LAKE COUNT I NDEPENDENT * WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XXII.-NO. 28.. USITE PAGES. LII3ERTYVILLE, TLAXE <OtTNTY, ILI.,,, FRLIDAY, APRIL 2,1915. O13 TO EIGHT 8 150 PER YE4AR IN ADVÂNCLt PA eaed ly AugLto cu ure1 si DAMiES Elgin Probation Off icer Is toDaAl1T~TI Happened About Three Years I 1~~fF LO PAJIX Soana od y ton A V8,VVVt Work for State Cur- ROA I) U FTI Ago But Austin Has Been M .R B F L O CIO SIGTENDER Miermanagement Charge., R T R E YJRY Asaeîwfew Law.P RC A E B 0 Out of State Sinc:. I II OET T MEN CE SYprOi ngild llMarch 28-lt w8oTlnS' AE 1în OM ll akeawn vrdci A announced today the Bdate Investi-erItweHve yisiCASE Aa"eafrom en E LmrHwiswaIe eta 14EN CEDY___ ga11ldeon ove etheof livtubstg' c M KoaCHdULwWaukgabewona,_vrdicfor$37 onJo o th ie stoc or ilb nte&rentsue atater 10 ocdock i ramn John Austin In circuit court__ He Was Charged With Leaving tuiiied over ta the standing committeesJryRetired at 4:50 P. M. anid ai usAit wil t advocated betore El- Highway Commissioners WiII Friday aflernoan. Austin was@flotWih erLteNee, au Gates Up, and as Resuilt a:o glutrlv soksddiy eched an Agreement at, gin womea by Coiinty Probation '- MeanArngScdue Prenant Sa it was a detault judmment. WthHrganl wecWaU Sarage Young Man Was ' ng, of whtch Senator Abrt J. Oison 9 o'CIock at Night. tier A. HelenWilloo as a resuit frGti1HI.Po h osloya a<n mn WI hi KiIed on Sunday Ater. o! Woodétock, lchairman. _tof! aPrRD tha t imno o w ri i s l g a l n o rtn e il*ft$hmg nS.Wheuthe sonte meteson Tuesday CASE WAS FOUGHT HARO. the arrest Oef titre. mail by obsbuggy f tab ou t rears a lu E uaint W ortaun e Ubyà terds>' on chtagés oflarcen>'. W A UFTC~IT F utncieaogi l uooie i L IS L UER, 16 YRS. OL O, lm n heluttt eoe Wlii ls Second Sage Dam age Case Tt là the opinion of both Probationcr hi g m hl . e wa inue CRUSHED BY THE ENGINE. o! incomîeency sud misma&nagenient Ge vrir xue fie isWlo n het PO! 'Men Have Not Yet Been Hired soniewbatandth. buggy waa demo- SEDE EETYA - b' te unn aoites ~e urn<i for the Next 2 Weeks. lice Gabon that trouble which finall>' WoAe oLo AtrI lshed. HaSn am ht ho EsFLTN E , WCNTATGA HisFahe Aries on Soene in 1Jbotertanlite s tand n '>e trnhted0 Atradlbeainlsig remus n the affectof boys, éarts peaioonnout. uth i aie Of thea andtr h Time to See Hlm ie-Feel- 1ire stock and dalrying. Te~ averfour lour the urlan te lnth hme.Warents do fnot .1glve ccIent InerîanciConesas esut mg Rns Hgh a a C Ow gthebion o! tIi. g overd n board tsof James Sage, who wae kllgçd by a, r1teni The Porchasing cOmnnittee and lte Austi fornieriy conducted a Oa- Gathers at Scene of the Fa- O h ulc uiiisb ad a d b ad street car ai St. Nary's cro sng near iand the>' are eowed te !lquent titi rod cOmmittee Of te Lake county b n l a k g n b t m vd O nt0f i. ut nand Ntoe sBeiné taMy. - ~iel of ittiYe tune aertbspard Thu-eabday >we~ ~~ vnt ta Chicago, and, tOwn shortly afler the accident hap- Neai'est Relatives- FaiM UJLLSTIN. Picng the comnittee on agricu- were flot 80" legalsteps that couliS they closed a deai for the purchase was served yul' a sommons ln tiis Highlanid Park, Momcl,29-cor- ueai lesok on c har e wdaagee agistàihe Cmpany. Mibe îaken to, pro4Jit @mail boys from af a rami repair outiit vhici tAie suit en that hlieu$as aare of Il. ___ Otier Taylor imp*n.i.IIed a jury this; inquir> means a thorough loves 5Ia- suc teîi'Rlra opn.Seillng p&Pffs On the streets utlboard recenti>' auitorised.Tecaehsrgedaogb- arstofte iah monngsd trilaiîvstgton; tion of *Il Phasmsof the work co u elred a ri t 94:50 p n.adnthe it".jdlls icx ib- The Purchase was nmade tram the ever, and Tt was flot util this terni sale,ýll f h e of the deuttuof the garage man, Louis nected wth the lire stock board. The reacitdavrit IiIcok la h'leve that tbe-4Women or Egin would Austin Rtond TMacinery ,nPany' for of court ihat Tt vas placed on tioe three wceks ago in W'auke- Loeru. but ftor haff à o»nwltexpentdîturea for vsrlous phases o! evening. Tleir sealed verdict was bce interested lu a mnInement to se- $3.2()u, alfrdsoa.Asivolvagu i is*îlaKnso nse" had bhein .saminted he con-the vork ilt iibechecied up and te iregented ln circuit court this moru- cure a iaw ,oldbiting ttienfrani ho- The outfit consinsaof: -11afotrdspstaitin, dno he ieso ga niofnulia.. Mr s. of tinued tAc Invoitigation indeflntely, h in ! h an*inaanîthe lng. ing away front their homes aiene at- 1Road rouler. reuandfedbuetniteFltn f8t*Jnesret hie plans bagne ta watt until î W« foot andS moutb epldemic vililbe sur- The (-ase was fouglt the itardest er 10 O'ciockit ainight" Eg grader. jrynanhandfni> hidelnc e F ultnot ae te stemhow he cnditon *of an> case trled here in sanie littie Jury________the________o cee hwofi cod ti hebrother, ___________ lie Th ttrey orteSaecarifier.nantri>o. Vîkgcoesnolaf Frank, now ln the Lake For«t hfli- lije The atorney for te SageTank wagon for gazoline. man__________on._ of ukan ete esinstod at toi -volI ,estate field that tAie sîreet car coni- flL anheatlt ru wt gsaîetier' es.1.tiUrte a TeSecond i îin lln mch ai& INFORlMATIONS C'ARE panywas liabie because of tAie deatil eOOCITHECKNS SAeVL uextlaof Liii ougia uvlJth eti dthe htlop. Ifilletifait!ho te) ofaI.and 4leYs..Sage, wmhiteee atr înesîgaln a i kmSVE$2000, touth e mn "et teCVr hosptav i eth atA ohewfr te ' mpay sug tupro tat I 15ON ITS WAY TO Iseing George Bairstow o! the can- EL xtw of kiddn deth', homan h.T O frtecman ogt1 rv mittee handie the englue, camiug ta ne rcve;ne ve lmfthr wo LFAUIiINSTTWOtA1e onclusion hat, atter il, the ga- tIOT FR se aiment frantic *ver thie occident.te eahofth ge cupeocure ..a aeoprmbe tAie t of thie o a re up e urr COTFFICE tecnlso htatral as- cT L dliîer relatives be<4tise 'be ad son tFceheîjr~ OR LIQUOR SA ES The plaintiffs proved that thie car CO R A the steani, or Perhaps more ta ho e d- DESN A Tite tOwerman, Teri, won brought w a riesut thercou rle ssngetl o:::. ta the end for counvenlence and D STROYEDSU D han ealth ef he her., lrmteLk enyjl n O4Mri ue fVro hr-about 40 miles an bour when the ac- Inheritaiioe Tax Fromi Sears econaomy-. Sharing c.qially the $MO,,. Vro . e c owu nt wici a forteati Matin Ker of enoAntChar- cdet happened. le'y ed that tis Estate WitI Be the Biggest Men t Moet. Maple Leaf Hotel at Lake Zur- 000 estate wVhieh'Miss Kime the . tr i n id Ai e s e w athnm d er d W t l ng i n i S - tact alone made tle co upany respon- EverPaid ine ndCountyno.on A emeeting viii.Bibebf r Iitaldmp stitisf r twem -kaiiinhouCaughtAm eeFngre Froemid a De- IeftCau toFre ber D e eat esber heirs, is, i 10kra tu iai t rai n . eThne, iaon ___-Itarmate 'rlng the car toa astop in- COUNTY GET S NONE 0F 1 Lk ouITn. etvl(,Sudyfetv hiny ite ofmrs. Kie, ai loc era peis tai. ho, tinHE PLEADS NOT GUILTYl aide1o!0400 fot after lhe haiS appiied T. ot high tyvlinieoSss ofrday ter of . LfWôlSNs asusj, ho i t earlitgwa ntue mo, W_______ hevitos.whn the question a! vhen each tovn $500 DAMAGEEU CbLTED. Will, Who died tbree yeui ,th ait&Ted vas ee d emloepr Max Adr lasNtG tAiTe brakes. opaysogt 0imýAnd, Under Interpretation of vîshes ta use theooutât for ropair-1 t aree l'uso Vri ht.. e Ao« f elndeLrs e a ab1Guil tAie i<icofthan>' s oug-Law, Treastirer Gets Nothing 1i lg their rendc viliil'e take p. Village Firemen and. Citizens' ago at Salemn, 0. The- 84 dersd veoite s ticronher fStigLqo t nHb et ite vdnc fib ýncpl fo adln Bg u. jWhetier the>' vIidrav lots, orrt reetd nPatwith her mother, livesat at ý ai min s nthngt.juslf Als itilal Drunkard. wtesfor thie plaintif but apparent- _for- vitthe itviiiBeigraae a tEffotPe eng ed . en P r o u h et fb b*ir4 hehl. ly ~~~~ ~1>'the effort did not have much veiglit Wuegn Mr hote tWT eaa26. h fHtl en und owadtenw f bar*»WTylor vili iieidthie Came'information* have been lied I witl tAie Jury. Likeviwlse theeffort ta Sni dy iisvek.,achc26.uln6eed Ofthie ronds, romains t. b.u --inheiac 181ei cr Soneda hi wekachckwiiseen, Thie Plan decided uponb>'the fheZrih ach 2.P re t ranre ay. e bm opn until thé seconud victum c l ag ainsi tvo Lke conntyMn ub>' show that lis eming pover vas not reacit Caunt>' T esrrMDoog' oadvsb gv shto t betnd sZurh, 's rhotlSn ia elssdiocii Io testify eit thehesrlnq or until hie ltate', Attorney' DaiS>. Eoth Men ar&T bcaso!lAdne a eddoiefr soehu rte bosstno th oar uwstt freuhca fro.vskdyonn t nn ocak hnthe elalead. ,uu eusd mc>' Ais.. . c hair Mm ie lis a le o!eil no t avai moc the damage0euea"l, for a limiteiS flmber of don- ftlm« e, e.semianuing t'uni th.~e . lmu. t-gepe-y M - qor Thirnams re:rie bll! A tat Ai daiae cse Thte enormous check repaeets the afievd,w, t>' eau have It for b5'o tbt ipe e!ioe ho ie unio mg aa1.1. to lW" Panre ! ovemantaiowr tieMAX ANI)fS, Waucoida-UutlavfOi iluwhich Mrm. Sage is concerfad viii lherlance tax on bAie Richard Sasa a day. The corant>' t'anighoa tvo eanaht &0 etrolla htacia > ub nola 1h4 Il10&$ Us Ule h5» n gatfs at a gr4acroacing in Highland Sale of ligeer. nt ehei a bi tri fcor, . ebaevhc agegte 15b0cO, e sd 1 os ttt h vekotahc"sd amg d»botgN.m ai -ie sl» i Park guaddY abouti 4:30 ecoul the lire MARTIN KUWMR, Vernon - seiiing cusor oth'aetabeieadbhos' Smaerin oenSp, uh,194 tt jb r laS orb' h bvElt h Iedallage et atiiti ndpbieua. is u. i of LO I s L outer , a 16 yea r o AS boy, -and AIquor ln u a t-m imoon t arit r >. lites ne It r>' a ve to bc bo ard hel r.S OM . e ga r eadc e ptas ai 1914.b he Jbaq r e but iv o r m en t o en i e 1Tt 05M m5 ! ilusi la"e d» Meeg*tMela s racltd n srinsium>'to>',~ la the "t cseAnders la charged tuat the>' vouid l'e prejudiced titrough vitare hoa ji a sommer homo. ne otfbit. ?AStA llsa voJiniluaI te t Lour, u oderbroher ~eitrtit ulit Easng oldIlqor a a h blblaving board thie evidence in thie riias a member of the dam of Semr At the meeting in quostion a comin hW AUm.. Thn lOBda t 15e VS lia ineWwe lre ers *ere riving au auto truek acrou nlaidrunkard. Iit elleved ihat the ee ibc n C. fClggi. ae* te tracits vitn it vas simulai b> a 1 felov hail been paced on the blackt $.0 edc nlieSg aRouk u ao hc .Pete sciteduie viii hbcmaiSe up for bO1itmion th e u d ilbwvas DNYat- oe>'100 mu m . aer iOn. L7 swbagn wihte adfle olista"aiAniers, It is alleged, hai beep The 10 vritinte aee At hie deatit te state Inyeutoried the ouli for the season. ed treIn sireaidingt.eite main »ar- asù. hs ute 17n awibcit~~~ eni.vihu,'hi ali oevIdenti>' dS t lou pe . Qther or atte aboysefigure, aud, under the Wiil Werk Near Waukegan. itouof the building. Tite 9011 l e ualS abu e i r: et' ame a lprs -n warn t ita Oeuilquor ta hlm. te Parties for the aftorneycon «h 9w teiav, , t .gan$800.000 Mr. itussell la of ibe opinion iliat vieh va» damagod wova a tdtion pe rau hwm DÉ bjy u ch«ýF Freeling ian no hig mIaint Mite1Ku er tlcharg0d, sold lUquor aid iaS amtinte mui.iheianeta ee.Te usto ti otl ii .pu o o* a hloaialhte nSealindbnd.jst1e luas i 1* 70n1, te tovermanl, th&t the police t rom a vagon la Vernon tonahipiAetae a oonfor ented ais er oitm tAieB.cTO u «niyte e ufi t o bso ehetra n kea it , t.khen sudnalot &vorebl o . n'~ vher.ein c rod ofrecigant and 'a vhcaeti etdry.T hageverdict aniS the ralireaiSatto gels 2 Per cent o! suci tees that ho eltiter on Nort SierIda Ro"iSor « On 1O&.The entre building bas about Ms iueveacira titaseunacrvdOCcitses udistht o eddedIluo feey o anted a smaî er verdict it lîs- bhondios bas long been a mooted one, ItAie Grand avenue sirolcitet ofrte2 e dro Pu&o-1 m i r~i te u SaMir et, 7q taite hlm No the Lake couty at' ai'atail vha viàhei ta purcilase i. Bile that a nov trial vilu bo grantoiS but tute attorney geneýl han sruiS ait>'. The compen>' lîkel>'viiimoud a Thetairit vas no menalng ihat I a mown c« hie>' Ira. Mis,. gp Waukegan, vhere ho vaplaced late 1 COmPlit i r -e biSseS vlth tetahcnotrtl aatua 1e mn vtAi i tbo et lb going rlght sud vas feit the enlire buildingvouldhabesptitaiAite Punda' nihb. sateaattone>' n bah caeai cont>' doesn't get lb, hecause ls ie helb vant ta b. »Bar vhp,o ithe su- esrod, itence the citz ouai hk- u Ieaj1 Jaaeh Loer, aute o! ite i er he haiS secured vtat coreStaWukog&zn March 26. treasoror handies t. TIlla, instead o! perîntendent of hlghvays &Mditaoitlu carrying out tui'ltfl o5 f Q Wb akenbfor a Ilnttnte lm l vt1w' ovus~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a aeea 3 ottPr~leculcn vdic oitdt Aetrying a!fbAie Sage damage case Mm.,Mcflanonigutor thte otant>' of Lake;iabters. Thon, luter, theo achedule hote andS practicali>' everybhlng o!fh .~e o~ U stret. about 160 feeet tram viiore tito formations for tAie tva mon, lotit of againat tAie Chicago and Mlwlaukee, getling 2 per cent of thie total fois atd i h ilgtabcditisoleVle asrmoe, btaerieI. sbe e d r. bt l accident accurredlHe itad recelyed ieivr mogblt eui'tut e iecrcriroad ls laking bangor thon (viîcAiould l'e $6,000), the vitale.1 ers* meetingvili bu folloved ttraugit- vas chected lte saine bauds carrled pbaa i ebuttihe lie iaib11111 acati froni E. R. West, vitoco auto-' oday capiases and entered peaaArvsetfiatib itvoidbete l'nggostaIh tiecuuytAe unberrbci hee he' o l, va' itiistie moblehai bcom iics>id. ! no gubi'."Th bohl ineaitcase. WhoteAecase firai stariod lb Keîpe t Titl September. Men Net Mired Vît. The hotel Prapert>' lavuwed b>' Weil nw la city. - tart Out n Truck. case vere fixed ai $500 andS eucl man vas iboogbt ibat lb vould bc coi- Hovever, as tl'e treasurer makes Mr. Russell stabes titat soveral mon PAiillpTong, aud Floyd Rayer han Mra. Fulton la won » » a lwàa* i"rank Louer. 27 yeurs oliS, and is laS a l'ondaman. TAie tate's attor- pleted b>' Wednesda>' nlgbt, but bhe'e Ails return ta bbe abte esci March 'ave asked for positions ahnln been runnin> tAie place. kegan. As iMise race Khonegme , younger brother took thie truck out 10 ney' has announced that ho lutends te Bes Je Iuoindication titat t vtll l'e ami eacl' Septeniber, the conni>' o! the outfit bulwo date tA8.ýiecmitte TAie damage Isoesbtiated et $500 a popuar young vomau wheg luý tow the machine ln. Joseph Bam&nadl. continue vith bis pollcy of secin>' that finlaheiS boday. TAie chances are lb Lake, through lia treaeurer, vili lias nothilr>d hyhady. and As ontirel>' cavered by lte Spring- shool here sud then Jater M& ýyears olS. accanupanied tho.iten il. la lsale o! liquor in te caunty viioccupy a part of tomorroy. haIS titat $300000ountil Sept. 1mbt next. TAie road eoutlo! rsewi 'efielS Pire Insurance compan>' af vhitch e bt Ieo oa 'fThe> fatonod lte West machine': c taPPed. He pans an active ram- Thomas Sage. adminiatrator of the rTe iuterest on the s um, providîng Tlb on tAie move ail smmer, bob. in tho Emil Frank slte heuloal agent, nov e h er o b I. u ton muala0. ta thte Toar ot thie truck anS John Palgit this nommer. Theo laienitva oestate af James Sage, la sulng ibe'drays te 3 per cent genoraily credit-!'winbem. ivili ho laiton ta tAie ceuni>' shehabna c tive amtong IdeCà Thomas. negro, chlauffeur. omp.yed mntgearetdvl .gven streeti cacmpau>' for $10,000 dam- od ta tondseiteld for a perlaiS. ilI tarmi at Libertyvîlle, ~'ere buildingsDVIAhico asriendc vito naaa b>'Mm Wmt eu l bterer o te ril. i hoApilteri C oui. ages. Mr. anS MM. Sago vere ili- ie cansiderabi>' over $4.000. This In- wlil hoe erected ln vhlch ta store tAi- ISS D VI Àkeeul>' Interested in the ftel 1154 trueýte toseetai the lino ronialued ied vhen ib8y veme siruck l'y a streeti teresi mono>' la worth hasiug-aýnd, varIou s pieces ef machlntmyr Rayer Dl>, eaan cafe sle- iI5.CON OR ~ cr t t.'May~ casin 1 w1eut itier it goes to thie count>'or tae y ,kREID N ,tshe tacsiniterlimd a fortune, for sua RSu a t t Mn ocosn j srl e aly cme. b aue ianbera vas lytsîn biteWealon-Me, NNof LihortyvifUe, a >eer a90 this. the count>' reasurer (a question ntmo t CLARKRI EIDENT, man, wlic was visiting the WeSILhVER montAi. Thoir son hadl on acrama yet decided finally l'yte courts), t jîs =17cm cWW» volunteered ta steer thie disablod car! INERIN SI te tracits in front 'o! the car ta fia>MvR.tibnCLARK i oai.AND DIES IN MI 16 Nglenfto>m FezLake, vitere, for MM ta the garage. TAie tva machines!- il anS thie aged People foioved hlm Thie Inheritance lax teoe! $300,0001i R J A EAl isEYois, ithe>' Operated vobât la meu - sped vomi lu Mm streot'tovard thie M fA 'lIT~ aniS vere struck. Istt aretee al al ae Rfun r thet Kines honne, summum mint mulroS reksvuittt onaln> nur I'a4EAs4 C "' termne>'P. W. Bull, reprsenting ooonty, l'eing teveral rime, largei MR cr rmlv avsNec o ir.HbAcpVEouiyhiSbeame' St. John avenue. A long lino af empty 1 1tbte rellroad comPeny, anS reognîzed thon in thie Montgomery' Ward es- aI~IU14 O O R Mrs.G6. B. Watrous, Sue- rm ii tp a M. Stuitis aniS Neal 8hM tt.i cumbs to Operation. of Waukegau, aniS Byron sholtie. fheý: thée' track. German Diateot Piece in a lame>', la puting the vittnesses for Undor te law, the executSos w Lk hreSIrifr, Ttusa'aIIalmki o lYa g t Cxociar tee lecrisona k Theë gaies vomooopen anS the truck Very Clever MannlAite plaintif traugit a griilng cross e Yi> aIn te Iherianee tax tee, w aeSoe prios hyat i egoMch.,occurnea is i aIe Hm warra e le a» taiS reached the middle oatihe trucks i u________ nner.d te erIirt ariae whe u vs trci. exemînation. He Os Seivin>' deep mb ta tthie ireasorer Inside 0f six monthi Deerfield and Shields. Have Seubh or Miss Enili>'Davis, &ad 5s irsM. Sltan vas rathor avar e1 ,yhe T asatuc.Mrs. Charles Connara van te lie case-and la seeking ta briug ont follovlng the death, tAie>' cmli Sduct, a SmalI Contest On. Yers, a nioce o!flKra. G. B. WAtrositalng of thie inheri talb-at haW Carried Ffty FeetA me Sel et thie Matrons' SjIvr Modal te tact taIhM. andSlire. Sage vere 2 POT cent aofbAie s aun sd, an -Mr.' Of___-o g to ln, Wankogau. Site came tebr hemven maie vas Interview- It was ifted on te piatorni In content hel i thtAe Meihodisi citurcb killeiS tirougl' thelr awn negligence SeneSieS Sept. 26tla'st e>' have Supearviser. James King a! Laite'hlad beon aperated uon aniS hem o bub admitted aucit vas the Cam front o! tAie engins, cerneS fort>' or In La7ke Bý Sonde>' afternoan under ratethon b througi thie careessnes nîiliSaborda>'ty eei pyin oethhI> poe 'yM .dai oivdb'afvtos AeSte saiSkea tAe praperb>Foesvas niomilpi -se OCt' oo, nStho fui t as iSe te osids ! te ains Cri- o!fte compen>'. Ho retors constant- andS leke adventace O!fbAe 2 per cent litzgerald.-Mm. King haiSnè;nue opemtion. personai. that. besldos the big hmri l'rank L.ouer vas piflboned iSer tAie tjet Temperance Uion. Ti ii f1'l h etmn'gvi tti o-faue Therfrti ecsrî titleet. lyrteFthegerebd tAie olitea. thMissrDavIntuae.lite daugitbeheothMm. anS tAieireetdence AntUnion.d1th" vus - wrockage of the car. Louis L4oer, thie yinnlng rdiitablononVa, "Why otiers nquestt iel'waa boiS at thie wili arrive because taC>' vauidn,. te, SîervsrT .Mlr Hg i enaDant r.J Dvis form dUher o W a-nd te ars avidenc e in in heriay wha vas sittlarg on tAie front nexi 10 Jacob' Became an Honorai,>'mener.' lime, and aks tAie witnesses jr lAie>' that suim if i ast. T'itletssTtije >S upal r lu ' T. H. olrko f Hgl'ynWmandjtienJgi1are vis, itormevitau-n o,, eni'ue t a he ftie opao thte engine, witt caugiti onder tAi en01- lbwas a Gorinen dbeiect piece addiltnmade certain tatementa et that tinte. itîsje of the six m tst heymusta heformer heing on te non-partisan atthîer dotte aeiunedlaOak-' timat'orf$200.000 vas about riMi, gine platfom uanS ragged ttiotg uttil tag retderod se skillb!uily tatilliIte lias the alenographie report of tAie uit lInffull. ighhV ie 'ii loetne bcwo eeer are bçen Ard st Itdia h> ahe e thie locomotive was broght tea estop. agred thal r. Connors waa l'y aiA meeeoilin iifront of! hlm. itloii-' coilinî n e in"rthe lA em(trom ain !llegan Acrd-ttîl, 's'iteIlud aggregmt a*bout t$ago Tlhe toIriitirti loy wa5 hurleS Oui 'Oddq tAie winner. There vas e large lb wâs retîter thought tiie detense WIlliam 1)-Filsa won Lerî I..î'd Mmhtf1nîatIslnas lileintrd lu. l)a-fnly lotti ir oxh-d vagreateni atth ~,e~ie.itsauurutnpd irjumping, delegetion present foniWuukegan. wutld conpieb herraebetrecîaaf it .rh esrnfarr "'i Oc Martinnt ttorv in aine ib nday. îl r1iert ese >'tht lliias 'Te sotad of the collisilon wsTAie church was weIll liiled and tAie nott,< ay loit twu ttc" witittcses i n d ( ii o i i'IOfl, erflid-f« cietelw"ngba hla heardla ite Letter garage end M. affaîr proveS ta lie one o!rte Mosi vere producedibis oiot-ttng. SîiaitlMr.a IîAln Pti. '1, '-b tDah m etn avs 09 ic:n 'ho iiimbA- r' q o lrtO, ti glW erlcf hemb e,4 uner aile fnntng Ouif asstcthelAil enAi euI' aPAUJL PMRR1S TESTIFIFES. wtt hait a tusclitiarsitip in dec n t ' t -îîervisor iy the P(cnIt}'afaler te Tatnyilvod ral rralikp- WIll. wedged under bite front 0! ~~~~~~~~ ~~~le gielong lime. Titose vito took part In TlanttaSg $0Wi tnees iation oitot lnoFiqk l'al, rr - ., 0 'r ctrus i l', --ieuascti ie __tAto _. tctet