J UN'Y INDEPENDEiNT WAJKFEGAN WEEKLIN SUN -- ~n~a à M. -N0. 2& .i.,FaIYFEBRIJARY 26, 1915. ]POUR PÂ4IES. PUR>12 It Is RepredThat te WMs WhlohA.F. MoKeo MNs: to TWO Huge Cemeterles COLOREP CEMETERY (S PLANNED AT WARAENTGN- 00OUMre That Men Who WIil Have Charge cf the cerne- tories Have Already Biéen Engaged-Namnes Are Given Out-Details Indefinite. COrrohoration va, Obtalned Ioda>'j on thé Information givon ézclîstvly In Sthé Dal>' Sun 01 Monda>' ta thée!-t fécI that th. big rosît>' dén e u t and meth o! Waukegan bas Ias.itsrounuds- tlou thée stabilsiabunt o! a cemster>' for- Ose o! Chcago people éspeclal>'. And, ln cennecton with the Pro- Çpéési déni, thé facta wre Oflass tais>'thet net éniy léema ce.etarY te b@oa teshiln the Vicinil> ef Wàr WAisu u tht tIssé wiliiha two and 1y tii-éé or more céorntsmies ln thtluitas foilews: ,Pia:' lsgémetai cémnetér>' of 00 mpssç, fo-rne Ipa-ncipiiy b> Romin, CawNes or Chicago but avellab. ta &@Yhéiy7 Wh te lupuréhasé iota a"i 1e tiilu e mne - sép: 80 acr* tract te bé iévot.i 2 0 W!sY te the é - o! é@ri pas- ;e g!ChIcag Who nov have n 1- ligw dbvétte éthoir aexolusive Use. Se fan i*tall havé benucarisi lInsue t#M Ile lastatei on rellable satt t tthé woMtvisés ilii moisis thssé particular pièces of *IÀAL C"NmTt-Will tale lé old Dnev. Oren and Grims f :" D ftoPLEs OEim TmT éseIudé b 7thé u.stet 8U Thé Fail> tract la locatéi viet o! thé 21, Psu! trucksandmiàa htti omth O! WsrnsstOs, the latter station hé- fag théemo on thé St. Paul on Belvi- duesondanadithéeSt. Paul lino. Thé Othér tract, are considérahl> 1141 ut me that thé bye proposai - irfan e neugh apet tu «Y8 a>'confusion ln thé tve. *1110I tirflMmamntionéi are direct- t>' véét O orth-lChicago andInluin prOgéét>' hlch A. P. McKevn, thé vwoi kWo"n meat>'man. -purchacédi MMs tige 690 s»d vhich hb.bhamain- tain" 83s fsrmins conter. sincé but vbi0lb ame eov Inluiéd lu th. big cemétér>' delin vbiob t i. learmod -140vru la pénuo nal'iteretoi ln fithé la sai te hé one o! thé mnat activé nover. taýMe bhg déelvhlch, It t. sai, ilI hé thé hlggest o! lis kimi éver puliai 0f Iin and about chiéaffo. Mm o Iandle Affaire. Thot hcémétmr>'d1 bh -r.achd sncb casMate thst it aés a cértait>' s eviiénceib>' thé fant that thé umm vhe are ta.have chargé o! hoth cène- tories have héen chosen cireni>'. r The> are: T. 8. Wilson. vho vîll hé superin- tendént ef théagénéral cénetér>'. He lua ilChicagoan. T. 0. *oodéZ a colorai nam vho ran for alderman ln Chicago a >ear NPo ani vi ban bi extensive ex- pérfece la bamiiing cemoten>' prper- tr>'.'ffe viii hé la charge!fthé colori pepW cmeter>'. Have Big 9Plane. Ttlteueadib>'a man wviehadoli 11110W thé exact déathathae bSon- enM! cemter>' viii bé maie avallablo tu an>'dénlomination ta vishes bu. niaiplaies fer their Ioved eues but that b"cUnée!orthé crovied jiondi- tliOf thé cemeteries néar Chicago, the>' -pet ful>' tvothwnue!orthé pUeurciaér.te hé Roman Caboes. Hémes for C&m.Takere. Ifogéou ovusma>' ethér farms tu thé violait>' e! the Ivo stes n!er- nqi te abe .ami thés., it la unier- aInsi. viii e givén ovér ta, subdivi. elona in vbicb mny or tie emploi-es 0f thé tvo ceuntenies vili ereet homes mi mle thir residence. M ÇIRCUIT COIRT CUL MORMNIAY Some of?-the Case Are Those Whloh Have Boomn Hanging Fire for Some Time.' Circuit court la la convené Dot Monday and a large numbef o! law cases bave béen placed on tbe triai oeil for thé tern. t in probable that Man> more viii hé addsd during the Progress of vont. Sons o! thé cases bave heen tried beb*re-some have beon hanging lire for nome littie tine and norne are coniparattvely 110w. Thé triai l .allaasfoliows: Hfendrlcksonvs. Waukegan Fi'nnisti Mrchantilé Company. Nelison v. McCormick. Pitzpatrick vs. Johnson. Thayer va. -Gray. Everta vs. Tayior. Nuîîena v. C. & N. W. "Itiront] Con- pany. Héydecker vs. Strong. a Goldherg vs. ltood. Vandorvénter Trust Company vs. Foi. Fautk vs. Pu4in. Burke vs. Dackiévica. Waukegan Lit. CoOperatIve Asso- ciation vs. Joslyn. Waukegan Y. M. C. A. vs. Reardon Brothers. On throé daye notice: Wojtan vs. Kakimiak. INFOMATION WAS FILED AiAINST A State's-Attorney Dady Charges That Honry Cooper*Reft"e to Caue forCbid.- .CAPIAS WAS ORO 1ERED. ,Bonds Fixed at. 5500-Cooper WdI Be Brought Into.Court as Soon as Possible. Henry Cooper. a résident o! Bar- ringlon but who ie said to bé mating bis borne at Fox Lake aithte present tUme, vas naanéd defendant lu an in- formation iled agInst hlm tu county court Tuesday a. m. by Otate', Attor- bey 11*1gb J. Dady. He ia charged with abandonnent of bis qbildren, andi la said! to bave lit then lu a desti- tute condition, according to the in- formation. The names of the cbildren are: Mervin, Esther, Ethel, Anna, Ver- non, Russell and Ralpb. Ail of these cfildren; -it la ciaimed. ire*under thé smgo of 12. It ia.nid tMors are six other chldrén in the Cooper faity but tbey are ovor 12 yearu o! age. The information wu presenteid he- foie Cotnty Judge Persona and be lm- ,nedtately ordered a chpits imnoéd, ré- turnabié forthwlth. The bonds ver. fixed Lti8$NO. The capta, vili be turn- éd over to thé shriff and be wvIi go lmmediatelY to Fox Lake and place Cooper under Irrest. Cooper wiii be arrained lit court ber. aad sceording to the state's attorney viiibhr Con. pelled to support is children. Coop- er, acordlng to the state's attorney, ia a worthleas. good-fornotbig sort of feilow who sentae féel no réspon- slbiitY for the support of hisebil- drus. Thé atate law provides a henry penalty for violations of tht, ktnd and It la ex pected that Cooper vili hé show» Do more>'. -1 Frank E. Shopén vw» elécted judge of the City Court la flua Tuésday b>' a pluralit>' of 87 votés ovér 1lrapk W. Casâtis. an attorney' w1t,àoffices In Obleago. vho was supported,,by thé Anti-Saloon Leagué vhicb madée ign dry luat sprtng. It vaz the jqlrsiséec- tIon Mder a law whieh séparated the courts of Elgn an'Aurora. ivard ù."aga vas W"ré-lectéd' su clty Zgé or Aurora vithout opposition. A.-, MoKeOvU, vhoee réIel state jbas ben heand iiacuuslagt4 cogne- P'iohe.eluanadi bout Noth Cht- MYtsI&M las ith varions pensonsandi cap haýve beanu ysteniena ton sceqs Il .éms probable IýaI bii plage vîli Ye'mu aabout te bïiug 1mb a&& hé Carne thnougb on thée étmipve t»Uat>' aachesme on vhlcb ho appiîýar-lalé hé bas ld to e lied Ëfniud émU>' boas héén vorfdng, usc dtng tel frenthé tijnê hé 'martei aclbing wbat ecquabntances se>' oda>'. 1ieHo hle. Important frn lgad. MATES NEAR TRMi- EDY ATN. CICA60O Miss Kathryn Sankiewicz Weds Man for Whose Love She Tried to Take Her Life. HAPPENED' LAST AUGUST. Girls Persistent Devotion to Sweetheart Appoars to Have Won Over Parents. "^Il'* wett thât end Weil." 9-Shake9peare. A PRELUDE- On thé night of Aug. 8. 1914, Mine Kathryn Sankiewicz, s pret.,. ty North Chicago youngl woman, sought to commit suicide by shoot- Ing hérséif whsn hi, sweethesrt, Albért Evien, of Wlnentka broke their engagement bécsusé of strong objection on thé Part of the young woman's parents. A SEQUEL- Ths afternoon Mr. Evién ted Misé Sâniciewviox te thé hoenof Father Sh*. of thé Moly Famiiy Catholie church ln North Chicago, where ttiéy wore unlted In matri- mony, theéPrents of thé young woman .vidently havina béen won ovér by&he girl'@ dévotion. Mr. Evien, acconpaniéd by the fa- ther of Miss Sankiewica, appeared ln thé office of thé Lake county clerk Tuesday afternoon and 100k out a mer- riage license. Thé véding thisa at- ernoon vas a ver>' quiet affair and (ew friends of thé yocng couplé ver. avare Ihat it van ta tahé place. Mr. and Mrs. Evién vili moite thoir home ID Winnetka. 'MiLs Sankiévl ica baibeén "kéoplng compan>'" viih Evien for oer four yesrs. 'thé>' vére ver>' ievoed te eacb other andi Were engagéEdt. hé marrled. Thé parents o! Misa. SankIe- vics.oljected ta Evien..théir rossons, it la naid, hing of a religions nature. Thé>' ferbadé thé young man t a mil et their home and orderéi thé young venan Dot te eeo himn.In aite o! this tact thé>' met claniestinel>' ma>' timon. On thé événing o! Aug. S. 1914, thé>' met ln théir usuel tryating placé and teck 'a long valk. Evion snid ho bai deciied it vas for thé béat Interesta o! botb o! thon that thé>' break thé engagement as he, nid hé bai ne hope o! vinninu é'ér ber parents. Thé girli pieaei vhth him, pointingeut thatt %hé vouli marry hin Ia spitée!fber1 parents. But ho Insister. In their course o! thehr val thé>' passai thé irug store In,.North Chicago conduct. ad b>' a brother e! tho young voman. Rhe excusei hérseélfer a moment, saning abc vantai te go up stairs., A fév moments lator thée>oung man Vaes Sated b>' thé sounui o! a aboi. lie rushéd up aaire and touni Mins Saubévica ling on thé Aber, a smek- ,kg revolver b>' ber aide. Clarenceé laker, vho occupiei apartmnents ona thé samé Abeor. arivéd about thé same1 tino and ho aummoned Dr. Jolie>'. t D. Jolé>' urged that abc hé takén1 ta thé hospîtal et once and tht. vast donc. It vas feuni that hgr lits bai héén spaei lu an almoat nîraculees nannor. She bai placei Wo revolver againat ber body wvin he puléed th. triggor but a corset aie>' bai défioct- éd thé course e! thé hullat andi thé bullot nerel>' duglits va>' union the s'Lin and camaeout on ber aide. Relatives o! thé youug vonan ln- slatoi that Evién bai firéi the shet and domanisi bhat hé hé placed un- ion arrest. Hé vas held tempororhiy but tha girl et thé hospitai Innedi- atel>' declared thet '&ho ba tiri thé ah01 and vas aerr>'tatIt1hbai ot bih-. ed ber. Evien vas thon rleaséi. .,»vien eviiontl>' vas novai b>'thé dévotion tf thé young venan and mled teose. ber at thé bospita. Hé apparentl>' déterminéd te vin ber ln spiteofo!everythlng. Thé tact th4t thé young vom.pn's father accompansi Evien teite count>' clork's oilice voli Indicate that the gil fmai>'han succeédell lu vlnnlng thon, over, Miss Senkeieici ad aboy Cool nervé in ekiug ber ifé as uhé snap- peil the trner four tItaes héfore a cartriige oxplodei. Sho i.a apopular Northt Chimage v»man. FAIM TO FLAT IS FAILIJgACCORD- IN iTO AÀ4iROCER Asserts Ho's. Found Farmers Ask More for Products Than Chicago Rotail Dealers. SI3VERAL INTER." ESTINi DEALS IN COUNTY* IN WEEK While the Business Has Been Fairly Brisk the Loans Are Below Average. Unelé . am's scheme o t reduce tIIeITOTAL LOANS ARE $59,000.1 ALEAKJNG ROOF ýCase Was One in Which De- fendant Claimed Damage to Furniture From Water. Justice Roy' Mason triéd a Hitghland Roard Eieaking aILban lnto Wgukegan and CMes ta, the North. cost o! living by Introducing direct Pk. case ruesoay lD nîc neh e el trading f romt thé ferla 10 thé flat, by Rcrig[edo 0hCn for both thé plaintiff and thé défen- AFTER FREIGHT AND Recoring Ded of2Oth ednt. Il w» thé case o! lsaac Oold., moans of thé parellpont la dooed to tury Machine Co., Plant to bers antWila éai at SIBURBAN TRAVEL NOW. fat 9coda ta, Soi Westerfeld o! Barwell Is of Interest. ter béing theowoner of a noving ice- 1409 West Madison street, Chicago, ture théatér ai Highland Parti. .Important. AnnouncementR. a grocer. who spokb héfore the ScboeiBusiness o! thé recorder', office foritIaéseméd fron the évidenethat vealed s a Resuit of MW.- of Dmesic rtsandScince lnthe vee ending Februar>' 2t), 191: Pearl rentod a building fron Goldherg !-rnsTa aeF« Cc g Dom eArsam i Sciences IDof Tases-g.for ih ho pld$150 ermoth uig Ta ae laa thcao édeda ngh.Number o! loan-20. lthere vas sone troublé over a lak for Sffi e Time Past'Noir 'lie saYs iehé asd haoere et Total number of Instruments fllIed Ing roof, Pearl claimlng that vatér . Wiidnton Station. moe demand more for their products -103. leaked througb audruined nse éo! thon thé prîcés "quoted Io the bouse. Total amount of loans-159.6G0. the <urniture tu bis tbcMtéf Whou hé Thl* thé Chicago, Milvauké. and wtfe ln the city by the retaîters. Business has tisen fairl>' bruisk. on! ta pay bis relit forutshéontb et. peu, ia planning on building a Upu - "A former of Warsaw, lnî., quoteu l ans however betng below the aver- hie deducted $6.26, this being bis es- r age. timate of the damage ho liadt ustain. 'nO Weuicsbsefrom Wsréatéé l1 new laid éggs tn méaet 44 cents, vhenj Lake Forest has again béen thé éd. théeflot dibtsnt future and that énten. the average price ln aur groceriés vas tcnter or sévéral întéréstîng dénis. Goldberg, l apere rfuedte sî @ve Plans Sm. béing mode té 095* up tran29 e 3 cets. ie ské >~Dr. Arthur Dean Bevan sold 6 1-2 Icept thé rent with thîss un dèductéd the suiburban servicé onlits lesneut âf cents for bacon and 15 cents for pure ocrés of the property bouillt sons and Étarted suit agatnst hini for $160 Chic& o.which h»é beéau deayed Ué tard. Thé highest pirice here for lard lime ago ta Charles E. Brown, iemnlit875 o oerti h ay év earéut.qhWsw is 5 cntaandforbacn 2 cetsprésident o! the Central Eléctric Co., lase praviding that the tenant must jméft heu btwde thé et.Pu sd A vomen ln Décatur, ?lch., asked 5 Mr. Brown plans ta remodel thé bonne pa>' thé voter ront.th ohw té,lwa éJu s. cents~~~~~~~ apudfrnon intéc onthé promises, havlng sold bis bons Thé évidence showeul ibère vere in§ te llg hi o n vrawih vspê ipound lota, vbié tbyre sald bier ID at Green Ta>' road and Viné avenue tvo otiier tenants ln thé building so 1eépOrlttt thave flétei habtfoi, an>' quantity at thfee pounds for 1 0 t Ellén W. Babcock for a nominal thé court ruled that Pearl should pa>' - mémé tin. V conta."consideration, although thé prtce 16 but Oné.flfth as a fair and lest prope- If in Mtst that repeédutatve . Mr. Wostér!éld aaaounced that Sen- naid teolié about $19,000. sition. Witb regard to thé rent mot- theéSt. Paul mair.d o!rlIe bavé hbe Star John A. swaîion wiii introduce In Highland Park William L. Wil- ter lbe ailoved Perl ta deduct thé iooklug oves, thé landi tvsén @aisîh0 in thé Iegslature a bill to nuIt. the son sold to Richard R. Lake for a $8.25 as thé amount o! damagès. tan and Warr.aton a&i that amat use of trading tampe illégal, nominal conslderation 2 lots. one on are aimoat reai>' ta proeéé elvl Rager Wlliams avenue and one on -Un*h nte ! édngaso M4AY SIJM IT RATES -Rlnd CeGav nt sold ta Marié J. BILL W L A O 'thé rosi intli Waukgsa ami tInsm» Fairweather for $7,600, lot 171 South .1.T f R OF I@ou. nsfcunsscoi n a pz u st BOOST T VOTERS Highiand addition hoing anesat fron- IL 11UFIEv bast one é chIé usett ak.teliméta. taeon Judson avenue. A .C L E T R huhI abtafwmut â IN ST TE 0 ILL In otbér parts o! thé count>' sevéral T X C ETORWteg t. h u é ie h IN IT TE f LL 'ieaiso! intéeet vere récordei. amongt____ thon hing thé salé o! 3 lots ln Ma- k1tu istatéthat thé ýPUUmant t4 pie Gravé subdivision at Round Laecé Representatêve Boyd of Galva ro.d are bu huild th*é fostotlu kégn . * &a. poit -slabtl>" asil t People of Illinois to Have Last b>' Chas. Ni. Maciarlaqe to Henrietta Would Maiçe Euh, Taxpayer eség vét t pge.b q Word Lto Say- oh2V2 Cent Radminabi for $4160. S;inon Hélifgeth. W __ - tf&vb,- rou illtt hgat'ML __joining thé Congrégationai cbhvch ai -tma-une. Are fr $,00.RobrtM.Vase et WOULD- MEANBlG SAVIN(q. IF THE NEW BILL PASSES. al sold to Edgar 13- Vose tvo loi% -il bas alvagbm~4odIS at Druc's. Lake for a nominai consid-. 0f Opinion That $224,000 bStgarminefét> Senator Harris Wouid Submnit eation.%ln Proosiio toInreae ile ~George P. %ferrick sli te William Would Se Savedl on the:Estli. tbl nWiqa aawi t JCampbell for $50,353.82 part o h ae eof eeC n t I n a h ugo Cost ta Votors. Montgomery Ward estaté holdings ID thé coint sent snd eth r tl séctIoqae 1 and 12, Libértyvllle tovu- The office of tax collecter may hé, ths north sudi southpovlg q The People ofIlilinois may hoe gîven xblp andiIn section 36, Warren town, aboltabed at this session of thé 1111- Northvester reématnsd avs an opportunit>' ta decide vbotber pu-asshhp. nota legîsiaturé If thé proposaI o e- i .certbain tirýterY hich thé stSt *~ songer rares vithin thé state shah Guy' G. Woodin bought of Aléx F. présentatîvé R.11>'Bo! f f3rlva a op -bas used eicluslvély. Hilever, fil 19 hé Incréasei front 2 conta a mlle to McKeown 79 acres In N. E. quarter o! toi. Thé obJect ta to de ava>' vith 1 s Ihqdtttbe Northweétera viomtié 2 1-2 cents.section 2, Lihortyville township, hé- thé 2 per cent beli for collection of lies asrsbmt intu'crtain, plieeol 4 St 1- c ent GoreW.Hrrs hung thé John Kélléy farmfor a nom- the taxes ln thé tovnsips. Blocs thé« the g a PMI buboI* Staé enta Gore . aris n al considération and alo ought of ln# él&" thé St. ~Pa ul M éé'e nounced Monda>' that vben thé pas- William J. Campbel thé Chas M. Yeu're 10 hée your ovn collector. ac- pension ulidsrlits 0voans" ami vie sénger tafilc bill he Introduced ln Brown terni in section 36, Wtrr.n cerding ta thé Bayi plan. vbicb'ai-1 ouit.rUgItt the Nbtbvute-À» thé senaté hé vill orfer as amendnéent township for a nominal corshderation. ready ha vorking vêit»l more than a o!o thé mont désirable cbéagé iW Providing that a referéndum clause Thos. E'. Wilson hougbt o! s,,aa doze. states in 'thé union. You psy thé St. Paul la te flot lato Wànuite L .BdInger 60 acmés in section 1, Lhb. yoUr taxés direct to the count>' trene- isna'thus bavé a direct *eeole" WM ho addld ot thé bill, that the proposi- erbyville township for a nominal con. tirer vho receipts for thé ameunt iii'thé 'J at this point and Cet its 86 lion me>' hé submlttei ta thé people sideration and aliso bought o! Jas T. due teonm. You may-vhén thé lav o! théebsiness tb Mli>'tes a"i01 at thé Judicial lection Juné 7. Fitzgerald lot 2 o! the N. T. quarter %pasués'.-'cll at thé treaaurem's ofite, mgo as véil saWa nocthsvm peta" "S test that It ls a question 'sur- o! thésanme section., or you mn>' mail 70Dm check or draft ficienil>' close ta the peeple te menit Jan e Melci>' sald te John P~. '%foio- for thit amaount, or If >'ou prefér, thée Plan Pour Tramcé? dy for a nominai considération 97 tréasuror wyul mai our récéipt to AMi, Il la forther reporWtai thé t. théir full . considerothon. and confi- 3-4 acres in R. E. quarter of section 6 youm bank vbsre yotlmc>' psy as yen Peuh lrsilsyiàg a *W timjg sp deuce, and 1 shail Innist upon a rot- Déerfieli township. ,s>' 1have héen paj'tng outi!. mien- betlgeén, Chicato andi Mii*Wauk &» eréndum clause being attachai te Daniel B. Wilihams of Antjocb ancé premiuns. Thèee iii hé ne ex- goes. atgr thé travél bswtv"ths an>' bill upon this aubjèc" sali Son- bought théeItolman feain o! 80 acrés cbangg charge, hécause your 'banltér tvé cition. fitla mii that beiso ator Harris. "Personaily Lny con- ln section il Warren townshfip for a Wiii hée glai te acconnedate yen nsdi is preitousarnabig.ct vW» *0 noinal considération. bondie your moné>' unthi tho treabur-' Nothvést*M .thé S. P"an! b Mg victions are that govémument raliernIn Lake Zurich Chas.1H. Pattén soli or 'Calls for Il. hariiipped.lu gett*n tn ýù * thon privaté ownerahlp la thé OnI>' 6.63 acres ln the S. W. quarter sec- Boyd éstimates that $17,000 a yéar: P*»MgOnsé falau e hum>'t hvé! I*p réel solution o! the question. An>' thon 17 Ela tovnship ta Mary' Pattén voulli hé sarsi ha. b imt3t meW 7 eé- i.Wothé. .tvocities, tie mvqmp ether nethod la onlyt>'tmpoarising for a nominal considematon andisr.yéar. On thé e t;fl ýa taie. , r Mét o! hache, rote., e t éhg.tpc vith thé situation. hért Sauer bought thé Zimmér placé!h,0,00for 11, $8A0votii l' tisé lb.Norbbv.stér bas bienpb8 'Howvvr, 1 amnont a ra ohit- lni N. W. quarter section », Vernonm Savéd. %É&0. 'beat the St. Pant ho Sil a 'V#» or. 1 réalise that thé preéperit>' o! townsbip. Boyd hélievès hé yl fini atrong héteéatIO Cillés. vth thé111111 thé milmeais meas,mucb ta thé Sén. Thé oni>' déni of Intèreat tu Wauko- support for bis messuro theugbhéliela unia"60néent O! theSt. Paul ioélt é eral wel!are o! thé country. If thé gan vos thé recording o! thé deéi to Dot sure o! Its passags ai thé présenthlpr5a ratironis are sincère In théir vish te thé Batch!ori Cal! Méal factor>' o! session. Hé la confident. bevvr, 42«. - if- liétour truck gisela ege- Placé their case hefor. the people, thé li 2th Century Machine Ce. that enough sentiment viii hée devol.'idEOnul the -8t. Paul. Itla la téi, 'w thé>' shouli go ta thé people direct uni propért>' on Sand strest for a nomin- oped for il, te Insuré Ite Pessagre Ivo' Procési î& ivolop a sUIvieS UÏI prosént their aieln an oepén, hoiléit al figuré, aithough Il la sai thé pirice yeams henco. ont o!f uilpg hivhlcb vii rtit $10 snaner,and i am sure thé eoie veas htweèn $8,000 and $10,000. sâberbe sprlaglng up simils>'te tb0 viii accord thon a faimrbssying. Il, ' ~ 1Eon thé Northieuteries e& n oetk u Eiectlon sttevIdes. -FÀRMTO jvg tA- U*III!1ln.Witb thé service avsUbk «'There la a Judiciai éléction June .3 1 K J3 etmc réivul étec y 7,, vhich la almost statevldé, and an I1~A I1ÇD nev levua aiong théenévl>' sns5 expression coudhé bai 't thatUbine. ÇII. - MID s" ~suhurban Une. If a majorit>' o! thé votés cast ah that R E À IE SThus, t! thèse pilana sic é10 Lý e. ine upon thé subjech sbouhliho far- Prosecution o! Illinois farmera vite Formera o! Kane CeuI> ae ro l t ls seén that Wieultiffl am il orable, thé bill couli go talc, effèct méistèi thé Inspection of cmttleé b>' ng iniions ovér théeona lué u&> CeunI>' are includée la a MI" Jul>' 1. With a réfereudun dcausé fedemai and stato vetoinalans ln antiné ordérsi hécause of thé foot sud exact sceéof vbkU canant le tes there6 "nouliehéna gréat duflicult>' hn search o! borde affectai b>' thé fot nouth diséusae.Thé>' sent Senftoi nom guésasiet. .Pasing thé, bill ln lther bous. and and mouth dinguesé viii1hé stnrted this Beébé Richardson o! that count> toj At an>' rate, as onus » It là the billveu simpl>' avait thé résuit véél b>' the govemnmént. urge United Utatés Aterney Clyne 1weék: "Thing a"a gobe tle 4W- o! thé réferéndun. Reports o! the Inspectors, maie ou yéstsmdayta uéhie Influence tovard îIng In titis tWic al>'i the ma* t * "S conléas tbnt 1,venu lIke tossée Snoda>' to United States Attorney' lifting the embargo befr. April 1. lIn faCt, pePlé'u «é>e bd vi Wb* thé éxpeninont tried b>' thé raIIroads dlyne, mn>' that lu nomé Instances thé A dlaslch fron.Washington au-j thé>' se vhet's eomhutuIfé'J"ebi bémause It vouli hé an iuuuai pro. vives and daugbters o! fermeor», tas etdl.the Quaantine baisoin order- t>'in and about Wà%bàIsý cégdumé for thora andi hémucé 1 hélievével au thé tirmers thenseivés, point- ad séténisi lu nins statés. In liii. the inherent fairness o! the people éd shtauns at thon, noeébtie*r>' ln Peoria count>' vîit-. vOuli prove a révélation to thé rail- Thé fédérai grand jury viii ros-. In à radius o! Ove mités o! In!écted -tie coutl motlieé -W" ~I rosi.. Thé people are net- bostils te semblé toda> aDns>' ay athe char&g. rmnus va. cloaed. licys Aller théeluul ral1roas." -ý*,-.. .Ihlinola autboi letitsali thé quera.t-M utihard