49.25 TfItECOtNTYINDEP 1~PENDM..EBAY. APRIL.. 91 ) PAaThie Mi1ft~s isi Wrlds teat Panwû ~acific IàternatiGnai Expositon a a Pa sto AUL RNCO Ir Oit 4TTEXDANCE *4 BY MARVEL EXPOSITN CTATfi GÀ.EGTE 1 --ii The Problem y LOIJIE a.CIiMNOS OlIt ber lathWe omset, andthet .olti esm bat td 50 nom*iY Pme moautio bat 1* w l nlsimposas- be tu amge r b & R.obaid ot 1" up bEus or n «Mo ib. k1t ;;y onde, iock *»q key by a 9evt but ho bai bIreti » Imm a Ienu eguarigo anil wblcuée V is .tthe dihng mlght hoefetltbàt hl.IOkIIISup di cul: la th. tint place, ho bribei a do- nULIC tu vatais MluSaille.. fgo ba a guard at ail the.railroad. stations. *very ltvery stable tn the place pas palti nt te tUiah a cenveysube to ,*lu Bille Humistonansd WUlitiu Ç.1«07.. There vssmore brbery lu i" ays tee numerou lu mem"on ilasIl,. Ramiton tid ont tonatde It Plartiable te l"ckup niadaugiter,. o 414 be refrain from tosbiôdW#In ber l q«Mel1r. Hoiey. lne vas avare tiat -*v. a gb aItocksmltbu." andi for- *Mt Bg aille tu moet a»I partieular portIm voulti b. hnaffectve. The prob- la. therore, h.: face thet .loyers wu m ne betu e gt logther. bol bey tu gKM oarried. Tbey trieti every clergyman n t ova *bdt aileti tth sIL M1r. Humiston vIs Weilitu do; b. gave lberally t) churcee; be lntos'mad avery clergyman IthàbIh daughter vis nt of ago anti varaad mach and al that If sol et t"e marrieti ber be would do atu ut bta PultTiediionDIu knew tat Mr. HumIsba vas a a -not 1ta b. txl vttb. anti ebouti the.,ffenti hlm b. cold neyer &gala b. approache er uta subecriptlom. Oaa day a young man vltb a peachr comaplexion aud a fu black board. car- rybag a àatebel, enteed lt.emlui rail- MISd station efthtie place andi callet fer a ticket 1 taigevooti. a station wtbothl. eva lmDrita. Bat or.the. tran lait a tall lady. vmiad. entened the sam. otalien and ieansoboagt av tlct.t for Kldg.vod. The. ticket axent( beticedt laI lier, vas ometblog aboutc Ihe e Fuffa-.ma'. ppearsace tuat cumdi hm te vende vbo sad wbatc lie wvas. ek.vevM yone Ln ltseP Ilo* &s"dbat never @sen uci a par- aft thor btore. As t.e man valketi *Wal othe i dov lbe agent u- tice t tat ha bad a pecullar gait. The 709"n mai plcked up a nevapapar et a, tandi and,. enterlag tlb.train, took à @emt buie lb. velleti lady, thon. WMuatngbla paper bega ta resit. 'U«. StIlbpenêd tIat tt.condutarf oethtotilla vas o t M. Hnmlatoa' PMalt plus. Wlian lb. train tepped eta1 a goal= somdi ittil the. City limita bbflmt a ttlephone message tautMr. liumiatu. vhom b. caugbtlnta I, of- am.. tatthore vas a taaisse oklng omupe aboard the. train and auggentedr t&at Mr. HumIsbo airee au auloma-c Mi. mud go tu Rîtigevooti atonce.y Mr. Humiston teeiboned te is bouse tu kuov if bis dsughter vas thern andi. léartntai at ah. vas fot. jumped Inlto au auto aud reached Rldgevood just ent th. train bearlag the youag man vlthblb. black beard andi the valati lady vas puillug out of tae tation. Mr. flumiston nodecatithe vmiled lady.t but mince @ho vas 4 haad taillertissa bis daugbter abs dld pot Inteout bm.. But vhen b. a»w ber enter art auto cah andi a a@bongentleman wvttbIa black board setinlawlth ber ha von- deredt f Iis couple coulti bave any- ting ta do vtblthe varuhag b. bati recaived. Ha coacideti ta shadov tiiem. Jumping tain bieute, ha kept hait a block bblnd them. The. aute abead et hlm tappet i a church. Il bave i." aiti tiesaatover. - bave 'bean varaad on acScof e tls couiple. but they are ual the odu ag&La awvom 1 bave been warned. Tbat voman la not my daugbtar, sud Ibat little feu lautm nt oxey. But l'il bol they are gotag 10 attend a weti- tibig. and tise conduclor mont bave liaardthem may aouieting tu indicate that tiie prtncipals are Saille ati altîy." Mir. Bumiston vuitedti 1111the couple *b emnatereti the cburcb. thoa veat ln ind them anti took s set ta the last pev trom the star. The tiîl wo- " andathelb.short man vare valtiag uer tha cbancal. Presently a side déor opanei. ati a clergyman lu veut- talais entereti. took bis position on the ellaceL. and the couple standi before 7Z HEumitu eavet i . ofb etr- INe£ Afttrpîll. Ibis vaa tb. couple tilt Si to e bmarr)eti. andt tey tid fot a o'Wr t0uih deecription o Salle aad âflt a aIàle titi not watfor tb. eipuelon eoftti. cermmoay. but speti homa la bla car. > le bati fot returueti. Wble ho askIng quastIons abomut ber tlie doorbeilirang, anti bce as baudet a toegraus. tpeulof IL bha rand: Rdgewooi. Mdarried. Do forgIve un. Pap. S A [LMs Mfr. HumIston cruabedth ie message la b» balli and greit. tBnt before many mnute but lapseti aaXety gel the. btterof t blu te now vtii. -i"î à -1iedcul on rotie fr ia- ~j , u ~* 6j~ iampotPa., o! bis brother, ('harles Island of Cyprue. Tihe Islandi o!f Cy rus bas baen * jlJQulIgIe. Desti vas due to pmneunmoniae Identîifed by achumînrs vlth the ChIt- simkgý OaI. 0 ad heart trouble. NIr. Quiggle ex- tlI- of the libjo, amufi Illa19reortietii 'Waukaa.n Loals.s ____attend__the____________I Iat Bit-m, kIng~o!f'lyre. xvooas- ~ect 10 tteni 11e (ueral -' siCteti Soluon ln the bilîding o! lb. 00 **** temple ah Jerusaleio. 1usd tu put dowu 11EGER 10 CI4AIRMAN 0F BOARDO0F' a rcbellion o!f1the i'yrlirs, wbo lbat over fram Antioch Saturtay la ber SPRIOO P nev Ford ant i vsiteti Nrs. C. B. Iban possible ihat surIr of thre copper George. Mrs. Siservootila principal i Cantrmueti (roi page une) j usedtri ulhe Suloinonie tempnile came uf th1e ichols at Pleasant Grove. 511e jtronn Cyprumr, for It ra8 oîmiy a day's formerly taught bers, she lu a sîster is al (rom 1the nmailnan ata that H T C perlaheadent, nov a muccesatul physi- mioue tlîat the board oînaalmously clan o! Chlcago. ;tleet NIr. Eger chairman. Mr. Guis Pstrerlsns. William H. Baver, a recruit at the meciaredth îe vote cast anti Mr. Eger Fearie r în ressLmentura cutl naval statIon. dled MNondiay afiernouin ersllslatenuelcdi at 4:5e p. m., foîiowing an uperation Was tnivte tut take tise gavel. for açpendilcitis. Retlriîng Chairman James Welcb o! bGofa chlldrc-n, anti Il should b1e 001 A suarriage licemnse vas Issuedti o. Newpourt, vas aI tbe meeting. bot as 01111 agrhh tim ate but cnotefeoldete atul adm n eretiho a myoraty day tu Florce Les andi Paul Lelat. iîis iF-rnof o!upereisor hati expîreti, be Tea r bt ttefutre alîhifectm e feUlt-insee o aoa .ins Lee sought 10 gel a Ilîease a, did nîot assume the gavel et ail prior uThs a gover aw!ciikiertathrougtb candidate such a vwas ianded ho 'day- fev d'ays ago but vas refuseti be-cause io the election. tJpon assumug te. tear; a whoiesoma regard for.conse. or Iiidinger Tuestiay, people ask those It vas claimeti Lelst vas too youag. chair, 'Mrt. Eger said: WALTER TAYLOR ilueuces sn arotmer natter, for wîi- vimho rre alîler itil the tiefealeti con- Tbey were marrie] lan1t1e court bouse *'I belleve tire olti saying that 'i t! ahWho was re-eiected police magistrats, on oeiîîewud1eahr e-tingent "low diti Il haplsen? What by ustce elc. Listoccpie a firatyoudont scced, ry gai,' p-so learn. Even that vas ltt cly lustchec. Lal a occubs a iesn u in t sueed,' hrnkyoagan,'art- by un overwhelmmrg vote, of the educahion o! m'.ny growvape as tIre cause o! 1h?" a, celI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t latecut al aigIentpisi î ae hn o er-___ oJddge bY tise reckless deetia whtub Tîese questions ver. put l tise boun ovr tothegran juy ona Iy.,area large part, of the day's gleainng u Sn Imy scores o! persans anti bers- robbery charge, lie vas releaset "lu tire new rules lu 11e trawn, I Waluter Taylor xvas re-olecteti police aevn. rinrcuevol elt vtiref.tseSa uevr t only long enougIr trugel marrieti. Il would limi t r ear one viicllprevents mugistrate by an rVErvelming vote. imate mmo? 1et heaccidenta wblci be' analyze juat vhat vorked &bout the vas an unusual romance. imasny action un the part o!f1the chair- .ý The s ole sîmxid in 1the city: bd?> bulranily. condition vbtcb resulteti lu Blitnger's tiay that 1e has given up the tiltribul- log busiînesla Wauiegan anti Inhentis 10 move 10 Libertyvilie where 1e vili enter the Naber M!g. C'o., a tancera wblcb maltes gas anti electrical fix-, tmres anti auto sopîdlies. The concero la a nov one. Mr. Rocker hi the ikeItt to give hlmtimme before tire re- Hansen, 360; conldeatin ime bas exînîmetilan 'Nlclananiaii order Lu lirent any anue ihaste. Fovier, 56C, 1 hbem;rehn my term la up you Tr,.vornc h viii 1e able tri say tbat I matie a fait- chiurian. It 1 do trot do rhat iu rigiI, 1i. .......... I bote yoo ruli hell me about I, but 2.......... veteran bill ditrihuhor o!f1the city, I ansure you lIiil ry lte1e fair anti havhng ber-n engaged inlathis occupra-'rîgimI uiways." lion for thbc ast twenly-five years. Hie'Mrn, Eger nameti Goss, Clarkre anti estahlisimeti a repul.aion for reliabîl Conradi as committee on miles. 'Meyers1 îîy. vW w as nameti bat decltned iecause le L. C. Quiggie o! Wý'aukeglni, receiveti lad to iumrry home, aklng bis son vord on Tueatiay o!f1the teatb t WiI- fruini the hospitai. I. im, mît. 9 ............ pil s icIn: Tkim lino. * 19 t. 47 2f) . :7 34 i , 21 30 8s 9 * 4 7 9 COt 21 ~i() ftotes A Cht b! 1the Prairie. Tom Martin, a Young rancher, has a ,vite andi amali chilti. Inknown to Tom is wfe bas become hfatuated wth a gambler. Ebe refuskes ta leave ,wlthshlm and the Èambler plots to gel rîti of Tom. He fixes a revolver under a table and ies a string to the trlgger andi then forcqs a quarra i vth Tom, wbo ln sbot by the tievlllsh contriv- ancç. The gamler tele Tom's wlfe ber husband bas been kîlleti. He taltes ber andi tiie lttle one away. Durlng the elopament the chîi l l lst and la lter fouati hy cowboym. The mother dies of a braken beart. Tom recovers, goes ta is bomne. fats a tarn photo- grapb of the gambler and vows that one day 1e wlI finti the tiespolier of i borne. fflteen years later Tom 19 sheriff. H. recelves a letter telling hlm ta arrest the iàan wlseee picture la incloseti l{é recognîzes the pîcture as that of the gambier. As ha starts ta fiad hlm he seesa youaagirl bebînti a ruuaray team. lic ridtio tulie aide o! tise unruahlng wagon anti, ut bis coununaurd, the girl itmmpu 10 is rina. lie sees tlulier a reemrbiance te his leat baby. Later. 'Toin encouniers 1the gambIer ln to. 'Finhere le an ex- chansge o!fsbtitaanti Toms bullet raches lis nmark. Thre dyliýg rrooki tells Tom o! hov tise childtias let. aurd so (athe u4 anti child are inluiy re- urtoti Tom Nlix vrote, direcheti and starreti ln tbîs unusual Selg pcture play, vbich abountein labeauliful acenle backgroundis anti spectacular riling. The ativenhure wîhh the runa- vay eani. ln wbich Mlx aboya bis borscmunablp. bas been l5uônounedt as one of thne moet excittng Incidents wltonsre ln pircture play prodiuctiosns. the istpst pitîrrea (rom thre Iuro- peann vr arr' prescumlcd rtguinrly ha the Il arst-Seiig Trice-a Week Nowa Plctorial. Every Saturdjav a IdngIe-Zoo Wii j Animal picture plar la reletasptd by th-m Selig lol-yscopo commpany. No tinme or e'rîiresi s CppmoI i O fke tires(-ani- mai ëtories ed o 'o. ma u anientm'rtalm Tihe ballroom ccnslit'"'he Neer Do-\el' xi ( flm r ,-d ln Panama. m was c.tiled feor iithe tory Ly ltmx Beach. Mauch Irmportanît action occuri lit thins arime auid t ions bren produced in an rlacoraîm and detualel~ fanner by the SmIig mmIrar Tlie Selmg Jirmîgl. Zoo, at Los An- geli s, tCal. bouse, . r iost comiplete privately 0Wimi emcolection o.' W i beustni, birds anrd 1r pimetln the worid Tire)- are cortnu Ilitmsanltmsrymumr ters bujlît ol ciii r cr0 a"d the cohe- tiorn s valueddrmt a hali! million rf del lais. On cvcry'Mjriffa, there tla réeaseti a pmrttous Si ig Ivo-lreel pi-lure play unader- rorm a sceuartô wrllheur by a ceicirmatet autimor anti protuecdt by the brut luown anti mo t popuinorrtc. tors andtinresses vbose faces appear on the erreen. "Theot osary," tmken from the pow. erful drama Written by EtivartiF. Itos,- i. x II hon r usetihy the Seiig Po!yarope Comnpanmy lis the nJar future. Tise action beigns In Aulti Irelauti anti continues tir Jiro anti ln the Iaat tide of Newx York (City. Tisere are unuiy beaiful r fects anti tho slory ta botît apîealing andutabsorblng. DI»D IT >E3N? LUSEb IT? lthe tititager adinistration passedthe ordinsace vhich changeti the aMota license se that It gratually bas ,taed utIl on May lot it reachefs 1000: (c): tb. revocatteaisby tb. Bloinghl' administration ef tb. Market #trest saloons icease prlv4lege. ý:i=Tn zýo a zla Cltcffo --l Iinjection o!frelIgion bita lthécou- test Poýurth-The uavitltegaess Oý.Uaa persoast10staad for' publieIl*rOYI. mentes mscb as 'bavajien m&6 itsa - _______ '~ deteal, accordlog tho ur theortzing Gnelee treet viadtueWs~utl An Untartunste Race. W1lcb la merely aur personal opinion,' and Gradavenue pavlag. iep. "Cios? Wiy, of course there are 9hoss" unaid a man aIt he cob recent- based on what we heard anti vhat ve Ing improvemeutm, fire.pojulc t 00/ ]Y. "Churchyamds ar aie ul o! gbostg a. 1w in tire campaignandaird tirng elec- @t~oona1,e., lu tact, aU 111. .-w.Aur! no w r rur hriu ardirt ee a let lion day: iuro1 laatsvhCb I m«tay 1j"e6 tm 11m. Atler boa brben klmki't ant i Frat-Ilinter oppoiion o!tine Hua- lar aura o! money ant ielc bats ruffiltanîd mburd al]iis life, rhere ls st'y ollowers vimo tidî't cariclarly been mate dusing thse pusl four 74 th1e man irîmhteginost, esr.eclaiy on vaînt Pearce fmr tuayor but wanhedtebtlie expresaed opinion ot manY tistin 14 these battmv uirmretvenlngs, does'l do arîylbing to de!oat tlldînger bce- ,PutI !w Years Utâlas mauy <tse 38 enjrry amIietlsiltriown un1the moon- aes ie l ani snowedîIusirey eînier at lmprovemenl* planeti ver, unnees-. 73 lghl in jrdf.r tu read hbts epitapb?" lime prîmary. sa-ny. _2 Second-(a):('uncrtted iov o ,11e Fifth-Tise alleged tai m gIa C!) N1.* ýAncient Of Tîppies. saiooinlrepers imretren Pearre ho o!- fllinger that 11e bat causeuI lcrafti 27 bThre mrst anient o! ail ritoxicalhaj lice berasehiis admiinistratins previ- taxes even tbougb tb. incrouseadi*t' heverag-'r ras imie froin mrareas milk inuiy lmdt be-un mrre totîntir ativantage lng thre tour years vere mote by tise - et asmd, . [idml nloiedteh fermenLt. Theb. a limatiiliirgpr's, l(b) bitter feeling state, b3 tire couaty andby lb.ease"i drink. vIil laÙ3the favorite tipplb of -W arouset by inuer inierests because taxes rathar Ibais the cdl7 laxes. Presideot Charles- C. Moore Making the- Officiai, Opfllg DiAt"U dress at, the Pan ama-Pacific International Exwolo Fek 20 VAIT(TIWD ATHEZ»EtFEZ TàýKUB TOWEB WOJPVES. ARE TOU GOING TO VISIT THE HUGE EXPOSITION I T 18ISrcmarkable panormlic pua- anc. records, The grounuds ere mnutes. Thera vere air accidenta. l're8tdent Wilson; Presîderit Charles C.streem.ts ime oty asurit the E'tpomt- EUlace lb.opening day tbe ZiponI- tarab hw ar !U. trnadwU istifro vtypr h htgmhab"eoesmws. on the. Moore of thre anmra-Paiclilc Interna it om mro,întiiîtrmmglithe Scott street don bas heen crowded tvilsvisb vsaIcrowt that gathereti on et Ute globe, andthUe bg altantanca Iaft, the ItAtian tavars Ruardlng the 1Itional Exposition, Dr. lrederlck J. V. emn mîî. e ituLihe grand stand. At th1e troaiti parlaof tIre vorîi. LWýr4l1- thea opaning day of taeElî:tl ceitIitiim 1The opeatag dayientace tote onurt of l'alms. aextlrSkIff. director lu chief, aveoiapantei meLinieti î loTtrit wn'talmen Lin- rond rates. thec sunny skIes of (tfat- p'» rovt vas rcmarkabiy peaceful, andthtsaPalace of Varleti Indtriite" andt i siby tethlrty Exposition dîrectors, vel- coIi mmisr.y. s Irtlor, bai l ut appear- niaa à*4lise opportunlty t1 0 tewon- etion. Saturday, Feb. 20. The crovut noearreat* vere made hy tb. Expomi- thsa centar a" ti he s.rlght tb. bugejeumadt h. vast lbroug Ihat airebe eialoi %e téhrime zurmon lu lis iylng ma-mertldlsplays of 111e orty-lwe na- vas fot oly tbe greutent ave, brougit lion guards or mUltary turing the day. grand stand butt befora 1the Tovar of la Van Ne». avenue st seandblchIr.and thlirethrontt waiawaltIng tiona tisa are parttclPatlng la lb. Ex- together Lnlb.he et. but lu vast»caM ad but one chilti as toit, and t l as Jewela. Rer. e 5etary ofthe InteilO streets anti.heatietiby M.ayor James Mr. Btwe'mm myusîmprimms.h tu irvie Lb. posIttinare drawinatbouauds Mbé1h. il broke ait prertotis exposition attend- returntatta lis mother vîthla Ofiteen Frankina ILLané, atlng ln hahal! f 01 R11 J r.. walketi on foot throug lie huge rou.'r ,f iceisel. Exptolttob clly nt UtaGolden (Gate. sg bu a b. ha ;, émaegi rfort,- i met tlit Ip IIANDSOME 'BOOK ON PANAMA CANAL AND TE EXPOSITION FREE FOR T E ASK NO .1 A elty page book Ilnstratitlu colons anti deailng vltb the Panama canea, the Panama-pacifie Interna., Iloumal ExposItion, San Francisco anti CalifornIa vill b. sent free o! charge toa "-an dtres by t g s Manager. 1the Birtimesoof l'ubilcalos. Peana-Paclfie luternafo"atExposition, ftIa nlIco 1 ý v 6L i.- ý