Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1915, p. 1

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mmAKE OUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII.-NO. 35. TWELVE PAGES, LIBERTYVILLE, LK-KE COUNTY,,flL., FRLDAY, MAY 21, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT $1 .50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCI. ZDON DEACON IS RILLID INSTÀNTLY BY EXPRESS TRAIN Accident Happened at Wads- worth Friday Night-Train Going 60 Miles an Hour. VICTIM IN A CLOSED WAGON Wagon Is Smashed Into Splint- ers and Both Horses Were KilledImmediately. Il. ; iIckta aviolesale candy deal..r in Zion CIt>', vas kilied In- stat.,.ty Frida>' nlgbt. Nils>,4th. abouti 7 lu .Ïclock, vhau s lhmlled train ou use i iago. >iiwaiklee and St. Paul MGCLURE, JR.,IS' NOW A MINISTER The liev.Archibal McClure, son of Dr. J.G. K. MvýCîure. president of the McCorm lck Theo logicai semlnary. was ordalned Wednesday night ln the Iake Forest Presbyterian church, ofi whlch his father was pastor for twen-ý ty-four yeara. The Rev. %Ir. McCure la the second son of Dr. McClure to be ordalned.' Ilis brother, the Rev. James McClure, an d hig brother-in-law, the R»s'. Du- mont Clark, asalsted at the services, whlch were ln charge of Prof. B. %. Ilobson of MtcCormlck Theologîcal seminary. The sermon was delivered b>' Dr. Cieland McAfee, and the or- dination praYer was made by the young ministera father. The charge ANNOUNCE WINz NERS IN ALL TUE T O W N CONTESTS rhose Who Won First and Sec- 1ond Places in Contest WilI Enter County Contest. SILVER MEDALS OFFERED. Contests This Year Have Prov- ed to Be a Success in Every Sense of the Word. The contesta thaf have bpeen held In the different towns In the cou nty have been comîuipted and thw show ings are moat gratîfying. T. Arhuri rosai going axty miles an bouc, crash- a s given b>' Dr. A. C. Zenos. Simopsont vas lu charge 0f the e.xain- üd i-t o the victime vwagon. RIckar's ioutions or contensansd naturail>' body vas dragged nearl>,IPA M I T Jgf ttcî t he credht for lte success la tri- bocks; the ivo horses vers PÀRN LL jflj YEf* Irelected te hlm. The papers have ail kilt...! Iniantl>' sud the hFas', wagon N n rrrected atnd Ihose Ihat got vas snîashed Imb selntera. Thie "ac VETEIIAN E R istad second placesalit the differ- Aass~s U I utii eî r tîîîet oepr i Id-n h-ltPened ilbh- raihroad cross- n UJcsaePiij otlepr ilg àîte baaillet f Wadsworth, l thUNTER, IS DEAhih ili h .ý-rs ws onbiswayhome HU TER9 IS EAD hetd- a[ ,iiîertviui ecari>' ins uuî, r l'l v as 1n 1 bis a >' oen t oc kT h e o rk in' th e t u n ty r n te : z Zît I I-v v 1))l t lii-accld coltieb- r ietwu ots tnal ii.. O Ilstllilt-iI tiiqlister i toa eHad Been Failing Gradually lIPar it iitustclnei t nr at iiIîicyaîi l itrlr Ile' Since Deer Huinting ExPedi- îoins iiilt îu uîatnao si ~ XVdvot. The raliroad 0inLs al uiiudtoî îhreiî.ncî ,rc,ïi ng lit Wadsaortb 1.4 ratherar io LI lilic tatiosd dsiion, vhoIretin iter rail nt- as a siv of the track la obh- 'Parnell Thtîer. (une of the hi-st ili-chîinîand tractons.ioeflýbr st urei b>' the- Lux varahouse. 11-iiîiîtdccc Ituntere ltba-sc louliTheu*adfracion t îk-i -rat men vire stiIng lu fmoi.t irus gun an<i mari-lied intt the W IsI h emnhpeotsli <f ' i . 1), Fost.-c store, abiout oua iutt5in vilda tromntLake ceuni>, dled tetovu content, ai laiIthe irut ho' c -i-i fet from lthe- iro9slng. vben i lite home ofi bis sier. Mm-i Georgel ex ercises lu Fausî's manuai. ef peu- .uý ,ietmansrd Te ecahipandIle vork vil a Judg- tha' 'bc ignl ourm,-d Tbey decar.,e;Webb, at Antiocit, Friîltî, iay l4thî, cmha M Fna hp'aî bathisina git va rngng a.iaged 67 >aars. PTh Msrpaustng imii ete aea nnot . iug the atittoatb <ut a train. It Hia deatit mas due-II iail.a iue( nThe îuvn cnt il esitsud sinas va- rahnng ati tlimte and insida I condition cf lite stomacb sslîicb Inad herto tise lrift>' pdwili age 0 ln !lis. vovered vagon hlt ahellaved lhîtliereii îthe for soue tima buteshiri apaller iii-.trtsdi ne ber tsewarnhng. made is troirI dsairous alupeaanca The genleralmto e cdutg Mt ,nv miee he dîd noe patise as ha! ast Fai]twiv days aftlie hart adS- lise eading content ha ibat thai chilil a momn.î en the mck s w I mn ivetd ini litPV. sconsin vooda te huntican make oee section tram Elsou's z. moenttis blrsa vee liideer. havhtte accomPanied a numbe. lerwbb tsbuuedhiya fil-. -rack, part va>' aros-tha nexl of ILaIe coultlY friands.Hie elckuais Tue dge titlas n îlI vhtos e aitr ,un-nl the haavy train'approachlu.c nacltedba onttshmetif scieclion bho aad sud hea contait- ut'-micspeer, apIîeared I lu iist bts sît.tehameuce, aandstheoshnvenr. tirait avntyfise teet ava>' A Jta,îlw ahiudr, b>,thes sPeîî .d lalar ihera vas a grid ha ieremaixed fer somle timeanSd thani The Judgiug vilI hb>'b diabltere' , rîhýRicert' bdy a mngdg-Zmebuck Lake count>'. Hia con-, cd parties. Il is believad that soute i as!,-th iestodyofvs smangîwdditia.n grcv vrse rigbt aioug and niay bha teachers et exprerlance. Tbrea nteim golevlt ie 'Mc- metdais vil hle given In aach cotîteat. tort, awa> si) that lha vas aimoat unBsuetm golewn et rK,ý,gnzabl. Te bonesaisewer Alister liospili for treaiment and' If la net knoav as yat vhelher Iha>' rc<erualeTh orseIo s Il ergalned for a lime but 0o uMa>' Otisha I vll iiihaai l Iver or vitethar aume trot îpaliy le tise tact ibat t...b.dues deidad te go to bis ister'-. vieme he viii be goldý aitver roiedsuddmxad or uci dieu Hc M'as a boîiter ni Johin Tba>'- Follavhug la the liai of those sWho al-r la d rgefr her cmof Aittoiocuand a cousin ot ('hurlc erm'nuprizes In thea In-ncontens a i-s'tacemaa o b mnabtThayer sud Henr>' Straîîg et Wsuke- throughout the count>' San titacas e rassons.eCthmecenet SENTut an usamInathon shovad thal lIta vas alelvshisoCarnefBE oN extnct Th boy o Riker )sblkosk andît ari snd Howard utfiE%. SPeihig i. Joseplîlîe Green; 2, tk- a'teteWdwrhdptaliston. Ruths Steenrod; 3, Holger Lindliardi tae a,î h asot ao iMr ema oiriu ilunHll nei.1CoeFry ware it vas kepi pandiug the arrivai;- - Tilîaye ssletoa llb ltli net il er ut ýh- coroner sud tise undartakar. atdIllts horneisad aiaays been ti Aithnetiîc 1. Mairie Swan.oîi; Tht. oronerm Inqueat vas held te-r Lake coot>' siltere ha sas faniiarIv Reading-1. Lauma Natffinger: 2. da.kitosu îîa. 'ane>' Thayar Eninta Bock:2 Estiser Naffeluger. day viilro he ahwsa For 25 vears lie sîvisys smenîtut- Penanshisip-t. Esther lRepkos - 2. prürcilneut man in Zion CiIty.lie vaslg deer i n tire Fati ho the Woods of -tel Higgins. 3. Enocis Cars-ar a~~~~~~ d-aoun olvscu-b Havsi Wisconsin. Ha vas alvaysB ooked for SHIELDS. a mamriedni an. For sonne lime lha - te aa.s ent. lie kues- tise oods Arthitile1, Francis Sheridan: 2, had c-onducteil a vholesale candy better tiait ite average marialie uaram StrFedil3t. Harold W ikinson. li,lnérs. bavlng a large trade Iný ma, creditcd vhthi kun ingte ganse lteading-1, Marlon Cook: ", Auna Waikegn nd thr prtsoftheoflot uîtng dcci better than tise userý Staros lvii 3. Franîk Elinit fiounty Ha pald visita ta local cauds jrtage hunier sue lises ameng tirent. Sticiitî -1. Doris tuititiii. 2, Edi- ileaters severai timas a veek. fl.Prv .CaaKpem hoi brns wec;re h te the O 6wO I1~Pennatiiiip-I, Lemlîtne Deacorit sidof ire ruc. on ofthem100OTHE W'si arion Nelson;. 3, Edna Berg. fe(-I and the otisar about 200 test. Tise NEWPORT. I"v ut Rickeris vas picked up 600 GIVES MRS. JOHN- AHItiiili>c-t. Leslie Shiselds: 2 teeý dlesn thetrack.Il les kuli huid Man Tltenîipsuui3, Rditi Titomîssen. ieeseverely frctured and therevwas S N A ORC ping--t. Leslie Shieldls; 2, iem eitcofitmlijre btna ON À DI O CE dIs')Lux: 3. Belle Truax. î,u,as e!Ia, nstant deatli. He-tas 1Readngî-1t Josephs Hotiait 2, Grave dunt Wadsverth about 8:30 o'ciack lin' 'or soute eason ha managed te cil I 'lt-ce aittboum abaad of lima. Hie wagotn vas a clueed-ln rdg sud con- tairA. a stock et candy sud man>, b)oxes. Tiiese boxas vara said! la have bleau pied up0o the rhghî sida. so that it la probable Ihal ha could ual livsaeen tise train comlng. Hie ai- va>,.- callsai 1 osirs grocer>' and Mr. l'ami--r vas etlrpmlsed ai Is being ln Wadsvorth so sari>,. Tisa train la said ta go liraugit Wadswortb 60 miles an boum. Tvo pensons are sald 10 bave vitneuaed lise accident sud as soon as Il hap- peuad the anglneer of lIse train put ou tisabrakesansd braugIsI bis train ta a slandailil. A seanch vas Imme- diatal>, made for lise bçdy but Ilbvas some lime bafare the remains could be fonnd. The ulgIsI vas ver>, dark. There vas ual a paricle o! the vagon remainlug Intact. Cans ver. ibrown eut promlaiscuousi>'. Mr. Rlckeris vas vali knovu ait alag lthe lakaebore. He camnled a full lins o? candies. He dld busineslu Wankegau, Kenoaha, Racine sud man>, other tovos aloug the lake ahana. lHe aisa veut veet tom seveml miles. 'V'iît. finir ai Itovua o! importance as tam veet as Fox Lake-. The business ha bad buili up vas considerable. Hel Mrs. Mary L. Johmnson of Fox Lake Obtains Decree When She Tels Storyto iudge. Judge Mangan lu the Cuperior court, Ch;eago,, granlad a divorce sud $50 rnonthly alimon>' ta'.lira. Mfary L. Johnson of 1327 North Daarbemtt street. Chicago, tram Gadtray P. Johnson, avuer o! lb. Colonial hatl atil'ax Lake and lis Dearboru dance baIl lu North Clari. treet, Chicago. 'Thers vaa anotber vaman lu lie casa," Istfied Mm,. Johnsan. "Ha Isad bIs choe belveen ber and nia aud ha 100k ber, TIse> are living togeiher ai Fax Lake nov"ý was fuit et euergy, obliglng, courteous sud always te ha depended upon. For tllese rmassons ha vas velI ilked. AtI ana Ime ha vas manager o! the ZDon baker>' sud lter vas made Imanager of Zion home. On accouni of iII heallt lie prefarred te ha out of doors sud 100k np the vbolesale candy business as a lucrative profession. H& vas a man of 45 years and Isavas a vidov. Cormener Taylor bald au inque8t Bat- urdat utorning sud the verdict beid the mhdread hîsmalass. the dealis ha- ing dectared accidentai. On Rickert'. persoît vas fouud $98.48. Sliicuiii.3, liolhe Tmuax. PPentanstîlp-1. Mary Tiîonpson. 2, Ivutla Gri.s îîtd. 3, Lucite Laitey' VE RNON. Artmueîic-l. Ibristina Thorsel. 2, Abert Harscltbecger, 3, Ralîîh Weil- cen becg SeIn'L Mars dia Keller: 2. Cors Gosavîlier, 3, Heury' Relmera. Readng-i, Coma Gossvilier; 2, Ag- ites Haneoit: 3, Marvella Kelier. Penmansîthp-1, Emma Meyer; 2, Euganie Vsoss; 3, Lillitan Relimers. ANTIOCH. Arlthmetic-1, Sylvla Kashk. 2, Wil- lia Sheaban; 3, Edvard Leonard. Spliing-1. Dorolby Banks; 2, El, mer Ratuer: 3, Carnie Chrslensan. Reading-1, Cîsyton Hanilin; 2, Er- ma Sarenson; 3, Auna Krel. SPelling - 1, OladYs Panovakl; 2, Suste Tiffany,; 3, Anata Wltau. ANTIOCH, GROUP 2. tAnitmPptc-l, Lena »pafford; 2, Ruth Klnrad; 3, Ethel King. Penmanship-1.l Glad>-s Panovakl; 2, Louise Dupre; 3, Ethel Runyard. Reading-1. Marlon Damnait . 2 Gladys Panovaki: 3, Louis Dupre. .t'eumaushuî 1, 011o Mess: 2. Car- ie Christeosen; 3, Daretby Banks. WAU KEGAN. Amthmelic-1, John Svhureîî; 2, (Contlnued au page titres.) - s . -i ~ v45u~c<9..,îi~ ~lr$~0s~i~ ~ ur~~,u ~i.r'~i' us - <il' MEMORIAL-DAY !À' REARINGi COLT FOX RIVER CAN BE SUNDAY STABBINi ON MÔNDAY, MAY 31; LEAPS INTO AUTO; MADENAVIqiABLE. AT FOX LAKE STIRS b> onday, May 31, wiii he observed MRS. BROWVN HURT Thiq Fox çiver cao and sho,îld bý SUMM4ER VISITORS bthe Grand ArMY 0f the Republilu made navigable for motor boats and and assoclated noceties ln Xaukegan amalfer freight carrying craft, iL K. asýImrIIda.County Physician and Wife,Shratengerfote ae George Jackson, Well Known As the nuai date fails on Sundayi With Women Friends, Meet rivera and lakes commission, ba.3r Resident, Is Victim of Knife ibis year, Moniiay was .ieipeced, byý With Unusual Accident. wrlîîen Attorney Lee Mlgheli1 of Au-1 Stabs by C. Roseil. the local pot ai the request of the rom. Mr. Sherman la a member ut merchants of the Ciy. MACHINE BADLY SMASHED. the river and lakes commmisaioo asW SCTINFU PL E. Preparations are being made for! well as its engineer. He favors the A CU INF RPL ES the usual proper observance of this Animfa' Hoofs Fell Almost on Shurtlefr bill which provides for Sabn sUacutbea memoriaLIMr.Bonbthe scp making the Fox river a recoguized Sabn sUacutbea lu the mornlng the vterans of the ed Without Bad lnjury. naigbltheea. Akso ntys h Hadno civil war and their assistants wili _____-M\r. Sherman contends thatie Agmn ihMn visit the local cemeterles where they Two heurs after he hadi tal<en over ma*ilng navigable of the Fox river FoLae i 1 Thvlagvs wiii strew fiowers upon the graves bisa new Chaîmers six, seven passen- will operate ln no way ta the4,dis- FxLkNav1-h ilg a of the dead. 'ger touring car, Dr. A. E. Brown of, advantage of towns and cities wblch slirred to a heated piich Punday aft- At noon lunch wiit bc .ser% ed the Waukegan, couniy physiclan, Thurs- have erected permanent bridges over ernoon when a stahbing affray toolc veterans at the Granîd Armiy memnor- 'day evening at 7: 30, took Itrs. Brown the stream., Boats whili would ose place rigbt lu front of Lippiocots bi hy the vomeni. --- and a part>' of woman friends out the river couid go under the bridges. botl, ln full view of iuany goasîs and for a ride, Liberlyvilie being their - residents of te community. LIÙiITNIN4i BURNS Ande theitIcar lanow lu Chicago JUD6iEPERSONS À 816 BARN WHICH it is b gl oke er with aII ER JCSN welkot A I( AR ~Jj~a1 vlew of deiermining wbether lt van 1URi ts RECE IVINti bus owner; stabbe-d four tirnes, ms be made to look llke a new car or R eriouse ut teii back. wheter b wil trde i bak fo aCLINTO\ ROSELL. St. Paul en- CONTÀJNED AUTO new onet.tieitha 1 fr HOME IN COU NTY ierwhwilsadthvebn A facton cotowned hy Iligltwaylnoiap md Iexanbea- ý$4.000 Djamages to Farm Cotomissiotter XVIII ' Aikinson Of Suggests That Counity Could tack on Jackson. Property on Dick Kennedy Shields, 1.9 the cause of it ail, for,' Establish It Near the New Jackson up to this afternoon a Place, at Lake Forest. sald colt net oui>' tried to leap loto Cut osia.stili at the hotel. whare he la helng the front seat of the new car bot____ cared for. il beîng considered dan- Lake Forest, May 15 -ISiieclaD> he actuaiiv dld so aud, lu the effort, l.ccordiug to County Judge Il. I,..gerous to miove hinm 10 bis home. Llghting at 12:45 ibis morning de- his head struvk %Irs, Brown lu sucli Persons. there la lurgent need aIlh oel ai the vilg'okp e slroyed a big baro on the t)ick Ken-'a maner tuai she sustained severe present time of an institi tion luntLake ghl edn delom ts a nedy farma just vest o .X oras it u otntlvn oe eecount y where dependent chlldren cao ng held pe cndtin developmhentI limtaenoillg amss e 400wic F ie tt otntl> obus be sent from the count>' court. ako' odton hcvleI Bruts enaiinga es of$4000whchbroken, a fact whlchl seems rather "t regret very mucb that we have anI feoit may prove fatal. ls never hcludes one 1914 maodet ftuick tour- imiraculous to those who saw the oc-1nsc nt1to uLkecut/ hla ev rv steuepce ingca. habuidig asinure, urene.said he. Ofteunies l la a ver>' dit- ydvlp g ar Te uidig asinurdfi cuit malter t0 decîde where some mydvlp the auto vas not. ,Dr.Brow hsd wiîh hlm sud lirs. '1 th bldenIale et.Nt as laie lu the alternoon when The barn contaiued conslderable Brown lu hîs new car: weyak passes but tat the question Jackson. drivlng bis bus. siopped at machiner>, but no stock was burnad ilos icCune, head nurse at colin- presents Itseif. limes there LlppincottCs. vhere he look au pou- as Il vas ail outinli the pastures. The t', hospital. ýare parents s0asiuated tempararlly songera whu wanied te go ta the de. Kennedy farm ln near Arthur Meak- Mtlsa Johnston, domestir e nce -e r ual t ae aeo crs and lte fiai report ta Lake For- tacer their cblldren. It la not conveuheni pot ta take lte evenlng train bao_* 1t teachr. 0 a eud the chldren away ta some the cilY. At LippinCot',vas Roneli chIas rire departmsent was that it was -Miss Charlotte Brown, Canada lnstituticuiï acb lime and ibis pre- and a number of others vbo bad col» thie Meaker plage wbich was afire olece of Dr. Brown, wbo la bis guest. seuls a prohiem that Is dificult te to the lake ta speusd Sund7. la D. Brvu ad Ms. Baga Insalve The arrangemeN t hbMr. Meatke. D.Bonan r.B"=w n Now, If we bad some Instltution Roeaî, mdinels*la waileon e.- that the firemen shall respond ln cas@% the front sat. They were approach.- maîntaîned by the count>', wbere ployas, bad came t0 their hotel tram of a fira ai his place beuce the men ing the point ou Lîbertyville road ibese ch lîdren couid ba jept untîl Lakeside bolel, .nwned and conducted hurried Vt. Arrlved, they fonnd t leadlng weal from Lake Bluff right parents are able to taka cure or ihem hby Colon Ostrander, former Mayor or was a quarter of a mile east but they near where the old cheese tactory again the probleto would he au easy the village. Johnson and Panoe ru lent their assistance just th. same formeri>' stood. The>- 85w a prancing onhe- t lwpeerhe h th IbeLppincott. but wiih no succeas for the barn was 1horse ahead. Dr. Brown slgnaled. aending dependeni chuidren away au The latter declare ihat when Rooeli destroyed.I The driver loo&tad about and ltae auto- Institution must be selected where reacbed thair place. ho vas ltx The bouse, 15u feelt roni the barn, lai ihought ail was wail and came up the>' vili recalve the sanie religions lcatad. He made 'the nemark tIsat was aaved, although il was meuaced siovi>' hehlnd. Hiejulleil out untîl training ihat they have recelved ut a enbsvea aeuvsr several dînes. There ~~~home. Dîfferent institutions takre h a ent eea aeaw seerllies Ter as a amall his outer wheel vas lu the grues. chlldren of differeut ages. Thts he gati lquor, amonut of grain sud ha>, iu the haro A il see;med -e11 and he vas about 10 makaes Il necessary ai tîmes 10 send Raideutered the bus ta go 1ta t but the loases ln this respect vas nlot a.ssthe hors en of a sudden. I the cblidren lu the same taml' t0 train,.lHe muîsed bis fiîbing tacite great. reare~~~d onlis beels ad swung arouud ivo or three differen i lustîtutions n o u alokfrI alo greai. reare ou au ~~~~Somelimes these Institutions are soadgonuta1kfri.Jcsn As ibis vas the lirat thunder &torr. --ith t IleuIlrhght lu the front seat far away that hi la net convenlent vas standing near lbe bus. Of a sud- of the season. t ta is neresting la noie1 of ihle passhng auto. As ils teet came %or the Parents te vîsîtthIeir cbildnen den, Jackson gaya, viitout aay veru. that the stortu king opened the yeur down, Mrs. Brown jumped 1a one aide sud ibis vorka a hardshlp ou lhem." lng or reasont, RaselI drew forth & wlth a vengeance by causlng ibis dis- lu sncb a way thai she escaped the Judge Persaus then vent ou ta sa>, poc*ietkrnlfe and iungad e ae Zaca. astrous rire.holbuthanmibed iter that the cosi of aatabliahlng such lhofs ut he nial' hed bt institution lu Lake county wGuld aiabblng right and lefi before Jack- FIRE AT HIGHWOOD. The windsheld vas broken, the front not be large. Ha auggeslad ltae sou coiuld escape or hefore anybody Thurada>' at 3 ociock lte home ot of the car vas smaahed as the home feaslility of erectiug a small home couîd Interfera. Before lb. enraged John Stupe>', Hlghvood, vas burued ptunged aud extrlcaled itseif from ho conaclion with the Lake Couniy me deslaiad lu bis attack. ho had 10 te gound tu fir îtrtig frm aibe achne.General hospîtal on Grand avenue, to te goun, te lre terlng rot a he achne.saylng that the location vould ha siabbed Jackson as foilowa: deteclîve flue ln tha kitchen. The Dr. Brown 0f course. halled the car Ideal sud vould netlnluth e ast Inter- Once lu the back-the vomit wou.,d. rail for help brouglit many bandeandudta once sud the driver of the borne l'are vlth the bospital bacause Ibere Twlce lu thse anm. the>' were able te reniais moal ofr came back to see what had happan- la plenly of ground thisi ha nel beiug Once ou the chîn-ihis wound la the furnilure froru the lover floor. ed. They ail sorvayed the ground used ibera nov. ms rva fa] Howvear, the fîtruishinga of the up- aitd tracks sud It ahowed the doctor bHmeltaiogetd thche u haIe ud Jackson teli to the grounul mad par floor wece ail tesl througb the vas fer outinl the road lu bis efforts addition of a depariment vheme lIse Rosl vas about ta iump on hlm ta flamea. lu pass the rlg. cblldren couid continue vlth their finish the job wheu bystanders Inter- The ousewaswort pehaps$1, The car vas able 10 make ils vav' scboollng white there would ha lu- farad, grabbed the vould-be murden- valuable. To arrange a l1111e gaXdon 800. It la flot known whelber l vag home unasslated, but ivas damag-hocuetn ver tecbdru rsdtokheulernilm lnaredor ul.ThaSîaey la e d satIihlently te iuslify lis baing sent could spend their spare tîme teorad-.fJackson was plcked up, bleedlng on Central avenue, and, the bouse to the city at once Ibis mornlng. That vanlage, h< tbought. vonld ha an protusel>', sud ca1rrled ta tbe hoteu vas located in Ihe front of a large the occupants of the car escaPed as 8y maiter Ha dhd not 5Bay ltaI were first aid vas given hlm pend- lot,. fortunaiely as-the>' dld wban thea cîr- ha Iuiendad te take the malter befora n h ria f rylk o» the supervisera, but from what ha n h ria f rsaedco clîmtauces are conslderad, seema sald hi seams lîket>' that hci vii i gva vho dressed the vounds. tctiy qîîite wonderfui. Il la a won- thaeutovemneni bis heartlest andorsae RoselIlunlbh meaulime vas held McCORMICKS TO, uer NIra. Brownt vasnut terribl>' hurt ment lu case itlsl preaeutad formait)-. hy some ofrlte hatl men and lter as the horses feted rashed dowiî ai- aHis suggsllona are linane ih 5au turned over ta the polc.H em aticle wbich revantiy appeared lu oie H eM ts on lt, spot wherxe s as te Humane Advovate, the officiai or- ed too druuk 10a f011> realize vIsat ho ERE T M NSIN it ting ga:eof the Illinois Hurnane Society. had doua but very shorily attervards la he rtile n qesionthenee ofItbecame apparent ha bagan ta real- LA EF R S L N O K ST R SO YvWas pite ut tlea deratood 'Ize the sarlousuess of bis peia WORK TART ON that the Idea bas the andorsemeni or ment, Fev homes are lnvartably nestth 'Vaukegan Humane Society. Roseil faces a serions charge,.lHe lug sud espectllahiIs tre f he KOR Hlii vNS iii ha charaed vitI altempted mur, country, home thatlal ta ho bltratIn5~~ KENOSHA 'JITNEY' BUS der, no malter boy saga Jackson re- the riear future by Mms. Cyrus H. mc- N WBE oers. Roneli hi 40 yeam nild. as la Cormick on a tract o1 land-titirty- NE BALLAST E TO RUN INTO ILLINOIS. Jako.R"ell'neniena tbree acres ta ha esst-that elle basr Kenosha, Wl,., May' 14,--Clogar re- tbe Si. Paul and ls a aaî have b"a recenlly acqulred lu Lake FesUt. Tha Wltb atone crushens mnunted onltlons balveen many> communîtles in a rn n hlch permilied hlm ta live at land adjoins the Cyrus H. MeCormlck 'floi cars, carload aller carload ýf Kenosba caunt>' and noriber Ilîlinois Manitelut. and tbe Harold F. McCorM.Io estales 'crusbed atone, the Hall Construction and the city et Kenosha are teo b.Il vas generali>, toit about the and vas bonght fromn sevenal dîffenari 'cofopan>' siarted ibis Mmrnng Ibeir establlshed b>' an hourI>' 'litme> bus" village from wbat one beard today Lake Forest landbolers.1 contraci wltb the Norlt Western rail- servlcc, whlvh la nov being arrangd liat practicailly ever>, bar aIe es' Niue acres coma fronlite C. B. road 1e ballast isa right of va>, ha- tor. 'The longeat route for any ofthlb.hatli hat bas bas prepared for suMS- Parvell heira vlth trontagç on May- Iveen Higbland Park and Waukegan. crm viii be a lîtte over Ivelve miles, mer business, vas open on SslndU. flower and Sheridan roads. Tvehva r The compan>, bas been contemplai- Reports had beau that non. vu asa acres vere ohtained tram Charles D. iug this step 10 perfect temr roadbed Wadnesday at the beautiful 0ev ha permitted to open Sundays tbJi Norton of New Yor'. and tIse real beivean ihese pois for somatlime home ofthie brides parents, Mn. and season and thai vas vIsaI pnevented came trom the land of Charles Un- but ovlng la 1h. discussion as ta Mrs. Charles Jacob Schmidt lu St. tbe reotlng of mauy batelaevIsiols. la ticutu sud Edvard M. Clank. vhethem or nat they elevate Ibeir Charles, occurrad the marrlie or former >ears. bave operated with ap- White It la 00t officlalI>, announced tracks, bas delayed thesa aarding ot ibeir oui>' daugbter, Ernestine Loo- parent succese. itlai uudemitood the countny home tg the centract, Ise. 10 Harold Clarence Harhaugb. Jacksonsys the attack vwu eu- tab ha uilt for Cyrus McCormIck aud Il ha expacisd tsatI Il vilI ha around son of Mr, sud Mne. Charles 1. Har- tireir unproe-okad, adding ltaI Ise ad is bride, vbo vas tormerly Miss the fllu et the yaar before the vOrk hsîîgh of Htghland Park, 111. Mr. not es en bad an>- varda vitIs Ramel; Darothy Lino. The>, are ta make la lnishad. A large farce of men hIo1larbaugh la manager of the St Roseli dpecaras the>, did bave yards. thaîr home for tue lime aI Wichita, io ha employed lu puitiug lu the lmn- Charles lumber yard, a hranch of the The sîabbing creaied a big»nsa- Kas.. but the sommera undoubtadi>' lrovemeént but Inspie of this tact ut Charles Harhaugh Lumbar compan> lo lu the village, belug a decidedily wili be apent i tLtake Forest much is te bllet that several menb of Lake Villa, It., et vhich bis tath- unpileaîant aisener for lte summqr ntser ha head. Ha la a graduate of the of the lime. must clapsa betore lis compistion. Deerflald high school. seadot aI ite resort. b

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