Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Mar 1915, p. 12

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- - Pai~e Woin'. -Y.A'R"Nrussatîur.'v i au u'S~~ i*aais~w4 'L7" ... .Z......... - INQUIRY OF THE PA' TIENTS TIIEMSELVES 1ILOWS UP S140KE Supervisors' Co mmittee Vsit- cd County Hospital Tuesday and Find Things 0. K. MAY ELIMINATE GORDON.1 The Testimony G'ven Second- Handed Likely to Be Strick- en From the Records. r,' %erylihing anoet the litospital ili Ve'(tlgatiofl reports went Up ln auto', w'hon icr committee went te the fin,- ital and talked te patients," said onec 'fthe comttee following the return cithp commttee Tuesday atter spon d(ing an hour et the liospital. He added tilaf the patients as a viiolL declared they receive very courteou.q andl caréful attention and their state- monts tended te tidll the statements of ottîcrs who testifled at the hearinq ln the court house. In the latter case, fnneiut onee ad actually been a pa- tient thc testimony of the others was nierely hcarsay andi of lttte rellabllity !go 'kir as ItEAI, F'ACTS went. In the rase o! Gardon lie knPw tîotlîlng of flis own knowledge, just repeattng wlîat liehll beard others say. The commttee likely wili strIkeo ont al of fils evidence, accordieg le the pro- icetion of one membler. In tue case of Mrs. Larsen the comn nitteenien expressieg tliemseives In- ulvidualty, spemed te flest that alle was disaPpointed because sue bad net tîcen able teoftite cars of Mrs. Fry wien ste was confined; that the was ufalle te understand vliy shte vas înt admitted to the operatlng room wxhen the serious ordeai vas carrieti througli ly Dr". Brown andi Budde. and the nurses. This, the committee recogniseti, vas mereiy te conformlty te hoRpîlal rules ln sucli cases. ln the case of the man, Jlm Rey- nolds, the commttee, when heard 4romeîenting about hlm, seemedte t feel filat he had received more beip fromnt te Lake couety hospitai andi lýake coeunty physicien than fro1 any other doctor he hadl consuitedTi and they ouid flt grasp hîs methoti of sappreclatton of such help. Tliey diti net infer that tliey tell:lie was en- titied te ucilmiteti treatment ai the linaptal vhen lie could ble cared for more convenlently at the county tarni vhere cases of bis sort are taken rather th liin a 'boapital vliere reai sick patients are expect ed te be rareti for. In the case o! Mlrs. U*(e tof Gurnees, thie commttee seemedte t feel that lier interest had become keen ln lber ageti liant, Miss Augusta Nottinghiam, more keenty after lier death than it vas tefare because she admitted life hati net even seen lier tant- foi four menthe prior toelier deatb. The rom - mitîe bit that the county author- itie!. Mr. Conradi andi Dr. Birown, hati siown more consideration of the ageti woman's case than relatives vhen thie officiaIs of their ovn Initiative ater neiglibors romplained, liad font ne tîme ln hurrying lier te the liospital wbere., the patient later salti aile wa really "ln heaven comparedte t what l'VA Ipen having." Mm F ry urprised. Wben tlie committee reaclied tht' hoapitai, one af the first persans they taîkedteto as rs. Fry, vliose caett was oneof! tlie "compaints" madie ty an outsider, Mrs. I.araec, aithte' Tuestiay liearlcg. The committee sait- ed Mrs. F'ry as toelier treatment, gen - erai rare, etc., and slie replieti that i site vas treated ment rocalderaiteiy. She vas toiti what lier triecti, Mrs. Larsen, had sitated ai the court bonse hearing, wbereupoe alie sali le sub- stance: "What's she butting tn for? WIat business le If t aiers. "Andi as to that fol-buabanti of mine, what's fiet icto film? The fact fs Id lie vliere my baby te nov (baby dieti after one of the warat cases a! elildbirtb Dr. Broyn, Dr. Budtie andi Miss MCune ever sawvIif Ilfliadnt been for Dr. Brown. Ites the onee vlio tolti me 1 hadte taeinoe oîît tere andi le's the one that pot ted me tlirough." Thun, llev up ail the "testimony*" wliidf Mrs. LAr-sen lad triedte t put before the committae Tueaday vlth referencé te Mrs. Fry's case, for, the committee, seeing that Mrs. Fry vas flot oniy stiaflet i th ber treatment but atimitteti the county had 1 l'eIly saVei ber ife by takiag ber te thie bOsPital, tbeY fit ft, liatae as the One te lie consisiereti rather titan an I id. "The tact@ of the case are tha 15Kedtoe of thé' hbstiuaper printed i Reban ...................8 Bld. "Larts of he rseae bat SUPERVL% IN ..... 8 nu rsse at 5a eand ce ge sor .y Raur naitovn, fa tbe klnely treatmnent For Justice: nure a $5 awek atisheoY sos a'> rotin (tho Ae tinik probly sirk Churrhill...................... 199 'ecause eaIe lbatth. isary. Thera SO'TS SeMP8 ta Profitable tao the paper mac)' la absolutely cothing ta the chiarges. mea.1Ah Jmord kinely tbank an am Ricbardsonc..................... 170 that bave been matie. Thie nurses areDtl. pdtIYea na'fi ail kInd an ti cOnsiderate and i ou ld THi Ric"l0, T Eesing ROt os"blv gel Ietter are tlon h as Y Ah 5110e. hi f ve vath i e a re tw nmit M een gven me 1 am very grateiîi (le verlohRiiebe Humïan py ta for~~~ ttiatlabendonp for lme." Supervisor Andrew T. White Is. tati"etit ohBadlele ttern an 101ku. sueS Formai Note of Thanks Osaewe'l a' I o:r tagether: BOND FOR OOROTNY RUSSELL I Aw~, His Supporters. Ohi adsm power tlle gift R A litte Êirl rreving lier frst ris l s h Ped e uit tFrîgt ligocateciîg alr. uni e1oti ITae see oursela as others ape us Cet Dope. byce the iu caatr niounp-vs frae mony a blunder frèe us New York. Marali l7.-D)orotyBs tone e th A!aleu'~Savna ierAn' fbOalia notion." Bsl. danîbiter of tllhian Rassell. eCc- ond tar ie- vi ti un "îe A d , 0a Loir.H S OT H ' T A h i Jeust tha ik >Ye ane an a' te et a plea Of ot ma1t I nlethe W est, Prts a: ,. «, o O ref o 111-M rl 5 -1ý frY r 'g l .aa- mne. Sie court to a c arge of forgery in 'Abt n S t eet n. t us i o 't, t> L otMaatc ii. aRr di i,1 A1. o e ae gui i Ir-lito' mne w lh 8119 la lcï$d ta ave c iange if eytiugi'a't,îîate .?, AilTow!igli ta Mneythonanald t ae tldbe ti Otieta Pilyican's prescrlyïtloe leorder ta chttri t ei fU .Oi~t i r, u ll a kni tak~ iiaan"Obtait i orpline. -. I'!(folfsta '," klue ciy gi eIliter vote1 A. T. WHI'rE. The heaing vas adiour, netitllji :1 t?. frRet alurus last Saturday. An AlilFria n isRusi.vaa- lotti. Il rec Rsn Iu5 ion uinolty oka d Mis$the tua e ! WhTo an.- hue uat . consumnes faste,1dacci turvte tii Mr. t fo lkgtnT E V T.<'til. a eest n$.0 al Ithon labor wears. but the used key la uagflflrvt i r ofn o %ee Qtenm r-I.Toa iw a ys Iig it.- I eja nlti F an kilic le in i a nd clan@ feg it p t o p ra F o sHEViser:s re e s n $2 OM a l Lett ac felsî vi ot thaen utiMen. Womien. Total. OchOOl 13i1i Kii. sac tua ll s'tl(i11ihe a guiti example White .........171 103 276 NMadlr'uu. Wis.. Marciî 1-BY a vote LotVor îgitShrt, lac a' fout wen tey et ltil ony nos, 6 4 0 u e. lesnt kleilie Wî BI e a a m Ia n d a «b e n e i t k.,n . SBil n ! pO lti al f g h t. t 45. ......mî ici 5er: the ac-n. o te'. a t b Ill a e W l ce viISre liitt. î ,sAnlAi tmatin na forgit ithank the g 2 21 r". n sU nV u ieur O t h a ... ... ... . , . r Iý car ta sejc I SPRING COATS is <iilivo elî,jî'< ii l f lie f:î.-us ïuîîiil 1,1<é i;ili $7.50, $10.00 to $25.00 The lest Sprig SuAU I've £ver Sée~n at TIittts a wtonîan sp)tkt' of the new Spring sitits i it wa tliis stor'e, andt t'ie they m't't pi'uîlablv the' hest st vles and 'alîes titat xvilbe spenî anyw'here tlîis season. 'The' .auîtY littie inodels have every st %le touieli tlîat's w'orth w'hile anti 1Ih lie w fabries anîd colors are charrning. lut a I li te' v 1.tlesent the Hein standl- aî'd of' xhat a $16.50 suit should really he. Xeou mtust sec theit withoîît fail 5 ~ sizesLfoi' uisses anîd tvomen. OUR MILLINERY ttiss f liai ;uî'î'S<'loniî I'îîîiil iniliats of' liilî- t' 1 prive Siîîe Oui singlo (larment Show 25 Ieautdful 111gb. clous Single -Suits Bave Arrived Only One of a Style, Specîil $27.o50 OWiiîg tii the bite ar'rival of these exeiii- sive garmeîits, w'liich should hiav'e een here a w'eek ago, w't'ar'e placiîîg tlîemr O1 sale toîuorî'ow at -$27,50, w-hieh is a low'er figure than stiel beautiftil sîlits tistially hriug. Jt's a splendid oppor- tiiuity- for' yîu tii get ait exclusive suit 110waw'ay undcer vx-alîje. 300 New Waists Ever y Good Spring Style ___ A grtîat assortrnent of the inî>st eharming Spring waists w~e have ixv et'(1 Itats of th"ý latest styles iii as many different designs. Yîîtt'Il itîti exa<'tl.%' tlii'w'a st yoîî'iit l itis gî'eat sale tomior- 8îuirw izes 34 to 4C) witli lnîst Ëilasure. New Sprlng Dresses9 of Chiffon Taf feta..............00 Fashlioiualc ctîîî, enîp)ii'eaîîd niilitary effeets in sades of iiavv, Belgiai l ble, sand, green, putty, etc. 8rkiîts ae l] iitheceiculai- style and showv eveî'y 110w adatatiotîuof îlîiug fashion., New Spiral Pettlcoate of Guaran 9% L teed SURk, 05.00 Quality for..*.2..7 A iîew shipment-for sl>cial selling tomorrow. Made %xxith fîull flai'e orl eiî'eular effeet in ail the leadiîîg sliades, inehidiîîg saiîd and putty. Every flettieuiat a ir'al *5.00 t'ai ', for- Sattirdy29 anid next xeek.................... .9 EXTRASPECIAL! New white Chinchilia Couts SpTimg'sefévored F bris $lOvalue, SpeciaI35.Y5 Several ultra-fashionable coats ini white chinchilla; eveî'y one of theni an actual $10.00 value, are in this early Spring offering New belted and ? boxy" styles and niany in novel plaited effeets. Wash'Dresses for ChIIdr, frein 2 to 14 vears old. that always sii at 75cW and 1. 09.........p........ If mi tiers ol only see these splendid dressstee;oî&obeeilf-t-lsn 4atiii-tîdav, so great is the offering. Alil tww styies in gingbams, percales, chaînbrays, piques, etc., in e.nbroidered anti49 hvù1iaii'rînd--al ýllýi, and colomnbinations-Saturdayad next week,49 cZ I I M s p R I N COPYRIaHt mels Auriounces the Exclusive Sale et ýCl0thesfo r M s y k In securing this meritorjous brand of hançi- tailored clothing we know \ve are now offering yo'u suits and overcoats of consummate character, -di. pendable tailoring, anîd, iii general, of ultimate worch. Fo -g---e-ations the faunous "Housof Kuppenhein> er" bas been heralsed as Amerujoa's forenioet brand of clothes, until now it is known by ail discriminat- ing dressers from coast to coast as the moat effée- tive clothing the craft eau possibly jîroduce. We'l expeet you here just to- - Get Ae.quame-With te Theadvncenu bew ime.spaar trk Thge danle ofnumers e i d"sylqay e tik- ing examsps upperimor "'Testyewquairy worknhip" suptaloe riory uThey sow 'mmà- oral run of clothing for men. Aftr coompaison PyOUIl become a etrong Kuppenheijner adfvocate.1 See their niiw môdela. You'Il fot be expedte4 '%0 Kuppenheumer Special Talloring', s$ervice Afford. You Unldt4çmîc from Huui4r.ds of N' ceo. A department .devotèd exclusively to the made-to-order trade is conducted by upn 'heimer, and presents the best service that ean be given. We guarantee fit- -our made -to-meati. ure suite - -you are fltted befôre the suit la fin- ished.. DeiverWes made uio*later than six f«ae. T h e '. R I h Mou, etth Store - ee *UIWAUKEGAWS F The Weeky idepenfu ýBest Lake Cty ~sa 1 1 1 ý 1 moswAUXEGANIO -y(

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