LA~ OU~T i ~~T~T FT1T)A M Pen icn.PageT' Hii. *1home In Detroit, aged over éightY NrNeWconib was the man whta really starlt!d North Chleico H wam tIhe one who Put tuéhe 1gelst amount etf moriey lni thé town or any1 of the maiay Investors, and. toulnv Up. on i tsdoath dt la estimated that theé fainttys holdings@trn North Chivago ag-1 glenate ai9,000. il laeittinaed thaf they own at toast ffty boules and the balance lnt lots ad aCrle i the iy 10 the pouth of Watrkegan 1t waa tla 1892 thai Newcomrb hp- a i~ r cae irtérested ln North Chicago, Just C*eisa. iwo b, lWho aabout the tine otherit had launcheil lnviltëd'Çluthe Womans [aUnd syndicats which V4~~ uqrt 4f old pmoperty ail over the world t0 in ctyli .110 " AwaY. persons who belJeved they were boy- Inig "JEAR Chicago. The riame NorthI STARTEO THE BOOM 0F (hlea*o eoriftlséd thousands ar f pr- NDW TRIVIN TOW ..sns but the woman's syndicatp did'nt 1Newcomb bad1 do direct corinectItinit Niewoomb Came From Detroit wth thte landI syndicase, bis deat bein.- in 10892 and Pmyrhased ; on& of bis owmril@t purchaad acre- Marly Acres of Land. aPd ojitead soIt llet. ad. fr a 1 Cyrntu A.Newomb on ofthelime, ditI a biîg hutinega. CyrétusA. ewcorib oré of11 Buti, tri the pane of 1893, his tri original iuanclal héekers or North vtments tiIflot pari out andI4li . Citiçago died Tueaday niett t ai but ereated two other rich Dtroit men in 'thé North Chicago acheme, Mr Ferry. *****~ dniy Wednesda, 1),m. ai the homeo! meeting ai \\ îittu 'Tiauratiay ex a-a the seed mani and W. M. Murphy, a bilglher a.iete ro. Rir obtaert F'uitoti îaflitngiaraýlaiIl The - v wili leave tacre lumber mari. 0 Waukegan I>ocals. 0 Nrihaxenue NMlxxx Naie- a baioaeui i 7, 1', ii ... «a , La haia AL aI-aa a It vas ln '92 wlaen Néwccmb waq Ili 0 0 akiag (nie of MXrs aNi i ofl",ath . t i! a,I. a'a. Ai" aiIl a, finaniai trouble that Pérry and 'alir. *j_1 .4 1,q. Il V Kinea- ixhao flai t he-a ,a, aah l al. i phy put tln a buflch or moncy In Nortil "tmagiairoi ' ta Oraotafl aya Os Kn Tî iIresofw -1 1"1p i airil Chicago and tbéy look uvêr Ne W 1 k e bu h fraju e jys nTi-ra ler ial aiiiaaîi "a kaai Ar, -,- aa i feT, iebas b enliCi li n alai- atalal,,e 10 n si, coaiipiaited aof ia,', feelinir btlj ia- ,t il] b. a-aaa aira r aaaiaaa, corlerId. - rau <'eýhi, lël i n tner treet and wijr a lauj -ai adI .This noonasi)( iaiîtaaa a irroliet> e -x'i, aaaar:ra 1il k-a ia'ais aa fred wrIaniaçat the L. H. 11reriiaae iaoaai-, apoilexy andi was ptnto ii alA ;aux vAiaaaatg tiarax tafiona, - aiaaaaiil) Newcomub ret-overed from théepaitria utaaietia troke of paral-ii.ý oaan Sun ir laitwas aiaamiiladnai aneaiaty p~iiali> airae.iaaaga-t i. araw le antI whtte NMurphy andi Ferry carrieid day aiternoon and asa reinove lu thei. lbut the patient died a liaal oi> ai-!Ati-e .1.Ieiukr .iaae i M*Aliterphostîttat. Ii i ila,.er lits arrîxai Arrangeina'tai a are ia iib, ntyi itexl'ak' thé loat untl Ibhreyearta ago now, 1aaîî hit aftérnoori vas rêporta-d ii, a- they were wilng 10triload and ru- o nae w iaat Improved. aaag madtiI have- li-r iaodx' iailp d litorge Séhermerhorn oaf iraaîd bacaX 10 her iaartîa- aai aln 4'NTIR P IA B tur it it IiNewcomh, Ait alontg op It - atover 80 yeara oid i-t ra îorred t IN H O AR R tbrée yéars ao Murphy hati been tra- aickandtiitnder a doctora aare 'Attorniey IL V%' tIixu, pr - i g rely elsI heNwcm bli h terIntlltono ffier nber:, aNll:7 <'j:> ;2resor : r j IIOLDS ITS PRIMARY Thrée years ago the Newcombs iad iilaaleti were- Prstdenl, tBruito El a1aaéaitl -i ea it rî Itra a I laîrrax recovereti themgelves anid theyob itierl; ,!xcie preetterit, ALîixa'ianr e- aieui for anat rder for sOlaritair'liai' Taaîaaatn.ilias ei-ti'>ierg -eeia Itackt their holdiriga, the son. Cyrenitua (-rtilua- sé<reiary. Mar. Nortiel, lran> niittempoaoitry alilaoîit-. Thei-courrt Vir 'raalaî-i le ia antrý i iart>, 1t Jr, heirig madete ttrustee andI hé urer, Adolp Krauseinanral -a xcr- graîtted $;:aaa asolicitor'i-, aaaal $-aixuP.roitq. Krlglr, IVa now bldo tat psitio. liemmpsta fr,, t-rrgé Kastner; trusteex, tlrbert wekainn.\r.CretI ii no btts ItI osun.îl tmé t uarier and uit tllus Schoeni'ae The'Bai iîaav ir rbr - .aaa 'rrTri sIceAi NtaraiV iNarx'uicn. i the ritY about tbretîmes a year. T'rtnera are planning a filte -roitraialti-r liauýI)UIaaafor uta ont-. taîliit t'. Auca. 1i1t(Ihai.'KStalit, 21 1. for IheirarniîtvPrsary Whihh a to lh i.a'iiitreia oaaratier saaîeaaraaa inIta-ai iitiner, -'7, Ga-aa ataraeit. la1i; Tomilon Represant$ Tham. helIai tehall en Wedneaday of tht-4a aMar. Hunter. agcd abtout 7.and w1hoiiaxa('ra.Simpsxon,.1il:.1. NI. tildtdit 15; we.ka-l'nTe aoctety to growiitg rapiti- FN. Toitison of North Chicago Io IY, ttves ou Ihe South Site. as a resulttofuP.I. Dtrone, 14. thé local mari for 1the Newcomba. He 'Irant ýi Ni. J. P. Maxwell camp, whlch he was kriocke.dd in and utbtrot>- Vo-r Trisîe 10 fl]ii xaaanv-{has. hadls Ilthirafais.up (rom Chirago Sunday Io nisit thP hl.%s cotar bain-. The accidieut tappeti-t lt iozprioantt. k ta-FEtgrtoit, 18. hdes att tboir aîer me. s for-mr'o ister, aro. E. M. Smithiîor éd Wéd. tati. itaînter ixeanear the il'i, NMagstratle Robeaart NMerle Thé Nveoma, a senir méb~raNor'ilà Pica treet wIto liai. larn lit or te flrm Jatwcomb, Ericotandi for norne limé (terittait <atlanlitc iarociali ihotalt a aompariyowri the targéiît ippart m cit i. Nes.Ju lia Kties, aged oi taoi ;î',. Thea'taLae('ou ry A. ocia tîoiotaai Il'rea int altni cili- -rA.ý store tn Detroit. whoborne homeaat Union,11, ied suiat 1Oddat Fiiou ýJil >>oldteirMarialt rua.-.Atal i- : lainai-at 'asgaaiai WAUCONDA lIAS lITS PRIMAkY r atrar> i ,ýa> 'atax iallage- tla i C, ' Kent aa-in ie "-ailaaaaaara.a 1-j \piî-a'r ilarIa, ' i,hir îa 'a- ai 1 age tarexiaictt i a K,70 1ir ia -s, Ibr- e e aa I. i NAag. Krib'a-i, at i l.l u 1' i Dta 'trOker. Xlý: 1h ( t i ra Thinktng Charlty. If we enoutldréall.e thai. aupVarrîng Wé were ail c re ated alike ana liahi'>t to the sainecircumstiautés, ie-'iiil(il ail malte theétame uiiatnakes a ii bionders, our Judgmeni aif arlacr woutd hé dîfferent. There sîtir>limasa o! charity anbeaulîfut as tlii:iairig charlty. If you give att yoaî ha, -'Co thé taoor, or show votai chanit iar iny othér wBa. it avalieîh raolhlut' '-ai ias you think utkindtandaa ar, Chartyhurta nu u tans h xxard ati. . StretI. - -- '~-. - ~-. - ______ TheeChles ies" Model 32 "New Six" - $1400 Model 26 "4Liglit Six"-$1650 Illis nr 'îCliaîii-- - >six ls tIhe- tesuit tof a t leînaîî} that las spîîîîg Iliiiffti. .'1îalit v var ut $i or ii' tss. TIhis e(ti 18jîst lis distille- i, iluita ceuaîwi'editia»î of thetie tyo faitioutîs (Nahlîprs *~Sxe.o"It is a new a ertated sohly to îîîcît a recogivetd detnatid. Beeaiis' jt iIIs sniewlat smi4br and ligliter thaxi t'ithe'r of the otiiet'"ir i it was neeessary to tel'op a diffe'î'it kind tof a-tîstrîtet- ilt. For itustainev, a ulnque type of spring suspension was de- 'aQtpd t gvstitis igt- ('1, sniaîîer v<ar- alitlie easy îiditîg jtaîity î-haraeteîisti- o tif i lî-'Iigîît six- andthetl MatrSix.' E%-it h tle uittor- litt'attse- t the type oif the- ('tr-is o'f dufferent eîînstrîlttjon. If ira tif mmtitîtall- suîtaîl borte antdt etrtîa long stoke-a higît sJ)îaed hjutol' that pî'tdIîees aî wttîuderfîîl anlit o f' power-al un1 a miînimum nî îutiptnjtt ti-gasolille. Thî'îoîglioiit this t-air there is e~îeî'dthe saine t'aIe andi skilîrtd workinaîîship yoîti find in the "Light Six" and the "Muteî' Six." The n teriais, tito, aret' of eqîually xia woîd-it is a Chalineî-s ear-waith ail that meaîs- at $1400. Tis usprohalivtht-a most fatîtots ' igta-itSix:" taimt1Ct tl1 k tI - k- t . 1 t iii a Il( dal dy'leaît if idî atut tif' Irtt'i'it'ai 11îî-îa-liîît1'îler- 4ltîî-iîîg the.- yast ust-ir'ttit lits hi0Wli w l tf anyitn its îlivisiotn. Tis i llia tkale <c ouîoitîx' s Iliattht due titi',' gleat stivitig ini gtaalil'. Fior flue-ai-a seea lighut sixes" thlaf ptrtîbbx t'tîltie as ittit- gturstlîîîe ini u seas)n's dîlia- ig. Niai' tlîîaitnikle its big lii la i (itii alt i l w;lt A t i i tin p ai xpetaise. Ilbluit ril*N iludtthe liItu' ttte- ntîion t-îtt t titi g.olgll % al s it liti' ttîtnduli t he tt tliti 'o' iI i t hai~i'-t ii-aslo dat N i-r a tilt t iuil a s it Nhi-as tItis ligt Six - ati The "Master Six- ti lit t p luteai qîaiitxv butiiling iiisttîl>d Il ff-to-s ti ua-îll-st 111\111-Y tutî pow., iz -ttitîtiit l il titj> itiitll i . Iii i tri i l N )11t> iii Tis ja ltî-Six"' is bîilil -wttiv itpeop1hleii- i-t-ttit att Siite domN.tiil li' titi tii-rt 1ttt titi litian a lt a ta.t, t -tliNl 'I lit t'NVNideiilstat vlia'îlidsoîll i trilt i'ti til s iii ii.N ti i ii' i Six "-$2400 ol ilsi e h \tt it ilta-gI-tltst ;tassel-îtg-î;--- pa-it Theiî1- litîts titi lia stilleatsa tt(he Torli<lî Iis - MaltttVSix" a itisw sts ti g'ttlia* vi' t Ila l ath iittit 1 lltî tia Nil ili t * v. Thet vei-ittiitstel. lltîttîtît t-nil llii ei', t i l iti.i - il t1* t i t il ilts, '(t li -t-t l lll tIý,5 «tia' l i r iti' i lt li tlititttitiotjlp'rts, îîr-i t duiNe Ni-i and ii'thIibliettîrtai Si a il I itlti /ltIl LUX AUTO SALES COMPANY,$15 94e Wadsworth, Illinois$65 - - UI»rIV ,$ pair Mr Free "" 0akI.t. fguva Waukegan Office & Service Station, Beach Garage r oaaplaie desoriplion or ait Ohalawrs' Cars a i $2400 LA= COVNTY IXDEPMENT. FRMAY. NIARCH I-L 1915-