Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Feb 1915, p. 3

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Y, FEBRUARY 19, 1915. LYRI, MODAYfebu' r~22ud Asaisisi.Thêaim moisa lM ae P md m udetciichari Haodls SLEU PAR - ý,-M&&m l , B . IiiR - P.-..l.....A .Ate mer OWN &ÀCIJNTNOW- se HoQve*daws Ni& Balance ~the Sank WI $end Mis Chmo t m nder. f PEOPLE OPTEN CARELESS.t the,,However, the Ianlci H8ve Na Alerntive * Havo yen loit thé. application of the »wv yul. of tue local bani te refuse ont cf an>' chock vh"chexcoeds the balance cf tue draver? '-âv suv.ay of your checks bee-n dis bonof.d cr have ycu bad an>' such ciiocis et other pemsons lefI on your banda? yen can repi>' iu the nfgative te bath questions, ron are one of tue y c'ornes. Stan>' Individusis bave touad b>' ex- perienee tu.tItilut easy tu drav choc'c la payment of a bll. Sonetoftuem have &]no tound that it la not no easy tg bsep traci et their bani balances, and se bave coma te grief. Neolionest person vîllIlntntonally drs. a check viien bis balance te net largo eneugli 10 pa>'it, but the.nad -trutu existe that tii. man>' art-flot hooikeepsrs and tbey sometimes corne 10 tue bottom et a net ver>' extensive boni eaccount hotore the>' inovfi. DrstilcStops Threotonod. Tho .ordem pmoiiting ovendraf te le not a nov one, but there lnas new and drastie attemipt te entorce IhLBt national and elate bonis are un.der ,rigit surveillance and an>' Infraction of thereul îs a ikely te, be vteît- thl.k c i on? Ti.nt charitable B AIIUU ta ,MWv yoi =tc e aoet th. act le that 1 lI fC I I' It risnltcd tien carolemaîieas, but aet tesauls tine yon yl net buio SOcane. L YEFE .S 0 T 01 inyourssif f081t ino and wili even order ma put us lni a bod mnoT CIIICMiOANSU pooltion atioa t l a part et thee tri.t bankina fliethod. No Administration Forces Gather1 man " àrigh teaskthe. bank te :r1;5ou t s . ty or hlm. In at Werner's Hall OnIy to tact. It la mt1hbm onof the. boni, Have a Near Riot. but Ils mn.epr ithe depositors cf the baui, aud UO>' expeet that the; WERNER IS A VICTIM-. bnic ffl taieJasilltae gond car. GeMLEoA RETD thoir mess>' #à it d10.ofet ls ova. J __ILER___ St Detotabouid gOuI thetnseives ln i tue Paceof e sbîier belone tii. Latter' le Said to Have Hurfed a censui* m o tr refusîng te honen a Chair Ove,' Werner's Head overdra&l" With Bad Effeot. UIIMECWankgan, Fb. 16i. Ca m M ESAt 1:30 o'clock1ç he Sun managed te TO ÎE UI13D UN- Nrt Chicago forcq, and ssked him DUR .-OU> PLAN O *dtltMllran rineha: - hàlf.intoxicated whon they came te Will Niai, OnJy One Candidate Wanir'm hall and that some ef their From Ih8kS çounty Can Goivlted OÙBU 058skcd Miller andi hie' On Elcti Ballt. -fliende te coen nsde where 1h.>' On'EftUai Balot. were gîven somne lunch whlch loy on the. table where the ethers hati heeni APPLIES TO LAKE COUNTY. banquoîîng. (Speclal te The. Sain.)"ilri elwwo yo Springfield. Ilu., Feb. t2. Tii.Su-1tho mon n city jeuh a goed deal," premno court teda>' ruied that there i "Id the chief "andi tho>' etarted in wiii b.n pri=ue'euectlon this year &hOrtl Y ater ho entereti the hall. for circuit judg.s, wvie hue viii ho Thon ho gel te chatlng thom about nomlnated uander the. nid convention t he table and, ln doln, te, the>' llpped plan. viierein tue candidates wIli heoever two or thrce chçlrs. Mr. Werner - ue i IominaUion by deiegatee. thon, in trylng te koep thisr quiet, piace iii - stepped up te Miller-and tbld hlm ho The declelen b>' the suprm cjrt weuld hâve te act Ilkea gnira 'viii cause no little Interest lnthie or ho weuld have e 1 bve th. hall. Seventeentii judiclal district wbich le Werner strtod te walk eway then composaiet ofLait, Wiîanebago, hi,- ý k.Cnd, Miller picked up Oàchoir Hen>' and Bone' counties. Ilse et andi hit hlm ever 1he hend. i grabhId ect on Lae ceuty 'iii be mared fr Miller and took hm fron the h,1 If -II _ tat ht aé, andiateconlockinq hlm up ùtll lite Sundov rnorn- srou uI d r teon er-g Ion u a eere penalty. LUThe atC 1t I*L li O Ine fl'bt n ni dat co ....- v-. ... .. Tmoeas bbtici. ttStr May felo1k to refuse payment on a run frein Lai. cointy. The effect ing whon we let hlm go.' Thers wontc Pesatrà Corpration ID ;check. but lie muet protect himself. wouid netthb. toitlu this county shouldl ho any hearlng for aIl Parties are wili. 1 F U -E Tua gPlerte. 28b 5(0000. Ille maY know that the. depoator le .ludge Edwarde lhé the oiîly candidate lng ta drop the motter as it was dueo trustworthy and b. willng te taie a but in case hl tot be opposed by :ta 'kidding' In the tiret place and was i whIu à* AM d C.puIo d0 * . VY AND> RJSN ARMY fchance on hlm. but lhe dore fnot do 1. someone elue, and friends of Couflty one of thonseunfortunato occurrencesL ITiie only note way for him tg to follow Judge Persanh have lntimated that hie whlch innocent persona suffer from."7 SAT MR AVO fem mme~ 20 the law as ItL laId down tohilms. te ta ho a candidate, the effeet of the A political ef North Chf.- iInterview$ wlth the.bouniers of i uling would meain that but one of th cage poiticians, heid Saturday evon- i P rr of t e P a n Waukegan have developd the lutter- local men cold goon the ballt at theInI n e.rahl utsuho 0 1.1 1 ng out their Instructions and tnrnîng not yet annonod wbat action lie tn. Chrliatianso0n and other officiais of A dVilg W'~£~~uIS EtW S d te down anly check whlcii Inds a défi- tends te take. 3,411. Edwards la an rot hcg ne pU ie rm Ru i moubd Poli. Wl<h <h auM hr, tdegr Sel Icloncy l he i.aeeount of the. dopont. avowed candidate for re-election. lsed te bo a noarrlot or free-for-aflb Th tor. Al of thiora epresaod senlhar When the nbew primary law was iglit In which chairs were hiurled and I *Co" 0 1 a C..UN&W wlme. gentiments In regard tate i.motter paiaed IL negiectod to take into con- at Ioaet ono Manujalie.bis bond badly i and »î.1 that tiiy muet protont thoni. siomration the circuit Judgea who arma11h11d. i ______________________________________________ ogsives against chaMe rge Miffng taetoh- eiocted evory six years.fThug, &c. lu substance, hre's the reunit of ~serve tii. regulationa laid down tor cordlng t0 tiihenhrelno court rullng, the levé foalt Proinotod, IL la aald by I M ine. tephens' Beauty k'arlors tion, aveu I tholr aetiiýn rémnlte in hoe Judga muet continue te hoe nom- th Progresive party of North Chi- OYu rus OVVicE LZIBErYZLE occaaonaliy offedng nome of tueur Insted under the. more or legs muni.-cago as one of the tonerunnere of theo patrons. Tii. followlng Interview can bersone convention plan. sprlng campalsn for City o2csle, Maacicalg. Shampooiîg, Haïr Dress- thoere stand for an of thon: Undor ,thie convention plan each lHIUNRY WERt4ER--One bsdiy a ing, Fa"ia Massage Scalp Tréatmcnt 'la the. Brut piauo." saîd s bunker, oOuty la allowed a certain ninbOir of eomeeiito, Iniiwed tiioiigh b. a "M1e resulation la rlgiit.If we par. délieze, accordlng ta Iis population- lue ht wlth a heèvy ohar.à Dy A UT. X ONLY. Fph0ne 100 mnî1tîsiidepostors ta o'iurdraw, they Lake Ouflty. ielig th~ e en<#argeat JO£ ?MLLR-Arvsetedoun.s mlgbt &et In the. habit ot 16. The. only county Ini tus district, la oatitlod te chargOe ofhàrigu haIr et WON f i W&Y vs can gave a. dePeaitor froinbu lin ts own candidate as ai préeont. 'ite ner;il e IO 1 Be heure and e - millation la sucli a case te te poieau.n-dologatea are plaoed on the. prlmary releasd iséer Sunday, hoaning t. I~!Ià4lr iy put the hanid laILtii. pocket and ticket and are elected by a vote cf coin* up Tuesay nightl r"is.the balance of tiia accouatta tiie people. If tbeY are la5tructed thoy EFFECT IN GUNERAL-Gne@t tds required proportions. But sc a go te a convention whloii may ho heid consternation among thm Pioget.- j L' M ICurse would not lhe spuare ianklng. In any, one of the four counties and $ive clonient ,vWo S e. the 7 re-.A boter way la for tiie depoaltor te ho tuer. ceat theîr votes for the. man for hsrin suel 8 fracaswil have on Iaewand net 'overaw, tiras». whom tii., woee nstxucted. If unie. the entire folîowlng si the proeuet 0 L4à both biaiseif and the. hankor train tructed tii.> vote as their own chaon admnistration.1 humiliation. dictates. MAYOR PETER CHRISTIAN- ~Z ..ê. PL LM 9-a nd IJ nIInm'fw r M istakes Are Cenimon. Bhuld there ie more than on. ean- SON-Oe of the OUe" splanent WV5W8~W.WU88 Honest deposîtera wifllac over- didate troin Lake county the. dojo- -1119 when 85116 broke oeut. uig.d AMO M wU4T«M 0000 AT draw their accouains inteationLîîlybut gaies tran this count>' vil vote for hie chlef police,John 11ept.1nwod, Il te easy te mie a mîstake. Thue thoir cholce and the nnWho re- 'te stop the trouble et suce. As T. A. ReynoIds Cloth gStr business man can cail to bia cauier ceivea the elidonsemrent ýwiIU hothe aOuest, the- mayp nturally IAcstyvUc. 18. e~~csahler 'viliBrelat asertain if the an>' others who mayhaeen hU wr 1ghuidhad owan Co"tuu. uet*i Mardhi 15111neY le thoro ta taie ca r e rutii.ii>lng. pla viich vs Fetc.irdt Ot checi, To overdraw snd bavea ech lk Under the. pimary p= a ct eb He iar are ardt lbur stock la large and complet. in &Il lUnes. Thaahwg ouri piotested would muin tiie credit ef a used six Years ago allihe candidates Fcaaotteafi r odti patrons for libeuia1 patronage ii the paut, we_çM&nerchant, and h.e mcvi t11 But let wÇVe Placed on the ballot and the get as natural> thoes vha took partt YOD" taly. ns suppose that hiesl In New Yorkttres higlu men seecte& Under the are salions te keep the matter' as Yor rlbuylng gonds. lHe aiways discouita Plan that wiii preveil tht. year Il Quiet as possible. IflaI net ver>' gond1 hie bills, even iflihe bas ta hon.ow vould appear that 1laie couat>' la sure camiagu naterlal and they kmev IL, money aithtei home bauni ta do W lie ta have on.etoftire. judees in the ta have IL corne out bow. at e politI-1 T « A . R E V I4 O L D S bya bigbill of gode an draw: district. ____ cal love-eat attend:d b>' about a bn Jan. 28,1915. i hc o h mut hnh rdmn err. okpae vires bis te se.l thatth And, lt's an admltted tact that protcted Bu soleth THEFÀR ED"'IN- nmny of the. men present were feeling1 maY happen ta ris dlspatcii or l T>v , i 1 so good as a resuit of sampllng tho ma oforgotten lu the prose of ibus- S jTIT 1111>. JI < R various beaverages that e aal tn ti.check eûmes through aactii- when the. trouble stanted. It la fur. - tUjin Co er bank and cannût b. pald. Th IIXUs u then explained that theii. nth O P wouldCLUho u~i>. s for the.machnt, *rouble began wae because.. thon. scm d *=bu tCh5id 111015If thé fauit couldnflehocurait. We (CotnuedF reim PageOne.) lrere a number of inen no far under weuld have te pay the check or return the Influence tint tboy were frrespon-1 ~I LDGa, e sigers a"N Sm i-Ini it, t nc.Tii.responsibie man ef tary thte yean tJohn Barrett re-olect- abitle. IL S E aS lcre adheiIdrc h -Ie ouge mlght lho tory 1111 est.At any rate, o far as con he as- or ave>' frein homne and the remit 1 Th, foîîovîng ie a sunfuar>' o! the centained, the trouble etarted overi would ho the. lame, report of the treasurer tor the past the tact that somiehody began poklng C-Ak Al tie shows tiie absolute neces. lier: f un at MiIIer who vas said te lie g! mî~~~~~~r t>' et the. depoeltnn laking car. ofcibts Cash on band, April, 1, 1914.-$222.01 *hi oe i eetdti cin own business. Wlti tiie purel>' local itooelved train the statle-...7500 and finally plcied uP a chair wltii business, a mistai. of tbab kiid coutld tieoelved frein the count>'. ... 309.00 whiichlbe smasbeo4 Werner over the. WE ALSÔ l!tVF1fM hAIS SEOS, SLVU. b.ie5511>' curcd b>'calllng tue atten- - iead, lnfllctlng a ver>' had wound WAM NîCELSWAVRE. AIJOOSILE lIelion etftthedepeeter te bis averira&t. Total recelpte .............8$97.01 vhlcb requlred stitches b>' a doctor. ~ ~But lb. might lho ava>'frein home or Clbursements. , Buit, viien chair@ héroni ta il>'. Chiet E O R S T h T S negligent. H, mlgiit aise car, noth- Prlntlng lait year'as t .te$ 21.60t Rectenwald, an lnvlt.d guent, rush"d E T 0 U R E S I, M A .T li I lag fo hite business reputation, and Bpiàiersg, lest y.a,,%Itmtut. 0.76 Inta the meone,.grabbed Miller d a ebIdmoesît ha1tiihe crediter can Elax use L B. Bonner, sec> ruehed bitetrain the. hall. This vas vait.untillh. bas the mone>' fur hlm. ta tate Institut......... 12,6GR about 1:30, Il la sald. nolt ilasmen the Au lostalo a bu mj m OSUSte VJleleiThot la the. aniver that sei iehoIncîdenta.s................... 7.57 celobration had mn loto 9undaynom- Irw l Ssn iven ta tiiecréditer viien lie.prolo Prises given et Ournee ...20.00 lng quit, a bit. Mifer Wae taigen ta sente tiie bil. Tt doee lt answer for Cash on band et boglnaing of jaol'viiere hoe was kpt IMUIilate Son- .9 ~~t glvlng of.a cbeck that yull net h liete yoyar's meetings ...474.50l day mernfpkg when hoe vas ftloasd - boaorçIl b>'thé ian.and the iieaing against hlm setftr 14 , ProoS f Ètu41 4d.f4In it*t1â n. Teid&.. Mc*Ô$ oc. t Look. .- 897.03 Tuesda>' evenlng befnire Magstrats ~ii.ilA&râveben ,reubybau> usidreamof 'Fire Ut net yourself. .if a deildi.- -Nebaus. isi ..s', s.~ PIV0~,,7Oxgivos yen a check tliatJls m.ed tI Vou c» .remet15.000 pqreno Week. Those prssent nqtt'nily are «vuev 4ISof¶t>L U1S iWe 9aliiip. '*ë. basi ter tuis rosse.. viit ma YOD IV th'-uph the ndpeout. e.>'taîing aboit ii.malter, lIntact, :iioy try te maie 1h appear as if the. if air dldn't amunt te much, but, otiers are deciartng It vas one oif th? worst "roug> bouse" affaire that bac ieme ta'ien place ln the village, oe whlcb bas stlrred polticai circles lii. noting in thi eeMt. CLASSIFY SUPERVISORS. Two, 0Officias Find Ternis Cut a Year Short-Vote to Op- pose Subway at Gurnee. WORK 0F SUPERVISORS. 1 In.truct.d Stete'& Attorney Dady te start hwo suitea galnst th. bontismen of Former Pressur- er Westerffald te recover $16000 Unhorltance tix andtI nteroot men- ey. 2. Declded te r"camlfy terme of supervisera et county. theroby cutlinq short b>' s yosr 1he terme eft w. Waukegan suporvisors & Teck formil action te con- test piano, et erectlng eubway on the St. Paul rallreod traces il Gurnee. Hom.Rntmg. OffiCe ln Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIs. ELHANAN 'W. COLU Atorney-t-Lda Money to Loan on Good Apps5i1Ie1, Eistâte. Office in Tie DuGdflng. LIBIRTYVILLE, ILUNGU*. LYELL H.MORRI 4N Lerylm Builing. ol Ie..IPhoos10>. MLS.e1 tilce Opp. 151hb t. Bci" StaSes Ji16e. Phono 8MS Wp. P"o» 1 NO3TH CDJCAUo. ILU[HOI& PAUL MAC GUPFWL .' APOI<ETAT LW Ubertyvifle. 1h1 PaONU8 , Du 0. F.IDtrrrDRPJILn 00 Liii rylUo. lUlole. ce it ER . V. SUITtI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON )gdoursto 1 m. . 2o 4ed 7 o 0.f reOMe. over 1Roi Jurni157SMm.j d, DY.,JL JL.TAYLOIR 19 Office la Piret Natioe BankSel~. LIwrvlieMaileP Lat M GOLDMN ML OffcePhn ..bo1* DIL *amS Sins saueomi uloa cPli. N g w!W ad. M f 'Waukegan, lob. Il. The. board ef superviasaths mort ng authiented State'e Attorney' Dad to begbn tvo suite againet the bond mnen of Former Count>' Treasurer Ca t' \Veslerlield ta necover the $7,6( lntçnê'st mone>' and $7,600 lniieritarn tax fees. The. instruictions werei court and up tta lebigiier courts. There> are two suite now pendît covering tbe $15,000. but tii.>' 've allrect-d against Mir. Westerfield pe sÔnal>' and in case Judgment mi laler bc secured agaluet tie ferma Ineasurer It îoild then. It le figure resuitlt i.h suits againet the bond mien as weli. Hence ti, suite todu 'ver, autboriz.d started. The acttl la' started i vth the etales attorni clalnlng tbat tue 815,000 ehould Ioast ho lu the, custod>'o et onâ The supreme court recentl>' rnIliait Iniieritance tsI tes go te the stat, Laie county doean't concede it as yd Tii. Intereet mono>', It la contonde aboulti go Into alil genemul fonde th. e0unt>'.. 1 RE-CLASSIFY SUPERVI8SOAS1. Because the. apportiouinent ot a perviiors InLi.Me ceunt>' bas nov. heen fermal>'ltou vhorohy It von ho desIgnatod juetwbat siupcrvili go eut of office each yetute boa- Ioda>' toci action hy vhich the la in tuls regard vas conpllcd viil. 1h developsd. b>'loiking ever Il list et nombers, that Weubogaai Deerft.ld tovnshiips vo,. the eiy qu affected b>' the. reopp& as as a resut, todoy threcet Wauiega assistant snporvieors vWie bud 05 -n holding overrulng ,the, Mnot Yi est a remnit et lait yesoelt4 feuad tuaItute>'have 10 go cMtl SPning and malte a ceasiga for 1 election. Accordingl>', Ihurouý gl o laig lots, eaI tue ne ov iopitl >n supervisors et Wauiegn etomn4ti Ir' have their ter'meexpire -tulsaSprir George Il. Bafrstew. JanceG. Woicii. Theu So nner. muci>' sd, b>' t draving er lots, tue er oieolguo as tue eues whe '10oficel..durinot conlng year: J. T. Bannons. Ira Holdsridge. Tiieo. Meyer. on motion et quperviaer Cour Chaîrnan Wolch nanod C.». Bga of Woodstoci and a repreealtlve The Sun and Gazette os a conunll te Place aumbors.hiacnveloiiecà the, superviscre thon drev lots ei tho aboe .resuit. ln Doerfield, Asistant Supesilet Rîngadehl and Walsh ver e ta ho cli oiled aud tue>' reaorted te the 1 of a coin. Walshi wcn, se lie bel another lean, ville Ringdaiillst». expiresthis Sprnng Bp the. re-classhficatton, thsélou thus stands: 15 termse xpire hIn 18 12 expire In' 1915. Tii. mev.e tliave the apporté ment made for tuefArattîmes a ed b>'- State's Attorney' Dady and terne>'C P. Bames, Vlilvas connui OPPOSE SUDWAY AT GURNIE The supervtsors Thurada>' vent record as heing eppnsed ta propomiti et forcing the, St. Paul Itailmoad CX Parny te construct a subvaaIetGuru and te oppoe.It even toe exteat8 iiavIng counsel appear hofore tue et ulities board andi fght tue plan. iAttoern> James G. Weicli et Wall kgan vas autuorisedti eaa.ppffrlotd the stat. board and maie formail test. The. reason for Ibis siand lu that estlmated cost oethe subva>' vii 1 30,041, oet viuch. under the loy. 1ceunt>' veiid ho *hllged te stand c 1hait. or $19,0, an expense whicii onoardfeela 15 ujuati .. Tii. resca Mr. Welch appears the. count>' la tue Pr~to l Isteati State's Attorney Dady lu becanao 1 sadrw«vonoui f tue petitioen rfors the olale board aiag for sabvay. taie otieyu bât vos-Dl PW«T. of . udb. eni OENY SmN Pheses- 144 « 48 ZION CM.Tj WAWRtID LAKE SANITAR %L A. CRML 1. D. jW ISCON Fuma and FassiLuu Wlacoes oiri be4 A few Lake C.. I4 .* H.D. BOVD1 Libeotyvile Foue dellvoed the big bw U uooia I je i. 1 IL JeUV&

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