Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Apr 1915, p. 11

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. WRtDAY, APRIL3O, 1915. INTJBRESTINII CHAR: 22.00 22.00 1.30 6.76 $35. i0 360,$4 7 ~IcdheI5lu cmsncclon wth the article beiow, lit lsof Interest to note thct beudes.M. Thompion, thora le inother biacis. aith on t410 beai of supervsora, D. A. Hutton of Waukueman. Thus, for the %ratt lima, lh. county board êtes two rosi biackmmtilthe ln lia personnel-thus, both bmlng huaik chipe, it seoma a ý hmYou8ht te pffeevqime en O S oivble w 1 ft. Everydbe 1le nimliar nis L914a fllo's OMS..4Vnder thse af ,Jng ciqo4àt tree the village sfi -JIIe eoeàu" and furthor eon la ts iams Poem wve are toid! that hm "arma wore as troi u th at th. sinith wUA lhonest cud tbat 0o3 $ln. îlay lic wont te churcis. B. C. Tilompoîon o! Zion City has &I. Iliioe attributes. and more. Those ~ y/ho kneenhom 14 ycars &go. wlsen tÇl à7 8« opecesd up. know luit thse seain@lompoon. Reliable. lhon- ost. "gatW'cgbt sea i ie.*' ho a ia hue Sti W ÙU4 cisoan md perhaps for' libis renoa hie astly carried the elo ! or iStpervinar ou .»ri byc a pa4odr01o!97 votes whou lho IaRn lns opposition tu Hiram W. Fer. - ,rY. Mr. Fr o it dbeen suliervisor oupi qy,4oa i.C. TMOIdpaoN. . for $ix 70àv. and Ilu us thoughî îe :Would stand i gondi chance for carrvy- EVE ltAs theélection and ruanng aflother KIIvy STRE ET IN ten.Tbompson. bonevor. vai pi ,(rubu te utan lmptla CITY MOBE RENUMIr Jus aplin hneth4wok BE RE!>_VERY SUO pIretentions at aristocracy. Heo" ba acePoidn orTi <eund Many fav orites for luet Ibils OdnnePoirgfrT tOa»nf-'te Puts on no airo. The M r. Drastic Step Is Ordered Pre- TisomPson o! ton yeara ugo, la Just pared at Once. the ani mctoday. aud yenu viii One bhir ps'obubiy. as feras hic attIbutea arep~ j l NV TIA O. conceroed, thse saMe teu 7mrs frons OLW NVSIAIN Bora at JDoss o Ohio. Mr. Commissioner Detmneyer Has ,il'bempaon a»,rakos o, are l!,Been Looking Into Matter ho wns #osatcsret gol. Hi-1 and Decided on Change. Ahea veut teO codhoft, Oblo. tu lecrn »0e hIkmminhtn fflteo. Assonon as Wuukegan. April 27. %a nue011S OMth dvancad. ha left At the neat regular meeting of thse tor WcahlgM CS« H oume, wher.b city counci an ordinance wiii b.e pro. J9 woVeSailat bet 95M for15 YeOM.'Il senat dproviding for tbe renumbering '*e o»s eab«.k MW boie tsaItAI r-e« oser>' streot lunlise city la accord- 1Ik0~~.eusejof 21e ilCY tiroutaiS mao ils a plan worked out b>' Coin- 3aiat8Iv75or0f fealiag A lutin mifsioner Dilmoyer. Tise bond a' ese a iantis ettiy WU reTO4iYthe treets and Public improvements te O*b4.-i vas0met fer hy 1h. Iduotuseat oui lined t10th,scouncîl on1 1d4.n A i oal, Yaar g »heoar- Monday nigbl jîtst uhat the effort of 4vred U la a-CtY *Md 0mtrieduP al tisuronnmboring vilii hoand pointli ýk~cksn4U4 *90 Anqd tbe business isas 1out bon neesaary itlausthal it bc done b#en à Ieclde murnea Oser mnce, Il va. upon i. tsmoion that lise cor- ,At the tovaub, alection beld on isOtation counaci nas ilstrucîtd u Aolril 11h, Mr. Tilimpon 1r»fur au- prépare thec ordiaance. pêrvisor. and tracauieret thse igitua,9Mr. Dictmeyor deciarcd that at the 00emmmlglssin. t o100Ae30tkaonsthsaI Present lime tise nltnitcring systelti ls lie liadtso maay faed.and effociul. arrcngod la uch a biit anud mis t)lc ly umong the MMu"&, liqi th< @1«> and Ilt iavory difilcujbt lu iid rosi lçntrns ar 905"4.b nt lwy, dences by street tl(mbers. lie saltd Wintsro itrbo. vsic ba ulmystise lire departusent often lillcomvst more or less run agi tise Tboo. ptzzled and déla.ya r-qu it. ,crailc candidates, lhe p~ilt38. Whou 'H-. ponted t MuAlisIer avcenue as li, ls considered tisaIt te Tlscocrottir one exemîple viere thse nunibcrtog ia 08fldidules only 1pot' froin 1i10 i5 fatîty. î I, aîmposaisii gain auiv votes et Winth roP H-arbotr, 't counlie clear conception (iftheuicliai usetiac n ely cran tisai iMr. Tisomusan la numlsering tisat sîrcut but othpr bm ln inhigh rc'pute, evea i tisaIvil.Istreots are sali t', iiiliecarly as bail bafo. linder the plans workedîi ht by Nlr. l'armera iook for siraillsî. holmesi, Ditemeyer, Sand srîtwili lie tise #Jain. hard-workit-g Mon of the Dem. dlvidingIlino for Ii' tri-ets rlllîîiuîi oirratir temperament. Whou tisey sont and ost. Tiie tîsobîrs ruiîing kgosv a man can bie trusiti tliey vIii West viii Dot bueîalied "West". That 914#nd bY hlm In îîoitica or anytisinx la, Itt ili ho Juat -Waishington strî'ut" 014e. When Thompson aya he'ildo or "Il&adtson st-cet." iiostead ot c Ihing you can dépend tapon it îî,i1 "West" Wushliigcon, ec. NuniLr.9 ta dune. Kiud-hearted., obiging. anti eca of Seuid street wile designat- #traighl as a ie, there la yet nith&laited"baut." Tiscre viii bc a 011111 àlstabiiy about him tisat us prob. ber for svory twcîity-ive font lot. uoly oneofo!litsstrongeat attribeites. Tis e amhoring will tar i atonue" and lkyry man viso ia straight viii ind In viii nons upvard coosecutiveiy, re- Ur7. Thompson a statînch friond. Hle gardiess of the oumber o! block h ta wIIi give a square deant t ail worthy may ho traversoti. For exampie Ina 01llzens, Independent or Otherwise, or tisrec blocks May lieln tise "100"à cpi for this roason la nel itted for blocs as under the present number- tisq office. Aîîart from his dutles as a itig systemi. After tue numbera roacis clitizen. bonesci-. 'Mr. Tisampson la a '100' tbey viii bei-case naturaiiy. bèluever in Tlseocracy tu the heart'i For streets runing nortis and soîîbh cote. Wsigntrpot vIiili e the divld- . ut Impasters andîl intceroeapeaavli.leratemof numbers nl isa% btter beware, tis e nonsîpersor 1 tart sauts o! Washington treet aud stands ne nonsense. When ho îaioe nother system wiii i-un nortis. Under Up a position that la rIght hoe nul not l heîrop 1osed systcm tise correspond-t quiliblo. Neithor can you ead bin a it nbers on [no streeta sucis as &round on a strung. ,ho has a mlid Oài County street andt Goesseo treet viii hiW onn and uses u., E. W.-ur be la the saine relative position. Titis esyatom la simlar to tise on. adoitedi i Ciicago a fon ysars ago YeurEir~a*e oqi. -andt Ilausciai!ed il vii urvent con- rai net hisse g'lp:haegéIýl*,Iiqon. it viii be eauter nfotoniy for s mre au ioauem.-.Hesbod-. -,tisé ire dePartment but aise for mal o-,, --________ carriers andt viii make t easier fora 9 t Vkit the CaIdonia ExpofftIo.;I-umsrw in tse city to lindt a giveit 4ispowd« e, lie.shAkea mb itee hov1,or C6nmissiloner Dietmeyer says tisat sivd lls5mf.buu,. The Bond"udO.ast lnil!lait sine littoturne te re-c foite M"d file t rd .Z ~ ntaî oi!numithlie enlires cty hsît hie ntedo f.-st Oea <il7 - 16.«8b~, 0t é.i 'ï tu star#!thé tseork attisa earlist Dos- Stmf*î~ t a.Itprl ,1,1skitaaie,'.subie moment, He saya tise plan la IN T01WN MOTEST Had Been 111 in the Jane Mc. bbc - to prxes Alister Hospital for Nearly Norl r hiago won w Piel11 an Entire er trtoanIlhuîî 'ontelet yecterday aUt.~ lgn April 28. Saudn'Coer tintisgy Mrs.iByron 1- luivia died ai tihe ta1) e. rc'ported. There nere lisvJans Me-Aiste-r li(ilitalibiis ttîornint scýhcaol repreientcd, Progressive, abordîiî O'ciock, lýîIo.ning a long Ill- Blanchard,. Spaulding. Daây sud Northi Iese t)î'atli . fl(,i'Ioliîeart discase schl of Nortis Chicago. The OP- and a compîîlicastions crs. Orvîs lhal resenlativea fronthie Nots scisoni been al the,' bompil.î uealy a year dfo- wns as follons- n hc li at ufrdi Readiug-Alpisonse Dre,', Viola g uepa nie iv hîdeah as ouli Evan. tic-s îc' edIi l lu (1115 su îd nly. Writiîg-'clilfreîi Johnîson, Viola A short sera ý1(11 iltaise place ai Elvans. tie Lar"rîti&A- l'ii.isd udertakin$ Sîîellig - Miniîsie tenke, Viola rosima Thuîrsdiav st"rnoîin at 2 o'c-iock Elvans. after nlîich (l*e 'e in, iî Sl be takea Arithmctkc--loward Pi-i, John 1. thlis e of Mir, Or% is' sister, Mn, Shiini n. C harles Hautis,- 1(wIl nigîln Il, C iere it'e adils-Ciars roobthelut Yrslte tuneral a-tii lic ielît FrIday afler- boue. flîsm roktot yr,-non at 2 o'ciock. iiriai taking place house. InOregoîn. Titi' teiins ilI leave iRoy Anderson, -ad. Spauldiug. boe ria onnga7a.Mve Chestr Smth, re lancar lte Norîbvesterti rafroad. Rev. Flots- speint-*riséma Olsea, lot, Prto- ton, pastor o!flbh- lethodIst chureit gresIve.InWneri iioiia tte .eleeBurrne, b.d. Yorkisouse. shorWaervces ,wrli Thlaaele r-i LouIs Curman, Srd. Spaultling. shortn rIe uc'Tuedyalr Arithmetic--lObn E', Nortis esdOODe. llsad lelavf w Chao.adPliIît- ati hcg.daugiters, Mrs. Eîiussr<i luek of Zion HowarPiion De Wdy, rh l, o. Uity sud lene flîier of WaukegRii. greseplve Ds Bi, r t>she also Icaves a ltn,îtier andi sisler g r u s i v e .w h o r e s id e In O g i r uu tî y . TiseNori OblagoSox efoaeti Before lier nmarniage lis. Orviîu, The orthChhago ax efeaed hoso Dame tiebiwais Bllter. conditrt the Waukegan Stars lu a varm gans eod lie Fox Hoisi on Waiingtotj &t tise pur S Sautdua 8ernO11, scorOe treet. Shlaid salii i d IisWaakégun a 13 ta 7. Batteries for Nrtb ChIsicago o ersad e éah bi Ooittey anti Cin4yck; Wsukegan. nmrrot ayars s lie deetis rng lychuman isti HRoitiiie. taken ta the iosplial nearly a yeàr ýEtnari Sheirwin, besna cIls- al u le iewsrmyd played i ithe tY.cOutoicil as an elcs-lirMomt fer tie i' as reovot si tricai expert ant i@asiateti'thoM ns ins etr airsewstaoisntaise selectin>' [ho nov Cit'tyigitini ffl- vs o ter. utlunalltewatahen bacli tU«', haided, Iilsbis bibl lait Oenîni tise lime of!lher dcliii bSite was given fr $251. At the 1esd cf the bill vasc vr gninadtebs btm the roqueait, tI1e mone>' b@ turnOd ul sciaenti o iîîi ebt !tisaI mcd GYSI tu tise TAdtea LiteraI>' club. Thsé uci secninedro des but or".bPur o ladies viii appreciate thl ee0111 qeri aslircldtiàIdbO gMf, ail ruight, 11<, the laes vi wttgel sa riays irer w4 eotîulut i on ulde esen vils you vhen you getlntO 1sotclicalfrnt csI Ilaya tearot. ol poiles. ntls rn n a ats et Q" ni"~ muet M m sessie, ui ulaieh A!) 4wk tba t Ilmlgt haut as weIl orne DOW thoNMh tbe combe. wilI flot beQ»iedM, utanchangez have A O EAL lu »g amn pet up. ~ hestut smaa~ai NO$T À LICENSE O @ Man Who Sold Saloon Now Re- 0 NORTH CHICAGO. 0 f used to Take Out License O § for Next Five Years. There ln much speculation at te, ACTION MAY BE TAKEN. Who wiliI et the new aîîpointments jinder thse Joliey admioisltratioz, A New Counoil Will Have Several number of men have beon mentioned for the di fferont poitions but noth- Knotty Problems to Solve litg officiai bas been given out by Dr-. <on N Saturday. lOIieY nor wnu there be unili the evOning the new olilcrs are Instlled. MWaukejtan, Xî'rI 27. The office of chief of police seenis No w that it bas bersîl, (ldode to have thse most candidates. The iathieiy hat ti s ue W tOUisoon ratle Dames of tihe foiiowing men havelîî ,c h i.nlisehcslo l been heard for Ibis position: jert-y eu'sea this year, Illamzniih as they Sulivan, Harvey Hyde, .ew WeIr. are 10 be Inducted mbloto ice noit Weirwas hiefunde theShr in Thursday nighi, thore se more or leas adMIistatln. noter amemen- sîîocuiation as to iwhether or flot any- adionisletraton. Aorher Poiame n îhing nl bo donc te modify or fu.tloe i tay ! mer P lichaeman change the. eliattag saloon regulation Plare on the force If lie 1l9not apîpoint. odiac. ofra a clani ed chie!. the license feec nul go tb $1,000 as ProvIded ln the saloon ordinance. As 10 the strett rommiasioner, an. Ilut there là; another mialter wliliî other important office, but littie could wîîî1 be Investigated lîciore lirensos bce learned. No one sems ate know are Issued te certain saloonkeepers, Who was after the job. The position it Is aaîd. It la the malter or lilenses at the pumping station are also ln beiîîg issued to men Who lame Into doubt. The names of NicKilian and business after thse saloonî ordinance Davis have been mentioned. Jerry was passed. Thse ordinance provIded Bulivan, Who »orne sa>' is a candidate that no more saloon men miglît en. ,for chief of police, has alse been men- gage ln business until atîci- the numn, tioned for the Position Of chiefOf obler of saloonsfell belon thIrty. Thus, thse ire deisarîment. The new mayor while a saloonkeoper could go ont1 of la kecping his own council and ln- busness ho had no rigbt te dispose of tends t0 appoint the best mon ho can bis Place te some one cisc andt the ici- get for different positions. ter was taîcing a chance hecause ho The North Chrcago achoois defeat. alood t ho chance of being refused a cd the %;cAllwter ochool in a forfeit- licenime we hono nt to appby for lt. cd gamo aithtie idîl street grounds Scierai of these changes are said to 1ai eveaina. At thse end of the, th ln- have taken place. ning the score nas a tie, 9 te 9. The In two cases IWOouOlt of town mon McAiitr achooi came to bat and enaagod in thesealoon business ho- secrets twe rune and bail a man on cause the mon from wtîom they pur- hird nitis no one out. A grounder cbaaed tise saloons tonk out licenses waa bit ta tiret baeman, Who ran out la their awna mes. Other cases o! oe get the hall and thon instead of the samo kind have bcî'n reiîorîed. going bark ansd touching flrmt hase hoe This yoar the non comuission wiii bren the bail homo to catc h the rua- have toeIbcide nhelher o'r sot it sbia ner there but falieti and botis nere de- continue te Issue licen',vu tu thege :iared aafe. The McAletor boys men- 'iaimed the man at first nas out and 51111 anuilier case bas I,,-Pti caticît juit tise game. The umpire thon' for- te the attention of mneniers of the 'oted the gamo 1tiste Norths sehool. hounci. fil la that o! a man wbo pur- The final score was 12 te 12. A Ichascît a saloon for $3.2oo. He gays large crowd o! routera wns proent ho did 8o0nis the stipulation in tise and ail gave tse North Chicago boysscontract that tise man from whom he fe support from the ide lines. The pfrchased the Place woold lake the North scisool boys played the lieut license out ln bis name every yoar gamne o! the year. A man ln lise crowîi for the Dcxl five ypars. It lisaaid hoe ulled out a niceand gave If ta .John Dlon refuses to do ibis and the mn icisurrin aler one o! bis brilliant nIIO Pureliased tbe place dos adI plas.know nisat course to tekse. Tiss The nain@ of John Kiistan bas been are Oly a few ftflue Probiems thai mentionoti ln connection with thlb. cfwnl coDront the counell DOxt Salut- ce of sireet commiasioner. day when tbe saloonkeepers appear to Thse ladies lbrary club ia again pay liseir liceose, 4ciling , 4eauiup campaign tu be L tarted t.he Iweçk o! May 11h. MeSOBYRON ta1i4S NORTHI ClICÀ60 DIES FOLLOWIN WINS TWO PUJIZES À LONG «ILNESS MATERIALS: STYLES: French Serges Flare Bottom Mod - Gabardines els. Novelty Mixtures Belted Models Co v rt Chinchilla Balmacaans Shephord Checks Sport Models Poplins 1Convertibles COLORS: Sand Putty Belgian Blue Navy Blue Battleshlp Grey Black and Wbite 5.90 See these Coais ini our window 7.5I 25 Dozen New 1.00 Ging- ham and Madras Petticoats 49c Checked and striped designs in fast color fabrics. Deep accordeon ruffie, circular style, the greatest bargain ever. 49 offered, Saturday ol . .. 9 More 1.00 Dresses for Chîldren Sat. 49c Fortunately we have secured an- other shipment of ihese splendfd dresses for seliing Saturday. New styles in the smartest pat- terns of ginghams, chambrays, madras, etc. Sizes for children A Shirt Event Saturday Witliout Precedent New Black and WiuIte Checks and Palm Beach Skiris limat Neyer Relail Beiow 3.00, ln Thils Sale 1098 It's another of ihose money saving events for which -this store us famous. The styles included in ibis big skirt sale are the very newest, you'll find nothing -more fashionable anywhere. Inverted plait front models wiih side pockets and effective braid and but- -ton trîimings. Alil waist sizes from 23 up. Better get your size early Saturday. 100 Doien (12 00 Waists) ln 47 New Styles SG o on Sale Saturday te Prove 0 the Walst Supreunacy of fiis 00Store. Ail are 1.50 end 2.00 Vals. ~ When you sce this new shipmnent of beautiful waists, yo will wonder how the>' can be sold at anything like 1. 00 Whi!e the styles are most charming and the materials ver>' rich an~d sheer, it is weilI b remnember that you can get corn- piete size ranges from 34 to 44 in everyone of the 47 st yles. Materiais are voiles, Marqui3ettes, wash sjlks, embroidered organdies, silk batistes, crepes and madras, in both plain white, striped and man>' handsome colors and combinations. 9 e e loi ti w t( go ti w ci CI qi te la ai fil N gE Pt si Pl m lit bi o' di. *.lt. @,vur. h us. ciot Page Tlire-É mil THE ST9ORE FOR WOMEN Extraordinary ---- that's the word that best expresses the wonderful money saving event here Saturday. 75 NEW STYLE $IO.OO0 and $12 Coïts in two great lots Saturday at $5 and $7,95 U SUAI, prie con esioi s bk H rnanufaettîeni sen- î i'îs to<tT îtlî os i tîttîi u iw oats -t -suelh aet risl tnt. iw pies. 1he i ai idso e',t inateriais are used iii tii making and th e styles arn TUHEX 'RV LATIEST.1 Every new andI wantedi I i isshown in tis great ass rtm ent î iii 7 isfr wonienand Miss~es

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