Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1915, p. 2

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'~8g. 1w-. M Fly Time Coming Get behind our screens. The safest place for corniori. Corne and bring the measure wiith gou. We fit angj Openinq. See Our patent Door Catch, holds ail doors shut. Libertyville Lilifber Co. Down by the. 015 Deoa. Boon there 20 years. Phone 47 E. A. Bisbop, Mgr. VERITABIE 6"VIM-CIPTIESP" for the livelieat Soring styles ever sprung? 'eofmà -ti t lit are juii ant wi - s io ni eamb and distinctiveness-BI Sergesl, Homespuns, trop! weights, skeleton-lined and'i lined garments for the wa session of Suînnwiir time, bu, -ant 'with grae aud guulîptic SSnug-setting models and loo : wagger ones; ail the feteli fabri-effects-vim in everyIl and design. Thesaelothes are eloquent SMichaels- Stern energys in t oring up to our standardE a nd ypurs. T. A. REYNOLDS Dkulet i EVERYTHING THAT MMN and BOYS WE- STAVER AND JANESYILE Buggies, Surreys, etc. A Large Stock, Prices Right Corne in and look them over M IF liT s Schanck FROM SC1ANCK'S Hardware IT'S Company (1 0)o 0Libertyville. I Mme. Stephens' Beauty Parlors OVER GA$ OFFICE LIBERTYVILLE Mamicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dress- ing, Facial Massage & Scalp Treatment BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Pho lue 100 M F = L-AXE OOU>NTY INDEP E11T FJDÂX, MAY 21, 1916 C/bertyvi//e ê9~ems- xx~x~ x.'.x xxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXX To unsure publication lu the ludepen- Ou Tuesd"a aternoon, May 25. the dent. copy muet be in he office nolater W. C. T. Ul. will bold a @pecial meeting Ihe Tusda ofoac- wek.Advr-ai the home aiftMrs. liensinger. An than'rusdayof acl-wee. Ader-iuieresting pnagnam is ieing prepîared tisens, especially are asked tota te anS tbe subjeci ai "Homie luterets' wil particular notcela Ihis offeci. be eludied. Ail ladies are cordlaliy lIn vited anS urgeS ta attend. Sperial (Additional Local News on Page 4) nui r Uî. A. N Tifany f Anloch wm visto iiev. T. E. Reantaflîcitel ai a uerIl A. . Tffay a Aniolisea a isiai a a former parieblouer ai liarrington,q here tionday. Tuesday aiternoan. Frontitarringtin R. W. Spaflorà ai Antiocli, sas a caller ho went to Cherry Valley, 1i11.,sebere ho bere Monday. aduiressed tbe Rackiord Ditrict Mini. E. W. Butterfieid was a Waucouda ,torial Association. wbirh lielS teir viitor Saturday. annual meetIng at ihat city on Wenes- lir. W S.McCainI@ ecoerIg fomday. The M. E. churrh here le noaa lire W.5. icCainle ecoerig iontpart ai the ltockiord district. Wil tric st.i mil tea 12 th@ O,. ope pal ber de: thE thOV lu eh: co' foi Lrm ile wl ov. On. Mi )se, foi ng u Ine P o tof li 19- ne i Fi le lois TI L n1 ai fi c IL i I. l ti aattack of quiusy. W. S. MeCiln ba@ accepted a position i ay'@ furuiture store. Twin boys were hotn ta Mr. and Mrse. Ii Stoizman, Saturday, May 15. Lew Plagg bas lnstaiied a large eiec- c barber pole ini front of h@bis bap. J. W. Swanbrough bas ruoveti bis tbis of harses from W'aukegan to the le track et Libertyville. rbe Libertyvilie grammar @ehool baill em deleated the Oraytilake boys 21 ta lest Saturday et Oraysiake. W1. S. MeCiain and two sons attended 3funieral of a relative, tirs. Pbreio-re riswaid, at Waucotidasatnrdaby. Aii the groceries and markets and tier retail storce@ in Lbertyville wili ose ai noon ountlonday, May 31. n ifAndrews of Champaigu, 111., le pnding a week's vacation witb bis arents, tMr. and tir@. M. F. Andrews ene. P. E. Cbinn of Antiocb, wus bene Mon- &y and put on the musical movies et e Liberty Theatre lu ths alternoon and enîng. fiaturday eveniiug'e stOrm put the ictrie liglit and power service out of ommlssion lu the business seciion for veral bouns. P. J. Bockelmaun leit Tueedas morniug r McAIister, Oklahoma, wseoe be wiIl pend about a wesk on a faiml thers hiehb e owus. M rs. .anes'cG reitor tf Scn Herîttndeno. il. l vleAtg at the honme aifMr. as dn. Chas. H. Avenul. tirs. Meclregor rniely llved bers.ý WiII the party who gaitbe brown slk ubrolla the niglit ai May 3 ai the nesbyterian churcli, pleuasreturu sme » Mr@. M. A. Protine. tirs. C. R. Salisbury ai Chicago, we'e mtertained ai the home ai ber sister, rs. C. F. Oreenwood. sevenal days the atter part oi les$ week. The C. E. society of the Preobytenian ,hmcli hold tbeir regular montbly busi- ies meeting and social at the cburcb bhle Thunaday evening. The Lincoln Chautanqua Association âas engagsd Masou's Jubilee Singers for Priday, June 18tb, the entertalument toi bgiven Iu the Auditorium. tirs. Wm. Docker entertained a number f fiends aitlber home Saturday evenlng. the evrning was speut ln games and muoic. Retrsshmente were eervsd. The Lyrit Theatre will h. re.opened ou Frtday nlgbt under the management ai LOHOY Temploton, Who bas been cou- ected witb setoal big thoatesla Chicago. Mr@. Houry Kemu entertained the Ivunhos Cemetemy eaclety ai, ber home on Wright Court lust week Thureday ilternoon. Dinner wams erveS ta lomty- [va guesta. The Misses Mande, Haoei anS Omace Butterflid entenialued ai a ebower lu sonaroa I@esMargueriteAlvord of Area, lastweek Tusmday evouing. Miss Aivord was the recipient ai matir iovely Rglt@. The C. T. Batiett tarin ai 1819 acres ln Ela tawneblp has been purchasod by Joh C. Zippticli ai Chicago, the con- ulderau4n belug 824.000., E. J. HligleY of Cochran & MicClure of Chicago, umade the Seal. The nazi reguiar meeting oi tbe Myoilc Workers will be beld Tueeday, May 25, 1!here wHi ble a May party lu the forai 01 a basket social. Eacb lady wll piesss bring a basket. Ail members came aud brlng irlande. SMie@ MecConmck was tbe gust ai Mis Cbard ut a sang recital gitan hy Mima Clam &Bcweinfumth and Mr@. C. 1. Wyn- koop, clasmaies o! lKs (bard lu Mr. l'mederlc N. Roots monte noome, Chicago, .3aturday moruiug ai tant week. The Tia Chapten of the Westminster Guild will meet witb Miss Fioma Staples neitTuesday evenlng. The last chapter ai their book "lualied tan's Land" wili lie dimcneeed. Ail membars are requested to lie preseunt. Mr. and Mis. Oea. Quentin mateS, their boueehoid gooda ta 4,825 Wlcoz stroot, Obicago, lest week, whers tbey will make tboir home. tir. azd tirs. Nats Mayer have motoS loto the Quentin home Whicb thoy rocently purced ibtrougli Dymond &Austin. Nexi Suuday mnitiug aite Liberty- ville M. E. cburcb there sl lie a SPecial service af a patrlotic nature in bebaif ai the aldid sldiens. The membere oi tbe 0. A. R. ai Libertyvilie, seul attend the service lu a body and auy inimerofa atîter patimitir bodies are candially inviteS ta join %hem. Rer. T. E. Reoam seul epeak upon te oeniiec: "Our Patriotic Pattern@" and the inuseotf the service wili be appropriatë for the tccasion. The public is invited ta attend anS make tbie servie agenune memoriai for botb dead anS living soldiers. Robert. D. Scoat, Aésociate Minster af the iOlivet Nfemorial citurcit af Uicago, chuncb lu Li ber.y vile o Suîday evening. May 3tb. h leo au illutrated lecture shawlng hoiug cauditloum, and ecrus generally lu ilts ciiy. He shows sebat is being doue ta boter conditions. it is a lecture that he len riug tbrougb the state, and le received witb great favar. It Io naigiven for profit and no admis- sion les il ciarged. The lecture le a great Homo Mdissianary sermon aud is de»igned ta help make the cauntry boiter. Acmecamp, No. 176, M. W. A. boiS o)ne ai the big avents i oflis local, lasi week Thursday evenlng, whon tweniy. ons yonng mon seore init.aied as Wood- mon. The auSair was beld at the town ball. asdwas attendeS by aven two hundred membenm ai the orSon. Sixty- Stve members of Lake camp ai Wankegun, were promut. thein Foeeler team doiug the inltatony work ofte evenlng. Ail Wlio have seen ibis team @Peak hlgbly 0i ia perfect degre w rk. 0. E. Alahire ai Chicago, @tate deputy ai the order, was preuant ud addreoed the meeting, sevau other Woodmen ai tbe two camps, aima givlng short speeches. A subtantlal lunch was serveS. The local Chapter, 0. E. . *entemiained lu boor ai ibeir sixtaent bibrthday ai thoir hall lest Tbursday evoning. Ouests wers InviteS by the members ai the Chupier anS a pragram was rendered. MissEsHlen Wrigbî anS Lilali tCormlrk gave a dialogue Suet; Mir@. Pauli Ray aS hon sister, tirs. Cana Hul ai Area, sang a Suetaiso;esolos weregvenbyMiss Carnie CharS and tirs. M. E. Williams and a reading by tir@. Lulu Matiocka. Little Gordon Fendlck gave a viollu solo,.tirs. Mary Juet gave a tory ln- tsrostiug istary of the Chapter. Ligbt refrealimeuts were serveS, eacb gnest recoiving a tlny Miay basket as a lavai. Theme were about o bundred anS faty promeut. The hall was bsautifuliy Secam- ated witb apple blomeoma for the occasion and the affair proveS ta ho a most pleasaut social evetit. Laet Snnday momning 15 was discovered that a burglar baS entered J. W. Browusa pool room during the ulght by cimblng tbmougb ans ai tbe front basemeut Windows. The huran rgaIneS enirance ta th pool roant by cutiing a hale lu the door leSing frmt5h. bassinent wIib a pocket kuils, the bols maSo being juet largo enaugb to slp a banS throngh anS pueblng back the boit. The articles taken are Isea boxes ai candy, about 25 cents lu pennies, anS sonts chewing tobacco, total value being about $2. The burgiar diS not tamper with the sais. The back Soar of the place seas faund qpeu ou Sunday mamIng. [-* 1THTfjrTHIEATf-PS _ Friday, Mday 21, the Lberty Theatre will preoeut -Where le My W5IidoruD Boy Touight." There are omre gooci moments lu ibis two-neel Edison. Marc ticUermott pay@ the masculine lead, Miriam Noebit plaje oppoaite ta hlm sud Belen Strickland plays the rois of the mother. As a whole the production la lnhemsaing ands as thetitis Indîcalies la ioundsd on the old sang of the lame namb. MINSTREL SHOW CANiCELLED The Commnnity Club ai Orayalake regrets vary lunch tbat the Mintnel Show whlcb wae advertised for ibis week Thuneday lu the Lîbetyville auditorium le caucelled on account aifitie Illnesse ai th~e star iomediene. itespectinlly Leora. Pryce Miller, Dinciar. Finsi daneai the esason at Hertel'@ Park Pavillon, Hall Day, Sat. MaY 22. Haur switcbes made of comblngl. Mina Whlsler ai J. Babour'o. Tel. 151-B short dîne oealy. ,85p1 CLASS NIRT AND MLE CLUB A BIGI SUCCESSý Class nigbi and 0Oies club oi tbe Liberty- ville Higb echool, was heid ai the auditorium lebst Tbursday evening. Thbe bail was appnaximately filied maklng a Oltiug apeniug for It alter its foreSd resi ai several monibe. The pragraut, wlîielb began ai eight-fifteuanSde e oortly belore toi), was an arranired ta make enbugh variety, even for the masi lasti- diade. The chorus eantposed ai tbirty- five yonng ladies, dressed lu pure white middy suite with eS îles, made a pretty s5ight as ihey filed the chair&- ai the stage. This ehordà under the direction ai tirB. Aurelia 0. Johnson oi Chicago, gave four numbere a ieîh drew the geuenal comment ai the splendid way lu wbîch thsy were rendered cousidering the ages and training aifte inentherâ. The camse satisicsby Mise Eva Williaums, the Pophrcy by Miss iaucb Sciautk, anS the Will bv Lues Mary iteatm, were ail cleveriy gatten together anS were Weil given, Missalisante beiîîg e8peclally dorver on accouti its belng in verse. A march piano selection seas given by Mies Hawley ai Chicago. anS several vocal numbers by Mlre. Johnsen, hem obelection oi pieces showing the differeni powersoai ber vairp. Mise !dariou Taylor played two numbers ou ber barp, @ho beingi obliged to play an encore. AI. though Miss Taylor lbas not baS a grent deal ai training on that instrument, sihe shows mbuci talent. Altogether the entertalumbent wae a hugb sujcce*m, a credit to ibase seho piannied it and ta aUr ecboî>i, as well as it participanîts. NMES COMMES FOR LOCAL CIJAUTAUQUA Presideuit Chas. H. Avenu tiof tbe Lincoln Chautauqua assaiation bas maSe the appaiintente of camiy)ttff for the ssan ai1951...lemiere ai the fi es cammitteee named are as ioiiows. Oound-E. A. Bishap, W. i. Colline, r aH. Miller, J. Austin, tirs. Augusta SLovell. Tcketk-Paul Ray. W. E. Deckr, J. H. Swan, 1). A. Young, (3. C. irtdley. Advrtiîig-Edwin Austin, John lic Curinick, J. E. Trigzgp, C. F. $mtale, Jr., E. W. Butter field, F. B. Jus-t, L. E. Golding. Entertaiument-A. C. Murray, Hoame . Taylor, R. C. Hlggins, W. E. Ilavio, R. B. Bond. 4 -UNCLE TOM 18 COMING.' Steec'esMamntotb iJncle Tom's Cablu Co., in booked ta appear In Libertyvills on Saturday, May 21.).Thisecoin pany la produsiteS ta be the largeet anSdntost tborongbly equipped iiganizatiln ai ibis characien ever presented ta the public,-aud le p<stirely the lest word, lu exhibitions afi ta kind. Produclng lu ita entirety from the original book ibat wouderfi claqqlc dranta. JulToms@ Cabin." Mr. Site libas ucceeded, lua surrunud. lng bîmseif witb a rentarkably strang cantpany ofI artiste, and bas eopared neither timu- or expeuse in bis endeavors ta prive the public a perfect and satisiy- ing production. Fif iy people are lu the casi, iucludiaîg Sites' fantaus coloreS Tennessee jubiles singers anS Sancers. a pack ai genuine Sîberlanlilaod-bounds, and iweniy-live homes anS ponies are useS lu the play, making It the mont perfect aud realisîietage picîure possible ta tonceire. This cantpany etannise the castiiesi andS 5usd appointeS "Tout Theatre" oven exploiteS wluh a oeating capaciiy ai 1.500 persans. and le the oniy aggregatlan ai ibis kind ibat bas Ie owu epeclal traiu to transport the campany, anSdithe immense aaonut ai ecenery proportion anS oueds ueceseary ta tibibg epectacular exhIit. A ires etreet parade le griven, participated in by the entire compauy inciudlngtwo bande. The Independant l the countym on- ly 12-page weekly-thatm why every. body takem il. *eooe*o@**o*ooeoouooo.os,~...... o o o i. 'MEMBER 0F THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM" o 'o put your biiminess on a vlieckiîîg aecout basis. Vour iieiglibor kam, and lie is in pomition te show youi a recellit for uivery dollar lie lias * sjîent by referrinig to hiq eancelled vl-eks. * 1<îî't take a tlîaîîce-but open a checkinig * accouît. This haîik welconîes small chteckîiîg *accotînts aiid furnishies ail miîpplies free. Lake County National Bank o o Capital, Surplus and Profits -$100,000.00 * o Total Resources, - 750,000.00 BUILDING MATERIAL Cernent Studding Iflooring Lime Sheeting Frames Sand Siding Doors Brick Lath Windows Joits Shingles Roof 'Boards framing Timbers Screen Doors Doors and Windows Window Screens Everything in the line of Building Material Tle end Sewer Pipe lence Posts COAL and WOOD Rlarbailgi - Miller Lilifber Co§ Telephone ULBErYVILLE, ILLINOIS. t- C HOICE GROCERIES, MEÂTS, VEGETÂ]ÉLES AND FRUITS. CORLETT & Phone 30. FREDERICKS IEIRTYVILLE, ILI. A. -W. LINDROTH UIBERTYVIU.E, MIU013 M ILLN ERYW. are now showmg the. vary latest in Ladies and DRY G00DB A larg asaotm*M inu b.amtihmi deaigns. Hats Made-to-Order a Specialty. Prices Reasonable. W. arry uino of.ais' a~lUndmswon, Walms, Gloves, Coi- lrudCaf et.«, Hosiér7 and Notions at Low Prices. The, Panian Corse from - $ 1.00 to $3.00 I Silk Sale Extraordinary WLile the. present supply lais we will seil a fine quality black Mesaine Silk, 36 inches wide and a beautiful soft texture and lustrons finish for 75c per yard, this is an unusual value for this money and will appeal to ail who see it. Our Stock of Underuln la very coniplete and contains garments of many qualities. Some special values in Ladies' Skirts and Gowns We-are welllstocked also with Ladies' and Children's Summnirer Underwear And would be pleased to have yçu inspect these garinents. W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY PHONE 29 NORTH STORE irS UP TO YOU MIS O.PROCIOR QLN[RR[IDINmCi L5nlivUa, i. ipiSuIted Phoas 15 1 1 .1- 1 ý ý-R

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