Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Mar 1915, p. 12

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T. A VO (1(~TTM'PV TW arî,7rsww~ 5!1)TrI A V .S4f4-W ~ J Irm . .4 1 ý D"NIE . r .'UIM'AI5.* tltled, 1 havre mY reward 1lu M EV lflUE~dUN N I1iamn net unmlnd fi =i he bIg "ka TODO N Is thbat has been Mine ln the 'do ithe greatest legisiative boi Wa the APPREM M Eworld, for even a singie teri. 1 &S, couR Esy nowN sure you of rmy appreclatoa.Oftbaut COU TES SI0WN illo or et your bands. 1 have foUM' inv lubars here very enjoyable thdeed 1 sud oai the greatest possible iiterast. Sitrust that the relations betweuj CongressmnaflSays Heasli as, as citiy.els of thi Tentb Deiech Liked to Keep in Personal avlwy scodandl as co Touch 3MttIPublie. 1h have e yd ui theé UniE .n that cnpaclly. 1 THROUGH HIS LETTERS. ý' washington, D. C., F'eb. 27, 1915. - i (CHARLES M. TIIOMÉON, Has Tried b avePeo èep - - in Touch With Hlm asWi i -Termn Is Eneig. SMALL CHANCE 0 TOI TUE tPEOPLE OP 'THIi TENTH ~~irDYZN CONG4(RESlSIONAL IOIUT: U5MIE DR As the terni of my service aï YOur reliresentaitve in Congreswi çose within the caxnlng weéh, 1his wtt ha B LL INf FAS 9 tue asat ai my open lettars ta you. This la the flty-tid latter 'which I have addressed to my constltuaits Efforts of Rev. Quayle, Accord- guealln trug th ICiiliprs ing 10 Belief Here, WUINot publ 1wstatirebedinopWrWtinyi Be of Much Avail. of pubilcly thanking eaçb and every one er these editora for s0éli teér- ation as tbey have touunaI I pasible COALITION IS THE REASON? ,,a affard me ln tis oefodt whlbie____1 have madle ta lieep ln touch with as many af yen as possible. Cause Given for Belief I-ft te Or couie a of the panlers ave Manner in Which a Speaker but iwsh:ci hem hvepubi d oeWas Selected. (i thn and 1 realize that artts It bat not been possible ta use them hW cause af press ef ather mattet whicb ilcîbîite the efforts ot Rav. Thoas bus bad beter elaim ta the spacé iQuaiyle ta revive the. question af the titan thcy could bava had.' i éauld five mite dry zone abolut the naval not have kept ln taucb wIlb the pea- foe of îny district as 1 bave endeavar- training statian at North Chicage. the Wd Io, by ineans of thèse lettera. withb bellet prevails ln Waiskagan that na- out tbu cco-aeratton af those in charge thing wIii be done refflrdtua the of thèse local papers and t1aam. there- nuasuré at this terni af the legIixl- rare. Indebted ta them ftar their sa- tireé. ëîstase in Iis malter, t have mnade This bllet le baaed niion theémn- every effort la mndlng out these Jet- ner lu whîeb Shana&han w«e ected ters ta have an eye single ta the pur- speaker et <he bouse. Wbelp the baume pase i1prave as the abject of thé let seemed hapeiessly deàdiookad Ibère tata in the irst ane 1 sent lu AprIl was a coalition bètwéen the wets and two yuurs aga, naniely, taouatsertramtheAdrys and hl i wm nade speaker. that tetter, "In keep lu as damse lanci At the tmé the apinian prevalled tat as passible wlth ail ot yau and ta tbis wonld have the affect ar pitcing enabie ail of yen ta, keep in as dlosa the sert Pedai on ait wet or dry ièg- teuch as pssible wtb me, ta the end isiatien for thia terni. The bellot liera that 1 nay tender yen accurate repre- 19 that ail measures afthIis kind wlJl seutation and Inteligent service as bave ta go aver tinîlI the nazi esion. yanr representative ln Cengresa ln Thus wieie ln losilte that Piev. the framlng of aur National iaws." Quayle may secure enangli backtng te Apy déviation thal I1rnay bave miade brtng the dry zane bil ta the atien- trom that purpase ln any ana ai thème tien ai the baume tt le doubted It lttera bas been unnntentloual and an vote can be sécuréd Iis lime. er-or ef théeliad rallier titan etthe Thi a h ffl te enwdry bill wbich heart. îrohtbltlonists bad lnned lta bring iy wonld be taise ta MYsei and guli- np ai Ibis sessian of thé légilature. ty ai ypocrisy tf I dld nt cantesa Io The county option bill whlch go near- a feeling et regret that my ervce iy pasmed iamst year, waa-tolie revtvad. h*re l9 a te halîilted Iot a uinglie ternýI.h Iis bilt becanie a law and -people lu thé very thinga, a niem- eiacted te follow It the antire county ber et. a gréat ieimiatve body like, wouid go dry ai ana lime, dspllUe oi- the Hanse o eRpfèsetallvesanot tarte et wets lu saoun trrltaa-y. reacit thé palnt « bitghemt eMiency Thé fivé mile dry zoeawouid lha wultmorne e xpealénoealu the opeSe. différent forane It was entabllslledsil tden et lts législative meé-hiaej tlan wauld reniain effective inddalfteiy. Se. hé cm possl bhave vitbh i £ retsI scul o m ak terni. - Hawever, i have net consciaus-las aineceebak ly postitauad mskiggan e effort la afrke eut aund ta" s acttie rt lunARAELCfB8 WW wavlc et the Hou"e, awalilg a pas- Arthur Trettin, Mlwaukee-....27 sible further telure et sevice. but 1 Florence Blegeanitud, saine ...25 have made every effort ta give YOD ItieErnest Hardke, Benton Harbor, hiIrePrent*tlUon 1could end te put ' Midi----------------------...28 mudny service bers ail thé effart etf('ara Wlliett, South BendI d-...32 whicb 1 wus capable. wtb MniymteaI John T.entenégger, Mlwauke-...24 expérience ln Congreselanal wark. Ir Anna Tiavelice. saie ............. 19 1 have succeeded la anY masaure in John fî. Parte; Milwaukee.... 10 CIiVlng yau thé service la which audit Luchle L. ONealI.&Mme----------.25 tt ezcéPtlnailyhigli-ciaSa district au Lester J. Hanses. Chicaga ....s thé TIeth district of Illinois, lé en- Poit'iae Cramne, sanie.......... 25 Toneglect -a motor-car Invariably means dlssatisfaction. Entire enjoyment of un auto- mobile com~es through a GOOD car kept good by GOOD SERVICE. Hudson owners are a contented tk of people. Their, cars are always in the beat of running order. They use their cars every day. They psy practdcally notbing for upkeep aside from fuel, oil and tires.. Our Perpetual Service gystem goes. with every new Hudson car we seil. It la the reason you see so majuy HudoSxeson thestreets. ItIsbecaus, of tubs Service System that Hudson cars am bncreasing 80 rapbdly hIpopularity. , If you would like an entfrely new id. of motor-car satitfaction-if you would like te own a car that always will be In condltbonfordaiiy use--corne and seeus. 10), wUd** ef-.o piaef. Pd. é* .-, .a.o.r OIU. EM!L SALES COMPANY ~jWaukegan, II. Phonos: Waukegan 1or 334 0- -, omeow aSewer's Weok le Con. $ 4dact4\&prith a vie.W ot sinll ]SUY No«w for &il eeds Cover Embwoideries, AT -25.YD A tempting "special" of 111gb-grade S,%iss Thn- hbroiderias of 17-i n e h wit.Unusually clabor- ate designing; beading -edge. While the limitýd lot la't4, 25e- yard. Keg. zft Platt 9 I.Val. Laces A large' assortment of pi ctv noý elty,,patterns, au I tir îuses are almost iîîilitttit*<l. W"ide cdgings; iitW]y eonstrueted. se aridlOc New Linon Lace* c liarnien and Franch linen (geuiline) laces, especial- ty' fo)r undargarments, fan- cx- work or curtain edg- iiigs. Widths up to e/_) in. Edgbnge, E..ndlinge, Eeadin$à and The selaction 'of these dt4iuty Swiss and cambrie embroidery edgings, band- ings, baadings and gai- bon1is now here has neyer bec-in se large and beauti- fui.' The low prices' too, are i nteresting. Qune of the etadutbe forniis the celebrated mak- tre, of Hall-Borchert dress forms manufacture. Eigbt' parts alter it to simulate +Dny figure. 7.0Dresa Form 5.98 V nother splendid adjust- aibie (4 parts) dress forni of the fanions Ill-Bor- ehert kind. See it demon- strated._____ PE&CALEL SIKTINGS Thbs twco-caue lot of AT«kYD While the.pretty, new mia- ternais- fabries for shirts, waists, blouses, aprons and 'bouse dresse last you can save a third. Fast colons; ,36-incli. Esnbroidery ltdgiagstobMatch -oui' new lines of or- gandie, voile, crepe and other white fab- ries. This will inter- çget the dressinaker who demanda exact- es and gets eýffective s.resuits.' $130 Crepe de Chines, 01.29 Pure silk'quîality; 40-ineli. New Spring shades for street and evening wear in- cluded. 1.25 si11k ô Wool Poplins, 1.05 Bettful in finish andi texture; 40-ineh. Sand, battleship gray, nexv blues and greens,,etc. K.eguler 1.25 Tub Stîka, 95c 33 and 36-ineli widths. White or tint- ed grounds with neat stripes. Washahie anti rýjgaable. 36binch Tub 811k., 43c A splendid hune of new striped tub silks. Xlite lrocaded grounds with colored stripes. $1.00 Black Messaline. ai89C Tie qiîality foi- whieh %we are famed- pîurie silk, fast dye; soft aud lustrons finish. 1.25 Blk' Duchesse Satin 1.10 Yard-wide all-silk satini of mediun weight, possessing a deep, jet black veix-et tone. w..i oreus o %Ctvç c.kSuifin9s ai 48e _ ý _ksu~-whte ehecks as well as dom- ino and s hepherd eheks 'ill bc vcry popular foir Spring. 38 and 40 juches 81.50 Tropical Sultings, $1.19 J3alc-an diwite, the popular comnbina- tiails that.ail style centers are de mand- ing in 54l-nch all-wooi serges. 4 attract- ie stipe designs. 50du. Woql Storm Serge 95c A reniarkable value because of th~e great advance on 'vool fabries. A splen- did quality at this low price. Ail the new shades. 1.50 Eni. Tweed Suitings 1.29> A fashionable wvcavc in ail the leading eolors for Spring-sand, putty, battle- ship gray ineluded. 54 and 50, inches wvide. N~v Waah Eleoda at DIg Daviaiga -50c P.êsited Lace Cloth 39o Tluted greunds printed iii neat floral deSigns. 11*gby marcanizcd; 40 inchehs. 50e$nted OblK Miali,39c = ïr~*dtx.inllà Ïnnew DireMden de- aiusOu wite and colored grounde. . 25e Prbntcd'Plisse-atl19c Beautiful combinations on wvhita or ereani groi'nds. No ironing or starcli- ing. RXeSular 15e Lace Clotb 10c .An innusual offer at f listie. Pretty designs on white lacey grounds. I WIut. GobNew 23*p.shion Voiles at 19C 40-incbÏ.fibncs lun white or creani. Very soft andebheer; fine aven thread. Keguler §Oc S.ed Voiles 45c Sheer with interwoven " seed " af- fects simlating _nie cloth. 40 to 45- inch. Kegular 35c Laoe Cloth 20c A distinctly new weave that will have much favor. 36 to 40 luches wide. 69c Embrobd. Orgeudie.. 48c Enibroidared fabries will be lu favor which wvil nake this offaning unusually popular. loi *lo 9eLIIm 1e idi. Fine plin 'satin Pure-dye petti- '"Lustral Satin" Snow-white India ar the n èw serge. coat satins of 36- t h a t resemblesý linon- of g oodý liningsin t an, micliwidth. Tear- satin and wears .qility for lining gray or black. 36-1J proof;- wear ga-baffer. 18- n e w purposes. Uusgu- inches wtde. ated New=olosbA~ides; 36-incli. lly low priced. Blaok S b~<ilk, ré;. -Aho adéu1k ~~Oyd. ~ot>~u~ mpeoi*o ablgh.lsUS3f Fineior btos aul NeédIe-Polnt Pln, ibeboU, lises.r-g.1. w sc' - SCaiays 5, 8pk. for no Best maa»hP 00, rqmgài Reg. 10o ékirt beltlng -blaok 10o Dta, e, »«Pot.7c and wbte, ne,. yad i i 4J ', boa,. Thread, 3 *Pooles'19C 35c 8.wlne bMachbn.8.Iblte. 15e; t6é Th bujsti W uahine, linitcd "boe," Is made te it any nuahinequickly. 10e.L~Ii~s.I bh*ikorwite atardOc ewiuig Machiie Neédié,, lOc tube fer Ta .~. u 'm~u..~.L.. hIoa Ms C i I2c AADEL135i tbl C w ~~U0e ~*w F.ji. AT rYD The Mel begt ribbon value wè'e 'eOfzred for soea tue. l)esiùs infloi"Icôtvention- ai, ehack, p lid, and stripe eornbin4tionsof Spring col- atings. Sashes of fancy work b6ilWches wide. slavýe outhos. 25e Boit Trhmmlng Braid, .lSC-Silk soutaéh(g, brai«:in.ý bisait., whitc amnd îany-e eO-1 ors. 32-yard -boit, now 15C. 10e SiIk- Bindlng B'Sg 8c Yd. -7The, xnost poppla braid in use. For bindingk suits, vests and tniînming -iitry quits and dressa. 8"lan ad colors; 12-ligne widtbs.' 25C Trlmmng Eralda, Uc Ird.-Novelty eorded braids in the favored clos-plain or cojubination. T" .be*t 1,w-urc.d ràachimo on the In anawering every purpose which any machina is ex- pacted to performn you are enabled to own an Eldrege sewing machine and pay half of what- othar maltes wilL' cost you. Let us teilyUo- our extanded-paymentpli and show you$ ,iptleeaY', feature. of-'thé saveral md ern Eldrege models. Furni- ture Aumex - Osenou ai Water str0a. Ln¶ilh -Loag Ci.t4k *S for ttua' ATd bit A mighty gpod ,savizig at a, time it will- 4~ appigeciatted- niost. Chamois finish; full- bleached. e -iiav been, rew*àved an'rveal a superb se- lectiolt of new pten and colpringsfora21 room. -9%oe-home May be beautiied . xtensive-' ly in their-use.- - I e Money- this March saiê e hrDicr of ~~fpinDNks NatablyR.déuod I i r e

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