Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Apr 1915, p. 9

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JAK RE L)OUN ITY INDEPENDEN*T,' VOL 29. PART! Twfl-.-- 4M» LW%. LIBFM'JLYI nLLE- ILL"., IDAY- APIJ'16, I9153 TOUR PAGES. *1.50 PER YEÂR IN DV~ tu à aineurcri rfui Ailîmir'lm i'v 'i'ff Ival.1.-1 --- >uuRudiJ hint SATURDAY TO FORM NEW FARMERS ASSN To Tise Editor: Thse meéting calibes for the Ua-sq County Pars IsPrOvensent associa- tion shoulsi have a lar>'e abiendance as It viii ho tise moanse of launciing Due0 of the greabesb organisations for tise busy farmer that bas ever ieen organizesi In Lake county andi 1 vant te sAaY rght bers that e-%ry farme? In tise county shoulsi JoIn this organ- Isation and grav vibis it. 1 vouid net vaut anyone ta thisnk that tise asiso- ciation la going to sart at tise top of tise iadder. Nor vaulsi I vant ta se It stan aitie top. Blut lb iý my candid opinion that lisoroe 8net s man an tise tan bisat vouisi ut be benefitd by Jolning hie brother farser ln studying tise prois- lems of bhe tarus, andi especially vith bise man visa bas made a study aftie oiun sud ssand boy ta iandle ties. These stunts are nsv and nu douht thero viii be errors. lb vould be strange Il it vas otbiervise. But i vant to sec cvorY man, vomnan and cisilsi lu Lake county get visat lis cas- Iug tabises, sud 1 don't think lb can ho due tbmnh auy habresi prejudbce or get eefseeIlutg Wisy not co-perabo andi to tise one vbo la not ta ho helped bi biis argan- (Cotiausi on pag tour.) E16HTY YEAR OLD MAN WANDERS JIERE FROM IIiIAND PKI John Sullivan Was Picked up in Exhausted Condition by the Waukegan Police. HOLD JOHN BENCHINA. iIAMM LUTO BARS 0f CELL; 1S SAVED BY WALKER James Monahan, Formerîy of Wadsworth, Tires of Life, AttemptedSuicide. Drlnk came near enaing the ]Ife of IJames Monahau, a young marrled jman residing at Zion City, early tii -01rn11g9, 111,vas arrested last nlgbi near the ZIst street dePat lat Zlon City jon a charge et dlsorderIy condu t, Iand later on lu the evenni.g became 80o crazed witb the liquor that they bad to0 chain hlm down. D)uring theý nigbt ho became quieter and this1 morning be vas brought hfore poilie NMagîlStrate I. ER Miiis and fined $150. Captalif Walker put the young man back loto the CeOU and about elght o . dlock the Police heard a strango noise. On going te the ceil they tound he had attached a ieather strap to the bars and vas hangng hy the throat., Aci cording to the police he was aimost dead and his tongue vas hanging tram bis mouth. Captain WIalker speedliy cut him- dovu and It vas a ew moments N'- fore he "came ta." Had heip flot ar- rived quil<y there is no doubt but .honaban woid have been dead. Manahan vas born and ralsed ln WNadsworth. He ived ln Kenosha for two Years but of late made his resi- dence Ili Zion. His wite le employed lit the Zion City Lace works. The accused vas rought to Wauke- gan this mornlng ln an automobile and alcon to the county jaji where he viii have bo serve a sentence of 30 days. BREAKS THE SAME ARM IN SAMU PLACE HIE BROKE It BEFORE Spencer Jorgensenk Son of At- ty. P. L. Jorgensen is Cham- pion "Hard Luck" Lad. Spencer, tise 14 year aid son o! At- torney ansi Mrs. P'eter Jorgensen, ai Waukogan, thints ibes tiseisard-lucit youngster of thie city. Tva montis. ago vile exercîsing ln tise'Y gymi- nasium, lie fali andi broke is left arm. lb heaiesi siowly and vas met about veil on Tuesday. Spencerl vas walking aiong tise street and a frIand came runnlnsg up hie- iins i hm; lie leapesi on hie hock andi Spencer ried ta ",saite hlm off." In doing sa. ise tebi tatise grounsi ansi landed otise same veakened arm. When lha got home lb vas faunsi tise extreme prain sufcrad vas due ta tise tact lisat lh a ildbroken tise arm ln exaciiy tieseaime Place as hefore. So, tise lad baday bas is arm in a sling and vouders vhat's ta bappen oeil. Word bas ean received in this ciiy of tise tirtis of a daugiter ta Mr. and Mre. <lien O. Graves of Kenosisa, John Sullivan, visa saisi he vas 80 tarmeriy o! this city, an Tbursday, Years nid. ansi vis lookesi oven aider, April tis. vas pictesi up la an exhausted cons- dition by tise Wsukegan police on IfJOIIIC Monsiay nlght abbut eigis-thirty oa- dlock. He hasi stepped ltot the isher- HuN CARR DIES ina be olicefuatonvge.'se wsaiin tante icse f o fg.we vaosake A AR 0 hoU vas fros Highland Part. He aispear- TÀ 6 4 V DI cd to ho teebie-mindesi or unhalancresiA and tise police vers unaîsîs ta learnuAU Eiu V AR boy ise reacisesibore. Tisey say tisci ÀU E AN YE R do ualtishinit isecouisi bave val'eed hors because hie physicai condition vas not sufficlent ta sbandsj scb a John Carr, for te:i years isead lime- grinsi. keepen at tise Waukegan nefineny, die<l Tise local afficers at once commun- et is home ln Argo Tuesday, agefi Icated wvlstb te police of Highliandi 77 years. Hie cleatis vas due ta a Part ansi learnesi Ibat Sullivan isad slroke o aayi bc oecu strayos avay trou s hiebae. Tisey e a! are ealyie abdcish ecaunt- promisesi ta hobo sre îasiay to a to is ndtreve g nivscshs hanse. Tise belleo thtia ho muet made bis condition vary soniotîs ever bave strayesi avay ansi perbaps lot sînce. a street car bere ansi tissu fot lcnov- lng visere ho vas tepped Iinta tise Tise Carn fansily livesi on Souths batel. Shseridan roasi. Waukegan, pion ta Arcest a Man. Ieaving for Argo,- six weeks ago, ansi John ienchina vas arrestesi by tise isey bave many triens l n tise cîty police on Monday aflernoon on a cisarge of iavîng mîstreatesi. hie tam- vho viii Seoleenly Inlenestesi ansi Iiy. According ta tise policé Bouchins concernesi aven tise breavement visieh bas made lite miscrabie for bis tam- hsan oventaleen tise tamiiy. il>'. Tisey say ho hes threatenesi on severai dîfferent occasions ta tate lier -Min. Canr la surviveit by bis vite lite ansi bas causaitishe cbilrn ta be ansi one lison visa livos ln Lewiston, sa atraisi of him tisaI lbey begin ta Montana, but visa arrivesi at Argo cry vison ho entera-the hanse. Bon- Saburcisy, ansi one sep-daugblor, Miss china ls iockeil up ln the city joli. The olelcka, I80 fLeion police bave asivisesi Mrs. BencisinaMoleHkmn o o Lwst. ta sue ber husisansi for a divorce. Mr. Carr vas a. K C. 1Trusut le Caught. Charle Druba. vis a leout on parole, CountyJdeProabsjs vas loctosi up thlie Police because n by thJtusgeesan te ea js h le t atendlcis be vas eparoisCemeleny association of Loon Lake, th hr e ou wisi attend echolreg- ear Aubioch. Tise trustees hoisi t ual.Tisey say tisaI liey have nat Écefor sIx isare. Eugene Carkte st docidesi as ic et isaItbey vîi do bed imsesf. Tise other mousSers vilshlm. They eay tisaItisey viii Sud are David M. Whiste, Jacobs C. Chis- some vay toaieeD hlm lu scisool or 1 tenson, ansi Davidi H. Minta. Tise et- viii Ose sho ila sent ta au institu- ter succeede hie father, Davidi J. Min-i lion visere echoaiing vili bo compul- ta, doceamesi. sony. JIJKIM.PINIJIN FAVOR 0f GRIM IN DAMAGIE SUIT After a Short Deliberation They Refused to Give Chas. Thorne a Verdict. TSETIMONY__SENSATIONAL. Those Who Heard the Case Thought it Was Case of a FamilySquabble. Aiter a short dallieration thse Jury in thse case of <'harles Throne vs. lfenry If. Grim lus vhich tise former was seklng ta clleet $10000 dam- ages, returned a verdict of "nol guolity '. The case van!ta othe Jury ýat 5:45 o'ciock and thse verdict vas rea(had shortiy atterward. Thorne and Grim bath, res ide at Antiocis. lrs. Thorîse dled about nl Ypar ago. Grim, who was a brother home a short tima attarvard and ac. cording lau'rhorna oPenlly accuse i hm of having killed lhie vite, making these sWaeinantg.,lha saiki, atter lha had i îoinfad out that it vas sigoikant that Mrs. Tiorne had signed aver bar lite Insursoce ta hini shortly sabore baer deats. liler mther foroîerly hit been beneticiary. lie sid that Grim pointasi ou! ihat Mrs. Thorne also bil transterrasi tise itle to al or naarly ail of baer balongînge Ini the way of reai astale, etc., la ber husbansi. Crlm vas placesi on thse stand ansi made a goosi vitnass. lia daniad that lie had accusesi Tiorna of 'çilling is ulster but said laebasi saisi that if se hasi nt marriad him sise might lie alilv tian. Thosa wiso ieard bthe testlînny ln tise case wara of bbe opinion thât lb vas mvrely a family squabbla, the (Coatlnue4l on Pagq thie&) DEFEAT SMALLPOX 'WITIIO'T VACCJNAT'N STATE ADMITS IT State Health Board Admits Unusual Victory in Zion City DuingEpidemic. 146 CASES WERE FOUND. Reason Why Those Who Re. f used Vaccination Weren't Jailed Was: Too Many. Sýpringfiaid, . i, April 13.-Aiitivac- ciniationisîs vîli ha inleneesidilna repart visics vas completesi today by Dir. C. St. Clair Drake, secretary of tise Illtlsboard af isealtis, for publi- cation ln a veekly bulletin service visicistise dapartment la establisiing. Tise report cavera a recent susalipox epidenmnic et Zion City. Tisougis some of tise people varti vaccinated, tise ma- Jority vers nat, according to 15tr. Drake's report. Nevertiseless, ho says tise autisaritias vers abie ta chseck tise spidemic apparsntly as effecbiveiy as if tisere isad been caomplets inocula- tion. Vaccination vas distiansesi vith' l Zion City isecause tise !las not large enougis ta isod ail visa refusesi 10 bave thes serum Injeclesi iota thissr systems. Overseer Voliva arderesi hie toilovers nat ta ha vaccinatesi andi pla- cardes tihe city vitis posters denounc- lng "druge - doctors - devils." Dr. Drake Baye visen ho suggested tise usuai formula of locking up everybody visa refusesi, tise Dovisites repliesi tisat vas perfectly agresabie, except biset thay vaulsi ot be vacdloalesi even tison. As there vene 2.0ÔO a! tisem tisat plan vas given up. Tise re- port Io tisat a strict lventy day iluar- aubine vas soforcesi ual anly of per- sons dovo vilhsemailpox, but o! Places ansi persans wvicis iasi been exposed. Tisis ansi ' fumigation vas effective vitisout vaccination. In some fethtie factorisa ail és- lbyes visa refusesi to ho vaccinatesi vers discisarged, One place ]et out 200. Somo of tusse, wishlng t0 be on goosi terme vitis bie Pay roll as veli as the churcis, attemptesi ta be vac- cinatesi secretly. Voliva, accordlng ta, Dr. Drake, offeresi a rovard for re- parletis abany of hie foilovers isas dans sa. Tise resait vas tisat emali boys pickteeitise headquarters o!flise authorities vils tise resuit tisat sev- eral backsliders vere reportesi ansi droppesi tram churcis membershlp. Because attse friction betveen tise cisarcis ansitise stabe authorîbles ln tise city, Tise so-caliesi "barberions" Irlesi ta keep tise qîsarantine ln force as long aspossible, il lo reportei. In tise sobire city only belveen 1,200 ansi 1,400 persans vere iaccinabed ansi usera eee146 emailpox cases. Meeting at Libertyville Na- tional Bank For Purpose of PerfectingPlans. ONE FARMER'S APPEAL. lnteresting ltter From Man Who Urges the Importance of Cooperation. Notice is hereby givon that on fiat. srday, Aprit 17, 1915, 1:30 P. m., at PIMrst National bank, LibertYville, Il.. tisere viii he a Meeting for ail Intelm osbed ln tise conspleton of Lake coun- ty farm Impravement association. The electiOn of Permanent president vice President, socretary and treasurer and the transaction of any ther bus. loess that may Properiy camnu beforo ibis meeting. JOHN E. BARI1ETT, Secy. William C. Knoel< principîal o! thi bih s chool, and Miss Florence Perry a former veil knovn facier ln thi i itY echools. ans iMls l.or-v Burk<e ta teacher aItise NMcKilltav achool. lef Waukegan Mooday nicii for Spring field visere bbey are to lbby for th( Taachare' Pension and Ratiremeni bill1. %Ir. Knoebk rprasents th( teacisars ofthtie iigh s iool andi bbc .ýlisses Burke and l'rrry vere dale gatesi ta represent tha teachars ai tise grade echools. In addition ta thf pIllibon tram tisefacisera tisey car rissi vits tisam ndorsements o! tisE Waukegan board of education. tisE %Wauk0gan Woman'S club and tisE Wauksgau Commercial association. Tise decisian ta send lobbyios tt Springfield canie rather suddanly Se up ta a day or tva ago lb vas con- elderesi a praütscaicertainty fisat tise bill vonld ha passes i vItiout mach op- Position. On Safsnday yard vas re- ceived bisat tisera vouisi be some dan- ger ansi that raitnsseutatlon on tise part of tise teacisa as nseded. Tise word va sepreasi aming tise teachene and it vas dacîdesi ta sensi lobbyios. Mr. Knoel'i hasi a tvo-foid porpos ln going la Springfieldi, for viie tisero ho viii look aftor tise Interests ofthbie Unit bill isicis refera ta vo- cational trainitgz This bil le tgavorod ln IVaukegan ower tisefluai bill mas- mucis as it h hbiaved bisa benelits vouid lie greatat-. Tise board of ado- cation aithetisasba meeting endonsasi tiss bbiil and] fise Cmmercial associa- tion on Monda ' vtarî)thbie same action. Rapresentatis e -q tamn Ibis district have been urgedl r tise their Influence ln sacuring tise passage af tise Unit bibi and datasîrthtie ProPosed Dual 'bill. Foblowiug is a copy of tise botter Sent ta Nfr, Ktor-Ik ly tise secratary o! the Commer iats association: Apritl 2tis, 1915. Mr. William c, Ksoelk, Principal MWasikegats 1-igisScisoi, WVaukegan, Ilbin ()s. Dear Sir:- 1Learnlng o! iour intended visit ta Springfield ln fili interest of Senata bill No. 82, 'isrwn Satise "Unit bill," ansi o! tiseIlinsois State Teacisers' Pension ansi Ratirement bill, bath of visicis are îsendtsg before aur Legisia- bure. 1 bsg ta ais se tisat tisis associa- tion bas thtie unanimous ac- tion of its board o! directors, vobesi ln favon of bath of tisase bills and bas directed me ta iiiarivise aur Senator and Represantatises and ta urgently requst their supposrt and Influence for tise passage a! thase bille. Yoni are at hibarty ta ue this letter In any vay that viii serve tise beet Intereat of tbissaimplortant and ment- orious measures snd if Ibis Associa- tion cao serve you in lisese matters ln any otiser vay, aitisar visle yau are ln Springfield or atar yaur rotunn, w5 trust yau vilI gise tus tise opportuniîy ta do so. Wishing you eîery sticces and vits kindeet parsanaf regarde, vs ara, Yours very truiy, Waukegan commercial Association. R. N. MAGILL. Secretary. Foiloving is a cîsîy of tise tolegrani visicis vas sent ta Mr. Kooelk at lSpringfIsid tosisy: William C. Knaeik, Springielad, il. Tis Association represonting tise business andi profasslonal Intierests iff Wasskegan, desires you ta roprosent us ln urging tise 'assage of tise Unit and Teacises' Pension huis. Waukegan Conmmercial Association, Ws. O. MCRINNEY, President. t'ry St. Nicholas isobel and Hanse Cammittoo on E<ducational bis, LK. FOREST VOTERS BY ELECTION TABOO TUE SUNIDAY MO VIE. Referendum Defeais Plans for Seven-Day Film Theaters 59 Ballots. LEWIS ELECTED MAYOR. City Treasurer Oniy Candidate on Municipal Ticket to Meet Defeat at Polis. '<ld caser,"and oppanents of Sunday miovias tri um phed ln thse Lake Forest electian Tuesday, A;pril 13. champion, vas elected mayor with a Plurality of 242 over Cisarias Russel, superintendent of Lake county higis. ways, and thse praposition ta i<epl the suburbs motion picture bouses open sasen daya a week vas beaten by 59 v otes. The vote esiablished a new record for Lakte Forest. Five hundred and tliirty-eigisî ballots vere caet by vos.- an ansd 679 by men. Mrs. H. C. Chat- feld-Taybor war'ied bard *for <ho h'ýun day mavies. but she vas flot able ta swing nier a majariby af ber ovn cex. The heavy woman vote vas flot cast untisiatternoon. William Dickinson vas electesi city treasuirar over Thomas H. Horan andi Cardon Kelley beat John Redmonsi out for city aupervisor, I. H. W. Speidel van aut for city marsisal by only 10 votes. Tise bhree aldermen abectesi vers Thomas Douglas, Keene Addlngton, andi Robert Dawson. Dickinson vas the'only ane on tise Russell ticket ta vin. Tise Lewis tick et won in every ather office. These alary of the mayar isatsotiing a year. %OUITIIFII II11 I I ) JAIL OF WOMAN TO HAVE 600D EFFECI Administrators of Many Es. fates Have Been Showing Great Procrastination. WILL BE DIFFERENT NOW. Fear of Oeing Held in Contempt WiII Cause More Promptness in the Future. Tise soiiii lnietst to tise rouis y jail of a vomnsats aase sue rettîsas ta i-ssiply wîtis a corint arder ta close an astat willb bava tise effact lb la tisougisi, a! causing other administra- tors ansi adminitratrix ta ho a lie more Prompt III tisevay tlsey handle astates. Wiististe majarlty It; le saisi to ho merely a malter of irocrastina- lion. Tisera are samne nid astates wviir hsave been ianging fine for a bang time because tise asiministratons Si na ses fit ta coma Jin court ansi perfors tise simu)le task of ciosing them. Tise lav provides tisat citations must ho Issuesi at biseansi of a year in cases visera astatas are flot closesi. Connty Jusige Persans bas alvays ondeavonesi ta axant lenlenco In tise mattars, preferning ta givo tise parties every 1rasstbbe chansce ta came Inb coutr!ta!their ovo free yl ratiser fisan îrutling tism ta tise iumiliaition o! heing ciiesi. For bise last fav mantis, however, ha bas heen i'oncad ta Issue maoy cita- tions ansitise resuit bas fisen biset masy a!flise estates have been settiosi. Same of tise administratars have heen IineaI mpose In gond nature but nov tisaItisey bave been ssovn biset tise offense le punisisable isy a son- lance 1n tise county jal itl le probable tisat they viii proceesi to get juta ine vils more alacrity. JutstviaIt riende o! tise voman nov iocked ap viii do about socuriug bon nelease la flot knovu, tlbaissaisi tise ansount sise voulsi be requiresi ta setbbe tis e sIate le flot large ans iti la psossihle tisat ber tiends coulsi seure il If tisay caresi ' ta make tise effort. Thoseo iso"now o! tise case havever, say tisat b'êr ovo hBsansi seeme ta be tisa lyasaIinterestesi a! any uns, PIILANTIIROPIST WILL PRO VIDE THE MILI( FOR BABIESý Samuel Schwartz Steps For- ward and Responds to Re- quest Printed in Sun. Hardiy had the Wau'iegan Sun, gar- rying tire exclusive annOuflceinent about the chiid weltare departnient ot the Lake ('onnty Cliicai Labora- tary, and making an appeai for soea philanthroplst ta donate the mik for the 8 f o poor babies of the city. ar'- peaà t.~nire street .Monday night, when %.aMuei Schwartz, one ofth<le city's most progressive cibizens, step- Ped torvard and announced that he vould agree to furnishe the necessary miik. Dra. Watterson and Herschieder are more than Pleased at Mir. Schwartz' generoity. Tbey repest their statemetit otfionday that i.hey vere perfectiy viiiing to malte tihe necessary tests ta certity bihe milk, In addition to, making the neoeuary modifications In the individual cages, but unies some one had corme for ward ]lire Mr. Schwarta ýtiere migni have been many familles who waîîld have been unable ta procure ltse pure mitk bar Young babies. Infant rnortality ia always highei In the sommer time when thse miii. supply for the cbjîdren Io not visat it ought Ita ea Tt la sstimatsd thatlé viii cast Mr. Schwartz tram $100 ta $200 ta furnisir thse necessary amoiînt of milk for the sommer. He viii be ampiy repaid however, for he wii] *inow that he bas been tise means of #aviné; many Infantives. 6UESTS Of iIRLS IN DEERFIELD SCIJOOI Jomestic Science Girls Serve Fine Dinner to Fifteen Mem- t bers of Assn. Fitteen members of tise Lake Coun- ty -Nlanu!acturers- association vent to Highlansd Park Tussday noon visere tbey isas dinner in the Deerfleld town- shsip isigis scisool. Il vas sorved by the girls b is te somestice science dlass wvia Irparesi tise stire meai and issd charge o! serving IL t. t as senves Inbtise model fiat, visicis. as a Part o! tihe domestic science depaýrt nuent le lookesi atter excluslvely by tha girls af tise clase. Tisesiniser ..-s.,nsost apPebizing and bise clase recalved maîiy comîsli. lister P'lricial Saîsdvlck took lis( guests birough &e ig algcîool, shsow bisg thein bise varions siopartuseute Tise aciool ralîresente a cost of $35(.- 000. Tisane are about 400 pupils but fise capariîy - la 1,000. Accordiogly tisey bave praparasi for lise future for same time. Tiese chool takes cars ai ail o! Deerfielsi ansi Part of Shide. Tise aqulposant is mosb complsilui detail, bu tact, tise scboai lasaisi ta ho ane o! tise fineat in the land. ALLEiED INSANE MAN ESCAPED AT HIiHLAND PARK Wasîkegac, April 14. Tisere vas coosiderable excitemont ilu HighliandsiPark itisamonning vison it became knovu bisat Auguet Sorsu- son, ailias Hill, lieds escapesi !rom tise bouse o! his brother-lu-lav, Alfredsi lii. same time dusring tise night ansi caulsi flot ho poduces i an al nsanîtyboen- Ing Is county court ln Waukagan to- day. Tiseipolice vaeenotifiesiofatisaaffaîr ansi Bomne time ne ter founsi tise teiov sitting on bise lawn lis front of lise Morraine isotel. Ho vas coobootedly eatlng bis breakfast but offeresi no ne- sistanca visen bnougist lu Waukegan. lb vas testifiesi at tise bearng ta- day tisat Sareneosi hasi baS typhaisi foyer visen about seventeen year? olci ansi tiat ibis seemesi ta affect bis mmnd. A policemnan testifies tisaI Sareneon elsent osucis of bis tise standing ou tise etreet corners. Otentlmes he voulsi approacis people andsi eek ta engage theni la canveruablon. At other limes ho vouisi galber bits o! voasi ansi newslbapers visicisho <COitnuOd om page tour.) s -~',. - [IL t 0ck 02-R Cyvilie, SU. Co. MEED TEACIIERS SEND 3 LOIIBYISTS FOR THE PENSION BIL Three Delegates Left Wauke- gan Monday Night on Their Trip to Spingf.eld. MEASURE IS IN DANGER. Prin. Knoeik, one of Lobbyists, WiIl Lse Influence for the Unit System Bill. r, 1 WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN 1 MANY LAKE COUN* TY CASES PENDIN6 IN APPELLATE CT. Several of These Cases WIII bè Disposed of During the June Term of Court. FERRY CASEIS PENDING. This is Case in Which Court Took the Matter Out of the Hands of the Jury. Waukagan attorneys bave recelved pamphlsets sbowing the Waukegaa and Lake counby cases thaet are ta comne up for disposai by tie appelate court during the June tsrm. Consld. erable Interat la tI n these canon and there are many viso are anxiously avalitng the auteome. Among tire cases visics are mander advisement ie the case of Ferry v. City of Waukegan. This lestise case In iicistise vidow of Edvard Ferry, viso vas kiti1ssi In an automobile ac- cidSent on NortsSiseridan road a couple of years ago le suing the city for damages, ciming tise City le5lia. bis for an unprotected plie of debris In tise street wvhicis obstruction vas sbruck by tise automobile In vitei Ivr. Ferry vas riding. Tise Iuàge threv thse case ont of circuit court partiy on the groun'dtiat tise deceas- ed vas jnintiy hiable because the l1gb-te on the machine vere cot hum- lng. The case was appeaied ta thé appoilate court and that body nov bas the case under advisemoent. Another case under advIsement la tisat of the Ravinla Company vs Stro- bel. A motion for re-iearing vU ho bîvard In the case of Ciaffy vis. Par- veil, a Laite county case. On Juns 23. tise case of Mulion vu. Xac'sson viii ho caliosi. On theo asie day bise court vii laire ripou a wvrt of errr the cases of the People v. Krause and Goehringer. Thi. le the case of tvo North Cisicago maloos- teepers wbo vere floned by Judge Smiley on a charge of keeping thoir saloons open on Sunday. Thse' mat. ter vas appealesi and viii ho declded on the date set. On June 24. thse case o!f1"oster va. Dudis, appealed trou the county court wiii ho taken up. Thsis l a case là-. voling tise lease for a foaiu iocaffl nortb of Waukegan. 'iZhe tenjai ocre ousted on a vrit of torde US e- ry and detainer. On June 30, tise case of Orr sand ocket Hardware ompanyaalt Patterson, vIii ho taken up.Oute 3amo day viii ho hoard the caserd« Vilaii vs. tise E. J. andi E. Wall la uing bhe rairoad company for dauF ages for prona inJuries ho laims. ho receivesi ibroug tise negigence ut th cnmpary wvile ho vas fa their employ. En De BARNUJM LEFT ENTIRE $80.M ES. TATE TO lMS WJFE Viii of WeIl Known WaUkegàn' Man Who Died Maroh 10, Probated onMmnday. .EFT NO REAL ESTATE. MIrs. Helen C. Barmum vas made le sale iegatee un tise viii ut her laie iusband, Ernest D. Barnums. vhoso eats accurred on March 10, 1915. rhe viii vas probatei ln County court )n Monday. Mr. Barnum ioft on es- tie valuosi at $80,000, aillIn persossI roperty. Edvard S. Jedd andi Harsy )Faxon vere namesi as ebocutnrs inder the terme 0f the viii . Their md vas fixesi at $160,000. The viii vas made out andi signed on January 6,1908. TisaI Mr. Barnum fearesi that souns- Ime he vaulsi meet a violent death itiser In a railroasi vreck or attetm- ip accident, la indicated by hi e rding of bshie i. ln lbhe provides ar different emergeneles that might suit fron a fatal accident. Ths sy have been because Mr. Barmum': sines took him to Cisicago overy ay and ho eaivays faced a possible in vrock. !n bequoatbing bis entire estate te s vite Mr. Barnum stated ttus die- ostion should be made 'unieas&bis te should die prior toeisim or shoulit ekilied Iin tise same raliroai. steami- Ilp or other accident ln vhIch ho gis lose biesfle. In case ho and ie is ie siouj4 bo Ilied at tise same lime heostlpulateil sat vas to be doue vith hises-> %te. Mary Hardie of Evanston, a sinter b is vite, vas ta roceive thse adla $10.000. Lucy Ni. Clarke o! Waukegaa, w,, receive $10,000, sho aI@o heing a ter of bis vile. Ho salit! tuatla aseshte were to hoklledin the âme accident Iu vhlch ho andit Me ,fa met death tisat the $10.0M0 as go ta F1rancia Hardie, a son of MmL ary Hardie. Hie stipulatet that tise romainIg ;0,000 ahousi ho dividesi equaliy b. soen hie brothers, Charces A. Bar- am of Chicago, ansd Richard S. Bas. nm of Waukegan.

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