Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Mar 1915, p. 9

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Co.,UNTY DEPEND ENT,' WAUKEOAN. W-EEKLY SUN VOL. -X=I.-Nôi. 26 X ATTW IERTYVILLE. ILL-. FRIDAY. MAIICII 19.1915. IN ~Pf1~ i f P~ 1~1 ~AflVANR1I LAWYER WHO WITHDRDXWS FR011 SUPR JUDGE CONTEST Waukegan Physician Reports à Visit of Tlvee 'Fiendfs' to.His Office Wthin a Period of 481 Hours: REOUESTS ARE IN SHAPE OP NEAR 'DIEMANDS.' Instances Indicate That Per- haps There Is Need of For- mai Action to Care for 'Fiends' in Lake County. Wth One Chlnaman, One nogro and One AMerican white applylnq tO Onle C. P. DARNES, Wukegan doctor fer dope during ai perlil 0f les.thmn 48ho, it appearaWoodtock Attorney, who ha@ an- ne If the nh" tmdorai drugaw l0 huv-.1 nounced heis flot to run fo0r nomna- 11ng11 té direct afec n auea th lion for Supreme Judge of Illinlois, "ma n u oth*re s hee iedsbut wilI Support Judge Cartwright. ore killing themmIve@, whera they are Ha tili belaves Roosevelt ie the man thretning deth to thos.ho ,,for remîdent in 1916. neot give thémn druge when they are in Shape ta do ào end which le generaityt creating havoc in~ many wvays in tha ,CALL CO. CON VENz ofr0" doctoraacountarad Ute TION TO NAME THE Pertance ln 49 hours, whlch a wel kflOwa physicien reports to tha ein ""A I ha bai met. laWlt iltm monbl to COn- LIST OF DLIIIJII clude that othara ara havlng quite.____ »Iinelr elperlanca,? liara là tha @trytod h te oalNineteen Lake County Dele- doctor. Dr. Hembladar. whan he was gates WiII Be Instructed for askabdout bis Nprlence wlth the- Circuit Judge. dope Ilands smc the- naw law htcame_____ teffetiva: *Btwaan Satirrday and Nonday TO BE HELD HERE FRIDAY. à Chibarnan, a nagro and à whte man- cama tu rnY offica and askeil for druga. Supporters of iudge Edwards "là tha came of one, the nagro, ha elr eWI eeh n W"a'al ln.' and 1Ilhed to giva hlm a elrHeW lGtth En PrumorîPtlon for Borne opium. Ha would tire Delegatiori. *tauiar &bout the room and«I had pty - ouf nle.aua baraly abla ta gat Springfilid, March 16.-(Special to devis ttair aYen aftear1Igave him tha the Sun.)-No judicial prlmary elec-t deug Whleh ha almoaet damandad. tien wlll ha hald this Yser. The houa. "7h%«. theMmrn day. lu cama thaelteday took up the bill of John S. Chinarnn Who han workad in Wauk- Burns, provldlng for prlmarY eaetionsb S= for nmretUnia. Ha vas looknt to nomnat. candidat@ for the tu- for 9piam. lié hall thac habit of chaw- prime court, circuit court and super- Iag th* 5Dmopium, for. balng unable for court e« Cook eounty.. W. .' to gat the pifla ta amoca, ha di tha Graham moved to strike out the. Doit baet thhlstg anld bas heen uslng the emergency causa. A motion by Burns E9= vhlch ha cbawad. te table Graham@ motion wa tatthy Me nxt applîcant vas a white a vote of 37 to 84 and Graham'& mo- UMun tramWaukagan. MHail the tion wms adopted by a vote of 77 to morplhin habit and vantad the drug. 28.. A motion hy C. A. Purdunn, to la flather the Chînaman'a nor the etrike out the anacting clause wam letA vhIt'.cae did 1 give them Boy or hy a vote of 25 to 62, end the bill vas the, dU. ordered engrossed and advanced tu Ne.d for Action. third reading. This mean. that the «But thara la naed for nmre ort of houme vili pami the bill but that there action haro tu provide for the drug wiii ha no primaries under the bill fleud," saad Dr. l{araladar, ai ha this yeur. POIDU-d out hov thay are knocklng- Pauple davis and manaclng tham ta Waukegan, Nfarch 17- Cet the drug the faderai authorities W. B. Smith,. president of the Re-- W8tuY hava, dePrivail tham of. publican county central Commlttee, Dr. Harahladar auggests that Lake Ibis afternoon sent ouf a class for a 1 CountY take orna formai step ta pro- meeting of the- precinétct ommiittee- vida for thaaa flanda as la býaIng donc men of the- county to metin the court ln Cook county. Thqg tha coonty le bouse in Waukegan on Frlday after- opanlng nP litahoapigtal t tham and bon al t ociock for the purpose of the victima ara taken in, «Ivan tha selecting delegates t0 the judîcial con-S dru«a thay hava- fornsed tha habit for vention tc e tîeld ln Rockford, Ill., andl traatad ln a way ta help tharn, on Thursday aftî-rnoon, April S. Lakce Ovarcome tha Prtetice. Borne ort ni cointy ls entltled to 19 delegates. The y an effort along thia IUna, ha fatl, ea to tp- comrultteemnen followd the h ahoulil ha trid aut hart-. receîpt of a dispatch front Sprngfield 12 .Doctora ln Danger. daclarint- (hat tht-rt wilIlihe no Judi-le Doctors throughout tha country are chai primarles. to Of thea hellaf, that. ais tîma goes on Thua far, Circuit Judge Claire C. and thase dring Sanda ara unabla ta, Edwards of Waukegan la tht- only Cani- satlfy tht-jr apjethte, thay (the doc- ddate front Lake county who bas an- la A St-ni vlli gat tht- dasîraid dog ai Edvards declart-ai Is atternoon f hat aIl couaI and feara ara ht-Id that shoot- 31 of tht- 37 precinct committaumen juge and other meana o! gtting druge are pit-igeil to Judge Edvarda and rnay lie raBotted ta by tht- unfortun- tht-y predîcted the- entire Lake couty ates,.vho, ta date perbapa havaebeen delegatlon yl l e pît-geil f0 hlm. using Up thaîr surplus sttpply. County Juilge P. 'L. Pet-sons lias lu tha casa o! tht-a, men vho vistai bat-n menîloneil as a possible- candidate the Wlakkan doctor, tht- physlcian tor tht- circuit Jtcdgtship but at no states that nat ont- o! tht-m va, vary tîma lias ha adritted ha wil ha a cari- mil idln is raquest for tht- drug. In diduàte Tht- Kivards faction express tact, thair "'requaat" vas almost lu thttelle! tlat he vili not corne Into the nature o! a den'and, jravlng thgt tùt- race. the victime are dtivau almost to des- Tht- titlagatea front Lake and tht- peration. In tht- casa o! tht- negro, othar tht-at counties lu tle circuit viii Dr. Harsetdar daclaras t-e féhIOv mat-f t Rock!ot-d at vhich time thrt-t vas lu the mot ptiahi - condition and ju.dg.,, îlI ha piacei lnlunomination. that vas vby ha faIt luatillidlin living Thosa vîning tle art-att-at numbar hlm t-rncrtption vharaby ha couli 0f votas wvili ha placeil on thet- icket satiafy his appetite. at tht- June election as te Itpubiî- James D. Hanabau alias "J'ame-s Burton.' ha tht- lut aurvîvor .mous Janmes boys' gai train roubers,, ilei Clook caunty haspital. casead hy apoplt-xy, p Mne. He lived at ti tel. can ctkndiaate and il le not canailerai t, 70 yaar od, ,,key tbat tht-rt-vii le an opposition who clairneil f0 on tht- part o! tht- Democrate. of the once fa- Juilga Edvards aya ha las hteun tg of bandits and assurai ut lnyal support lu tht- othar Tuteday ln the counnUes and fat-la confident ha vili Hie death vas ha ont- of thet tret- vho are saietcdi. iartiy dut- to mor- It le practlcally a foregont- conclu- th St. John's la- sion that Juigea Donnt-ily sud Prost vilI be renorninateil. DENIES TiIERE WAS A SIDE SET ON THE ORAYSLAKE 6AME. AI Mackey, Manager of Wau- kegan Y. M. C. A. Teamn, Makes Signed Statemnent RECEIVEDEXPENSES ONLY. Says Members of Teamn WiII Be Barred From Gamnes Uness Correction Is Made. VViukêKan, 111,, MardI, 17, 115 Edîlor iSun. [ilar Sirý Titi- nltrî-v lirilitil 1," y yoti n thei Ni uly 1 - i o<f TIti-Suni wa-; ah.f Iîttî-y ma ri r-ardîî,g ttth ililibotIof V'oin ynlo u w mil lu- îloing lii- fair lliiiig lîy titi- Y. MI i. A. andl tite Wau- kegan plta> t- r-tifytu w il I[ci it tItIs coirrectlin in yoiîr pailr lu as (eon ql)it-uius posi itin ai. thei-onet- iu pied iiy te li-originîali tfry. ['ustivîly, ino, îre-arranged suIt-hbeI was ruade, nu litoe rrangêd for, andl nu moîîetary i-oîsidtratin otlier than flie actîmai t-s-ate of tue tearu. were talked of hiy iller management. Muesera. Fenlon and Springer, manag- Ing te Grayslake tearu, wililt-ear me ot lu thils; lu tact, havce written a letti-r lu the effect titat lt iti thîelr positive knowl Pdge taI nu ide Ihet watt played for. Tht- Grayalake ganues are referred ')y tht- Courgragatiorial cdurc r miis- ter. wiuo vould tolerate nu hetlug at ail. litlas trot- thiat tht-rt-w-as betting ln tht- crowd alter tht- game had curn- menced, but. ln fairruesa 10 tht- referet- sud thé- playeru. yumont se t at lisl watt beyond tht-lt control. Your story te trot- rtgardlrug tht- rougI factice and tht- Importation ut tht- Waukeshs playara. and lit la trot- that sume ut tht- Waukegan rutn won mont-y, lut tht- story of tht-aide bei le taIse. Your etury. unites rt-tractai. yl bar the lice Waukegan men tror u fr- tht-r participation ho Y. M. C. A. aIl- late, ssd aven f rom Y. M. C. A. membea-hip. Il furtlar proot la nect-ssary ut the uincorrectetesutfYuur stateruent ve wili gladly funish IL. Vt-ry truiy youre, WAUKEGAN Y. M. C. A. BASKET BALI, TEAM. A. M. Mackey, Manager. M1OT1ER 0f THlE WEYIIE BROTIIERS' DEAD AT WE14ETTE M1rs. Rebecca Weyhe Watts Passes Away Following a Stroke ofParalysis. SHE WAS 82 YEARS 0F AGE. Rebecca Weylîe Watts. aged 82 't-ara. died Mardi 16, at tde home of ter daugitter, Mira. Dura vun G(hl, 1210 Lake avenue. Wiimette, Mi. St-cv- Icea Thursday at 10:15 a. m. Fut-rai to Kenosha. 11:50 a. ru. train. Tht- above deafli notice ln Chicago tapera tellso!flte demîse of ont- ut Lake couuty's ohd residents, une vho fo al., Jear i.vedu iU mifles lorcu of Wauhegan on She-ridan rond. file vas tht- mother o! tht-se vell hnovn residents o! Wauhegau and former residanis o!ft-e county: William Weyîe, Port Clintori, 0. Louis Weyhe, Chicago. Ella Weyhe, Wauhegan. Mt-e. Dora von Gialu, Wlmetle. Christophet- Weyîa, Chicago. Mrs. Watts vas bot-n ln Oerxnany and lived lnl Lake couuty maîîy yeara, golng f0 live vi-tI bt-r datîghter at Wiumttte fvo yt-ars agu. Hec huaband dled mauy yt-nrs ago.' Mrs. Watts auatained a stroke of paraiysls a short lime ago. It btIng tht- thîrd aIe lad passai tîrougli. Ht-r advancedl age muade If hard for ht-r f0 rally. For gond work on tht- dovusiate roade, Gov. Duon Tuesilay commuted SENATOR A. J. . )so\. Wuii(d SI oek Mon % ut , -<nato trin titis, the t-1h ilii, , %hw i lual' iiruaî o ii mi tIairyn sii- -ttlillî,wi-ru ttuujuI-l titi spltati- tiVeinesd.i i I t r 4W) <iwis MalIe a ittt- tth'-. ap pririat ins com)mitt#-t- I*Iwsui I tinri esare anli. tu- t trini tînýtraiît tmi-sl;u Ileiit eOl I esidt-s Ihe aliove ei- jttî -cir tliitelu-s, -tinator 1ont ntani-ilor ths tt-sena h- commIttIi-i i. lî1ta tion lLutaIi.Judît-lar>- miti practice, lalior, mines,,tîtl MARRIED NEAR 29 VEARS; NOW IS SEEKINO A DIVORCI Mrs. Hulda Gerber of Liberty- ville Charges Kusband With Cruelty and Drunkeness. SECURES AN INJUNCTION. j ail icitl ni lilIni Atter a marrled lite of nearly 2ý yt-ara, Mrs. Hùlua Gerber ut Lberty ville las decided that she and lier bus- band,. William F. Gerber, a veil huowd rt-Idant o! Lilertyvilie, are ouf suitet ta eacht other. As a rasuit aIe liai startai 1% suit for divorce. The bll vas dit-i ln circuit court t.> Mes. Gerber sets I orth titf ae and ht-r busband were marnidlu Chicago, Nov. 13, 1886, and lived tugether until Matcl 13, 1915. SIc charges lt-r huband with tht excessive use of infuxicating lquors and asserta ihat whIile under their ln- fluence lei l quarri-Igorue and 111-f reatti bis faruily. SI- ,ays that oit maîty occasiona le Itat been cruel. Five clildren liaive been borîtit, Mr. sud Mrs. Gi-rluir.,Tîtret-ofut teru are adulta ant Ilite ly theruspes Tht-y are: 1-enr-y Gerbier. Mrtt. John Barft-ett Mms. Henry Weirtnberg. The othe tr two ih ilditen are I ici-n. aci 11, aitd Marion,. aaed 9. MiK. (lîrlîer t- ie that ln con- sequence of tht-dtunken habits of ber ltualand and tht- lauaiiage lie uses thiat le la flot a filtîîcrsou to htave thte at-e and custody ufthie chilt-en. For Iliat reason site a-ttc thai sIte le given titeir ctstody. Site also asa for a band itu amply nuil- to pay, tut- slip aaya hi- las ait attnual income ut $1.500 a year. Mrs. Gerber salu ht-r husband pos- gsses houseltold lhriilnrt-and otiier PrupertY, fogetiter with a horst- and buggy. She says site itailbt-an lu- formed on rt-hable autliority that ht-r Iusband planai 10 dispose o! tht-sa arti- clles in ut-dat- that lite may heat ht-t ont of lit-r share. Site asked that tht- court issue an inJunctlOn rasfraluing ht-r humband troru îaking this action. Tht- injonction wns issueti hy Judg4 Edvards. Tht- Gerber family is Weal knovn ln Lihertyvîlie and tht- charges ruade by Mra. Gerber couse as a surprie tt tht- many frit-nds and acqumîntances of the- fmaliy. Tht- Mut Produera Association uli met-t ln a tev days vîth tht- miik dealers ut Chicago lu decide the- Som- mer price scale tut- mlik. Tht- milh Oroduers ae a 100ii tht- sentences o! Aît-rt Clark, con- pounds, whiie tht- dealers ara offt-ting victai ln Chicago tri 1904 of mont-r $188. Thet oducers assant tht- price and sentencei lnt 20 yaara' Impriaun- ut feed las fut-ced tuent ta lucraast- ment, and AdolpI Clark, couvct4i lu tht-jr vholesale pricea. but fIaetri- Chicago ln 1909 for lurglary and alv- cnt-ast- yul not le sufficient, thay say, an an ludeterminste sentence. Bath ta cause fhe dealera lu lncreas-îthee go fret- Mrch 31, 1 Prie to tha cunsumers. A NiIO, À W1IIE, A CJINMAN SEEK DRU6,FROM1DOCTOR, LAREu- - - l@ý - - -»-- 1 r CIIARLES LYON IS I UEGN I HAT SIPERVISORS 511 'WEDDED TO MICHI= RIEDO UAD 1S JJMDE-JURY 1IN ÛAN WOMAN TUES. HIOSPITALINQUIRY SWelI Known Waukegan Mer. Committee Hears Witnes chant Takes Bride and is Who Have Alleged Cern- Now on His Honeymoon. plaints on Management. MISS KATHERINE NASH IS 1EIEC AHRSAY B RID O F A U K G A NI E .1C ases in Points N ot V ery Fiurn Wedding Hour Advanced 24 in Foundation-Supervbsor Hours to Permit Sick Brother Not Impressedby Them. of Bride to Attend ItLI o aa n reac Waîuk0gan frit-nIs of Charls tLyon, aginst the Lake County Generai or nvI)rO h elk(wýr od Hospital, agalnmt lta superlntend- ai, t- rmor Gof l ei. utand -ut-yfgootîsnt or the nurses, you may tell Tt Ori kp.gant wiliite moI-Ilt feresteti and . te this commîttee rlght now whlch- ne COnltidetratîly vtrîrispîl to knîw tal -ila invetigatlng ait auchreporta." li he was marrit-il Tuevîlay t-ît-îiug. -CHAIRMAN Ai. MAEIHER of onMa rt-l I;îh, atiit lin-. l 1Cijiasi>. Supervisors' Special "Inveetigat- 1) !nd N no Of on is oneyoon Ioing Commttee"1 o e- viet I Vl; n d N ew u~ t Y niÇ, itC h arles L yo n .1 Mr. Lo wais married t I t>Nttt Weil known Waukegan mer- Waukagain, Mareh le. Kathrine Nash, daugliter of Mlr. and t chant who quietiy alipped off te Sitting as an InquIsitIon htoily, the n- MrsaTiornvas Nash, nut] a yeir agol Chicago nd wam married, none but mpeciai commîttea of supervisera nam- re3idiitis ut Chicago, tilt niiw rt-ai-- relatives knowing of the plans. ed ly tht- colunly board recantly l'O dents 0fri'Michigatn. Ivsiaetccînyhaîa n :1 Tht- cerpmnny look place lu Grace Ivsiaeteeunyhsia u Meiiedst piELpa PLANh tc sun-tylphyscan matît-r hsmmn Ic engProre yDr. Abel E ABORATE lLAu n"tht suparvisora' rooma board vît- White, a .Ird degret- Masun, who as- AITTI nesses Who prottasat-iltabave cola- sisîed Mîr. Lyon wiîen lie btcame a FOR 'SEMI-ANN1UAL Plalntatganst tha management. :t:rcidedgret- member In ihat Iodge. . ~,,,The- commîttea vas: AI Maathar. OnIy tht- brides relatives anid Mr. Jf~f4j I' i eryO.DGo.Th-acu and Mra. William Lyon ut Wauke- P NN 'IN CT Hi-er,0D.Gs.Tyno- gau, were Present at tht- cereruony. Pied eats togainer and loaked linge a suprarna court axcaptlng that tbey Wedding Advanced 24 Houris. Waukerjan Merchants Making were minus the robes. Mr. Muather wr t e weddongufnou ceîuets dwlîlch ciauorate Arrang ements for net in tht- canter and Mr. Goes te the. wedding taking place today, 'Wed- a Big Event Soon. rIgIt, NIr. Ferry belng at bis loft.Bt-' -nt-sday, rallier than Tuesday, and, lIn- îng as austare andl dlgnilfid as a hlgh cunnection, Tt developsfthait tht-rt-wagi ALL UNITE FOR THE AFFAIR. coutofpailt lnig. tlon» su a mc a sentimental reasun for tht- advance- îorugb mthanquisiati tonin, afstr ment o! the- wedding tour by a pt- xetdTa I IPoe thmorto! h annvItnaanet nobai baft ox iod ut 24 houes. xetdTa tWl rvth mototh wtew a bt - * Tt set-ms that a brother of the bride Biggest Mercantile Stunt aMinail, their camual remark as heaid lias lt-en quite litinh a hospital for Event Planned. about the court bousa v«- "Oh, ________piffila.' ach ammnhnlng the II that Home time and waa enroute home. '.someholy's trying ta ltt tnp iafflq Ybis train seledule leing auch that le Waukegan's ira? nemI annual fasI- with lîttia rosi founà&Utona for-1t." s- vas due teo mach Chicago Tuesday Ion show lu he ht-Id by the marchants Sitting In theatenus voe tva mua[bor à aflernoon. Accordlngly, the sistar of Waukegari from Mlarch 27 t Atoill Of the- hopitl Cam0lttfa, H.epoy I selzed tht- opportunity ut laving hlm -1 istife itartlcipatt-d Ihoby every Meyar of Fremont, and jasons. K*ua ts present st ht-r veddlng and the- ved-Lû-ort.Spvia hm st Il ding out- as c a ug a. Accordingly it-chant in W aukegan, If plans now L a ka an, Uat hhuprvis e vs. a bc vas une 0f tle guests. as vere aiseaon 'foot lv tle Commercial association asent, a the hc r oprt.ite t the paet rI amne on from NMîchi- ,and Waukhegan's leading adett.sing oMelaîs beauaa o! the fscfthat. st gan tI order to le present. managers are met by tle co-oiperatlon tha recant supervisera* meeting; lis il Tht- wedding parly lad a dinner at o fthe merchants theruselves. statail that ha persanaliy lisnev sever-ai a leadlng boltl and later, at 10 o'- týhie hemranswocrytllngs Ihat ahoulil ha lnvastigafei e cock, NIr. and Vrs. Lyon lett for Palmtin -tt-mt-hns arry ut tht- qounty hospîtal sud l* B ecs h r h y w l e a n f r U e f b t n n s a d w m n a a-om e tim e and tht-n tater go f0 N ew pare! are tht- nsin rgators ut the plan , M an sa m ent. 1York. Tht-y are to be goune ab>out it is ex pecteà tisat ees-y marchant Frank Blakaîlea. stenogrgpher, vaS tIret- veeka, and, reîurning, will make w ho has the advanceruent of Waulct-- ngagail te ta'ta iovn verbalisar.- Iheir home lu te Lyon reaidence, gan In mind will tend lis aid tu make Ports of tht-st-sslon. Grand avenue and She-ridan Road:,i hebIgeat and Most Profitable Chaîrman iattht-r st-gregaed tin- Waîîkegan. week for Walikegan business t-ver wltnesst-s. 1 Tht- bride, white not known lu ladt. Xauiegan, in said toelie a muet Tta a recognized tact that Wauke- HRyGRO,15Cai cîarmîng young woman. attractive Ian met-chants 'st-tp In stock mer- nue, fathar of tour boys andt tv girls, and accumptished. Ht-r mat-nage te chandIse flite tquaI t-f any to le seau vas tht- tiret vltneas. .Mr. Lyon and her corning t0 Waukt-- In t-en tht- largeat cities and It la -o 'What hava you te say agafeut the ean wîli prove an înterestîng tact In tut regrefted thlai only a Hatal nom- Management o! the- hospîtal or the nort h aide cîrcles vît-re aIe us sure toetier of mrtrhauts strive tîrough cuunty physlcian?' 'akai Chairman te received with ht-en lnterest and a ýegitIruate advcrtiaing clianueis te Mather. corîdal reception Is suret-yfe laekeep tht- luylng public uft Waukegau Gordon tises a tartadinl. Hlm tale, ras a resuit ut ber becoming the bride adato ae unyI oc ihwssn't as barrovlng ai ha triai ta t une of tht- citys popular and tht-lt stores. Thug Waîîkegau mer- make Tt, for, In ita course, ho toli at prumînerit yuung men. t-hanta have atlowed mudli country' As île eldeat son uf George ~~~~ ~ sud local clty business to go tue ii aigla tv hrefrt~ A s t e e des son of eor e R .Lyo , hi a st tht-ten va ters sudarge ter i ha ont- of tht- citys foremost ruerchanta cage and tht- big mail orderbhugses bai bt- n tug and cr it r-ouats for many years. whose sad deaf h a for Iheir wares. hdbe etn 6cei rn h copl 0 yar ao hoktd lecou- This bigsm Iana fashion sale tuvu rigît &long an tha viiste. He coupntlet-Lyeao shked teatcon- ladesigued priruarily te bring bt-fut-esalil ha himmaîf wvsas sik. that ha hai muniy, fr.Lyo astheeldst on he pbli fats egadin th spen-a bale vho vas eick and thon ha toipl of his parents naturaliy sncceeded 10te t ulctcsrgadn -sin about bis vite haing laiton te tha boek- thepostio th paenthel tea geatdid stock s of depiendable merchandise extent. With lis Younger brother. carried by WVaukegan's merchants and PwhareshDr.Bcrontha m oct r le has carried on fhe big business, fte every effort viiil e haut tovards chili.Ha abbciarelthtra.Garofba Iv onng it Jolntly and lavlng con- makinga avisit te tht- variaus storesai atoilm sH e ai niai henGoroket ttîe hieir asaociations since tht-lt pleastire te tht-visiteror OlbuO7t-t attar as &ho ahould have beau; iho fathers demise. Chat-les Lyon is a Almoat wlthout exception fhe mer- eaid shlo had sali tise nurmssvere net .3rd dagret- Mason, thusgliavîng at- chants have arranged to maite tht-lt-sa, attentive as they might ha; hoa&t. tained a point lunStasonry whlcl few stores attractive as wetl as lu malta mttaed the food l va, lright. Ho metn are privllegt-d 10 attain. M r. the ttest winduv displays tht-y hava toli Of havieg pavnail bis vif e d- Lyon belonga tb the- Elks and other t-ver lad., The- fasîlon week la fnot ding ring ta get money. o! mortgagiug Wýatilcegan lodges. deslgned go mudli for a nellng vaek Ibis borne sud lunk vagon, ad et as Il la a weet-lo f rt-cetIon. and a heing hahini In bis rani. MARRiAGE LICENSES gel-acquainlt-d wt-tk.D. rv cosex inihma George E. Lat-kIn, Milwautkeet...19 It yl lie a week such as Watlcagan dii Superviser Weich a va, Isoable Tenuto E. Wheeler, Milwauktee . ..E)afru-ope lhave ritctr ad bt-fore, ta astahliih anythlng ddaito la tle 1-omer L. Green. Zion Cit y -...14 - mattar of neglect and, vbeuMils Ne- SIella '.%. Rtussell, Zion City-...... !?,Cune, tht- htad nurse, v a Oasdber Jules Darrow, Evauston......... 22 Drems<en in Chilien Water? tastîmony va, abot crtain igul4t Anma J. Dean, Evanston......... 23 Washington, March 17-That the whîch Gordon recitai bis viflvith %Vaster Fuhrman, Milwauktee.29 (larman cruiser Drastian vam attachai haviug laitan part In vere luit the Starfha PeIner. i, ua- 29 an( dastroyad by British varahipa poe et îlh a lti Benjamin H. Puits, Wauvatosa.... -2r is4hin the territorial vatere of ChiI Pst ewath a ttd A'nnie Chlncanteck, Wauwatosa ... Il2 near Juan 11'trnandaz Island and that - *_ Chilean neutrmiity lias bt-tn thuis vie. NMRS. BuflE LÂRBUN, $27. North Atîguat Vanos'ýy, Mîlvaulten,.40 Taled, vas dharged in a etafamant le. Gan-settreat, vas aexi. Sisotoi of AnnaLaas, ilwuke ........ 1 oedat tha German embassy hera. being a friand o! i3<. Fr-y, vi&fte etl > Glenn C,. ilytrs, Manchester-..25'bakter et the central bakery. filasu Cara Lotuise Rot-Il, Milwaukee ... 21 Breltung Dents@ Clalma in Suit. aIh@bail beisnanuing tea tt» ber George Il. %Magav, .filhivaukct-. -... 25 New York, March 17-Edward N. la confinement andi that Dr. Budi. vas Belle Gibson, Milwaukee-......... 22 flreltuug, owoar of the sieamellp the doclor. it ister iveisped usait Dr. Charles('i. Reiher, Chicago-...43 Dacia, danias îe le aIm ruadt- bp Bue caiei Dr. Brown, «* UM Mi Hattie N. Syshovskl, Chicago ..12 Novelly & épý .for 40 pt-r cent inter- he bai a very .badcaosa,. M . re» Hovard Chart-s . -agel,, Chîcago... 281 etath e vessai and for certain fat-s Hazel 1-arrit-l-Adams, Chicago .. ...25 15and 'commissioim,

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