebtîdren ou weetlter liat bas even heen hetefi bi ul- thc toboggan alide and the>' ver. lhe officiel weatier recorder, J. C. go s'froli fey mîgit have contracted t:àp James, et Antioci. go dîeas." Companteon of lhc weethen ln Jan- he PInce cold vea tien tarted dozeus uar>' 1h15 yean and a few yeara bacli la of tremps have found refuge lu tic arc given b>' Mr. James as tollowe: a Hlghland Park jalet cci ngut. but tie Jen., 1915. Wermest day 40 on tic 4111 Word liat a leper vas confiad tiere 16. Coldeat day 22 belov zero on lie of spread even te tie inightlet0f leroad. 28. Average temperature 17.41. To rllt1 .a...1 . .n a.niM A S.. .rt al,.. a,) .... .1. S't nnfall 6 inches. ING ONSI)I31EI)LIBERTYVILLE, 1 E.iANAPJW. cc Regular Stops Would Be Made at Gurnee, Druce Lk.,,Grays- lake and Round Lk. Matlbr of Handiing Lunardi's Çau, Prd -fsPerplexing proWe frOffiolals. FEDERAL. GOVT. IS SOUGHT. tloned sud b>-thelieIme Il reeched Round Laké. voutd probabla' have e fult toad. The saie vould app>' oi tie retuntrip. 'There are hundrede et pepole vie wouid lîke le maie tic trip te eue et tic laites quite otten dunlng lie Soin- mer tîme wene il net ton lie dlfficuîlty encouutered ln getttng lier.. ThoBe vie do nat ewu automobiles are etti- er ohllged t.1 refit eheome and buggy or else taire s round-about course b>' rail il la Impassible to e osinome et lie lakec in dts cmanner. '"A round trip tare et 50 cents coutd bç ciane. No one voulil oiject to ti. sud Il outillb. possible to make tic trip ta one ofthte lakes lu tue atternoou. taise a plonge, or sujo>' assait lu sou. otien manner sud r.. tunn uticevenlng. On Sundasa I vould maie ab Ideai rraiou trip. "Tiers ls atili another phsase aI lh. situationwvich should. ual b. fargol' ten. Suci a praject vouif maire Il easy torn liceliving ln thi M e g Ion la do tistr slwppiug lu W*lakimsn. for 1 notice ïb.tus advertisemente lu tue ncvspaesrs fiat tus prices of metsela Waukqguanmrc rm là to 20 per cent lover flan uish laies reg- ioef.' The- prlces of drygoodeand ~2. artcellksvîse are cieuerlu Watl. Xe£=s nsd fie merciautla »yur oit>' wotld don,,e much revenue. Il vouid bu pana" maire fIrs tripe I. fts laies ever>' f*>. 1I vii etufetaI se> that it l ifb. eesm I. pçt on live on six larbc wbue lister.el fluiumen bailProurcssed t>'" Mn. RoebaMn oofclndu 1%,b."5. The case ofthte Cable Plmno O(o., va The Cube Afileto club caee laa sulifen ,nd tis atecnoou vien Judge tlounelty look thecase tramntuheJury ansd Inatrueted a verdict 0f nol aut>. ýAlterne>' Orvis for th, plaitift bas dlsmiss.ed as ta tus Cube Atloe club and this leftmcrcly Fannie Gradlle sue Fred W. Buck as fson' deants. Orvis offered ta prove dem. ans. b>' eveal dîfferout vltuesse but the offer vas denied b>' ths court ou lhe grouud thtt her, vas naliing lu tic ovideuco ta canneet tMr. Buck or tirs. Gradue viti tic occupan>'cy e Uich preulses astouants or as bern lu an>' va>' hable or nessonalble for damnagea occaianefi. k J. A. Brady of HlghWaod la couvinc- cd tiat lie ground bag vio appeaned foi e bi uli-tu-ae possIie. I j L Oytot rampS13 WuL suIIJb ied l....sUA . te ai. na..'... . :nw.'.) nnes open air sud ti. doobtiese Prida>' utght and when tuey ver. teld jan., 1914.-Wlirmest day 52 ou tii. v to is papularity. that Lunardt hadl leprosy flcy refusüd 29. Coldest day 1 llw on OUtue 1IL n buo Mr. ,Reuehau plans to tel romatu. Average temperature 28.25. Raîntaîll i reral amusement park tes,- The. man was taken tou th cottage 2.73. Snovfall 6%o Ina. fi Box bail" aIleys . Ihobc lu. ou tue clubbouse grounds, vitch bas Jan., 1913.-Warliot day 62 on 7. c These are slmilar to bo'ki' beea his home for savOu mantha, Coldeet day 8 ou lhe 19. Average tom.- but are much smailer. Tii.> vile hi. persenal effeets wcre belng pereture 23.77. Raintali 1.81 iches. the fad at tue prescuttIme. removed aud the place tumigated. lie Snowfal l luches. ecan b. played b>' voUen Pasort vîll bc sent tO IX. Percy L, Jan., 1912.-Warmest day 33 on the -.ludion. Front!., mmIgraIton luspector. Et. 2. ('oldest day 18 belew ou the 7. Av-; ttell YOD yet about ail Uic forts vIl! b. mad e taeiiayoï,LuardI de- erage templerature 7:15. Itatufaîl whlch vili b. Instlled but;iorts4, lie has a vIfe and tire. cil- Inch. SnovtOl 6% Luches. wlI b. large butor. 1 gel dreu lu Italy. Jan., 191.-Warment day 46 on thc puttlug lu tue ditferent f.- Lunartfl as net a rsilar cmploye 26. Coldest day 6 beiow ou tic 6. teatures," ssid Mr. Ranchs,. lof Uic Exucor club. At tii, requ.ct Average temperature 23.60. Raintu iaref fiat la tue nur futies at cllo0f tbe Italien labaers ou the .08 tnchon. Snowteil 16 luches. eable b> aunounce just wbhat groimds tbe h man va. gIvcu permis- Jan., 1910-Warmcet day 40 on the. rs vili b.h. H viii ioa md sIýipa use ticcottage, as ho bad 26. Coldest day 19 beloy on Uic 7. strtlng vork no liat crer>'- bou unable teo md s81usd> emplo>'- Average temiterature 19.96. Total &y ho ln readincas for'fias ment. Ho vas giOD fdiand clotb. raîntaîl 2.20 Inchons. Suotl l'o( bf ie stiuer resort sa~ I. fngfor his von .1 the s4d. lue. or a fow moments Tuesday audtatil- ad to find is shadow la the truc bar- lunger of sprlng. anufbaes hie beiu on the tact that Thursday tue tire robin arrlvcd ln fie-norti chare Mmi. rb. Mir. Brady says i. saw tic bIrd la hie front yard engaged lu a soarci for food sud a ncstlng place for fis comius auDmel'. BUSINES ?4alàgnmRO WANTZD > Oaaebls. rellablaMMssute, yopobmnt s lu ever>' eooe. 8W nons>' for moad vorksis. *BuelobO Sas ben es- toLblUed for M Ov.5rt rs MAn" 1 th.rogbr boorWos sd permanumt. Produet lu cieol>'su ftftmby ksowa aulre «WSe »MI. 154 e*»Or- tunlty fa qipihîmllIffthe d" W»lvil Sdtlmu* *«>' wtr lcorss le orou cfe« bliseItau bomsin at abouti teoiistise vir te rosm wttte *w4W 10 tut 5S0151s nommbaia ma= Co. gos A.,ew=x vé.- I M .<su ccl. Attorney-&.. Money ta Loan o Gocil Approved RosI, SoutIe. Office in Trlgge Building. [LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLI#40I. LYELL IL MORMI ATTOSEv.AT-L.AW Libortyville - Illinois Luce Buildinir. Ee.IPbone 162-R. OMeie:Piiomo U MARTM IN .DECKE &'iTOa-TfB.ATLAv uffice opp. ifith St. Eletile stl"a Mfile. pho. 88 Be.. Pion. 18601 NORITH CRICÂGO. ILLINOIB From trne te time there have bean reports tiat Weukegan mîght lugu, tce a systcm et "Jitney" buses te cou- sete witi tie street cars tuln.neitu plans wici have been put toto cttcct with auccesa in sevenul other citiez. Wiethen or fnot this vili i. doue oer. la not k1iovn. but the tact ne- ma.ius that lier. ta consîderable talk tf entablihiue ebus liue between Wlaukegan and the lake. reglon. If one ta te belleve the reports that are bing olrculated tic plan sure>' vill b. iven a triai, next Sumuer. It la satd the plan la te b. put luto execution by a man who ovus a large auto truck and vio a e b>litt l wth mats usiIen te those on "rubb.r-ueck" buscs. George Reuciian, vbo boiductsaa Suminer resart at Round Lake, lias îeard ot the reportcd marc and vile ln Waulucgan Tiorada>' atternoon com- mented upon Its posblttes. "Why. the oppontunîies are uni- iled," ho dctared. "This bus could ,maie It a point te stop et Gurnee, Druce Lake, Graysleke, end Round, making the lest place Ita term- iuai. Il could pIck ul) passengera or teeve lien t e cdofet icplaces men- h4à L t1&ýl Il LXM AU(dTIêÀW 144 Elseweod Ave'WIai PuBuc AUcn'oNEEI* .Cloust atwatiou s iod Ail Monde of bise10=ja boen..for saleor oeag tal HMNY SmN DIAMOND LAKE SANITAfl M4 M, L Telephflo. Nu S RhsmsihunDygspm adu Chmilc Dh.....Tiueed M.ULCUt RM WISCONSItI Fuime miFru mni A few Lake Ce,. I16, Foi Hl. D. BOVD Caunt>' OickLc 4 few copts c u or tgortsilbe nota farmers' Inttt uM be pisuscil 10badudet te *mo lna> be lntere.tsd.Tbi *~, er Uratsd PAUJL MAC GUPPUL< AI¶'OENEYAT LàW. DIL O. P. EtfTrIELD. VETERINAIT &IGuamv "»A"srar ATs uuÊua Llbertyvil.ha. DR. L V . SMITIM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON dour.8to le . m. Ste taud 7to 6 .w 0omeî Bary urniturse Sure. I DR, 1, L TAYLOR offiein Fiat Naslond s" a U.Am l *ouus-1. to 8:0 osr dto 8 n. Iccideuce -bu Broadvay. opposIte ea Uaeurtw, isî.aul. DR, GOLDING DENTIS? Bours 8ta12 a.u.-l tIa P.u. 0,c r lt Nationa Ba* office Phone 194J . "Fb... 1574. u wm. ut oum-8 se 12 a. me. md 1 ta8!w, CHAS. N. ST~05M& . 1<

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