Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Mar 1915, p. 9

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t t. N r- - KA~15. LÂKE COEJM~Y- 1W f~P~N r~ NT~ -- -- -- - -- - - -- --mu ~u ~ U~ Prevailing Fashions- in Dresses wlamonsi.Drueearue Conservati ve and Attractive, Ski rts Being of -a Wicith ta P)eae MJOrofa Womnen, Styes re aPAcietV Diversified to Meet the Requirements of AilWmn. ASHIOSini womeŽs ened w aist line and finised at the foot Gecorgette crepe, taffeta and shadow grow more eonservative and are also used to a eonsiderable extnt, erepe are espeeially -welliliked, and aïe wearable as the season ad- and are oftentimes given a quaitit effeet selling r iaily in sand, putty, pink Mo~~I~ vances. Maîiv of the trying by the use of a band of puffings or ruf- and white. Thev are mnade on tailored and unhceoming features of flings on the edge. or, preferably, semi-tailored lines with SrDfWt ýoeet ' the last few seasons havé SLEVES njyw are interesting fea- cîther high-standing, niilitarv collars or It iNaay foi beeneliinaed.Thi shuld SL ures of dr-esses. The majoritv are with high hack and low front ones. A iu -simplify the selling to mark- in fîîll length and show manv nlovel One of the most iîîteî'estiiîg features CORSET fashi ed extent as the styles are ideas ia their designing. Transparen- of waists at the present time is the col- were flever diversified and eonservative. ies are used'to a marked extent in both Ifir. The vogue for the higli neck finish- n'ore salabte. S Skirts are neither extremclv afternoon and eveuing dresses. Oftcn- ings has affordimd the designer an oppor- %Nith just Cfioug widenorcxtrmcl narotiînes ttiey are given a mousquetaire cf- tunity to create nrany novel ideas. te ofra ust comnfortable, becoming feet and the siceve is long enoughi to While the high-standing collar is given mjrt ffg andattractive. Styles are uîost wear- reach over the back of the hand. While a marked degree of promineuce in both erate in heiglit, able'and n great diversity. Nlanufae- theérnajority are in thç longer lengths, retail and wvholesale diAplays, there con- Icngth and the bi turers have provided modes for every t an occasional dress shows the shorter tinues to be a steady demand for collars the support w;hi( type of figure. lengths. As the season advances, in- with a high baek and low V front. These At the beginn-i QZKIRTS, one of the most iutcresting dieations point to a more generous use collars are so comnfortablc and attract- was inuch uince %'features of dresses and costumes, of the shorter lengths. ive that womcu are 'inclined to favor heiglit of bust, are shown in a variety of smart and ERGE continues to bc inucl in u vi- them rcgardlcss of the dictates of fash- been so definitel- attractive designs. In substantially al Sdence in cloth dresses. Tis nia- ion. are having littie' instances fullness is shown in some por- terial is often combincd with satin. Maiy of the collars are of a convert- vincing womenj tion. Some are pleated and gathered Touches of embroidcry in color arc used ible chiaraeter anîd eau bec.worn either able tQ ,their lig at thé waist line, others fltted, elosely witîî good cffect upon dresses of siik high or low. This type is meeting&with is unquestionabl over the hips with a decided flare at or wool. Oue of the attractive features the approval of wonien, especially of dcgree of attenti the foot Some of the skirts have full- is the use of wool embroidery in dark, the younger génération. The coliar with prefcr it to the t( ness and yet carry out the straight line Oriental colors. This. gives a prctty a high back in turu-over styles, nany -bust of a season effect, while others showv considera.hle toucli of color to au otberwisc dark. times, and a low front arc shown in nu- it is uccessary flare, changing the silhouette. drîess. merous attractive styles. These colars wide assQrtment The long, fuît tunie continues to bce lu dresses of a more drcssy eliaraeter, are quite as popular on practieal waists fulili the requir shown and in evening dr-esses is rceiv- the lighter colors arc considerably iu as they arc on waists of a (less'Y' char- ual figure. A y ing considérable attention. The drop evidenee. Sand and putty colons are acter. Mauy arc fastened in the front woman appreial skl.rt of lace, mnany times ln, ruffled cf- combined with printed or plain taffeta with a black ribhon band whieh is tied low bust corset ii fect, or of satin, is narrow. The tunie, inj color. i» a stiff how in the f ront. an~ o wne which in'all respects is siinilar to a skirt, Sîceves of waists are shown ini the ial that every de reaches within an inch or two from the fult lengtlis almost eiitiirelv. Occasion- a range of styles foot. Some of the dresses of récent de- alyawitla hre ieebtti signinga ,have long skirts with a uarrow Styles in vvaIit 91Ytha eaistlisiion hrer sîenieb hisDemiand Grows1 drop skirt trinnd with ruffies which Vai.îy of Modes Aftractind g Muci, Mien- i h xeto.Teei osdrbe The increasine shows through the transparent band set tdon, Semi. Tailored Waist Beind i înterest regardiiig the lcngth of the corsets is a matl in above the hem of the shirt. The drop Favor; Mugi, Coiar on Mil- sleeve, but for the préet the longer Corset fti skit 18 he ane lngh a te fitskit.itary Qider In High one is shown almost cxelusively. As the prgesiofethis skr stesm egt stefl kr.Favor. season advances the shorter lengths porsiedp W TMIL the skirts are showing flim3y AISTS arejeatured in au assort- give every evidence of eominigito fa- ha'.'ed w on ro ftures -of intcrest, wàists areW meut of styles that should meet vor. Wornen arc quite as partial to the ulue ocn 'équally as interesting. The waist lime is the requirenrients of ail classes of trade. shorter leîîgths lu sheeves as they are Demand botb raised and normal. The tendency Whiie they arc simple in eharacter they to the low colars for Summer wear. Brassieres' are to fav<or the raised waist lime is notice- are so diversified, both 4~n design and While the ight eolors prevail , attract- sential feature ol able, atthough many of the dreboees and uiaterial, that it should be possible to ive styles are shown i the darkcr col- set departments. costumes have the normal line. For satisfy any ludividual taste. The de- ors, especially inu the more piactical dispensable witl evening dresses; especially for the signers have bec» clever, indeed, to waists, or ini those matching suit mater- eorscts, they an( yo nger generation, the raised waist evoîve 'so many attractive ideas in jais in color. Taffeta waists in stripes a feature with a line s used to a marked extent, many waists made on a semni-tailored order. inl suit colors are mnade iu scnîi-tailored cnt scason. The, 4fthe dresses showing a deci&7d empire Tbey are smart in style and adaptable styles and triiiiuued iith buttons of attractive - unes, A nmnber of the new dresses are made in coatee effeet. For the younger womem, the coats are rnade lith a short- tU wtear wittI LMe ailLJfed su1 iL LU Mesome novel (designi or eoioring.UChiffon present time. a waists arc also showvn iu the'darker cof- The most popular waists at the pres-% ors but usually with a foundation of a cnt tim6,are those of crepe de chine, lighter colorn~g j ciose-fittimg vai appearance to a f ducixqg.gracefull obtainF7l. in amy( siones athé est,yh~ ýrmorez-, isfàctdy Styles are conser'.atve., gh of a;niake de and ada ptableto the res. The bust is i*W- the skirt modea& boning sufficienft a iJ ich mauy womcn d . csivé'. îing of the season t1w, > ertainty regarding 1 ýbut this questionha y settled that retailà,:a edifficulty nuw in co"- as ta the sty1e4 adapt gures. The higher buet lY reling a marked tion. Woinen generally topless or extremelyIo or t-wo ago. ' in this day to carryza iof models in ordýr. t6. Leînnts of the indîid- 'oung girl or a sleude& ites that many tines Uic is adapted to hier figure, of this type it is essetit- ?partment shoul4 eafrry: j ýto mleet their dematiid, for Front Lsce Modela. ig interest la front laiee tter of marked itrt type are carried by ai ýrtments. Women who )nt lace model are quitç miue wearing them . for BrasgereS enow eensidered an es- cf ail well managedco- s.While they were ini- th the low and topless re e qually as important_' alt corsets of the pres-é ey assist in carryig eut; snecessarv with the ists. Thcy give a tntm figure and assist lu pro... hulies that could notbeL other way. twl -r-- * a - t s-..'.. r- dot,% Au*. 1 . 1

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