Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 May 1915, p. 3

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LARE COUITY INI)EPENDENT,' FEJ)Y, MAY 14, 1915. ip I.... o o ___ o o o o o o o 'us o o o o o O o * o o $10 -o ___ o o o 'o * o o o @000 ~LI JOSEPHI KOHOUT Florist Greenbouses on Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Uine, between Libertyville and Rondout. Phone Greenhouse 1 74-J, alter 6 p. m. 29 1 .Rà REDIJCED PRICES Lu îg Stemo Roses, tioz._, 40(i ,ît-îmStemt Rose*%,* doz. -25e S-ýb,,r Stem Roses, doz. i 5ct Lo-ig Stem (arnatione, utoz,2;')o spiiIti, doz.> - - - 15e SwetcPietts, long stei, per huneh - ilact Swçee tIl'eas, short mtt.m, pier bîînch lO '-.eranîlrnM . -f1 i. tt ~caclu 5e (4eran*utis, -b in. pot, sinal 1Où Geranjuma, 4 ini. pot, large 15c Tomato Plants iii pots, per doz. - ' - 25c 0i'ner plants iu proportion Meredith Flower & Vegetable Co. USEItTYVILLE BIUNOIS1 THATRE Photop4ay Fritia>. May' 14 TheoOliCode, 2rtelelg lrauia The Woib-csa AM the Booba - . -Kalem-Cuinied,î Sweedie andi Hr Dog Saturda>', Stay., 1 A Question ef Conscience- -- - - Lubin-Drari The angs New Meanhor - --- 'Blograpl-Dranrab War -2 ieel Vitagraph-Ckmetiy Featnring Jay I>wtggln nti u Fiora Fiucb Snnday. Mda>'14; The Spiril t the Vieil, - - - 2-Jttei Selig-Drama Heaut'. Henger - - - Biog,aph-Drama Sotmental Sophe - - Eany-4Çamedy MONDÂT, MAY 17 M4USICAL 10 VIES i Tht .ttut itg t o. pIc-À tures 3 roels of mottou pictum-e1 and 2 roee ot01muai platrs,.. Malines 3-45, fetn rsi show at 7:.00. ADMIS$ON lZrc anti lO-. i------------------------u:-s:z Minstrel Show WITH Comiplete Orchestra ABSISTED BY iROBT. E. QUÂIT, Jr., Tenor From the Chicago Madrical Club AND H.0. DRÂUT, Comiediene Known on the Chicago stage as "BillyýKeIIy" An Evening o F Song and Ulumor Lidertyville Auditorium Thursday, May 2Oth AT 8:15 P. M. RESERVED SEATS ON SALE AT DIECKER& BOND'S DRUG STORE Pl anItlenocime IS NEARLY IIERE Atumîlyou '.w ili bi-' b kiiig wherê- to buy ytilr planits. Yoîm wili îîîake- to istakie by giv.iiig imet a trialI FUave the iist CANNAS KINEi MUMBERITGERANIUMS Not the big latiky oilse'. but it e hIutshy planîts coiffiug to buda.s SALVIAS9 LOBIELIAS AND SWEET ALLYSUM For vedging. IFRE, with everg order for two dollars or more will give 3 rose bushes FRE CUT ROSES For any occaiin alwaym on hail at Iowot p 1ricie'. Notltirig t aui ht-at nice spray of r oses. Better than i tat stuffed vine dî'sigl i ii 1 have beemi getting. Alt>Brown. Barringeon. ONE NEW CASE AT WAUCONDA; TWO AT FOURTH LAKEI Western Lake County Stili Ex- cited Over the Spread of Smailpox Cases. Waukegau. 'May 5. With thret. parlially recovereti cases of smaiipox al Vole, wlth tht. sec-ani baving tineti up ai Waucautia anti lwth tain cases rt.ported ail Pourtb lette, near Gri>'siake, tt appears au If the state bas net yet checketi tht. emîlipox epitiemtc lu western Li, coont>'. The second case at Wauconda la thal of Nîrs. Gainer, mother of tht. boy who was Oirsi ta'oen skik andi who la saud ta bave contraetCd the disease at the John Wirtzs maou lu Vola Wlrtz le Mrs. GaImer's brother, Mus. Gainer han been isiiug caie of her son anti, on Thursday she was re- portedte t have acquireti the aliment. Theit home still ta Iu qoarantine.. WbIle the tiusease was at Une Vole saloon, ont. of the Matt WIriz chiltiror of Faw-th Laite caliedt iere anti con- tractedl tht. disease anti le at tht. pres- eut ttme conflueti (rom tht. effects as le aiso bis sister. Tht. boy te 14, the girl. Dr. Clarkte of Grayalake bau charge of Iheir case. Tht. Wtrtz faml>' was at that time living ln tht. aid Prospect hoiel on Pourth laite, but bas aince mavedte t a nearhy tiwellug anti tht. min who bas Just hought the hotel whase naine we are onahie to lear.n, mas-oedt1 the. halel and bas violateti tht. quar- antime b>' going iuto Lîhertyxihle. îTht. proprietor of tht. hostelr>' ciaime that Il la not smnallpax antibas mon- acingi>' tifed the. orders of tht. tic- tara anti the ouly alternative la place a guird olir tht. patients aul keep them where tht.>' elong. A boy anti a girl of the Wirli tain ily are saldtet be cufering from the disese, but it bas ittacketi them Iu anly a milti faim. In Vole there art cail totale sveu cases anti every eft !fart la holug matie te curh It St tisi tia.. Reports are that there are eighteeu cases o0f smallpox lu McHenry. TEACIIERS TAE LOANS DRINi THE TRUSiTES 0f HOME EXAMINATIONS IN WK. TOTAL $112,151; EIVE FACIS IN FOR= TH1E COURT IIOUSE i REALTYIS ACTIVE MALSTATEMENT T. A. Sîrnipson, County Super- Busness of the retorîler 1h o f r Railroad Men's Home at High- intendent 0of Schools, Has the 'vepiténding May 8,14, Chage f Eamiatin. Number of tranefers, Vil. land Park Is Being Conduct- Thitysceuyong oten nyeaI Number of boans. 32. ed in Excellent Shape. Total number of instrumnents filed, tramn Wauitegan, the majorila' (rom Ralroad Men'a Home, Highlanld Park, .: Total a--unte a loins, $1 12,15L Illnois.1 Lakte county, and a few from <'hicago, Business han been talrly bli'ý andt took an examination o inte LaItelans were $40,000 beavier ihani ast temnofBadfTrce. t caunty court hause Thurs. to sectire' week. During the past year ihere has ap- sdate certiflcates to teach. The ee- Among the. Interesting deals of the peared in several îîewsîîapers maux-1 amition tok place In the circu. week are the foliowing a rticles wht'rein the' abl,s nauted in- court room. T .A, Simpson. countiv Ilii Newport townshipî , Lizcle B.Mc- stitution bas tieen Prosenteti as ad cuîîerintendent cf schools, was In '<roue soid 10 John loî', acres place unfit for broken tuait railroatiV charge. The questiîons asked had to in section 31, for $3,450 men. The. principal reason gIsen be-1 deal wlth the ivorkt thal leachers wîîîlu liAntioch. David W. liali blîîîithllng the îînklnd Iresîrnepnt 'ffereîl lie9 face Ilui hefir eer>' day sehool lie the Prank C'arislon prOppert in Ter. tnmates b>' the manager. ý after thpy Itave speured their certi ri-race IAwn subdivision m on "unaite. These articles referred i,, wtulin- iii cales. Arithuîe<ic, hîalory. geogra for $5,500. tilcate Ihat the. manager was a car t phy, spellung, eleinentar>' science, etc., lu Grant township. fleursJ.Her. sud thar the. liberty of lie lumales, are some of the'sulijects lu which ger sold b Auton (lirisien-,en, for usas ver>' mut-h curtailed b>' hlm. . questions were asketi. a nominal consIderaiioiî. 4o acres lu Reference lias also lieeu madie to These examinatlous are heid in the norîheat quarter section 2r, the board of trustees as îîî,i leiiî- 1 court house b>' Mr. Simpson at dif Inl Avon townshipi, 'harles ( willllng to give relief when riiiiiplaliitg ferent inlervals but i la rarelx- that ' Pmilh cidtt taCharles Krisemarek have been mtade to theni is Ithe lu' Ihere are so manv ' oitng womeu who part of the eass haif 0f uorthwest mates. ai ah to qualif>' al one tîme. quîarer &eclian 25, for * .0Tihe oard of Irustes ha\,i tIti Followîug tg a liai of Ihose who 1 (orge Rosing bouglil lhrc,- lots 10 accorder! every courlesv w!îii i ,oni looit titi' examinailoti, showinz liii' A hile's subdivision ai R' buil Lakte plaints have leie preseîtiei the11 cl in wlili heii, lise fruo Beriha E.I-fertile,-andIother, proper manuer. The ricords ,il hiý Stars- .Ihu4oii.'(kit agil hc$1000 ome and the trustees are- olîcit for( PerlKesvlirrnto 11Ii tîlert'rvNft-los li; iza î.îA. luspei-iin at anv lime for tîtose alioiî Eilh Kelses iarriîigton I)ean bought a lot lu Roi I. bIler (fir show an ilitereat lD the IHome. andîl Flori-nie Itobci rs ('hîcago Rulas \s cr111 for a nominal iosiiraIose who isoulil cari' 10 kioisthi Ethel \lellnerg <raYsi.îke 'tion. aclîital Inut liali-lîVioilis iaukegan Tsea 'icaliv h i roîm luAugusi, 1914, (,ne George 1,il oliir i-rani-es l'lagge. larrington. lames Kenîtetia*'Ytwo ll oun lîroadwas' n'.suofiHighîlandl Pars. Illinoi. i aîtsi'i <lnsuse(ollîîîî Barrington. andit*'bîrd streel. sud Sot Goî,)dn c tlui' <(r!iil d iiailId Iv ircîilaîi-'l1 \a liii Itreb lît. arrî orlon. Iil u (G-rge il, ailnd , 1. p a i ircuîla r i îtalIniug mauy î'harg es of Margare W'lhî'lrti, Highlantdl Par',iI incol I tW'ilots tilt",,,,nl stroet for tîihiiniaii Ireaimn of intnisIes andl Nl tor iaîniil-r, \%aiilican f'i ou nIeVI.' 'lhr> iîsii.gnei i ieiniilil Elli'ariorti ri l rti i Vau kegan i il le, Sonie 'of lit I)a rgt. tonla ied in Ithe lt*iîî fN-itI, î In >erfielti town.'o-,p.It' llocn- crcitiar inadI lîî.îin siîi.ialcul siar'. Ileatrice loive, Waitkegan.juil l'pionî farin. lu seltlion 17, was before andlitîher of lte charges Liii Stitanne Volait. Foi ISheridan. i..old 10 Freitericit C. lPalinz of (.Ii ino fouiîdaîtu whatever. li-lig Rosen. Waiiiegan. i ago antI SPslding recuIt, v sati,'1 r. Morris isas lîroseciteçi for crînt- Katerine 'Fîgmu., llîrî l lJhb'bcgple&'rtt-ý%al ihl ttiarcoîîîltiof Ihis tircîlar, Nora I lliîe>î Kîtliosha. 1irsee anti afler a trial lastirîr te îî(21 Enunice Bond. Gitruet' iAnie R. r>oyle.iioid lu E:ilward A. weeks thte jury disagrecd.Il hmlgbt Thein-a lordi-lIl itghlaîtd Park. Slechllne for a nominal cri.idratiou Lbe ieli 10 sas- tisaIthet. ralscrilit of C'aroline Pope, Waukegsu. 14fi acres lu sections Iî and 2g, sud the teslimonv of Mr. Morris gisen ,il Mary. Rt'am. Lllertyviite, sing parI of the hîsîl Zainle farm. tise trial. showed be hat n o itersonal KiaWlllans.lilerîsile l'harles G, us olll hln .lnowledge of an>' of tht.mllers cou Gerrud ludal, ait Buf Knowiles for a nominal cousieration taluet Inl the cîrcular, bul nearîr all ElizabiethiCook, Ares 1,ý acres lu the northeasî iluarter of of lts Information came from nintt-ý llola WXhite,. Gravelake. sec,(tion 16 sud Tvi f. lSeong paîdtrismte vwbose couducl usas s i adti liat Glatins Renulck. Palatine. $7.060<ifor the. tizzle Xuîc-s propertyI l was necressar>' for lbhe boartiof <011%e Reneisan. Round î.aîie. If -ont. third arces onit )eurleld ave- Iritesà 10 dtawic4ss iini froîu Inte Mîlîdreil Rilgethaler. Prtîrie Viw lin the village of lieerfieid. Home. Nî'ltieIiiilîman, î,akiM Zurich. lu Highland Park, 'a'ssie S. Cusis hîsu> people have heen led 10 ie'ý Frances SmthU. Graysiake. ilng sold a lût ou Shi-ritisu rond inl lieve Ihat ail mattersi contaitied lu the Vio t adivr . arrngln, lock 69 10 Fdurr V Kiri hierger antd ircular of Mr. Morris were trite anti Vi)oth lad W. ringbon .Nellie Witten pi ,$4.000lijfor a lot' thoso people who were assoclateti llorolhv Mller. Zion City on('entrai avenue esst of Linden ave- with Mr. Mol-ris in atlempting bo 1Franc es Bagle',, Zion City. nue (p' rom lis F, Scsoreck .antibriug the Home ant iits mnagement Pra e Knndv Cicroot. lotombdiarePute. have flot hesitated to resti> proaldeti for lthe construction ar tht' roati through thal utate and ti l as secureti concessions front other west- eru stales wbicb wiii masure tht. com- pletion of tht. roati witbln the uect Oive years. Tht. rouie of tht. road Blarta at Chticago anti ruins orth sloug tht. laIte ta Milwauklee. Tht. I aart to tht' w, -st la mate it. I ilwau- tee anti tht' road liasses through Ocan- ,ornowac. "ufIadison andiLaCroase. anti tenter, Minnesota ai St. (harles. Il liasses througt St. Paul and Minus- Iti Uighwoouj, <'harles W' Werhaue saY tht.>' uere trot., when lu resuit>'.spolis, throogh Aberdeen, South Ils-1 hougbt a lot ini Price's subdivision1 tht.>' bat] no personal tnowledge, butî kola. Itlai neanr a slratzht roid wect (rom Jamtes linderson for $1,150. bail received their information (rom frontMiliwaukee te Livlngston, Mont. Iu Laiîe Fore'st, Anita "IcCormick tIIhe samne source as liaitiMr. Mlorris. lient tht. road t, ruu*idBtlita gel ino Miaine botugiîhi-h,'harles L) Norton' The eltire malter of lte circular Yellowstone national park. West nf PrOPertY Ocf 10 acres on Illinois sud wisu laceti hefore tht. Home %oclety ilte park the' roati roUe throogh Buttc Mayflower ave ic. for a nominal at ils annuai meeting helti April 13th, 'sud other great 'Montana citles aud qconsiticration. ansd aller s futI discussion. tht. So-, a shift is made te tht. north la laite lu In Wsnkegant 'everat Interesling ciel>-, b>'aniuanimoîts vote. apîtro' Glacier paln ia>' op in tht. uarthweat deais were record-d. Robert J. Pear- lîriateti moue>' t0 continue lue prose- corner of Montana. Weslwarti through sali honght tht. olti Harlow bouse on u cion of 'AIr. Morris. Soin n hog t anrpr North Cont>- sîreel, and Charles L. Miih crlticiam bas iteen induigetl the roat inSds Its western terminal at Wh>'le bougbt uhe double bouse north In of tht' raies of tht. Home, yet an 'Seattle s of tht. Wbitney flais on North Couniy investigation wIli show Ihat these1 ,tram tht. Harlow s etat'. Emma Lii rules were nlot nearîx- as strict as londepentient reater? BE ONE, titrent bought a Miat building on Helm- mît-s governiug similar Institutions._______ hoiz avenue front Jacobh o'ldachmtdt. Tht. board of trustlees lias-e refrain- - anti tht. Lindstroma coveyed t 10etifromt anwerng an>' of tht. cr111 AJ 1 Goldschmitit seven lots la Cummlng's ciants lu the. newapapers. beiieviug A irI faddition, tiaundeti b> South Lincoln 'there were flot People enaughIner a streel. May' sîreel anti Cummings ave- eoulside af tht. I itng r- Reriflerators nue. Tht. master ln chancery gaie a aztint uifthmnml- deet ta Nichoian Larsen of the Roy' Ing an>' explanîtions lhrough tht. pMason Properîs' on Chesiinut atreet press. Trheg yi allti Dfor $1,7.%3 The boira af philo J. On behaîf of tht. Home. the hoard s fl to « q Warur cuse et 10 he llya 6-fo t rustees extends an Invitation tae59S CmeJ strip east nI Sheridan raad for tht. an>' parties interesteti. ta vieil the dt asoat el selves. tst t d roe Wewilt epesd earneta e fa « s f TOan' partie tht. yopon a bot dag that a "" at 1 l gv htmevr' 1-led tb the invention WIREL SS IN JUNE porttn ty toeatisfy thest.vec as te cniintht. Homentluf hci tn- lcr OReL ;BI A S mtes snd an>' other mattois cFan are interesteti. s s a Damages af $25,000 are demantieti tramn the receivere of tht. Chicago & Mlilwauiee Mlettrie Railwsy compan>'1 b>' Forreut E. Plffer of Milwauioe for tise desth of George Pfeifft.r, Who was ilîleti by a train P'eh. 12, 1912, ai Rawsou avenue sand Howell roati. Tht. cuit is helng tlied betore s Jury lu Jutige Orrin T. Williams' court.i Tht. new wusrelesstation5a i te- naval tralining station. ont. of tht. greateal wireletua apluaratumes ea-er put luto serrici'ý lui Jue or Jul>'. Anti, wisen Il is formally inaugurat- eti as a part of t'ncle Samas great army epuipuient. tht. esent will he anaritet with an eiabonate ceremon>'. Iu fset, airpati> arrangements are he- ing madtit1 havte tht. attaîr a reti-let- ter event for te station. Secretar>' Danlels of tht. oaa'>'le sure ta ho ares- JOE TîNKER IS THROUSH WITH BASE BALL PLAY.ý Ni-us art N..1, Niay S.-Jot.Tinker.1 tuti oflie beau ldayera biase bail lis l'î, u1- îrntballih lrough with set-i Ive partcipation lu tht. gante. Tht. vettiran stîfs Le aforce t 10gise np, aI 'n for a nîîîh ant pogsibl> fnr whicli bas been disgnosed as a rupt- ture. cul snd, If Prestient Wilson Sunds ;t Drawtng fer lots; tu a subdivision possible 10 be hert., he will he thtmog cubcrtbers tu a fond té h. guest off honor. An effort wilII e ust.d ta bring a usw tsctory to Keno- madie ta haae tht. chit e ecotîve ahm, was bolti b> Ju6ge E, B. floIdan coule, lu Kencoha Circuit court ta b. s lot- It 1s learneti thit 0one ef the fea-tep-y WithiuLthe m@Safu Of th. 1&w turcs of the. formai ceremon>' w >.i b suad therefore not s attlid coimet be- tht. presence of an avIator, probahiy iween the suliscribers andt the Keno' from tht. gaverument, who wîîî taket. as tdustrial assoolattoh,. whfeis *as part ln the program b>' malzing Olighîs raising $40,000 as à 11.0 MUtn fond, aven tht. grounda anti aver tise laie. Mare than eighty contracta remaineti _________________ nupçLitant i tiwas ta compel paymeut A marniage licence waS lasueti:n thal tht. aui was startoti. Chicago to Louis Behrens. Aldon.Ilii., anti Mias Hizel Vncent, of Guruee, Indeuendent reader? BE ON£. Aangyw a ythey're here-electrical de. vices thaï: are used agil over the worid when summner's tora rid waves descend. Ihey change the di- mate. PRICES upwords Pott1 S[RICLCCNPFN 0F NOMTEM N=WLiOi IPhions 100 Office oser Gas Co. Libertyvilie, 111. DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN L215 Madison St., Wauk.mana M. Office Hours. 9-12 A. M.: 1-4 P X., 7-8 P. IL Suudays by Appotntmont 0n17 Telophone M3. J. L. REDDINO, D.V.MN. j VETERINARY SURQEON t Graduate Chicago VOL Collèg ofcaiRosidence.779 nm Ave. Phone 1116-W. SPECIALIIT in FITTING GLAM »,SESl Ail Kinds of Glus.,Rtpaitd Dr. J. Ml. Fisher, 0. D. hlteadam. ,Nuvoecaes. Crois.yu. sitd Ne« »dm Far.Slghted Case OlAce over Spring's Restaurant phoiw 4 Llbertyviie, IIL Tuoys. 9 4 PUBLIC AUCTINERING aoet ust.otton pot b ièa auctian isisa and best reoalta taud).- Il kînda of ors.., wagouw aMd harness for sale or elchalge t&l tiums HENRY SmN Phm... 48 or 48 ZMOPCnT, ILL si(; SURPRISE TO HAN! IN TIUS TO»~ Local people 5an surlaod ut the QUICK resuits recelved tram simple buckthom' bark. giycerine, etc.. aï mntied in AIIsr4-ka, the Germ- ro- edy whicà berna.. tasiasuby -1 129 appendipltis. This simple remed' dravo or snob a suprtatug ameat of oid toui matter fromi the body that A SINGLE) DOSIE rellevu sasur stÔMWacb tau on thse tommois and CMoêstM INSTANTLy. it f is e buot remdY ire bave over soad. DECKER & BOND, Druggists L[ADIES' IIATS Lot us bleuchaMdi ,u- ,os, paommeakW Wu.a Mer stylté shape, et &bout ens- foguth tho e cai a» a ns National Hat Eleadm.y 34 F- ^M 9L, Chicsgo Sotwoon Stato &Bd Wabosh PHONE 114:M Viollnist, Pianist andÏ%Ïdh. M0 CORY AVIE. WAUk1WA. Byuauhsvté, àmembeus S boue pnbue utiltites elUtigte et opringfieli Wodedsy " b vola out without rec.,mi*etham I O'Rourke blill. incveeistg th e0880m' uer rare la lltbMos trou34.~ cents ver mile. W'AUKE<iA TO BE Loans, DnsumcD LReal ttae n Houa. Resting. ON lTUE NATIONAL Office in Kaiser Bok ROAD IN BIG1 PLAN'--~L.w cin Attorney-at-Lawv Wiaitks con sd l4î'îtus..a totu - a Motteyta Loan on G-oad Approved Real tari iii tht'greali'icmatiads-dm Lu in1Estate. Ihe ortweseri pi o!tif naion Oficein Triggs Building. the nrtheser pat f ie atonL113FRTYViLE, - ILLINOIS. ast(ount- (lent R. Il. Jones, acre- tari of lthe Keno'iha Atomobile club. LYTEL H.MORRI Nvednesdav moruttt7 reetved a ltl-TT 1Al A fer fromt Malcolm M, Kiuuoti. acre i Liberyvle ' Illinois lary of the Lakte 1ti-i-ýr Rosit asso- ILace Batildit. cltin.anOucig ha tý-Na ion e.- Pittine 152-R. Office Phone 18 Parka Tranneontinertýl lt.hw i v 'chti MAtRTIN JC. DECKE rago t0 Seattle, hati s'let eul a rouîte &TTOIRVEY'AT-!.AW directs- lhrnîîgb Keuu. 'r tîi a 'i Im ilw <pp. liltu St. Electre Statlor. gan. «Tho' Wasbiug'ii i sm:,. G;ood iftiteePhone 84M Reg. Phone. 1360il lioatia association ls Ini hargu oi tise i NO'TH CHICAGIO, ILLINOIS vork of promnoting'aî tighit way sud ilt-. declarej 'i îîi t ii b- PAUL MAC GLJFfIN. mnade tue iniost polînla- ilgliwas in ATTORNEY AT LAW. the worid for lise îsi' of aiilontîhil.' listrtyv-1Ilt, IlIuols titsa Tht. roatis titrtigu Keutosaa Ctiiuv wece seleciî' I )niii111 0c______________ lthe fact 1h51Ia here lu r.'tsoi Io Le DR,.0. F. BLJTTERFIELD. Ileve ihal asithina i itir' Lie tIý,r,' VETERINARY SURGEON will lie a north antd sotli coucrelte 1 siTN TT EEIAIS roand exleuding fromote -niloftheî votut, ta the. other. Ltbertyvllle. Ilinois. The firstI nspection of tht. National DR. E. V. SMITHI Ilighlwa >va'dli be matie or, aYI*15h PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TItiw ustritof lnspi'cting 1h'- matis he- ii.iitu.10taais 2 t0 4 and liai'Ws a ii tIi t Iotîtih li t , ')f I< (s llisIts ni- O if iRi i a urisu.,Store. cîutîtîlt ndstî he cil>' of Hlghtiland Park LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS i, t li- inthlise auds of the Keoosha Il___________ Alitoiniilp Ie du Il s tue juan 'f Ithe 1 DR, 1. L. TAYLOR iirîiiters outhiis t'arit'.Iineiltal I Office in Fir.t National Banku Bunldrng liigtwav lto hatîe regîtiar and IrPet a ei F- - 1 t(, 3:39antid it'( n . insp.,ctions of Ihese roatis matie 511h ' tdeslti n oBroadway. oppuulte lPara the, i îîîdfloîîs tif the roas i ll he tInaert vle. ,liinois. mtade knowî. 10 prospect i.- lourt' iD.GODN The National l'ar' m lfig;iwass-latheDRGO IN higest propiosiition lu coad building Mu"M a 2N.T I ta.)pM eser promotedIn tn he l'nlîeîiStates.'i tour 85012 aln -l Bankr It is the plan ofrlthe lrotlré Of lte i- ii.l'itne 19.J lie@. Phone 1574J. roadtia1 hase a i oucrete r'ati extend Litwt.rîvlle. Iliois îng aIlltht' aas'fromt('hicago 10 Se-, D.E .SIH satuc anti Ilf wili be mati espi-cialivs DEH SITH. Inieresling tai the toturisîs o c coýunitDNIT of the facl iluat the roati aili toucu.)VERLAKk COINTY NATIONAL BANK. mati> plat-es of luterest ini the "sit m- tc 12 a. m. anti 1 to ô p. a DAILY. and lise uorthwest. The route for the Làetvlý11Ila roati has 00w been selectei andtij of lise districts concrete rondis are CHAS. N. STEPlIENS. M. D. under construction. The Washington Stale Good Roade association bas l HOMEOPATHIC P RYSICIAN asud SUJRGEON 3.001 Th. lndeendont la th. Ountyle on- iy 12-page wokly-thatla why ove.- body teak% It. là"o Cout' bitg weekty-IND]ei PENDENT.1 ._ri- lz- IP

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