Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Mar 1915, p. 20

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9F 'IVES UP INTERSNGDT iWoton Disoovers Paprf Ily màUIWIilg4i. le found It vas the 10w~~~ WihAe. otr mm wbich bail been placed lnth Corne of Building. strcueiwasY started over a hall cntury ago. .5 ABOUTLITTLE FORT.! isojtvear at esosdo wheuthey mtig FctsAbot W u.commun"tyet large. at Once hurtled te r'esingFacs Abut au-the ISun offce vith the Yellow i ece an Revealed in Age Col- f erl nd urted It .ltatheaShun. ored Slip in Rottie. from the Jagged bottie, but the wrt- Igwsvery plain as a whole. only _______________________ ln a Couple of places was there dliii- ESSAE FOND U OLO Culty ln making out the wording. BUAG FOUD INOLDOPerater Rends I. A0EMY CORNERSTONE. In tact, the coPy vas se plain and Litte Frt, ug.1, 14IL clear that the Paper was sent right L.lti eFor, Ag. , 148. ta the linotype oPerater who set up Lake Ceunty and lie contenta as eliown above directly 8tate oftIllinois. tram the aged paper. If, 65 years o, lIsbuilding won eaectçd hie the men vwho Put that battIs itire b> H nrLk Match for a corner atons e. estold that, vhen the houe. The, cheel W48 building vas razed, a Man voulil set sirl«u b; hlm Who was à the contents Of their corner stone etv .2the mtate of Vermont msaeta ahn hc ot *thé oe»n Ot James Match and 'e lil<& the ahonunneowtypswiir eitOfAsa Match, et the sud set iltata type wbich wauld ha et a years, remeved tram used to print with, lie'd have declareil to t his place and ha$ bis Informant was crazy., Yet, sncb E tesching dey schoi mad bas the mihh of time accomplisbed. ~now 7ni the rInessAitn. Iovever, that shorthand was Juat nov earsaine L.9l coming inta use la evideut tram the t waal settisil and it now con- reterence made te It in the corner lân 2600 (this wa& an errer stans message and tram some short- Oth. part et the, person Who hand notes vhlch appear at the bot- 09s tihe piece ln question. Uit tom of the paper, the miirks evidently possibe they meant .500, but heiug in.Plîman hand but nobady ln i 5» Iuesffl0 apar van>' te Sun offIce coulil translate tbem. ~~ta chance are ho waa The qgeil yellaw px4ser te nov beig wth hif-ciphers) Inihabi Il! hown ln the Sun o ffice wiudow. 9 :I th. ciba .,nuith...» utIonsi hûuie h2public àWls. pioms,4 areheussi, ,,te 'War vith, exIco dat- th* ysear, the. 0bint torm gvéenett Ula Rpublican, Prsdnt, James F. Polk; p raudant. George M. Dai- hPraho a lnov atrugglilngte I hrsait andl astblisit a ne- 11110an tern, ofgovenement. Utarimhas lhidlitadeyand isW faM te .decflne. Coqn. 04900"n frein 'Boton antd 15-YorIcare recliv.d hors In- 00mnes>'b>' the. Ughtnng *àEh. The Phoneilo referai of*tq'etPheiolopy and ~srhy es nVentod b>' ePlte"mn etEngland, ia now sig @round rapldly n tht, kt vastearing down ans of thie iSAliig Portions of the aId Ifac 90my building, john am sora Cent-actor -Stanley j, bef Ma tt bsefforts Monda>' ksefleatg corner of wbat vau e ho mvir 'dece o cf tr Ob he IsMckOd aflt. rt <hio 0 ho MaW a bMua hottle drop $a COOCiete s»bstance, al.thougb Doer va econet. lu the. Mevever, it looked almont 11101t% 90 veil lad thie mortar et fhuh tirat that the -Ugl outa-In Poison. no le i St viibible ammer. Ta is Upa esal i ece of paper, yel- sadropped out, sd. care- A in!BOMBS1 IN' AVE 1 TOWNS DIEAL DEATU Bstb Bem-gae. dFrench Ac- cusi. « yLiothor. London, Mardi 24.--Oerman aria., tare have bombai-led Lillers, St. 01- et and Estaires, killig thres voin. en et d four other civilians andi vanil ln&, six ailiers, accarding ta an colia dispatch tram General French. Aoide tram this aerlal activit>' hiers bas been a lull alang the British front, tht' Brtish commnander rsported. 1Berlin, March 24.-Hostile aviators bave again bombardeti Ostend, the ver oilice announceil, buin; andl wcundlrw, sveral Relgi an civilisas. Ne damage vas doue ta German milii tai-y varka, Northveut of Verdun a Trench avia- Co- vas ehat davu by tseGernians. A F'rench aircraft mauneil hy tva non- ccrmmslsoné.j afficers was forceil ta lanOt near Preihurg. and the officcrs ,%ers mades prîsonera. s" to Revive ndutny. The gaverumept of the Balama Slad, la tr>'lug ta revive the produe. tien of sea Islandi cotton, ance a fleur. iablnt Industrytere. allure Aànex ýs FRANI BIDINiI3R w IJsIm City bf PenM o~tr, Mioh, Re- grets Tht tBoat Line WaCi F ta 4eave. SEEK HAR4OR ALLOWANCE. Better Seloctions Now than Any Timeo0f the year, for Sprîngime 15F wnlîur e Tîme The home is sacred, it thon shouldbeaTbeautiful aspossible. At thifitimooven nature hints to us to imProve our environs. Soon we wil have new vegitation without, and uhould we flot co -operate with lier ini replacing the our service -worn pieces of furniture with a tew of the handsomer kinds. It need flot inconvenience anyone to do this- our ettended payment plan of payaient makes the expense hardly noticeable, A" uqm thl a torstm - furnir. yol ar astaéE 0 offerd affir: ce the days of primnitive storekoeping sucli assrtiofls as the aforesaid have been molace - It is only natural a merchant ishould think superior hie own stocke. = rih re lias nover been a more potentàpplication cf '4thobestfor the lowest" ument. -ThIz your noiglibor will tel you. This we'have béen told, only toc, often Our store. No better and more complote selection of furulture hereabouts, outrte Our Popu.- aflas ef Fms !Extmd.d Payment IWMr room, in the house, ove article for the hom» thii store eau provj4e. The new deuigns in th~e new finishes of woods are beautiful ex - amples o the latest productions. DliIveri'M -ae Ly- S wkièr Ili Lik. CouRty Wthaut Extra Hant Schaffar Marx Varst WA &Wc iÛP- a U A Al Faiing Off iii Business Lasi T1111F ON FRIDAY Year, Dt&fp Noi- jSays Colored Man Made Small The city cf!Pèsituýter, Mich., ie de-ý Purchase-Later Found 2 ploring the tact that IL freze, oàt the Pairs of Trousers Gone.. Hil steamep Mapny tompartial- ]ast year, thereli> greatl>' decreasing 1VISITS MAN IN CITY JAIL the tonnage. At the preseut time the cit>' of Pentvater las sepking ta get Unable to Identif y Him--Polsoe congres, te make au appropriation for ITh#*l More Thefts Will Be needeil repairs ta the harbor there. 'UnS qredSwn. During the year 1913, the eboving tincoered oon. made thora 0lf business douecvaa-aa Fran Biingr, l dvelpswasan.good that an Appropriation or $48-120 I Taul Bdineritdevlop, as n'for Improvement andi maintenance, Other VWauicegan merciiazt vho bas but the Item hma bsn atricken ffomn bsec victimized by a clever thiet with. In the lasgt tew .saya.Hes bas reparteil the cangelbnal budget. The de- ta the Police that two pairs of trous. creaseti vessel tonnage during 1914 ers weresatoien frameinis store, ta helleved te be one of tue reasons. LastFrlday. accordiug ta the story T'he falloving extract tram a Peut- tald the police, a negro camne fiet bis store andl made a amail purcbase At, wter dispaeh vili show hov the that time lie did net notice anything I sUmination of campittion ini-aed the strange about the tellow's actions. On tonnage: Saturday nigbt lie rend ln The Sun o "Unfortunately Iastatpring locàl the ârre8t by th~e Police of George P*a iieaioidi nefott ocn ter vho hail stolen 20 pairs of troua. trate ail fruit shipping vith eue crs t te Gobestor an ~ ~ eteamboast compassy, te the exclusion Place. and lhe began te wonder ,cf aàWOUe n.vbchbid been an vas Posible titat tsecolorait fe 1owactive compettter hla1918. itI thse rd- das ti, sauewbo lidlvimae &Mi. êfigures, of a very conslides'ble redog- daybefre.~teburieh>'mUsaa u.tie etveseltae; aoe»èntial la. ventory uaf lits cltbing stick andi e.i- Bhofvhi fr aabo blpvlh coyereti that two pairs of treSsera bqerd cfoeEir s: it h vere mislr.- qr fegnes l Toits> lie went ta the police station "Tonnage for 1913: Hill Lins steaju- andl loakoil thraugb the suîtcase full erg. 48 trips, 39,6e4 tous; p. IL steam- Of trousers ta ses if bis vers lu the ers 34 trips, 35,072 ftnËe tta6j 4,736 lot. Ho faileil ta recognize anythlng tons. that helonged ta bim. He gave the "Tonnage for 1914: r. m. steamers. Police. a description of the trousersa 29 trips, 30,794 tona, an actual falling stalenf from bise stare lu the hope that Off Of 33,952 tons, or about 54 per tîîey may lie îocated. cent, natwltbatanding tliat the report He aiso stepped lnto the celltetaisae On fruit shlimueta ln 1914 show an a look at Poster and ane If lho vas the actual Increase of nearly 20 per cent "~me tellow who bad visiteti bis store. over 1913. Ho failedtetaIdentlfy him. . "Th- efigures raeçr oui>' teoahlp- The police tbink other merchants mente mide ta Milwaukee direct fil- may discover losises wben the>' cameispetv fcatle hp nst ta make an lnveutory of their stock. reudigtor fo tna hlch dont canstitute inter-tite . comimere as dsiined hei.goveftmient.-" TURKS PILLUGE ANI) SLAY. Ysr vill to recOi fita- during the MèBacr o Chitian laReortilactive. competittion with the pire M~sscraot Cnîsian la apotsdMarqette linsO vliqlz. dld &Il of the, From Peralan ctieg. fruit sblppiug bualasas for'Pentwater. Thera vas a g'est slaablng of rates. New York, March 24.-The Persian FI-I.y u ' a araeneas va reacefi$ war relief committée, with boatiquar- vhereby the-Hill leave t-esn hibis cit>', received the 0>110w.tse Pentwater ituainese, 1alque If the i n& cablegram tfram Tifls, Russia: Pers Marquette people wauld keep off "AIl villages burned except tbree. the MlIwarkee- ta OlG#caaurus. This Tva Christian quartera of Urumah 1sf t but ts- anseainshiphUeeat Plunderai and a great many pol Pentvater a"d huainesaMsed ta killeil. Women taken captives. 2'ifw rpof.mdaey tees thouSanil refugees ln the Amer- Ican mission. Great danger. The Ftreh mission bas been deatroyed. Thoreanare10,000 refugesln Itussla," Siievin. 41Mia nd. 1TIts-massage vas igneil hy Aslan. "Henry VIII -aaGambier" ie thé off, a Ruesaan cantractor of Tiflis. t of au Ant irmst hg onadiiblttea Vrumiab le lu northwestern Persia, b elY.d lmuet eadmlstt t Bot far distant tram tihe Russian ber. Pe hl oeute ,gghW Genesee et Water St. Ntxttcomes a snappy three- At the ritht is à yount nmu At the Ieft is a new idea in a three-button yotrng men's button sac k.wth patch light.weight overcoat; thr*s Norfolk; four patch pocket;-one of the mout button through, patch Poe- pocketu; a. sot roll front popiilar models'going kets with flaps-a lively stytr Vou can't find clothes that have better style than these; they're the smartest, liveliest fashions ever offered to well-dr.essed men. Special designers have put their best skill and most careful thought into these productions; nothing too extrenie in fashion, but "just right"' styles for keen, alert men in school or business. If you want ail the new ideas going, see the Glen Urquthart plaids, the tartans, the banjo stripes, regatta stripes; many pri.ced as low $18.00; exceptional values at $20-00 to $25.00 Ail the newest "fixings" in ýhoes for Mlen,- Women and, Children, for spring Wear, The Colored To ps, the Patent Leathers and UL1 the newest in combinations for the season. lA L E S~RINGOPENINN I styles y modes shw' gmgery for Young -men

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