LAXE I _ .flIMA - FEBRU igbt. 0 by the vay, 1 expect Ihat-Ite aid lady St Mri._ Butieku vWill comme up TE TO XN>A tir.In" trkta u10 Aqfpkwt UY AsI'them flne oits, Iél yet ne TUER 0F 1iNUALLS Ii li al uem rsnud i hom fyor ailbligalestloremnevati the fon altrouble you make them but yau DELIGHTFIJLLY ENTERTAIN munay expect a kînti reception tee i- th al yaur famliy, If yon stop ln ING PISLE ELLSDE- 1Iica lie cure to, cal an J. T. Lundi. JIOUSE 1N KUNOSRIA Man Who Gave Name as Jerry Ward and Libertyvîlle Wo- màn Are Flned in Court. TAIL 0F JOUNEY BY 1 called, roundl thora wsliandth te, wisbed you la cal witbout rail, the Wuuegn, North Chcbago sand ilib- WAGO FRO EASERNlive on the main western rond about 80 roda weat af the canal bridge ln ertyville figurei lnl a nuld Punday POINTS TO MICHIGAN- týue City, i nemi flot gîve amy Instruc- ,nigbt on an sîlegeil dtaordily bouse liosanrgard ta managing lIse f- la Kenosba. A man who sald bis AFFECTIONATE TERMS 0F IT irsast myaur avn good sene borne was In Wasikegan vas arreateil EARLY TRA VELER TO HIS andi prudence wiil suggest wbal 'course ln Company wiîb a vornan w-li saiti yau ougblta pursue. If you are lu cie livei lin LibertYslle. Tbe Keno- WIFE BACK EAST IS FEA- ýneetiofad ivice apply ta frienil Bow- chu police tieciare, that many Wauke- 'ers or Brother Joel. Cive my respec!' gan couples bave madein t a point ta TIJRE 0F LETTER. ta friend Bowers tell* hlm I remem- stop at the bouse wvbo teare - - ber lbis favars with gratitude (dan'tlooak place. Waukegsn. Feb. 17. iorget ) , have seenl. Pifs' deaîh In The follaving aeticle frai tIse Ke- While looking aver nome, papers . Clarles Naaliua's paper, 1 dont know nasha Neys tells af lhe'arrest: fev tisYs ago Mr. C. lP. Ingalla came ta aeayligmr iipr The police dusoverai aud raideil acros a ol ider tat as eenlnI tance ta Write. Stiliman laflot home enother ans of the "love par4ome" au acros a aId~te litI ha ben i lîk yet. loIolanov out a buuuing, af Sun a ibI andil fiimornizig bact bis family for a great many years. ter we'bave matieaur location, 1 abat! four urisaners wbo bail been laten iln Thîis letier was wrIllen by bis grand1 write again, 1 exptici you have e- l ingtri nabueo ot fatîjer, EHîcazer French tugalîs ta bis Iceiveti a ins ram me dated at Buffala. Superior street. In court ibis morn- iyou had better preserve ail these lut- n ahmme fteqattepl wife Elzabth ngals, n 139. iters tbsy may li of sanie vaiue on la fine ai ten dollars andlconaI o n The letter la btghly prized l iv M. aur passage out. 0cagsa îtrine nadto Ingalls, flot only as a keep sS'te but Sa dear i-,llzabctlsi 1 lut you ad.en;la Ibis they tirew an arder tram tie bocause il clearly shows the bardgabipa for I lie preseul, altl.ougb we arc sep- court la get out. of Kenoalia anti stuy anti trials endureti by the oId NeW arateti by 1000 miles 1 wish you la re- cut. Englanti pianeera vhu left their meiSiber Ibat yati are as near my heurt Thselopople h vha lnth Ie has bomnes ln the east -a estahlish ihem- as ever. my love la ail the ciiltiren ara Mr. ant I 'ra. Charles Bovemman. selesIna gwconty.Elazr - anti kies littie .Joseph for me. lrie. couple arresteti witli thoem ere asiea a iiw cuiltr. Eeaer ii-I our fend buahauti, Sudie Ilinterflelti, a big vornan, vha galis vas un etige tactl malter and 1 E. r INGALIS, claîmeti that ber home vas at Lib- wben a young man feipeti ta it out! ____ - lertyville, Ill, and Jerry Wrd. vha i- oblad U. lv. irigate Constitution t l .0 !*~ ~ Ithe, husingly d.ittedl liaI he'liveil Portsmouth ma"y yard fer the -war e o i kgf.Wr a vdnl withEngandln o lft neyer bail part la suy love parlor bis home andl famiiy lu Nassua, N. Il. * WaUiLSg3.l LOCalS. 0 5eances befare aud heovwu greatly ta seek a nov borne lnte far veat. '0O'Put ont vbeu bhovas brughtInto Btarting sone lime lu Jsnuary vitb h O 0 0 0 court. Sadie admitted that she bail a tesansuacb goods and ptrovisions Nira. Hattie Heiser la now at the' mails six former trips ta Kenoaba but as vero uecesasry and bringins with Kirk reaitience on Water atreel gaf-bs deciared tbat abliebadialvays bie- bis bis oldet on Stilîman and tva ter haviug isen removei ram th: lieveil Mr. aud Mrs. Bovemman to ho otiier Young mou. boapital c-bre aseunierveut a vory ttîee eple andl hiat asitb ailmet ln April they satersil Illinoais t a serions operation. libe bas bail a tbam eut "Not Chicago." Thse e- srnali tou calleil ThornUii 30 or 40 traineti nurse ant Inl being atteuleti cordes faileil ta show any good reasan ailse soutb aof Chicago, titon coitiu- egulaly by ber phyaIcian. tai hld Saille on any other charge. uiag veut passei througb Joiet andi, Frientis af Mms. Eti. Wlte Coge- The Bowemmànbouse la locatà NajiervIlllo sud crasueil the Fox river veil af Springfield, vifs of Manager jut5a few steps froin the soatb plat- ut St. Charles. Froua bers tbey fol- Roy Cogaveli aof the Central Union forrn of tie Chicago sud Milvaukee l*veil lb. river up ta Zusgliab Prairie, Telephone company ai the City wîîî e- Electric raiiway sud Chiot OHaro ile- bhfcHenzy couuty vbere tbey bulît a gret ta bear that asefaun it t ees-:clarel ta the court tat ho bal heeu %mnail log bouse aud ramnai ne a short sary lately ta subuit ta a seriaus op. ailvIset an several occasions that It tias ta o ook ser the. country before eralion. Dr. Cagsvell, ber father-in- vas being mails a remort for inen sud ilecidtng on a permaneut location. mot lw p*fomd tanti absusroported amnis vb came ta Kenosha from. heiug fully aatislied vitb the. place ,,**,,, n, r «tiif&tý IW -tbey ciltineil up the Fox River Val- h ley andl craumoil at a point calei la- llas bridge IttaWisconsin sud carne ilowu tesaut aide af the river t10 Antioci ln the aortbvest corneror ai titis couuty. .1n Hoeeho decided io tomocadnudto UP a section 0f gosermrnat ]andl, put Up a 1og boune sud sent Tom bis viTe t ad amily vbich Includeil tbelr 2 year oId son, Josepb, vho lster es- tab lishel the velI knovn levelmyd battesetu Waukegait la 1867. Belov vs priai the lbIter luat as il vasa penasil by Mr. Ingali uearly 80 yenrss ago. The vmittng lea s clearasu0 Ahough vi-iten but s short lime ega'- ansd thse pensuship ila excellent. It i la adilessil to Elizabeth Ingalls, Nas-P aua. N. H., and la ilatei Mamch 6, 1838r ai Chanton. Michigan. - Clinton, Micb, Mar. 6, 1833. Dear Wlfe:-Ws arriseil bers algbts hefihe Isat ail ln gondoi hîr oundl our frienila all vell. Nate Blaod om- rivei lIsta ngbt. We have bail a good 1 loumney Ilius ar, ti-et rate traveling.N e. e vrarne on mriera 700 mlles. shifteti owto wbeels at Nrvalk,0.O. urteamj le ln gaail aider traveling gooti yetj an suai vsallsîtarItamorov Tom the vaut. Ne have su -addition ta auri company aof.3 or 4 good fellava. 1 calleti an S. Preston at Nomvlaisc calleti on T. Taylor@ but they vere abshent ot . viit. Bsn andl Charles are doin.- a good business. moasy le tan pleniy in Michigan but good for * notbing out of the alate andl mt mutch.r better vithin. Estern money la1 vOrth 12 1-2 par cent cent more bers, vo are lu good spirits sud think carj Prospects are Eoil siteal. Intorm M. Laomlu ifs INtiat ho ta volsud going aheail vide avake. 1I ob for- vend vith fond anticipation tu meet, 700 aud the chiblren lunthe an veat, it voulil afforil me mucb pleasurs la her tIsal you'are ail voîl but 1 can- not exPect'ta hoar from you until vs arrive et Chicago. We bave senai Invitations ta go utoeRock river I ibiusk wvschalI go sud Io's linhat case v0 shah go sautl of Chicagoansd pas though Joiet, 1 thiuk Thomnas viii do vel tau «Ilte glg vssôu If lie can at a faim pries, the expence 'ai transport vJ11 ho mo as-et If h. dos not. 1INviU I forrn you la My next vIsat thee xse. eviii ho up-tIse lmb. 1 wicb you ta côrresponil vlthbhrotb- ~ er Thoumas about eouiug ot vitb you. 1 amrailitfappuebenions for Tour1 Utety. peuia!apn vthout cause. TIse1 Buffalo foles u nder II; ouly s plein-1 are exAmeu8n ta, go up ia a steamer1 -.we casmutel1.1 viaI viii ie lthe Te-1 cots of lb. Pats-lot van, tise Buffaice- laa etdma unailthe p onoutise frielt ae ripe for vas-*vse thé, la. J.. W o vrysJatie.3trllyetLf brhome lu Springfield. The Vola lire departrnent van ans group of eigbt men vhich attracteil cansiderabis natice et tbe Polar Star rnnsue ou Satumtiay niglit. Tva ,sf the men In the group are local lime- men. Tiey vere dresseil an volun- teer llremeiu anti drew a Uîtie hase wagon wblcb vas fitti vwitIs belle. Mies Hazel Cavender won the mo. dat et the iliven oratoricat contest helti Sunday afternoon aithtree o'ciock at the Svedisb Methodisi cburch. util vas directeil iy ,Mrs. Julia SprI-ng, supeitendent of -the contest vamk landl vas under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Teeallier girls vbo corn- peled vers Higglo Terztan, Ruthi F1unsion anti Edit Cbristy. Thse Germain Tumu Verein bell s masquerade bahlu InTurner baIhi'on Sundey niglit. Ab'aut tva bundrol people vers ta atîsnasce. The aiT air proved ta be a comuplets succesa. Those vho van prizea vers: Mise WagnerofaiEvast6u; MieneEknorth, North Chicago, Frnk Ruthu, Carl Johnson, Mrs. Kebier. Charles Haske, J. Nelcon C. Mciionald AImai- Mitchy. Accordiug ta Sunîay Chicago Ps. Pers, vbicb, apparently vero more short on rosi nova than tIse Sun ever le, receatly Aubrey Warren, chef pe- ilvu of Lake Forest vea calied oui ai aigbt onau a ise alarm andl lator van 'heiti up" by tva mon vIsa, Il Iater developeti, vsme frisuda. They bail emaveil lbe carridgea 4rom bis re- volver boucs. vhen lie pulel il on ibsrn, thora vas *ohoil honte." The Jite vas dsloseil lator. Aima Burt, through Attorney An- thur Bylkley, la cutng ber tubasu, William C. Burt, for duvorce on lIse groundis of deserllon. Shc cays tissy were marrisil et Perry, Mich., Juiy «Il. 1912, sud lt ha Is serteil ber an Nov. 16, af the same yoar. Miss Annas Botnford. ileputy circuit clsrk 'anti recorder, today recelveil iroin Con Mai-hie of Foride, W cocos- nul. juat as il cornes frontise Ueo vuit li bavy oter aboli. it camne by parcel pont, the usme sud aid-ess being vritten ou the autslde aoflise sheli. mes. Amande Seifert, 35 yocs-u aid, vifs of Fred Seofes-rtutel ola cIi-est, Passeti svay this noop ater an Ilnesof about a year. -Benides. ber hushanil as eleaves tva chilIs-s, ise brthers sud four &inter@.' ur- a] Sunday et one-tJirty a'ciock et thu borne sud tva a'ciock at the. Refarmeil chai-ch, Buria.ilu Oabvood esunetery. Mm. Seifert bas made ber borne lu Waukecan faor a number of-«yearts. i&r IsalIsccames as'a abock tu ber usatyfrienils. i e Wo l tet'9utb andl Rslns 4id m uir e onlt the.aortb. wamIlI I muai g le3ttéreld Vornan bail tons hé tu lace enly a short time ho- A Y t* W R S lorie »M ~i1earrivait and l t lad9e- ,CN a'" nother couple L WS C ?lookTIN beau I-M t itoliowlng the arreais. Et la 4beclaigltbat several complaints j5 asllsRcie M avitbea receiveil against the place CDity Clerk asle eeîs The »Tlie bave xone ta the house on Letter Fromi the State FiSh other boccilons but at thos timon and Game Department. $Puiad nothngta wakrant. arresting- the inuatet, Mr. Bowermann a tue. lIn vlew aoftsemany Inquiries that tberiyly ookl oman, tililnet seem bave Ijeen mate witb regard to the te bavea»y tirent kuovlidge i ourt I pracodur, lisi morning andl when clo3ed nosan for durits the followinq the carne before Jutige Ranilali abe letter receiveil by City Cleri «Jamess cried an ilse entereil ber pIea. Saie liarseiles rom the State Game and Wi Ineliseil ta vhIsper ber pies to Pish commission viii met the matter the court;but the luilge Insisteil tIsati raight ln the mlnd of bunters: site sPqie up loud enough for it to February il, 1915. ho heard1by the Wslting Police ouIl- Nr. J. H. Marseilles. eors. WVaukegsn, Illinois, Tt la expeéte4 that the bouse wyul be Dear Sr:-We Ouate belov a ecent clo&Melup'at ônce andti hat Mr. sud opinion ai aur attorney. 1 vas given ln Mm., »kojv«maa, *111,oliow tbo En- reply tea acommunication that request Juntiu!ottb. court and i d4anoher ed the samte Information you desire' place le Ive thatlviinflt le so con- andi fuily cavera the question aokoil: veulent, de,4h. car lifle.'The Butter- ' 1 S ouiti saY that the Irei. flod varnas as ordered te stay out oai Came Lawa prohibit the killinit of Kendsbý andvas notifleil ihat a af duckslnsInllilnois ram December, retuft trip voulil result on ber being 16 ta September 2 af eacb succeeding beld on a more seNoaxa charge. gear. ."Tbeme ls a confliet between thse AUCTION SALE. istate law andi the federal iaw in this: As 1I'bavé decideti ta mass on at respect, b>ut until tbe Federal law li, arnaller farm 1 bave decideti taesl clared uncanslitutlonalIt illiistand, corne or my stock ou the Patter farme as tbe 1ev oai tbe landi., %eh citizen ,2 nlleu ath ciTlette Villa, 4 miles must docle for hirnsîf vhether hoe rnarbvet c t3ryslke.desires ta ebunt ln deflane af the' WlEDNESDY, FEUftUARY 24, 19165blral iav or flot. Our state courts et one. o'cleb, the tollovlng stock bave nothlig ta do vitb the enfonce-1 fIt beo ouatai for sae: meut tif federai statutea ner bave thes1 3hors",, I coming 6 yearc aId, wt. gtate wsrdena any luridiction abyl 1400; i emt 4 yeairs oId, wt. 1106- more than the ordinany citizen ln thse 1 comrint 5, yearc aid, .vit. 1150; 23 matter of arrestlag otfetders agani bondl otýcAttîs. 14 cava, one new the Feilerailiaw.' milkel gO *mre epriagetu, 4 belfers I Very trÙly youra, 5: caivas Rock Islandl Hay leader; J ..F. MiNERNEY, Deeriag tGrain inder: Gang plow oui- CheCierI,;. tinater, ast Drega, Fannaing mlil. îurn. The Sun bas receiveti seversi 'in- ber wagon, truck wagon; i single qtbeseoshui ter h ilee f spi harnais,.80 rtlkt ans, 50 bu. -potatoos;hmevz ftepiilg fsrn 12-fl. eartension table. 1buntiug In case it ls netIlilegal but' 1th07 vîsheilta b. asureil vhere tbey Tarmns of sale-Ail sumo of 10 or stooil irat. The state law gives tb.. under, cash. Al aumo aver' that tbe riglit ta bunt ln tIse spring andl arnount on., year lime will be given tbe govemnrent law doesa net. Mm. on hankahîs notes. hssring Intereet Marseilles aise eceiveil many luttai. at 7 per ceaI, ries and ta leeru the exact statua of W. J. FISH-, the situation lie vraIe ta Springfield. Proprietor. George Voesl, Auotibeem.- ArhrLong& Clerk. 4o ItiB U T Nfl NO {jhey Lace in, Front And Cà reasou for tiseir choice is couspletely decribe n thse sentence which foliowa: "Figure improvement means Isealtis and »ý healthalwaysmeansbeautîy. TiseGossard Corset which laces in fnt assures an iuediate figure impi-ovement with its At titis store corseta receive more tssu tise usual attenition because our experience prt-ot us tisat corust are. the foundation ot style. They help make thse suit, gown sud dress. At ibis lime, wheài many wamen are questianing zuçuhOf- tise style nevi published, we beieve tis 5tiSemi-Annual Proclamation . e.fAf C~4 SbI Issued by Thse H. W. <3osard Co. "ib gt tiis store iof tise maet vital luterest. Dub thse ýý t-m %meks ibu iiew Spria iode u isd l dioa in our corset department, aud vo to cos-at youïI ths, model, matou-iaan t,' liWSig ai$2M, .$350, $S£0ui lsnt 1*5 tvieilt toaur dcpartnient ýgt M~tI Z5'~Tc-r CRAY.ANDDjâVIS STARTINO. LIGHTING STSTEM. BOSCH MAeNVTo. ONE-MAN MORIR TOP. STREAM LMNEBODYi. IIEAVY TUFVP DUPHOLSTÉRY. D)EEP CUSHIONS. UIOLISIIED PLATE GLASS RAIN- VISION WIND-SIJIEli), BUILT IN. WIIE WII EELS. GOOLiRICII TIRES, 32x3½/- IN. FfBRE GRIl ~AiESTRANS- MISSI[ON. 1 tlO( 1K 'dOTOR WATE4R-COOliBI). TlW ENTY-FIV E ORS E 'POWFil,1. (GASOLI NE (IAU(,', BUiL'r IN. STEWVART SI>EEI>OM ETEIW. SIGNAL 1IORN. t *'NTER CONTROL. 10>8 IN. WHN EL BASE. 5 TO 50 MILES PER HOtJR ON 1110H WEIGHIT, 1650 LBS. ROBE AND) FOOT RAILS. WINNER 0F OL[I)DEN TOUR TRO- piuy. Price $600 coinPetely LAKE COU NTV AGRNY 'Phone 1339-R. 327 No. Utica St. Waukegau, III rit- us I'- f 1 18-H-P. Badger Portable, 1 16-H-P. Stover Portable, 1 5-Hl-P. Fairbanks-Morse 1 2*-H-P. Aermotor 1 1*-H-P. Waterloo 1 1*-H-P. Stovier 1 1-H-P. Stover nearly new. rebit. ONE APPLETON FEED CUTTER NEÂRLY NEW