~RNOW BÀCK iosTftFri",dsTook rI)xa to Cho»$~eo uld lias ýPark imlil for the. lutsMt ul, 4g*eniilaas lper, vu tel- !chinage MetoSaturais>'moruin kt nid as aga loks! up tu ým Chigo filnda af LuesadI O*isneai tit hé roshi>bis lev- bveeaoed liaIle seuls b>' an istes2$ud baoln du lcsghavas mie l a e, 1(fa le Wb oeu dounnd civub lm lisalb isi lie E Î6 uanortomi autint ametin hbi eattoy tim litgI vua Pue olic e- a h in t h mtIseI l!uad Par. fueoi n entelibu p- a meing lb. sfmte aao preees b' hsau I. t lA s. * tat the ilut tlssp lé anaetr "set aiv.>Myaà aper 1 t lint PO$5,0ad tmsallil be>' vfL eh t e amie nirtÉlbr bcaaingbau sa, i lug 10do viti lié federsial ng vhlah la Wha haelai tomeWIrov net hanabut report Irom i lhcte sithth le effiot laI sali a meettlat 1 be ls!ou Tues- 4"y st whlch lias. Il v*ii 1decilcai vhéihar or sot Lusadi shall b. de- jWhM Lamant let for Chicago on Oàatrais>moidas th& Impression vwo ghveu tint b. vasbd ainlc'en sw>' f«n goond ansHighlaund &Prit:rasihdeat 'gaeaJublant. 'Phare vasconsidérable oxcitément ta Chitago -éheit, las kW»vutle iellav hdbasbau Isimu thoe 6"thia sis tn dioresaicf viien41vuana saunées! liaIlie hail bea tahen toaa piclure show, Thée ltles nf thé 4004oot vîreles taver at the Naval Tr&Wni Station vii haoset lu Plane tàleerPow suaithe accasionviii liénisil b>'the rate lat oif a ut nih houe sn important Pace la AiMKim, Iito,>. - SThéefas la lIaI vb$qlt Vas fiying an thé U,.S. crleer Chéates'Pheu Com- mandant Moffttitnov of 1h.Naval Station, atesmed lto nVer. Crus, aies. Inn lait year sud captures!tlis Méat- Mau port for tic Unitei Ilatee. Capt. Mdoftt retalaed Ibhis 4&g saidbroal Il ta 1the station vilenho wvasmade. commandant. 'Pharefora il hoIb.a- cardas! the distinction tnmorrav sien thé "s leu la put la piscé. The caremoules yUl b.lunnse- quent but vheu the big sutÏe itovar la cooulote. voiv e vlièe tas At anas, lien liera yl hoiea hlg ce- bration si 1the station. Thle second laver wviii ha SdUplmtoa-407 test above tia gro>uud, sud 4U7 eet slave the lake. 0f F»»» a.Player Lyrie Marh '-'s -wm~ S~ FL~KE Acees la COMING-T~IUMDêY, 1"Ny L DIEUE MU R 0 %&m ' et s Plets, Wiftd. forThe RawIcigh Wagon [y Stock of &awleigh Produet mà,freh and complet Mediclne for, Personal use, Extracta, Spicee, .J fumes, Toilet Articles, Soaps, Polishes, Stocka Poulty Supplies, Dip and Dlshifctantý ec. ~WAIT POR KE. %.M. Stephens' Bçauty Pa:rkor Ma*iurina& ShaqpoiaIIs fr Proe- ing FclêMAsag &Scaýl reitunnt ring~ am" Md- c Gaz, Elecctric ad$m-n1 WlAIJo etflFDuH AISU atmSILVER- WAUU, NICZWAM ,AMTOMEA lM. *T~R ETIMAT! Au~~~~~ tu.I~ga ~pL r ue Hati a Rather tnteresting Exp e eRecentty. j Altiaugli thé Incient happenes! s fev ulgîle aga Il diai uat lécome nlmovtil "ytit Dr. Budisa velown W Chinago phyatcien ffaDeoae, eles 0dJoker Comedy> -h~sUdmABtaaml Dr. -,Tus of the D'Urbem1lIes Festurlux Mr*. Plate Seeuadai01ounext page --SWEAY- 8 Te Old tt Streme ...2-r Imp Dr. Per- Featurtsg King Béggol md Theu.ablaT&Ulr Knlacli Dr. and PFslurivueStaaly Walpole. lrea ar,U[os!sasBali The Msdoe Grl...LI-Ko Cornuil> Blâte Bie ni iLoutresGrIl' In The Master Key 's Fou«' RosIsof â1:7- ASupduAT i ne PR -- ém Cam ma*Letbut.ruFt* Patrdj, Ma. 6 The 1% am lhweI.2-r Eta D.i Uase ph"a.m»i«hayll '1 KalefiCames!>. sa ePuni Bauds>', ti.?7 9-thraheatlbe rm LOIs.the et a..VIteupl Dumm r Ou 8hMadhMof h« Ch",a 'a mm~uêmmmêmemsom - -,,,r'r..7r~"*"r. r- -' ST; PAUR NAD IS 8s ae .Be&n Stealng Ccp- perWhesWIh Formn Con- IbohW£ scc yslemon thea Chlgn xnmilII mm an!et. Pautlralhramdail t hé t oftil>' n adout snd beauoe lAI pt mas! Wadaerth, lbu bout. ilase!usaees praetcally sthéero- sit o! buSods madeé b>'coptiar thaves vin amebellaveil te ha bors. o*afmcoste a l ie ee!ar e datevm u lesua tha identit>' oetiese boys <our net osi>' are lb.>' put tW th.elaon- venlmofai staumpermi vitihiocî aystasn but emner or aler tiere la hable tW ho a hast occident throuh th1e allupre' a!the sanmpitorea tu voul peaperl>'. 'Pli pla eocpper virewvich 'hav bé boIesZare ouI>' about euhb- tees Inchos lu iaugti but ove 180 o! lien have boaut Moi«. Tbae plee- es ni viremSUl eecongecttoma be-4 Iveen lte railsams!tlh»eMa"I lsi hIe ta nus. lieta fer elgéalpaeo. elca thé ýbffs bave bueas uftllu th. vIres locetamas!removing thesti lie binck systan coul4inet ho depeus!-1 .6 nwecansd scores et trisn have heen stoppes! beeam thé>' !earod dan- ger vitici ails! not extat. On thé atiar lions! if t>hast sotetstoppes! sIen lie bloc& signal tadboates! danger a1 vreck mlglit bava resufla. Mr. Covsu7 lie chiai détective of tle lia. has been worlng on the mat- ter for sev'eal siys ud etIthee pro- sent Ume tour beys ia under sur- veiliance ans! ns>' héarreetes! et snzy Ume. Cavan la nov viltlag for the boys tu ma.eouneffort to diapaee ai the vire s atntoli nu>catch thom res!eaflo. A. cloue vateal a golng kepî aud tlis préhabi>' vIlIhave tle affect ai préveutlng au>'morea thefle ofivire.- AÀIOLDUP MAN won holl .>l bit euScaded la maklng j1Jjjf stantiy lu Important snd déciIve hise scapo due telhe saidrendered 'UEtN. - M U RS IO) c.aplus snd battles, or te énlist hlm b>' a ftltIfqI dog. 4 as a vrlvate soidier and continue onL Rtw Iasela'saturda>' iitght. Dr. P & i W AY SUN. thé flrlng line throughout the var, Budde reevéd a lotoeca te 1 a houge with promotion ai the end te the rack vestetofW06*legsu and after making o'~I~Ct~ f Brigadier Genersi. or te bave had i il was drrning home about midulgi.. AT isIJJUlsIIUDHm thé good fortune t0 have continuel- As ho reached the 016 cemnetery o. uudPomPg Oe) service under such gie-at leaders and Dugdale rosdaadurit ligurOetole out 0flncausaig Ia.ndite o ihe Civil (rom the cemstary and teak a posi. Cci-d rmpg ne) oWh ausr fte.no n h ii lio l té hldl 0 ln osi.Dr. muade rapid pragrens Iu hie proes lu I potîtica and ln civil lite lhe vas Buddé Miglit bave thouglit lhe as sud seelved 'publie recoguition o a tria. Patriot, d*Voted ta the Inter- ging tojîayo au e«portaeo ithia gréaI prOWis. h@rein. HIîterested cote at thé Grand Army and of th spook ad et dep viceordredhimif n te Pliten f te dy, ld otde, beloved b>'Il m kev L apoal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an ha4o0d01%lé rdrdsu elred bimnIef on thé Deuiccraun ir, and eaPfciallY b> those who had - him te olid Up his banda. tic aieo f the Qne.ous thonbef<x-ebeaua diicloner comaad.. in arma. Dr. Buddeà Mdg bad -boeutrottlag tthe country, aud counUuued in itbt Naaring the eud af lits lho was aong béhiad the buggy. At lii.blia. eclicIOf o! politic hrougimut hie Ilte. hoailte>MYthai thé establushment, bu.aig onth pat n 1. eranérAt the ami>' age ar tvéaty-fu or , grawth, and expansion of aur glorlous tâe ignOn-thePar 01thestrng luInhie upeehe a l uefort tes.«a-. country MUa adequaté reward for aIl thé dog bossu ta bark. P*Ytug no et. thé electienof topben AX DougIla e h nue coald give ot ervicé, audP tentdon te the do.g thé voIà*be hald- the Proadescy et thé Uuitod States. th&t viat h. hast llved t ee of the %P man caught bold niflithorse's bit ho ttuact*4attention ai, an ozator cf jresulta ai thé@serviceof lts.comade asD.Bud âdeon oIdiainunueuai force. 1 lu arme lad more Ihan recouelled hlm o opigor holditng Up lits land,luOu the outbreak of thé Civil Wlar te il Pn ou m ltr'oe0 0f soptiug186 liééultedvili 1h flat i.-thé f- remains geseral oflteera of Thé aecondi thé robher'a baud pauy mustèed at WWuk@gs, Uke thé Civil War te retlun the boson spf loucheai théelbit the dag bail no furtli- Coutl. Illinois, edsud@a etecteid b>'y getsa aéru onr éla éd doubla as t1thie proper course for lita(Company' sud C0malouéd tb>' belldt anbd.wr outyb a hlm to take. Heéb ai Ithé îeîîow Goveruor Ysle. asel, isrivt Lieuten- sudsal ietasis11 té fuh hrt Hie Company homcme a part o!thie 'witufieff, Mardi 3. of of hie Ieg. WIth s cuoa aud ex- Fifte.nuw Illinois Regtment t o iuma. Thé funéral of tlip late Gen. George clainatton o ainl Ithiat r reeased try Vlmt*ers. hli vasonmuaerld C. Rogers vas huis! et 2 oaciock toda>' bisbod o te bM Waandstppe lttub einsarvice foribres yem sor from, thé G. A. I. hall lu Waukem, hiebal o hi haIda na sd tepéddurlag the. ar at Fpset, îItnfob, urilibeiug lanOshrwood, hbselde hie bal te praotthimsal? irom thé ut- Mar'34, MS. sud lhersa amont ý vite. Thé rée va eelirouglilt rain tack of the doz. Thisasu thé oppor- etiqg sud unaful part of tiie Gunsrara Chicago wliéré hé dtes!. At the Wau- tunIl>' Dr. Budde hâd awalléd. Hé lre beffl. kégan hall théré vweré wailng man>' drové avay qutckly aud the dog toi- Short4v ster the. muslertug oa iesof thé géuerats aid fiands vho wiali- regisiant hé bemcajé apan or big éd la psy théir repecte tW hlm. Thé foweai. Thé holdup mma evtdently hsd CoMlpsu>'. s&d vIll hie régiment affîcérs of the Pont performed thé G. had enougli for oanilitisnd did uat movus! sonmu thé border joie Missou- A. R. rites lu thé hlsl, aller wheli thé <0110v. ri sarI>' lu tint yuar. body wus takeéute the cemetery. Dr. Buddé toda>' declareai that lhe The caMPaigu luvhlch fleuerai liasdeddea tatak hi do vili lmRogerésud hie rafimanut partielpated m i bu dcidd t taez b@ dg wth imver. thns. te thé reliet f I Go on ail niglit caolie-ho mkea lu thé Sélgel star thé doenétad oralIUTWA future. GêneralLYon at Sprugfield, Mignon-iv r________ i, thé elpédion eauat and capturé,f u IS n ;i of pt aoanmsê ten hud FO N» ISA E; 1 MARKx OIT!NS Maumry te lng cdansunder 'c T tIII Acuthvesleru Missourt agatuat thé ÀÇRCUES K farce. Ibère aseeté under Prlcu MIN aArnd VutDmnthe n stgataut Defendant Himnself Admitted c BOO( T (IIMON>AY luth sud for thé ral.! 0of Roséncrautz His VMmd l No t Right-Says ___a___CortuÎth lu the autumu or 1862. sud He Wants Trealment. lutér la t1h. Mme Ysur codér (louerai Secretary Visite L»e Forest Grn nth OYeMente . . atvugh vs ris!fon-s and Pays BM uisLgDue théesMrlY ePa-ta« iO 8 ta the cam. sanîl>'ID lu at>'court Fr165>', Feb. 26 Grocrs andi Othurs pale agialit Vicksburg sud agaluel et 8:30o clo*.., va sdudged insane ----- Jckson, Mkississippi, an M5gl= lt. by hy uywoh& h vdne B«eréardt Haa-rlaouurg, toulela. h- uyve er h vdne A apruce yostg -an aepped cff a I Ne H SsIMartidipsl5dla the Mer- sud was rémoved et Once te lteel-k Northweneru trin ala Isake Forest jIin RId nder Soera sud la th. gin Staté hospitlifor th. lnassa.. Monda>'ry a asiteaue. Idaliig soud Clttançfogansd un- This courseamat vilthéheapproval of Hie walked loto£a puces>, put his dé ier isu lubite avaucé oneAta. aurgithne!vn dits burdea héavil>' onuthefleur sud paltéd ta, sud tkénce lua te cmpaigu aargthm»fwo amfe hie pemphing farahea i vll a baud- thrOngh Georgie, tai Savanait, sud op liaI ho on ae daged su a n é es! oi kérchief. He openéd the. mystertous Uëtha-ul thé Caraitlnsa unthNe sur. trealmfent. enlisase.. render of Joe Jolinso ronsand5 W. B. Smith vse s ad auceiteer- ls contenta vere .aluble of ps- tiénce tW Washngton vhere ho, wvttivator lu' lie caseanaltbîhouali iaclasu pers-bIlle, dun». plae. reuit-sud îls regijueul. iartipalad lu lia savéral checki boa"e. 'Grand Eavlev of te o h e 2«b' nat beau fermal>' appolatei b>' the Slect aSmeur, s*q - day ai May, 1885, 1h. fourtI aisivor. caurt il in expectes! liaI hé vill b.. The strangar Ian a practSciti thuauhvaM"'fth ey htub t arl@COe a Hia boic isnd at o! p7,W9,eri baies and! ige titraugli a abeat of thé hills. w . oie te evieaife touas! vint hée - ing 1er sud ~~o.. -b>'théepaini1 pofégilira téaila.aricipaed la the lsiU« et th@ Prom thé evidoaca inlroducedaiathtei. 1ft lm u" MI .es.toualug hies aconaeaans! Sadatia l la .,WW«tharlug Ibis morns lene a.os celetias t.elé*~0 oo. Pt. iaksto. Shiloand us!tho iioè4ié'roue, te doute W0lnvvlt'à menta, Thé laftw trIosteL±i, Ma 5bwt l. 'nnaee PL i. Eeamvd,Loai nlotice that Me' Mi vua avérdua, à am. FL <Eb»nas, yfleas!, Jcio deragéent. Tvn pby@-gn, Dm-. Personsi lete~, Sas onat and!a a Me' 111 iim Î tiserv, W ad Dnile la h "I:the i.. aihes'memrada. ViCheuburgI, Mr9ans d 22,8. Jp s tand! and! éxpreesés! ther beUé th "Mâat sassastea i. ugcorrespos!. sbn la Juir io;le , 3, 4nmie eue am thér Illr w., Bssona*-gélm, ~1»l~. '1 ~ Mar Motoua eerêDalls, natatonuan, 'lt, MIe wiusvghîtels! nithe retie tar>'." M ath iee *Pwb êyOWi55Mm. * Kaýnes ouatain, poue î; <»ý ufborné rimarbebulot> rnw Ir Am gnSola ive Oyon 1h15 Obock nlantja, J0a«èm, r<a . eo ., pnds>' MOrnngof thie vernI vbm ityernt ofacciouat, Plun il elt anMd aIl 1h. «tlat ftt c i ime b roi evtvid aan!rer recelpt en Ihia lion 7. smý' fouata isseAvmyIn huis isn. ogi bér ans! er hllein ~N Peu.vsie" e rdem. the (Carolines, ViSta tha Trdéeon. Gênerai Rogers va. four thuas 911. 1014 ai mmmentiaffthé police ta 'PlThe y«u"g maveut iran nué vassdes! aI lie batislaoe! 111101, but the aculle snd hsvlng hm ins eil un- Iadeenman ta suother sud vie Ignoes!bis Injurias ansW réminOertaris. thck&ei la Pame ur o nd bille. Usab it aibis hiegnat tethé ens! 'aitua ilAtcii iPlceTa &torékflprboadeathe check. vasmuetduaperat batllé. 1Me vas Ivlce $"iM rplc hm given a stateasntes x the effoct ieb o4 uLdéd at the b&ttie of Chaugong Tyrreél 10160o experlences haoibas!" huraailer Mr. Morton vonld blca e 1*111. aonce go serily tl« thée oect wlt, bfthavrglt sud nid 1h3. bis sponsilié uir' fSrbille entractul b> 'ofaiIlremslned vitihlm lp lte hieti apinion sia>'*gadaibeeu liaI the Racli créditr-aitar beius atieiees nbutahi rm bis eo! itevnd e issu vas out ai hieshbond. George -vuaskegd te ulgu stipulations. le Alter the battset Shîloli, 0«@W P-1 vswu ather Inta lIlb th s!." vasIs ldaneept dders for au>' tua- Roger. va cmsaolned b>' Over- ludtmgtihtig tIis la net th. lrSt thnis e chàrgad la Mr. 1<0?.cnov Tatés Lieutenant Colonel or the mental déragument Walghfltlias touea secoui;unieer-. rMotS avOe Rgiment, the Governar anlgning lie hdleso> a eae!1e a lis-aider perseamli>'. Thé>' ail mga-ed. resson théréfor us a promotion "foerhuthesoyw eaiho nt Thé cheécks vere oignes! "Mark Mer- menltortous couduct uponthé noUofver>' long ega 1e- etunces héovasu ton, par S. V. Hettingér.' Subhio." Poîîovlug thé lile a et ta elucrease île butassud put mev- 81hRefus e t.Talk. Hatchié, Octaber 4, 1869. lié via agitaoral mcn out qzý lie road, but that M*. Morton hme beau réaidlug at promotsd 1>' goveruor Tates. sud ici aer 1themou ver. cmployea i adrap- ber nommer reidece lu La'éce Po- .. givan a commission as Colonel or est, end! Mr. Marloon l is counur> hIW régiment, aisa for gellant service Poil the Proceediug. easate et Wheaton. 1. ou the field of batll..' Shortl> aller W*alrgttvas sax "@ wcvIltYeu 111e Out ai th.eF,-rmthé battis aof Subi fe rvard rbuted on Weslneaay muanias hé ho. L star>',' eids Ms. Mrou Manda>' niglit.hé commneuda b ia régiment lu ail came ver>' violent lntahîe oual>'M im I refuse soelutai>' te talk about thé ai thé caiuPalgns and battlea above sdI éurs lenal itihm flattai or tW oivr an>'questions la mentioned. adltrqfltsmnt odhm regard tae1the sair. Gemeral Rogers conneuded the lievas put loto s cati 1>' himueel. "I mount rei.p yeu tae1Mr. Mortos," Second Brigade of the Fonrlb Division Durlng thé lait day or tva ho lia MU Mir& Marlon. "Hé la thé an6 ta ai thé Seveteenth Arn>' Carpe for beau qule C"l. tal. if *'ayons. rin sure 1 lono t.- about a yeir sud a hall, sud vulle thua ________ lts0 et hé w".1la commandl caustructeil thé fortifia&- boue at Altcona, Georga, wviena- A : abled lie Peventeauth Carp etc BiSh- t D iau's Army te mske a succéeo é -.f ft, r* DUTI Arl A IE upnogsuth pssito MAtlUe ai the Grands! Revtév Colonel A K Rogers vas pronateai ta lié grade oi p brevet Brigadier Général lu lie Vol- PM ister service, a rocn: nommeseurits u îqFr1iday h4 uriasfora MontdaY W«vie lhat day for lhIhg *11h thé comanda hlihaohastn dan uoutrance fnta ePurdy Hard- PltIittflffOi ôr sud cômnimlleang ihield sud ne veil eaared. vasai atofo. 2!igbiand ParkI.ans! niole ére subjecl te thé primar>' eléctioni' ou n Septeém . ber, 186 t PLLeavea- tiese siggidoenlticls ran thé en ort, Knsa. wiletdhie con- March Plih. The. 0111>petition for 114*mand hsd béen ImPélleaite ment sud Ç we«* Or, vas lied for Mr. Samueél M. iIst4 refflet thé vax li1e deulonstratlona of Sx revolvers. luge. cthea ianotier pettillon ~th# hosile Indiens, lie, totss with mix Po"lokulvee. olrsujted hb>' manda af iMr.. P. lit e rgiment, vaestaout of<the The le1ev.. halé lu tîrougli i ruer - service. Whereupoa Genrasi Rogers 1nMon ,but upna hle refusai taevils, reurned tais lsid bous et Wauhé- indov and! thé olugular part nW lm, WUs nt Sied. There veré cul>'calo g1il n d éntereai npoa ,1h. pracllca 0f a@Sair ta 11151 the brsitri o*09j; P011eOnli ed for cammlait" laws. pursulng that occupation vRhl 1> revolvers sud luive. nlah vbioh - moane no connt st lie W eaorceass fan a tUme, vian héo »mavéd tiaï;111e> had al lciorlde1h f» Grééuvood Caunt>', Manses. vieré ;r SIUD>' itlm uamn are wrvnt p1holiapracced Isw, entares! vitiispirtt emas, Itla is daavéred tIaI bot a on the ballot. MM îervas'lotota t o*tas or- nili box ai cartriaigea vas iliatUrmos!la .- - -- - --D-mAcr-l a*. ioa ventl..àIf . i- -,, Ml K'o. D. ~~wIW Who formari>' rsme Z"hI bw« dlà4yT~3q tS' ' t>'Oas hle basa eV tha 480 IW9 DYMON L AUTIm o"as. Iawuics, Redositwenmd HouS m tia"g. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. ELHffNAN W. COLDY AItornsy-at-Lawv Money to Loan ou Good Approved eal Ralate. Office in Trlgge Building. .IBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELLaHNMI ATTOEEY-AT-LAW Libertyvifle : Illinois Lue Euai"a. Res.lPhone 152-R. Omfte!PUona lé MARTIN C. DSCIC Olilcé <pp. lStli st me" tul aon aies Phone 848 Ru. Phone 18601t NORTH CRICAUO. ILLU#0IS PAUL MAC GUFFI. A'DTOIUU. AlLAW. mR.aO.P. UUTFDRFIH. VUMAIRT IDUQU DiLL . Sm" PH-YS ICAN AND aikom# c«Oel " enmmoev UfbiO. 1 DU, 1. L'TAYLOR Imée in Fluet Nmw.Iud 8"xSug @«».~-1latu 3-30a 41 8 nm. Reuliaêoem.? :a 1rh P DM GOLPMW Office Pimous »J. 8.hd.1574. 3ye tu&M.%Aon" M&C PM .3 77