S'""' 3~"r,, 4' LM L. c. Mander, Lake Villa, diel semoe à NT O* D A. J. Amer thPltt, e i JI W É, 8.Sierwood, Lake Villa. died waukegan. ~DAYS ARE REGALLED. """ fltlu& 50« Sot uta eP. The folowing commonictiton là ~mid C. J. Jonhs Re- teuderudthe ua md Wblea ftui' aa Wtui.They th.se ' " es alv îýave b>eamen-' Wledd ieAàdam. Usue list la Int.:t reveals the.t at th iert oeum shoêk wlti mi"a Aldie gpWaa » l ai P&lçl and Mise Mary q6 pffles of peuple rofdftg' d % assIstant, 4wère: *ho attôndu tl C-- Â'tt"dee<!T.Ëltydecker. Wmèzvh1eb la belng iaaOd tu C.J. Joues. à* ia fdne larg thOater. 1,, W. Besley. poffmwt'u>Y or WankegawitMfsN, Mary Undsay (nov mm. %»mmw men andI omen. Mauy Guru..). elu (nwMs 'attenaitd the i, l d eaiy are llgg(nw r aslls svier. areThomas Lladuft Mr have paas.d av"y. mi"ma â .W.Postes and C. J. Joues 4ie. *ý C. Piobo.m kw local mnsuhobu tuerly at- Mrs.B. e:'Wmouiih. M'te old sciiool snd Inqulry MIss Maymê' piee. W ont theommes 0ut1màpy ôth4f Mitictrei bttuedd.eflher ai the. â&ui titi. Misaé,au enel. did, or ai other tine,: Theiî. rmx. t4tada Edv;rds lFiitin 6" mrves themn titiiUly de- JNüW CtMl4 narHanville. tl#e laps. of go many Jours. 'jMWI.AtCVanderpool, 150 Southi Butric street. psduaff od mi the academy la1 M. Ce1lgtla Miltimore Taylor, ý fitj y-a" years m«ote Waiteu townsip. rt 1h51 National bafft., sE1I Goge Esty, Third Imite. *Mbs tve r si",". Mr. Joues Mis. J. U. RIPPeY (Mary A. Banier), W*l. «I visitai tth. old building oit Chicago.1 . 1W i7 10m ago bt no5 many par-' Cap!. J. J. Mlnskey*, Chicago. w B but1P. pet la sud- Il hald IWIIBita, Wbltlag, lnd. augal se, mucii ln aller ways Mm EBlas Marble, later Mrs. R. S. 1 . * \loêjust, atuurL" BdtuIrdî.deceie.ý 1 à wtt May bc Batbat la 368.Mary UPatiml, nov Mrs. M. -Précce, an olIdemockrwu 0.Pers09 a taWaieugau Ch, *WcMr loues lIÙMOBhkdo POUinautdeessled. viie1 b waa mû- *mfoi .Kirk, wakugu. IeHurman rtm 4 plu er. ftsdiuet a "n es lchera lin tm. aasn ~a&ocbiuiu lgt t ms aCa.I& nein Whlch Both Mr. ~8551051 M *' and Mrsi -Sage Were Kilied W u a dock il;vusdraigêd On MflI'OtlS. La8.t Year. C'tpe We speut rîai boa ,I, -? t l .11m154Uy sud li momi WITtIESSES ON THE STAND). 11ur i »tè-bqtom leva> .14 WtW I U t .1ald or IL n Oùhia tète- ..s!U*hS"Offluglan an FI~i .I , ,> p~ mentTelli.Jury *hat Thy Exot to Prove in Case. go Ms-À . i v.Waukegau, Kareb 17. Ws-~~Stlred. ' er of etsecrlusa iurqI la ths ~Dtll**i0,. Bia dosasge c»ase apIsthé ii. et-eetul.M liodini eao udXlra~s.eleIloammee 'I-la..-. *Ws5~slar. ê.sp Weelor (noo Ids ,'ylIU.' 2L1' sli ac Uit et m- i i 12$ý eh 'I nilpeom Aa the -Woqnl u»Mt isl moela tE ent l adoumel uuW tbm Umoug. Tism miula tt. einrt opoee the cas.vwu martel Attoe? Johuimi, esceth-t %lim n lb.eage m"!, gae a. "MloutIle ase sud blut-hie upeDnlrug rument viat lie expectl t,»0nswty lie vluam. "lasmé. ostgte 1dmsintte-ý Th Ch Fet-two îRsumssi dolars la chevged opatpjM aIvrieus Insane Peuona anbtholr veSes lu inLake ceany pr e» îces k ed.by the ,Qu~ee, . at ed.pflung te col-, 1o2 ,é 'lucf et tslmon.e dis apoe- 't. &lsO, Il lé-lasud, ha hom col- iie" lkell,40trem rat- *,-atente or -rèm patients *hwflshiorme now bock at their humée. Ne miiilé làIn Lake couniy workinî Os the mter sud belilves heocmn coiliql caslderabiy moneo ut Ils moregy Whch Io charged lu Lake couty toits. Tii. patural question that arimea 'l lid oitf ut iiirealet la: Miv bes hil ieuf? 1 thougbt the, s"te or the county pail tbe c0st ut patients at the tayium. Buch la the. cas. and auch ls ual ti ln P& si ta, etg thi ai dia là! n0 an nu nl C Co vu 84 7èSlI, ét ci ow am 8. l4,jlit a m ldal~,à~é~és . .*tle -Mer a f par ap,lidtm rnd M Mlane tseSéril eflim. Wilim Sage *sud sua et.Liber.' t ' lplflyvu teiln hoe!ban aec- iti : cr at lhe St. Mary'. cruo ulna inl re rn.aitpra&nia. n at uofLberirvilte. The car vas ap- hi 4 PBtIel-Uglt él. Pmeabbgtrom thte eIpt. qwp~ mluIs-14*purtTovnshlp. tbIOus a rna ruu$.b&lio ~,~aaUtme car, mas.: th* #"',J)t taiîoelw the cMr w'elb*o, wa's jry~ii~ioyudo. dii. métomin id n«otg#*almenà 'O sIl o! ettid*CbIeéOM a tle ~4 aid a wu Il tiisiéat 'o* gi.u hure. bta lai tablrbdeed la Mt »W lut4le is é m aditrr et a !the nîio"t * .11 IrSESul bthé ettrgét-iscai* lisb » l au lIl 01W'.'4h s0 thiet cot urCanter nu. Qn tvro lthéegu ouli î: rla thé Ci p tepbluihut eïpl>»»dous thé-$"àe dêt u~~ ~ ».rb tory vswueur' vt*'.ýoqr. *itîu vas w lith*à #M a ten dall .é éà - i. a . bibcammeu"Innolvuhg the deati ut Ans. Bago wa felua tlb. aadesrTsud a sesparate mdt. ,*erepopuiar cet et 'r Te Wtiiug Worlcert et ther Yol"< alprom n, leich. Nous. hhurcl are e uceeaul i" O'. Grand *tenue, Wall- teitintlt aIthe curoh Wédaii'. '$à tint thalle ove Young day ütg,it i ra' lIiaàté%hululuit 00 la frein Autloch sand, vas a uecees la 4Mety "Me1tihe d teAcslemy ruameti vort' Tih, 'preelti goialetlut di music "d rtIil* 004ustittéibr li theie uut â aise ie ri qil& WW nCsmvite of ChaisM 681 vas red. 'huaviii ii uI kd oàoIn Ogn mdu 9"19 ble tiam tai tSt he en». The tuelial tollovel 19 tiilm: .Wben a patient la sent te IligIIn ncaé e h t anily c» affurd t wi Wu tl 'i ee. they are cbange ometiug iii. 1190 a year-and'tht 151Vturnitmib ctothfug as Wvl laà ctse lepatient Is ne! able to 47 f« ui' ~keepad bis rolative Isý e .mesns ho dl hles the istte irimbin the. patientms foud, medlcine, 4c., ville tii. clothing and Penolal blamo ethtat sort are charged slIttthée omaty. laie cuty as a comnain I nol *imd la lie psrmlentm of tlb. m le the miate ton clothing turnimbet à#un. pmatnsWho hhemselvesoan- il psay for Mmne. Tiiosé ubyments 'e mal. unerry ire.moun". -ý '11 l la Ulieecas. cf patients *c libgtu dld nu!. that lie 843.000 ugehaur umulated aalnst lalt »M11 8oiet. Ih la tualmen= #bui 'thé spectl tate aget uaw uvom ia the. cuuaty la seeing to lias Scee Tint be la iisviug suee t a enden roMuI'h teat thst ha" has culleoted U,400 alnsédy althuO h le hem beez uthe~ couaty but a *io* lMe. at la almittedttitmany pâall 1l~.<pceteia ir en nses and ne- fe èi ald the rélatves ef béns 'vieâ Otiare tie, dôO't Mei 0-'W m édelme jlaupéroba; the *à.,*âeà the 'stàt8' i "mtappeau I'obfflii theéains uhiolitacbarge galu el 1. amillr lu behatt of tiie = byuàusiy rtsi' ai 1'W1114 O~ 1. h'li ast m à-Dor.ion ofthéi mtwa' he me onae uabobunt ce 4*6 charléet #48MO e* et 'neti mIlu of la. county exteala oel"l oui pélluE adlMe mandfa the mus su enarge'" là hoaiWé'tIe >SMate. hé eaj ogay lu lie iatter otfafrcia mileéhloa'The agent wviiDOWr i ~1 iyvisIt 'W tei*bo r ~9ie~ftm lti fls pae "*o+thé d tiële liti ýn i Suý ds uti r efhio .éthhriremeî s~ah ^a Sas W ratfru1 C w éa'iAuMtu .o POf iIM O~a tûbm*bi Umé:t i ladeed. Teoh A tucait ,bït viry goad. Sevepi W$sbggé poe eI bore, ve baviloi ttpa ý* mzt "dArthur WhOio; iIsla business bord. Thei. i* sMd, Ilsoantry' ire beautlfuil. bêt .qrbuâîuosâ-T hevoet tq' Mi - Uésl .r aol*Wauke. ril it lov ie 701& iit ioe T ' and Ite l, MACKWrÀp*. '8i. oua fqllows a1 ver. Mr& a. icb eter. 'Lus L SMII#9 Admits Oider. Gogene b(eio ltel. e'a o upervYis e'imt»elèt ocOuÊted tol lancae Tlanc roe ýný1,16l the lulie co5y phto old nd. Tha ell énin ahIla thruit Ou ofthe -etui1 Mary îo ia" the Dow Iodf.«t Sulmed Ibis 5ýtut tu atl»,ti. éeisfé oit bllbetws.n 'nuon. Theée la stifl Or noft itU~ luagqflerlaelly and-Attorney Jus- *wek o U'dç» Sbut it la ttit the ,ik l10 tkb yaraaeuns u n Wilîlbe cPnletei h tre the worvon < deruaniinas ue Pechel.At any 8golug througb thé culletors' books lisraté, .oléya'a sttmet te thi jury statted lnl about a veek. sdOn ait attet courat conveaed yes- 1! J Dgdlo ainember'o utthé terday attemnon emel to 1atlsfY ail IL tamlly for whuin the. ml Dugdale iciad parties, and thé indge latfer entered vas naneS, 'là victlig friands lui au ordon vacatini the fins b, prevloum- Waukegan. He loft about twentj'- ly hd imosed wviicii. onierel .ioslyn *sevea yearo..aan sd bas beau resillajg tu ai! untitîl;1! as paîl. lu Evaustui. t - . à MW .Charles -À. Partrldge %peut etithe. Woodta.kfoks armcon- day bume visM*tgthm.ua.on theéaxt151 blstirred up over the-' matter s»i leaves fneuaiuta te nuIt >119had.that lt created a senisatIon to éllstlvee. mi"sÇbwtettWhIeilt t kab* that The. Dalle. $ua priaied de. Waukegan in iemésiug wiÎh 111%. Pta UMaI taft he ticase Tuesday. vas trilge to apff eaul sos l ivsltilig la ii t,*evient uhen Thé. Sun today tbe west. «fbut u teWeIt avlug te oascertain ihe siatua of mat. been lu calitornat for tmie tire. tors au tiey stooI today. 1 rhere ap pw é, ~b. morne tlté ' r 2Î The8 caiîo<t Ciy Attorney idoubt as te vliatbor or nelt ti. urée nt poehoav Clvil ho rés~~ vi.nuide la Wï.i.Pute? 'baseeoth puei.a- 0'. - art çii! l' %àstdrar hai py.1115Itilchargéeouthl. oMW. sud ofile the same an msy. ei7 spWot nlasasolement iaila. Mr. Baruem vas *tii. reguW ' Itoa .t the iNrdmt ve*y flot et.oclmrlng ho e nunthi- mfus. capii.BI*gett vas utthé lig ig1ta heclewspo *-pression ithue', Wv hId %çe» imus p.Ig ecPiiata aevspo tE,~ ~ g, but Cat.oao l ooe4.laùogroslg nlcety and that th«Mv.had thé. matte ÏMs îh'et 111è . IniigIWM uxnu frietloa slace court convenel, t*a Wbt ;bih ll 115hprovIdd 4fw ZuWIsdyet Os thiis srn in thse lié I i ý1. ICongtom jso anu é lié p iit.misuDvfllagume ta give turthhé A chilI vÏiaboM t i lht hà Mr. h"ts vien quetilonel about détails, and Mn. (leorve ffllemi ut 420 South éaused the reporter ta aoit for the Uticae m L 1 . .ee tuw Cl. v,1as toundaéêdl~ It - ku hlà 'Thi.e Unty clerk came te tthe tele- te lancethe oWiM d bock O PIiçepliee He bad ,been strlcken vltb a flt i Lom e. Aie uesofeaoy.Hecold' teeaop>natiou jeee lps u mmoy.Hécoiî' 4 0 tberom o~ u th e m mmbei vilat Jtfte m I.UY ld Mi g lJ~Utfr r al ~aot dropplagtiie fine malter. He ,OttM.o X tl " coulda't remember suytblag,expt 0 Ag=o vsi fat ngthat evemyIilng aumel ait rigih .. . 1 à adep 0plbrle' t Ci- »W. - 'tigel W B ite viat 'lthe ndge cm cui Ia* Bocwe ffs o inel d al, h. Just couldnt brush upp ha buta l er bonze -- meoor; m*oa Il- he iad not been %là, -tua' r.aIMi.W Spauldlng, 108 0"';ad t* sfran suddenly stelolen viii a lapse or lus baby boy t.bls morata. memory; hi alated thnt suci vas lu- The. condition utflins. Mcbael deel the case. IlShelley Of W@dstotb. Ulé liS. lien Ho then vW« asked 10 go! Julge çi - 111 etth oAig b"DtI4 mufe on, lie "'plons. The. latter i 4 catie sud rés'asiol vba! bal Imhsu - placeI- He sal: 1'lmerely vacatel 2 'W M thé- eiderw i Impouel a" themalier t, drupe The mms latWIûovlug stong iftheotly nov aul onalg ent orthle ordlmiaa.y bas talian place ince Tuom. î,"- j day at, aoo-tbere lias been nu clash iWakeU*A Milàtua 20. Oet w sort inc." 4 Tilst WaukogaeblsýhI séhbo as Thùs thé atttude seumed'by the i beatea Dewnfelda mtrun( bj'<eht bail orkied the clly donc ludletex thet ýr teaR t ast yearalhevdl tbio. Wti4bock As trylug t u milup the1 t éaitm ?~nlhe"-t» uaby s local btgifmti t mnalnlat bai ever taken le flloUtr etthi é àI>J 'pl tI l$iscOnat>. or circuit courts Jân. 14j P14imksn31 - Dier- iet liii.Particutar lin.It le b.- 1- Aiel25. at wsukegea. ' IIveuitbat aothing turban vîilcome sFoi. 25, 1911-1jerfieid butiWau oethle Maier amal atiles coneerr- W kaon 2aïte si. dlenldnil have-e' aroul that tbey'l bd'a 'g ig ti golufr fémtIll ite t a bad mattien 'ie iamatI. l iaum VhbteanSCint etf qsbtte played j, j l lamiat bnci b. veas inelialible. MAY BE H ÉRÉ IN ONE WEEK. 4 iBiI-Waukegan bout Deerffldi 43 V- to 12. n 5kluMai24 t * 1Si4WiiUAOgquIÇi esat l Wté hl « d* for the *î~ pirobagéla %da.aé ism la cilleut- ~ . ebéirsiu et I ubéÇffçmttec end ~~blsU*lf1Jl51<' h , Lttiau ut the s.ePair., i@*1 àI- ii dt tk. d iW telaI I6 lu Incian out- y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ » dIuth Bkul. i u~.ttis urgen aug- "At" ioSPRINO' CHAPEAU. cts ifi.trimmed . lýoW ao h vlt te- trltddqb4oveloped IL u ols of SUIT -0F COVERT CLOýTH.'- Tt* sutIIUstrmted choya tilft, a- lient style i'euturm a. u ot tii. pupu- tiosetitb. bon the bigh vals! line, end the bWq4Islp fuldrculr shIrt- !k.e-k'tuIu pcugiti WI, tïtb. 1m ot'et l ui'. Ksi. tinuLulu't ii fî-*tt mis. 'ain akirt. ftt,iseil Rev.-j SCie ~pts Mai PULPIT H FAs' B"à VACANTr. New. p tc WlI*IeAet 1ontwef Hê a De Woaukeg, a.Mrdi24. Thi e mmm ofthe 1local anu, L4ahou e barqh, lo00e" on Marlou sineel, have sesco e 1 sevicsoe 11ev. Jobs Whrierri aI»pera. Th. 1008cofreiation have beau vitiiout Anlnsv K»««,un o v bad MWfelt. Position, fi tvo veaureslgnul te accept *a pastorallu Chicago. At thé proesaI ilin Rej. Wsigeln la l-et mu R,puuiMicii.,vibre ho bau esalasiel a fia. recfd. f.e c-«esbers igbY nemmfleandu meulers ortheii.local caugrepatIon are elatel' ettiebm opects. jHOi la inovu by a cucher o! local jîb lashpeuple sud It vas ett hem solîctallontint a cIli vae extenlal te ii.&bout a uuath m&&& H. se- tiopted sud vil! preacii hlm est mr- mon bore 6a roui tram ner! Suaday. The. ountnegatlau ut the local churhh numbers a&bout One hundrol sud la sercely largenouzb te sup- port a mlalster. Ban thal misce aé- rangements bave beex ma"sievth lb. MMbeof et iii.Tluliichoralla De- Ka5h ta have the Usv W&Mllu di- vide hlm attentfoeu l«ementhé tvu cilo.. He vIl R Xaeb la DeKsb one Sunday snd W*dtgmu tshe »t. Hie prebela De" s ua a y. ia 8~139 ugthe -et% £61114 wmrgm lm statul thst ho could etnuacept li.ttbe .finiet ii.e. Ho pneaches la DOKOib "dlWauisgbn lthe naz tire SUu1DIW la eider ibat hé nay, Set 810111111t13Wvlth the meinlers ot Roi. Waigetla bas annwel that altbesai e oviiipresch iu the. tvo eftim e ho nl maie ils bomerne uWsu- iésa. ims yl occupy lii,.rogUlar Flunlsii Luther»a hlurch ,swonae. Tus@ yul sble hm lu evot. more utOf lm hhlm ut 111 IOSles bhan la Hlm vrita lit milte b. s fia. miisa &M Il ha.-V eel! Mue vU! be " ste ,renIer vaiualeis mussia'lthe m»- 1 ciel von uorthle ciure ci oceisu. services bavema110 t - berna l bisne ularly aud members urthle chieam n aalluusty âaatlhg lie arrIvaI oftheii nov pester as they feet h. vii l ahi. te buW lup ithe churci as nover Detective Pire:S, hQI at Ewing Covington Who Was Meie- ly a Suspect. MAN'LEAPS THRU WINDOW. RaWlrad *QMielkvldkibm a BurgWa--PoUoe 'Are Hold- ing thé Siayer. TiI. Iitom trum a Chicago paper la et Intemes!becaus eieviella et ie shootlng lina abrothér ut Tbas Cov- ldutIo, ne iliv,,on Gen lionSav#- "A neu supp»" ose' huave beau tilftbg COVlngtOn Oct19111bbtth DeW- ill i'cari iiu-la us stQée 4&- tdatre, viien ihoateptel te «toei afWé é I eu euli n "ýTii. aliotjngteck Place lu soug vii, lan-mP bétbhe &me aillé jSt btdledlua lit aregMW' 4f - '.lb"dèe Oàvînohbladit a«li iot mli ~ ~ »tbo etu u 1n! ovbig, élu 1diebstle bho habghes Mau-t. 1 Omol's, 1Th«; papdr 1,5 e"mulalten Oet aeY.we ee"htY. ['7Â