'LOOP tu is AUTO. - clear Over With, ~,os-11 ownout Xèy.ag.i1 o f Crymtl gou couty, bai a mlrat- qm frem death Tuosia>'. m. WOS Omaescornera, jmt fllke. s ai em route mlii vere ho vas te nimt , ie la the. teaciior of the : e turne tutti. tvie 116 a bsPont durimg the 14 bt Wui thrown out on d loup. Hm$ e',tiremilt: ustimoi. sir the. ver-. b brida..on alilpartu of dsomag.d Psod auto. lue *sMIg jear *bfch ho-. B ibnthaq6methe momcient. abt teaushe a tara viin w1 ta suend ho àmd eiuag tovard the ho Fosd. Baete h cold he Wf tuflA Itnrtle. mokd.a e ut. mg beilmithei. terig 0 lb eunb a jPosition ébat It oete ltipelfaMdide tiwm tutbm Iear ovai r* mIQ al sitlhmget' the »»eY« i. Wmt 11gtho wè,owu la am auto fôt ho 1 b~ kbu501forom h. , 00 thIe fourVimS Ve tom .fr,Iiuaè e dliedIt1 40 gouq« ficoul. sm. he r4 ut fiee et thevwheol e oOM do m, the car mm Pisais. mat liko a - mai,4u&lato the diti 1 g e«. ufle10 lüt 4M& t thecar ami shut VieSus C*mIemaSteç hoIpe Wukh.ovu mte ,-U e- laM.Wsala1&4a1 car V (SON stu~n ru Thems Watch4 wO I-WilIUf eftay tacherarekonll t.m boume 1111315 i s On- Oumb fr Mt Carrolli e4d 44e of IMe. Tma 1 11 ~~7esuremmd.If pasa- 00e tudunr la the shate ~WI lie rm lmtbut, 01 Il, 4t *Ore bdm* ta t>- Pa Of tii? vmm or 0<the e 5,4 ,bu, tbe menWathon ~mely a pat o! aie- the teachera isI*& s a Oli ane of povmwy la Ilovato th*oe monm Md stlraug mile * 9 f emcleucy. puible lthefiet Md the.dlaabflevliioat i wommote lteé Signit>' Odwmwu et te côtàg. « Impb oarn *bd tandar'i et profiéeWy lu the Xib-., w m t À1 the. vevare 0f thi.elidren la PASU the aupreme law t!heo ll, Md un tihe pension ciriete promiotes theBiiASE.À À m m * it taqui . n.M. Lowie of Hghland ofeg eà haêa o se-Parki Editor of Highland Park ý Te em ammm 0f uvcm - Pieu, Died rUesday. sysyt,Ïm reqMiri standard e of tllic- j1 4101R *PMppoÎài et uoepertemd, md WELI. KNIOWN IN WAUI(EGAN eertainty of contlmuod emplomeat. 4t favorO adlutm.mt for ieafcleacr He Coaoted ThroeLgoalHi11h to the. service mt othervlse practl- Sohoolplay&-W a aten tainj Santorum Onoe. tI.ameure those b.ut &au- mont la basal ufon ocomme and prdsta on WiIam M4orton Lovrie, editor or lu 111-1 tireare 74 mon and th H0d Prk oe. cf uTues-ohr 322 VomeB taocheir$ covlatg dr eat M. Lorui, anae ofobuRarima $200 a&v7ar; 897 mon and 2017 *V - i park. VanOi anervie a of Raiu.- on nio 180;1070 mon amd 4M 1denceor0fbhlm broieThursday alter- 56wom nder $0Mmdlsmo m1noon. Mr. I.owle vas widoly kmown 558?vous uder150 a oar a a dramnatiecCoach ,Mmd for bis ena*penqe s bows that m- pubic IUIMMdtsaOt«l pductîo., omluttaent VIII resilutolY 'di5muU oVa narl faitfl servants vbo bave Hco e wuimred tnmpattodf, Iftiiese possmno0 e- Mr. IcWrie Waa vldely knmrstu sources t a]]ilapon. it la tierefore, 10h. ocouaty, but eapocially la Wau- or the. utmoa4 Importance that the keequ. lFor tires yoara r. Loin. teeeblng service obsho eneabled <flOd mithe clii, Ploa Bput on by to provide bumano mand snustatoy. hesefliors o! tige aukogan bigh retirement t wrkp hoc s o hool. Hla abllty In tis îlino vas longer renier the. grado of service te- iiiarksd Mmd the. elays ho coacbed quired. ;VOte ail uar'<ed by success. Hlm Cou- Teab@WmMs auasdeairable stant visite ber* brought lm into and aocoomry ama r.remens' Pen OIOtctlti Mamy Peoplo VhO e 'lions, or poiicemem "unsions Mmd CuiDe futitriands. The news a cf il goe mbecuée eofIoangrMMi .dOati tiil bo Lauespecoliy haiSWO! m-r s1etfflêsoim fl» y te.; te -.memberu f et tii. c lasori £~the 'Moedelicato 'andi dilftit ti"li14i direCted and Scachl t, itu t'u ta*. .annul Ploya.. 1 mmlariBiés ortouéahora durlng t" 1Akcouiple 'ef ars mgo Mr. uyLl lait ton yoars bave mot increu asoo nrctvatitubercul08lanmd Vwu the. sa rpotono theout orbrought hore to Vhat tas thon the living :oa. bave tii.>' iuyoaaod in Po- LaBo eemosamlntortu nomter the Poto athe Incroase or salaries 'camsof Dr. W. H. WëttarsoL n. imer along otier lnes or bniearor. lthe tratinont ho aboyai tapiS fmi- It oul elmt»e te gat bus -ProvOent and nuit have regalned 00 commOenDow of bavins Imoîpr-hl -t -PeeYbto obe Iented toachers Inithe. rural »hal, ]eToUstiu d lomoed tuho back as teachorsa viii romain If tbe service at isi. ditorISI 4ork. Contqtry ta thes,-l b eflfflWwM Pn-.-ho Coummoling oet Dr. Watterson ho sOthJê asm. Inroteity. aloft the local samitorlum and retnrn- Thle ver>' foaniation of mmy yste 101gi o .Hlhéand Park. Ho bai boom ofPension foir 40di.ri ham Its&r> hOMui t a short tiine vien ho bail a M*"lucPtin l ulif fo bos ad Voe iiemOrrhage.. This market a sry ineto aulf o osaIIretpa..Dr. -Watt.rsol usoi bis girls. Pneumo-thoraxopmrtion whicb Proe- venteS hi.>bioeding to deatii. But the K.p UOTOO.daqe cmli bock on hlm. -' t in. theu&l ailrept, Wva- ýo4UàXd 40 go tu bei but 1540 ~ ~ ~ ~ th stp leoktb. t ila fthis tuaho rmnaineS ah the hure of eOmts.mne%te lkaiiy vW.i lçlswotier. Eron la baoi h oda Kep aVOt-1o. LPeri met. boar thé. thougbt of giving mp the. "se bai a teoo&* bio&t4-Jn his bedroM mmd ÏWaoÏM et hh a bov 5w tbat ho mgt -t niiy oen- gia àsteopel aibo vd homthe n-es a Vre ae.t la là hlmho 41ctated tboartlql9 ta bit ste.og- sme vays the fid«, w»lmular te that by Vhli laum 001o4 e Ommtt, ownir o lrg M ïw York nova- papSeoted 1* .br' cabgr*ms from 1", bouw lua ree. , 0f laIe 'Ur. Loriesstrength de- ertai hlmsamad ho Va. obllgoi to givê UV a5 w'c VI.'< Ç@l5Vitethe l#ardent blow -t aIL APJONMR0FCITi Mms.Jane B. Hif Wttof cumnbs at aie Ae HOYME HOME_ WAS THEIRS. On Tuemday, Mercb 23rd, Mrs. Jane B. Haffie, -vidow te olaie Gebrge Hardie, dl.d at her houe, 484r, Dot- chuster avenue, Kmo", Chicngo. CapI. and MrM.,'Ibrde .llved for mima> Yea4ui wauxsm l tftlir ~kmoon Sherildan Rouin,.wnwmd t'Mr Tb"aaî 3re eduring hheir loag .moo h ers th4y veeoactively' hiiatlflodwith the Baptist ciinrch and felet>. Mtr. andi Mrs. Hardie vere type. o! that pur. Scotch atrain vhich bat giron to theo- character of our comshr>' the rayre boaut>' of the.heatiier &Mdthe funej Highland' strength. -1 A daugbter, Nolloe M. Hardie, of! Chicago, and Ivo loua. George P. 1 Hardie o! Evamton, ani William T.9 Hardie ef Wauksgan. survive hor. Funerai aithtei homo on Thursday.1 atternoon al hwo oloc'. Interment1 at Rose Hill, privais.. Knew AIl About t. WVhat sot ef e ebool J eaum ?uslkiUlfm e Ow ai~ p te th& ot>'?" " otoes'e 4ac blieve lb.>' calIM It: isa rmin' te ho a etoir ulnger.-Pseck MLI SPRING 4EWFILRY OPE3NJNG iAND-,VISITORS': W131K At igh o'lok ouro morning, eveshali present to the, people of, thsvic init te f qtdsjl of jewefry ever seen in the city. The exibi which will last the entire week includes geins and jewels frain every continent in the world, artisticaily and pleasingly arranged. There will be beautifu1ldiamonds frouxrn m* rare geins from Asia and Australia; rings, neekisees, and lockets front (ieromny and France; other novelties tram foreign 1",d-=nd the finest, watdhe in the world (made iu thea U. ft-in tact, nearly eveiything one eoàukdinmgine in thse ie of good jewelry. Corne in and see these-creations of rnany poples and -nations; visit our store. Spond an hour wth us if you can. Those Who just corne in to buy, seldonm take the Urne ta look a t all the pretty things. Make à special effort to inspeft our linç asoînu morning or afternooii. Jewolry Cleaaed Trie Bring your rings, loekets and other jewels ini an y day this week and& lot us pohsh titei up for y ou. 'You will'bo surprined at how a Iit-. tie turbishing enhanees the beauty otan id jewel. A greatrnan pe- plç, too, do not know hiQW-to .ee jewels properly. Bring yours in and we willbh glad to ean thein free of charge. Watces'AdjuitedPree It is a curions tact that before any watch wilPkeepi perfect time it must ho adjusted ta the tempera-ý mont and surroundings of its own- or. That is one reason why few watches keep good turne. If you will bring your watch with you when you eoine in, we wHIl h pleased to regulâte it.- Sunce we began selling South Boend Watches we bave had a great deal of exo«Wenee with adjusting watehes For every "SoutffBend" will bc p "fety adjusted ta its owner, as a condition of thse sale. But, no mat- eTwhat I.n of a time-piece you have, or where you bought it, we will ho glad ta inspeet and regubate.it free. 44EK TO DM K=M - Please arrange to ho present at aur Jewçlry Opeiding, and to avail youIsef of aur store service. ReniernerUse date- Saturday, tiil Satin,- day of next week, inclusive. Tell your friends and write thein to corne LUIS J. YI!3OnAN M O TOI- Man Who ConMuts Lc saloon' Ple"du Qui Revoke His Lices MAANY COMPLAINTS Off icer Fron, Naval Says Ail of Thuse Are ed to Ths Saleo w1ankogau.i William Relie>'. prqprioti Log Cabînambaon on W stret, vma hald Inte Pol tlis Inorns on a chiarge sold liquor ho Naval Shatlo.l and costa. Ho vas vais. poration Counsol BulkIe>' the &é ie hoierso! bus'havn the lav in a case of this kIl appear bofore the CIty Co esart ail the lmiluonce hie or navine ,a rocruits, afinal 150 id by Cor. al th e Uet gt violated Id ho iviII xsd1 anS posesses te have hi%, Ilcenne revoked. An officor from the Naval Station came bore tuasammut in 1h. prosecutIon lai cal Kelloy docldod te, fight the matter. He brought tith inhlmon. 0f the rocrulta tho atout! roàdj tatest!!>' that ho hied purchaeed 0@ Sm the local saloon. but tbis mrg ot lnoces- The. Naval Station offlcov declared that thora havo boomuwazaerous Inci- dents vihare re&1ults have beau, ecur Ing lquor la Waukogaa saleens. He sai that alIt1h. evidonco h. han boom ahle ho sature polntod tu the tact that Kelley han boom tho oni>'violatar. go fer as ouiier saloonsa arecoacerned, be maye, ha,' bliers. tho> are ohaorvlng the 1mw. Net umathtbi cas dereloped, howevar, tai he able ta lecure an>' dofinite eldence agaonit iCllo>'. Corporation Çoumsel Buhkley was on hand te preseet the case. Ha tas lmclined tu thlnk that lClley's litons.r shouli bo revoked, but lator ugugeat- ai a 1100 âne. An attorney' for Koilo> declured that If sueh a large fine voe Imistei upou ICelle>' vould haro ta go ta MaI. Ho nid the felow couli mot bio.aibIy psy more thon a lie fne. Thej h1avaI cffiter sali « be dgbt this case 4*ould prove a té" ilemmon tethie ma-i joonkeepà, and the corporatton oo.1 L. -*-* e 11 GAY,'S -R1ATS From Malier, to Wearer If 'You Don't Bùy Here We SBoth Lose. One hundred dozen in the new shapes anti eolors to picicfrom. $ýa#ley a«d store 1088S. street BOYS, Bl1ouses, 2m. Made of exceptionally gond matorials; corne ini aIl eolors; special at ... i9 Corset Covers, 19c. Made of extra good grade of muslin; neatly trinmmed C - very special for Ôpening, 50e Cover-al Âprons, 39c. Cornes in light and dark S percales; regular 50e val- tc ues at ........... Boys, Caps. Black and white check of, silk; also rnany other styles and designs. Just received-'special prices. Zater Lillie. Made of crepe paper; long green; wire stem; special cial at 10e and ........... Good brooms; sewed four times;siiooth handle;jreSý25c ulr 40c broom for.t... 25c Crepe Voile, 15c. kttripe pattern in pink and f tan;, regularly 25c; open-- L7c, ing sale special, yard.... 15e Law=s, 5e. Variety of patterns and col- ors; 15e lawns on sale at pér.5 yard ..... . . Hair Nets. The regular 5c kind p1aed9 on sale Saturday at per e dozen ............... 13 mL liVai. 55W'M V- 'New Spring dotted swiss in white only; 121/2c value; opening special, at, yard, I~c Ecru shade only ;'45 inches, wide; our regular e5e cur- I L tain net>, ow goig for ... Plain center; hemotitched eg;40 inch«s wide; 25e vlé-sOeciaot ..........1c. Brocaded clotton..crepe dé chine in tan, jiik.ad bie 19e * j..,. Fxtraordiriary BargainsForOur Opening Thenes Um ho-výéaif e v ' cif &II~ Mcords« to teatatemeat 'whîch "a paereyOlinto hi=a bylir. Beuh a r oènt auflalmeettug of tue je ad W i4sla Vouâty VairsaaaoClalo 4 LWI ~~ loy and i,. Auitý qiiuPolice -s,. Srm$ed.s tlbSnSa f Tau. Thor botbUhhÉe tb«y wouid 8,hc mfml f Dg Cabin 8" tuat '&hlkacenta rookod Doit laae sqitdpolot Fe lor omie time 14 hbu. beau known b-,i b' fo o he. Stlm bleved ubat, thie fOmlct. ,, MADE- 16a or Kelloy Mmd thie dmilmtee«gc aoit et ~ t. thoe "will put a stop to th i. ev ai bitoet eiir atu toe Statio)n lattons, î I maisetific aa 'r eoantlotiragalu Trac- ~the. epreai of t"a.-bo« and mouil farch 24. se tue do adl a pIacuZ al UMM Os fe d *SoeusUsa :or of. lte 5»r lim barsa a .xer-.<I labu.58om matka tIlt MUNI rabnt e .thby've got* me ii. tuoM *fl arêe mear»Mmmml as liee court