Now i the Time You seet the place This Is.the Plan Wo ca holp you Got remulta Come in look over the plans fIM tchaîne W. lead, otheu oflow Libertyville Lumber Company Devu 1>theloui O Ld eeaut e ieu 20ys. Pluone,47 E.A. M T. A. Reynods ao&ini Store ForMen and'Boys x:~x:~xxxx~ t -r4 ,~' t Tonsu"e aublesation le t theno'on- - etopv mutib. ln oilce nbl*,tn thn1sdyof 0"+, iq4e&. Adver- rs.'are *Akod te tale. maatlcular notice te ie efect. (Additlonul Local Noewa on Page 4) Dr. Beebe o! *Anblocb, was a visitor bhero Monday. D. Id. Wite of Autiocii won a visitui boe smonday. RobewljVas.y of Grokyalaite, was B ~tvuitor bhe Tusaday. J. 3. Hyatbas bosa quite dai thie ,wesk wit toneillttl. Telag8"telu wubora tome . "d x. Arthtur Kyacktutu. IuMolyoltitle*s. Vi,. Lobras L. Bubsaoreof Foi Lak.. tourseer of Grant, won avistai br. mondoy. vs D. A. Young waa taken tw a Chi- Rà Tussdy ta, undemo au *M&.B. f8g ae oni t.ber woevla au atiet a01lnmauu toq Baeui aturday altsraooa *t W.. Wafronda estore under auspice. osiboWoataus Oaiid. sillhop, 01gw 'lisepecluas ballote for tlofa!Lib- alyville. Weet Ou., Vemceoand Ormet aie psaubsWivu "isImm. Misse. at. Hougbtenbgaimi ime Jocbsint spe am etrieg Mai nda>' wiith Mrs& Fr u bs of eoCblc5o. 'l'>e coundition of Mis'0. 9. Waraer, vto bb l stIIabai bmorn uBrami- W" for ae.ry Ivo aoumst, Mle tmach lanprovsd. D 15 MmrE. 4W. Coly attended lbhesannusi as tce I"ome hotal, Cbicaga. let Tburudoy. Misses (iîacs 8.1h, Hwariet Butler »id lssbelaCarlsou, eaudeet.t IleKali Normai. arse pedlng Ibaeprin. vacation et tlum besle. "ÏmMs. W. Y. W" sand sot Clamommu of Elgin, spet Sumdmy eallie branI 1 h'.tnarner'R pamrgt, Ur.a',nd im .9 ~*. WllIs. Mire. Wells and son rauaaemd foi s seveaaidueymvisi. Thte Chicego Entertemiuss gve a ver>' gopog a mi lieLyrie Thetre ou I velu«. 1 i bh.eoanpoefsg isuaian md isàmla e*0 ia> rcsd as peau d."lof1 ap Thi, iateet deigns in Men'sa ad Boy' Suit@, Shirtand lUnderweatR, ate and Cape, Shoesansd 'OierRtibberig, Sprlng Overceta, Slip-on Rtatif- ea te, N eckWear, Colas, Hloaiery and Qioves, Work Shirts and Overalis, etc., etc. lu tact, eV- ething that ici kept i a 1st.-claffl elcthing, @tore. Castarners will i d our prices right. Everylhintg gusranteed to ha as repraeented. Na troubie to show goode or quote prices. Look for aur lothing Store opposite the forth garage. We solicit your patron- age. Wihlhanaks for liberal patronage ini the put, w. rernain Yours trul>', T. A. REYNOLDS'. Lbertyville. Mar 8,191,e 1 1 - ~ 5 W, Bpluw, .ve "imed tnaià hI.Iix MlaLeso. W. 11 01 o qodIsg Me Pa* r s i lb la, miua M'a lte J4il setîua. oaib'r.Robeslso, dorithe r M«o ai mglqmesfor the bernat of ts iertrvllls I>bi'. Ubiy *0 ba ield la lite lIhity> me laltae City' HallApril 14t15 and 1. Tbey salilit the lama M reles elaIngto besari>' ploneer. lis history of ibis lacallty. and ai>' lntsest- litg suaient article. Tib@ demacratie town commltssbas mleeed Goea.L. Moore asmltse emSotàtic 'candidate for tbe offl* of ammssr us I& P. SBeaaebale, wba vas unoainated foi4 Th cm of MACJiINERY You WiliSoon Need8. àameVik eDis& sMW Lever tllrrows. loodu rDrim$~ Seedemrs.lerteuxers olers. John Deere sMd udWadog Flow%. Roi. lors mW Pulrizer. Mêmue Speadere l'or.'se A Large Stock. Right Puices. " ls Schanck Hardware Company ~x~x littie dauabtu Mi, and lita. Clarik Çhsndler bavergoe expii the~e.y. aI ekmm . n Pet lelousIeboe l.reulaled for'lteê P"09lu01o aVitoMt'a Ticket ou theiballot for lt W,.e the b. bsld Toue. day, Ap$l-10. Tia petition itsie\laa 1-olvlnguef FrPrudetJ. liotteSê%r 1rv#ffAd5tD Titis. H',B& aa »0el q*v »ddoubti wfll nal 900 oe ltb'doted.Tho* teN pore tatél&bsmcçd icet fi 10' b. phlaemd iai Sansd liaS a. ItO«y mie aomi arta#i ola ns ongb Aan M: ous~a a ebien uei9 ia tL. iperU u%» 4A leRail a vo$ Artile ia'YObW* vllM» 104 e vIwb ný laoès m, l'allw tbeaUe tb.Weosn .eia onipsa Jr. Na.»Grsave wu p form .Uple,01 dii.Coupaur. Ni, snd lgs. DolmMmn iaae tlbIr lomie The.manai ein"g o!rlte omr4 . towik audltomeonpfesd or rutinse the. paceW. & bavia aMd LI a. rie. Bupervimer à. B. %" an sd loy Clark &. D. Hubiard, antst athe. erCI' offias the boo<*i. The anditors fImi ltaI listawon céab on baud la th* several fonde ibaa yeur «0o, alubosat te tolra textti lemr wm sb5 t our cents, aMd evetf a, sanaller tai iM Iooked forward ta for tha comlng ysar. Tlh. taxes for 1918 wone a triAisigber ltaifor the, ysar iJus loslag. Tb*. s ouat of tposey oS band la tite gaverail nis las followe: Town fond, $624062; dog tax fund, $5149; rond seiditrfdge Jmd, 48,664.95. Tii. maoute #sit laitte town's hamumem ams la good abatte. Mas. E.'H. aniitvaogmstiy sarprlad nia Tlaumsdy of -15.1 Mleék ien o opeag a packrage iibmdll Scsved sih@ fouad s large ilrllng ail wra iti bat samne engravel liaon. Tb& Uirsý of M.M.ud vosa amgto a0ms. $ManUtla bonor of bubeblag in l~oup 8imo la i.Dr., *MWs ok 4m Co* am amiT. UdameusfLbas'lvlle, ardU Nu. Sanil. Il sm occurd liai dms's@eam buadrsd lioumuM hpalliai. IWu BSftli thl eIo»eof the. lv. I&aW ie bave lte esilnmtion bue sis isOlassethat ttie o0cé altendatt 0k -ber ame firit, whlqi ans> bava a bearlmg on her bolmg theIi lii>oea. Tiietray memueristen Incite. la diatueter aud lM vsry hsýautifnl, It bolug made b>' band. sa YOUR SELf ? AS 4IUSSEE YeuJ lbe vacanke> on ltse ticket for biglwbl> Pictitresa o LibertIviliapeople are belfug mananiaear cauned b>' ths wltbdmwaal ebovu on lthe semssu at the Liberty' )fJosepht Hart. has Dot iteen flled. T!%satire, Apuil lot 'sud 2nd. F. C.Ma- Gond> Frda>'liteie "Ik. sarvjaSo *4 boss>'and a' C. esarders, es'Pprtesaers. St Lavrmmnas âuicbnt 9,& . »d 8 P.S aneof St. Lotuis, bave tsu u Liban>'. a Frm-12loB its. vii ~.~ '111e -forte putsfeudru is v ft nra m. lttianâ go à thorea 1 h lyt oa kinglocal suap 5hMo oua ipeoPle an M"agtiois. nth sVm lest woa.r». tse sreets, et scitools sd factorisa. nre tesiCru. ti. sitore n wet Vas>' f ev a yau vbo, bave, basa onùlti cmmaence aI 7.80, netead of 7:45,. the atou ave an 0e"ti.ou anath' tshow Chber servimof tIhe dey b itstaI10:80 .o av u L , il1u lt 1e a. m an 8.p. . -Timrda' ulghtyou lhoat> o * li an. ud .p.x. lborlyTbestre »FrlidW ulgbl,- yon a74 I lV be t !interetl 10 lamais - it. enre to se yomurself i boui 000 sie purcbaelng flnusIGna or iO* oit.Tt pcueseLibdu &"ai phosphate 101mev tattl ue> 9Wa imM es aovlda.' nc a'esaloaht ViWon aIalrdsIsof tbisrapm*a avMt 11a igmiR qt b>' lis laesI the&# «* mpana b>'a laitis dittmWC Palan!0. -o*. I5o lySAdaM" e pletuses. 'irril, of LbasyvgWI boha e iet is IM poutivl>' lie utm elà$u 00e sIe"e U ar ock pt*q-V e4u-%"&a Ides W'06iV*"I»tue*l90 MU Ita bo s,*a boe'mi&y, @o don% atMp Ibis gieàlt stn« porciaser eprs9i ils V Àlebdom 10e M.4 15.i tbm aine 6011*' ovu'e *Wéa !Opl' si$ on two c0"oSgo 0406tk Ms a garauld easlpb bai-' Is V Ai4 Thep g1SB5fU tjPleshIlI U T M ami~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~P a 2gaadis0bI1 b ulW. si1 -I a ....aA osin»i, d ivî a»fi ur M Llaied luiste o 11m, 64 aie Ifl (il Tise fhT ètsi - dpblu t. .qsuU eî ail iu.fa or*DW byL Pa"Oi ~i Otw «£ý y nLmido hbtm -acewlicuqa, tfii i b cos urt au saud m Mdtr AP e toUWsta. w13 aZi < in Evode à « ki Klt'Y endwoï ~st$gIatre a y apnmeihg rematie M BOy uiR nd hW*)e'lWbte klga Uttal4 aMy plotai b nt ra>' syne lum" ti RodcstWehbuum. Ti Vssý M#,4boret mow4 loto lie boums on M10 *#me% , yhlcbbuleasutl'pur. si leU..Upl t be iflan0o! - - - - - - lIber. aîa leAt;rE Photepis . A. 2 auy ram FretRin rni. guefdae A Uti Of Blon m n&Or-as .a KI. - -- Sellg-iJomedy W ItulftOo i ad flra ie 1 Satedav' April 4 Tevau rom tbKiug AdShoea5. ranlK. uaam Séari b>'au Wraàand - u e - A lI-et lr ve ietzn ok a ,Ml Stn, btwen >~>uanda Chektlng Account at ' Ibis 18n bw js" r.I . O r a itlanrls n tbaI5btoc70 oIers.. f 't' U! ant Qtgns btweu yo an aly ýposibe loas. by eCheck. $1,.OIO'ems a .oAiut$ ur 1O bso tatIke Bn -- k e-- - - - - - - - - i- - - - - - - - - - - - --e. ei Would ft not lie a good tijue to put in jour Drain Tâfe %We bave a. aupply df al olunes nd Of courni we are, anilous U take care of your requtreminta. W. are ision md- fui of jour requlremente for Fm&dsmad Seed And'haxe a full stock to draw from. Another car of Pea HRa- Dai"y Has arrived and wil l ot lamt long. LIDE :rVIL, LUNOIS Tdo pha« 50 VUQITABA»8ÂND RUIE COR'LM3T&FEDRC phono 80. A. W. "L[11ND)R-0T H Spring Openilig, iFancy .Maulnery W,» a» ew nov htin -C, a8Tr sU d amSPRJNNO VELIE in Ladies fias bais, a lui*igeseet nsut hi beautful e s. Ha& ad-t-Od«aSpenia4t. 'Prices Reu.oêîbu Thl Pura» Càrset faom - 10to $3.00 PréssGoQds Por:[3aster 5PR .71 s yle. lu drees ggoodo are 110W dfitaplaje4 here for jour in- spcinin pre paration forEButer. Neýwe@t and buet dqslgnB inmany iuteeeln d attractive 'grades are W. invite jour attendance and jour" orftlesi fixamlnetion. Mà reu5èb we eau. pleame and serve yobU. âoi tk. Easter. Qroceries Tr otrr egular il,, tof cu@tomen. we want ta add a speclal num- ber fog the Bastertide. trade. Wo -want to give 1suleb ûfne satisfaetion that we wlll lucres.. our usàual pat-, ronage. We w&nt to un choice gro. ,»rÎlý' ithetI.lo w t p rices lin town. andilvo the -ver best*of sevice.If-. youa bavé neyer trled un suppose you do% so now.j ~NS( A-I ~; YOU WANT TO BLILO? 1=171. 1