T. A iri~ (IflTTWPV T Il 'irrt'uivs.-r-ss nvrs-r-s-ai a ~ -~s-~ -~, - -. IISS UTC1 .IïIS IS RE-ELECTED IHEAD 0I f WOMAN'S-CLUB Annual Meetinq Held Monday and 0f ficers Are Ail Re- Elected tJnanimously. USE 0F LARGER QUARTERS. Arèangements Were Made ta Rent the Parlsh Hause for- the Coming Year. Tise annual meeting of tbe Wauke- Mam Womau's club wasneld Mauday 9fteMoon lu thse club inouïs lu 'thq ism'ry building at thi-os o'lack, % wh -Limre occurnefi the aunual ee ten orfoafilcera sud tise esdlng of ne ports fi-ouithse i-ari-oua camittees. The aunual report o! tise secretarj 90.06d tisait the lub bi boss Inter "o dlu a vai-ity of activîtiesosna bb4latetdily lncressed lu ase. The MUfn" a hs but few except ions had bomeshold as acheduied ln tise yeai bo*~ four noguhar business meetings eérgi ragular meeting under tise art ll'iterature dopartimont, wisa Mefor tis e yai was 'Social Prais le. - an Ponirayed hy Rame piessut dalyeDranasatt,' sevon regular meet- 4 under tise music departmeut, ir" aiudy as "Tise- Orchestra." gaven oui of tovu speakers. have ooo*tlbuted. to tise pIons ure o! the club ai speclal aud guost day meet- figM. Tisoupson aud Mi. Knoelk *iW* ddressed thse cub oue after-uoon. à *Ir.y eolyable barp recital, a de- lihittul afternoan musicale sud thi-ee ttomaan nceptions wei-e also given. 53 New Meners. 'Iâri5tb te yoar 63 n5'O meuihers Vesw voted'mb tiste club, the active moa#ierm,ii!ai present belng 226. 'lb'i'troanuirer's report ahowed a UsIlii-et about $1200. aibes weVoreenad tram tise folaow- àib*iuiitee: Audillur, prarrans, bouse, so<tial, press, immber- éi~ urevialon of by-la'Os, orner- m~.conservaion, sociliconter. or- eis.qu, htrh achool lunch roasu, pui- lie ei0ueai netertsinment. moving VitWs ortis side kindergarusu, soutis og ,klsdderganen, bouse ecanomlcs lb.mmth chah-meu o! thse ait and lt4#ptsredepartîsut. 7bT reports frai aIl tisese b3ommit- te@laisw ta a gi-eau extenut the many bd*Wgea og thse wamans club. Uný.pnes commuttes aoed tisai a vole cf taus b. exlended bath local "fu- £or tisoir co-operation dulng <t vosr; tise rnmb.r.btp coîmittea re~53 flOV members neceived 4uil the year; tise commuttes an ne- Ybblà ef hylaws recanmended a nUmàm a! minor changes whlch won. Aooeted; the social <cnter<comit- tee reportedl a wark giýrs' club or- aafl 4andi Use use a! tisescisoel isouoM for neighborbood parties sud Vareat umeetings; lbheiigis sehool romcounraltios noated thse ro o -e tisu a paylig bul0 thb.orcetra caumîitto. ri> VOro four oreheisconcerts gvea, vb* ere grestty sployed sud ap' VMOAby tise oublie, ad trou vue t.e club , ecelved a profit; tise oou@WgsWn scansuiluisoreprtai ibat tJaai thir ~ots as a lorestry O 00 itase tise, ciy had gi-eatly im- proabi the irary lot sud Vould con- Viffl.tse worh as planned tiaissum- le.*atwork 'Ose nt b.iug tarrteS M it -besutifyiug tise grounds, sud tisai:th city depatuseut o! farestry 'O"a,-erauaisod aud la tryiug ta pre- sesi-,OUi- city trers. As a conserva- tlonl,couuttee IL bad been dedlded 80o iff otsmre effort tawaid tise cou- elT¶hIdsloe birds, wld fiowoi-s sud tn beauty spots. TlXoe aiertalumeut commituei-e- potSt two public entertalumeuta iv- us iatise Yor-u amateur pIay Mt k îJestie theater ast sommer, aiIdthe couionalis~î bis sprng, tise 9taois frai tise latter belug about S3.toe used for tise bosch recrea- t$&.,-Pl"an sd public kindergarten :ri;- tise public rocreation comsmit- Alieportes consultation 'lti tise 4yge anad barbon master as ta dé qb4Ii-ability o! parking tisa beach gObtk et l*rsu's boat bouse ta tise OWr -.ai o! uing tise 11111e park Motumoe.piesertabie. Wiiis the bèqkb sautis made moi-e attractive, a Wgft hullufi-aitise boat bouse ta tise 100M pion sud stepa eailurtoansd 00q j l Olli ty vater sud ligbting i*u'Wubet Inttaled by tise clty, Ji '*sViêpîari' sud suggestion of tise aea~tefor tise club ta pravide a batshbous lhs a mtron lh *e; iis bouse ta lunclude a usai- 5W.roolh, lockei-s sud dressing os 4 aiirai floor, above wviciswua to ~ à rAil rousm sud ahelier fan m0~saud attendants sud a place è tgle ibaud concerts. Vi laîlafan ihia building deslred by tise cossîittee 'OOre sowu and de- thsh e osi<05tf anmelli abp rtt #f4 sud b.d been made foi- the chlub PUC VOTE" ON SUN»AY SALOONS AMDEUINIUtNIS Wet Members of Legistature Want Towns aM iCities ta -Decide Uquor Issue. INTERESIS ALL RESIDENTS. SPrfield, Ill., May 3.-Woi rneu- bers eit ise Jleglalaunecame li tiste opea- iaday Vitis tis e ionsaithai ciUos sud villages ho gflstefiifs ri-gbt ta vote au tise Sunda>' doislg question. Tise bil,; wblcb ln effect repeals Use : faityyen Yfr'ôuI Shuday ClOsbg êa. t- sUs, u repoctePffi frùi thse :Iibèall couinitiée hy RwDlresetative Tsotau E Cul-faiS dY'Oilcadui. t ffibu dmidiyrw ed t.bMhe'w. Thse resais Vih i oni Wednesday.111 I' le bisactcally tise sagse mouSuret tist ail sembodlidlun-he Chisc"ôgX chlarter oa i 1905.proidin a ht ay ttY council or village heând hMay suf- mil te tise votera tIhe question or open1 or clase saloons an Suuday. .P Drys WII i Act Tedaly. Thse dryâO 'Otikiiedide du tIsei- plats u! action ttsrbrrtv aïs geeil moet. Ing. 'hr>' lugisitisutise l fai'lé dry sud '"ay tisat thoy VAt ta forcé a vote on courit># option lutlise seÜaté bofone lb. bill rets ta a rail callinl tise bouse. jTho reosideuce district option bill prahabi>' wlilh hoshoved forward fln the. bouse fluaI, WhO éau effot la h.- Ing mâde lu tise' mènes, 'ï der' ibé' rules, tu rot lb. couity option 5111 te tise fluonra!f111ksenate frai ib i-. ceue& coîtihuiso. Clais trans 'tise contendlng' béir- qusulteir vin>'grditly. Tise enéit? situation Indicaos ibat the'-eslde*e~ disiridi' f111baï a bure dhalldis le gs uraugi tise bouée. cassnty, option uMay pas tiese nate I i Il hu iego- Unite a raIl cahi. Chances for passége, of tise latter in tise bouse are prob- leuisuical. May Attack Equal Suffrage. Tis e vta nov admit that Use>' ane not trying ta puais the repeal O! the waman suffrage ai as s part of thoir Iragnam. but a distinct wt vlctory uudaubtodly wiliiho followed by an sttack on suffrage. Tise sonate Vas flot lu session toduy sud ouI>' tweutY-foui- membena af theo bouse Vers present. Tise bouse cal- enlai- vas o"er"d o!ai] bouse aud senste bille on fi-t iesding. Knéw Sttiiw 'Vitin fa Say It. "oti, deai,"' gicaneS tise Youg wiflu '1 don't bOow 'Obet ta 5150 to aiaie r hi-ssi; I've triai ovenytblng" A dur-i i-ik aud a couple o! ladlrrows ougisi te do t.'" tiougist ber Iusaad, but ho didu't aay lu nînud. by Mr. Lait fi-ee nfcharge ituci colirteny was mucb appreciated i b the committee. It la the wisb of ibli ~cormlttee and the Waman's club t( make the beach a recreation centei W1ih proper police patral. The kindergarten committee report ed plans made for the achoole, Ap. hi atarted this summer wbich pUàieWWO be carried out as soons sup&ýiljetanÏ la granted fi-ou the gchoql baýd' lat use the deaired roama fIn the dchooci buildings for that purlpose. After lhë relleft frôm ithe bomne economica camnifitue was given, a pe tition 'Oas preOnttéd for a uew de- partment o!fb. @clUb tb he orgsniasd, ta be krxawn as thebhorne economlcs dopaitment. Thbe petition la etll under considel-ationt. Dry Z«o N 81Endoreed. The ýclub endorsed the five mile dry zne bill. iYTf.e lection 0fot ilicers resulted as follows: Mise ilutchins, president. Miss Powell, fini vice president. Miss Warren, second vice presidont. Mrs. McKluney, recording secre- tory. Mien Adams, corresponding secre- tar. Miss Penny, ireaurier. MIrs. Jewell, songeant ai arme. Sourd et Directe,-,. Mrs. Diver. Miss Devies. Miss Sbumway. Mli,. Burnoit. Mise Lyon. Mien Johnston. Mr&. W. P. Jones Mrs. C. E. Smith. Mrs. Biodgott. Departuient leaders previoushy elected by the departments-Mrs. L,. P. Màson of the art sud iterature de- pertinent; Mrs. A. E. Browu or the music departmnent. A spécial businessnmeeting was called at two o'clock to discuâe* the advlsabillty of changing tbe club moons wbich seemed necessary as the club bad autgnowu use prenent quar- ters. An Informa] discussion foilow- ed the report o? the committee wbich premented varlous places ta buy or munt, aften wbicb the club voted to 'ent thse parish bouse rooma for neat year's meetings. Tisese cfslIdten survive: Mr-s. Ed W&dàei af Gi-aYslsko, Wllhhin, Mi-,. E. * .Plalsien, Eleanar sud Hi-arn ail of Waukegsu ienss lear Witim la a *Voî1 'enoVu traînei nuse. Kra. Witbarn Wah afnembený of Waukegau W. R. 0. Burial ni Bpaulding's Can- nera, 'Ocat of Waukegan. MAYOR PEARIE MADE HI.S COUNCIL EJG O H SCHOOL 11UOARD APPOINTMENTS. Premildent-Androw Cooke. Firesi Wrd-JsnesDsn,-ow. Second Ward-Mi-s. Helan B. Rab- 0nte. Thîrd Ward-Jaseph Puise. Pourtis Wad-L P. E-ekine. Flfih Wqrd-Willium 0. Jones.. Waukegau, Ill., May 4. The clty council met aitIhe cIl>' hall lu spécial sessiou luis aftennoon aui1 'olool suit sctrd upon the appoint- ýmonts nmade by Maayar-Peai-ce for achool boar-d memlrers. Thse mayon su- 'nounced bis ippoiuuments asdud pon mhotion confinmed tise suture list. ('arn mlsisinen Dieturyr made thse motion ta confInm the appoliment of Mi-. Coolie se piesideirtIse1e' bouin'd i '<RCbmasioner Orviàs îdved tis eol ârmation a! the five-ucheai boelin ISi bers, lu appolufilu rsn. liiseet'oun the board Mayar Peai-ce livef rip toaa pre-elecluon statemeut tisai ho wouhd râdaguise the rigIsîs o! womeu lu mak- lng hie appalutusenta. 'P'ollowlug la a liat o! the schoel hori membens who stil have sather 'yesr ta serte: Pi-st Ward-Di-. M. J. Kalowsiky. Second Ward-Nl-a. J. C. Fol;y, T.hîrd Wrd-Miss Mai-y Hutchins. Pauntis *ard-JlOs KtarWlb.: rif tb Wrd-Joiss' Ct6wnflbaî The tirte o! W. B. Bts; pireideut a! thée fias-, sud five otiser sciool board members expire this eveniug aiid fallawiug thse, oupleifion o! thse lÎlgula,- business tIssu VIII corne le- titre tise Meeting tissas six memisens '*111 taratisheir seats aven ta tise newly lpofuai bers. Bdhldob M. SutI th thétenus o! tise toiewuaig iombers expire ibis even- Plns* *ai-d-EdwELrd Toin., Oeufnd 5Wad-Wilhlgns Moban. Third Ward-Auuorney L. P. liauna. lOauith Ward-Dr. P. C. KuigisI. Pflts Wsid-Philip Brand. l"allowing tise Instaallton o! tise n4w moîbers thse board wii hé or- risilasi aud tise premîdeut sud seoro- taI-y wil hoeircted. lu fiprobable tlat a eousrnttee yl ho appoIntai ta dêcde Wbiofivteacisers sisail b. bired foi- net ?bar.it la domai ta bre thia isfou-astion ta theoteachors- ai »i>'99 isiasibl so UsaitIf any changes ame visablod' It ulI* Lie tistegahefe'1 laai lowâitiy hol 'fhiu55âttboeime- 'Oison, ?bis commuttees diliprobshly 'tstsinoe time durnu thse pi-sent month. Elect Tieusuner. lu addiion to a umur tIhe sppoiutees totie bue sool bioard the couici thIsa couipany.'. Ltet he neslgned, affiluai- ed biuieif 'h a bond Caiap&uy of b15Ois andsiitbhn etlred fraintisat li-m sud Bisent tVa yeans abroad. Re- iurnnug, ho aPeUed au aRc. la Chi- cago 'Ohere ho la noV rsgarded as a bond expert sd -bis services are lu drmsnd lu ail parts of tise country et big fees. Ho la regarded asa one o! Wsukegan'a braliesu pi-oducta a! bis goueratian. Few Wsukegan Y:Ouug men hsve at- tiued the blîgli ruug lu tise ladder tisai ho han roaobed lu tise matier o! iniffuence aud positIon ln cincleas! finance sud iigis business. ,Mr-. Coake necently purcissed tise 40)0 acre farté Of the lr. Faherney os- tate usai- Millburss ud' bas speut mucis moue>' retital i litoShape of Iste. Ho lives si 409 Water streei, lu tise aId Cooke hamosteai, 'Obîci ne puicnssod s fou- yeasaa. 15 A EiREAT BO Sm l rin .,HyCraps Savedday's Showers. Tise di-ugisi af ApsIl wuasbroken iu oarsSat Mesaday t~id Môuday nirb hy Msy ahowene wbleh soaked tiîat- mng plants sud added 1bousansudof dollars to thse value o! ci-opa. Sunda>' began wth s slihbsisover, tisunden su d nain accompsuied su aftei-uoon mein sud a downpour-ôoccurrsd sbortly afio,- sdaldltuiMondai .aosing. Firet Soaking SUIS of sessie The mnIn as the Siftt mlisi pbo'Oul-o! thse sirlaf; , A"if, 'ÉMl>i s monts aofstany ratai, »ela isiO ton saiâflniràl L -BusO arfttbgVere tbrestoned, the isay erol> *":Onfathe verge o! rlintla., &ad tem «sgVre ho- lug expresai fer the -ern yild. Ta. day tise fessof' !aanefs are hrgely diiputed siek-tugis thosrmuatIbho more tain Bonn ta produsce a normal crap. Itit>' lue'. and 6gsidns sboVed tise etfecu at tsenin as, s"auas tis mibralug. Seeda vele breaklug t5l'ouikh' tse isard grodnS slawîy, urg-1 éd fy tise fiequeut use aI the garden 'hase. ILawus, eventiose 'Oelilspnln"c. lai. Ver. sowiug tise effects of tise l.ug dry aprîl. a Wilî ses * lit~ à "A gaod min' sld tT*CE lse, "'Oi' ilgisuniis essib'ai o. '. dii It bo'a a shd!l st dcib" 4nalsoêqt 'eilch ta de figistin' »Zhe & If 'ty&g a solen duty"- Pleusuî-e a et Po 1 - Wise.man amisai t subi fipiel0f 0>10Mhssrenon MdeAgi hah hum- UMtihîlm blirfaasmuch is ho iabuaea-1 tidned' tise deilgistf anduS ~t1à hobeau Itbk-dooaiIg likb onesC.2 Il sud1 *bIil sâtinfied: havîng recelil&id'lfe ul truet, sud diu dâarôt ofIÉý4, ho acquIta blinselt il; depsuting -aNIuctetus latnion locted L C. 'Tewes î0 ti dit ý'offI4W0f city treasurer, Hi, name wa As brodegt op at the rogular meeting c O F D MOndaY nigbu butte aeroth ffitetwas dfre oie wh.,th flr ot Mr. Tewes would be st SilE ô*KIN cepalYeM. -Towea was acceptable. AI thé' otbbr cormisilouers favuned hin rà. Edith Wtham, Aged 69, Prd bis apbolnitment this afterup<r la Victim cf. l4eart ITF iure wss hi a uhintigvote. in Most Sudden Manner. In solecul$r a man who la flotco - ---- , ncted witb & local hauk thse memberE ýPEATH SHOCKS FRIENDS. of thse c0uneil soughit, tobc perfectiy Impartial. Men connected with al leàdt tWolocal banks had been cal. Woman; Had Been Up About' didatés for the position but it wag Her Home as - isual Until f 0ufid apahIsnvestigation tht the con. She CoIIajpsed on Floor. iskblùb lkw dues not permit a mon connecied wtth a bank to boid thse po. Mrs. Edith WItbam, wldow o! WII- eltion. t liamn -VItam, died very suddenly at The question as ta wlîere tihe funds ber boue, Jackson and Porter streets, shall ho deposited la left, In thse bande of tbnos, the Mnayor, the commissianer Wiukegau, thîs, marning at 10: 45 o'- of aceôunts and fiances and the city dlock boam beari failure, ber demise treassarer. It ls said that the pisn comIRM lusi as she was golug about whicb will be followed for the neît the bouse doing ber uouai hausehold four -Years ili bc ta, deposit the funds wOrk Shearoe ths mrnin asamong ai Ithe baosks of the clty, malt worl. O. arse his lioiiin ~ ng the distribution as even as pou usual, aid, thse fact that she hal work. sible. ed about ber borne aIl of Monday lunyÛ?. Tewes las out of the city at the custouiary frame o! mind and heaib Preàentt iii. but a telegram will be modo bei*Ia*1ji ail the more sbocking sont him aprsighlm of bis appoint. tobrf.am1y ment and asking hlm ta make arrange- :o br fauly.monts ta furnisb a sultablo bond. 0110 ocollaed al of s suddeu, faîl- Thoodore Dorat, who held the posi Iug ta the floor and expirod almost lu- tion during 1hb laet four years, fur- etautly. Witb ber ai the time werr nirihrd a bond a! $325,000. It li snari ber sai, William, aud granddatigtrr, tIhe haanswir-h are made depasitis i<anlosl. Her daughter-ln-lawr was j nîso will be called upon ta fui-niai iawu-stairs aet ithe dîmeand, hearngurbonds. her fail, she alo rushed ta her &id,- to late ta do auy good however, lbr 18 WAUKIýGAN YOUNG MAN. the life-sîaark lready had passed. Andrew -Cooks, the 50w school 'Mi-. Witham wouid have been 69 board presîdent, fIs the only son aif eats aid noat moutb. She 'Oas bai-n Atty. ifomer Coa'eo. Ne was born In Nlngland and came %io ibis. country' and rsared ln 'Ws.ukegan, graduateil mnuy years aga. Her huqsband dled fnom the local high achool In 1895 and 'sars aga, the family havlug moved rater Venu loto Chl4ago 'Obero ho ad- rrol 01'yglae toWaukgan omq auced ta the position af vice prou.- ftoenyearaaga.dent o! the Nq. W. Harfls B"anu tUmm, 'luuîug montatl h0-rgamnes.'Gondiutài eratti-sean d plqaugN J"!. las Iso a good botte,- sud eau play tudshould.is. aultlvated b, ovenbrr j flu auy position au a imam. vsateot t lusccq sdmat Sebby O'Parrell, tise catcher, lm hie lit* Intdnoetlng ta others. lt Lbe tram the Wauklighu !llhb choolandsud bigué: au" tbïo o5if.4it. lutièse sioal, lu Ila aurutf tise bosiihal playe-s ever 1 ther orkshop or tise affie. onwer-e- g &p r. 0" h.i@s relation ta atiser ,béen tui-d ui t tIn tisa clu>. Ho e 18 aotd' b cbaLr4eciiz d asu jè e, Jtise yaunuroaiplayer au tise tearn, f0- ha tUs hif imjughtful Tises. âne mng ouîy olgiteeti years aid, and vss *frt k'abr ticts ati mkelit* bai- n sd nalaod lu'Wâukogsu. e a ýIM II-sd 'xsteazaatei-for ailL-Ba13 lmer, Surge, lu 1913 played iltsiaiSut'ebl base on tocýann*g teem and, EN%! god,. lÀit seasan lho a V5 (ihis<i7r hy theo West Ede tesa, playielt goisd hall af short, tise position tisai ho : Viii play ou tise Boutf i o ecnow ibis 7'- soasont. fHela s Wau«iegau boy. Mair-y I"Caw" White,. a Blov but og~re man lu thfie I!& sud aIeoaiut frai, iviII caver fint base; heho sabeen playlug ball tu Waukégau fan the pont~ elgbt yeRrns and la a Waukegau boy. ftich bnunke, tise home rnIAM, bas hoe o iyg ai second hase for tis Pasitsi-ese years an tise McCan eam, r ViII stili retails tisaiposition. HoeVa haru sud raed lu Waukogau. Ed Ahleii-rnm, Who pisysà i t t55' hase issu seasau. sud visa made itee longesnt tissu isas oser heen maie lu sud arouni Waukegau, iat oso- sau, wbou be drove tise 11i te us. aliter bouse, 'Obtei la a distance of 4150 foot. on thse Saouth Sfilde roando. -île wiliicontInue ho bold dowu tir 'aas not uuiooked for. ,Beaid 'es bis VIte ho Ieàves twa ,dauristens, Mrs. Jennie Davîdaisu o! Waukegan, sud Mrs. AIbont MAiller o! Phiiti-àg, Ps.; a br tiser Srid'meg ton. thoras o! Ch icago, amd Ml-. lir Keimlsyo!rMft4auks; andi fouri rand- csdN, Ms54M!han1 AntiitinDavid. son, Pearl sud' l5ny iItter. irunsral 'rla'y atthnriiooai authe cisufr'W a! to hé taciuIiose oblcq'Itiou, interment lu St. M'ja ce "ne e iis seafon. He la alto a W«*- as 'j<'kegan boy. À D N À on Willils "iIiy" King, one of théa he SI« M o ldestbal plaersbin te cil, Îas Ç N cM SB C Le btenplayiug great hl nd ousée O Ü uNDAY go beai ,,i-k, Vill ply Ilu eft JIERE;SP NT UCU4 UTAflrille,- Sikey)t.llktso1. tis Openiîng <ame to Be Played tatWineand bas ltèrsti ad Mary iJ O iOt lbd@f by: 1 Betwemn Moore- & Davis pulls off thse uâxgÀtea atoutss sd RacinePoieStLOrla n- Team and'Local Bunch. ans or tise oldeet phayons ln the clîy, a 'Blgtie w Re. ris wlllbe In igbt âIld, 1If - 1,1' ï l ]y LINE-UP 0F WAUKEGAN. Enor "Lîik" Linaqu~îie, *h-o rame DID SHE PLANT moNY? at_____ years ago was tise plucher 1W the lb.ai 'n- ý - Wankegass Cuhs sud a good al around asMost of the OId Team WiII Be player, wîîî be used lu hibe feunad Racine, Pâlice- Ub able 1ta Fi ure a- Seen in Llre-Up-'-Cinders' au ritcblng. He la a good batter sud Out What PrIsoner Dld Ln WiliIams la Captain. Ios4 south aIde fireman snd s Wauks. Witfr the MobIoy. ,0 - gari boy. The Waukegsn base baIl team City George "Cînders" Williams, witbout Mr oetengo edb laCapo% iloe hsrnwh doubt .ie greatest bail player Wou-. ii oete ers edh la Championsbas vopenutbeirOut, abail tise Police ou the charge ef robbing Park fext Sunday afternoon at 3 a'- beady' playen, wha can play etai S oas~ , Pug' îswto6 Iîua ly cloçk w'on they play the Moore aud Position bo la put ai, will play ln cou- afternoon and left at once for Waete- Ln Efvans tcama from Chicago. Mayor W. 1r. fIeid,. Holll also sci as captain iroaepoeedt Êt W. Peance will thi-ow tise i-st hall; o! tbe team, and he alto la a Wauke maney freely. Yestenday atternoews Il1ho ai one time Vas ans o! thse besi I o.te akn oie tebe h khall players lu the clty. Piire Chiot Racine office th#4 a' colo4wbwnn a.SesO'aielte a e o Bby'wob gave her name as Jouée 'as te th e c a tc in g w o d e r , ' l l r e c e v e ltB i f> u b h le e d t e h â v b e n th o làh s e Thse Moore aud Evans team l made' 4 stolon frai Thomas. Orders wors t* up o! thse Spaldlngs' players as thse sent ta errntauer but so fti uetblnt 0- latter bouse bas no tram tisis soaan, ,- fui-tâon bas bees beard frans the 1.Moore &ad Evans la ans of the lai-g- I Wsukegan auttlfiti. 1est apariung goods bouses lu Chicago. Thomas claliai ta bave be rois- r- Tbey have sucb players as Nom&@, bed of $62 sud'Wbeu the omun is.Va d 'Obo wae pitdlsg for tbeeouthbChicago an-esala the police founè only It.iff ýtesltS ast season; Harris, fi-st base, an ber ireson. oh@ 'Oas rolaoeG h wba iias with the Spaldlngs sud Play- thnaugb lscir of 6écidoce. Tbolaqs ed witb the Southbrn Michigan ass'n. clalmed a wOhite man beîf hlm twhlo Issu season: Conway. second base, thse 'Obsu eit othrougb bis Isaieis pisylug lu the Illoisansd Missour-i batthfle poUce were slnablo ta conneét i bague lsut seanan: Quill, short 9top, tht portion o! thé tory nd l" d pros- 1playod wltb tbe Chicago Sisguets audediSuele as confident that sb@ 1Spaidinge: Dally, third base. playm'd. 'Oas ahan te i e. jwitis the Al-Nations: Martin, ceutralr usi 'Obat the Voaàan did wltb tbe -fielder, played wltb Spaldiasas and lie maney durng tise tme the'aswu ntbe Codai- Rapids, Bui-ns la fi-rn the ' ustody of tise Police bore canni ho Peunocks and bas heem catcbiug great asid but lu la believed aie 'piq«td- baIl Iu sud arouud Chlcsga. - lu olher la tise vflnity 0r the lectrie statian at Monoi avoene aotey 'or rsaiom tbeu Piso.As thehm aet.- sIdenable lime lu wblcb te secrele the ,-blils tbolalon T i b4e tishàt t e <,--~. :~"- itheini wRY until the wauld agals b.o jPASSAWIÀYAF~ GbO. "CI»NES" WILLIAMS, FRurv LN S During te Last Six- Montht Ho The sauth aide grounds are inst Had Sean Oon1ftAd," M'is adi-oas tbe strfot frai 'Obere ibey B<- a èIKa 'Ocre Taséasohn, betweon Wauksgan- and North (Ihhcgo. wioi-ot Iti bckiy -POPulaisi. lbsY wiil botise funsai HAD BEEN ILL FOR YEARS. grouad nd lÀLae Caunty wben fIuisbed. Tise groundi are 480 fteslo1g and 370 Waukegan, 315y 5. feet wld,. 'The grand stand ite5go foot Chai-Ies E. yager, affl 64, prtîtcal- longer titAn ]st seasan, makiug Tt 190 ly a Itfe-long residout of Wae>egau, feet long,.hi VIII seat 1400 peopleIdrdabihoeuWst adsf easlly; Ih ruosa lu aseuil-cii-de ou]raie tbshm onW tMa@i firt t, tirdbas an letheblgmtI st-set at 12:45 o'clack ibis ifornlng, ýin Lake couuiy. Thse twa blachen111w- roxce T . arr 120 foot long sud 'OI seat about Mn. Tagor was borfs lu Waukegan 1000 penple. George Saudotrom'a band' Febi-uar->'4, 1849. For sévenaf Yoem o! twelve ' Plece@ will plsy and tise ho cauducted s' Ilvery business, ac- cerdlng bis railler Wobid oen ga Esreka quirtet VIII slug Boule a! ibeir l ebuiesfo ube !yars. latent songs durng rthe apoulng rame. In tie buvrdelu fora Chicagoor 1a fow 'itidinger sud Aiea will rive out lIlvdI ot hcg o e usegaphonesai rme.« yrars sud ual do vei-Y long ago niai-s I 'to Lake Foi-est wbone ho lîive aint saix moutiaaaowben ith ie isfalnuy JOE NIEMIEYER, WHO WILL PITCH 1 he rrrnaved ta Waulrogsu. AwVfVI Thaughu. lie bild hesuluini]iiealtb for tise The Waukrra aru aswîîî hune liii A lula, gtrl 'receivipg ber i-st i-e ast se4ri-sl yeai-s. par ithelait ar witb ail Wsukegau phayera. 'Oho ai-ehglaud teacbln; 'Oa mUc I mPrèaed monihis Se bad beoMn confinidto Ms ibO raittha canb~ a reîî by tiseunique chaiacter antd aniutioWbrd. hi Vai liai until l^bi et6rato amngth es0ta cn e hdw to nco a out,,AleIft bî;y. saylug ber Wuentl attm htbga thse exception of one who lu a way pi-ayersar niégisu, abe added a èc Waîk e .u ani la bat ue as iii ail-kd cau be calird a Waukrgau man, as sud emmhuat pétition.: "And, 0 Lord, eu s rirasda acne1oi be bas been PiaYlug soir girat hall pheaso lte good cuir o! yîîui-srf. tfo, growtis of ibeaitmâdis.' Priou-t6 thihi lu Waukrgan foi- ther osaitwa ara- 1If BLnythilug happeras b 3oU0 Lord, lime be iai tbaugbt hie llWeàs wuas aous. This player le Joa. Nideyui-,l oat Bru the'resu o!fras goarsg to do?" dre toans affectIon of thé lufgi. lun: 'Obo wihoùt s douist, pitcbed giest - ng thse iâsusile môutisbis ihaitb bid bail ast eeason for tise West Bide failîd very raply sud bl@ destis t: 1 u tic Ir SI hi m dg hi tc th yf ln m ye fri tir âïâdà,àâ AÏ& 111 hp-Two.