LAKE COU14TY 1IEPENDENT,VrmiDAY. MA Y 7, 1915. 5pFBng [ID ln ZionCity W1IkIc~pie happened to scan the ctîm0 ofL1E T !1'saef tise "Independent Part y.-TIseirlteIaprne a otn rnil wenB L mi va a a"WIde open lovu"ansd b er eyes fei On air.Pytes "ad." Cor-i i ru ,E ývr fotwsmd eivt nresposidence foitowed, anti end-d ln a i*~< UST D UOST RE ~madeto InIte n Mm flun CITY ProPésal andi acceptanee by mail.! Asiln FROM ZIN CITY roonrg andi, ln fact, anything ansd TII FlAVTNoir the bride-to-bea N ou her way W UK EAN S O I)owie-Vl aplcpe._sorte limete et week. site le'a, res- or Volumnous î iii Coveig ail the' taotl Roome cone. ent, viaitlng relativesIli California. a Points- at 181 m sed Terli f ieefrso the This Course Is Being Taken byt Mr. Pyle wlii meet lieie fr is on Its Way From Philadel-a Party was tiai a pool room vwu ln. Mayor Pearce in Ail Cases tiret lime when she steiutoffcire train1 phia to World's Exposition pa in Court Today. 1îroduced, a factory va. brought la That Are Doubtful. here. in California. m 1 frein Chicago, emptoying men whe rn e eio COVURS OVER 250 PAGES. endeavoredltbkheti ba c TH S TTHanLdPLN. Th rd ewMeiolt îyn EL ACh IIL HR. - ~ -~"---- iquor restrictions; witlch endeti Up lu IndpeidntsDelae TeyAr aVoeal riots, a doctor'a office, and - means unknown to Kewaunee friends. IndeendntsDecareTheyAredru stre.Later the Lcense Can Be Re.- hast year he drove fouir horses itere Providing This Course Is Se- HavoD W oriq eand. he lTh.1e . assProtect ail ieaaebolders voked and Money Forfeited fromt New Mexico, anut las made hi., etd oa eol a Hav 00 1lo and' rom drug stores, pool roms, theaters if Facts Are Wronig. residence with Eider and lis n e ctdLclPol a and aIrer alleged evils oiîeraling on Rince. He la said!ho lie weii 10 do. Have the Opportunity. isavOlubinOl bill lied ln circuit the Zion City estate. MakgaNr. Pyle la forly-wo 'yearui or age,I court laie lModay, Wlbur Glenn Vol'! Wien Dowie purchaseti the estate, %jaym. l'earci" tand (Commtalo Mnerepe mtiryeg t ros uf seeutga eoptuî,lierle- Iva, thvougis Attomey Samnuel W. Il vas soieiy for tire meuhers of the 'Pa'i ir îrigc mt'difiîy i vn ti DyAtve1ia. Betir(if sponte ti f.autsuulbrts Pakad.vio saCOitelfo D.Christian CatholcApostoiic church luIn eciding o ieqeto s1 iet r h rd-ob a îr Zo aBe i ti' oIli chat a tic Idrie P"kLrd wO wli colZil or]D a Zo d foror themn o t n teluesio tirowenorlTh certaine as or lniooncn beadeerfin-areo od rli Dovoe hi icistaii sa'odays. eeekartoen.(City ,l,and belon gs holte reiigioum distitaicit htre ilong tuutitcl for te(ri. »Oitle Indeizpenmdays drug stoe Dowle bail planned an Inattutionat titled ho Iliensem under te exitting i uit 0f Seveuth Day Advett.II She il. A ntiui'r tif eiti,'s fromZio CIt. l shot, its ily wheethnewatnbosr cîrm *c taloon reguisîlon orilinance. They :eflt 10 the wvstaf:er1t eatrf ae matie lI reutueuuiai( 1a vit:r ailthes atieeti I va for tise iast lwo or Ilîre days and arelmatie ler home In Walla Walaai-aemtgmii leti tiii ItoF be ye r i. pln sfueded decided on some of te aP-!ington. SlAbe looktIng forvard to the Thte oiiitll ahtipretetts in 'hili- 1flctos iret glimpoa o e r uue Ibn;dliia u he plan fllu 10 5e it, but a ft ear hi pln mcceded: jAs a resait titey have ?liit niion a witir the sme curloaily flitir. Pyle , to the lbig 'xttosltion lit Sai t ranceiic,. btslrortly atrhi eth, wen ti1plan whichtîhey tjlikwilI avertionttla loot<tng 10 meel mii iride. i To do 50 il ailIlihe rteim'ary tiîr il asItate homcme Invoived. the Opîsitng uaifein.lucssMvtr u r i. ant iMra. Pyte aililire ln Ke-- b hi' aii'riby aay ofChuitagît lu -*Party sorigit to take advanlage of te ,F iefcoty n ae hr hee aneas riot Ieen uiî'îued as Itu Jiu.t fanilembrarre," ment of the rfn lui.9any dtiîbt lie saioonkeeper ln be- hvauorence.ietke btilI and break op lte teasem tng forepet 10sIgn an affidavit. ctatlng _Ag__ tlr re ywil lietke n thrt [la I I t~~~~~~~~usi vîrer ieluenteredth ie saloonsi a-l ae ywy flt ottr ' F lor a whisie tise indepodpnl parly irlra h hne r htI 4 i rr~~~~~~~iett. Thins avorîltihow aviether or An aiitopaysy l iîllTtit-sday saf1 t - rtrdth hars r taC , g'golcocirl f lteciioftutforeya.nt ot p abutlhlefouralienc iitu erotianlie lriens iottîti îridr vonîlusa htrogi Wrieverte aso Voliva vurcitaied flime entire il lp mniy o lin ae .aigroa1i ieri"lte 'uete C'ictago anti Norlt Wea4'rn rond. squatre miles from te United Statet.iuformationî ln thtsafafitiavitlmt a re- of Walter Hiti's deaulu Tue verdict If suaip[rovedti 0b lite case il migitl - cort. incethaltim ireliasfougtt ocaton or« tixM-l*enae andi lie for-lof tire jury vas ltaIlie died ocf naturel b P,)suilile 10 have lte train stop. C 11 ejeel every violator o h 0 l f ttIre cii7 d au izna aBmThauoy mlc wspr ogeog nWuka texit finances andt 10maintain the eciy TtsoaIemrsnpiis i .e as. ieaîoc.atn aipe-~geini n akgub xhi Thsaction can be takeri et any lime forniet by C'oroner Taylor anti Dr. la aoil vito fel-Intenesteti andti here, nnginally îîianned antimas lite telses turing ihe year liren IL la shown ltat Brown, ehowedt tirail itî eda a great- are few, who do nol. calld fo. t acts costainet lu tire affîdavit arel ]y eniargeti etoracit anti one of hie I Te rlty officiats of dffenent cilies Seeks Smuel Pckard. faine. lînder tue cIrcumslanec saloon- kldneys avas diaeased. hogiwihtebl rbbywl Vollve'eliovedth ie drug alore ho (i"eprm soldlertîejutt bui iettclr acs onlils iourrnev have wrtten t10 cm. ora1111 tm l ode 0 C-knes any sieîatel atiiiaotl hey uenevatiaper syndicale, 'fle roayor of 1Phlladelliiiia, asklng SAMUEL W. PACICARD cure anr attorney vhom ire conaitipredcl ouît fot New York. haa rocentiy aidedt 10 La for the priviuege of itavlng te bei! acqiainetivit lit tese' f taff of comie rIlla J. Campbell Cory. stl)p long enotugh un titeir elty to have Original Dowi* attorney wur. he.@ i uffIclently mcq aintenanct te Haem - Nov tiat luis plan lias been deci- la former WaViukegan boy, vt ai xiîtt fl afun htlt fliid sensaîtoa.ibill by whiîhho Hle111 fr tea- cd uion Mayor Pearce tisinkir tiratIiL eeyhr eonzd soeo Iil ebruh hogiWu cordlngly located Attorne. samuel eveyviererecgnpessasibele te beIssue e btuhet itrugi Waîke to4ltSr ian af fa ls sin 10 Ware Packard of ho. Angeles, lai iglI benssibleho isue trbe.aiH-egreateat living cartoonhets. HlnIex" gan te same mtght lie doue ly local issaisiain deils 0ffameusZion ati î~ issî l1ome> Packar me lienses pressoinguchi@oubl. lie ressinelfsugnlln haliteffitielsa.o Theiais. he Phiadt'!itia nlrorlL le i lo riinal o.jn nJn yln tonyPcadtought il poscible taiai! of teIlt-I ewSunday page, t7ory's Kidâ, whci arriveti lnsZion Cily anti toac ieen h, eply 10 aI! reqhles. ,lias staledti [at les irc . rgsslycos encra vwouitibbe issueti before lte overfIwtio ,gnun b n-he does oknwave utht rosstanily engageti since liraI lIme. cilose of lire day Up to tins morning ture and bvilsrt, nîline bo ona-1 00 krtow s ye t Ju vta withthe ssisanceof two oher iîut 14 licences reaily liati heen ic-i la an altemsst la resoke thre desci la- iorneys, ln draftlng te bittlviicit vas 8ueti. oueto1 Williamt Fabry-v ta' Relves- led in tire circuit court yestertiay. i - __ 1 tge meverîr \ttenllerS of the Raigihtsof Py thialqI master ln Belvidere Stturday. 't r in thir famini roin Cook coantv lf)ooiley lis a Sullivan dprmorrat and ,111 atteýnd an aiil day pienineai Fort won the appointment after a long rut 1dan. \loifiiaY, July., and later tight bptwepn the fartions of the arv [ t la declared that this ap- tend thte initiation of the 'Thousani pointillent shows the strength of lte 'a- NlMe wbershti p lana" tui therail; SS i ia n faction. )r Pageý and Patin igymnaaliot, Et __________ imato in tilt, Peuenitg. During the FOR RENT-Two store rooms ln lita 'enJng there wîili h a ceremonial bank block li Grayslake, tIl.; witt irade in Evanston ' n ahici the D)ra- gîve two months free rent to respon9t- atlc Order, Knights of Khorasaan, hie party on a tease, best tocatlwl in alecago Tempfle 1-'8. and high ofttuers Grayslake. inqulire at Schultze Bar- hf it order wil tîke part. lier Shop, Craystake, Ill., 1212 Elm- John Dooley was appoilited ;'rst- wood avenue. Evanaton. Ill. 1044t+ -m On The .*.st. - W 5 FIoors; Genesee J 1 "q m i5 The Day- Street light Bridge Store SPE-CIAL PURCHASE 0F 50 BRAS WHICH MAKES BUYING EASY. $9.75 2 Inch Post Brass Bed at $6.95 finished satin 2-inch post 5 heavy filling rods, bal bearing casters, a big bargain Our Challenge Ref rlaeratorsore thec ceolest boxes made. Makeyour selection today (rom our enormous stock. $15 Brussel Rugs $995 Davenports and Parlor A wide range of patterns, Suits-We havé an un- ail ~usual large asaortinmt, aul alwooi rug in 8 x 106 fini«shes and cov- size neyer again at this price erings up f rom ..i Our Go.Carts for stvle and durabllty Cannet bc dupil. cated. Big reductions ty~sweek. Tiara-mfor te Zion Eslaie of te Mr. Packard ls an attorney viro is tract of land on viich tihe ds-ug store famedlaNew 'r. Chicago, and ot - R E E T 1 Btàns. eveal therdees o th or arg ciiesforhsving ireen em- EE EC H sanie nature were tassued and tiis ployeti as coonsel in soine ofte lare- " A. aotici 18 saidta1 lie a tost case ta de, est and mont Impiortant cases ever OLO OFFICEKRS OF t"14e isthse aidiiY et ail trese iteard before te bar. rUlCT u fili f Attornewy in aie case.. CHRIST CHIAR S ,quere sretvo iadreti lmges ta tire One of titese cases occrirret I n 1882,. 1411 Ilacif la addition ta viicishere viten en effort vas being made ta pro- Ana etn fW uea arl Over fftY pages of exibils. At. cure lie admission of Southt Dakota Ana etn fW uea ièeY Tisodore Forby, assOclaied ina a alate. Vankton county itad Issuemil Church Held Monday Even- witi Attorney Pacard, unnouneitlbonds ta lite amount or $200,000 for' ing in the Parish House. tisaI h.airas alarge anber of arn-irlîroai aid,bttIafler telr sale te l &vit&ta a b Blied aise. Tise defend- supreme court of lIre lerritory tieciar. The anortal Meeting of Christ alit are: WlliaMH. Fabs-y. M. P. led tem invsIId. ehurci pariait, Waukegan, vas fieldi Mis. anti Bnit Sîmmions, Ellis lte Mr. Packard, vito was retaineti hy Monday evening In lte parlait hous. d it inh chaste of lire pirarmacy. iie bond iroiders carriedth ie case ta anti, despile te terrifie nain. a fairlyf Voiai conlentis tha4 lu tise concep- tleic tldSates supreme court.,ot tednelnei01 lionoffZmoni c1 iteettlprlaleti ahere he succeeded Inluoblinnea ne- Tite annual reportseuofreatis oftire' tisaitier. slrould lie »uadrnsstores jlversai of lire territorial courts tieciB- varlous socîpîlea vere rend andti iey sut le sets forth tirat many people lion. itowedth [e working organizations hati paréhaseti and and homes tete on Seelng liris ojportînty, Mr. l'acIs- iat i trougit a bisy and successfui tuai asaumption. Fie slon ata forlitlard preparet iaioent 10 coigrt'ss year. saItirhe ZMon l'ty leases protide Ibat hgaith tr admission of Soult Dakota Tite election of officena resullet I n, no drug stores, etc.. shall te eshtal)' a atatîn le gronsi that ils tegis-lime re-election of ail te nid vestry- Ilshedt iere. anti for tisat reason te iatorc s atiati-t anti abelleti an set men anti vardens vitir an addition aska liraI tie dee tni!s hy Receiver tf repsnsltmion andtioîeith not 10 ite of S. E. Arnold, te veslry no lie- Titoma lire deela-et I nvalit. adîmîiîedt o ithetidjoinlue slales unil ing up 10lits quota. Aiornpy Fabry dopa flot lake tire pîrrgesi of lts disgrace. The officers eiecled: suit seriouaiy.legasys ire pureltaseti Mr. Packard sIfîtrmnt-i ils constiluîi V . S. Keith, senior warden. tise lanti of tereceiver anti receivet ins tla îa te biltl etruitiiot lie iassacît 1. . larweli, Junior warden. ajAect for Il Ilitee simP>i Ife con- outil Ille Ysnklm.n bond malter vas' Vestryrnen: T. E. Morris, J. Il. lflds tirat lire receiver bail a 1wpsflect ietîleit. ans i tvsed tlie elecîloîs of a4,itoSi, r. E. Gray, Janieii Walrous. rigt lu Issue a assai for tire landi anti lpgiialturi' favoreil la îayment. AsICeorge Killten, Charles N. Stepie, E. tltat Inasmucit as tii ioits a deled fOr uareauit a reluidsit al astpasse(]Iîn 1).tSargent, S. .Arnolti. lire sli tiraI ire la nol touni ity any tire Spring of 883 bu itwasnotun-I Delegules 10 tiocessan conrvention: restrictions wiii coter tire long lermu tiI Nov. 2. 1889, liraI lie îerritory ah- iMessrs. Keltit, iarwell, Arnoldi, Wat- Isases. taincdth iuitigntty of stateirooti. roos and tiSecie. important Pointa InvoIvai. 'Tirorefrm., lhnots ite effortii of Tire iais for a temponaliryI Attornety Packard. Sout , Dakota was, juntitiosi reetraininge lire dsUg i5tprevenled rmbe iga 8a ýfo FORMdEk ZION WO f rosi operaling liu vîioation Ob tise a ppriod of six yeart. 'Th'iis case viii ra1se a -i-btio n ('leuran unargsnhietirandtih orougirîy § N AD. -U whfhIn r 5a vl Isss ta the>*&City ai't t hie importance of iis cases,i '5jg i*cwement. Tise very 'toisahoa, ý 0 Mr. Packard ta saidta bcie lîougitt von- ffÀJD TflRUjiH u îIion Viîy as an In tllutionat City, restaety tif the steel or lire muet able oIt-_____ on tise Fesses. Tissa 1i ,gaea'uasan- ponents. lie-vas emipoyed ty Dovie tes, purcirasens cuitlott! lthihi Zioni lu e fmous EnglIsit tace-soakers' Woman Who, Says She Was Cty frntmte Introduction loto lir ecase. A sÜuntten of lice-makeis vere Born i Zion City Answers Ad oiIV of lohiaccom ltiue, drug store3, brougitl fraim Hagidud anti verseiti 0 f Man From Far West. '"ine anti otirer aleet e vita," saya up In Boston,te port of entry. on te_____ lise suna Mon corsesopat. addlng: groundti lirai le> vers, vlolating te Wne-h cuitneO "Wbsn Zion City was opensti Up In alien contractltabor law, Atorney Watd-hmaaintance cf Ir 1901, ail pnreaers of pnopety ver. Paîçkarti secureti an entry on te sand forty Ie a ysnglemlve tir edlbplied vîitha tease, *i in asuis. omundt ta Dovie vas Openilng uP an, ars bialy ie mît Hve e stiantally a wdrrnaity deed infalal of ne' ds~ tutry. Packart ves aIsOcm- fine home anti can furnnIithlie ireat Iteiesaential *&<» rýs ployeti by Dswle ici the Stevenson- lof referenices. Irquire 821 Northt Burr rais a tille tire sane ie astvsrranly' Dovie case, Wlren lhe owmffltiip of tieree dèsiddos@, tonîy I il -asIeertala lace fectory vas In dispute.istel rsirictions. Tirets ii5i1tions ln. Thre Fease question, wtlcb tultow Thte aboute vaut "adi"appearet Inl eld t iacen, liqsson, gamnbllng, àvIne, béffônth ie court, le thte very backbone te Kewatinee etar-Couiera ciassiflet thluaters, etc., anmd &ary iolàle h uli- of tiseZMon City estateï iEglîvtg tire Iaiverling coluna on Apnil 2. Il- ent. afîs? lhirty days' wflalng, ta lases 10 be abooluteiy Impr-egnble. vag Inserteti by Ricitant Pyle, visa toaIng iris property, He also mutrndsbttreda of peoPle lockosll Zitn City ivas makîng i. home vitir Mr. aul subml anît baisolute forfaiture of iis fri At I19~i, Ne** 1i*dHgia, Mnsl. J. T. Uice of Kevaune.. titils. Swftzertand, Oermally an.ti ller iîoui- 'Thitlitlti"ad"" Iravelet iaIttire vay iuorter ta te mercifut, Dovie go lnI6i. Tliey soidt tirf armse, bousse, 1 Watla Wella, Washington, wbec-e sAirangediil t that te Rslate voulmipay Places Orf:businsess B54 *d5IWÜ i - 501. tl4 Nilas Clara Tempte. Miss Tein- isbk fifty percent of lise value of tise Best family lies anti loftItirWoirbmes1 Milettd imdtire value of tire biud- itelevlng titat under te stars anti -lu andi lmor*vemslobat e taklng stIIes, itactket up by tbe les, tirey ltaI a fev rave ateppeti mb Zion City aWky tise losse. Tire Iaw tGeS flt ns- voutti be attovedta1 live i l sâid and, deltpite lime clty ordinances anti JuIre tI ilrfodiriDo-vie decîteticarry out tem religiowk coliscttoba. aitirout regardti e the laes, - have gOtleimburse propes'ty ioldera ta that Naturally te peoples Iteihidignant isieti to Ilsrtthtie Inirabitairla by fxiin»mut - - - . ý . , -., un* ji-iannwm visossi ojirr-th* xae.fiossllng mili Ihece nleged eycvii iefore Alorly attrIenDnve's teathr a [aty ifces se maay iras madis, tise> And -tem, The?inzte,ç 'StoMe .IQS.107 NORTH GLNESEE STREET HIGLEY BUILDING Sur Breat North Wini'ow BrieffiI .of. Wklherful Barg'ains on sSoto sf.amib N*White~.0 iIii ti a il, c a( i queii iii II in 1 (arc zba f o i lt itji. I1.00 *MISpeltiOsals,49 Saturdai " oda '- i ' tff NOM.'o04 5.0 0 Ahiut -) cp.t's ii thit t I Odio« bpi, i îîvtý' i t seph id chckl n\iii i *ti t a 'ýv1 asi l i n- ser % gein lav nd i yaein vhud in i th%s gret i '.iai Notac t heli, woii iessthiati ý7.7>O(. AH i i.t 'iiinabie eulorg <tit ttwverv best 11(114t1.tbal and ..fil111tare st 14h5000 ~Satu rday d1aun[ fiO I l.GOMidiy Blku!,si Saturday andMit ily 1ih )a iii lit ' t- i i l ei i neilî u N% p t h rdai i(-i't 'îitlg Sizes 14, 16, 18 anîl 20, Sattin-day and Mondayouly > 7l! I1.50MooizPfI~ Saturday andMi M1 iIligiv ltistronis, îî n;iieit tt f jetnm iet)dtSat thlat bel itii' thlait tilk. BIîîîk anîd -, eeai tilair $1 .5(>valuies.I âd 2.00Sa is1 2.e' Thei i hive tst if oi. îrhetter situts, t aîîg iii ri v e rn t i 2 . i ) t i i $ 2 . ( ) a r e î i î cl i l e d i n t i t i s '4t vlIi slhiiiti i h e c ks, fi iin seres ttures niiNorfoîlk, Eton iti,e Cluî ( i mE- sh1a<hi. 8at. and Mon. only. ... R ê' r$liIiand $2 00 Lingerie 0 M Wa1%t~, Thtxit,ï«ay Only$1 O INew pattérný and beautiful materials in new shiprnents just received. High and.low neck styles, with both long and three-quarter dt length sleeves. Sheer voiles, organdies, wash silks, sitk t.Walsies, Sa.tîrday and(1Mctndav onily.............. Il si