Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1915, p. 9

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.1. ~Li IN .13 mu-liv ______WAUKEUAN WEEKLY SUN 2O. XLN..2. E W. LtBERTY VILE, fML.. FRTDAX. APRIL 2,1915. roux PAGES. 81.50 PER YEA W!.IN VILAIE AND TOWN ELECTIONS STIRRING FOX LAKE Coming Eections Cause Much Interest in Village at West- ern End of County. MANY RESOLUTIONS IN. Village Board Taking Up Im- portant Matters-Want to Issue Part Lioenses. 0 Fox Take, Mardi îlst.-This little village lsaail astîr over the comlng t..bpandi village electtons, tlie Nelson Morris Ice House at formr to b. belai APril 6t11. the vol- Fox Lake Burns to Ground, lageleectîon on APril loti,. Leaving a Huge MAountan Tisera are six candidates for Justice of bce Sanding as a M of the p aet tlie tovn election, ln ment, justice joli as If It vere a rnayoralty position. At tlie village electton tliere are te EIGH FREGHT ARSbe elected tbeze officers: President. ARE ALSO DESTROYED. sud tliree trustees. Six candidates _________f0! trustees bave anaounceai tlelr candldacy anai a spIrtl 'md contentlais Fox Lake, Mardi 31.-The 90,000 on among tlien. ton tece bouse of thse Nelson-' 11orris The men aid vornem of the village Packing comPanY outeai In the vil- bave unîteai o -H.A- Moypole for vil- la«e president Hon tlie Independent loge Of Fox Laie, On Plstakee lake at ticket, and aia le alone ls ln tlie race wbat la calleai Scott'@ landlng, burned or ayor. IL tow la felt nobody vill tile amngma.tnga ococ. coun.p Up luoppose hlm andi that b- The estimated Ilons le $200,000 to the ! yltnWi i cnetvlin pacingcommnyonIli ic boseilght. The prement'-mayor ls Colon1 packng cmpan onthe ee buseOntrander. pyoperty; tlie packlng cosipa" nd eThe village board lias heen taking nmorne thle allroada also stand a big uP nmre Important mater. Istel>'. lioee b>'thse destruction of' elgial Jpt This remoluti -on vas adopteai regardînif am1'malt liquors. freWbit carswbicl i tood Lnthle yards That the village cleri lie, and hle1 tmai>' eili0 d.berebleidirecteai te Issue maltIlI- Au a freiulit car 13 valued et sore- cense upon application t0 those en- thing over $2,5i00, ILla s een that the tîlled t10 le granted nome.r lms on the cars yl lie aboeut $20,- Tlieme resolutiens ver. reterreai te the proper commîttees, aid, on tlir 00., vlIcb. added te the 8200000, recommenatIon liel>' vll lie passed flaise.thie total loe by this's later: USMemmethtng lire 8220,000. 'T'hot the village attorney ls dtcert- The le. boute. one of the largeat eito confer vti township autbor-t Rilenlooking te tie estabîllirnment ofI on thie chain of laies, bad about these an additional Polllng place ln lthe vl- dLImnsons: loge of Frox LA*ie for townshipp dec- M uel îoamg..flions.t M tet wde.Thot Ithe village attorney la aireet-r U t.twie,- Pd to take such Mieps au are neceearyt 40 font ih te estabîtli mnuaddttonal votlng pre- 12 aeebinhe houes. cdue at Ingleaide, Ill., a part et the Ceploïn4 9ý» enu. svillage ef Fox Laie, for eleetton oft VIem *0 vlihb 50e. 1 mie up village officers. That tbe villageatorney' t. diret- aa »oe boueesIo ejtirel>' gene anid ed to mlait an opinion s to the thd' stands oda>' ameunlain of tee rigit of the village aitiositles to covering an arma of about 6W)0200180 grant dram sbop lcense ln perleai rw trme hen he. lieela to lelssued ai the rate et $"f) Per Yser. Tila uge PilIe of tee, vtt the bouse Be IL turther ordereai, that thse vil-- gemoveai freinabout l as If a miell loge attorney' lm direeteai 10 report ut ve re moveai fromt a nul andi the the next regular meeting ln arder muet loftsandng, certainl>' makes an that action may ble taien upon nome ln tirne for reneval of licenses for the lnteresting sîglit andi rnny persona ensuing year. bave driven in to tlie village to loei Ait of the abeve resoluttons vere at il; eIntroduceai ly H. A. Maypole. Certain regolutionm providing for When the tire vas dîscoveredan improvemeuts bave also been adopt- si. v as ent to the village depart- ed hy the bnoard. ment andi tbe volunteer Oirernen re- apouded,.tilt, Ibhe'tire galned sucli iseesway Ibat thelr teelîle efforts vere FIVE APPELLATIE vaavailing and ILit am reallzed aI once F tiat the bilg structure was doomeai. COURT bS IRSILAU U STise blaze rose hig ln l the atr and co ld e men for ten mites. F U SN W P A Tlielieuse liurned W lilia rapidity OU ' E- P A whi ci aracterises ail duch tires, for, there lis notblng liarder to combat ln a bllI introduced ln tlie legiolp- tian an les bouse Aastrange as the turce by William C. Msuckler, of Rock tact ns>ysem. Onfe vella thini tbat Iland. a redistrictlng of the appellare an tce bouse., vllb &IL lth et con- court districts of the Mtate ln sucb ad tains, woulai le a bard tit to hum, ananner asl to prOvlIde fve appellate'- but, on lb. centrary, It lm one of the courts tnsteaai et four, as at present,t Mfont Inflammable o1 &11 tructurem tn proposeai. The seat of tbe nav court andi, once It Marts to barn, ItLibas sel- Quld lbe at Rock Island. This voulai dom 'heen inown that It could lielie tbe third district andi Springfieldn saveai. vould lie the seat of the fourtis dis- I The destruction of the buge bouse, trict, Inotead efthte third as at pres-1 leavIng thse mountaîn ofteie standing, ont, andi Mt. Vernon. thse set of thea means liaI the dompany vilI tikely fourtli district nov, woold lie lu the begIn maklng ail s4nprents of ice te ftb district. ts packing plant fror the Fox Lýaie The blîlcarnies an appropriation district ln order 10 maie use of the of 83,00 s year for office rent for tee tbat now stands as a monument the nov court at Rock Island, and to what vas. In this way, provldiug, provides for the appoinîment o! a t they desîre te re-cut the Ice,-they can lacerk te, serve unthl nie elacton lu taie advantage ofthIle vinter bar- 1920. The redlstrleting Is made nec-a vent. Agalu IL is posîble the corn- esary ln order tu, care dor the largeo peny may Jut permit tIe to1 re- volume of business, il la declared. n main -Iere andi melt awa>'. If tbis For the arne reason, Mr. Maucier t course Ios olboved, people vlio go t<> proposes ln anoîber -bllI, Introduce il Fox Laie even man>' veeks bence, Wednemday, 10 increase the numbierb yll sce. the romnainesof thenie u lOf of circuit Juaigea ln ail dovnsi.aten tain, for, IL *vill ble a long tîme before circuits te tour. This latter bill car- It bas completly diappeurei. ries an emergene>' clause andaILtta s What Causes Combustion. the linpe et the Introducer te have t In an adjoinlng colurnn la explatn- IL enacteai ln lime to affect tbe corn-p ed wiy Ie bouses bora me readil>', a tng elecîlon. f question oflentinies aukeai. Under the provisions et the appel- lat. court iltl, Ibe districts vootli ee INCENDIARY STARTED FIRE. rnaýe up as folevs: Foi Lake, April 1.-tt la firmly ble- Fîrst District: Cook county. Iteveai lire that the $220,000 fire legs Second District: Boone, Bureau, I et Wednemday vlierein tbm buge tce DeRalli, DuPake, Ford, (Irundy, iro-v bouse of Ibe Nelson Morris cempauy quota, lKane, Kaniakee, IKendall,s vas demroyed vas the vork et an Laie, LýaSaIIe, Lee, Livinga3ton, Mr-m lincendlar>'. The tact tbat varions mial, McHenry, 0gb., Putnam, Wilî,l, Wtunebago aud Wepdterd71' vtlb thep (bathow don nDm tvo.I court SttngataILasalle.e Ton FARMERS SIIOWINQ KEEN INTEREST IN soit EXPERT 1MOVE Committee on By-Laws Meets at Libertyville and Issues Formai Statement. PURELY FARMERS' PROJECI Important Thinq Deoided Was That Each Member WiIl Have Equal Voice. ltly the Comrnittee.> The committee, conshstiug ut Au- drew EOnger, R. F. Rouse aid Paul IacCGuffin, appoiuted to draft cousîti totion and by-lawa for the propomed orgahiizatton ot the Laie Connty P"armers' Improvement association, met at the office o! Paul MacCluffin in Libertyville Mouds>' afterne'. David Wite o! Autiocli, tbm tempor- amy president o! the association, John E. Barrett of Prairie Vlew, temporar>' secretar>' sud organizer, and R. B. Swift ut Lihertyville township, vere aiso present. That lie fanmers of the wbole coun- ly were luterested lu thla movement as neyer betore vas the opinion of aIl present sud that an organizatieu ut the county by towushipsa, the chair- man of escli township oigantzation te lie a director oftheb association, would resuit ln a large farmen mern- bersbip and the pledging o! sufficient moue>' te start Ibm movemeut ou sncb a basts as to geltlihe $1,200 from the U. S. goverumeut and wltli the lielp tbat the count>' slould give lt voulai Piut tbm association lu shape te go torvard aud de good vonk. Fudamental>' tt vas 1telie a tarm- ers' movement and that it lie kept as sncb Il vas declded Ihat mach suli- scrtber te the fond lie a member et the association sud lie abloveai one vote irrespective of vbetiea lie muli- scribe flve dollars or Oive bundreai. It was aise declded that escli memben b@e alloved te vote personalît' or lit prox>' sud that no offilcer, aitrector or ernployee lie atloved te molicit or vote a prox>'. It was felt tiat an bone'tt, astaong, capabîle farmer shoulai bead the organization andi that we shoulai maie a bginning ou sucli a basis as to grov wltb lt,' fanmers as lielpera and that there ie a mutual undertai. lng betveen the fanmersansd the as. soclation to mork for eacl other and with tbe aid 4), a iomPetent advisor the farms of île -oiîuty vould pîro- dure tive busiiel-. uore to the acre sud thus adai t, Iicir value mure ln a single year liaji the moveulent would co8t lu -, y eariî. Seventeen IllIiiî,is couuties alreaty have sorti organiîcatlons sud reponrt I hem t he fi lia I i inient lun rnîgiig hule 10 the farin ftlic klnovledge, that lm belîîg dlsco%( civil almost dally ail over the worlîliiof iceliest lu agricul- lure. Wiin a couiîii au, lu two year. Increase its ali-rîci crop of oasa lerý acre nmore thati even bushels li Irlgln 1 ai Ji farm tbm va>' tO i tuday>wven il adolîteai vital amnenai- treat for auîut, te increase the melate, the present Tice good madls strength ofthlb,'rra se lil vont laige ael. soi badît' sud or licr tacts It ilow Acting ilîder the rhalrmansbip Of what itl an ii) lave sorneone on Represeutatîve Tice, thse committee the Job wbo lu flot ouI>' tling us the kîlleai the bibI iutroduced orîginalîlit'y way to do IbuJ wbo la going front Nlr. Tite sud reportedl out ti commît- tarai to fan aslis wiig groupa of nl tee 1bull wlitcliautborizes boards ut bors lîow Itit l Iire uractically. supervisnd aicouty bards lu ach "Th olporuouy l bee ,t b lîîi c.uuty tu dete m nie anîd tipulate the iuslveansd Iiilng tIbm mops t10.Schararter ut roadi wîcbhal lie bulît bigher average, to make theil ow ' witli etate aid tîuils. The roaisesial produce more ai lecs expense for1 then hoe contracteid under Ibm super- feed aîîd t10 uiîtaiu their capadîty "Ision of the lstlîlhglway dePat- for work Ilimougli a longer perîoai.te, nient said lu accordauce wvlhbthe state lrnîrove our hlomeîs andai lep our chliisîieiicatlons. oren amd a î.lroîg 1pull together wli "net us goiug. While suliscriptions are to be sollcited froul even>'one becatîse ail are benellil lîybm hegrewtb ut langer crops, stîli the large' member- slip aboulai couic from lbth armers as Ibm>' are the unes Miost vitaîl>' tu- teresteai. Itlte urgeai that ever>' man lu tbm count>- co-operate andi at once vrite thbe secretary, John B. Barretl, ot Prairie Vlew, offerlng bis aid said support. Floyai Deau Aynslet"-àiet Mardi.10, ageai 18 years, sou of Dean aud Cors Aynsley, nmm Burdici, brotien of Cal- vin andiRbert, Highlandi Par'.mF u- neral services Thursas>ea 2:3o p. m. trom tbe remideuce et J. H. Ayusley, 7 ,IIi ahI>' the Pirdunî i ll for rompulsor>' dragglng of roastandl ilîteaithe "nar- row vîdtli" bll. Officiaisî froinîtIei, Ilcago K- North- western Railrosai couterreai with City Attornety Howard P. Castie andi Mayor Mles T. anîey of Barringtou receut- 1>' for the piîrpoae o! dlacuosmiîg the possibilîlies of makiig a pank on tlie soîti, aide o! the tracks i that place jumt opîposite the uew depot. It vas decideai hu maie the east enai ofthIe park commience wtîere the Mercantile loIpn înts buildings stuod andi mn vest as far as Cook streel. The bey groîînds wlll be over lb,' site of the utai depot said vîlilie 50 teet lu vidtli ai tIhe niýrwest pintt, aud double that albthewldest pîoint. A drIve vili lie eut îbrougb next tu Ibm plattorni. Trees anai sîubber>' will be plas.ted, glvlng the strip the appearalice ot a $mail clly pari. TIIEY FIGIIT FOR P i i V~ IIOUSES IN TOWN UUI ui 0F LIBI3RTY VILLE Typical Instance Took Place on 1R OTHERS ARE ARRESTED. nn No Empty House in That Town and Any Change in Location Harry Stone HeId to the Grand Causes a Commotion. i Jury in Bonds of $3,000 -Protests lnnoSceo.6 Shtoot if you miuat il' Is old gray head,' quothB Larbara Fritchie of bis- torical fame. as SlonewallJacsn: ILDEI AL HE SAY&. tlie liead of an army marclisai Ilrougli trederickstown, and she meant every Stone Sa id That Despite Fat word of It, but at tinat she 'lida nolli- He Was 52 Years OId He lg" on0 Nrs. Mfary Sandberg of Li- Wanted to Marry Girl. bnertyvîlle. Wltli the muzale o! a shot ______ gun pressed close to lier hody Mrn3 i WVaukegan, Mardi 31. Sandberg quletly folded her armes and Iar tnae 2 a rage delled James Morris, owner or tlie 1 lnae 2,vsarln Quo. to shoot. And ikle IBarbara j I police court late Tuesday atternoff Pritchie. NIrs. Sandlierg escaîied un and 111100 the evîdeuce of a fouIre« hurt. year old sclîool girl who tueifea The nîregoing was thse striklug tali that lie was responsible for lier «eDé- eaux thaI. presented itaelf to the tion. lie was bound ove! to tbilul vision of Dennts Llmberrv. marsbal of ijury'in bonds of $3,000., tin Monday afteruoon. 1 It will, illIme If you enai1»e110 STATE'S OLDEST POSTMASTER RETIR ES; SERVED 40 YRS. LACK: INI! 9 DAYS; NAMED UNDER tIRANT THOMAS STRANG 0F WADS- STATE'S OLDEST POST. forty years he bas lipld the job. the WORTH RETIRES AS RE. MASTERS QUITS HIS JOB. little office has been 111 but two build SULT 0F ENCROACHMENT ings his store and ilts Ire sen t site. 0F CIVIL SERVICE-HE - ,Thec Job seflot a lucrative one, pav IDN' CAR TO AKEg on the commission bztsi4 about DIDNT CA E TO TAKE$3.5a month, but, ln bis advancing EXAMNATIN-HE BERTyesrs Mr. Strsng feit le was enougb StIEA SUCCEEDS HlM. ,a lon from the gov:rnrnen tasnh soldier. lie managed to get along nicr- As a resuit of the efect of the ]y. Naturally lie feels a lit],' dis- Pos tal dejiartment's new civil service appointed ln liaving te surrender tbe rule as aPpîtiea to the Fourtb clans Job bcefias held so many Years, but, offices of the country, a man wlio, as lic says. "t cant expeet to liold if le declared bas lield a postoffice po- nievexand i1I hntd acaeto lit oit on longer than any M#n in Illinofsth xmiIwaedo. Loda reaxed bis PosmýýseraIp I r. Strang la one of the most prom- whi oday eId is otmtears lp m Ieut resîdents of Newport township. lcing h eld us t ot 'er a H e served as the town's supervisor n mu Aprl9t,185. we Gat aor nîne years and for three ternie Or8dnt hor as 9 t ra 5,win gr was mdwss chairman of the county board of presdent ThrnasStrag w5 uanedLake county. H-e bas lisen ton lsotmaster at Wadswortli. a emal clerk of Newport for thirteen years village nine miles nortbwest of Wau- dbosthtpiio aIreet kegan. Preidents bave corne ad andhe w a l o iiothetwnehlt. gobe. new postmaster generals have Thom Stranig. Jacent tontlie one wbere lie las llvedl talen liold., iut, terni after terni, Wdwrh nmiewobsMost of bis lite, bis father, Peter Thomas Strang bas held forth ln the Wawrt petstr wh ha Stn.bigoeofhe ary e- lîtle office. been forced te mrrender hi. e msi- ters ofWarren ons f he. Mr ntr-n But whn te nw cvilsericetership te younger man who toterso arn onhpkM.Srn Dut wbn te nw cvilsericecivil service examination which Mr. therefore always lias lived ln La-ie rule was applled to the fourîli clans Srn elndt gcouuitY. His wife and lie are among offices and It was announced that an wstrapng eced wten taneMr t w the reslîected resîdeuts of Wads- examînatUon would be held for the apite hnG an WSBreel wrl. le ae w hîdeMs Wadsworth position. Mr. Strang, 69 dn n edofc vrsn r ot.Te aetocideMs years~~~~~~~ ofaeadrte rseo S trang was ln Co. C zecondIlîlinois Wi b eacndct oroIbe C. su ad Her- Year of ge ad raher rogprousLight Artillery lni the civil war. etacodtronheCad1M through Invesîrnents, but nfot tbrougb lElectrie. living at Higbwood.. bis earuings as Postmnater, declded - The onlY regret 1 have at sur- lie didn't care to take the examina- now lias been notified titat lie 13 the renderlng the office," sald Mr. Strang. tion, admittlng that lie felt lie tiglit new postmaster. For t cars Ilie pont- "is tliat 1 couldnot lold It Just nîne flot, beeause of lits age, lie abreast of office was located ln a little general days longer ln erder to round ont the the limes and therefore able te make store which Mr. Strang conducted. forty yearm exactly." a slowing. go.,lie refused te taie But, oune tume ago lie disposed of the Asked wlio was postmaster general the test and Herbert Shea, a younger1 stock and sInce the office lias heen wben lie was nanied. lie said "Its %u restient of the communIty, %tond thie lu a small wooden building wbicli li long ago, 1 cant rernerber-i just examination beld ait Waukffan- and erecled for Its exclusive luse. In tlie remember tisaI Gran was presîdent." smue lime pa t bas been occupteai by James Morris andi famîlly. Ici- deuisîl>' Morris claimslie bas an u- expireai lease te the prernises. At an>' rate It appears that Ktinkley lias juat leaseait lif1 saule house tu a Mr. and %Ira. Sandberg. That waa wliere flic trouble began. On Monday licou lIn. aanai tira Sandberg drove tu the bouse vblcb the>' claim u t have leaseai, taltiug a quantît>' of lia>'.oats, etc., vhlcis Ihe>' storeai lnitlie harn, locking the door. Morris took lu the situatien and like an>' other law-abidlng C itizen.1 hurrled tu the office of Justice Lyell H. Morris, vbere lie avore onttwIo state warrants for tbe arreat of 10111 .%Ir. and i Mrs. Saudherg. He then starteai haci home. Wben lie arriveai there Mra. Sandherg vas Inside the bouse white lier busbanct vas onîside. .%tembera ut Morris' faml>' vas cow1 eriug lu eue of the upper roorna ot the liouse. Tliey dlaimeai that Mrs. Sandi- berg bail torceai er wv u>'Ituthe lieuse vbuîe mise stouti>' donteai that neoouneliarred hler va>'. Tt vas about Ibis lime. accordtng 1u witnesses. that Morrbs decîded fthat the hest way velaili e te taie tbm law into lts own lbande. Securlng bis abot gun lie la saai t bave airnea If at the breast ut Mrs. Sandherg andi informeai ber thal If slie and lier lins- bandi did not leave the liremîses lie would fi1li er full o! bird abot. It vas Ihen that Mrs. Saudberg atrîlck a dramatlc attitude sud deffeai Morris to do bis vorst. -'Shoot! Wby dont you shoot?" elle la said tu have crled out abrili>' as Morris tood undecideil. 'T"Merê ire!' crimai MareblULm- berry, as lie arriveai on the scene to serve the two warrants. "'Enougli ot Iis fooishuOsS." The marsisai proceedeai to placeI Sandberg andmie is e under arreat. The>' vere taien te tie office ef Jus-' (OontInue on page tvom> jatil. stone cried. -I sufer of aca4lU stomacli trouble aud the cloue cou- finement would lie more than I1old' stand." Despite this statement on hà»#t, t he was removed 'to thie couaty E wliere lie will have to remaîn at the grand jury convenes ln Octobgr unleslie ls able to semai'. a bORjo- man and lie says lis inows of ne 0"m wbo would go bail for lain. SAs stated ln thie Sun of Tueedq alteriioo, the girl la the smre vns story recently was given prel=p ln the Sun. She was a student laitue seventli grade until lier condtto.w discovereai and it vas neoe&»aul'at send lier home frem, ischol At first thie girl refuseai t.o lel man% name vbo bad mltretd, It vas not ontil Tun.mia"*us tliat slie cnnfessed te, Assegtqu Tyrreli Ibat Stone, vinh mIL44 s frienai ef the femtly M ~ yeare, was tise g»llty lsoute, tpt vas svorn out for ts arrat - and hb. vs UM ~ Arlington liotel viser. fMr a lie lias been employed asboetle. The girl vas placeai on tIe t t** $20900 DAMES ASKED -BY FAMY 0F ANTHONY MIntAW Serving Indetermediate Sens. tence for Attack on Wlfe and' Son With a Hainmer. Tvo suits. angregattng S04 damages andi direcei aguat 1kegan andi North Cicago aoq keepers Worm filmai ln circuit cu tuis aftmrnou lit'Altoern>'A Stiill on bebait ofthtie Anthony Mçirm an famliy. The detendants lua q* seI . are Ibmam% being: Pet* Wember. Joseph Kosiol, John .Jaaaip, ail of Northi Cicago, aud Imms ler of Wau'iegsa. Tise 0»IeIm tbm Oirst suit are: Mary INe, erine Moran, Aatbouy Mosa, Mn9 iMoran. their moliser. Ailtise ehs* dren are under igite.en yeof t g The other suit la Ouled b>' Mrs. Moa andi ber eldesl mon. Martin. as t- defendants. Macis suit la for $10,0M damages. lu Ibm deularationa 1h la set for* Ibal Ibm defendants ait sobai liquo b ",oran for a pereai of several yee40 sud liaI as a reanît lie vas vbelWy or partiat>' intoxîcatedai al lie lm. Itla Iclairneithat b. vasteda4 squanderei bis rnanet' snd prepett andi became umpoverisbed ue. degradei andi wholîy mntned lu Miro sud boedy. Ihila ebaimea furîlier tiat as a . suit of the bîquor solai 10 blrnbtsmi' hecame affecteai on Feliruar>' 19, loi. aud cause i hm ho attaci bisý andi eldeet sou lu a mordorons m~ net vîlli a beavy liammel. As am,. suor etIis il vas net forth ths*', vas sent le prison to serve a sevle of tram une 1tu tourteau YOara la now ln prison andi Il la coaten~ Ibal tbe tanîly> bave beemadePtu of bis support. 4 The filing of this suit vus net . expectei as Il vas i'eported fl court rooni at the "ametise Mor trial vas golng on tis aucis a=e would bc startei. Moran lu teliig lis stor>' 10 t1 jury. aid net attojupt to disprove t* altonies tolai litis vite sounmad ohq, chîlairen. He simpl>' saaidlie dl m* remember viat book place. The wbole altair arose out c&,a di, Pute as to who shoulai occupy a cer- tain bouse. InuNWauiegan, when a fanîlly de- clies to move It le usually onl>' a question et deciding whlcli o>a bun- dreai or more Aouses they saal move [nte. Neon0e ever quarrels over the possession of a bouse liere hecause there are toc many lieuses te select troni. But It ls different ln ltlbertyville! Empty bouses there are as scarce as the proverbial ben'a teetli,only more se. Wben a famlly destres te move It s necessary te fine smre other tam- lly wbo aise destré te maie a change sud then "swap"~ bouses vittjern. Occaionally a tarntby meves awa>' from town. Then tiser. ta a grand acramble on the part of a score -,r more of famnilles to ee vbtch abaîl be the one to ecure ItL Sonuhimes tiser. te a clamer Ihat cleseiy approies« a battis royal. Wlimn a nov farnl>' nioves te tovn ilier. la a delimna for ther. le net ana empty bouse. Tt la usuall>' necemmar>' te stpre hoIlsehla gooda for a tev monthe andi taie the chance Ibat smre other tamit>' vIll move ava>'. This prologue blings one up to the Monda>' aflerncocuevent. Cash Buliley ovns the more destrable lieuses lu Lberlyville. For COUNTIES àlE TO HAVE CONTROL Of BUILDIN6 0f ROADS House Committee Billi Gives Local Boards Right to Des-. Aid Road Improvement. bS IMPORTANT TO LAKE CO. By the Change Each County May Handbe Its Own State ignate Improvements. Springfield, Ill., SiarcliMl.-"Home rule" aud "count>' option" on the bard roais questflun became Ibm legialative îiolirv of the bouse roads rummittee a4~ 1 1 .8 b-r hý j7

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