Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Apr 1915, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKXEGANWEEKLY SUN TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, IL., FRIIDAY, APIUL 30, 191-5. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCL~ REP RT UÂTCO. Declare Justice Cannot beSe- ON TRIAL CBARGED REPO T T AT C . - cured for Recruits at the JUDGE MAY 60 AFI_ Trainin g- Station. 1 WITB UAVINfi SOLU ER CIR. JUDIIE ai , i i r ont' Il, i 11hitI,Iihihtal I NDRY TERRITORY Persistent Reports from M --s.If a- w- t ti the irst vole tahenili at nKue sCare Wt Persisent Reorts fonn Mc i t# iii ler ding wmet and îdry*iattl,-. Mri ue sCagdW lienry County that They Are Tlîe resýIdent i lilIstric t optiona i l, Having Peddled Liquor in Vi- in Circuit Judgeship Race. 1h: iIneasur. newareat tu the, bearts of cinity of Area. CAN GO ON BY PETITION.'a suti' o 7i t,). Tise sîiowing was WINS SUIT FOR WAGES. Judge SmniIey Today was Evas- saloon leaders. A. J. Cermak, secre Forcible Entry and Detainer ve-.-Says He Has Given Oue tati ot the IUited Societies, was pres- Suit From Libertyville De- no Detinite Statement. et cided by the Jury. Tise ulicers ofthtie naval training Zounty Judge David H. Smiey of statlionîifar Waukegan made a strong PLEADS GUILTY. G odetock 18 a candiate for the cr- îlea tir a lie tuille dry zone around Waukegan, April 23. te station. It Cas charged tisaI in: White the jury waa boiflg UCcuVO ct judgeship of this, the Seventeeflth NothChicago two naval re-i tis had Kufer suddeflly decided to change hi .lutcalDitritani y ha oraien-i iee('Iinsiti d and lieatei .oriç. 1 pieâ o!flot guiity," ta a piea of IuiilDsrcadb i omtMs guiity.' He saiti he hati purchased trance into the campaiQn makes four to deatis, tevause thev Cure theIi.' it the liquoir In Chicago andi thought ... . . v. ýttc-sîniform. that inasmuch aus t..hatibee SW. B. Smith Attended Meeting I of Co. Central Committees inChciago. W .IlSiith0or W a ulii-ganchair- mnail ofthe Lake Cosult I I-jl'oblca n C entrai consm itlee. CW t('i'c,agu, ou Friday and met with tise i armen of thseRepublican Centrali ,,iiiiittees th frîiu the toilowing ciu e. Cook, ilankak l'el \ili, and IDulîagi-. As a result of Vils ut-e t itit waa IelcI(Ipd ta hold a convenito iuîi itCh!- i-agi, on Mlay 5, at whrclî tîiic a ludge fot tis supreme bencl iCIIli e placed itn nomination. Judge lîrîti Carter is salîl 10 le favored and tise delegation -r froni lAke county ill be lnstructed for him. Thse convention Ci Il be held ini tiselRed room of the LaSalle botel at I1 o'ciock ln thse mornîug. A delegale la ailos-eî for i-sery 400 votes casl forBtte treastîrer it the ast regular election. I.aliî- dîînIy la e nti -itied lu 10. Thse 011,i uuuties il an, enlilled ltalthe tolloin ,ii uilîers: of Wilt counly-8 cd Kauîýakee coanty 1-" Ct ilupage couinty-6. in cook county-307. 12 Le iv tii OX RIVER IS NOW Olof Lindblomn of Hgihiand ParkSCY 0FN V OX RIVE IS NO Sues H P. Clrk forIn- E Y OFN V À NEW STATE FISH juries Received. FAVORS 5 MILE DRY PRESERVE BY LAW' '"uCrci oro aý' ZONE ABOUT STAT'N and sister or NMiss Clark 9 W'e st tream FrornSouc tFx-treet in M'aukegan. Nfr. Clarki ni orea oa Secretary of Navy Daniels Is Lake to Ottawa Where It îiglandarowniega ls preieri~ t of Throwing His Influence Joins Illinois, Set Aside. îii'Prni anuk rot Chilcago and aI-o About Naval Station.. the head ofse, 'raI1 1esser institutIone _____ ~TERESS THE NGLE S. Tise suit Is broubit b,- Oloif LindW UL A NTERSTS HE AGLER bom. The latter is represented iy NUL FFECT WAUKEGAN Attorneys Ileydecker and lorgeuson .egislature Signs Order Taking and Cooke, Pope and Pope. Wet Elemient Views With Con- Effec May1-SeningFor- About two years ag NIr. Clark EffctMa 1Senig or was iiaving an Immense barn mued. cr i Stand While Drys bidden After That Date. t.indbiomn, it seems. was one of the are Highly Elated. workmen engaged i the work. In_____ The Fo'x river, front lis source at the Process of moving. according tO, Waukegan and North Chicago ix la keP, t te Illinois Irser at 01- the claims or Lindbiom, onue of the aon eers lIviw ih Cwa, bias been set aside as a itsh uchkman movedat Itseatîm inbrlu aiarmn and great concern and dry esere SateRepesetatve rau 'ich wa tht I stuckLin0'o advocates of the two commnunitios rýývÜ tt Rpu taeFrn ntihe leg. This Iniured une ofthtie ilraWthg-tjyane- D)alton brougbt this word back large musicles, it la claimed. and thse whulbeaceth f oliond a te oui Sprîngiield lu lIe lfishermen orflu rtiser dcaIm la made that lie has, Tribune this mornIng., olicen incapacitated trous svork ever e Foxn river vi, lte%, navthe Aîîrnr._n. - a .ed candidates or tee tflree geais,------- i.-*-r-- --ý-eýuur It Cas dilSecull, Il Caq saîd. lii gel purchased ln 'wet" territory, that ho At a recent meetling ciI th, Lake--------------- sînce tuat time. Secretaety or tise Navy Josepis as follows: justi(l ri,tlie North Chiscago au hati a rigitt ta "Ili t in "dry*' terri- counly centrai comiaîce a commiîîee Ileacon. He charges tisati ie lias sougisî 10 Daniels la, behlnd lise movement ta litletory.. He was flned $1000 andi cote was apiîointed to select lise delegates. \lembers ofthtie state garnce aud selîle wlth Clark and tisaI aithougis create a five mile prohibition zone 'tiries Il. ijonieliy, Arthsur Il hîîîrities, A flue-mlle zonte moaid take on each of two counte, making about TIhis commlltee meels lext Firday for f-.hoii -Oilsiof slgned tise order set- fr thetteasmentse neeras oed o L-ake uf nvltSrineta ioniets t.('faire- i Lîlati.ail vitillgIli ,Waukegsn also, wthlt s futy sa- $250ln ail. He was permittedti tare- Ibis purpose. Thse comîdîltte la smadie tio Fox river asîde as a fisiî pro- any oft liiet. Next \louday would ake Bluffised.deonrom rom tbie r ot judges, andîl1),il H t. lc uiiiluoI,îî l'lie billCent to a sviîbeoîîmlt turfi home to raise the money. Peter ap as follows: Mlles LarIiex AITif-D]b si,ilg f tI ScH-nrNil ni eeDieter, rdward and Robert Schiey,ali tav,. Roy Braciser, Bov- Itason' sud vci- tpresentative Daton sail Ille last dav ou whicl sit (oud be h basedemnr ro te -t.~~~o îrthai tni rr-tifii !Aptakisic, three aute witnesaes ln Vi etS. Gall. -The irder eues lto effect May 1 and iled and Lîudiblom twanled tu keep his' usvy. itis runored, le now ready ta i. tîî îi .1 îîîî, en - iiîî xilorsne the case, wero diachargeti by States fter Hit date any person C-ho is cdaim good. He expects lu effect a extendtise daycruthe avaltrie nit r th'il JJgý. sull- va colisder Attrnrroundingth ait thetemnavalietnationtgo court on setenrriaoccasions e. ev'dPRserv* PHONESiîtlitr iav tissu uith a hîîok anins ne ai delariment in tise United States. i j--- ur -.ce. He asked that they b. punishodTiAiIa HA G O t a V -a.feLlcmane o h ni tît Suipii a r - F0 CO RTf vcontempt of court. The men were B AN U lon MUTIlR 0F MAYO1,,aaXoîi at\andîPcommande j,.~~~~~ .i -COURTlvii IIHOU E g s alecture by the court andi thon DEN VER -iDRAelu tlnissetionillte s-ý tae wiiaa i 1iie l it. tidilt FOR' - pn oerTIcr c iitu -iînissu a LIreI ittis llnos ' "- omit d-innîl îihi-t eti evio theprse n agaîn BlD f1) KEAftissin a- iisaeekto urge ...e rive mile dry to laha riceo h hr a n et f therivepromiseo l'ip BI INGER BRE KS zune, stateti Yesterdaytisat ise waa --d r IlIr-,c ,in Làk.. DErT. F JUSIITICE tci I fHer t rt o aeathorized by Secrelary Danilesta, ',ri,-repoti griî- îr-iîiiiî.u FFIIILS NOW-,ri, ý1 e i' g;, jur, il11F1.'aJLJ I 4 uO taiCa 4eilliriclicenses Ciii nOrU AbM' NFA L makre tiseappeai bo the Illinois law- îî>i-liîtir *-i-îîîg lii li- iîriîca- t M11ari ii Kîfer, i large î îîî longer gise tise îîrotesaional fishermen D3 ~ ~ ~makers. .,,î lîst illt r. d île rai-e-ai(]i ce Sîevsr oeT ho u i îîîî fWu<ra esthe rigist ti use nets lunlise river. Tise _ _Tise present iaw affectstise terri. the '-r i-slld telIate n ouiiiirttisii riipli oftain treli Ot I tory only for a distance of one and flfoa lint ttmn(in teSic-or fo h r dl îOtl îii i îifitg :1 ig Appointment'in the Fed- lrdle tt1uggm issO fPlned FfenFe onIo n-lh ie rudteLleBu %1; ufe li hvA(i (Ir, 1therivr lt awhoesae mnne leý itaton.Tisis. accordlnIg 10 Comuad- I 'iv maa tel Courtiio'.li.îlras prieei Servicenow endeti, Steps in Front of the St. ' offett. lias not proven sufficaent. 1,Ilt luhl ona lýe- ',a î-atî--Thousantia Sigri Petitions. Jsp' hrh omne oft is100rcut NEW BOARD FORMALLV SEATED cii îig hIle t-aseIlu il,< iarged ha Annîher Waukegsbyotefr. _____ibyworaetom 7t 1yos .il lî îrii jig 's-astt ",-IPelitions signeti by more tisan 10,ýýi-os h ag rm1 o1 e APRIL 22ND. Ixufer îlistiribtued Illie liqiinthtte bi- This lime i'a Ro> Sanîýoii son of duerhecM. iliti Antloch -Chase Webb <flcw iirlu of Ar,ii"Frontîfi îvquestîifls -i00 sersona in Ibis district moere pre- Waukegaî." April 26. i adrbscsre 'e c 1Iat aitl) .taîiile - fil, man)> aucceeda Ernest Simone, re.. Ilejtury 'li. Ois nfi tis e tMr. anti Mrs. W. 0 Satu tic of Elm sented hoetise commission asking tisat Mirs, Anne Bidinger, go years oid. ýy1 tise rive mile dry zone la apjioyed rM piy tireti. wuds-hiipoeCa ue sdwood avenue, tise action tie taken. Wisen I irire8idiig at513 Ags street, maUier of ! iseg MejtiUMMe onahegnoei "Have îiiîtii lme ugay about Aw-nde . ht, r u-lsi lkif)îrde blir aKietise ionday evenlng yoîug »,r. Sam- startet the agitation a pigli Mayor J. F. Bidiger, itis whom sse!shsore vul-nid odr. Thse sonaeco- ^von-^ndrealT.sWhrtiteGbats-armasabitaltiserdmlttbe brs nmalidgathebat Springfiel I..' matier as ttî delsils of vmur plans lake (ro-electeti; unoppoeed). i delilenies Tiis lit une ofthtie iîrst Il son left for Denver, wbere hie wii sa- lise commissioners told nie to presont ran inveatigatbaarme'n. Ttheitis coummiedt- anti your canididacy' was asited i il. snton - Bort C. Thompsan. 1o assl ,etit leeîfsvrlsime charge of tise rederai govern- petitions.iissu tise petilUons cireu- wrist and ostiýlned paInful bruines itee aiiivîie t-iM Uib n co. to- i-ls repiy ss Zion City (new man; d.feated Su- ioitis mn' eatut !Jsieofce aildadprc1ai vr sportsman aotishe face and bodiy vien alise i1 aol eomnlg ln W aukegari X'.ed- vvsrHes *l~) ~ ie 15tisatI ty. lTie isposItion is one oetuinbe district slgned tsentho. liiged heatiiong dovn a ffiglit of iesbcmiteo ielMti eedY 1ntl lieni lgienotcit eefid-Tr. M. Clark. HighI-i a Jury in County cnurt on Tirurada3 great Importance anti responsisility. i "Ifle Snov up lu tise flaiswarclens sosI rn !teS.lspsCi-senlate. nanti recently ta invostigate .ore to sate' andi Park (re.eiect.d; defeaîed alrî,î eunt i n in tact. o! ail departînents of justice andth Ie sportsmen to sec f.hat the elolec ciurcis on Oak streel foiiowlng conditions about the naval training aieno e -e editgvn I lbre the second mans on Sunday. Sise tet station wi reference o tansoa anti Meana FigisI on Donneliy? Whitten). $t12- damages lu Chsarles Rytnîan of the govern. eut, il is sai tise Den- laCs are nol viotateti. Ifisern la on of he %ey Imortat seeany erson «Inng ater My 1 disance f etlelItelften eofmile tdrylvzoneedryrone opopostoon r, Lakte counly see ln Jutige Smleys ciecteti; unoppoeti). i cons a .ioson- Theox late. Slicou -recouse l i- luinthe mining dis- thex- sisould notMy lise police o! tisefont ber balance vien ber beel caugist came l Waukegan toiay a'incon. "rîtrance loto tise circuit judgesbip Newport-Eti Martin. Miburn reitreseulitib) Attorney Orlîs. Rtt ridas. Ineareat town o! tise game varlien. oAlse edge o!toe ao tise upesp.Tecm te onst0: srrap a figit belseen Judge Donneiiy, (ncw man; vice Jas. Welch, retir- in was represenled by Attorney Th deltarîment in Ciicago for some "The commission isas aigu Promias- Asi m e tie mar acbutopn ies Senator Oison. WoodutooeK otiîpr NiH cuuntyman seek- cd), -yearg was flu cha~rge o! Chare De- eti me toi deposit thousantis of game mtsrl iucsbto udvSenator John lailey, Peoria. tuse . cHenry ctouimasonk- ed) ltmînslalmeti Johnsont lad Woodyv, a brother i wisomlilves sortis fiaisln tiseriver Ibis year." mornlng ise attended thse fia musn Senator Mmtn Hall, Chicao. iag a retins In te office Jutges Shicitis-Jas. King, Lake Forent tiei o ashl $35luCaesInis Pukga. "lisrmn erhpeaedwie m5* uli iismaise-vet o-is scut. rby ar mt t is 'ept My Donneil>, anti Smlley bave hati 'bati (re-electoti; tefeateti M. H. Fitz- sousiCei le$2s5tinadvace Jh-part ut ihrne ee sae rhnte Te ee e i tedpt lU blood" beween themfor Bornetime gerld). son n SecretleServicdanced-kar ofar IndetieaISetise Wmovementnesthat thaccompant tlrgedTiseodorei DTheotlareDortrBidadnoerBiddge a tieledoaegatin of aa- blnd" bma ei wee efrcrntur n e Wgev-a li, îoeynbulîg lties eonrs Tieaeadmelo! justice really is er g 0sCP enn uFx ie aiy egan Y. M. C. A. officiaI, as woeilas s-tai i Ca usebeaeti -icnti tisge Wue gan- Eiwati onrti resutliuIn thue verdict beint gameller une brancis o!tise govermnenl's secret haa t lest been sccestul, Tise river TisePart>, emergeti from tise ciurtt Rev. Tboe. Quayle of tise l1& .er .,peclal asseasamenl case wiserî-nLtge teeceiIian tise amount vîîed for. Attornes service; theur work, liowever, belng nom, idetisfair to become one or tise 1 togeliser, antiatar-tetclown tise Iran league. Gettlng IMa hua ,'coley fnt uieloniy to- Gog avso r.icei. iOrvi.i mad5e a motion fon a se C trial, mostly aiongfilieliltie ut lnvestigating bîst for fshiîg lu tise state. stops. tra. Bidinger took one or tva rit ptw.I iiigsaatt yui 'tir Jcls, or onlempt ut ourt: D. Ca.lesutton (new man). Verdict of "Not Guilt>-.' anti-trust maltent Mr. Samsion ban stepa and lisen caugbt ber iseel. Bc-commiîtee almost "gaI ln bai" na tise .itnewisenJtid nn udei, aon litelm hno sv-spa (nc min). A verdiL-torf"nul guult- ms re been worklng in tise department fora f A J ore se coult regain ber balance aise dry mon tried 10 gel tise n latieir cars modiltaly tolti Joslyri togel out a Benton-L. H. Tutti., Zian City. trelb edcti onycutfew earais avlng tliken lit ni' aVIo er e 20aFOOT A W ice a4IlViYhewyt h m ieohrsedaoe tgtL wrto aescru n ia i- Cuba-Fred Kirachrier, Barv-ing- t his morning in tise case of Oscar loftItise ompîoy ofthtie navy depart-Iisottom. In seektng ta, break tise force ln this,Tisey finally aplIt up and cui juge ive ContyJude Sile, tn.Saîîdberg seinsal (harles hE.'\Iorrise ment viiere be Cas taken by Cn-!FOR THEATIEII fLD a M ftie rail and save ber facefromîook diffenent cars, Mns. Scotl Durand culd lutigei.emte r 0aer Counly Jurfige Smllew JWash, Tle tiefendani wss represesteti litgreaman 'oaci sortie yeare baIEt11kI uSde5' strikinglise sidewalkth ue put out acmayn eao )in ï-oultanissue i T e aien wasILBIals hoefcii- nre . ash stuortiei, Buiitise piainlitl bv s tatdl erl sa nvsiao'botisarme. Tise force oftise fali vas accompang helgSi enator ti, ~ Hîghwoati. orney tieatien. a1 bmrt a niveîglr VOID IN C IAG onStopplnanattteseottgscanin Benatme i adthaesirdu abitr Deerfietti - Martin Rtngtiaht, sud worsedout of the Washingtontomc at ie ac ubt riDalley. spokeaman, asiet thse bartond- s4e)n rai chavemaliei uits iter HihlnlPar.stas a i-use iiftîrcilie netr> sind anti New York oflIi-es. Latel>, bcewas ____ snapped. er of Bill KeUly'tplade if naval station tegilinr Ilwisiclî nto po-sessioaîes. DututigeheHlghianti pPark. lilainer t itiiiul't eti liteflicersconfsenth10 do some spe.iai inesLakatZug-HonoresMskes - 'dirsonne rusiseti fonvard, plcklnilladsever cameam isera antidiIfiso solt atleeernc'm Cierc ilise h.aEml1. ickteeknZr-a cre fri.Mr i lii erCiao hentrIfwihl udge Hnr MksRulinguptise ageti oman, lacing ber ln tîem booze. Tbe repi> vas tisaItliey -iîetton bythie petillon orCscgts aueo bcsi Affects Other Cities Govern- h i, automobile. Be thon too' ber ta aedl>ou resIseiwsr i Tise fie-t wiii be a bitter one; of Gran-Wm. J. Stratton, Ingie. 1 t-d lie matie sverbsal lease for tho not known as tise toune man, beiugcaedfybtoer mdwnli tisaI tîere le ndoubt. Tise liree $ide. terni anti moiet inîîPart ut bis PO& perisaps lise ont, real govrnument ing Theater. 'lie office o! Dr. Foiey. Il vas tisere atarleti work îbree veeka ago CAre: sesinsbu fle Snde_______n -seuh 1tisaI Mna. BWinger exhibîtoti plucit 'DontBsll tisose boys a ting" and hli sak tieleh ni adt.Jtg ly Villa. lease If tosîsotiser. Teue ry b' elli Waukegan, keepa bila wor uri mself. 'court, Ciicago, on fnitiay,,ruledth ie erdd.Tecm te wnup is aoie for fourtisplace. Lbrtyvilie-Hory>9. Eger, Li- ilasi MorrisIhall lise prior dlaim. Bil some lime ago holevas offereti cîîy cannot b>, ordinance. prevent tise lo.Dsiets ra anss o tîswsr omn os sie betvil.tise positibn ai Denver, comlng as t operation o! a tberter wîtisin 200 foot clinedti 1 aite an aneatisetic anti suis' Tiere was nobati>, bore but isey look- DeWol! Comlng Al.b»vii. iA : sao! a cisurcis or school, Tise ordînance milledt u lise operalion of isavtng lise eti about. A persistent report le taI Jutige Shielde-Orrin D. Gosa, North I1 RDZ Â EdîIdaa recognîllun o! bie services can oui>, ho appieci afler the thoater fractures reiluceti as stoîcallya nWofoBon onyselw" Chicago. I1UMBE16 Afl5. lRE A =or tise departmenl He conalioered t h an proved tiIlef te Se a nuisance ilu y as a -Tisey Iben Cent 10 Andrew Pucln's Inetrterc n h eln r- Ver-non -Afredi G. Mautherv-1 or a lime but fastuweok decideti to tact. tedcso tns ayr aSe artan.aent brso place, lIts street. Tisere tise man sai mi ~ ~ ~ Paii ene ie aeatits eeigpe-'ICdm.I fl(aTacco'slf ndnotîlieti tise bond ofthîie If ts eclolad.ewyr ay iewa io tknlule ons e r soîti noce-tllaanti thîy sel- s ails tisaI witis Jutige Smîîey ln lise Prreew00 . I Jiug, 16NED TÔ CAURT p il nti 'htefet ccrig it wlllaffect saloonaien. Tise iten- borne anti put to bei. A nurse lea t-ý dom entera thtie place. Tenti street' tiatooecont isuli Gurnee. ]y hILJ1> e recelveti orders to lbave tisis lng tise cIl>, tuabate nuisances anti mucus paine but heyetope il. believine- - WsuBonne-Euono W. Brook., lUS'E OeveA nne 0assume tise place. lHe wili upon wbich tlie eburcs-tisealer law sulfering ue-ai btconceaIet the 'atL I. Stolargi John Sisalimus'. Steve t',e foler un I MHeryslu Wauconda. take cisarge at otîc- on bis arrivaI, 15 basetiisle esection under vhicis tact anti was unusuali> ciseerful. An Ovetan anti BiIhWember's., XI saa Lar e î ur CO, cocene t WatDeerielti-Gearge Rock- Tise vont of Inslalling tise prlvalî Tise tepartmnent oft îtlîe, la one lisc>, as aned sus20 fo treccident os iknti wmanotîmer apaeîîywr l ieby ee rsasclnfrs 1tieIevo e crbici, Deerfili. telepisones lunlise offices o! county vhiscistise goverument creatoti several There la no specific ordinance e-aebtwt e lc tl elvi ee sel lqur certasnitcisbo, roiplanto! thelbpgsvoteofficials lu take lise place o! Use yearg ago. pIsciIne-In luexistence to tIse- lie limitation for saluos. AI -e u bbrpuiti abieei Tise>,tison proceeiedti lutise rt t bas, anti vitblise strenglis lie ias m-iiattoIo iecor mis ievsîiboard sygîem lisat prevalleti for. docertain lins utf work,al lue-licatlon of tise 200 foot ruleltisem ss ii o1b n ierat en-anti tasiplace."- iïMninsno ia McHenry anti Bonne, Jutige Ei-1 '"ib-imrl> tuîo ni cui>îencvr, Tisere tise>, ere Iîtoruîetisimilariy. ei. ite five yare, bas been completeti anti secret service ines. Its Impo ae i.. . -il,--. in lue niscretion î tue maelr, uroui cvarda ofthIis, Lakte count>,. Is sure o! election ant Iif tisere us a figi lin lise o.ier utiunties, man>, Laite count>, men feel "Ce slîouid Curry." But Jutige Smiiey wlii bave a figbt on hi, ibantis s*'e enougis. for Jutige Dunneli>, 1, stlone- in his owu anti other counties oit tise disrict-anti ies some vote- getter. inde-e Persoiis uf Laite count>, cous- iy court receasîl> stateti: "I ar nounIa iandidate for crcuit indgee. but be iid not tisen elate lisal he voulti 001 me. Howm'ver. t b, genrieivly feit ho wiii nul enter lise race aI liis laIe Cay- IClgis relirine- council members nf Highlandi Park, who are replaceti by four commîssloners. stayed âa-ay t rom Inauguration of ne-v mayor lns High-lanti Park cil>, hall Monday nie-bt. Samuel Mles THasîlogs. no-v mnayor, recelveti gave] l'nom 1raniP. iMawklns, retlnlng one. county office will bave a pnîvate iele- phîonehUe anti extensions. Tise su- pervisioni. aIt is eafternuonsm session volet i it tubs course ise followed aI oîîce andtihie change wiii be matie Sert suortît. Mn, bLanna Hoey Cas netaineti iow- ever lu tue empluo! ofIbe count>, anti lise removal of tise boardtiliiiont ceaI lien lier job. Sie w-" ireti at lise sanie salan>,, $15 a weçk. lu ho librar- Ian for tise circuit court Ilbrar>, anti also matie subjecl lu cail o! any coint>, ufficer 10 isorit on bookas cis ho eiglît sendti b er office visere se cotilt do itlnl connection vils tiselil- brary wonk. Supervîsor Conradi explaIneti ln de- lail 10 lise huard tisaI the ewitch-boand plan cos te ieounit> $82 a monts litereas t soulti cuat but about $46 by lssving lînvate phonos. He explain- eti 1mw bard Il Io for court bouse ur- (ContInueti on page tiseo.) thie nov numbera have been assigned Io lise different officiais. Anynne who desîres lu cail a county officiaI now wilI raliltise court hanse cumber anti bave tise swltchboant op: eraton give Use tiestreti lino. Bacis number yl Se calledth ie same aq witlb other parties. Followine- le a Ilet o! tise different dm1 lîouse pisones: County Clerk .-.........-------551 Sîert's residence---------------51850 CourtlRoosî---------15 Treasurer . ... ......... ..1892 Library ..- .......... ........... 196 Supt. o! Scisools---------------..1864 Cotant>, Juige-----------------..1866 Sheriff's office----------------..1856 Circuit Jutigo-----------------..1857 Circuit Clerc-----------------. i SupervIsons' noom-------------..1869 Stales Attorney>...............12 Indepeastent reaches ail poiruiil, Laite Counî>,. isas steadil>, grovîl ever aine inîi tise hie-ber courts upisoldtihUe Honore fi la nov ndspensible., interpnetaliou anti decide that an or- Me-, Sameon's appoînîment la a bue dent>, saison la nol a nuisance, a sa- recgnîlonforhimî a hoh St 9 loon coulti oni>, bs decianeti a nuls- reconiton fr hiii s h la ut 9ance atter t bati opened anti afler >ears oit. and.ti, lbhapiacoti la chsangeevIdence bati been atitucodti tisI i of su important a brancis as Denver isat been operateti objectionably. shows tisai be muvu have matie gooti 1 Court Eîcpliir RulirlO. ta a moaI noîlceaisîe extent antiln a 1Tise court decianodthtia a tiseater It9leitasnul a nuisance, but visat ver>, short lime, ila man>, fientis goes on lu htise ter ma>, Se a bere viii beceladtiu S ean of Use nec- nuisance. Basetiun tisat neaaonbng agnilbon given bim, for, it places hlbitebovernuleti a domunren b>, theodb>, lu lise mogt Important appoînîbv o- lu mantiamua a pelillon filetd by tise Qvneri o! tise Harper thealer. 5224- slion o! an>, Waukee-an man viso bas :18 Harper avenue. 10 compel theh been given a goverument place. mayor andti cIl det Issue a lb- ceose for thier $225.000 structure, Milwaukee, Wis. April 24.-Biny>, The Hyde Park Presisytenlan Waltrs o Wakega, Il., cis urcislis the objecter. It lias fougbt Walerso! aukgan Ii., oier- 150 persigtentl>, tisaItise pisyhouso velgst vise disappeaneti tram the sever isas been upeneti, aitisougis It1 South Side Atblc'tic club bal! an hior wa s cumpletd a yoar ago. before ho vas 10 goî lu vils Bil>, Kra- tulge Honore lu bis opinion matie mer n atenroud bot afewwee s istînction belveen amusements merin le rond outa fv vekathal are nuisances andti Iose tisat ares ago, vas lntibnitely suspendodti oda>, nol. HB eisldthtiItis etrty,.bacanser b>, liese ate buxîne- commission. Wal- Il nsay b>, ordinance prohibît nuls- 1ev-s defense Cas that tise crovîl vas airce entirely may lpcalize them, but bu smal. to localize dees not exiot. WEATHER REPORT Weather forcast for lthe we'-k begin- nine- Wednesbay Aprtt 28. agsueti by Cisc U. S. -Weather Bureau, Wasington, D. C. l'onrlthe ujpen r iai..pi alky ,anti pleinsatules tienî't.lvlYair veather witis temperatureasnumewbat aisove tise a'ns@onal avêraige probablie turingr the n 'xc seerea dey. but bocal aisowers a t iîtwer lsmiepratiîre intllcatedto twardtih1e uti o! tise weebt, Il is reportedti tisIMms. Marshall Fielti is consitierine- laking a bouse lu Lakte Forest for lise Summer. visene Mn,. Borden Harriman aireai>, iasi miade plans lu gitendth ie season. Mar- shahl Fielti 111. antillts bride btave ai- neadti>akes a îplace in [ahi b"trest fîîn tise Summer. Independent reatier? BE ONrE. Tise senators stoppeti severai ee crults anti asitetitisemIif tbey ever went loto saloons anti aaked vise. tise>,vere solti liquion The>, oscisr.- pliedti iatthe>, tidt use lise'naity s101V anti lîstineyer boue-itI ny. Asthie genatoni, letI ,achgis alo Senalor Dsiiey vaid: 'Font aven ssIi lu tisese boys; they're afler you at1 Sipringfe-ldt iecause tif relponts thlat you bave: If ' on do se May have to put O yOuof tbusi1nesa." "We tîemer do: " "'frali wo'd gel pnclîcîlif we -- ît'aCs5 the rejoIner 5a receiveil AItîh, trainine- station tise commit- tee nîtComlnmantiant Moffett -vis slitwed tlîeîî tour affidavîts o! naval ilas liithe effeet Ibat tise>, iatipur- ciseti isiitke>,anti beer In Wauite- e-at MIrs. Durant began maklng a titi'fo ithie protetion uf tise public. ec., f ront salobns visen Senator Dail- ey saîi: 'Please theo Issume le 1101proisi- (Contlnutil on page tiree 'V0 L X X 11. - N (). :' )2.

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