ry -1»-,, Ci f-ý26, 19 1. 0f Lalie County's Daylight Furniture --Sto re Bass Bed !7.45 A Genuine Brasa Bed, 5 filling rode, satin finish, 12.00 value r 7,45 Lake Countysa Largest and Lo t .ý% Fura$ture Store Exclusive Aaeits fo;- Keoei .#'sifolfod, Duofold end Kodv Deve$rts, Simmw«Be&cd, Au to- matlc Water Confer, Chalicug Refrlg. crators end Kolortest MattIngs. Tu A 52 in. Colonial Table 22.95 T he largest top, best quartered oak table, handsome pedestal, f ull extension, a 35.00 t able.............. 22,o95 a **34 Axmi~terKuga. Tliese are our regniar 2.50 rugs iii a wide rangeo f patterns 212-214 Sbith Gones.. St. .53Floors The White Front Exclutive Agents for Globe.W4sriiçc" n~aa Stearas & Foster- Mattress.se me MAce, Stovesaend 0 Rionges,5-O*we.uKtben Cabinets end Sidway Baby orips SFloore-3 -FIoors B.j 8 e..Ml Daylight DAY, ARU We Will Hold "Open. House" for Our Friendsm== That You be Amiong these Friends is Our Sincer'e Wish! WTIIPRIDÉe with confidence and enthusiasm do we extend you a cordial invitation to visit our ' ew store, a store that realizes our ambition for service---a store built up by._ 15 years of 'value giving, fairness, broadness, honesty and satisfaction. Our earn- est appreciation is extended to you. Were it not for your encouragement and your help this magnificent structure would have been impossible. Were it not for your interest and co-operation, these five stories of steel and concrete, "a credit to Waukegan's industry," would, not have been achieved. Bring your friends, compare, criticise, comment and convince yourself. FOROVER fifteen years we h a ve served the public well. Neyer in our history have we misreprosented a value or used subterfuge.of any sort, and upon enterixîg oui new home we wish te einphatieally state that this policy wull be continued to the letter. No expense has been spared to make this a store that is strict - ly modern in every feature. Belted with windowo iA mmkes tbis Wank.gsn'o d a YlIht furntuiemt.02r busmes tacties WI e mol. pir,çgrebu- ive and we 'lls rnicom- pote with the 1L %to frni- turestru~~.igfrn ture Of the' &iheut grade nt prices heretofore unobtainable in this eity on moet liberal terms. 28.00 Colonial Dreser 18.2ùO ý L arge sme cae in quartered oak, birds oye maple and Âmâr- ica n walnut, large mir, fO' ag ain at t4i'i Pr ice ........... TEOPENING of this store is a functior, ini which entire Waukegan and vicinitnoiUbe tr ested, an event in which all Waukegan will participate, for are lWtu gàn citizens interested in, the city's welfare? Does not the bilding a né* eptgrrise betoken progress on tlie city and its citizen&;, Our endeavor is to make this aj Ste ttwl pleàse1 you even to the smafiest of détails, your satisfaction will be our satisfaction, your contentment our atm. It is one of the largest and, me~ modern furnitur6 d'tores in the state. It will herald the methods of what is Waukegarl's most: reliable fut'niture store. A Gemme Fê1?fatre.s 5.59 AnU aile er,,Cotton fuit'el,~ w il not u any simé, 'w.' USEFULý 6., heiartily wi Le to our openingl LN TO VISITORS ,%,ND EVILNING mpo~~ished n opr 0 àdzd a0.00~~ article ............. '1 The Doo4QIia 1hand rubbl,d ee, covo Spanish leather, 1epecial ..... mm= 1-ý ýlý