1:£Twenty-four. LARE COONTY II TA,2f11.~ Wbo * te lutter, heQUT 0 deait sergeant pald a vieil; te WIar's Cj v I be cn b 1,. it sudshowtuem eltu se.t averythilng iweau Wauke~n Weekly Suntion, JM . A I AK S ,kht. l'ho negro beaged for a armit sA RSEPAS HERAP o thrcoe Wakoi1AWof water and fi was given to him.F i 9 Those Woodstock attorneys better corne over to L e1 P VA OLEX RT Uou, 2*0feprtd: tCLEVER ETAWAY d. ci piae ab county and see how the people behave in court here. Looks1 ciL rtvllMarci 24. aPoo. to tuim.mu A litte Iter the sergeat atopped [CIV N as; if things keep on in McHenry county they'll have to, TliaLaecount y formers are In- * kUWlat 1 heur about Lak eore se tutdLô nolak le earden. t e-f or te th - appoint guardians for the county as a whole. Or, spankrng lerested in the mrn'ement to sýcure a CoilftY. It do"a need a oi expert, and ereFse tfe oko 'lc obadtefotdo o h bees in public sessions of court may be ordered. oueilNpert for the county was siown Il the Plansaia outlined for tiie noest- Ceil Door With Rags Sa It police station close. He thought par- Principal Knoelk announced N tilis afternoon when fully one hun- Ing aUtlbeërville are carrled througlh Would Not Latch. iaps thbot aolne stayover boit enterisdt cleos honora for Waukegan hlgh s«boni dre atendd ameeingbel Inthe1 bllee -he armrs ilimaile llelookiid but there vau no fOn. in for the coilng commencement in JUDO Now that the agitation has again started for the soil First 'National Rank building at Li- nMDY inas 4% hubils assistance W 1 HsTE IED HSlIE ie dtectAs he osdrhef buro lnAD la 1h se sveIA rag el SL . consummated and when once established, arranged inh such tion tookc place and the followlng tent- Mr II > 1eema ta think that the 0 The 8sI~l came front the nearo'. cel' SAWIATORIAN: loa Clark, a way that it will be a permanent thing. The establish- Pernry officers were elected: saI ëxpert. If hired, siould work out Waited Until Coast Was Clear! Th. otler steppait to lhe dogp of the averago#&.îa ment of the plan spasmodically is worse than flot at ail. Preslden-Daid White, Antoch. OfI<ne conties and Waked OUt-First Set 1 ell andlooked In. On the lo? wu@as TSTICS: Mary Hardy, i ViePres.-M. 'Marks. .M&clenry.Wlll and Kn cPite ire toUndershirt. 1o ein as glety average . .6 It's either a good thing or it's not; therefore, if a good viertr- E arte rii Illbost ac.miti o x ____a P $ecetryJ.E.BaretePrire elâhO t,_Lke_____inoelpo'rtIon of lie prlsoners shirt. The. RESPQNSE AT BANQUET: thing, it should be maintained right along; but, if jt's to view, .a tu Waukegan. Mardi 24. ofilcer glanced about Inside tie 0011. 'Gîsdys Word, averaig 90.110. be maintained but for short periods, better leave it alone Il was explained tbat If the efrni- Gog 'sele ooe inwoIfI was emPtY! He could 5s*carely 1 PROPNESY: Konnath Funfflteoi entirely thanl to get people expecting to reap the adVantage ers bla he'ouinty wlsh te secure th.JA was arrested Test Saturday afiernootnrdh t bi s sble ornld not eu- aec.00. of an expert's advice and then wake up and find h lfadhe' s ervie ofiacmesentih epertadficlmeue aeny sçtgohan i o tta ossible foriait tne- CLASS MIBTORY: £dward soaderve of acomeete n 1exertacy îieîucymd ,vri got aegte oI etidteaverage »AIT. longer available. adpoutvxeso hi am,-cI atlempts te enu itls lire, wilî ne o tou cr bte ecet]. This tune Tt opensd CARE TO1 1OAD i thestae egiiaureisrecivig he eaty uportof t he ther $1.20 isce n S r L L K Çr tem teobliged te stand trial for hsvIîîg qhile resdily. If ail fla:bed uponhini UATES: Eîno Nef-fonder, &ver, The teachers' pension and retirement bill, nowe before maise $3,800 of te required $5,000, SPECIAL CAR SERVICE. stoln twenty lpaire of trousers fretIn econ. henerohaCmdehiS& o P89.Emiy1.w pyotteofmie. Secretary McGiliIof the Waukegan Fox and Wirf and Globe stores, for Without any delny ho notlied every thorne, average fit70. techrsofLaecont ad tsemstobequt crtinTiplree and hr seemed butppe lttle Commercial Club bas arranged vith lhe Ieilnw imade hi@ escape floua tie. member of the niat police force and CLJ%4S SONG: Clora Petortfon, that the measure will ho adopted at the present. session. uoul liat 1h plan willi be put Into the eleetrlc rond for a speclal train city jaif on Tuesuiay tîlgil. Tt van aoon a systematie* effort vasa ing average 111811. Lake oounty teachers have strong hopes that Sellator 01- itcî Many exprcssedi teir vîîîîng- service on lie eiectric during the big fnot tirough.any carelessnessi on theI made ta locale saine trace of tie ne- ORATION: Borliai Swan..fn, LO son of this district, as a member of the education commi*t- ies te give tîîeir proportionale siinre fashlop show te o li eld by Waukegan part o! the police for every precau- gro. In addition t tuis word vas tel- average 87.»o.c tee, wifl bring the standard of teachers up higher in the -0f tie amount. marchants starting Sturday. Th ien iotm been taien, buit ratierepond te Milwauie., Racine, Kenlo- Tt vas announeed that the. honores state a.nd tend to encourage theni in the great work of A1 'file later a Permanent organisa- for an'vlI send a car otItof Aera tirough file own elevernes. r ala. Chicago and ail other cilles along were awarded on the bause f lthe tiet Hi& i l bli perfected and lhe rag-fo Waukegnn at 9:15 ecdi start- Poster vas loe'<ed In fie new lier 111e laie shore, as well asl througiautlresnon-afyrsfti.hg sacrifice that they are following year afte.r yoar. It seerns utO" s o w icr vi e ece.Ing Batura n hs persans from of celle on the main inelor. He vas i ftiecuîy.Acml t. d e- ad o n er f uls. eas e be that if Chicago tahr are entitled to the advantage of a The rrganizalîo<i plans te incorpor- Antioci, Ares, Grayslake and Lake flot allowcd lhe freedom of lie 'bull scription of the negro vas given, tae- o bigcnsdrdb aigh peso ateachers h mle iisa&tecutr t ne h aso h tt. Villa vîll ho given n chance te get pen" but was icept locked in a separate galber with lie fact LiaI lhe vas flot trntWzcniee nmk h districts, whose work is even mriore difficuit and unremun- Tie discussion as te value of av- rgt to tie county seat via electrie cel. ecaue of his atemPts te ake earing a hIrt or overcoat au o ied lad Pupiso hv be îtnîg i eraive sh~iI no 1e d s r xn n td.v i y o a Ing i a apoil expert for Lake county fine ilout deray. The service back own lire açlose acli as beng leplburned b ti of tise garmenta wvile î,u i s cooîvebue t t yedi .th - ea tiaw ve riho ln t » d t t's n t h i s ynw îa pro proved very Interesting and le In- e t from W aukegan 18 good. cars le. on hin. T ic Police ooked fo i s locked In its cel. lo c nsldeedu ain ii. seiee - ,,a lrosi displayed slioweui tint tic men ing avalljble every hour at foust.. The ceil every haIt iour to mie sure liaI Poster vas srresied Saturday clter- Ions.o. vie o:apninfund for thij non-Chicago teachers. Present realizo lie need of sncb s, pecial car service will tast savon deys he didflot succeed In iianginghilmsef loon .lust aller lie liaitstolen In i ltoicduE one fCeavr er _________________________pl ,an bieng oîerative In tie counîy. -front Salurday. te Saturdaylitchu- or takingbils lite in soine oter mia- paire of trousers ai lie Globe store. la o tucdiet ote oe a ege.Ti. coI Iv.lier. lie bac? laid hm .r l sn ail~ e re ma on ' liwe e ecil iis v Le. VALUABLE TEAMIfalie ttuy chuancie<p o Wul hlm ina i R. B. Swift, of Libertyville, Wvia iscfltuhorrlain n o i *1rI a ound tint sead aun ag ofsturedeoeuetshw VALU BLE EA14 100F. aced a Ichirma of he metin aiBecatîse of liene frequent visite la rovered them viti ile overcoat. e Of s lie beliel f11-i'Il ho0 tintef librtvile si Le eeli "0TIRE CgL D IE IN PIRE "bullpen' vas net locied as il vas lie rame nîimier of Irousers at h li Ilm ost ho lunla hi al in é Cilamto.le lie ve i at arniyte raicwa 0' rolteIt ithlIock onbils catil door Fox and Wirf store. hieu 0 F II R S E S T A K E N wlîte utis e fh m .g t liWord as e rn :t a n id ge v a e l a g n r l v T w o Escape F lam es aused by th e as suffic ent. ese ce l s do n ot In addition t 0 e llltt ng rire a bigi p tO adlflthe * M ro uBeau sn toteCiaoplie1 epalre Increase lie value of Our Evox'losion of a Lump. mc vili a key but rather by a catch I c7tiing Poster nmade tihres distinct tl e uo tia I... thpqfllaor Fti _____B RN____e t te hiaipl iore t s alte rmeby increasing lie output of Our 'Prévo, h Marci 23.-Three whici la outaof tie reaci of lie pris- ntlempts la iang himoief In hlm oella 00111 i afto.l0fflus bus p" "mao saîîeff ot forhth tpe. r.Swli xli younghe cilîdren aners In tecelI vien lie door ls Twice ie was cul down iy the police. speech.. loc i$fouadahlo la le0u Thief Entered the Barn Some aInot rIiIleIif. * MSin t expiteand ioverliecont ly anRidlng voeeburned te dethInlaclosed. ILater he hegged for cocaine, seing the. Britlih adi orelgu DBile s. e 1tt 10 gel stal nnd governndntMadd led vien lie parents vere at churci tsot adn I heceldorta maie filappear lhe vas a drng lien& ety h. aus Ioue ir 353UM0 0coliun 0.-ad Mde (D< (D o (Doo 0Q F> P showlng thnt "vien ve rais. $1,200 on Provo Beachonear here. Two aIderwAIs oe, Jme ven ls nctein, W t ic..oor 510dl O h Srlltflo wihmo b»i wassopen. jay. jen In LaotenooninWiat leeaulicere the $1,200t nd aldfeniof thuetfamelyofsviel mofroltaPO His GetAwafrnt taeieoai ve laenli e .20thle n»- i aml sapdfo Poster availed iimsel f o!hlieopluor- wiy lieshotild have set tiretu bils 11U1.001111) have lens à EnSgLahein 0 NORTH CHICAGO. frci fdrl aeomn.Ti i iueIl te ca___teriportonsoffilaimd 0 Tlue hoerselîleves wî,o haveîeen university vant s us toraise $3,80o. The rive chilîdren were put In bed .lt 0caian otn !isundershirtuefare takng Frenci louve wokn nvrosprsof taecounty __ Are ve goîng te ]et sonne oh. out-andl a lamla left iurning ln lieronm. sit frite a penîng in vblci lie on 'lSe5day nigit. Pou.Tbruol.fTi eîllnto ~__ .'a.r o i~£c~~s p î uposd1i lmpephae. catch itlcd. Tiuns ven lie cli door _________ ftaPla on. dbml. seothe r Ied. nearta bve umne 1h jt D j(5 i t0 tji(D 0 -0 u ai 0'aC'_Q tY gel Ibis ahead of us? ItTa lt IL __________ vs ctseeilnppare tabe ockui ior teeed akggood I medie Nonday ss cfutilet asaerre to h locthe taRinign. no. Ie onayCounýiI meeting met in regular ses- We ne odstrong farmer te Rate Rfais&Are Suspendaid. securely vien In renllty tiere vas Gvitaamre.ery die a roue avnd tii. d t nIigt they visiteaitaharn In lie rear jalon InsI evening. City Clerk iead tlus movement se Ihat vien0fliajîrciHnn lae 94Su arNatuabetre.G.yll cedsislismdel alli areIntc tcraesl liesd al riglcac. i do cud epuledgodnluethegam nbdylbodyIi i thOTUnt, 00 10ti I@ns clerk. Ail buils read and lloved. cut i amr iIlaeu l- fues t laitsad esund erc peaascatc Tedy foti liehosideas ed onued me.ngw uandi cm ody I e.d lacSir,14sans violaa o livdngoar derlin sîreet. and gtaI ay viti aitJnder streets and alleys lie street cut h aseswl av n ispcndedo ostadhethorwr pn sraeufrn h nid stni e e o ht mod1my40 iODOwoism lvn mh valuaile team, of bornez valucd ai commission vas autloionled la put ed confidence. Ve autit have a petit ss* îd y lie Intersînte commerce froni lie -ouleide. ill-natured tbngsend everybodyia- the @510011C5 hli cie. s»deu- y o $500. The liorses are fôtur year olda. cinders on 22nd sîreet from Cammon- sSertary vio vili give bils entîre commission for Investigation of tliu At igit-liirly o'clock thie niahi tens.-Samuel Rogers. mon m oalie hbave dhe.,wt&dhé Tiey are black viti wVle forcibeads vealti avenue la SIxte street. limte ta tlie vork?- rcnn andhind test. Tic rolbbkre 100 IlO v o tlon made and seconded te lry J. E. Barrait,. preaident Farmers' ________ a bridiez and a net of reins, a nev valve at lie vater vanks. The Instîlule, said thte Institutes this peut bai Hannu board nofia cturbance during rlly dlemi rend lie nev contractane rsedsrogyn aro!C lie nIigt and ild net disoover bils loss .for ornmental ligit for Sixte wne emdornl nfvro until titis morniug. lHe made hate treet. Lake rounly iavîng a oil expert. He _________ ta lie Waukegan police and they fim- Sîr. Carl Sayler siated tint lie boitshowed tint tie need of suci lielp la es mediately noîiied Lie polce of Clif- already raîsed tic ý$500 for tie new satin in the fart tint lie corn crop Cd cago, Mlvaukee and Otier cilles arnamenlal ligit tint vas te lbe con-o aecul sbt5 e eto along the narti shore 'and tirougiout lrîbuted liy lie mercianta. o aecut abtrt e eto tie country ta lie on lie waîch far lie Afler a few sllgil changez îaui beau vint l should he. "MI realîze ve Pi Illeves In case lieY allempî te loave made l vas noaved and seconded thal muet do botter. Wien are tie Young Plate tic country viti lie animais. tie contractlibe signait. men of lie future la maile tir start ar Tic police have absolulely nlo clev Cityy lrientien rend lie nevlilgit- In farmna' Tien vill psy iigieiy - roL la vork an as lie lileves dld .net lng conîract for lie enlire city. Afler Prices for land but If tliey are going leave n sgn vilihmligt iclp lu fol- It vas meaut andi uiscusseui a motion.rs lowing themn. The only chance Of vas made ta have lie city ntoney ta feed tie people of lils canunily LOIN cathig hm a Le osslîlity tint uraw urt an orulînance In accorciance ve must Improve oui methods," outld lihe' mit b ppeene t e t0hie contract; carled. lie. adding: '8ff i Irealment la neces- the IL lias lîcen goule litti0 lime sionec The questbi o!ofavlng an elertrlc sary ta preserve andl Increase lie fer- . . __ heorse thieves have visifeul Wauiegauu sign Placed over the door of tl i Ctillht>. Persona) experience show tint altiaugi îîey have commitiedti îeîr hl cm p for discussion ancid o'inv ieraasfrst depWeatlons litu 0fhem nearhy chties. George Miller' as caficti upon fe ex - 1dn Twth esrt o si r Tic authorities are lnclfnerl te thinki lan tlîe electrlc sign o liait plan- cLdtII oNm.lae.W NeSa tiat tieme is an orgaîulted buandl or ned. Afber am'e discussion a motion expert vlîo does. And vint about wr thievcs lt sork. îvsmade aciseconîledte bhave ticeftheegenerations te crime i!..ye don't veré queisionrmereud liai-k te thecoin-~ rtr esufrîi> o lei nuiu'u'. Trîe vote was a tic andt lic c h si etiiyfo hin el FOUND TUESDAY ,MUmRNmwl. maYvo soleti, '~wbcî sent Il bnci The expense we tncur In 0f fin st ualty h t c nno J WauegnMai 4. thli commlttee. ui efforts wîlI more than psy for tiectn One o! tie valuable liorses wiili A retresenlatve ).Y inn Chicago services of aur expert."ov wastolen trom ITîdricti Hannu. 94Milwaukee Eleclmlc vas present and BH ilenlonyan ae. 1e Stinerli ýd lio foran oinio on he.d.upilerattdneW andkfrmer audri treet, on Monda>'niitrluestion of Pttliag fenders on tiecars sId the good movement ahould h be u lc t d i W a kén hsn basa recovcred fiy lie loaui te protect lire. The reîresenlativc officered by farmers. C. M. WIlcox acciu tianities. Il vas niamioneut îy tie slaled liaI there liait flotyet, heen sald ieoinu landwvilci lhe don'l!aov-'- o e<w<iaxl-esil the llrh hi e I i tewyinventedaitefnder that was effective hwt an. WlbrBon fteor j o bide allr i md ed t aI li vaInlaProteeling human lire. He sald lie>'ivl inl.WlbrBoa0 i te lie Edwnrd Idomo farmontle vere uslng a fender nov, In lie cîît' Blalchfield Caît Meal compan>', Wu- Milwaukee rond, n fev miles.east a!of of ilwaukee but tintthle>' md no,, kegan, vas present nepresenting 3. W. -illerlyville. Tic aninmal vas braught leen satistactor>'. Nothing vas donc Barvell. 1farmer-manuffacturer. He Yu bark1te Waukegan. Icdnalyleb> tie counnril. Other malters ..f tbld of tue benefit farti experts buil - o inding of tic hese mn>' serve as n reptresentative stated liaItiey vônld bronail te certain places vhilci hie b cwwilchi viiresuit ia tie appre- I>' andl correct anU maltera In due mcv of. To hension of lh iefbId a issiaed In lime. Tieme belng no otier business Pollovlng lie election of tihemn- t vhiri direction lie vent atter lcavlng Miss Iren ci an ,vi ude-porery officers, n commtte. te drow, 'truc Wau'4egan.to a constitution vas Ieft te Chiarmanfa-.. sent an aPeration tor enlargetiIn Sff 0ame enmdAde At 12:15 oclock Tuesdny mornin>' la aud>' sgeîatln s e sinerR. H Rue nS aul ac- ru memiers ofthLe Moran famlly were well as can be expecteul. EigR.P( omcadPalmaai relurning hiome wien tic>' pnssed a Final Preparatians are îîng made, Gdin.4 ma viown caln alir e iy for tie men's nupp)[er t0 e li elti aI Tic resolutions provide for the or- vole did flt thini miieli o! litis etltie tinie lie e itiodist churci Prida>' evenlng ganizatian te tart out vili subt- t anS forgol ail about Lie Incident until at 6:30. Tt promises ho ho a big ai- seriptlons. Tic busstiggested va * inuI niorniag vien tiey founul a herse fairm siti ls excellent menu and l ier 10 cents par acre but thie amount hotu mur~y~U~ standing bnck of ticir bar. The dInner speaicing. Social sPeaters arc e h e ufscrlbed vas finally Totlef ho 10 b. BasaSA NW H T I %X herse still vore the bridie. Tic ani- Rev. P. M .Nevlin, C. A. Hathomne, purely optional. tiers are a few attractive Specials for SPRING OPENINO WZLK le niai vas miken Ia otbe haro te avait andi P. E. fleYoe. Tic star attraction -wé Tt was flt unlîl nîgilti tiiStelter lestiluîle, c public, speaker o mor' CLUB SHOULD AID MOVE. 0e o fvl ae,1 Oetosn ads o aî re icketwhîte Ei ag iebec a n s r i e r d eo v e o e s I n. s W u k g a n l ) a v4 .i sdoi i u t l i e n r e t i B l i e I a d tianodiay biiy.vlues. for ibis sale.,,a 12%cdress gingbnmas, spec- bderedsec afoithls turkish toweie, '50o value, vie: gan. Tiey Immediately notifieit fhe .John Sciuren vas lecteil captatio Secretar)j NMcCi1 of the Waukegaa e...frivCil1sa ndwileoica orti local nutiorities and Assistent Chier of lie base bail toeam of Lie Norh Commercial club tuas mornlag au ho er2yadlit Tyrmel. Siemiff Griffin and Deputy scinol Yeateruiny. rcad the article la TueadyaeDel» lyu u v ~ ~ ~flft an S n viireen, tic orafaut milie Wode n, anti Roya eigb Sun aforte mon I Lhboertyvlleifor a. tOuC ..018 ls exaCto vîît u torW ue rn