LAKE (ÛOUNTY INDEPNDENT V4ýL X 1. NO. :2 SIXTEEN PAGES. WAUKEGAN VWEEKLYSUN-- LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, IL, FRIDAY, MAYXÎ, lii ON1 qE TO EIGHT $1.,50o PER YEAR IN ADVANCE MIITRYACDEY Former Waukegan Wompan ýTWO SCIIOOLS N MILIARYHandies Her Injunction Ac- DESTROYED BY FIRE ion iust Like an Attorney ARE CLOSE» AT aiîw x l! uL a~T .r - i ' li al'a,- Ksîi ____ UKO N l"" i VOLO, SMALLPOX? Wi.' ck.galîî a cfîail A ~ ~ ~ j <)ISSTRUS LAZiAT ii t genrai l,cl icai> oib Coroner ïTaylor. While on Cail 'iOON SATURDAY WHEN ;a i, ,a~i roiii-iurtsu Ioi 'I'.i n Vola Discovers Real ACADEMY WELL KNOWN i ac,.îîrahsîî nay b lei ýilîcîr i ., Srallpox Cases. ..~L OVR LNO RAZD 1,rii-,t tut-y su chîoac [lie î,rLAND IdRAZEt aus esiabiîalc i c THE STATE TAKES A HANO. -FIRE STARTEO FROM ANI das- alun i rs.Elizabeth yoiiîg ai,- iJNKNOWN SOUCE-LK. ,ticari-il iti lier Own behalf. o-fo)r,- Supervisor Brooks Calls on the FOES IRMN SIS lannilgaîi igi , ailu cite !tac State Board and as Result FORSTFIEMN SS tÉari-i for ai, lnjunciioi agairicc Two Schools Close. HIGHLAND PARKERS 1BUT1( 1- i çc,,rt lt-î-:a-n 10 compDe]lbit tz cîot ' an t-îaî,t1 frnt iL i ,;, iro, rTaîîlir bap1wr-,id 1o hc lnt BUILDING IS DESTROYED. -r iii, Tîcr,Ia, andt wIiillther. Pcc ark> Nciii, I llig' au I Pcark tie îrl cs M, Silir- a ac i, tu ci-ct ci-i c iîr- tari i , i. ictîaca tic, lIai a;c i lic Iru, itur i anc riii, a r-./. i ,, uc c-,, r for- ii i, il t oct --in iic' l cr i a -d - no l ru - iit li aal cii- , r if) l. - cc l ii i 'ciio ýfa t, iii. I i I ai ils,, aio, dit-ila f. -ai agi, l-c ccc'I,' b -î l c lIac id 'l :' i dl li, . -- m, , c b rg- ,f thc- ELECT ALLEN PRESI= DENT 0F N. SHORE DRAINAIE DISTRICT D. H. Jackson Was the Presî- dent Last Year-Hayes Is Reappointed for 5 Years. Ai ic ".it bî,ianual iehîcning Oc tlc-- orc , Sjt-i I 1iraînagi- [Bard lic-Il cii I _ Il -ca ticiiniil romn cMon. mori chic. Waikî-gan vater c-orks. ancd a tii cc-r cf l , carcititillerr tIti 5.-ar r - iJi l:,, -idîîcîi ccdenî t, iî-trni as drawn la-t year wheu tht- ic ai twua- iaboutu the ami--boardi organlied, a-as edc(i ccc lis t-' -c aiiiici ii . sc ahîithe- lcen t ianimouisis - "i a, O aic- ri,ifi cîîcîî -cI bi , iCoiiccl liaii lJî, bon r)! Lake- Foreat. wa- c îmîîcîl Tii, olcI s(iboutl a.-i waus îrc.idcnî ast vear. the ir-.t cPar trn- irî liremc- ali- hi- i fi t hic boaurdl aas tiiexistenc-e.cMr. ac -, cms I iodai wa ci-c lr:c k i ccîîcr,e - ut iailthe ic bi- car terni and Ihus roi t.- aîcuc-arariý-icc iiiiile lctc-i ii1 - focur cc-ar-s mort- tînder the pres- at.ii Norîli cisc-iittrai s lic-cii tosti iiiterni tii î.oslug I ii llilîem i ouke drew thue tao The- orugîti of ib-' tir.- i-t înknown i i ar terniuastlience ism berntiiexpires cici .hen lit ac.ceen thatt lie l{igcc tent seàr land Park deparînient could not check Janmes Hayes of Northil iucago drew the - liaes tbbc [akê Forest tire de the one 5ear terni bence Ilb cpired tc'rimet aas appealed tu. The flai ast cc-ck Il,- a-c e appoiuted, how- cr0 truck waus rîîsbcd tioS&gblat. c-i-er.icn.- laiclact acck and is re- Parl, andt tc.-ta-cilcpitnent aurkeil cîlcîcu inetit iovers a lic c ear pcriod lir' i-mci lic-ik lhc itaiiic--Thete -c - The iaiiic- of Mmir ooke- iîad heen à1 *,c iisue tht- dlniuig riicui alii icamifor residi-ut ibis icar abeti pc-- ou ->eîaraîc- frîcm the main bulil talc aas beard about the aunual ut iiv. ilite torihi-asi of the str,îctur -, icctuuteplans bIowcc er. wheu the y - 'ccm ir fons, ais,, saic-d tilt-satiti meeting acas called, Mr. Hayes tise t,i. toi iîcîîldîîg attil îîlci iii iiîc wiv caphointeil nencier. nominaleil r-c ri turcs \Itr. ulîcti atnl the motion car-rled hic Thlicmati, hualding wa.a about 3Iai nanimoas vote ihat he b lceitd h cr- iigu. îf mcii brick andîltri an Commttees Two Weeks Hence. lu ae ri- in ruine uow Tbis Mdr, All-n saaltati-r ihat he woiiid main buildinig ,ontaned the parlors, naine bis commiittces ai the nicetiita ti. he cping a1iritnni- aid on,-din- ico aeeka bence. ng room %"tilliaut liallocelIlihas ai ccl as '[ber.- arc aboutî15vetudents In the -Ciretary of hebeioard and h e will ,(ho1 and thîci. aere lu classes wben ic re-ele-cicd aithte nexl meeting, the l ire bell souudcd tihe alarm. Ticy NMr. Allen lbas ahent mauch tiuie ratt intc tise Yard sud soon joined Ini studiing oui the needs of the nortb iiuîiiary style lunflgistng thfientaes. shore and bis election to the presi-, Tise Niliary Academy compsny. denicîa taiscu as a move wiich will beaded by Major Das-idmon. baisibeau ise beneficial to the districtbcue crectlng new buildingsé for the acisool helng an engineer o! experieýu an rit Lake Geneva and ît la pianad tu judgment, his ideas naturalhy wlhl nove the school tisere a ioonsas tley have more weigbt on bbc board as are doue. The destruction of tihe pressident than mcrcly a member main building today wilI b-utat.tise pans at Lake Ge-ceva Tise boys bave been Wa'en te Lake Geneva eascii sum O RWKI ERIS NOW mer for sommer achool and, 10 date. have caxnped lu tenta under mlitary ÀAUAM PRESI3RVE mIles. The Illnois ganse and Ilsi commis- onofrthe mst titaosyAchcaemy sion bas lsaued an order settting solde one0f ic oatfamus cisolso! itise Fox river ai a fisb preserve and Skind Inathe United States. olta sin- sWntag was stoped ycstarday. Here- dents have oocupicd prominent pont- cfter Osly books and ines wil h al- tlions and tise general mitary train- lowed as a menscf catcilg flais. ing tbcy have received bas causait lb The seiners,,Il in charged, had been tu bave a waltlug flot for years. The takIu9gigame lii, thougis their l- young men wear a gray uniform and ceu ses forbid their dolng so, though aiways look natty as they appear Ini hey had been allowed to lake otiser rades. etc. They have a set o GOsînlin sli. Hondreds of Chicago anglers guns mounted on autos and the scisool Junyi h o ie alya- was tise firat une of tisecontry t10 ojoîrney te l d rivte vale a adopt socis a feature o! Its drill iug. ', ;vrYda drqgtie tunn Cross country trips made wltis these _guns have atiracted muchi btereit. bL C. Robinson of Hamptonc ta, Thse old West Hall of tise North- searchlng lu tise rini toUnd tbsre western Milltary acadeinyait 1*1gb- checks for a total of $50. whldn bad land Park, wiich was destroyed Bat. cone for hlm lu the Moraing mail urday by ire, will not be rabuilt on tist ailhd n bean dutribsated. tise old site. This was annouucoed Tisere were stored la theo building unmday hy Colonel R. P. Davidsoflc 25,000 rounds of ammunaition for thse commndant o! tise scisool. "Wc are Oatliisg guns--not blsink csrtrldges, more ltccly 10 rehulld et Ulabo G- but tise sure enougis war Intarial. neya tissu anywbere ese." ie sald. And tisose hundrad cadets cbarged Col. Davidson said valuable records into Uic mîdat of tise dame, while and relIci wiiciibal hlouged 10 hi& cartridgcs expioded sud isulleti tatiser, the founder of thes chool, bad whistled, Sud carrlod out 10,00() bson destroyed. rounds. Thse reet was deatroyed. No- Wbm tise alarm was turied ln tise body waa wounded. - Ï boys rusised tu tiste dormltory tu Ail tise boys auffered sOo lois of a ave liseir personal affects. Tran-ke, belouglugs, aud oue, Lencae ormi auords. ecothins. nmaasndO i. pannants, DavidGoode, captain of tise bsgiebalil and sU sorts of college dunnage vere teami, who wua .1gb -in bad, eicapad lbrevu frçi thse Windows, but Col. lu a sweater, au old prAi r et oqier Davidmon finaily ordered tha boys eut. and a pair o badl sllvçe.. la this1 as tise building vas flmlng danger- guie he grlnulugly vaut bbrough -&a ously, sud lesu tisa bal! of tlsem woe drill for a movIe camera nma» wbo WcSî ab)e to save muT part of heir affadi, ai audff. fri-iid -asuialI saîi -iav, oc, lok ic cvr a f-icof tii.---- ckiiidic-'i a- "hili- yliýiclicri-> a ilcoui' h woliii.-i- ,blaitiicoy are, A, il hue tîr Tas or -larni-il ah,li ,t.1. c- ic- m,-t lDr ltcîîsdcu hcr anud hidacîghter, idlara, tic,-i hild who lilgarcil n the Vol,, rail-rîdlng affaîr, beiîg cm îloc-îlin hi lcRichardsotn stîcri -wha lii tiie, a î,îîcn draggeîl Mmr Rilîhcrdlcii colutand rode ber on a rail Thi. girl trie-ril to sac-e ber. The dolotr ri-c-i -cai h ,tliir The 'colo docior salîl Sas - Docttr, yoid on tlîinlil. s girl of itutti-- liai c t, ii cc iç-n t rac- oif cmall poix I r Tavl,îr lîîîkeîl cloqeiy -cul 1Dr.Taylor, *ý11m- a.- liai l liber irii qlaran tithis belng iii.-fircî dai ch-'s brii i,' su iiithe father. Coîing dca n ie street tr, Tacylor aw NMr. WurtUic aioonhcîeper. fils fat-c, l1k.- thegirla. lîad hegîîn to beal but the,- marks ai-r,- left whlcb show- cil] te) the ,oroncr ilct b.- bail smavl vox. -tli'. le natter'" acketi Dr Ta vlor, 'Well. 1 wac, tord by 1r. Wells of ltilcîrc- iNliat hliîad a lîad rash;- somp lîcroons tiiought il looked tike a Ilght a.- of amalîpox. Woriz bad 1)(,n over tlir xperlencc lonîger than the girl. Dr Taylor also waa bold that Ferauri. Iironimous had tire appearance of a -mahIîco- i s -in, being rouch like the others but be. lîke týem. had taken rio precaullon agaînst cxpouing others !ri fa( t. it la aald that be bad contilu te otake mllk to the factory. State Board Man There. It lîcu Dr Taylor got horne Ieý iîoiîcd Sulierrisor Brooks and sug- izetîclthtaihecrail ou the state board of fîcalli 10 visit Voho and, it seems. art agent rcacbed there Thursday nioriitiig He at once ciosed two sreools and quarantined three fam Ili-.the Reusdeulcbera. the Wortz, -,ioiithe lîcronîmous. h iiat ic uc r, - c,e, lii c ll il,.- lis,- Giine,îr liiiiv -iiilr du un ranni i.-i a-couflthee ,oudi blo 0 iciilarent eild he six 'i car oid sonBHis fuir anid tands arc ln sucli a ,state iiii fu, ti Giated poslîic ely bie liasthe allinit i bîi.laitic r i, a sicter o! John ocîrtz Ilhe Volu saloutikepeer wloio s c-cîd Iii iiu c a th te discase sud ai- nMost rcovr-d froin Il. The farnlly i isits lîacb and forth and in that man- ner the contiagionils belleved to have beeui carried front'dVole te Waucouda. The state board of healtb mnuwbo a as jet Vole and esabilahled tbc quar- 4antIne ou the Rcusdeutcher. Wortz and ictironimous bornes vas Dr. Crs,- ford.lRe la bise rnaà,who wai çlsced iu cisarge of the Mion City snssilpox epidemic sanme menthea ago. Iu tise two Volo scisools wich bbc state board of beabth man ordered closed there are about 70 pupils. Dr. Crawford served notice that the Volo schoobýs siould not re-pen until be .atisfied binseif thaitishere was no lonuger danger of contagion. Tisat tise kiiiîtdîcease whîicb bias been discover- euh t lierc sirchpla ismalipox le evideut tnî,onî ule position assumed by Dr. Crawford, lrn Wîells i. Itue McHeniry doctor acho acas cahled In at least one of tise cases whîlcb la now declared to be amalipox. His failure te properly dlag-1 nose the case as amalipox or bis faill- une te report i and eetsblish a qusr- aubIne in case he did kncw wisat it vas, lias caused keen resentment arnong those aiso fear tiscy have ho.» icxposed. One report et Vole le tisît eUtc victini pursuaded tise doctor te j *keep it quiet." Lake county pisysi- clans who have accu thse vicitime de- clare Il seerna an Incomprebensible tilg tisat tise McHeMr cointy doctor. Ebolug a inuo! expérience, wms net 1able te diagnoe tise case au one of Saallpoz. 1But tise tact reomaine that, hecause ithese cases vere net reported, tisa vic- tUis havé gone about theo communlty, witb Uic exception of thse daugiter of 1Dr. Reusdeuiciier vise bept hi& cild lun secinilon duriug tise viole pertod. DENNIS E. LgMBERRY Lake Villa State Road Is A Il Done Now But a Ouarter of Mile Stretch. PUBLIC STILL IS BARRED. Supervisors Demand That Bar- biers Be Kept Up and Public Thus Protected. li dccot iliei , in tt e dtat,- roui ti,r Lak-- It'inaî ha- l'ccii ,. c - ae- -ft. oail. T11-fat i t i c- ltrt ii, f t David Hubbard of Highland Park Ends Life in a Happy Spirit as He Calis Friend. Come on in and lcld iii. good t,%,, I' cà taicen i oioii and an, toîii , tý This reniark was Made in a 1og'i '-in u cdnesda y niglt ai rifle L ocji- b,- lia'id Id ubbard, a 291 year 011 col ored man ut lHighland Par.ý, andi a- il iIre'csp d Ic a rocnier Iii bis borne And, the fr iendl wen t in to sec a hether lie meant a hat lie had sai It, was tr uc-on the table he founid a ".ol whlch had contained an oune.- of chlo ro form andIlubbard had drunk It ail. lluIîlardit all hepît off 0o1 a cprete of ite andii is condition I-s said to have ,i 1i ilîîdespondent, le was inmarried ani I ici witlî COURT ASKED TO SET ASIDE WILL; TIIREE MEN ARE ARRESTED IN RUS= SELL MURDER CASE A SENSATIONAL DEVELOP- MENT IN THE RUSSELL MURDER CASE OCCURRED) THURSOAY NIGHT WHEN BROTý4ER 0F MISS O'HARE KNOWN AS 'THE GIRL IN THE CASE.' TOGETHER WITH TWO OTHER MEN, WAS PLACED UNDER AR- R EST As there was cfvort fcin eeî cîccee to ho , thii trem-îceîî wbo were ar- -tb Ulèt% ,,ccccil1-cic ,ccl l, -1, rus; oxakc- road ie ur iil( i i -rete icy ac al e.-reae 'dîc tchu- l itoIftcc l - -iiw roac i bciiig bîîîlt lias-. i I1It([) Ç ,.c i-j". I,îbtciit cci I rcîi litoii ac,r an] itil ' road"1" A sensalconal denouemnent ins i-- ci Ii-cii - itii-cicil the Russell reurder mystery de- -- ic ~ cici i ~, . c-c TIi- acr-. cliiîiclîît ic tc GergeE.Shuetd Dclaes veloped Thuraday nlght when Il, ll ol rpi -l The-rkof l, - Gorg E. hLietd Delàrs 1three Russell men wcre piaced tij i l, lîtin lii cl aiîî fli lcîi iic Mothers Mind Was Weak under arrest on a charge of mur- ici ~ ~ ~ J tt, .iI- -ct dcici tX I,,,ici iac iill ooiîc iifl WenohtMdeWiI der. They were brought to Wau- I i c.i.c lic i j --- Mlle- liii iii . - iiglia i c - iir t bj i c ,ci>ili îîîlî iill. antdlhi- Their narnes are: lu sat a' ra] Ii !' io lcc i: lîîcîîî i- crli ii. etpii. aill JAMES OHARE. Hi -- t c gU icoc~- icci Much hnconvenience. dar, liiiililtc-at- îeIo.i WILLIAM SMITH. 1--r Theiongcc-ith,- coa- c- i vFRANK MURRIE. - Tîe log 1,lai ii lc icaci 'Mu, îc i i$icîii iirgc-1 iliicit TIie-warranta wer, sworiî oît be. 'a.ui I l --li d . c - ic lis H-ci c î ici il bri ci Icii iiait..IcIti l Ill)ci, tor inuits fore Police Mlagistrate XW alter Taylor. i....l. icI.-r.- cc.uitie i iii, iti . c-r- idlint i l ,i i resn Il ,Ilt , il e ';l rnied weuh thèse Sheriff Grifilu and -dcci,-r h ciiic-eizirases. for i- i- i - Statea Attorneîy Dady droce te Rus- th- okhsbe gotefltr ni-bl r iclfcdr hs irii ns l Tliurcdas- evening. leavlng Wau- lic ork iashec , -ong iii ii.-far i , I e a>ki-that hi,. intîir-csn iII kegan ut six o'clocvk.The three mnl FO CEBA S N»baie ibal to tlit aeross tibi- lcdl;b. slalidi aitlierccsat i:îiribîr ere arres1cd andin-oughtba m FORCE BARS AND in o~rdcr tic gelout un the main r-oaîl -q c"t ierrltvsTh hwr gvnap Iluishort, Ihev bave hîecîlin cwf i i-il i i c î-ted aatitile . I î linulnary hcarlng before Police Malia ESCA E FR N T E 1, lav1al .1 of hic Ilsduete treIrate TaýIor but thelr case was con- E S AP FR M BF fit at the Ilof sacblclis wet in mai'ic orailoflarrIngton and editor ofiheînîîcîî for len days, 1 ~ST iUAR BOU E chalue tbexeciite the Job as cwtfîl tîN uîr if thic a IiiTios,- a lu,,cccii c-l Assit. States Attorney Runyard PO TG A D O S aste hudTGoelîîz i-umljanc iciucts ulimierl-r il acclituid- appeared before the superyisor. ii Cicgobc bejo nci Iber-suh t-itiu1iFriday a. m., and, in behalf of Wakg oice sked toa iU ýc Icipart off iteb a mailnanmi-dJo'f)lb ,Thfbllse iii c , Iaý hu State's Attorney Dady, asked the Fort Sheridan Officers in - cuo, Iflila stated, weni broke ou i. 1tilcit îltýi itche l,. llintif iiiblis board to atthorize the proseutor The stretch that Ih hnishedha luis'an indwi u- tohr etav o.1"tm 1 Catohing Prisoners. beetused h many but the tatte bas ec.e'a ue' ilatîîd sî nd est.ia ur t~h a asaitlîtofIngv Hansntu Tico îîauii c arýIloici ai Ilort 1iried to eepl Icloacdti 10trafi by pr m i in found badly batteffldruser ibaving bars uîî ai elther end. Built, ui ui .t - I-i i i nir- Shieridan trokl oui ofthIe gurd bouse taIoe1ia. ccillScc i-liai, . Ruieiliat 7 o'clock Sunday, on the reservatîuî, Wednesday night t hoewhîchaie used Il il bacslîcen - Th boar vote tha tieirc(cut ri dngerus, ire e th fac tha the i 1914 Tebadvtdta h r»uo and made tlîeir esc api- Reportas ddagru, u o b ah ita e Iiic i iiiiifi ,-eiOici îrîceed lui any wav- he Esfft to La- il tbat -the -i w o fellows Irî-ad ,sawed-a 1is ton muen 1of -a irop-o or eat Plier aide liý,iM-Stf]l eu.t- holc through the ciing of *helr cAl of the ten foot spart of concrele. When cd ilerdulie irtt et and made Ilîcir e-app iiithst nman ,s inisbedth iere aili bc a four font1o t i iilii,,ci-'a i u ibîis lier, h,ît an officer ac i te noet denled iclîoîlder on cîther -%ide ot thc con i1 are- ofi li . iii lier fîrîîiture. persoîîal Ibis report Iodai aud daclared the- irete lni order to mîalle it cafe ta buru >00cliit igoiiceoclefccc u $ prisonera hall -ýc, ccc ibvprylng alcarî outIi ipasslng oouc the beaiv iroi, bar-, on the door ol Need Forfeiture Bond. T irsn ;,r, lphqeile 1 heir cell Tii.,eciape- wa s discosered The bîoard of supervicors at the 1$20 tii.-uiîcît rtual sle lrvi ou-h> had about il::0 rp. n .cii tncauîlînrîîcc-c Thursdav aession aecmcd 10 feei thal da,ý iiisio nn one the resteraitm il e #fforts at 1ahen other road contracta are nmade Fi ire i îo!ii e cîît. lîîch Sli once to get sortie ri il irte felini 'til ili lie îecesaary 10 have the coni feld( i imate.- iiiliec aurtii$20.000, They telephoned a decription of th, traciors flirnlsbe a forfelînre bond, ahe heiueaibed trit cîual aliare., 10 lier prîsner b he aîclega poiceandby which the county can correct foru cliidrenîîas follucis: Robert Shufeidt. astier] them 10 kPel a watcb for thien, failîîre to finish the tank in speciled Hiruiri Sliafeidî, Chîarles- Shufeldi, n case they came luiihs direction. ime- The farinera aloug the routes "'uivU1Jeý.21ret edadM, They are describcýl ai follows tbemsel ves feel they might lie entIl ta ituedtthe wldua of i-ienry Shu- lFANES NIORAN cd 10t damages for belng incouvenienc- feldt. Age-24 yearz. - cd co needlessis The county doe@nt Trip aged a omiat direcîed the exe- Eyes-Blue. intend 10 have the public une th e cutor Io seil ail lier real eatate at the Har-Light browiî stretcb ver, lu fact, ni untîl it is ail higlie8t price il would bring anîd ti- Complexion-Ruddy filushed la tl exPecteci 10 permit sanc- %idc tire money that reautted froni the Helght-5 ft. 7 loches t ioned use of the rond. 0f course per- sale. 1AWRENCE ANDERS)N- cous who go point the harricades do su George Slîufelritsets forth lit bis bill Age-24 years. +t their owui risks-that'a why the tbat aitiîouglî hic norticer knew triai Hair-Dark browîc couniY board Insister] Thursday that he hadil l111e or nu money she left bina Eyes-Bown.ihe red lights be Posted nlgbts sud hut $20. Comdexon-Fairbarsbe p dasý As a resuit lie charges that lier Hoigt-5 ft ii nhs Both men wore brovo aulta, lise binsi alloted ta prisoners at tise fort. A large letter 'T' was painted on the leg of each Pair of trousers a ou Uic back of eacis coat. Unleai the' are able to secure other clotisiug their prisoners' garb rnay resuit lu tiseir ar- EXCESS FEES IN DEERFJELD CARE FOR TOWN'S EXPENSESý efforts ta locale theni had ho.» un- Over Five Thousand Dollars Is availing. undOeCtigDw Accordiog ta an uficr aItis frt, thedTax evy ottng Town no une kuova achere the prisoners re te ________nTwn ceived tise heavy instrument vIt I ldîc-ating th, extent ta whicb Uhe icis tey must bave bent tise bars on ex esa fees-vhlcb are represcnted their cell door. The lufercuce vrS5 over the $1c5Gw saiary o! a townshipi tisat tisey must have smouggicd Ib loto collector and bearhug out tise Daily tise ccll or received oîîîsldc asistance. ISonsB contention that To,»n Colectorc lb va8saB dark Wetiacsday that tise Ruît of Waokegan sud oliser collet. guard did net se@ the inumirke thier ors of the towu should tomn sanie ever escape and the fact dld net ieconse ta thai townsip for townsbip ex- known until the bent bars were dis- penses. Super-vison Clark ot Deerficld covered. makes an luterestlng statement. Tise reservation was arouaod\ st uanehy: once and soldiers vere sent scurry- '-Hesasys that the ciçeas tees wicb Ing lu ail directions but Wibsoul as-ail, have iseen torsned over ta b-in as su-1 Tise searcis vas contnuoed today. pervisor and custodiau of tise fonda have aggrcgated about $5,600. t Veu Oid Custon. "Tise amount Io suci tisat lait yearà Thn ie mm f sai "God bienuer this year bave we bad ta levy, W*te a Persv ina h a Sh o S anytilg on the taxpayers of thse tow,» M111b"a- mNI th&.anets. 'O for townshiip expenses," sald Mr.1 "ertig dange rafionslb. star edn Clark, addlng: "t» tact, It lookts aiIf1 usé. a cii prayer t e -iiMo th godabe ft as 'JImpter hp me.«Tise custom ii UevyfUriîvi othucsa mmBilas by Brnmer, tise Jevlel rabtlZ yauytbhiuwgU for township cx-1 bis »ad eoas,..Polydore venjameyspenses as tise exceua tees vill taire lb took its isa.etthti ima of theaIcare oft bisenetlrely. We douIt aI-1 Pligue lU58, vhs» tisa lafactet feUloy Uic collector any expense mcncy deasd. seeglng.tisougis apparently la S ail-b-e taites thse $1500 sud tisat's bailis, ail he expoote.1 mind aas unsound sud ber mernory weak wben she made the will sud that aise aaB iberefore incapable of making a just sud proper distribution. He reprcsonted atill further tha1 Miles T. Lamcy and Ernuly Ellers uaed and exercised nudue arts sud frauidu- lent practicea and rcsorted to decept- ions. misrepresentations. etc., 10 in- duce Mr. Shufeldbt t execute ber wll in tbe maniner she did. He evenL goes au far as tu charge tbat tise aged wunc an was under Improper restraint froni tiiese taco people and waa made to he- leve that bbc plaintihi in thia case a-as not treaiing ber as be ahouid. NIcr Lamcy, achen asked about tbc laims of Shufeldi said over thse tele- phone that be bad littile couceru over the action filed lu court, ssylng that visen the aged woman drew up ber vili that there aas presenb: H. P. Caible. attorney, and E. W. Riley. ai- sessor of Cuba township. Tbey were witncsses who saw ber draw tise vill aud aign ic He at.ated fiîrtber that tise son re- turned ive years ago f rom Oklahsoma sud bock charge of tise fan; tisat ise rau behind and incurred debts âaur.- gating about $4.000 wiîcitise motiser pald by sclllng ber personal effets. Bshe tise» teit tisatishe sounb-ad receiv- Pd bis sisare of visat ae@b-ad and left hlm but $20. Mr. Lanoy felt tisat bi case.,vise» explained lu court. dli bave but litle standing. tndepocsdent reschetaU i ponta lu Laits County. cestigate tIbm tuan's deats viics bas crpated quics a mycltery lu sud about Ru8sehî The msn's body was touad 300 feet soubis of tise state line, Iflide Lakçe County. Hia injurii es eecoq. fined to bis hsead sud for Uiat raiso Mr. Runyard felt be wasa svtctlim of a murderer rabiser Iban bavlng h..» accldentally hurt. AUTOPSY SHOWS HE HAD BAD FRACTURE 0F SKULL. tWe find that the dec«isd. Ie. goc Hansen, came to hie death at th. Kenosha heipiti on the morning of April 29, 1915, » a re. suit of Injuries rocoived le tihe town of Newport, Lake coumnty, on the nlght of Aprif 24, 1915, by vio- lence from 1he hinde of tomnes- aiant or aeallante unkn.wn te this jury and thit Mid violonte was iufficient to cause, hie dstn.1 A coroner'e jury at Kenoiba ou f'riday returued tise aboya verdict, but s1111 tise nstary surrouading thea in. Juries of Hansen are ne1 clearet u». Doctors J. B. Stilting and I. . Andre of Kenouaa. vis perfofma thse auîopey on the body of mgo, Hauian. bld tise coroner's jury lateJsidgy afternooa that thse man's ibuil bU becu fractured froni one aide 10 thse oUier aud that t hbad been a miracle tisSt ise bad llved for four days atter hie injuries. Setrothed on Stand. Miag Elle» Ott1are vas put on the stand. dise teatlfied Uiat ase b-ad ha.» enlgagcd 10 lHansen for some turne but was îpocific sud positive lu ber itate. mania that ase isad neyer beard any- body tate tbreats t0 or againa bim. Her parents were also put on tise stand. Tbey aid tisey bsd oppoeod tiseir daughterse marrlage but added tisaI tbay bad neyer beard iay tbreats muade against Hanse» by auy- body. Tise brother, George OHare, vasote put on tise stand becauso lt la sid b-e nay figure in the case later. Tino brother, James. of course. àn a a- rest on suspicion of holng cennoote witi tise a"ault. vas not asiked te tae- tlfy. lisa Odlare. vbo in a daugbter of a wealtiy retired tarmor of KeneSis cou» iy, oollspead on thse vitaffl stand durtng tise laquent. Aýs a réauit o! the girls 81017. ber brother, iJanses (PHare, N'iak ur ray. ht4 chuns. snd William SuutlIni members of promluent famile. of (Continue on page Ibreel NAMED VILLAQE MARSHAL !ROAD IS TIF» UP FOR THE NINTH IERM, FROM FARMERS FOR TOO LONG A PERIO»