t fi I. trama ttil thtb,'i0( ongrossianal dis- trict and hýqriner alderman tram the Inctaator oumd i a opadU Thas'vàs'thé Dt stitemneatmadae j'a t W' . ss Tuesda>' niglt ii Mr. Thommon utà US 3i OisM on ntt Sa II'ithé uilgmty a -fl5o yudo ga OQpI5~wow to'lve mAauu . tiat ~Iti. Sémêsos la doaa~c~'a~ *gflid ef'slm BU .1100 pe~j' ~ vs) mate a SUONS race. 'son uaSWEj l'cfala mot ta0bis tr 8 neste domswaW e reoreuit~~i tApsIdeto te 1 co tbe W lifr i fthp city. TbM h k#t lamlai,-10 01 tu 044iffta t4ap $a#4 if Jug trict Who no.w is fçgwa)ly i te t-pe for niayor. of Cii- ~~5rêu UVB t* 44W as tti e l>ýo e I »9minee.fle wou4d have witk 4k< *-712 dcawn if Judge Oisn Nul heen nomninated by the, Repnth- nMotust Iqu mlcla9alaWe Ilcans, but, seeing Unit William Hfale Thôtnpson wvas nom- ai iN,, îtý4, lie will reomaýin luthe ilght. B tIS'UW IItie a slioqay. dopen q~SofrW Sierbit vb*,ý .aiw mt. tr O*Iwdb*ttwight on tite vas aétwat bu fer sfltiawrhieuums aé s~fu flêtIm th.. .,tn t. qlljo io t.u- isam tbs WMt 8tsag PÉCIt>'oM tho big au-' boie vio afttodel dets tgr. »dC mmo of va. 'a amet sFmre iVet. pros- 9:,t to IU Cuerra tlieJ t'".-, Ib.24. ýn Opposition Deveiops to the Pro-WekumPb24kn .poeU hnnpof $jjSmioulItnslet a lgnb0-l oeta : = Autollîanpes. jacomaticatîy vas ralsed wta Wuogmill'aemretanl0 about soventeen akanbkeepers vont vttt * '*Utudtalcs 1wy out f bsinss. Before toto *âW, thelr pestrope , W4 $o limen.i CLAIM THAT Il IS UFIR e* Ii.ôes la uthe cWý earenn t là* ~ W $rvenita ThPlis yer'tbere bave been haut ferith e ,kiting,,aio4jma Thy Ma o rt lo flWol Mie- automobile ovners ln Rae c %L tt itti mrt Theataa<as t are oppospal ta a bill pouding betore) OnMay tOrtaloftblq year vhn t4zethe tanks hite fe alternative tihe legislature ealadison provlding 1îéi<Çemfte la autouiatlcmlly bo Atedt »aqgi t ,*b loi Iao *çe- tdB' '*sSa & cS fran atteration of the tîcense tees ta, $1,090, it la igured tbM Il It ~0 Mtlv'eIF. a# oq<o orantf.i>^#-çitW S P M tu, forcé out ot business a nunnier 9r Z Ocial, l'd.è gIslt e an automobiles lu titis state. ftlfa:'a M-ro' .po taQu leopers. it ii, eatinated that lred. "je"Au w*' tfl » fltISéat W.1 prob)able tiret a meeting o!fl015 m ter thelrmtai. fMay there vl! ebaebenauîs"o'o.adv mm vIJI, hc held ln e short tiare to dis- moet meuy aver thlrty aoans lu tkq ft emr test ilaqnsb«tt tYoirae cusj tne mtter and tate smre action ttY. w»mt,,* ta meudl a delegetion to Madîson ta 'Jor e long tlime it bas b;=ilela-. £u >mvopot oppose tihe meeuire. oU there were toon e»> PPJP '"B4lore this otfei vwB rçejyed tihe cît>'and h wam ta getlsraunjl.ispomal" bi oui pdab de îemea ta, ex- Tihe bill pravides thet, inoteetiof complaînt that the ratsing aiftte lt-. e st ao toroedi the proeut. uinform lcens oe e tii5 ase toe$70 would ehîxunate tv-eaayue timeferti ak i- .iftitis fsfr for autaanobilesc. wbîch le nov chargea fi vaupr cent af the saluons thet . pagm oue. a a 5dat, uhIle"t»g bq tito state, theIlicense tees shait ho ,'ar but tie amount of revenu> rft olBe wlUst me cose W* ho$* ka proportion ta tbe weight af the cgivod vould Ibc the same. For the, tel.q$9 M but .uwp,»4Afl P :.~ machine. BMmle reaman the0 amouait ai revoenve> YIt liasq tbuac Machines under 1,000 poundm are ta recelvqble unater the $1,000 lie4» î$àes tg'diUe&C' pay eateor ;fr$5nd au addltlanal $6 vould hotheo mre as It vouldru hep 'ilé- Otte1 i*"I t a ptron la ta be nharged for ever>' addition al tvlce thre number ai saloons aithpt» ocmlou an e t. toelcklw $D00 per year licenso te. Tiunas pr or iban tccaele*fi 14>00 popndm or fraction thereat wblch if the numnber of aoans la roai bte ,~a #q.f.4 t»a machine uit> weigb. This bill, If ta larty,.on the, ilrst o.ai J ias yqar t1r rqsi c il bffloaeA aa 1v, l ta.teappli te al Lb. CiySil>mliiwiliirecelve $30.00 rer-a ýîhfàr'à ro-it r' ' mi4aoilp, lePt electrie D »",#eq .'1 tl&1b aifr*n. -, W'b' cars, -skiha"rete lie cbergeaI-the - The tat yeer bas u« heè 1a vqr fr tbés, èyirm céred obtu ' iuilltiu es fe <t $à.profitable ane for local,'alonnkeers. part If -Mate of 6W but et r qo t The reamon for the lntroduactionuoaisecadgtatriav ltnc#.app psop4g<'-vmer "- tis bill la tiret tbe mane>'coltected 'liAs>'declare that the>' bave test wg itw it ulomi st 84majt Ï for tees s obat eumed on the contry about held their an mand for -tiIs vs-saoto at1'r, ronde of the tte for imirovementa naon mamiy 'decare that tire>' viN eià j5 mua ta. repair tho ujur>' don tiieeunabltetapaytie additlaeat $360 itt*ýtee . erg, ' remsluomiaflse ai belug travcred li rgus. efor Dnt year. "tbat 'easrcsf e t. myattention m mi tfsaemobits. Testhr'i > ! htiit>' volt regiatated stensstetmie Moi bofe# maaiDsit thé i tI1I plisti t tht.eotle mts ~pleut>' for Wmukegmun aonîs «a'payanent of mn ovuéS'le i dtmot tramvel the country roendsand bco" the t g.nerai bleti. 3Vos-lie 1W Silbxdel Bbc u* 'Sfli 10tine i slgo$tr shoota not ha toreeateta aria.gosfast as the aloons go out of bus.tattE a ittfrJt taté o <re fi tghbte 4ny great amount. 'lIt titiin e impossible for a"W tl Wbéat I1wwimèw «É', lb> b$ praçtîcalty lnvre#ses t» jmolta enter lut. tnaslaiebsibe. be. UiÉaetb"D id«BWt545 iben,4 hUl m4o Ilte ta$10). TheDiaabtetitt arme thre cil>'osdIaU Pospoids %treo .4' 1e M maBS Cithbat IH lopW tiars weIghbebtvweep à P«> 4 $tl oth is-t>' Blonsmai and ' hé iewl~ owibts v vup4thusbm Myar lemed tu t thé,r fW mas el] for aboat 82,0-0 'o allIS tit iae o 1 tis an betvoen 2,0(10 anal3,000 npup4,6q& p-pi.ý m wauld tuns va>' a 'teeof<$1. wiicU ' .eyed tae W i S6-tt maximum fteetae otaliWôuldi 'bot as the Itoavietof ahtie touing cars veigb 5EAU0prié -ie g ;nif t '. Auto trucks, no matter vbmt their viflt, voulU a>' tes spcrlma$0 Baltfore, Pet. 2S-Citas-le . I fan- 0 t Tb clto a zOff t it , lProibitionm vet>*conres lsa Mr, sate lu tb. unIon caeb oxe0ar aW, et ermo Mlntmla. ameed~4fl or thulemme tee than Pcul--- Sea< rthltidulta b Uu Journal uomwMý paooo;builleproig tbatr * " . A. Cypers, absalutely neov ad tp:beaet te Issoub a! 'ta> ahso tWr date;. vllt siaéa special Conàes- i lIiess a ew ilU*a _____ aima Ifttnain t oe. ApplW ta '4C.. siatbgWtlei lite sse * " ô.apIe. 182 WeobiugtaaIII.. ,imlco> 5 0' nfi -tae--SaIr utarltt Wtt>'tîlly'rSe: claed ta use by tlbàaMWu S«"veufor eteulaUn dsiavels" trt «tppt g i g~uJI,[&»LI ilf ylW%~t<~t0 ofaie i teratats commertie for taer absatutel>' nov; Dow*, lbMPfollovel t încukmtor stîi llu the original crate qpar shlpmenta. nosed; vIIil 1e a dotlars s-othiitai ho t t. mate trtet"- es eii i vmashmbppod ta me lu. Appt>' M. 4. A toUeraI embargo urohhbit POIatll7 suppies froc If tBkes-t ait" ta proOmsa Mumnabttradier Zevo, 110 Na. (lenemeàastreet.,WLO- transformation ofitrain, truits. ora»Y oce. Appt>' w Clarefce 'Piompoos, oN Mme nuta me 1* 50rSM a* kegtm' III. Wtt> ' DuttIprodact vlale afood!inaIn.108 No. Ocneaeo tirlt. Whu!cegma, ~ ______________Mid_ à, ' '< M~t À t~& Carl Açrey initua mais. Henry X Safla» £-W. l-lA' U'Pak Dldiogw. Wlliam ralis damnes Bra. A. J. flroadbemr. W. a8. Buttoci. c Robert B» Conoty. Cape. J. W. Copk. AI Cooper. P. J. Dietineyer. jobs J. Dorse«. - Gw John W q~w W. i m. V. @flb Jam». . ot'I e¶9tam dtblsam ilOu r' t 'an ai S~, 4jiMon 441' '1" Uatm~nS M Gtadueaoe. flOUE 14. *~flS flbe ne howr r -- -.*ý t $4. Ye77 thé que the prêt bEy. sai pa flkf An as ëate ra Ç' te sor otfpDlt qu'tAu a i . ADu t UI tons mot "t Ana e duia a fidne C fIil thm lid IN tters s blad , mt Il 'Thstt En dtat -qý Mid