Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 May 1915, p. 8

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LAKE COUNTY L"DEPt»ENT, FRIDAY, MAY ,Ll5 AD VER TI1S 1 N G RATES 6c per line oacn insertion Less than 65lmes, 25cfirst inserfton . . . . . . . . ++. . + FOR SAME + FOR SALE-lo, h1,9L grade liîl-4 ,owe and heitern nand sîîîte ni lv rari, H lli hml ri it t] e e.t ,ows. Prie.l very l, n rantl ts t ii. fl:k mare 12 years old. a eght abolit i 10 Ib@., and aim)re hea'v ots .Afidre@snFrank Boluti, Prairie 'N ew. IIL 't3p2 FOR SALE-litrse. harîte@s. wagon and gurrey. Horse s hbig bay mare. young and sounil. W. A. Shaw, phone 162J. Area, Ill. 33ctf FOR SALE-lins Wimciunsia lirîwn iieed Corn and Seed Po)tatoe. u r ,rpen and do well fa tislocality. Have several of the beot kinde t., ele-t trot, i. Aa lew more busiiels tii sell. linv nîw. F. W.Seblît-er. ,fct ilPue2l~i FOR SALE-Horse audd llnaboî E. V. Smith. 3:pl FOR SALE-A 2'2h. p. ,pabs. iiiickkin fne conditioîn, ail mewx tires and tnbem. nu expenet' on theuit tins snîmer. top wlndsbleld and ltorn. A real bargata tor #125 cash. Aidrese 127 lnde1îendenl., FOR SALE-200bumhel Hussian Beanty ý,>eed Potatops, grown on the Wiseonstn State Farmît. Cal] tir atadress lvndee Bros.. Rpund Lake: 111. 3e1 paylng fur Ibis ad aad rare larges F. ititis mornîng. at nia home, ati5 o'- A. Nelson. aI Christan Bru.s. farm. liber- i Ock. ")tr. Palmer passed away . a lyvilie. 33p],I ictini of cancer. tie was 74 years old March 1711îi MARRY IF Y,OU ARE LONELY-Tbe ]ast. and wlic one ofthIbm ml '(nown Roiable Contidentiai enueesssni clblias nien ofthlie clty. He mas a brother large number of wealthy eligible mens- to Pred Palmer, local barnesemaker, bers or boll tiees. wshiag early ituarri- and Mrs. Robert Hook of West sîreet. âge. Deeerfplioa Iren 1fr. Wrubel. aiso of te ale Josephi Palmer and Box 261, Oakland, Cal. ti-32-2 titi laie \tIrs. Reubetu '.Ilifler of Lake SIBluff. I lis sister Susie Palmer, now MARRIAGE LICIu.NSES. i tes wtlh Inn Milleme. _________ 'Ir. Palmer leases bis wlfe, former- ('art Vonderheid, cite 22l Itýis onnie Home of Detroit, and Vera Eddy, came................O-0timse eilîdrn, Grace E, Jennie E., Waî. E. Flood, Waukegatt ....29 iLincoln, Mit. and Htarold T. ail chul Annîn E. Flynn. same ý ... ....>. .31 dren of the precent Mme. Palmer. WIilfanm A. Ratbburn, Miwaukee. .30 C'iidrnit of a former ite dlnd some Della Youngqulst, same ......... 24 vears ago. Reginalta Bîratord. Highland Park 20 Mm. Palmer worked for the Northn Hidagrad Blank. same . ... ...22 At esterît rafiroad 49 ynars and tour James Hagerly, Wadswomlh.. legai age Inonîlis, retlring tour years ago on a Mary McNeil, same ...... legal age jPension He ras baggageman for Haronteno Kougian, Waukegan .. 231 >ears on lthe Milwaukee runs. Zaber Avedîsian, came ......11!Mr. Palmer was a meminer ofthtn Frank J. Brown, Racine .... .... 25 1Bine Lsdge, and also the Chapter and Fmlorence Hotheluz, Milwaukees.. 213 l the -Modern Woodmen. Gutav Anderson, Highltand Park., 2 Martha Hansen, Cicago.........2 lt'red Nelson, Racine ........... 21 Ella Kana, same............. 22 ---------m---------------------------------------- A NEW RUG-FREE Mlaybe you are one of the good womesn of hime city a Lo would like tc, have a now rmg-or for that matt.or, a couh,, table, ifrese, awn swng, etc. --and the quicker tbýe botter. liere'e ami idea that wi[l gel it tor yoi-without mooey out-of pocket-or et leatit witbout having to ask yoar hueband or father for money. Look over thse goode you have »md are neot uing and make out a ,ttake then alal for $10.00 or $15.00 ljt." If yon have nmie hanginge, drsperise, rga, furniture, picîmres, which yoa do flot use but which j in n ueeble condition amy eo, and write 'ena down. If it'e a wasbîng machine, or a dresser, tables, clothing, or bats, dises, gardon toole, dlocks, etc.-for goodness seke list it! end saoi i! don't let it faîl to pioes in a deinp cellar or an ont bnilding-..get what you cen for il. [t nil be worth something to someone. And jusl rensember that the one way in Ibise rnd 10 gel anyrbere near the vai jebput in a eissfied ad ini the Want Ad co[nmn of LA&E COUwY INDIUM.tDENT. Make up a bunch of what you have 10 get rîd of and ofer jî together or jn single piacee-bnt tell rhat the artioles are-tell the trutis about thema-nd let. the public know. Sousebody rants theni, you cen b. sure. Thon take the moîîey you redive frona this source and ýàpp[y t 10 lthe payment of somoîhlng yon ranI, lu wii ay you won'î be ont snyready cauh. NEW RURA DE= LIVERY TO MILLION PATRONS_0F U. S. W asiington, May 2-Poalmaler Generel Burleson today annouuced that by tins end of lthe fiscal ysar, :June 30, the rural free dellvery mail service would lis extended to one million ner patrons w1lt intcreas- Ing lins present cost of sncb delvery. pTi i la bhe accompliabed tirngi ,afreadJualment of routes, and lime use o0 motorcars. Congrsas autborized lime use of moor vehîdles atter JuIy 1,* nazi, I This ml be an important factor. ,Changeas wenlbutorizod leel month Ithat reduced operating expensese 1177.644. This savlng ha, been tilti- ilzod 10 establiais 263 non routes, serv- tgapproxlmately 135,11U peaons. lae ia ama perlod oatensiom eo- gating 104 miles have been mado. îTineo extensions serve approximetely 4.,010 persona. Durand & Durand REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ~TICOLLECTIONS Trggs BIdg., Libertyville bol otfte a ats bysao tafitru iiite 5siith whna lie wtnialbail lu lime litiitutanîl rofbed Boiden ii anu.extra basle wslliîî. Hlapke's liiimtand bis iirt'tima-ht ot eJ a r'nanîng lump iii the feutue. 'lhe leaut hokcd es-tn beller than unnlite nyst gaine andmmf ithet- vtintimne 10 iiprose as tbpy havei t t tifrst geais.. Ifat-tir tuitrses bolît-. dl litrealizI-d Tne el-tr,- Raimarets A I RH 2b lias-e, - - 4 I 1 Knigwre. Il 1 t2 I Haple. I3bI I 13 Ilorfier, Il ..4 1 1 Stafford, rt. 7 1 I Nyere, c02t Morris, t'(f. t11 %llo. ys . ... 4 0 2 Joihnson. ..... 4 1 1I Hoyes. l 4 1 I Fox Lake Bin,chaiu. Il Tweed, p.-... W, [taly. r.- Bolden, 3h.. Lundberg. ,'t H. (tahler. 1 lu F. GaUte,,we..... NIarben, 2 E. Daly. if..... 4 2 S 11 Il 0 4 0 t-I Il o o (i o o H l A 1 2 i ut ) t() 3 Dl 2 0i( 1 70 4 7 2 2 Rautarea . . 0 0 0 8 1t2X-9 Fox Lake .0.1101û0ol1 o0o- Summary Two base htts, Dorffer, Stafford; Ibren hase iite. E. haley; homne rua, Hapke. sacrifice hite, Hapke. Tweed, %. Daley, Buiden; but by pilcimer, Devis; strneii out b) B oyes 11. hb'v Tweedi 14. base tonmialia off Hoyes t tffTweed 4ý Notes Northi-easi wind@ don t helu a bail garne mueli. Hownver b0th tameé played a zood braad of liil. Tins boys ooked migfity alîtY un theur uer uniforme. And the best part of it ie tbey dida't let îinem Put a hoodoo on the iret garne. Pniar t. th.t ganse the etr.le&_n, e pliographed in Boyds studio. Neat Sunday Guru.. coassa bers for a gante aid ws sapent a gond faet battis. BOYe- sure bldnteai lb. viaîtfug lunch eetiug out of fils band and would bave scored a @but out with aIr ligbt support. Wiîh 1w,, majore ie the peetormane the season ehoalli e slarW dacordtng ta forts. Had ne huart lu lIme vre could have M ayor Tot Morrlson of Ilondout 10 fan tise le in thie rater bachot and th us ad 1toile spirit of 1h. omcasion. Bselimai as it may.' forgeaj ail jour troublead tomne ont uex t ay and ses lime boys in actn Went, For liais.e. tead» In lte IN. DEPENDENT macoh 16,00 poions AilIe*A A*;OhiiIlk 4L*,a* juil .&*â uun~rnM' FOR SALE-Buggy,harnemss feed utterI B RRAMAREAS FIND ha tac, it rpean pllys Ms.THII LLINOI BA 9'. -.1. Nînidies Liltrtsvville. Plhune FOX LAKE EASY 143-lta ý FOR SALE-2- a-ll osen ul.: ASSN. TO MEUT AT We tieg Ytiitr larîlîtdiar,,,,edei,,t i fui] blooded Iluror Itoar a ysar old. oJUNE 11rthe:12 i oi T. lC Zerrsen, .iLbrtyville, Phonen 290t.J2. QUJNCY N 112tiretflaet week for tus Sepasut,twas [lîtt i ' ] îtiealls îîpened unuit]last Siaday. f1 ,ThIii,tlîxîi rs of the stain a-Il] mec] MNay 2uri. Mayoîr elect .1.IlB.îMorse wae; FORSAL-Baed avun I ir i i atiital convîentionmi atQuitîcy. iiii on hând tii îhrow lihe irst hall wiieh lie tinithyand lov inied,$14i1a) I nois. oit Fridax' snd Satîîrday. lutn itdieilli great eang tîald alter delivertng ton: alsoc :1 yearr old rnoisîëeýrelPîîlaiîd I îlt îîi I il 2, 1915'. Tire genral sert).I svera Luses ititotItare s. Chbina bîtarad soa J. R. Merlt r tarl je( itfor discuission at the meîetng a il. Tii ae lie8oeIt,(miîg dîrit l9 iilliita Everett station. P 0) lierfield. tAîtti be -Constitutional Rex isioît hliee'n u maire ie Hwigduyofca gilaie fronti coiiity bar assoriationq Yr . A. Nlaypoie ,lf kiz LJake. alho FOR SALE lrtving marc,.- ivars ttld. ail ot er tire state ahI be in attend. was presenit 100ka jîîstrtiî bittîd the gel]ttît. M!. fi.-.CI. i P ~îti~ Ara it-a anSd sîeak for Ibeir as.ociations,10th lreNWc en Plioie 39-J lierh, rining ogeter tre vewshe ai-comupltshed 1. n tiisi e sraute tutoI SOt J lI I iîcreix lîimîgîmg ogethr tlt i ar~ iner-ais Archer doms the-littie t lin- .~ q .. q.q. q.q. q. q. q. q. q. q. il t-leadiimg lawyer,.of Ilinis frote'TIteprimariea having lit-in luIs tiis.licd -. FOR RENT (ai., ii i- llttoiaitthe gante began ant iltrartuitri oit + q. q. >. . *q. .. .. . . 1A.coninliten lia- ,lîen apitoiiited to ttrel)at.lCd a lemun -ittgc ii iuti, T.toJs -ettrca utîeciatilirainti ta arrv te le1 oëavlnsigetrgi 1 FOR REN T-Houtî nt- î,îii imion t r,t. ftaxi i rs îrîîîîîCliago (o lite nee«ngptctty sacrifice fbi -td iltIt'ii- I ' t, Appl Pal NLciiffi*ý Lltetv-1eetng*left lent tire frstlie t arî,.-uand Ltitut Pvil'let.t'c tlti iJîdge E. C. Kramer or East SiBt rr etfier]ttiiiig lo %iitllîrg tois.-tthe itreigident of tht- associa- fîerg Ibrteiai FOR RENT -A utodernt rtttisuitiîer t tii.-'il] dlii er itie aimiual addres, ,.i tii threen [la is t-,rt ttont anit îfiîld collage un krayslake. Flet'ltli tt,,RIs stibJeet wtlI lie - Concerning a New lt, kîttgge blsautietiontnl imtttiui. bath, ruanntg a'ttr. Cottage frnisltd 1o C i tnfo îmios- Lare rînr tiirtadu- îîfat Hpt if deslred. Call or adulcesu The R-leaîl1 Y. Sherman and lames 1-amlton 4îîamîeted wiîbtnt orfoirti,' lret hîttîer Stoare, tlraylake, . I[i1teI 1,î4Le Iiai e accepter!Inv itation, 1.ror ftlihe rseas on ..................attentîirte nicetinit anî taire part in iftter Cese big diîîig'utJ.eile - x et FOR RENT-Goid hitte arîtisn titile îrogram. lonttnorder. T1he visi'iirs miaIet- usttur garder.And foresale ne%% etii uirang, ! tthas lînen ittaîts' i csiric itre i rtue tîird <timi nse,'î,tti[litii lii iiigltîîîti. and t; ftrolseouk si e Il tîttileY I i i %ir-. tf Illiniois. itet i tt- ixesiermi utatt îîîtild e-rî,r amnId î a . a rît.'-el'ut ou Phlme 212 J. Lî,rîxti- 2-(tItipart uf the state. îad tlîiJohn i'. uIPr.t.ftutI it sxtt xe1w litc~ - 1sec rein, i or tlie, association, an i iI s an rami iiti t- e iiIt le lo t- r-tta i FARMS FOR SALE-[la Travetrse C'iuity muuiiiire-, tlai ithe Adaiiît ottyii'BLar bsaugera wak tî t . îîîlî t-l r,e Il inesla nd u tîtet. i . n CtI iis i a -r i on i -tia kinii ecab'oate ar Tire v isi tursgo t te] r Itii i att i i trus and Lutheran sttîietiti \ 'ter 'v inera.Igeiîiiuti-,for tireîî tîraîmemt of trit tuo e set wbeit F. lýalultr gi-i a,, le land.,the rlibest soti]tri tht- xi old atiltle is.txiîtors A. boatuidi- otithe IR- h î1 lbîitsdlu u t'itîme ît (crops lare sure The lîeaItliest' iii rit i.r andîîîa ii tautomoile ride %ibe on Si la issIlhi et'liitart a.u i ir o ,limaie to Le tuiid liii lere. '1,u u t t,- lt )ea tiiîil itffs ot ille ier iMotrris'tead. prises tor lantds. Forpatrtii niars aidicsi. .rc luîuiiil ajra part of tire enter- lie itîtilial i tst-t'entt K nîggze a1k- Geo. J. t andera'alfDomont, Mine,:32p ltîîiiit,'ie Iltiiig NaIt] close cd alter la ft tginuit uit ti i lrsi miiii ha ianuetou îaturda.viiglit, uttHîk. anilell,îîli ctItif . tr - q .. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. .'%ixitronîîîîeîîl law -t rif ture state walke ar taf~Ufoti (i it i rtt u it a + W'ANTED + uil îîcýak. I ilndsivt lîa[ggt-r tlittitîctî l-rtigge q.q. . . . . . . . . .-.. U+1 rl Illinois >tto et of tir(, Amen i- liîrr.-. tunt-t 1iîlrge iteittiy WORI<WAJiIEO-Fsrm wirk. a 'ait- liiittittteeof (riminali Law andaiiigi It ititietî iii. itiuigti n- a-re [g. bouse t.leai iug tir a-trk i 'I tt i tulc -iIhld is nntn i g imgLtgtaa it s 1i 'd . ii desription fiy J.H H.fayrne,. Pbo li t;1 Quoit cy-aithle saute illlitm li tO I e- tlm igiet i. i eiîclo v 1-1 I i tii i eti a c :1:îî-î ait h thme Iswye's nientig. single.- Jotitnson tait' I i lt ai ig Lihertyville. utti suiti xx1h the i'irnriL,n i'keiiavis WANTEO-GootI girl foir geseral bouse l ASItreI'îb ttmeiat-ttedat work. Phone t-.Liherlyviîle :311:1, PALMEIR IES AS i . rgeualk'ed, fotrcingin Johnsonttamnd ~Hat le sgled su urîng loves Wittbte . . . . . . ... .. . . . E WA p11. atioîts liideasmels îîîîîlaitîl ýrtý q. IICEILLA.IiOUS +q. WA TOccii setun- tutiileit t hat Ititku-il guod for q...qqq...qqq...q IN ON IS'1ME îobases but tht- uttîlsaidfotîui and LOSTr-lioid wali.h wîth uew Culuimbla IronRdîfylanl;ù ne Stalfuid in id t. worlms bela-sn Mreditb greenhlueeandrniwîîa t' seltaInrgît Fiagg's barber siop. Returui to tbis Nieminnondeîs ago the Iliii of titis iIth pitchers were goii fast am the office asnd recive reward. lniontit. or Aitgst 11th.lai. ai Cili striiuit î'îîtîînî xae ilîlcdi tiiver. aa ago sîîccialist told Matthea Palmer Suus-tutg [toyes ariel-ven anîlTweed FOUND-Dark brîwu iait-, aelght ait old resident ut Waukegan, Ihat be went tntr in lt-alett,'r atndeettcloa'n about 110o,. bas on, white lotit and vaonld nol live longer than six monlhs ltittrtue-n ilfier marks. Owner ia have samletY lits predictloni îîoved correct, for, Tire Icaînres of thes gaints are tire REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Furnistustabe LAKECOUNTY TITLE &TRUST Co. Absiracis of Titlt. Tilles Guaraitteeta. Masonic Temple BIdg. Waotmsgac, .\luiil 27,tufV. telia Mliosers [0 Aîigîi-tî itaxis irafi ouitlanditi n sec- tio titit..Waui oila taîi and it sec.- titn 1, tubta toxi>itli A' Il $4 F. M. Steele- and a Ife tii Iartîta Zinimerman, V 7-î4 fîni, E.183.4 lent lot 1. bliock'], H-'ighiland Park. W D. $i(j E. i Yag,-r aîîd afete 10 'iV. hlmItî loti Ix. block t'itVaîkeganI l iglilaiid.4t Nothili liiiago Q t('-$1.00. E. Il Williamis ammd wffe, eia]l. in Il MI llayîes. liit 19, Williams 1Bras.' Sib. Aîtloch. Q C., $1.00. EB 'i iliants and aife e t ali o [-N F Irox ior. oite-avrt lti ltage ut XnitOcht Q.C',$1it IL W I bitteutdennudititxiifi'to'MI aboit S. .10tc'uliligli. lot tiis V L S. W. sedtfon,19, Warnmm ta p. W.D., $1. Atîton Saîm nt îd a-ttc to Margaret Sylvester, lot 5, block 5, benox Sub . Waukegan, %V.I-1), ut XVm.Peuder it oseoaWebbN.'IW. Sc,' acres section 4. Newptort twp. 'W. D., $.0i). April -lx 1917--Aie KeIl to Rose Dtinhaugit and NMargaret llennessx'. lot 8 and a-est Ltý lot 7, Stowelle Add j iii Lîhertyville W, D .15 Fannî 'Nit Poli- aîîd lîsband tut SoIns Rasmnussen, lot t1bInlrhams I rosat).Inlu ity tofXakgn W , $10.0 (1po, Tlerrmann, Jr., bach.) to Cm .1 Davis, loIn 42. 43. 44. 45, block 1. 1 Deerfield Park Land and Improve- ment Assît SuIt . iii village of Deer- field. 'IVW . D_ l1 )() 'tm. A. Neit, et al, to John L Neil. l9A½ macres iti nortîteastiquîarter set-nioný ilWarrt-toluitstip Q. t'$1.26.5 Lillie E. Ilokin acnd lîunbaidtd l Je, sic M. Russell. south 122 flet ~324. texcelît nast t32 tet ucîti iofL alle Forest Q, t . $1.00 Attril 29. 1917 -\lai% V Thtoimsont to ) 1: tmtcl];i.lre. part s'est iat! conth-ý 11-1 qulairuersetionu 27" Ai titi tcoxi i Danuie]l)Dock-tader mad i e tu oPc ter Elît11,il'otbaintNortht t Iicago lieta.$1 Peter Elîle f0 Danilel lodkstader. 1*2 lots is North Chicago. flnsd $1, F.P. Read to C.H. Poppînnbusea. loi 65. Ravinlas W. D. $19.750. Altril 21t. 1415-V. W. Ston and aift, to A t' Lunder aîmd aire, lot 5, ivillage of Wauconda W . D.$1. Jua L Pri( tii Thmnas Cole and avile. aest 54) feetlotil3, block 1, Slow- nI 's addition,.t.ibertyville. W. D). $400. J. V Noccros and wife 10 R A. Bard, lot 4. In subdivision of part block 34, Highlanda Park. Q. Ç.$410. Helen F. Boyle le F. M. Smith, 201.91 acres in aection 2, Waucoada trp. Q. C., $1.000. F. W. Bnck and rIfe, et ai, la J. W. Barwel, lot 1, Marion Suli., Wauke, gan. W. D., $10.00. _ttay t. 1915-Dennitu Driscoil to E. A. Williams. sud wif e, part of lots 4 and 5, McDaîiels subdivision, High- lanmd Park. Q. C. $1. Ea Lucas and huaband 10 ('harlotte Yaikawskis, loI 13, block 13, Waeh- bairn Springs stubdivision. Wýankegan. W. D3.$1 J'icob Goldschutidt aîîd witn ta J. il Walmtirgbt, lot 10, block 4, DurotIs Southi Side subdivision, Waukegan W. D. $1. Jacobi Hakala and wlte tu Jacoh (loldschmidl. lob 4, block 2, Durts Boulin ide subdivision, Waukegan. W. D3. $1. J. C. Wanrright ta Jacobn Gold- saiidt. 13 lots in Wainwrgbl'a West Bide subdivision and lot 41 of Wada- wortin subdivision and lota 7 and 8, Theodore H. DuraI. President. W. B. Smith, Vice Presideît. F. W. Churchill, Secrstary and Manager Hon. DeWitt L. Jones, Gen. Couneel TELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTrS 0F TITLE TMTES GUARANTEED Capital $ 125,000.00 WAUKEGAN SEN M. eULER. Allers. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public nolise la tierebyre t-s ithlie Sub- icriber Aiiflutratar aoflime EsSae af Mortz Iteiatucit. ascaewad W atte" thie Cauy Coaurt oi LakeCoauuby, ag à terma tîmereof boboeimaldeu aethlie Court Haueo luWaukega. Iu said Oommty. onuhelits t onday aof.tuy nsaI. 1916the Siudanawlere jfl perta»s bavim cls eu s[aglM atld Etiat. *te notlfflsudn requcsted ta ProceDtlhlime te usaid ICourt for awdlalln, JOHN L. TAYtOit, AdIWmaectr Waukea.inl.. Avrl 2s. 1915., Avril 30 X&Y 7.14 Plsysicall ularlt le Robert EcYle, lb philosophereMd eune of lth. tund.eàof lh. Royala- el.17, coul noyer ovoroomo his aver- slon te thse ROUD f t ater mpleslmleg frram a pipe od mndbas put an record tise cae, af one or hie servants rWho couid noyer boa uit.e barpeenel or e shoot af blorn paper tare, nilb. out bbooding et the gume. WXÂTHER REPO]RT Woather forcent for the wsok logic- ring Wednescday May BIh. iscu.d b> lth. U. 8. Wether Bureau. Washington, 0. C. For lins region or lihe Gret Lake:in- dkmatlotms are tisaI generailir fair noallier witis moderato ismperaeuroo nlprevail tbrougliouît the wsek. For the. upper islsippi velIay esd Plaint etatut: Fair nealimer ni lorîy riflng lemperature ls iudlated for a@,- @rai daye probab[y follorei towranmiIli end of the neekly period by shonere over lias satremo uorthwe. Oely Thoucht, The nords ws 'peak and là. Ihiffl ne do Iode> na> seeni 10 belait, b« la thse groat final reveiing the mm&Wi ect of tbem nUl eppear-Lorca H. C. Burridge & Son - Nursery Stock "HARDY PERENNIALS" Cantebury Bella, Clove Pinks, Fox gloves, Iris, Larkepuir, Platycodon. Phlox, Shasta Daisy, Sweet William. PANSIES IN BASKETS block 1, glyfiold'asusbdivIsion, Wauke. gaui. Deeda $3. L. F. Willinr and mIft 10. H. Hem per ad rite, lot 4. bilock 2 and senl six test lobt11.lblock 3, Sîsale & Doug- las subdivision, Waukegan. W. D. $3.- 500. John Griffith and mite 10 C. H. Me- Cormicin, tract oh land ln section 8. fleerfield township. ,t)eese.$2. Yeu can rach 15,»00poriona w.ok. ly through th. Indopendant. REAL FARMS 1îîtj.roîi-i tind îai tlyiv ti o-I. ITa) lor, . i. tgai1c, 'rice âaiî :îîth.mîr noîmîti- tthoi hleaIt tif th- \Vtso-olisii grass lielt, wiïcre tme iary o-ta is i-ii iil'. I le ii Iiiirtuitiiiv foii. tait ot totleite GET GOVERNMENT FIGURES 'rit- i\Vî-îiiti A n tit lAssii jtlin, Ntatte or é In lttinigrattii t( ottituissiiîer, 'iaî-imo.i,t,'Vs. ,for IAC'TS a d I-iî .UllES. Yon -i. tu >a fart.. frot tomusit i [terai tertnis. l'rii-es froro 2ii it.. $0,i)itfor ittîjîrtveil Ho$s j downîa>-mentt je reqnire.i andI 5 ycars' totitisu givemi on te balaton.- Marty of our etit u itere w ho AWrcerenti. h ntài tns ,aid lwi vencttt dieoît atio bal- antce of te dîîwnt îayrnent af 1cr là:tvitg their sale. INVESTIGATE US IA oe fur riii sr ,d title i n csery case ie. lie as e fse i i bumînesin Winsin tiore titan .lit tsars. As tfor >Let ter's frit o it-ostî,tttt-rs' .iteferenes, i.rivers% Nmtiinal lltsnk, Ihi-agit. or ans' f.ank ta WIeîiaeln. VW.- are aIso. tnitte Il r. stouik[k insmegs, and mîl Iihotees . tu fariers oun lîieral 1.ruts. itetit-nriber, II paye tu dca. wlth a ootritag, ettatimbeed and reepongihie contera wtt are la teresteil atter voit fi aie I onglit as w,11 ams mfieore i ,rttrate, i6tier vent. SEE TAYLOR COUNTY Th'ltau irl:tregioià tif \-rîlt ('entral imeo'mscîîiisît edeeoiiing '.l.-aîfy and stubtaritjaitv. iThei-oii,îs ti.- higliv jriricni olIby Clay l[tai, î-ltitrvi in r ctt. & ,ittt-ri rt- il ulhme -facttij-sare already nitîertits andti tfiir tnuber i s tcaoii i.griwig. In 'Ja) [or Coîîîîty otîr fartîts aret it . creain rîttem. AItndarit ruinfail te characterîstije of' Ibis regîont. J eliciiis jpire water je fouttd at îie1îh of 1,5ti Ii, Cifeet. Near-lix markess.good roais, ct.celnt sc- [ot[.ni. itierou n- iii.rt-lts tint iIl. nfty , hlitijttaleni gh ho s sud tiu the proosperit antd prtîgrocs of tliti fariîi. (Elgini prices fîîr dairs- Prîot1tîcîi pres'ai. )I[t is 1,01 a get rich îjtîmîk regmit. but aî,rk %in;, atmd t te t[rft% . itit[t.trit>, arnier foîrges steailily aheati. Ve [tave sorie..- iw prw"d iftrticem, raigiug mn 1rive frot i $I io lii Sitt, witjî uttle hîutse and Itarri andt morne tIT ieared landulundtr cultivitîoîî, for lteniariwlîtî ha-. titiS' $lOuuor %44- .tii ptîi îitn. 'ivei I ouate. i gtot lil ii -laut t'et tir li<E-E Ni- %rite TI'4 M 't. 9tir taL, i io îtnt Ifaitioîli :41.tî '4ue aleu otiii iiititmtjtrveýiiland,. xi nil 1 ated on rosil., $1 2:tî ÇSý2i n :mî re. Ah[iicha-e tiller tit i iîi-ral lerîme. Minthlv or animîai l aixiwtt- If Yeu wmnt a Wisconsin Fain. lo'.o get acquaiaîed. Onac tià4l[Lts ride friitn( Iiago.. O uitiofice atINIetiltriiopenm titi i-, airounîd. LOEB-.HAMMEL REALITY CO.(S) 2056 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. Country Office, Medford, Wis. Telephone H . O D Libertyvifle 53 H. . BOYD in. FOR SALE-DrI viDg Horse. 2.years uîd. Broke doubles and eingle. Eari Binrrou. Tel. 50.WX lrayolake. 33eci FOR SALE-Oae yearling Holstein Ball. J. B. MeCrdy. Phone 29i0-W-2. B. F. D. 2. 32p2 FOR SALE-Young perfectiy matched drivlag team, wl 1100 Iboenacli, al@o choies of 2 famfly horses. (lwned by It.ev. Helen, A.(G. Schworman, (itlîmer. Mi. 3lctf FOR SALE--S. C. B. i. [ls egge for hatchinr $1.00 for 15.Stocb.k lor'sais. Gleorge DemlttwLterlyvlle. Pfrme 278-J-2. làcîf FOR SALE.-l0-Room Hou8escsntralfy Iocated la Area, ',,i acres lot wlh gond barn. Hard and saft water. Wrte or plions John f0. Wirtz. Area, IlI. Phions 282-W-2. Sicîf FOR SALE-Fiec-her Pianoi, Inttîod-oîm dîtion. Clteaîî. Aiaply aIt.vyric etau- rant, Libertys-ille. 311ft FOR vshead ofgenerai purposeehoree.froua90tlo b18001 Ibo., two maree are iti bal. Several sets itf second hand liaruese and wagitns. Terme, cash or os time N. R. Ladd, phone 4, Lihertyviilie. 33c1f W. have a nuinher of fias humeis for sals or rent. ýDymond & Autin,.Liberty- vidle. c418-tl FOR 8ALE-Purebred Barred Plynmouth flOokÉeg, 50ecPer esîîlng of 15. Fred Gablis, Ar4i. Plions 261-M-2. 2Sctf FOR SALE-Pige, two mouline old and bauger. MM. Mary Elfering, Phoîs., 286Ji, Ubrtrvllie. 8!lpl VOL. ÀNE~ Wauk thc ONCE la the gesi M Whoc Il grec sehool, et the succeet Wauko ineaut tained joarse 0 fUme shoeld clerc I electrlc ly ouIt The the Mi not dam theiro otbor. ed au nesa City, 1 should go' limelil chagini Dame wu& de ta, ils ttsei atritea lIait b whlo that sÉ body Evar Chicaw onnet proper lu reti transi à col took Cooho 'WE saver f la yoi And bave sand Whe wus ferret real q ralr fortui The Incted handl. at a Ihe ci e Phon e 102-R - ILLINOIS Il. Fairholm Garden&e Dymmod Ross L re w

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