Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1915, p. 16

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AND IF aiter you bai volt!d the ,m*ee iml.iwo.v umtr ba¶ln t~TA LbIII) o eyon had arrauged wlth ref psïéd, 'yK T turv.srniestdtm ioua ;ia Eff * fttbt]6*4% and! ako.! for a night's PI1va ar1tlt.tJ hom"'e aton ATN V LS A IN AND IF' yo ealized that It was te Tt allàSIJ3Eee ATN V LST TO iraIl ime you lad ever lieot ,rlv- NOI Jdbnmon - 6" la on the way fronChicago Ing. >H. vaas not turamd %wn tbre lleged thi cast a ballot (becau5e you W Mfnuuio&a. Beides the money lie -but waa welcomed antgie a nies At t>.east There Is Every Indi- were a woman), 'John Johnson of Chicago Wan- hal" 191113i 4 effe. lire s ta have,*Warw bai for the nlght. T*a mmr- oation at This Time That IOWW011LI)YOU FEF5L? dered About Waukegan for roorbn lg lentwanot oblIe.! atisfay any Such WiliISe Done. 'rlat'a 1ie poitiîon a local woniau Hours on Sunday Night. *'Dit 'bari, a funny town," ho sald. the arrangemient. He left for Mi- cilaaises ln. *"Ylmmtaey Crianets, Itbliane funny anota. Vraca ail Indications te Probabil- lt. jlit cornes ouit from tlie w"00mb FINALLY GOES TO CITY JAIL. von a feler iwlth mouey can't find a lty o.' havlng a goveroment aviation lierself, Wliola alleged ta have bar-1i place te aleep.*" pot etabltliod at the »aval train- galiued away her firat vote, that she> twi#ÙelaenthevnnIlenCgrihe. lng station aI North Chicago. never aold her vote for a quarter of a dl- TeeHeFuda Nc a hM 6it a are ln bthe ev. e Icon tr vllaCger.Lln hta.r. p Wall 9o good aanov. The matter lias 1 lar. She'a telltng the tory hersoîf TeoH on ieW r ie ono rle u h ly o l anr ilg uIay au reaheda pintwhee gvermen Sh sttestha a ertinentliuplast Bed for Rest of Night and vale uid Poüe street an.! down an- lai Méchante@ tels us, we nlay me. a reahe. aumontvhee gveomet ue taea hata ertInlAI, fr abutefr laovly burniug place of rope support- officIaIs are beglannng to diacus lj for Candidate Husaey ln ltme recect Was S Not Charged fo IL othIO. * jokd bu i oul.ed on an Iran tat.. its poatfon SuaI vtth réeal serlouanesa and Il la aaid prlmary, bargalned to pire ber 2.,_____ Ev«YOUP esonmi too buay ta pay outaide a ci gar stare uggeata the une they bave reacbed lhe concluaion liaI conta If alie would go ta the paII:m nitCh att*ntIo ta hlm. the.soker la ta maire of Il. Iltelaa It ta the uMot loglcal place for aucli and vote for hlm. Tliey talked Wil, 1 I9 %V aukegan. Mlardi 29. TIh. p9ileo coul.! not underatand crueo cgar lîglilor, but cortalnlya an ih lunlM3pocket, Juat ltefi- havw. I 'aailiefor a mianl ta van-alabeaIie oanInla tl Alberatond10 iaet ad oft ov" r adlgethe hepar1 omu'tg toelbc aIent. John Johnson, a Chf- der' ahout q Muait vîthont findlng udsaaI fraobcatre .Alir BndLmbrl ua a he en ath ith precinct andl castI lîxn, aflasalata onta rcifor aOsc.*o éb odlngbutsohore. Unted Stlates Aviation Reserve corps, thelr vote, tlieone Wlio was ta be! aemn afual arn ot oePa',t e ogn u on deciare.! a day or twa ago that tbcre pald the quarter vating as aime had- ia uat an aeroplane owned by time promled-for Mlr. Husaey. United! lates today Ihat la capable After they left tlie poling lt'tMI ef mlltary service. The. total nom- abme derlares heaiesa'ed the altier E se s D s ber of government owued aeroplanea, womnan for the quarter and is sas- E se D s lie sald, did net exceed thirty whicli1 lonlalied whon tlie olier refuaed to la pltifully smaIl when comparedta bgl'e il ta lier. She really liad counit- Up uay the nunnier avue.! by nmornta!élede.on getting the quarter ta purchamo othor world pavera. TII. tblrty that lier dinner. aie imter saad, and ntr- are ovrned are used merely for train- a]ysahe tell deciedly peeved ta Ing purDosea. thth tlia ale iad licou mposed Wben oue mentions thtrty sera o nbe ietlulm a planes Il senma 1k. a great many Sime lias notl Islntl hemt but vben one unertanis tiat Eug ter, but, instea!, aime lias tlId many Iand! bau 1400, Gerrnany 1400.,<France frends about tie fallure of the ,.- 900, Rusla 1000, liîtzorlan.! 90 au.d woman ta stick ta lier iargalun ve- Japan300.It l mee howptifully1 after ahe lnew ahe baild oted as p(r" @mail lu the number avue.! by Ibislarrangement. e4aîry. ,0 1Tleres no doubt Iliat tlie arranze I Mr'. Lambert declarea that lIme meuit was maie, tîhe oney î rom aedI North Chicago naval station offers an but neyer pald, for Iliave lieard Ilhe z Ideal sile for lbe propameil aviation v.-Mnan Ialking about thie matter se hae plan put lot effect. 1 telling of lthe circuatance, Iet bans! leabndlng evry oefort te 1 -rf ti.! O lXIme SunaIOnFOrmnRl tm iano tin hegovenment lias beecu1NoTIE 0 EANiATO O contemplating the. construction orf TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES. several nov aéroplanesa that coul.! be 1The exajoînation wiii be led lu the -i put Into service, If noeded and Itlias, Court lieuse lu Waukegan, Tlirsdav __il been stated irole Urne ta UIme thatan.!d]"rlday. lay 6 an.! 7; tlhe firs ay ~l tii. require.! pout would li e tatloned thie examînationuwlll open at 8:1 an at tihe local traiing station butt l lose al 5:47), tlhe second day l w il outil a day or tvoa ga .1 te 8ste- open al 8. 00 au.! close al 5: 45;0nan ment caine vili aflythinp.Ilke authior- perl.d fr.. 12 ta 1 oaci day. lty. Il.t, pont ln ostabllshed m Ans' apîlcaut Who le 18 years o! North Chicago Il ,'mens that Wau-,age or aver, or Whmo wîll hob 18 lyears kegan vli have ta b«Ocme asa mucliof agc liefore te next exainat n. Is use.! taaeelng machines lying about'eligîble ta enter the examination sa over the Cty as If lhey ver. simpy far as age is concerned. ÎîiIds. NFacit applicant ahal file two ap- __________________ plication blanks beinre lie cao enter ___________ thme examinatlon, these muet b led1. lII the county auperintendent au or WOMA SOL UER o!ore Aprîl 25. WORAN SOLD ER wThis examnation la open to al Wli MI5' VOTE FOR 25c Asre ta write for a firaI. second or hird clais elementary certificate, or a ~UT NEYER (iOT i gh school, supervsry, 4ndergar- j lvery examînatlon saal lie coin- plete lu lîseIf. Provide.!, that a grade Womnan Sargains With Woman acquire.! lu auy subject or oubjecta ~rinlta astVtefoePn~ equal tu or hîglier than the general , average require.! for the certificat. hw a f i cepte.!inlanay subsequedit examliiatlon Wauk,"pn, Mardi 2m: during Iliat year. This examînation IF' YOU lai taon proanlue. 25 cents closes thie year. A fee of on. dollar F 1Theso et ac a h w onmr 'tl for Your vote for Mayor, stall bc charge.! for each examIna- The Fashion Show H1 tr t a a ho n Y t m r (1 AND IF' yen liai puanad roted lion. I tî ra tr o t o evalue £ han o0 i had dreamed of. according ta yaur arrangement.,T. iÇ 5MPSON. IStore -for - -- - « I*I1WMYIAT6 r tre tudenla Who hbava la the0 wO*tf tMat .ODBSiîa * -waukegan high gohool stnutte, lngýtbe year ad thoe»v I teachorsa and others who, bave mut plaes otf honor on the Commtà- been lntorémtmd ln the annual avard mient w8eb ProMrIn Clans honora vill roui this âitll' New systouinmrer. frOln the Jollet Herald vlth innOb an- 'lThe anjorltendentargue4 that lhe tereat, ahowlui an it desthat t19 that nov systein vouli hob.reDicell. clty a 110 WRanbau been *Ooit0dUnder the. old systeni wôrklng for to lni 4o xnttfr of doing away with -ac »-«d umkso ly-rathmr thii "honora"la higli mhool. for an education, vas oxprlenl6ed The death-k ell eof the historie aniong moine studenta. The aid aypi-ý clan vaediezanand malutMorIat ton, al&o, ho clalmed, vas not a <Idr tof the Joliet Township 1<1gbschool Éiamure for atudents who dit! mx- and of the Clams Memorlal vas bonnd- -ceptiomatW good wort lIn on. or twG ed today by SPerint.nduit J. Stan- dçpartmnts. but ver. forced to "oe loy Brown. .theWr honore ta ather atudents ullo'. LThe announcement vaa mafI. to the v eà .les»abale, but vho averigul Senior clamsassexnhlod Ln rot 30hIdgher. .4orssunitureCarpets Ru,§swes, La1ie County's Largest, Oldest sbfld, Dent Store. Qn The Bridge. è - . t' 1' À st il PII&M twa igaPo Iau so Tbg th pe., A 1 beê ihave sau in W ai- lof s eim hu àdiat

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