Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Mar 1915, p. 14

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J*.P wuj Amounon htHe WIU Take ANIMAL tl' SEAN.4IUNT MrA M OFe He Could Hae Traled T Wtf ld -Ne Had Bloodhoqun Before. ATTENTION Tbi$Vgtl J. Pr... Arthur, bond et the Cyclone fonce. pon aiMlMo that ho hm arMnupemnte to purchase a mcf4ýatialn ieod- hound whieh h. wlfl lçeP nt hie home, Geneecetreçt and Cory avenue, aseIf y 4qmodo any plans te pay e wevmit ta thie partîcular ho Ye>'u weuli et ter thlnk twl" end Moen V"eit 'w. This la eatOp. Waukeganm Karcii19 A week age lat it nda niit thievea e«ter" M1r. Athia home during the. absenceor helfigi ~and aecured lmvelry c401tt~r are Valu- ad at neyerai b"4"0 " oUlars. Tue police bare ho«WOWII# ou <le cmm but have beanuna*bld thsoecurs any Une on tihe robiier. On. Man wbb lad b»$ semtiprovi- lng aronnd the eieso g a a r two breviofl as aita biw t9hody hy the loal police l"On as miuant of Mfr. Arthur. lue vac q**ÏUtnd but satlmfled the oSc.ofet. #à ww'. He wan able tn preêt'a Positve allbi.- +be iatént divelopiliett too place on Tnoaday whS M1r 4rthur causes the Cileago plQes tW detantiia mm who boariei a "train la Wauh.'n and Who oCU1>med fie egm et vitl Ilim ail the #y te *icg.This tMd lain bfleII4 VIIItho poice are invethig bW -lirecord a fhecking Up tg fIai w1Jetlasor not the *tory hé taIâ là .gOO The. rohbut iiiiii WL4Cj êdMi. A.- thur orfomne a e.4. teo that a ?MM t t* rgaI ail wbvmce v a" lue protectieliho cau a mli. ten by tqAleme Rad:'hea b)ooat icnd tg wîiî a * loit h. ceuld have pt Ib tad tu trail ut thoee*ho baose aà" the oarnt sIi e. tgêl la VUMo4811Wa Mr. Arthuer boptpm s i la tmak outaae'w*M ho v* ea**< caStier- lués tw 14w "Are 1e - 1 f. bIdeI hoea$ Mau f th Éw - or mèu %ho are bin ai 01t traning hor., vau ssrted et tietot vii divorce Ppera Bled bie bic vM, Helee N. Danovan: et n, wbv. vard DmîotI aii 'la hc li'p.Jad wei tion la fie eSit Éd -5g *a Ih ho cine* ~~c~tc mllds e ta.lQ lu6 itAi on ahrp. arac io seer~mrlêWle Chaherbur Pa ~c MiDr., collage, of nDald e a ,iew departdDtet WsOngey coi- bw dfor Atm" rfat~~ai car ateial. tokOlmw¶edO.Néfêh It-The t4ihMeB-t-aibopm sla Aogàt et UM hM tbo hmcucelol ci S PRINé fAle 0l.0na isIorfwilte clip ja Alpine tMla bot it A eVà eè Feather tuafay trime <punlqueu fh<*o =Mmiuas b mvoasidie ofethfl MýOTOR tOAT, MILITARY CUT. Ktotor mut of lIdte velsawix tiare *&etrd vitib iack. DesliaM pu the. unlform cf fie German oillea, il 49 beflte nd buttouedlah remS and in Ch og-et 1îi Richard A:y11rard peid on. of hli accacIanal visitaef o, Waukegan on Monda>' nlghtead as ucual 1"4lu4t tectii. )"-~al Tho.pouie. rêstel .i cm they might an old friend vbe6ï K0 vas arraigned hi police courtfilms AISvardean*otchlu WSat*p fate <ounty for higmhoMs. dfnplt fc'that »'ha bu "dé ' a here bdurlu- the loct e10$Mf Illes teo blae a à» pli he pM V thia penchant of hic vhih auceaý hlm Muet of hbu trouble, wvi'hà comaes, lie. He delighta f0 mstadon astreet corner long enoagh toa ttract anp ber of people avouaI Itiaa= 5 start out, on a haprangee on réaiou. Ho lna omsevbat or an orgtor cUn &t timen he waxeâ go eloquent fit tecay start to hlm eyee. Thon viien ho ei finiahel hLO removo. hie bat mAl ti4;- tw a collection tram the wyitcndara before hua "nermoar bac lumt ltc ef- fect. "Pli wager that you could tura hlm Io", without .a sgelât la .h O» MSO and Inalle or fieen or tventy min- ut-e. becould ingle moue>'a go as gnyone," ]Police Magiatrate Itaylor declarel. Atr hohemILmaIme on$ oftheme baule,*ccqorlg. tto fie poice lie apende tic mone>' or llquor. TeLIM vien hhe i. broke cumin ho releveaâ bld IYâ* fem0fanother eratortihiont- b* hgbuac a uppl>' ! ofMn.> t, IMafev daym. He bais beeu arrotceb borestUnes vithout numaber and bau served many meatencealn hife county @LaThé 1. w- lic -a7 it b. aimo ha.ssea O- tences luifie brideveli la Chieïgo. lié *ac underlthe Influence oflijquor vlan avreatedl at a laf, bour Monda>' nigit Aylvard ma>' h4ve exPected te brav s sntemce flm time but ho vas mis- taien for ho vau ordere ont or fie City'. Tiie police aay that mynose Aylvarb bac eatertatned ctreet cmii- ences la Wakeêa. WRIUEAPLEADS MOT OIILTY Fermr Nof La "alle Street "nit lu Aivaignel. Chicago, March 13.-Wluam Lort. me, Preésideocf the. defaetuImail Ottft Taig, S BannaM s a, 'ce lur*bwi ffore oral jula GO& C. arpeater on a chargé of micapl cation «etoduamçffe th le S eet Natona n i1911,bofre fie la- ttuinWU MdaIe simgale baak. Ai t clork calwodtfe came «e i.Poo. #le agtainst WIliam oimer, 14r. U~riner mtoo4 MD.*M"o you Viai te mIer a pies a* film timer Judae Car. patnter akè& , 'T do. 14ot uult>." Mr. 1larîmer Grcnd Duke iHonore 1M leclon, Marcb233-lt la oflli>' MInounced tram petrogral fiat lta o0noeflence of fie> loytl event of the, strrender,« preamail, thé gMn.d d1ik., geecUa oo!fie forcés. bac lI1ardai the. c-oan0ffieh@milta,>' o- der Of St- Georgeof the. second de- e, .tO CeaéraI Dimetrieg souamaad- er Of the. benleglng army ii.le go 4à namîtant, (louerai Shivamosf, hé hhaa mwarded the naine croan of the. third d-gre,. Wlthout Ixfelon. Evary normal girlpeau.. frough. a Perlod Whou ah. wlcuh.e or ae ver. 0.1.0* or somem thig fthe lind. -Colsmhum Journ*l. Going up 1 Wv.e re. ail Alpinie rtimbers on thé moun- tis of hh priclesI' the war, they teil us. Oh, weli, char upl Our was't ad. charges remain the saul-.very low 4 the quick fer?.' ice they tender. JWl~ijII C i* UW5lI~. With the rotnnn of warni weather Wauiegaai jurist. who, at meeting Of anad the. plaCina lu commlanion of, many O cup> entral coifluitte. van ulve iautomobile@ Whlh have beu nd p u, us nnendornement - elegate orfidWntrti <pUruoted to vote for hi*i atlock- frtéW O-te Waukegan police tlord0 April 8th. have Moéuried their campaigu agalait Alderm nsw*ny Woiton Was thUrgst to B e Taken Inta on ?ýMoinday. PL!EAQD D-t tRGÈNT CALL SIU4 ie Was on Way to HOS- Pitptia-POtIoW iiI See That 1 Ofd ~idi % tEftf«oW aud tmbesanb mvoais, tle aeedOr. MmIoes. vovoa tetai ri flan. otn aNrhe 4s1Aa, van the Irut W o e muet la the net- lie wac driving bis car norFh Mt Gen.... street late Monday &ater- noon at a rapid ýrate o! speed. Hie vas arreated a itile laterad van instrucg, 1ed te appear lu police court tlii mon-. Ina. Wojtan admitted he van goung' 1 lt leasi 26 miles an heur. He plogl- ed, howeveJr. that he had recetv.d a nummOrw to the licepital and flot knov- lng boy seriou, a came fiînlaht b., be wauted to get there an noon an pan- bible. He nald he did nelt stop te tlîlnk lie miglit be vIalati a npoed ordliiiuce. The local Police warned Wojtan that if he ta caught ln a repetition or theO olffpse he VIII b. flned $510. Thia tîne ho val relpaned upon bis pes o! reaionding ta a nici Caîl A coupi, Of veeksaaothe police Innued. a wannng that tIi.>' ould make arrenta If autotnoble apeed violations bld flot cesse. The>' declare they in. tend ta ne. fiat auto drivera observe the law. Auto oviiers vho drive on the wrong ide of the. street ilkevise viii be taken Into cuntol>' uniena the>' keep on flein ou;àaidue of the atreet. Accidenta have boom averteb very flan- rowlY. according te the police. because people Poralet ln drivîna ona Oie -roug aide. Ouners of automobiles viiinDot b. Permitted ta l.ave their mnachines ai tha cnrb facing lu the wrong direct- ion. Ail 8mualng Stor>' In toid on a local pratesania nu utabut recently Purchaned an auto. H. Ian iIt point- In nthe vnong direction and vas on- deredte turu filaronnd. He bad flot IYet become expert enough ilnIc uae tO do this and s a batuWdrive It srouind the. block te get tloto the, rtght fo ition. -à fer Many Y.e flaro mle' *epd D* ef Cancer, 1laya Frlend. liTon, March, 24-George B. flêoé a lawyer, wiio drew up Howajd hooç0es and a dlont pernonal tdÇidof etti bauker, who kllled hIll litt cal himaelt, naid fiat Boocack f* MAU 'Years bal entertained, the. 14 itt ho liemght "die on hia feet' le i Prensed It, from cancer. ; t OPOP0004. Mr. Case ,aaid, "va., Me o it adbeeu gettlng os Seyday for a year. 1 llveb ne!t flOor te ilm et Norfolk, Cana.. agl01 qflgmme9r, -aU 1 lnov. He wua Qmebaal ul Iide& fiat ho bab héeagj iStab. an mataenbut h@. .l te tlolualon.", $AS ISANOWAS AXMAN TwýNegroe" Iilel Monçaeoufh, 111.é Famliy. Peerta ,I. Marci 24-Mns. Anale :4aRMe Knlght, a notrena, brougit bore tram Monmouh,i a coafoelon pelDiWOeOeOlciam ofenacelhor bua- bflud. John Miait. ald Lovuna Mitch- 111l, arretdlalu t. Louln, murlerel William P. fDavmon. hia ulfe sud 4nughter ou the. nlght o! sept.,330, ltfvInpge Wni 99VOUaa fie oaa.. Èft-a Kuilaht tated fiat ths fireé veult i th* Dcvmoa home on the af.Yt of Sept. 30, 1911. ad fiat th. RbtIid lta the bc% yard ibn* thfe "m aierel the. famây>. Fever.Striokén 14çio's, SceneMJ¶Lj-e Praternlty' Isolated, and Others in rm q Are uni A 'lina betowedlilpon f princeum" hy a var ori opib te teninWlater coutraèteb à health bepartmenJe cf C=ia ~Ait" fuch doligebraon Or the. "tsg.varlety, and IIýçIY *ta produce nfeal st# m"prnce&$," Who lau 18 Mima Doratby Vance. mea ILaie ]MOre-t collage, mightr$ ber pirobta' home at 433() Mli nue, Chicago. Tii. cllege wan cloae4l udl day. About tuwo'ae ago the 4 f IlaYero at the collge gave ac play called'*A Quarter o0,a&Q lu w bch John îlton o ! Al n NOOSIER MINE MOT TO NOVE a war correspondent ln the Juut betore the, curtain Idropp .SOnith Oonifei$tory South Bond var correspondent clansiid bor, 7 1 cI M W i l î G o t e M u s h g o n , l i c h . H roar m aP c s g r . South Bond,. md.. Marrb 23.--A The vlaylet wvaaarepeatee àtory sent out from hlere that thé night et New Trier. biliton ea SouthBoPnd Soutiieru Michligan league ed Of feeling fil. but)ni mgel club was to b. maved tu bMunkegcii, n prte Sn y hi ra d Web, ws nauhoise. ccodig t asan carlef lever. Tiieva 12~b.,Vie unuthrled, ccodln tathe colloeo authorities to sg Edward Smith, owner of the. teain. 24011 atudente home. % ho tated that no stps bd boen h iensuetae i taken tu brins about such a move. Sigélà trateruir houa. e we Muakgon several weeks Igu of.linder quarautin,, aa ver, Wl', feraI a park, a btonus of $2,000 end a menihera of the draLmatia c Clnh. guranty of a 50,000 attendance, for Mina Vauce wantebtece theBeMOn or ny ranlie in The boalth departm.ent e 0 iii.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h 'asnfo n'frnhnal l cn uulted. and repliedd it Soutiien Michigan beague. The offer b. ail riait for ber ta retu=a If 0 as sienodae to Southbl'end, se- precaulons ver. taken. Her ba cording tu, Sith, whe i w aii ra- luge vare fumigated. niored tiiere wonld be trotb,. 1,, j DL-An the astubants left tbey gaq curma fthe bail park ber#> tutu ycar around the Kappa Sigina honce serenaded fthe Ilfflnlned dfojeuj, re»pondd vith nppechem t"o Da NO.. te thal Occ aso. r. van <rrhodm te lball)-" ihy Mai'1 ion..bow li(the i.fiabnta in lee graduate tu vain)-'Ym. air. Prote- Bor Munstefbrg as a theory thati ýbrilllant llght èenuibe the intellect. We are ozpertmenting tafnd tbe de- gre. OfIllumination bY whlcii the at. tentlot, 1 kept vivld andi Qie mental tflnctiona aetive."-.Judge. tion, vublcb la fie oaa te savp epi Transparent Pape. To cemlelly cause paer U Corne transparent, un, the. Icl1 soution on the, paper: Whlite tWa anuces; abacînta aloêd ouucees.aud ether. one oumc.w muilan vîll ha muddY At Bit, b«l afau.aaiWt.n pour off thea dm5 I. Mksi iithe Hoame'1 Ihe Victor-f Victrola TheB world's greatest talking SEEN HEARD AND' BOUGHT HERIDNv The latest records for ail talk- ing machines. VICTOR-VICTROLAS FROM $15 -to '$250 struments for you, or botter stili, play it yourself. c a J W$ITH a Player Piano in your home S .you çan have music whenever you wish. The world of music is yours wit&i the Leamnthe 'oys of beingý able to play and grl#fy the!musical desies of your family. Copie lu n,1,d lot us play one of.ý these magnificent in- -@M l 1 .1 -eti" elàýr-w it *jiýý 1 1.1 !i 1

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