Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 May 1915, p. 6

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Psg~Ni __ By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent it daoe of the seasan at ertels Por Pavilion, Hait Day, Sat , M a:,.22- i . Burdlck tmade a business trip tii Chîcago Frday. Dr. and Mrs, Yung ot Lake Parec-r mj>ent Sonday at 1the Canerom bolt. Mm. F. C. Kuigge ofI)lvanhoe, visit, Saturdas with Mrq. S. A. Krarner. Speclt rates on ait graduation photos at Boydo Studio, Libertvvilie. 3 lir. and Mrs J. C. Dorfler spent Sun- .Iay witb retative@ lu Waukegan. Miss Hatel Moshler of Chicago, vimited a few days wjtb ber aunt, Mms E. 0). Wells. -%Ir. and Mrs. Ed Glenn ot Chicago, aud J. J. Rodgers of Racine, were giiests ofi Mr. sud Urs. Bert Swan aver Sondia . Choir rehearsal elli he held thitesmutek Friday at the borne of 1. E. PaYne. W. 1). i'orteous and daughter ý iolet e re Chicago vîitors SundaY. 'i let is spending the week adi triendit there. Mdr. and Mrs J . L.rving motoreit to w adswortii suuday &rs. Irving re- tuained for te week wth relatives Ibere. Dave Ruoseiliand farntlY acre Sîîîî1da sitors at the Mei ride bhomîe. I nuaiher of friendit surprised Mrs F. H. luutingtan nI ber horste Satîrdav ,-îcîîtng aud spent a very enîî,'able eriu'nilg Frrt dance aifs06 seasons t Hertel@ Part Pavillon, Haitllhny, Sat. May 22. J. Rouse. Sr. lias heen quite Piî'k the tapI week.' .Misa Anus Lowel oi Chicago, is spendl iug th week aI A. Lowel's. M. sud Mv. Ge. Mitchell are sîîend- ing oeveral dais lu Chicago. M. A. Woodin and tsmlly bave uoved ta tbsîn new bomene san ibe Milis tarni. Perc.v Andrseand 11ies@Baser aiLait, Foret, wseg uet of Mr. and M rp. Esrl Kane Saturday evenitig. Pearl Ray @peut the week-end wîîh Mise Tiffanuy «st Autiacb. M. Myr, railnoad de*eclive, tva bad- ly injuned near Letîton lut t-'ndey. He was taken 10 Waukegsn bispitalinlua ralroad ambulance. ]dre. A. Lowbl was a Chicago visitiir lit Iweek. The Ladies Aid ai meet witb Mn@. Aunle Roues Thuroday aitennoan, 1day 20. John Banîlets sufteriiîg us svere artack oi rheumatisml. Mr. RanImau sud daugbter iof Rî,snd- out, @peut llunday at E. Scireders. Wnt. Bockmn an sd iamily sud Arthur KelIer of Lombard, Ili., were gsests of H. Kane aud iantîîy Sunday. M. and Mns. Barman aud Mi. asti Mr@ Fred Kiene attended the limerai oi Mr. Hormaus e ier in Chicgo Studey. LAKIOUT NlPNET.PIA  4,1 b Firm dance ai the seasan Sat Hertel' Park P aviion. Hatl[tay. Sat., May 22. Miss Myrtl- Richards spent Saturday _____ aud Suuday e tht ber parents.Fntlteo u caota etl Mr. aud 'tirs. 'i .hhk entertaiued Park Pavillon. Hall Day, Sur , May 22. Conmpany lniim Chiciago Sonday.Th erilUnoTace rinu Mrp. F. ilitelieii sperit the frsI iof the , Th%% ltllldtua Talie auto reaii week witlî lier ;isttr, Mrp. J. T. Matnn l ,5 vlul ulcgauto xrie l u the Prettyterlati ctîurcb Tbursday Wasegat.eveiug. May 20, at 8 o'ctock. M. Mr. aud lins. Wm îSanuclif cent ' Iitiis- s henek, ield aecntary of tiii lîlînais go vistons s tee days ia.t wek. S.ate Suntday Sehoot assa ilat on weu1 M. NN. Kuedler aud ton Teti client Sun- make tht, adilvesc day ai B. 0i Frîtüb*i at Highland Park.i A double male tquartette ciii sîsg at A dauglter eu- tiru ti r.uand 'Mirs. the, noruîug ervi es i inte Presli.îterian J. Exon oin May -S. hrcioda Special rates on ail graduatioîn tbiios Mrst Ethehun Wilson hebbart of Ubicaft ut Boyd'tt Studio, Liierty % ilic. 3go. cae te gueut ioi Ms-@.tei liel Satîr- Mvi. S. E.Kuedii'r had as Ier giiecidit. tact Fi iday ber ut. Mrs. E.Millr i it Mtss Eeano a hothe i'itct, Dasosn CItý. Aaska. waàs tbe Tusday sit i% edi,eedtiyit-tit Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Richiards.. peit oi Miss Eleanor '%leý evs. Suday wîtiî relativces aIt Gen% i-ha 1S. Dt Neloin wil eign idsftut u. imur Mr rasd M r-S.ert iiiai i badîi tIhîir 1tmSp rinciplaifiithle ticrlicl ol ani isd guests Sunday Mr nd il'trs. Hiirtmi ti uii Misses Leta Givuch, 1114nte Kent atîd eidren fmon, Noneiuud Part.Christy 'leMaliiis aill rertain lotantîher Miss Ruhyv Ntaiiuc of Clii'smgo. eltutyear. Sattirda nd Ssii Sîtit a e'il' rilatîves M s.Fred K i îîark ii . tf h aii d lier" s'as thle guýssi ofilier tîot iiir severai d ia s iiiat sek. LEITHTON Mr .rnd 'rs. FveiiKemprnd ti snai tended th uînev:i iif'tire Etine- auint in Chitagi Iset Siîtday. Mv suad Mvrliv>, ki,,I entt'viaitted M. sud Ire. Bllson and ii r. tnt 'tIrs. Freci Lubtemai Siiday. Mvr WViiidn and fatiiîl sc i, titiir teti iiittt wta " ee. A. Etiager o '%s intAur o va io tuttmues last weOk I rsud M s Cioopler entte' ained tic Liii iuîiiilv sati iieiid- , îu'ig.ti Antrtiritieîîdcîlthe e'eld ii p o'Hec>n'y Hartitiau lu Chic'agoi Weinelrtay MiseEteiis (;race is spetding the week witb iriends sud relatives lu Chiicago. isses Este aud Mary fHeusart s tit- iug relatives ai Mi-Henry this wesk. MIessrsý Lysie and Earilroughian snd Harry Bmaeley were Chicago visitons Sunday. Mr. sud NMrs. H. E. Maiosan, Mr. Hieny Ceary. Mis, Sarahi (ear.î sud Nirs. Hi. J. Scbaier s isiied fineds at <rsysilake Shoday. Mise Auna Rosenduetcher ai Chicago, mpeut Suaday wiuh a Aster Mlise@Siariha. Robert iOak@ of Chiago. sptin,, Suiday witti retatives bene. Prof, Maure transavt ed ttuiuv's in Chcago Saturdas. Mn. sud Mn,. Jo,. Tntnitky Ssii daugb- ter oi Cary. vlitcd ait the bhrme tifM. sud Mrm. C. L. Pratt Tueé§day. Mn. sud Mrp. Fred Kuebker sud tauuly ai tirayalake, @pent SuudaY wtth rela- tives here. Augusi Ki, putTwuesdusY ru Chicago. Dlavid MeUlait> returtîediii W aucouda ast Friday asterspendiuig tht, citer isit Mrn sd is. Johin Golding sud ail ut Atlanta, G. Mn.. F. itchell of Prairie View, s usted Jolis Hep,. sou ai Peter He-, .dled ber lathen. J. Roues Saturday. Tuesdsy siierntsoui, SaY 4th, alter as E. Schnoeder sud Iamlly wertW-suite- ilneee dasing ront lac hiems gan vietors Monday nlgbl. altboiugbh le worlked up tb ix weets. aga. The deceased wac haru at John@- Mrv. and Unre. J. Hodge and Gordon burg, oct. 12, 1889¶, and lited sear Ray motored to Antloch Sundsy. They Wauconda about tes 3 eans. Te lueraI were aeompanhed home by Is Tiffany wse Thursday ut 9 o'ciock tram the and Mie@ Pearl Ra. Traneôlguratian Catbollichcurcb. 1ev. Mmra.WButâlz waâtaketc, UeAlliiter tiathen Muarphy officating. DurtlInl bosptal Piday and nndenweuî au Vola Cathotie cemneteny. He lpaves ta operation. Bler ntsny iiends hope Ion mouru hie tather, one braiLer. Georîge P., au oetarte movrv. sud two eiotero. lira. A. Roues. Mm, Laura Kane, Rab. Roues, WISI and Donald Poston motored to ihilette Suaday. gMMitle Boehe" ot Lihertyville, lei apendinor a few days w itb Helen Gerber. IMru. H. Barîtits, mti mlroviug very rapidly. CARD 0F THANKS Ws Ie tathntthe uelghhors sud finedo iar ileir klnd asiatt asd ihe levmpaiby ehawnu se dning our bepreave- meut. Peter BHe@sad Famti itdPusdnt eaer? &M ONE. MKE. THIS ÈINK BUSlfIESS HOM-E This bank iis operated for the CONVENIENCE and BENEFIT Of every mn, woman and child in Lake County. Our Officers, Directors and Employees are ail anious to look after any bnelnees entrusted to them. Whg S moke Ibis bouk.oour book? $f.OO"Obpeus a Checideg Account.41.-0O THE CITIZENS' BANK - 66VAZETHMIBm TOUE BUSIM BOXE, Saf. D"Moit Boxes for rent Are@, Ifinois MIts Rîîtlî leiicit sii! ltewh iird atîd furtt, grades tiitle icii'sle seitll ext %par. Mir. anud M r@. Iraviarnvl uer Itt ke-. iý for tirciite. Missoari. e here tticy ocre cailed tîy thc snddeîî deulh ni Mvr.'Gai il- Miss-I[ti Ith ili ii iod asnethlicg uist oit Miss 1-lorive', lliite tH iglîliiil Parik. 'I'esdsa anîd MWdnsetu àlislces I .tllian andi (irate Snlîie. .1liiiira Riiukcrili and Eicattir leyterwilii tuke part iii the 1)l S.H. S. senioir ila9 'tvlie Piper- ru> le giý ci t Rasiiia Ps, Mie G. Niycs ofi Kanstuir.wasete Tlitrdu~ îiîstt~Mrp Frarît Heit'l'iîi LAKE FOREST First danice ut the eai t a lerted's Park Pavillon, Hait lay. Sat., May' 22. M. and Mrs. Edward L hyersîîu liave iateiy rtuned rtîtîtCaittorura. Mn. aud Mn, Fred Welati toit ssvme- Mion otose iiithie Speidel 1cottages an (akwuod Ave. last aetk. ,liin mmvii rl pein t 'Thlu rstay st lus hoinieluLake 'tilla. Mtr.sîtîl St s. ilyvde N. tai i iîive returusdfmuni Sauta Baiat a, 'ai.,.sud bave utueued their coutlry boute Iere, whene tbey plant liisiied the sommer. Wlni. R. ;ttirling and daughters. the, Mli.sses htan sd lorosby, ai Chicago, î"idtlelv bahouleefast Tiisda. Mn. sud Mn,. Warren 'ldett ssii tamiiy have eiumued iii Itrues t4Lake Sttsr e1indiiig s week nutte litto's boise bere. Misses etit aînd i-mma cuiik spent Saitrdsv sud Siiida.v at itomteý Sire 'ais eh', tir, hlier rîîm Niýi itgan aud Iiesds rotti the .itlusvtuîted iter Sunday. WEATHER REPORT Wsalher forcesn for lb. week begîn- uîng Wednesday May 12. isaued by the U. S. Weaihen Bureau, Washington, 0. C. Fan theu p e, lissic.iptîi a an sd plais sate. Ienevaili'fain ceaiber le lndcald origthe weet, except thaI loa are indicated early in the week aven tht, exireine nortbsesI. Tent- peratures ivlI be tmoderate, with s ris Weduesday aven the, eltruuit îîrtbwese. For the egian of the Great Lahee: chas-en, Wdneeday willi he tollowed by generslly fain weather duîing the ns- mainder ai the weet, withsuut tempera- ture changes ut coustuenre. To WH-OM T MAY CONCERN: Complalut bas been rmade tu me Ibat I stated Ibal lins. Caroline ltuseh. wile at J. N. 5usdh,, ad reparled ta the ttIs Attorney ai Laike tounîy tai 1 was jcsddiug liquan sn Vernaon Townebtp In violation ai tht, iaw. t did utîste such a etaieentun or abtout the *20tb ar 21st day ut Apil. I1915, at Whe-iingIllinale, snd 1 bissed Pecbetsteuîert ait reporta that I had heanîl. i bave iourud sîson investigation that the, taternent 1 made regardiug Ur@. Bnecb wa u nt, thaï: MrW2 Bosch neyer made any compîsint an report to the, BStes Attorney ofaisy tiud or nature rsgardlug mv pgduilug or elling iqou n luVernuonTownship, and 1 i wleb îpoblicly Withda'I& sncb Obalemeut egarding 1Mn,. Buslh and apotogize 10 ber for having maile Mme- I maire tht.s taternenit utti and freeli suo that the public may know that i won lu the wrng, sud lu order thal justice may he doue 10 Uire. Busch. 1 witl bava tht.e tatement publlehed lu the (sake Couni., ludependeut ion titres sucefflve reeke. Dated Ibis 28til day ai .pril, A. D. 1915. Mri ir C-MaY 7-14-21 The lIndependent led&MU ihs 'lasteaîîoîPlttin"e,%vas a e Zaitit s iiltoe Sunda.v Emitl Frsuik, CariLrut Viii. Tank sund Fred Ht-uti aI tetî(lcl a M11as> suc ieetiiitg 51Burriigtaut Satoniaye e ii Mr. aud Mv- Jai-Ltitit a'trt, iv orthe slumme . M s. .1 ilitPie t,1)i%,.nd has.etiiirued ri>, Detroitu, Micli> Miss P,,le wes asi i-t,,kiutuei, akî Zuantîl, s> iîîîii Jr as t' truîîoîî' vîstar SIiftoa.s Mis- Nettie 1Ilîlîîai o1%umsa N '~ikegti iisi to fr ait a y is Mt s Hait al >i,)lIii . vo i-itr.iu schoal uit Laike Bluff. sjteit Sattrdat ait Suttday club lier lparents its. Cltrkc tsiillier t u, tiîîdrcrî ais-uit the, îeek-eiiilnt lier inthr'es bornte Mims Ellt. 1,-di.-r %va- the guieto Iiiise Mytie H> ier tier Saturdzi sudittSu- day. Mi auj lMis. Jîsvs,'iLi tertie Ipe -'ft ulcîr ttC oitf riesdà Suudai. 'ii, tai exftiiiiutistti t iof the ciii, grdetas giet i athe Lake Zurich seboil 'Idt.s, d. uv 12. by Supt. Simpson. Mtiss J utîel'tFian sd 1mev tIlee. Mids Julia F5ts sert-Chicagoa visitîtra natur- day. Mn. ofiiiiidutIOnt Park. attarneY oi Liste Zuirich l'anis tothie meetinig held at tte vij;llae baill iaturday ereuiugl. 'tii. Nij,ni,iLadil aud utu Chuarles vis>tý ucm île ivluitetif H. Sîliaeter tor a A meeting ofth ie Lake Zurich tiosine@e men wss bel liat Tuesday altht, viUage hail. Tbey are tr3ing ta organlze s comîmercil club aud cl invite the Paltine <Cîtmneiai Club sorie eveuing this week la help organIse. Mrp il. Smtih and dangîttern unai elîl remave to Elgin. Mis@ Adta Schtaî tous a ti'lii oAres Snuday. Tbe Warue'o Aid society beld a uteet- Ing Thursday aiternooti St the- church, atuiosi ait ivere pnsens. 1 Mlies EloeeKohI was 111 fansa Iew day. Th- village is planning lu., jtthie tIlte on the road@ thet iret of Joue. Mise Ecuma Schneider eutertaiued finde iront Paltilne Sunday. Otto Frank le gettng along ver>- iceiy ln building hie ns-w homne lu the Robet. son' e ubdivliti. MiseElunta Sehuntaker waau the slcktt liset .wek. MAY PARTY A May Parti wilI ut,1-Uvet asthe, ivanhoe M. W. A. hall on Weduesday eveulug, Ma 101h, by the Ivauboe M. W. W. Ticket@ Soc per couple. stablng free. Oood ntuelc. Refreemeutoe ed. POWER SPRAYIN4 ANI WuITEWASIIt4 CEean Qui&k Gaurenteed Work. Cow Barns, Chlckeu floussets. F.JELLEY. SPItoas319-R liadepealent ada-rual b7 25.000. 491 NEMRES IN PLUIERS ARE COUNTY ÂCCORUINEi ON STRIKE, TIEIN(i TO CENSUS REPORT UP ALL N. SIIoRE' Not a Plumber Workmng ln Any Figures Show That Less Than ofteCtes From Highland One-Tenth of One Per Cent Park to Waukegan.- 1 of People Are Negroes. A tact of Inteet and flot gnerally Accrdig o te attst enus ui known la that the plumbers of Wau- Accndlg bth taentcesusbol Iegan and *very other north shore letin recelved fram Wasbiugtou there cty as fer outh as ilghl&Wd Park, were 491 uegroes lt iLskg COuty are on a strike and have been out whe th, 110 edralceuue Ince a week ago last Saturdsy. Net taken. This was .9 per cent of the a mon ln the district la workl ng. entîre population of the caunty at that A commttee of master plumbent, time. The, followlng facts are taiten sud mechanics bave conferred neyeraI ,rom the statîstîca lut te bulletin qui tmsdru b an ees e far as It apples taeLakt' catnty. su. It ia stated, ail points wblch arei COLR- uder consideration and coutruversy Black-339. werenamtcably adJusted wtt the, ex- Mulatto-152. ceptian of the, wage testuire. Ask Advance. Nlale-230. The plumbers have lieeu recelvtug' Female-261. $6 a day for ibeir work and they nowI MAILUH OVER 21- are asklng $6-10 per day. The zmaster Number-164. plomber, dlaimt they wlll not psy tht. Per cent of total-1»..amunut because Il la 50 cents a day ILITERA'PE- igber than the men are paid for stm- Number-12. ilar work lit Ciao The scalp t, for' Per cent aftotal 2 igt hlour't. Over 10 years-419. Th.' jourot'ý iii i. hes tald tbat Iliterate-37. thîe y osd fnot lie pla')the advance Percentage-8.8. askedwwould nat report for work Sat_ Fromt 6 lu 14 yrs.- , urday, NMay ltI aud tbey have sirte, Attendlug schooai ,. been' tdIe. Accordisg taeaete master The statistici show that but tw iltuirber of MWasegan: "There have fartas lu tht, vounty areîîwnêd '1 leea no ov ertures on te part of the isegroes. They comptrise bîut 14 acre3 .plumbers since ta specIf tlîevrod The total value of thet leafarma s gttgitretî sadIfrot $4.650. Thts locludes the, land s. ýwili stand pat. l'uof net iosing much Ibuldings. luiptlements and machiuery, worî< as a resuit becatise there was-t1 Il hasà taken the goseroutieut so' nt inut>it tlise, the, carîieuter's strtkoe little lime tea itiail tbe details af lia i .ledu 1 ohrwrkgnr the census taken iii t,410sud thîs ai 1 wouldt't be surprined ta e e aecouais for tue tart tlî,t new tabula te puîiiîirs' ditltvuitv tie up just as I tiens are given trot,> tuiiw i ii iw. ong as the, carîlenters" and then when I _______________1___ tht' latter i.> adjugted ait' the, pliui>i- ""e rs' adjusted as well." i LM~ L ft.ICH 1 Tht, master tlumbers' committeea4 - oîtsissaif Messrs. %IcDnougl),.out sjîeîimi rat.- otn ail graîduaiît udl 1- 's X',aulegan Schaeiier.Hi land Park, et Dî,is tudoi,. . .i1! It. and Fitzgerald, Lake Forent. Mr.asud 'Irs. t4laiulaPir el ut a1 Accordiug te a Waukegan plombler tew days tini à gti îsiv.g relatIves tiset, istîlt a question now between Mri. H. Wuetciîlurg ail son 1-Lr te piîîmbers aud employers which were Ctilcagi> vigitir'. i.atufdut. bas nat heen adjusted exceptlng the JohnuPretitut. we liiic tidtî île wage feature, lu other points. work- iri t'tica it pî.utStird:iciand tiiiav îg details. ec . the commlttetmefl9 at lits bîttîtgai together and adjosted things to Theu hetsitc ~~ ,- t ,. ýýrvn the satisfaction of bath sides. wauciisda Ftid3qr'eiti] t eliiLakle Z/urichs iistnd. Every Accommodation A good timc assured1 Don't mis& the f irst one I .zm---- -b----------- su::.s::ssm:.s Bell System A sudden fever, a vagrant spark, a desperrate crîminal, may turn a peaceful home ipto a place of distraction and danger. The telephone cannet ward off these evili but i t can briîîg assistance-and Iust the aid needcd -so quickly that they have littie or no time in which to create iliness or havoc. The Bell Telephone knows no sleeping houns non holidays; no rich, no pon; no high, nu Iow-t stands as the guardian. the business medium sud the social assistant, with 9,000,000 stations throughout the country. e. Bell rates are kow, Bell service is standardi. Bell System is comprehensive! Evcry man should have a telephone in his home. Cali our Manager for rates Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Telephone GOO OUR FINE BREAD GOES FARTMEST Our .ane mweet antd aholemorne breail is weil worth waiting for. luit '-oi tont have ta wait. O)ur baking ta done in large quantities aud at regular hours. Biegin 110w---k for Libertyville bread next tinte yoit order front your grocer, or get t cvery day st the borne of the best bread made-the LIBERTYVILLE BÂKERY 0 PPORTUNITIES, like eels, are aippery and hard to hold, nnleaa firmaly mezed. They wlide through te ingers and are gone ere one ig aware. To nuake lte mnt of opportunitier, that may be grasped by advertiaing, une The Independent's elas- sified pages. It i a mighty elusive. opportun! ty that escapes those who advertise in The Indepeudent. Pron t îe thoueainda of resderu The Independent le pretty mure ta affard tbe adventiser luit the opportunities that be Io eeeklng. WM. DRI E for LAKE COUNTY onIgj In order to improv'e the dairy herds of Lake County in production of butterfat CRAB TREE FARMÏ Lake Forest. 111. Clesa A bq State of Illinois Ollers to the Dairg rarmers or Lake Couattj I )EIINCG MAY Ten Pure Bred Guernsey Bulis 01 lmporied stock at JUSI ONE-HALF USUAL PRIC E obtained for such bulls. No finer butEs wr ever offered for sale. Watch for The Rawleigh Wagon My Stock of Rawleigli is frt'sh and coîpete- Medicines for Persoxial use, Ext ratt*, SIîies, Per- fumes, Toilet Articlei;, Soap:s, Iolishes, Stock and Poulty Suppl ies, 1)ip and Disinfectant, Et(-. WAIT FOR ME. Leonard, Disneyj, - The Rawleigh Man Phone 156-R i st& Orchard Sta. Libertgvifle - --------- --------se:m:::m:s F1¶st GradD ance 01 m ~SCeasoll IIERTEL'S PARK PAVILION HALI! DAY, ILLINO01S ISaturday fliob, May 22114, 1915 'I i Husba Es A E LA our s moun Porte cablec we h er. U1 areI next That er of 1 liegan. drawuet pedutt'd land b3 aa&ured frtin tEt pt-arstt daugli te i r fat] tluit i,' Mn. Lut, that Pot michl h lie thai -avesi tiat tlti Wa sai MIîSE; avenue. M atnsse dav Fr Mnr fa-ed ai tIesed 1 prees u, Il-- hi i,îîîîiaitl vigl1t iof lit'p-FEI,t nhItet1. 1 A ril hiiise ta di sast.,' iii lie li Io li' Lhil s do ti',ard -1 no' la, ,l Tietit lias bpee braite in' Lter agals w, "l1t'àt fillins lw aganti of mothe hurdeni we Ithil W, tliat tusO wtt' drowned. shock fa] 1tube poaitîllil ajîve," s uto thoun att aceaut word tri comstanî kard la . 1 lammy ut Allan'a, uts. Lâmntyvill% Im"Ois 1 Music by Hertel's Orchestra Umm

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