Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 May 1915, p. 11

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ment t oft*Un dSttsno r eOl bt~ylaspi patod' itsolf ta be- 001A1q ma h in fsct, too much already. #laquito apparent thèe uictIea1ug apinz n~ ations ln't been réachsd yet-aid1 ronasbowlng now bowgl 4*ê4, t'si not, l at. *M b~' e ' lh. The woilcl acema to - 4iývý goupe 'lIo eô , y mid. It looke) as if ail thoe efforts to save Loo M. Frank £roxn h àe f àlld fo r h . lbas b een sen te iced t a die Q n 0 tncby thé overn or of dleorgla and 1fla prisonnielnt. Tii. world at Iaige be- lievos Franklà innoent and, tbt, if ho bangs, the ste of 08rgla wl» yet corne to- rialise what aterrible miaar- l*àav of justite waa pemitted in ordor to, per*i&'po!upe qcla1a to "make good" iu at least one case even if a life I the. sacrifice to do so. It is gratifying to, note in the expressions of Wa.uke- Sun business men that they maintain a conservative and lîm.onaationatic viow of the Lusitania situation as ln- ~IvlugUds c nd mi ermany. Thes olaclng foature w tu iile afair lis thegênerai conidonce placed in ~oIent Wilson evon by staunch Repulcans ihbo were *tWilson mon and wiio nover have boon. However, in tiscriais they som united in their desire ta, stand back 91 the. Presidont ln whatever he may do. That's Ameri- MION Neo#o CREz . ÀT3SIÂSÀfION IN KENOSIt COURT Clarence Mitchell Alter Being Held on Burglary Charge Slugs SmnalI Boy. -Clarence Mitchell, tire zion ('l<y ne- gro wlîo was arrested sorne tîme ago Oni a charge of bîrglarzing a pool r.>or on Mlarket âtreet. made a dIs play of bis temper at tire nunicipal ecurt at Kenosire Tiuradayolien ire âuelly slugged George Cîfferd a 14. iýer oid boy whe irad .ieen called ai 0 witness against hlm. Mitchell had irqen helId for trial and wë leaving tire court rom inl charge of an officer. (31tfford wiro ii a *mail boy for hIs *5e,wee standing near thre court room dorand as Mitchell passed hlm ire s4,muk him wir his fini, knocklng tire boy against tire well and severely In- »îring him. Mitchlel was promptly e "'nd lîy Siieriff Stalil and Chiref O'are and lended ln a cell. Tbre principal wtness et tire iear- lu# wes Pbiliip Unti, wira deciared that Mitchell had alded ln breaklug iâto tire pool room. On accounit of lbe aspersions tirrcwn on tire court by Mitchell, .lidge Randall declnedl to nit ln final judgment lu the <ragp and -Mitchell sasa eld for trialinlutire Circuit court and hiIs bonds flxpd tt $ 2.5()0. Thre case wilhl orne tp for trial et thre SeKîernber terrnof tire court. Kenoshla olficer aled eeldrar wltilessed sîjel a dlsplay of brutellty ra, tire attaek of Mlurh"ýll on >rîing ('lilford. Tire boy ied rmade no move- ment îor anY klnd te warrant tire at-r tack. Knew Better Than to Say it. "Oh. dear." groaned the ycung wlfe, -l dont know what t uto r nrîjjîseuy bread: Vve trîrd everything." 'A der- rick and 9, couple of Jackscrr'wa ougiri In do 1," tirougbt her hustmnd. but ire didn't saY t aloud. Heres Another Ideu. "ManY a man talks 'bout the bihg co ilvn'," ald FUcle Eben, "wheii de etal reagan for hiI difficulty la de uncertalnty of a crape a g.e.r" Uslsie. -Wonen sirould dress ai attractIve- Ir for breakfast as tirey do at ether meais," sald a lecturer. "if they would k.ep thre love of thier husirands." *Wbat's the use?" spolie up a ville of experlence. "Our husirands ccent fe us over tire topa of their news- 'tro anyirow." Mu WHlEN IN NEED 0f Oxfords or Shees for Ail Occasions visit the Jae abs' shoe store. We carry a complete line of Men's, Women's and Children'ir hoes and are leaders in style and fitting. We fit the difficuit foot as it has never licen fit before. 19 years of experiene in making and fitti ng shoes ini Waukegan. Men's Shoes and Oxfords at reduced prices - 2.25 to 5.00 Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords 2.00to 5.00 Speclal Values In Chlldren's Pumps and Oxfords for One Week Only Sizes il 1-2 to 2. .79c 7 Sizes 2 1-2 to5l1-2 95c Misses' Button Q4Qords --- Etu- cator last, patent leather, mat top - - * Sizes 8 1-12 to 11................. .... 79c Sizesil1-to 2.................... Boys' EIk Skia Quttng Shoes ...2.25 values at . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .1.49 . Chas. jacohs 24North (4eee$ew* . W&ukegan, 111. * Waukega.n .aocais. 6' iIhalGibbrs was In Waukegan te- "Y fllîng tire papers whlch permit Wlm *ota tke <aer thie porifnaterlil lat Highwood. lie was appi)ônti d rome Urne ago and hie comrfllaalon arrivpd ilit MNnday. Thre jobi paya about $],- 100 a year. Mr. Gibu)s former]ir.v, eurr ago. waa mayor of lgirwood. CHURCH ELECTS OFFICIERS. A meeting of tire boardl of trrirrùrq of thre Preâbytertan churcli was hield lagt evenlng for the animal trrliî î of offlcpr8 which régulteil as follrw4: President -<'hlarlei% Oartley. Secretary--F. E.fleyop. Treagurr-Allen Henry. Cyrenlus A. Ne'wi-orn, Jr., Truster, PlaintIff, hia, started suit arcainalt John C. hlale, ilefendants, for $lii.iault dama9Pr on a rharge of treqpasa on ,te case. on proini4sr. The suit, thre braeelpe et Wlch w..fIled,,was liled Sheridan madl annelînce* the engagé,- the officai paper of the lodge of tirat M-Ira. AnaKA*C-,uniy ln circuit. corilttbis atternocin b% At n to Iurdttlr 1s ot nmr aieiaa u xo ibrh tornepy PantF l etotor(lm iSr'<et i c Miss îot am.j9 pse wa h-,tonat irD Rêv. ad Mrs. landitîlt rir-irî OîrrI r ! S(11001, - - 11107 XWest WairlîIigt>rr a rt vlaiIng tire latter'& relaî1 a \Ir ~ .r 1t' iklnii ln te ,h a, rj Irrî fronitleKa irasrre barri beemi a remident cf Waukean aie at Kalarnailio and Il 11"î;w r61ryprs.rHerhrririd forirno ing' a lecture tour, fir forrrr rwa ir III u n t l'P rRirtila l, 'repairlng pgtabnliux pestr c tie Waiîegai t~ ,~ Srirritr~ r jiCIWO<rl rrrriy t: . I arr rrgr b~ n but dieu severa yeitar. ago. I cirirchr IrI.. bu ,Tririr. 1-11 b or11, "irii r trr i - ro le t irs.ra McAvar.ey hadl li Mrs . F luFier, Br., wllrr r-as orod, 1rîr ,*il r--,bj r. ïhrr: ', rrIII 'ai"b Il,:r,"rtaIrrIIIn healul,. LastI Saturday' aie c tire w inter lit Florid-a iibI- ! r.iur r., ' u . ,r.j r n 'rri r d i rinna ud tis l w afin. George Thacker. Ira- ,t I rIctdprp jîr n tl 19 w for New York wirsre lr w r .. hd rr . 'r?!r' rr--i r, erlath. 5h, watt oneCof i the sumrmer wllh lier îjaigb-r ' n. rTr rr. anjr i r sI dents of thre ci Ef.fectve My ltir.A. i>.1 rL.rr r.rrr r j r ' attair(h sert liecornes siîPeritirIl Irrîri rr' !Ir ',rrrr t- fn ilet go b it e d pn rervi<c on the E., .. l i 1 i retIIýIlIýn tg o bd u rXrlc ally, who dll-n an , .I r r rrrr-frr r. rr rrri.îr 1 er r I 'r ath tcas an,?ln, mnourir age. Inn s off1Cia a"Ij . ai rt i r rr rrjj -urli rrt'IllrAl rairrk ?rrtj r r rma ri j jrrla4 Jolilet. Sîrî ),l i ". rr rj t .2l i rrr ! \ r rr rrrr Fo.rrmer thief of pojice .rh.hnj r Il tIv, r,:j' . r0r %i: ' r,ri r-rrrl tr-îwald 1l4 no longer a liii I r If ,rrltf sd ir rr~ , r rs I,- reljgîîeà lrnreriatiry I! t- lt i j r j r .r Ille iar rr.-'rtî 'j jl rr AliiWfs Foot Ease ior the Tio 1,1-w <.hijerf <ipolce lnu 'rij r'jrrIi'r trrtr' iiir Iri i r jrh- .!jII Il,- i rrr>-1rrrt r r r* p' . -rfirn, ,,L linn tnren narned. I-te is nota ,irig J'-a j lrr rri j'r'r.r- rti ru r I ... Jir r ili oe î i-nl tii,'saloon busirrir a 'tlri cff Lé-rr Iai rrrr r r r *t tlrrT iow s i.(r î , jr'n l 1. l .rr I.:rIj Xjt]; 'Il rrr.rt G îijliii liasna to yet appîirrrrnrr j jr liicru ' li.iiiiat I, ta i Ir. r r r rr i er !it r,. î , îr.rI -Il 1 C f . ' l ri,r i-'riras deputy. aint rh i I rrIor r r jrr rr î,lio n jrtl rr ir- r, r . j Il.jra rnIdrr:il~ \Ir. an %Ii ira. Dorai-nu -Id \,rrli rjrhr, rimjr ilr',r j i r. , r I rija N 1 1 2.iN , . . Srrrr' snt i jIrif-r taro litat Rrl ~ oy. < Handsfull of Dollars Vager'sI led., May le We offer you Sale ar D1 bargains that mean "dollars" and "dollars" in your pocket for our -Wednesday's sale. Qo Every Fine Boys' Suit the "E-itra Good" brand, sa well known to Lake Countv boys. We make you a present of $1 on any and every suit on WVaukegan's Dollar Day. They range in price from 4.00 to 10.00 Ages 3 to 18 years. On Evsry Yourig Moen'0S Suit Sale -our splendid " Fit-Form lie tor young felaows, ages 15 ta 20 years. The rewest sty - les that are made in patch packèt medels, we viilI present YOtÀ with $2.00 on Wauke gan's Dollar Day. T he y range>in price from 0,00 t. 20.00 On Evn Mon's Hart-4obaffner, & Marx Suit - -You know that they are the best on carth, and just this sea- son they are so handsome. We will present you on Wauke- zan's Dollar day with $2 on every suit sale. Prices range from 15,00 to 30,00 1.50 Hats for 1.00 - On 'Waukegan's Dollar Day Any $ 1.50 hat in our stock for $1 on this day. Any 1.50 ad 1.35 Pair of Trousers on This Wauke- Men's Si1k Hose. Black or Tan, 4Pairs of TItrÇ.ireet gan Dollar Day for 1.00. Values on Waukegan's Dollar Day for 1.O01. AT TUE SAME SNAP PRICES, FOR MEN, WOMEN IShoes^ND CIIILDREN ON WAUI(EGAN'S DOLLAR DAY. 11 9-121 N.--e Geîîesee St.g e 119-121 N. Genesee St. Bue liat City. hock y ur Y. - pr .-~ t - .44 i 1,11

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