Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Feb 1915, p. 12

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Marh at LIQIJR LIU S une of druga but t Ioi, plng to wbrk a hardshlp and much! red-tape on tii, Iegîtttte une of drùgs for mWgedinapur- 'Alderman Kukar of North Ch!- purposes. Dootoru and driqggisare ok-o w-f, .o cage Sa4slel nildt the operation of the new law with condrible. anxiety, Money Under'Contraot. wondering if they wMi be able to comply wlth its compli- cated detaila eve thougb they try ever so bard. Adman J. Kukar of North Chica- go Bairang momnewhat or a surprise et The defe4t, the. arushng defeat, cf Mayor Harrison of the councli meettitgln that clty Tues; Ohicago was the aztonlshhig fuature cf Tuesday's prlmary :daynihtwen througb bie attorney in that city. I5T-he several-tânes -mayor-attributed >118 fail he'dmae10 d. pad lt th e t to everythilâg froin the war to .the women's vote. Hfe sAYS ln 1912 for a wholeW* i quor lcense. the. 4ermans ail voted against hizn because of the war- He Middlie wot4d not obloct to pay. Sweitser i8 Germaii. However, the fact of the matter i1119~ such a li-eu- If the others who that H[arrisqu',wetteinto the discard just because he'd held, were OflgS.ed ln the wholesale liquow Offie tO mÜ l 1 uiness w-re ompeiled to do ike. offic tocm8Vyt«=-, .But, ýHArrison >19.8mode a good Wse but hie muid ho dlaîlked ta hi. mayor, no ma$$1e. »>0 average person tries te figure minge ut ai the -904t- and hocom out 84uint Uwiý s , b as flotbeen so eII eled to stand the burden or the or. ln yemx as t 1a Jl'~Under Harrison during the pregentdiac. term. And, t'.t t itlrejy contributed te >118 defeat, HePolflted out that wh1enlho pald Overthe OneYandrecolved a re~ because Sweitarwa recpgnized as a wlde-open candidate. celpt tht it WaU UPO theoement- Thie presumptlon now 18 that Ohlicago wiil be "lwide openl" that the money was to liq returned, âs nover before'in case Sweitzer is electd ugngfc ahlm unios the other Wholseu l tho vote cf Tuesday, it looks certain that he'11 be the ne-t quer cdens pald thli îenea alth. Mxayor. enly one who pàid thse lcense fee and. hie aya that If the ethers wore lo RAISING RÂILROAD FARES. ceiupelled te pay that it la only r;lght 1 - - 1 l- , . ý !and justice that the money lho oald 'Tiere lias bveîîn more ai seoffiîïg at "interVn.tioinal over -he returned to hlm.-The--mtter law" " iecatse if does nît ppearto > be fl)llu jndd u n anv ,was referred to a commlttee to in. ,41einite priiîeiple whieli is uîsta aùbY fllc lavîîîai . . atlgate and report hock. Our interstate law lias a sîîuilar ffflilt.lie tortsÂroni WXsh- Thse Noth Chicago City eouneili s& inwtn. re t th efeet hatrairua*& ay rise h~jr ectedi the judgessu~d cerks ait the fugtnxi > aré foltheprffeerthat may raietiheirsut tn passenger raetes' 1fr interstatéà traffie to f %o anîd a haif îlst oet tsese WilII. h ofomà wlth thse cents a mtile tft(,r Matrdi 1. tther North Clilcapo news., Will sorne learned barrister kindlY explain wvif i is .just and reasonable to charge that rate betwveen Raeine anîd Chicago, when the fare is but two'< cnts per mile in Ws- WIAT IS A SUB <onsîu, and two cents aimile inliis i-, f youbuy atieket FR" tô the state line from Racine, and tien to Chicago fi cm FR'11 O1J3 thestaý lne th lealrate i w cents. If von buy tiekettraight thronghthe legal rate is 25 per et ut higÈer. FOREST SEEKING IT The higher rate eertainly isnot (ue taany feeling o -pity for the rei]roads. Neither th(,ýNorthwestecrn nor Mil- waukee road is losing money. Their passenger business MoCre than a hundrod residenta o! pays a handsome profit at the tNr i-cet rate. 'Lake %oret met at Anderson il It is net justified hy popular opinion. Thevre lias been Tuesdtjy nlght to divine soins m"s~ ta Provide a substitute for Suaday noxpe in favor ,of it.-Racine Times. nlisht moytag pîctoro shows, whlch ______________________________________________________were prohiblted recently by the coun. FRUITS FOR II3ALTII Titresfruita, much wanted for their medicinal qualîtie are greatly ln de- mand at frui t tores at thia time of the year. Physilaes are pregcrblng ineapple for ore throat 1wblch In usuaily prevaent Just nbw. Lemona. whlch onJoy great popularlty durlug thse cold wlnter montho have been gought more tissu ever durlng the lait month. Hlot lemonade as a cure for coids, ln an old-tlme remedy that tu not torgotten. The Insistent caîl for limes t one fruit store brought forth orne QUsn- tionIng as to the menit of usis fruit '» It la saad limes are excellent to aIle- Charles RupselE surveyor ar Latke vate the pain ln rhedmatism. ICounty, warned thosoM at thse meeting I that If they eXpect ta accamplileisa£" thlng hy arraqUlng for svnlng am., Lear toForet.Ices St the FIret PreubytSerl urch, Caesar was 60 ready ta folget that they wlll te treat visltors with more even Cîcero, whe waa Dy no means a coflhderatlon than timoftpersans r.- constant Mrend ta hlm; relates, as iln- ceive at the momninlsserykce. gular proof of hls noble heart, that hois There are two clàag es ore,"h noyer used to forget anytislag exeept 1 i,«"he îîoarssdts or the wPOng doue te hlm. Judeed. ta ooe.i poor persang go te Sunday Pardon la a snost hoautlful -1evege; s but ta forget lua tili more beautîful.- ring soivices, thse usisors are very Petrarch. U<kely ta ho azked te tell tisem tn get eut Of the Pews. Thorefos.. they stay ikwuy. If the'Suuday, evonlng enter. M1emo,-y Governed by WiUî. talamenti are made a sort of freai for The will governa the memory. We ail affaira, thoy will attend.' forget what dos not cancers us, we Among, the sPoakore were Thomas remnember whnttla ef iustlng Impor- IDonuielley, 1. P. Rumsoy, A. j. itrlch;* tance to the wll.-Frledrich PausenIpr« ac la'Intr/nduction ta philioopbv 9980r Mlclm MeNeIll sud b ýGeofge Eddy Newcomb. ILlprl Vals that ne.s to 1.00, at ,. Tac IaRO*RE*DIV.r STOEI Armnounce, Commencing' Saturday and Continuing'Ail Next Weeek, a Tremendous of every dollar's worth of winter merchandise in our store'. Neyer before hve such wonderful bargains been offered to the people- of 'Lake couoty. It>ý the chance of a. lifetime for every wornan whb wants to save money. Th fere, are hundreds upon hundreds of astonishing bargains. Corne Satur- day or any daY next week and see how much Hein's can- save you. U IHI Aise fiefu md Oarf are on Puri~ases of 5.*00 r:, 'f--jr Ys.r Liai OSfUy1 15ySU, $18, Osis at 1. ~ $5 WE will net advertise these coatsagainso0take advant- age ouÈ this great opportunity and select your coat tomorrow. Alil Coaf s Formerlo Prîcoil up -to ?5.00, now 9.5 Ail Seliai$,.Oo Prisal t. $tMS i.w $1. A NY of these sutts aum h worn ferspring. The con- servative styles are moot de - airable and ean be had now for less than cost cf making. Balance of our 15.00, 18.00 and 20.00 ButstaI 3M95 ad 6508 F f W E m Iswhch you would never thinkofbuying at the price swe offer thern. New colora of. e, Putty,,iepherd Checks, Qrey, Navy and Black in the pdý)ular Serges, Cheviots, Qaberdines,'TùsàSilks, Coverts e. Three great groupa Ail 318 ~Ail 60 21100fLI = Ail Wooi Here 's a wonderful bargain in new stylish dremssof thxe popular col- ors for SpÈing. Ail are beautiful- ly miade .and richly triuuned. The greateat -value 'ever offered -in a dress; reguIar $7.50 value now....................9511J Ail WWI $eiler >"M- it to Extra strong serge dresses ini sizes up to 18 years. Ail arc of newest -idyIc înd are handsoniely trim- îned. Ail colo s. Extra special thii.. sale .......4é95 OhIIirm's WI~r Omis 4.98 0 leI Our entire stock of childreu's coatg Dow are pricod belbw %cot.- Ail are pzactioalt .erioà4b1ostyle i they are the greatetbargains ev- or oted. BÇcause we.seli so many,-$1 waists we are enabled to buy in 1am~ guantite. Wais Maïufaefires everwhére bld for our b MW ýto sùcb an extent'that -weinvarlbly emu Ptowý -qpau >-el;- naw'luthwu7dfid t.aLfBin' pi , -~., I' t. , I. ..i~I7< 't 1 àczimmm"m .i M-77-, Mim,'etc. New p tterne, 1.50 ZO-0 -ya.lum. at

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