Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Mar 1915, p. 12

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LAKE COUNTY IN DRPENDENT. FRmDAY, MARCH 12, 1915. WILL ACTION BE TAKEN 1AOMANST1 TUE FREE LOVERS?ý Zion Cîty People Wonderingý V'Jhther Free Love Colony -Will BeMolested. SANSON RMAINS IN JAIL. Seemts to Act as if He Was a Martyr-Declares Acts Are 1 Ieniad f .nd.. csts in the Lana. i - FRED VAN DRUTEN. inspiIVU oTut .U roi ittio i.- vomni aukegan younrg manrilwhodiseppeat - 1 (Y[ Ms o Zon City'are woudar- t î,, .rlIaatiîon lio -as t ,e cd mysterîocîe.y o menti ' ogesud Iteg wht leffe<t te arreet of Chlarles t,,. >,~ i , ,xrititl'tir uîd .Sdo wasOthotiJIlit 10 have commt, stIatitoît andti \rs. Coultiard will have :"tilt ii oiain lua ,icic'e, vriles from St. Louis, Me0 oit nthe Fric Love colon> ltatIRla ad ta - .,itiir liit. Vitvtt h is' ite nth r y cii lia%(t' t il lourlshlug lu Zion for I.'il ilr ti 1hels tsoih-t ta hel'a eniatd ti te amy. '0010<ll tte ima. Tia>' are incllned %I-, ii îî I. loti.I i od lIci in Iairi(-i - '_____.~ __________ il, thit'i ltaI lite couîrt action nmal for .î tt:, 'ig-.h wvriîî,-, 'chuar,- -- avFle tt-resuIt of casting somnewiat iîi r, -t Iitt'u' itra. and h rti c ooooooc ýDC00000000000f a latîiier on thte movenlent lunltat 0i a It- - POULTRY G3çô' c WhFther Sanson was connected o-a ,i a,,airms tii litomolo0 ol 1- ~, ~Iwitli te (0101'iluZion 1l eflt known ic rît iIii trat aitdillionirti i - o ra, tuteor- o 0 at- , thle hti 'tr fuirilof tdry 0 itît t Ili b howu that tis l e nt lte t .titii ta'ui n.înl 'i tîrlîr 0-, ntil t1wtl,c g) Ls Otag~lîrst tinte itat ha bas beaun ilxed up t f-.' 'i ai oit" -g tie-l î ~ t,,,î t hIlee-lth i-, 1r11i1i !II tui t o 0 na sia rt- o f thiIs klnd. The evîdance I.,i.,-"trttl tIlie 0 0 iîîi te tt i t tl. 01-~ illiit wa't lai] hafora te granîd jury ;iII -ý 1 Ik, li- ark 0o kinil Inmagiuabile. And te tlîl ut loi,1 r-I Ii 11 0 lti,- jurorsluosn of al was 1,-.îîî~îrtit Oittit S ~0 I, li i liaLttofie i rineipais aud wlluassas did i r I. -lie 'tittt. t ~ C)r f il,- -Iiiiii.îI-îi iliîî- I t titetiii h i o i0 . -B Io, itiik sucit a condition of t ,.tt i, ti .t- -iiiicl0di le O ir ltii > ,ti ,-I, i .tt1tcie00 t vaS'i îîiiîiiout of tae ordlnsry. tr,',,.. ii-- ltittîî,-ndtsi,-. tutuý 1 11,t itii--tt Oeiaiti lttee oQ I 2IOIII iti tieoffie say It te rallier 1-iil-ý io, Ls at ,:l Ili 'îil loi )gi-t MtIAMI of a lne On lte o 0 't i' ~ --- t-~0igli1lOr oi-r roi i i al t-tvr Rinice Zion was 11. t -ii-iiilt 0 wht til0ilt i'- . o tutidlil thî,rî- la c béeau oua or umore t tý -iý rtiI's('l 0 Nlloe tll.iII-Iý I I, l tr îOl f tlie-,,-colonies there. Tîte orgies 0 11111 Il iýII1IIII 111 110(. li lai ,,k- llae ni rimas ara aaid te li1rit.t' i,î-titi-il It\ îeîî - 0-'t iiii it -e l I., e-,.,-liîl as a o0 ti'ggar dtl ipnîliou. i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1-I 00 par-t. . tiof t-e piutry stititer rni O Sansonli lnas felet aldmuci about i ,î-î ,î r-ttiri .. loi liii.i i. on. ,W l,- titîtaage asuiltiets 0 Plis arresl lia Seems to teel ltaI ha - - to,-'- i t i;à ' -nit,I,-r.,t i lire flot tîvailtable l-eirotiled liasC s a umartyr ad su e eng teraectled. - -ctrit ir i r il-'0., ct-n eamsili e fedo'),le rtoitIy naulains that is course 'I'l- :il:, ofotoc 00 O00000 O00000 O0O0000000iowlugn t.lie sboîîld net ha moeted P r)t ' . it ift. -iln_________lvniait. Sansoti7 a haîed tiesa ha- FOR i la i for 4aniandltle tîma. Ha has aI- M10 --lts'. i lît -î ;,i. tri,1 i tCoi.îrtitî t sim lar ce To T1 Pi.- îîî-îtîeo I. (<tti fifhuit e s , .îî et tltoct i,-tiiiit iîito î î,uragc te tale of ri. d i - o it f lt fam er il ion.,tne-. Ui ait,- 'cti laitarested iî intaeoi)- jett of te association leateaiconie tu îtîonttishp. luas are citeadollar per t ear. Tic ganeral secrelar>,',MN'1ss Mataret Jackson, Euglewood, New .tirsi-v wlt fumuih Irculars and nien- lin lîllp Itaîîks ontiation. Y. M. C. A. GiARDEN FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 0f THIIS COMMUNITY Prizes of Fifty Dollars Are to Be Given Those Producing Best Gardens. \'a'atkcgsu, Marci 4. Tîtrougitli tae ktdnass ot a frIand. priztos totalilg flvt dollars lu cash lisve beau tlarad et thea disposai ot te Y. M. C. A. for dlitibution sôe lima durhng the comlng sommar, for tlue miot attractive and productive1 gardeu cotainlut- botit floicers and tceata!îe, plauted and cared for b>' I.ov"taînd girls of UWauliegàn. 'CTe jiurpoaaeofthie Garden Club of thue Y. M. C. A. wIl lot proniote tite iisd of vacant lots aud tic couvert- iug et wial are note uflgitl>'unu- usad lots mbt beaulîful and produc- lira gardous. An>'bo>' or girl yl ha aligi île wltliout cierge te enter lice coule8l and te prîzas wlll ha, firel Itric.e. $15, secound prize $10 and five $., iadi. Titi-conte-ilmviiiopen aI once sud lttws and girls deiring ho enter ara rt-iucsied Io regialer thair nainies nIý the Y. M. C. A. office aI once aud t10 arrange 10 acuore permilssion1u Use a l10i. if lie>' do nol alraady bave oua nI thier disposai. Boys sud girls tliroitghout te cil>'ara urgad tlean- ter the cotealt net nierai>' for tite take ofthlitapriza elîlcit me>' hagain- Pd buo l, o-oparala in addlng teulita alîractîvenasa etfetîr rit>' b>'makiug il more easuliful and et lie sanielIme seaîiug hanefit for tamrseîveand Ilieir homes. Purtiar Information nia>' ha ecuimed front fMr. Gobrcit or .NIr. Ilrewer of lie Y. M. C. A. office. TWO WAUKEEiAN MEN GET PATENTS FOR APPLIANCES Arcording to a tlegran te te Sun fron Wasington, a patent e.îs issu-i ta that cit>' ths wee' ho Johin Carter îf Waukagant on an intermhttent lec- tt-cganerator. it l8 sald thlie vnt lm ouaetfimptortance vilci yull be of niai-i vlue lu elecîrical vork. lîdaad Painibia of Nort hi '.cagcî aiso bas beangu etas.paient-ou an. Inter-nai combustion angine. NMm. haImiia cenducîs a niachine sbep ai Norhicit-go sud lies obtaluad -van tous Patente -ou englues, etc. Te at-ah Patent. Il le slahad is one of tic utetu Important ha lias yel t beigit ont. by te lnited States depart- Mont o L'tutu BesU-e Itîiýth ae at thliltnolof thie fine-k Is1ture lrad. Thte Mllarritieiti or cgg hîncarre: Leglitrlus, NMinoro'as, Stianisit, Blue An- ealuLstats and Ancousa. Tite Auît'rlc-tl or geucril Itrposa breads are: IPlymiouth RIocks, Wnan- aARED PLYMOIITH MtALE Beau, HEADOpO a GUVetaZitENT FLOCCL doltes. Javas, Dtmlihtîues, Rhtode Is- i land Itadsanad Buckeyaa., 'The Asilali or metlaeds are:! Brabita, Utteitns aud Il.Lkbbas.1 Thea Eîglisti Itrt"ets ai-e: Dorklngs. i Orplttgtoii andîîîelBcaîs. l'or farmuise the Atneicau breeda ara probablthe la hst.1 Pore bresi îoultr>' utasunifonmît>' et pmtxiecls. nitrnity et products menus lu- creuasesi profile If produels are properl>' tnarketid. ,Ivan tae saute cama and feed, pure bred foîvîs wlll maka a greaber profil titan meugrala. CITY MANAGER IS SUCCESSFUL IN CHI-- CAGO SUBURB CITY River Forest Inaugurates the City Manager Plan and It Is a Success. Chiîcago,. lii., -Thte town man- ager plan lias provad a succase lu River >'orest, s short distance ouI of C'hicago, accordlng 10etae>'esr's ce- «port of te mnager, Kari M. Mlicitaît. T'he village le now ouna paying btaste for tlie firal lima lu fiva vears. AI- tougithtie village lied a growtit of 16i par cetaîluiî population and an un-I avidable dacreasaetf*1,0001 ln neye- une sud gai-e soîne additionai service, lItg fiuant-es eitowed a savîng otfti- twacu *$4()0() and $5000, sayB %Me. NMit- nitaîl. Sutumarlziug benaltîs of te cil>' manager Plan lu Ris-ar Foret, he net- ad muore sîreel ligile ha-Item Oirst ser- _Vice, baller tingntsd garbage, "e- moval. a nae sewar cleener. and lte advautagas o! econumy lu itrediîclng Improvanients sud deallug wIi cou- Iractoma. iVilla is saler>' tes 6 per- cent of lie city's expandituras, M1r. MlitolteIl astimnatad tial ha prodoceti a savlng et 16 per cent. flhUflhlIULV SUrDiff11 MITERS A YEAR I ituî% -ad feu pîga fur sprag ud s5iliu_-, îgs for fsli markets fer tie îîsst six >wari and fud ltaIt alpige tire t, Close second te aprlng plgs, wrlfas an Ohlio tarmar in tae National Sluc-kmun. t have mae sprlng pigu gait oule atnd one-elgili par day troue bîrtit anti ut-sir tailedt leake falilPigs tverage at îetund per day for the @mre lime. But I average tram tva lt tre l'1i-t. uabout tas y..r iî7t the I'ohriîd-tbhinuaavereged l15g,er ha.. ' - O, aeni,rined tri ua.î, or aponine" 'trborne. lîad muet, hlita , iidrooplng rare and sers rioI'l Ni h about even Litotor. ,l f Lehtak an d white Srce the , ho,,,tenden .y ,aîoh yefît ria~ ber,, t,,cibreed them wth more t>ia, k.' ontîl 00w those 10ni higest et cii, bave identicaily the clor .a1od ê9iki, l ong eharacter.- tm, .( the Berkahres-vla , .sLd btui, k. thIwhiîte fret. valîta tlp o r tait.a litte white on or about the f. jowisid occaioi.Ily .ýA, ei, or wbite elsewhare. The Illustration, shows a fnus Pelî,nd- Chna -,ale. tîtora P194 [tam liler ylh ifaiîpIge. ltug tnaklttg nu the dîffereure for theasoun tuer gains per Ihîler. I havaeut>'sprlng pige te coma net ler titan Mrci 1 sud lat Item foi- lic the sow for net over elgitl ceeks, tiîss'ng Iaugbt tb. pige 10 eat Ilutha ineantima. 1 peu tae soc lu e close lien and bave but once failesi t bae litem readti>l rced in tramn tire la tise days b>' feeding iter &abcse vli eat. 'Thue b>'Aug. 20 1 have te sec- uîîîd 1111r, aud gencrail>' a large one. I lîros-ide a siady> place te farrow. By> pushintlîgha 80w and pîga for eighl iveeke te 50w la ready le breed again, titus Iîavlug early pige aprng sud faîl. Mly tail pige newwtlil average over 1001 pounde. My motte la te pusb temr utIl a 21W0 pound average le rearhad. titan salI. Miy lime le oeil Ilenî onI>' aîfete are readta bseli-nami>'l. March and Seplamber. F-or heddlng ln lte wîuler I1teant noting but cern fedder. amuitae coarser and blgger lie beller. for te bugs avilI bave a chance le werk It dowu fine ah Iheir Ileure eand el hare cmploymeut vile le the bed. Ceai-se baddug les up loose. îînd 1 burethie iraItntmmes B.shem nlaitîg from Il afler thc pige corne eut ou a coid day. 1 teed my taîl pIgs rifler tic>' Lel ho weîgi 80 te 100pliitis about ailltae cern lte>' wll dlean up and yeI b. resdy laeact a Utile more. tsvlca a de>' altesys at the sanmeUlie. sud for twelve pIge 1 teed aItinooii aiglil quartsetfshotsasd ne quart tanukuge. Blut don't feed a t of~e tic-a andi venmin. Eicb lime I bed niy iogs I1diunout lbhe use ad pssrinkîr tti' fler andti sdes -us'tb dIslufectaoitt aud th bgs et ail lImes hase acces-a tat n tthbl'tg poil. teilci kcepe tlîtata JFNE RESULTS EX- Making 'the Little' - PECTED FROM NEW Farm Pay WRJTJt«ISYSTEM CyS> C. C. BOWSFIELD ý,~'Thompson System of Teaching P'eople are just beghlnuîtg tOi gnulsp ringAready Is Interest- lhe Idea o etsccesoti-nope. itnîl1 Properly b aitaud lua>' ha utade to de ing the Chi Idren. WOMAN'S NATIONAL IIORTICULTURAL SOu= CJETY IN APPEAU Dei.îiis of Womnen's National [Aciictitural and Horticultur- ai Association. W.HAT ITS PURPOSES ARE.j Aim Is to Promote Agricultural1 and Horticulturai Inter- double -dtty a nit greatly add 10 acre- age profits wltlîet edcreltslug soit fer. tillty. This ktnd et intensive work i; espe- cli> Important on little tarints. tvhero It le nccee.ary 10 secure a living lu- coma tfrom live. feu or tivent>' acres. Even tu the extrema norti tlwoor tbree croisa can be pîrduced on a piec IiT5IvE PàAMWO ONTU LtTTLE FAUX et grohend ln one seamin, provlded curs le tiaken tIo niaka thea rîglîl combitna- tdon. A sebeute lîke tiIs le teasîb)le: Peau. foîlowed b>' cabliage, heann, tomates or crlery. Onlons, beets. bettes sud squash. fol- lowed b>' kale, tunop, koitîrabi or rad. lshe8. Letce. followed it>' teanneand to-1 1a0esb. SPrlng eptoaclà, followed b>' beanne and temnatoe. Early carmint, tollowed b>' spinacit. kala, furnipsanud wluler radlsee. Early corn, folloved b>' a second crop ot corn. b>' beau@, tomatecal or celer>'. For Intcrcropplng te followiug mn>' be uead; htadliies wlthhbeeta. carrota or Pars- olpe, lomatoea or cern. Squaubes, pompklns, wltii cern. EarI>' onlens wlth caulflower or cab- bage. lettuce with carl>' cabbsge, corn or totnatea. Space inthe ma>' b. savedl b>' p«iang crn between alternat. rows et potataeu afttr the lat cull- vtUen, and 'telacuthe potatoes are bar- veoted witera turnipo msy be plantad, titis keeplng the grotesd bus>' ail te seaxen. If .anly poe are plauted three teet apert cern nia> b. started be- twcen the. rotes. sud wben the peas are Off Bq""ah@".aMay beput in.ilu le evenjIlosaîIe teIobave polea henn clumb up thee cornataiks, sîthougit tus la carrylag Intenaive çultoreto ex- tremeo. When the, ground Io Iote akept cov- ered ailUte seaee, Il la necesaary te bave t rlcb. te cultivate It tioroughly and tu use thie ho. free>' trom spring util tait If the. owner of a lîttie place la willlng te observe tiiese tire, pints, il WLIl be eos>'for bhna te grow an amnount et produce that will amaze bis neigbbiors. Pial plowlng le essentlal and manure sbould ba spread quie liberali>' sud covcved te s depth. of eight to twîive Incles. Wbat te grow ln the. hotbed ln order ta get ready' fer thlasort et Intensive gardenlng dependa on yeur market or what yeu wagt teosuse lit for. Lest lettuca and rsjllshas are always ln de- matai lu carl>' spning. Tiey are Berne- wiat casier Io grow titan otiter cropi. Fer lettuce start a amaîl bcd carl>' and transplant ln space 4 b>' 5 Inciies wiien te> bave grown te the second lest. The soit saboutit be moisI, but flot wct. Do flot water them until afler the plants get a gond atarI. Titis matter et wateriag la s partlcu- lan part etftihe work. Watcr siionld be applied oni>'durlng thte early beuts of the day and wien thc sun la abta- lug. Pleut>' et ventilation I loaisetue- Portant sud tho edge oetheicsasb aiould be ralaed sccording tote ceat et thc day, cleelng up ln lime te hold the. heal atter the Inn goes down. Radlshes ae eaay I taise, but If tii.> are forcad tee mach Uic>' are table te go mestly ta taps. A tew day. longer lu grewlug will i gve theni licIter quai- It'. Ail ormaiti. leperfect aeed engit te he ltted out.Tii. stand siieuld aver- aige frons ane-bait loch te an Inch ln the rote. andtheUicrowa efight te b. IlIve nciiels fpSTh It usually paya te strt easriy tomat0mes. shage, catllower and ether tender vegetables Inlute. bot. bouse. a@ hu hie i> get a geed litan- ha fore thc gem-ou a rta endugi tor tient. Manut'c For Hotbods. resihersme minore, containlng a lii- Cler Effect on Dowi. ertui snouut et strate or oliet' lîtter. la 1)5w la a -rait respecter et colors. lie lîettImaterlel tt urnîshbeatlenlte Tie plecea et glasse..os--board an& Imtiie'd. If manier. la saved tram lie valut them yallow, green, i-ed antd Ititiit ' tahile Il ahould bit cllccted and black. Expoe.tieni at nigit, anti Il Preaive.t undar cever. Il requirea viii be found Ibal lie yellow twill bé obnît<e. tio bars. ead tor ever>' tWo cevered i vth molîturs. the green vlIi ssci. be damp, but tiat lbe reti aud black wUviibe pertet>'dry. HOW SYSTEM IS TAtJGHT. Youngsters Memorize Rhymes, Each of Which Refers to a r Certain Letter. Wtaike-gan, \tarc-i 10) Thea Thompiion systen ofet acbng writîug 10 hieglnars <In scloooî. leaie- m lut-. îîad10sonne exlenIlul taelocal scliooIa. Ou Tuesday nigil lie board eoled le Instail the symlei lu ail the scitools oethelita ly and ne time wIll habe lslu doing this. Ti, plan la lia Iuvention et Superîntendent Tionip- eon ofthti Waultegan cIl>' sciools. Il la enllraîy miew and mae> do flot knnw 1 eut iow Il wer's; ouI. Tiose -who bave looed into lie plan. iiowever, araeloud lnu hicr comlnandation. Nir. Titomîteen bolds ltaI litaold malbod Qf leaching cildran 10 write la cumitersomi' sud liaI the cliuld pro- grasses ver>' sîowly. Thtuglie lias de- cîddltint 1,>'arouslng theie tfrest of lie <-hitîl hea-u mniehlm learu more rapidl>'. lie lias tîretig thIis about b>' usilug ilIurîmes for ltae dîttereul lettars. For eample le cer 'Xl' wheu wrinllt u sggests the galîoidltg (if a hiorse. Thuthe rityncafor -m- i" tglt li: '1 blight a lttle liortie,' Tie rurî on the letter "r"aîîggeas a fln- gar. Thitît laleeasy tu renîrmiier It hy lhe .laek t htrîer rhymë, ut -and lot his fiîger Iil taepie." I'lnder lhe oîd sYstalît ltae eaeher sabo wisbcd te ket the ecildren te silthe word "e for Instant-e woîîld go telthe hlack hourd éandeask- lng the chludran 10 watch ber closaly 4would caratully trace lhe lwo lettars. emphastugthat thc lirst was "MI" and tie second was "E". She would then gel lie cildren to dascriha tie nec- assar>' curves ln lie'aIr. Ail ti lakes muci tîme and le a formai ac- tien for lia Yenngalers teiti nothing to sustalu theIn Intarest. t'nder lia Tiompson meliod lia teacitar would repeat a nityme suei as 'tJisouglit a 11111e itorea' and folIote It "and puît bIs i lgar lunlthe pie," lnstântly lie correspondlnt- lattera sud movameute wonld ha racallaîl 10 the cildrene mind. Tita> wouîd not îîead to havea the word lracad eut for Aîready lie clildran lu lia local a citoola ara euliuelastlc sud are prac- llclug the ncw systeut wianavar lie>' gel tlm. Tie>' also praclîra Il et bomne. %f r. Tionipson lias Instaîlad lthe sanie systeni lu otiar scitools and It eiways itas met wtlt sucras.. He han It coPYriged and la praparlng It 80 titat be ceti place Il on ltae market b>' naxt fait. la Yow- Telephone Satisfactory ? Is your îelepitoie utut ot comtmission 1aI uinetsu ad ist a x-t eat aîîtoyaîîce? e U>ou itblâmne lthe ttît1ii %Ithoni 0 ktoieis g t tller tir fltt thle3 are tui ltâm--e.,, oyOU k.tiîishtitis titafle' lie cause of irlepitote trouble tasbor t ter, or rien a limttihîl, it te oaiueî refuses tl- aiiow cul (IUlloUr cul oif aare îery reaîciaiile, and trec trouble is ti 11, iffictilt ta manage as it o-ed tui lie. Bt there is nred utill of iniprits e ment along ibis hue; anti inrcasonatîle ownier, liste rtom to exiîan in reason ableiti--,. Renetuler il, î if he goveru mntttub-e, oethce teirptot and tete- grapli]test iîre mii lie no, question elonger about rîghî ai îîay or treet or any 1other obstrucîtion. And atly ,iituld them ab. any quiestion about a cirer lîne for lie aIransmissioin of intelligence over or ýalang ithe lîigiways - 'flic goiverument forces lthe laudowuer or ltote wito occîîpy lands, flot ouI>' le furtisli clean passage for the deiivery of mail, but te, furnisit suitable matil rboxes, keep the track clear of enow eand la perform any work tîrcessar>' 10 rpermit of easy atlîd regitlar service. And fif lter, is ana reason ssîy lthe leleplione Company sltioîual li e uccorded prîv- tîeges in ti malter wbicîi the govern- ment demands, and takes t îout objec- Llions, se sîtaîllic glad to learu,- We are 1quite suire tuat if some uttreasi.,able aiandowîter, bce it village lot or farn. fsbuld have ueed 10 niake a sick cai >alo,îg about miduiglît, and find lus pitone 0out of orîler becatîse of liii neiglibors' trees, lthaItîîere wouîd lie a qfiick couver- stan la lite creed of unobsîrutîcîd riglît- of-way. And the roads are better and 1iook lietler. wite titis is thte nase. fThe 9vîew along lthe Wauconda-McHenry roed via Roseville tees improved more by lthe CWtcago Telepleour Company' lest year titan il had itee in lweuîy yeara b>' lthe owtters. Bttwr are runniug into a tlong Intter wîîere ouI>' a paragrapi itad 1been intrnded, and must close.-Wau- coîîda (111.) Leader. 8e Tactfulî 1 Tva Young wemen. strangers. met an a Puliman car. Tleey dîscoered tiat lie>' bad gaverai commuon se- quainuancea ln tb. cil>' vbere Uic>' boti reslded. and the>'spent a ver>' enloyable hait iour togetior. "I am Juat returnlng treni a deligittul trnp." laid on.etoflieue. "I bave seen a let Of People tram borne, toc, - In't It t trange." Ibe mildet. coufidenhlally 11o0W gisti te are te meet people hrav- dielng tial ve wouid hard>' notice at boerne"--Youti's Cempanlan. 1N EW TRAIMIN(>i STATION,- il, PaecFour. OF NMAYORALIY (AN DI DAIES MAYOR BDIDNGER-"The oni>' statement which 1 desirs ta mako with référence to the resuit of theo primary l one ln which i wich ta exprela nMy sincere appréciation 4 and thanks for the splendid sup. port accorded me b>'the mon and women of Wauicogan. i have sought ta do ni>'dut>' as an officer and conduct my campaign un a gentleman, and ln the kind consid. eration given me y.aterday, i had my reward. Now tisat the sbort, sharp conflict la ovor, It givos me great pleasure te realize thut ait no time dld i experionce an> sonne of Irritation toward thome who pro- terred tame other candidate ne their firet cholce." t.H. HUSSEY-"To tell the truth, I haven't tiiought much about the, electien. 0f course, 1 am pieaaed wlth having recoived the nomination, but would have been satisfied, no matter how the vote resultecd. i have heard that Dr. Pearce in talking of a recount of the ballots, 1 know nothing wiatever about such a movo.1" W. W. PEARCE-"Considering the tact that Ii@pont oni>' two honni ln campaigning and made no effort te perfect an organita- tion, 1 amn vory well plented wth the reslt i received. 1 had ne rigo eout, and so far as 1 know tiere woane effort on the part of ni>' triends te aid votera ln gettlng te lhe poile. If i hod iiad theta. chine beiiind me that sither ef the other two leading candidates iiad ther, ie no question but that I wouid have receivod man>' more votei. With me it was what migit b, termed a single-handed battie. i simpi>' hung up my naome for mayor and ni> friends did the rest. For tKisu reason 1 cenîlder tiat 1 received a goed vote. 1 have si- ways foit tiiat ln the case cf nia>- or the office sheuld seek thie man, and it was titis, Md lne5-r.j .Ise whlch cauted me t.a refrain trom making in active campelgn. M>' .* cord wili show that m>' otier campaigna have been the lame. 1 appreciats the loy'al support given me b>' ni>'friandsanmd becauae of the, clonons«î ot the voeofiel that the oni>' thlng 1 can do la te ingist upon a recount." COMMISSIONIERS; STATEMENTS. J. J. IETMEYER-"Pieaoed? Well Yeu can just bet I ami. Tiie people have siiewn nie plainer thàn Word@ that the>' approeofet i>'efforts te serve thrni faltiifull>' during the lent four years. If elected fer anothor terni, and the largo vote accerded nie shows thît tua s ethe desîreocf my triends, I can aslure my friande that ni> alm alwayîs@hall b. te serve tiion te the. bést eofni> abîlit>'. Words fail me toeoxpresthe satisfaction 9 feel over having been given sucii a splen- did endorsement. I can "y limpi>' that I nevor have feit mnie pleased ln ni> lite. I1 will endeavor te b. wor- tii> ofthticconfideno roposed th me.« CARL ATTERSERV--Naturnl- 1>', 1 am mnucii pioamed with the re- suit etftiie vetoe>'torday, grato fui te the man> wiio b>' thoîr vote endersed ni>'efforts during the laentfour years, and on the. béat of terme 1I hoe.with &Ilef thonso wiieîe ballets indlicatod thst seme etiiers were thoir firet ciiolce. i feel that that splendid vote -given nie la an endlorsemunt of ni>'ef. forts te subserve the. people te the. boat eofni>'abilit>' durlng thie last four yelrs. I havo trled ta do ni>'bost nt ail tinie, seeklng nover te show partiaUlt> or faver and acting alwa y@ as m>' bout judgnient dlctated. No truor ex- pression of appréciation on the part et friande ceuld have beon ex- tended thon thée large voe accorded. i amn pl.îsed be>'ond expression. ELMER V. ORVIS-1 feol grati- fled nt the voe gîven me, and ns I amn about ln the. sane pesition I won ln the primar>' élection four >'Oarl &go, amnwell atlafled. I had se mîn>' personal friande who wero candidates, I dld flot fot[ 1k. Wgliam Ward Waukogan man whe appolntmefff., te the naval training $tatien peetena.. toeiip ho$î boen conflnmed b>' th@ U. 8. sonate. Mt leI now the. polmavwer at the station liut ihs&flot officiail>' tek. en charge sa. >'et. LOWEST TAX RATE UNDER CO1MMI5qvSIQ Janesville, Wis., Ctaimns Newi System Aids City in Low-1 eringthe Taxesà. ii %Vii ieWs, i&ni . jane bllf o* asttlial ix lax rat e lati low(cqt u in Irns a 'der lhe ceMs.? tlavrion form ut giiternmecfth ie taz rate lierrlliougand ban direpped frrat $to $ 0 9.26., aud et hhe'gamp time mîore Pernant invprovernenls bave bet-li made than in any three y"ei lîrevioua. The total amount to J raised in taxes for the coming 12 mo<uilsla151,fltThe assessed val. vtion of the ciîy isla Th.îe,.Ti total tlîis year le $7,576 less tihan a Year ago and the tax rate la rpdtîced front $Ii t Juratsi. WIFE OF DR. W. W. PEARCE DIONT VOTE sWOULD HAVE TII)I Develops -That tirs. W Pearce Opposecl Ker Hus.ý band's Presflnce un Fight. THEREFORE DIDN'T VOTE. Interesting Situation Revealed When Wie's Vote Might Have Changed Resuit. Waultegan, MIarch 10. If %Ira. Wý W. l'earce, wite of 0ne of t1h, candidates for Mayor bad val-, P41 tli Titeidays rnmary. ber iiusband wouild ai leact have tied NI. H. Ilussey, whlo. according to the unofficlal r. turne, ladslte fermer alayor, Dr. Pearre, b>' but one vote. The fact la hhat '.%ra.PeVce did-ot vote and ber reasont wai that site olpesed ber husband agat enterlng Politics. She made noc secret or thc tact and-il was talked In the nclghbor- hood by the famlly liaI aie regrctted ver>' mucli thal Dr. Pearce enterad theii campa.lgn. Ace.ordîng>', carrylng eut ber feel- Ings In the matter. lde wife of former Mayor did net go 10 lithe i figures stand as the nootl1lfré4IW W ed theni up to lote Ioda>'. It lat én bow lhe on. vote in tha e ntier May- ors famîl> which wae not entered for personal reanoson, ight have ohýang- cd the total sbowing of the lwo) sec- one candidates wbo ran close te May- or Bidînger. Ment Anclont of Custornu Tii.nof etman dos nflt rub&CX tote ia, mowlen tiiere waa ne danc. Iag. Kver Mince the mornlng stars dancod toether for je>' thora bave been-elances grave anti- ay Incolebra. tien 'ôîa<--atii. bappenhi8a la tic lite ofet-8 mtitelnt9rwoveu. witil lave aTm andi religion caie thc'moYesseaft et body that tlie-dau habohan togral part et tbi. ian sd lit orature In' Whlch a bkegvoerved the. recordsa e pgoeatiU The. humeor -ok Diiol, gýWWays baa sati?. sud himer ot 'iippk.na7 ar like asb ih biumlU0!se&. The h-U mer ef Mqlie tu 'sthe weeýof e o»5 ot the greateet Preato ors thst ever llvd-î-pr"cbdr nennclns avartice atau, lu' , pei mary llicoa ubat chie» soltî .rot the coul aud ma&e- mon ilnbwgi.

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