Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Apr 1915, p. 5

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bi si Thursday mornlLg George W. Smuner eutered upon hie dutes asa the Poetmater of the Baarlngton OT fe%, to aucceed Benry K. Broo'rway, who retire. iter 17% yesrs ogaod service to, the public,iwaye ..ccm- mOdatlug 6 eadonacfetua. Mr. Brockway te a broter of Circuit Clerk £barleys JMont r t Grayslake Ope= Bouso Sltriy Evoiugg, A*0 mI lRwund Lake Opms Roue Iuday Evoiug, April IZtà Prof. Shotter. of C1Ucalr% Diecter. solte"& ait3LAadrem fssim. Iliebouýt he. alatpler *ver 1usd. Tiéete et Dnag Stoee emd 3c.. DANCE AFTEUE MSHOW NOW 18 TEE TINE TO USE KRESO DlPS, A sure (4ermi and Inseet cure. Try if; in your hen house. Leds Liquid aind Powdered' Lice Kiler, 25e lb. can. Fl«eks Lice Killer, 25e lb. eau. THE REXALL STORE DRUCE-DRUG CO. Progressive euchre waa piayed and the hlgh score was madp by Jo.' Vincent. R. B. Duxon, aur new postinscer, took charge o! lb.' poutoffice A prileut. W. B. Strang bas bepn rmade bis assistant. M r. asdd m. Fred MiCracken of Chic&- #Io Who "pnt omnetime wlth Mr§. NeClars, left fur their home Bonday. Attorney RLlpb Dady of Wankegan, spent Sund"y with hie parents hore. RUSSEIL Tb@ Rester sociable was ver Weill 'l'h. larsbe,-. re bumy ID he fileld@, pre- parfng for seeding. Tt Young people Who attend echool st Ournes are having a vacation thie week. Mime Van Vist spent Easter with ber parents. Belon Scbe*er, o! Wauwotoffa, epeut aeuler and Monday wlth Laurs corrnu. Wili Melville Wa@ a Chicago vistr George Wilson Opeut Eater wlth hlm parents. 5fr. and Mr@. John Bouner @peut a Pouple of dayé wish Marrie brotiiers. Mm .8-.J 1.1g&Pet a few daym càllcg on friends. Mfr. and Mr@. Omris Koeues and Uitile Mou, @pent Raster with ber Mother, Mrm. Corris. J. R. Corrne aud fawilY @peut Eaeter wltb Mr. and Mri. W. K. Wiliby. Minuit- Reeves etertaiuod a yoang man and lady froin 'Aurore, ov@r Sun. day. A marriage lcenue hbuen leMie ln Chicago tu Geore A. aezwel, a'dm 19, son of àmn. Mabel Bep"welJ, oud Lake, . M antd 1uh oldie D*Brle, j». of Raciae, Win., la oarv rlloge .Tne@ay. alter a tco on for aPppeutliti.. ,ttt thore cure corn- mouthm vigimith relatives anti trlenti plcecions 5hihjn rde the opurution lu Califoris. Be atteuded the opeeing qaîtu ein.H-tdon u ti . 0h the Panants ExposItion et Sau Fren- tanbu oslecteti. cisco snd reporte the Fair a wond-rfal tMre. F. 0, Dt-itpyen sud dauglacen sigbt. lie saje h. enjoyeti bis trip veny M&ht-l eere Wsanîegan viltortioue dey mach anti expeta go bark nt fait toilait week. spendi the wiuter ' J. R. Ponter lotf r iday nomuîung f,- Donald Cnt-go sud MsrrniccCornel Calforis, lt . hëgone muterai monthu lsft fon Billiings, Mont, lait Frlday, ton bt@ health. tn1, elfe andi taugbtr chers tt-yeY t s pendti hu seriug andti econPanied imnate Chieago. commn mouche rnuing Ramlsy ferai Mr@ B. Wllams wae a Chicaga viicor power machinery. The bosbava mrny Batuvday. frientis berse ho were orny to ses thon Herbent Sheas aur nec poet master. go Itut club h t-rn cucces ln their ue Mr@. RaIlanti Mise hora Neyera cers fieil@. Kaukugan visitons lest Tburadoy. The town election onu Tuee-day proved Miss EmraRus }ydea,kem- sud Uns. Min. ver> excicieg. uahcithstanding thal nie Lux 5-erte rankegan vimtens lest thurs cee n ouI>cea cadidatee lu the WednssdayV. fielsrte on ic ort adetcommiosioner. Mr. B. Williamsupont Ramter et the- The question of itvy uga 5 peOi gravel horne of Mir. A. L. Fkàyor. tsi of 31 of 1 pur cent wes aimo votuti apon. 297 vot-êeetre cast, 202 men Brei Lus and Loean Laces er-q Chi- aud 95 ladies, B. L. Granthsm einnîng cago vieiltosu lest tdiaeuday. 12 ote, hvlg rceiet 10 rnn' Frank Clark wus a Chiecgo vielcon by 1voebvn eevd12 enalut Thuneday. andi 51 ladies' votes. P A. Bomabton mi geShtsoCicoa t recuirriti98 reu*'anti 43 ladies' vote. MieAe huore o!CM i ao pt The speclal grae[eltas cannieti hY 12 neyer. votep. iu as MglAibrigit eudltdjhrotber 0! Chisago cpencEaseter eutitwir sieuar ADJUDICATION NOTICE. mre. Roy Dstmeyen. PUBLIC, NOTICE la hereby Siven A Ors on the Bt-ydec.ker farm guudav that lhe Submcntber, Executnl the: , *ternooe bepc lias ownerc andiBorne o! lust WiII anti Temtameut o! r josephthie uighbora prerî! bnmy for a les auer, decemeeti, . wMtfltenrd th ourg, but es8 finally gotten onder con- 000817 Court of Laie 000817e et trul anti no gra% damage don@.. term thereot te be holdun aitlthe C Mut -ji . e wiso aukegeau @lu towu Roons0ilu Waukegan. nlu aid ooutyontitrdy On tiee Orst Mouday ot June nit, 191S. Cha .ne-iupet esreh cheu anti cher, &l p ersona Iravng uC paâ rteims reteoît clalma *gainmt said estate are notifled ià ae i e In l-w. aud requestedtu te -et thre Me teî Mn. W. Botes le drjlling a WeilIount-e sait Court for adjudIcation. f errit of E. V. Lux. BARBRA HAGNER, MIs40 Ethel Deitruvr fCbcgns 1. Ezecutrix o!f te Lat wm and Tots- Ryerwl ëbrprc lr, udmir ment o! Josephi Haguer, D«OO. Vf ).Dlnpr Wau'cegan, illinola, Marcir 22, 1916. WkIY Meh 26-pr. 0Boy Alfecb as a Wsukugan viilor Wkl. Mii.20-pr.~ ; nsday lest eeek. Wsntr For SAIe, S«0 ad, ln t.e 114. Mm. Mibe Sbely, Who hea but-n ve-ye ýOEIENDNT roulue M ?keister bospitalfimr about DEPEDENTvoah 15000pemon e ven ,cees, es a che'td ~bIcbtate out we.kiy. ~~~ber nothers, tinte. ueo/Bnd. Mr. HUSSey startedtu tocroiss nie apace lu front o! the garage door. Too lace to leup back, Mr. Huauey tse th., car almoit apon hlm. The driver tidti to have sumfclent tim toý set bis braise. Mr. Huuaey tarned te face thu car sud as bu titi so nie front ebeel utruck hlm usquarly. lThe nexc momelnt bu could haeeaue puabuti over aud lthe beavy car coulti bave pasauti ovur bis body. AMmst rlUiCker than ut taises de wluk, Mr. HusseY leapeti Into cte sir, tbroclng out bis armeaSt thre came cime andti aking a fimm grasp on nie tender. It eas proba6ly ail that sav. ed bis lite. The car continuedth ie sharp incline to theu Street sud rau over haîf ce> accrouedte Street hie fore it cas brougit tu1 a stop. Mr. HusseY's body cas dragged along ln front of chuebweels. Those cita w uessed nie accident cure afralti that bu woulti not bu able to, svold serionss inJury butsolde frouslthecula on bie bauds be appears tu bu ail nigbt.j AUCTION SALES Ali muction Baies pubimhed in lhe Independient are charged for et the rate of 6 cents.a lino when an order for auction bids accompmnis the notice, otherwe thm regular rate of 10 cents pur lins wili be charged. PRIVATE SALE O)nt-tborée, enikY Plow, 14 lnch John Doë.e, rgond order; 2 walking piows, 1 Wall.iug Plow. 1ilhorsme piow, ocît seeder. iiulli> cultivittor, raowiug machine, 16 ltîch dl.rc barrow, 2 se.. hrrow, wagon andi box, tearu berneps, bey rack, grain -acko. MeCormick bey raks, mlk eu, etc Geo. stîdmore, 2 umiles weet U! Fort Sheridan. 2 Mrudlrein_____ on on f IN LIBERTYVILLE PRMWaukgau. andi kirs. Spsffor took 1f Z N W jdînur wlth Mrs. Jaun.ette, Ustbews M .C U C PS. DnWO wu caileti te DavIs l y, WednWsay. i..&, lst wesk by the âerloua Illueio! m. G. Thom of Noith Il,-i \b N VES C LLhnn biesfter, wbo in n vers' agod mo end mput Tuesdayan pegacilo About 4:30 o'clock 'Sunday sia. te,--9 Edted by P.LDflUO, Pione Il bu bonu biedfor manybuvuao 0d frientis. nooue-afMetz roaslster 'vas struck sud oso1oPd r 1 1 - w. 1lTbe Loomis famlly bas moved lote the A debaghter wesbore Mondes, Msrch con ptetely turneil Over byea Ford tour- APRIL 15th A* vscated by the Keler famli, 21), tu 1Mr. sud Mrt. Ltel.., KemInir of lng car near tihe Crab Tree farmru. Lake eE bo baie moiyd loto rocm o bsoe the Ih»so.Iuff. The Mets was, helng driven te -»",t - reoiutant. Jou Koeitra bas rentud tii. BueraI Mauns of chie s-ciniv attend- Waukegsn by William Flck Who was nom N4" ý ik of OW o omt" bouses sud muxodtaut week. pgMib ts weekend at ebeuia1Ott 0.Moiwumu te hota blon . -ad.1 $e Mlsule Lotige et Orayelake accompanleti by J. Austin Itisher, both Me0 - 3 et u lwa ke. 1 huma hdgneobet frTuadyeeig. bigemployes of The Daliy Sun. Who 3 Joba onnebgb ad sonJeantran.theR. L. Whatou of Wheaton, 111, speut were returulug to Waukegan from :'puils of ts Sdàoole MoWbugabebst udxLaeMond~as-tsmr. Eser with1Roi. A. W. SafBord andi Orayalatke. 25 cents Yno o neu bule.e oxf-r. sud Mnds. 1 it, Bak. flnsdtmlysea aafmlly. The accident. ccording to wtt- pTue J e rs on far. Mc. LGergeitelladpat &lo n Mies Bt-leîî Suford of orenvitneses, wassone of the- tonstthrillmxg Fras DaisJr, lu'-un ~ eore Mtchll sd prtivlsted l.. upeut a lesdays iilh ber parents. andi spe-tacular Imnaginable. Accord- Ch'LoÙXabangh of Chicago, »Peut W Kukugen Sundey. Ilas dafford weu brideomuald for a friendgte h triodb lc n ih Sunada" wth hie parents. P hyaeto n asdaFr - lre.Pal UtlllLb e li a be bois ani Potter sud ele peut Raster-3n- Tuimeiy, Aprîl i6, lu Chicasgo. trîe vroksdperdsFr *Mrtlhet,.Paul dpt. Cad ay rich, ornaukibi hure.aweek bu.ine ni l,îrotj. be:n owred sud driver> by Titus N. j ET Morrs o Wakegs ~..,aînum bes Tured>. ~ ll~onof 2716 Elizabpth aitnue, Mon Lasi jear wcm eid ce hart the hb"ensd guet of Mr. snîd irad. Henry Miller. - Evooo .fýti(b u@aýWi"'o 1work chou lu towu beeaanse W@ hought Mra. Leurs King in spendirtr< o e bus pcleff ur Ti, vas e w ho wsad pp roa hseera »0. Now wCeeay fitbecaum are kocow t -smesclerT r. 1a daivisiteti by test. Try e pair. 8. L. Caellti Jtitehordanabter lu Weuegaa. hiseuother. .fiilth oeng andgrls.hetior, oh lnet ýce. C2tltf Mr. sudMrs. J1anise Atwelspeut a e Noir. tuy Bumr ibre t,.. ie Spufford i ws bîown soveral tint,-,.,but accord- 4 II (item Kapie ani feil> bve ose wai th 5Mr. sudlire. Iliosteer in May- o!lattai., 111,.anid Aiî.-d mFl.sffWm-d of ngte Willmon's art tht-y never fa»te B . PUbsifr bonne, meetly woud chu tiret of the we.ek. Chica-go, vhxitttît în11.' i,tté-r ttc hlast heard the chiade, due i.. lite tact tire't 2 0P occupled by Fleny Knebier sud lauily. 8ptai owmetings iilbé beht-ietthee cl. f hcy had titeir sidecînrtaisîti tp ai s )(r. Kuebker lu stirlrg him gouda. sud ch eb xvryuv.'uug this c eok, le liteUtrt ionuer etl(Ii-go, uperît the, rtcinaantt' iit ciii cotinus living ln W euksgan. charge of hu pastr Hute-hînsoun d M . week-end wth his part-tac., hîr. a s . 1 mir e r pofc ingiathe Fod , kt-a r n dO l S e z Thu f>anfrth tamilsyof Chicago. wr're lSoLativf.-d »loger.ngu regi t 730. John Banner, jhie cer haci up luit), th- rned froru ont tei chir sont-ier bonis a t fRound tly vtd Ap4g o t73. Dr. snd loirs. Jaltjîsota n . thago wlih hh ad been .ra.wded listhe Lake oser Sondas. liotîrme Bornettlt king cusre 01 a I.tiNîtday. jfelure of thte Wiltlotn tonry to turu ie S it - Work hau commneution ch- fier->'uîralueîiarui antiaboiersi bruis"u, thu Milîburn ws es a.l r.,î.rceeutd jin out for hlm aud bed lîrtt'eaed tmorne Lookdnce. Rbnnerou h of L.'Y. tubes a om &ll rit aeroof ehil.'painting a>tutaa> distance. 'ben, accordîzt- n eye dc L adies' ien', rIdce h e b buil n hae te -.-ktrct'neTh@ Ilapous oft1c'Antîneti lodg.- hetinet-ses, Wlllaon sither lot coutrol of foraterbii fo e- .ng.d F, straug anti wie lit tant kfor charue of thet- tun-'rsla liof sau Stafford l1,11 machine or ylelded to ait impulsea Bavraifrm breaitiioedFumertheir borne near gar#bllelti. Wiconétou. lu Wmuk,-gen Sunday. Mr, Staford bu,.: tu race the Metz, for tl-y lits ma- srvicse i te St lt e 'Mlin et vai t rsln a. beerimlu t.-m aoboteu-eru- mît-r 01ot bidet'W i.'.;esre. chine shot- forward and craelîed loto Bariituffo siorelmotheas daren- ThetIat atnt îu ittht- rtar of thre Metz, iti. front wheel Henry K uebker sud farttl Y of Wsuite tr u pp Itod uldn hnte W lt bu airen T.ulnAur-ti:13, b-Lot> o-king te rt-ar whtfth'. e auto* gaz, dopsut chu week-end ht-r-. I l.J tesucbsrtip. the. tiigti;al liniorot-..! dnîein hiFick. Tiho- ligte ca 'A ~ra ta. Bruaoption, a ho bas ti-n Ill phlnoiît-r, thet ttiÉer Wl,,ruI-e > va urneti cornplecel, ross'wise of Mimed Maude R. TurLer of the M 1h4-r daghterA home lu Chh-iago rouet lutai. lBeaurr uniit-aer bi. lte rosit end for en int-talit rset-u Cantlltistors e eopeudinig s couple aofof ch.- inter. bas r.'lurned bomo, h- __________ t w oudol b tokd oolt weekm with relaive. i Chicago.. !îrm.lescae Le. hfrd u iXastun __________loto__t__e Mie Magart Sunt cp-riie. fritt ecam-day f aorîd a wth WA CO D isudyI---,dltch; burtbe spt-ed of th Ford wes Phones 29---100 Misos Mrgart Sith opet 8aurdtY uit rom atuday o Mndaswit WAfOND gogreat that It cerrted on loto the and Bondey lit Chicago ber brother sud e-iodr. Joahrnsd ¶Mi roadster anti turneil r completely.t FOUSO-heplace ý A fb-esi ou tenu buy Mary Kerr,.1'. S. Mtis it Chwaagt,. ei,-ut Saturdaye Mii'~etz performiug tattriolete revo- nort good titrage for 01l00t tau>mon Mm-er. Clarkaof Autct'b ses giaet of ber andi hirudai' ut tL.. hart,.-of lits tifther lutin,in tteair, andl iii the Ford e,., thougiotc oIgerinu oaetieftecion duitr itF. M. Hurlni'-rîrsv tit- Pince Ibore into It, It ta suid.,îand lIe lght with the guritit.S, L harrieldlC. .c281il %Ir. ta-aitttnl.t emt-ag , n sd ¶trsFratil, It-artatt t- rroatister waec utied aionitupon the JIEADC ION AUITO Mir. anti trA. David W.-lttanti daugh- t'outvtsl im tri li.ut l.rùerrtyruilou taiu,-d irieuaIs front î'Littg(t o-er Sun- grounid for e considerabli, distance on 4 dI UI I-LIl ter Loius, Otr.. Mltitnare ait]s>noter Ada Sara day. lis side, fnlycmn to a liteit wlth of Woukegaui, cere atetaut tiei.- J,- %Ira iiearre ýPitttanu to-rtld Jthe- ed- AlIu ttKinhel .tndl tlay Murphy ut- tht- iront wel n ait of 1h.' FENDER TO SAVE Lltshneln hrab.liii dr i fatri-utt,.inrChicago Satirday t'uded thé. Eseter 'lance et NI.fltua y, Ford restlng upon dttii rside of fI& Ums Crs Wblteo' Wenkegau, put i evehinugMondas>. ot.'car ieneaîb. BEIN@ 11 I) OWN lat ee-k sirbber parent,#h-e- t. bil-e Ph)1tIl. Pddîaek. .ol Rouid Laite. The. accident beppeteildirectly in_____ Almond Tharwé:e li sent Sorndai witiî ________________ visitedfi ti e r ud. front of three apprenti"e seamen from bis Éditer, Mrit. Boy Krtlgge et acine. I GURNU Mto bet- rit opundt.tht- Naval Station watmbâtd heard the M al Hse a 1 Ums Mabel Turner apent omueraI dais - L 'sud Sandaesaiut em-t outhe.S - r acuot of tht- Metz whîstle ant i hti Cali From Serious lnjury, or of tbiucusekwith er brote'atAntioeb. Mr.audMlrs.C. W. Chandtler retuna MNgeanrued tr ntriiei tpp 10 h., aide of te roatite Possibly Death, Today. Boj-Ke ,baie jott r-e ia fullione , tram Bot Springs aturday. relatives tromu thictago» aven Sanday vl h ut Te uhdt h Wllur amps-I bae Shoîi ega Mode>sîtr awt-ut rescue. thinktng tht- occupants of the DRAGGED FOR FORTY FEET. of Spoidings bats, balle, ritta, anti Mr. antiMrA. Wlu.ap,1hv ýlo) ea odsalrawei car to bu deati. as, for s moment or_____ glosez. liereniher tbey are Spaldinganotredtu t New York. vacation. tao). no sound 'vas Iteard froru the Waulregan, April 5. aed chu hat ta buy. The Rlusit Stors. Allen Mrrie ot Lake Forest, heu movet ub opnth at(fster-doysv tetayum MitelH syhdtecoete- Dro Drx C. t th Frnchhom whch e hs Pr.che week et lier bomerne -t. ming of the- roatsters englue, cape of his lits chic mornaing chen an gnre nt t m hira. B rntmmer ht Wae- cnme. B l oeabac#ths ieses Elle, Fetitler sud Myrtie elier, 1A hasty Inveîcory twas taken of the audtohile rau lnto him. Hiaspres- eau, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ces4e etengmnrbueo es fLke Zuricli. vimiteti frît-uts lu aur damage, hotb to tht- car snd tht- occu- ence of mnd lu luaplng up anti catch- l'hird Lako Tusotis. Mrnsd Mrb. . W. Keel l ndSrrlsly vilage Sarurday a.eing. pants, snd white it wuformud chat the lng afirru grlp on onle oflte fenders Famusd nt hep ysu rusre frune Teo sago! it e]ti Nite.> tme Hil enry Malunan. Jr, visîleol f rieudu ai Mets was a compilet., ereci-there lie- euail chat save i hm froon arions @mt nd th ba@Coe oe rr irpe nnoflaaed uneetwo ee 11Heury Sunda>. toit uothiug ltft Intact but the englue lujury aud posslhly dustit. Hoirais Dru W Wih neuoni bvererverd.pau, Hickts w@as spalatine vîcîcor and thet- our tires-lte occupants, iragetiforty fuet bufore te auto- Har Mm. So la alnc out. t îs ThgGru.eidet f0 . o SuntaffludWan oeh]Mouds>. 1strange t0 say - eceineti te busufferlng mobile vcas brougbt t a stop. 1Mr. lir.BolteofWauoDd. i veigng urnersidntoccrrd i Wakesan M. anti Mm. B. F.. Maîmnan wr1 unly trom bedtv est anti bruiset faces Husseye bauds aacue cnsd lacerait- ier deughcer Louis, ht-ne Frlday rnorning. Ciaowertoé huoa n eI s dets. eti ou chuetiges of chu fondier. Bave yoan lest yssr'» bat b uboirîg s Georze Daîziel cas a Mlwaukee busi- The accident happeneti lu front of boue f ur trw atbis, r ait i neovistu lst busdy.Eti Panne et Car),- rieittd lrieudo bt-ne the Lewis garage on Madison street, .sodaeeb sigubrw c R BSrrgcsnRumlo uiesSnnday. VAM J .about eight o'clock chIa tt-ornlng. meg sane The usingrStorlraeHatR . .Sutsi'. i usel n uiDu Mr. Barbian o! Mclienry, trensaceti I mrio umed i Glbert, connecteti citi elme. helexilStr, rue rg unah usineses bers Mondai.1 Fred Sheas tenu te c tiater the naval training station, cas mait 0. M. anti ire. J. .W. <Gras entertaine!t& 1 P.A. Nimsgt-arn retaruedt me @ita tntW ulday adop t t divnbscar outotheae a t s.. - nauber of Iieur¶s Saturdsy evenenua. I .-lon, ls u prtt -.. E BERi S Formerly H. F. GIESEKE Round Lake, ilinois Steel Haif Barrels Slow Con Vomi Peveut Sunut 1,y treating your seed oas with a solu- tion of Anti-Snîut. Use and be con- vineed. Every bottle qoId under a pos- itive guarantee. Order at once. Elleetrie and other powpr wasbing machines. If you want a Reo (Jar-buy now whil. e e au' mnake (luiek delivery. Gragiae E. J., DRUCE Pom mi f Mlots Rd* Spades -Fo And siUYU,tg5A hardware, èf Oraden, Té*I - and Ileati W TOM WAISII, the hardware 9461 GRÂYSLAKrEILmx For SaIe---Belgian Stud:"CoIt J IDFEAL-DE POI1PEJ., FOALED APRIL la; 1913 Sired-Pompei 3892, ho by C'arlemagus 1799 (1220). Out of Julie de ]Don 258 (71e) by Blangui <4m8). Out cf Gemblottine (M88* by Pomapel 9050. Out cf Clahre 4165&. Dam- Idealiste, .he by Idel de Pbateau (31070). Out Of Flor de Vo» 48197, Id..r de brosteau <81076>. Ey Eclairene lU94ý out i 0 Di)e 40j825. Flore d&0 VOII 46197, by Brin d Or 7W02. Out 0cfPanny de Brakel 13M8. Near relative to Indigene de Posteau, the tepgma draft staflion that ever lived in EelsIan, and lb. cmlv atallion that ever oarrie4>off the. graudebaEi&4a&a for four years in suoceusion, and valuel aI 8000 DANIEL I1ERSCIBERGCR PRAIRE VIEW Lf4 9, 1915. TUE LÂKE F11ORST GLUE CLIJ» 'ET SHOE SALE rer HeId in Lake, County RCENT OFF Roa Blue, Hartrays, alk- Pallace and oth-ýr brandZo s and Children's Dress, Work tnd ,School-S.hoes' Ler ý

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