Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1915, p. 6

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- Xrea- By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent t' FinI dau*- of the scason ai Herteie Paàrk Pavillon, Hall Bey, Sut , Ma;, 22. J. C. Dorfier tînd fanîfyiy pcut Snnday ai Everett. Mm .E,O. 'elle anti danglîter iil. -i ab IvaubÎe lest Tbucsday. Mm'. J. L. Irving eturned Wetidaerlr ris. a vist WiLhrb cteiuic-ai Wulî- morth., Miss Emmna Kniggc is; îiending a imo meeki vac-ationta milfier parents bece. Mir. andi Mcs. Boy kniggi. moveti into tse S. S. Wotod bcîse Tnesiday. Mr. Kuigge bas am'eéptcd a pisition ii ih L. A. Marrie. Aima Tegtmeyec sud Lenoca G(tee uttsutistia arty ai rysake Sauruday esenlng. Rev. Zahai is spauuing a few days ibis weak a& Rocklord muera the coonlacene of Congragational mnlisters ia bcrug bell. Tise Ladies' Aid ut tire ltine oif Mc,. S. L. Triltp nau ernerduy. May 26 ., H. L. Bnrdiek mas raiheri tir \îlrrai.ia Tucsday by the snd'ien dea' b of is ortie Fred. Particalars of titi. ar-ident fave cuire t anotm01ite 5Uu 55 et .wt. Fo Park Pavillon, Hall Day, Biai., May 22. W/1 U I Strs. Morton Johnsoen otChica4o, spant Friday apdî Saturday with ber sister, Mcc. Il. M. Bay. Firsitiance ofltuensoaon ai Herte'@ Mr.L)aid f Cieao, s ýn(jW aPark Pavillon, Hall Day, Sut, May 22. week ut tht. rtunrtacrit . Miss Rutth Reihoit gave a deligbtfl lilen shower Frlday evening iunt'oîtplf- Mc. Kicanîiund duugiter-in-lawandtoe -Ient ti igIrene Putchison. mo ita 1i granristn otir t itiette'. tNtrt-guerte of IMc, . ALrîwi-iast wsvr-. A ruliii B i ita ia de u rat-at aurîrt-tu-i tioa ta Chlcagri ast meit At îeisrnt lie le dtrlng ahr'cIy. Gemi. fitiche andtfi aniiy were caihed toi Palatine Ttiursilas- tth ue iinesseoftrIM. Ilokemt-.rer. Sr. At premptai ite ivsuture wbat imprîîsed. Mrs. Mary Jiohnson andi Mrs. frîfia Batleti mcci. Chicago ieiîsttrs Fridao.v E. St-rocder ad lattihy vacre griesis of Mcs. Wenzi.i of Elgin, Snd . Mis. H. tiatiettit t heu trsdioy utfrl mont,.IMo She musa@ 'raiopraied tri St. Louis by Jota Barti-Itwabri ba- gîtai ta Hot Sprintgs, Arkanas, totrlaitetreat- niants. Their niaur friends hop' for an early reeovery o! both. Ilise licarietta Lomehiiiofihicago, mpent Suada îy ut hbint.,. ttc.A. iLrwel ar-rîinpaniied lier li fatheitr utor a em days. . Eiturr Jitithon andti Mc BerritrIlte eanitartunr enttarnie t tti' Ptesby- terian Manmet ti Ltrirtyviie Suturý day. May 1.1. liîtb tor rIot Misouri. Tiet liaivi rented the Wiitîiiir cottage for titi' sit iii ntr. ntbeau rcc-eived. J.trs..S-leirni irrîvgtrtt is Stete t'udahy rît 't'trciîtru. tras Ii nilinee beau> vietiag mfth ber îîrrtitei. 'tIrs, Bcadbead. Sp-Iai rates on al graîf itiou r triirt r e ai oysStudio, Lilterte vi ii- W. A. Sbaw and faiily dro%6rtrietrWau- ronds Sanday anti sprat the car a itit relaiivep. MVr. BenSon o! Minneapoliso, Mabri t tu manage taem îî it business here, itrrîred iulti lie Popp bouse Tucsday. The elactricai siocrs last Fiday and SLturday did a large amouat outédamage tolilgitts anti phone@ and put the quietus ou ail Pectrir-aiiy operated iaacbiuery neariy ail day Satarday. Saturday eveurug the ligtning sitrnck Watous eNovity store foloing titi teisphone wire sud tore a laruebte lu te north ides oftthe tbuilding frotu loudcation to rool. Tte dsplar of celes- Mal ircmork@ mae brilfiant for a 1cm secoud@ but lortuuately tise building dîi not take ire. Mrs. Reetaansd daugbtec Ali-a anti Miss Anderson of Citicago, were weeck-end guesis o! Mr. and Mrm. S. L. Tripîr. Thes choir reheapsal ibis week wiii tii. a combincd raception anti donation party and will ha hild ai tb, parsouage Fiday rysuing. Evarybody iselus-lIed. At tise rlsk of belDg eallsd a nature fakpr, me venture tb chrouical thelmlow. Ing wmirh occurrcd on thei Browîler farm iaat week. Mdrs. romtier noticeti the1 queer suides of a braody ben sud an Investigations difseeithe tact thas she bati adopted three tiny kittens and mas brooding themn. An)otbercuciosity-foni On thesaure farur mus what hooeit'd to be an extra large double yolk ezig mhîh a soit oshah. The shêl ah mussoiuttat Il brokd in bandliag sud disecloseti inside a .j perfectiy lormcd egg of mediumnias.r with a bard éitill. Aiways s Bealed Book. lu deciding a casa uf dîsagreasuent betiîacn tine rigbt kind uf man sud any ktnd of maman, nabotiy lesa misa - ha mi (od i miiivec Eud out whaîhesi Mn.tîntd'i rs.f 'rMiîti-hi eitt-t I'icî. day forr Piedmonîrt , 'Ire Tirer il attend titi Hiorit sciiocr grautoing exer' ciýt re, .Miss 'targueriitet eli-mg a graduate. IVANHOE Rer. Wnt. Bale, a former aster (ifi ibis ciurcrh.btntwho arem preanhe i Mita- nastîta, speat tht. week-end her. anti spoke intii chtîrch Sunday mrîm-ning. Hazel anti Fred Mosher oh Chitago, spant prt of lasI mcck aitb theingzrunil failier, C. Doriier. Mc. and NMcs. Johîn Rauseit anti ehid- cen are spendiag a fem date i tilh- maîîkee. M'ile Ibere tbey î'xîreî-îtir at- tend tue tseddiug ot a msten iof Mc. Ras-h. Thece a-arc about hîrchy diai uttae Ceitecy Society at Mm,.Kras llest Tiîureduy anti ececyaae eetuais espentj an eraoyabie alteru>ooa. The nouai of- tIf crs me lciteti.1 Geo. Hawkins and Rtidoi1iîPltieri mare Chicago visilors Satnrdair andi sam lire Sox gaI deeateti. t Mm,.Abert Sas-dec cntediaiai.d ber1 brother tietiiret aofte meek. Mr. and Mcs. Fred Beach ant i htte daughtecs of Loitas-ille, ., i wu-tret-htit guefits of tbe forrmers parents ci'i.-eti*v.1 Mis0sAdat, 1l.mrnu and ituby .Kneb- lier spent the week end a t honteý MmsB. C. Payai.ue s-tsted fi-r rlaugliier1 Av is ii ('hivragi rthehlatr liant of htfe a-e. WEATHER REPORT Weathar forcasu for the week begir- ning Weduasday May 18, issued by the U. S. Weshhec Bureau, Washingttn, 0. C. Forcte ngitut ii f tht' freat Luk e s Rain) forctt lays e e-tpt î-strein urîîiîraîdistricts follrîmeil tirgeutraliy,1 justice bas beau es-en appcoilmatad. firI eaihec duciug te rcaiider rtf the ________________ r eek (Cîniaiied lou- toinlerallre firet hahl f ohteit. maraocr later. Maqgue of Cockcoaches la Engiaad. For i te nper Mi-sissmiplisais ar-i Egyptian cockroachas are swarmiug lalue tîntes. enerlfy ficotîr .nrtftb. lu the worklais of s largoerollery lu (ilamorMuahare. Englaud. The rras- an ditric-ts flîomet by rainltremard tire turas came ovaV, and mre latcoduced en d telthe sssaklu>ntht. extrêeanîrrib la soins Egyptian foddac used lu> thea ma, ntisig teaileratvtres fier Thuns- itabies. Tbey bave breti et au Incrad- day. Btain WPdeihady nier -ntrai ail Ibisrata. &and their sam snom for m southecu diicrte, nîlatinning Tfîîîncîay a sortous menace ta haaitb lu the col*- os-ar eseac'in.ebrieeca iery. A Sutherland expert ha@ beeaiar meaiber during the mcek. Cool for anga<.d ta atîciat tihir extermn&us So or tbree daye folioaedi by riiag tios.. temipcaturem. IWIiY NTN You will t"tentualiy open a check- îtlg account and] do your.businenis with a strong bank. Why dtn't 7011 COmeI righit dî>wn':NOW anîd niake a littie dttposit and get started. 51 -Opens a Checking Account-4 I THE CITIZENS3' BANK "MÂKE THIS BÂNKE YOUR BUSINESS HOME" Safe Deposit Boxe« for rent Area, Mfinois hi. a Jtîtîs bride-. The table doeoratitle wer, iu lilae and white, the ctîlor oftfahe blo@ssîîîtrs ttiitg reVp.ated In teid tac' cardo and laviors. lier. tirmbtrnît Sunday nmorriag lier- tutna musfriraiths text, -ir) I My Broîbers Keepr', and was art elot1utnt andi fev r.dpesai. argument. Titi concert tri have been gireri bys thte Lycic Male Chorus laat tfaturdaY even- iîîw was posapîîned outil .lue 5tft ou titi account of the etorm. (iraduasîon exercime, lor t hi. llerfield (j ttt er cool éili hie lteld Friday trenltg, June 4th. Mr. R. L. Sandwicî, jPrincripal of the 1)I. S. H. S., iii deliver t liei.add re@s. Mis@ MarWa Craig otf Highland Park. mas the week-en3d gupetot fl M rs. Edstrand. Mesdames Fred Horenterger, J. Atts, Philip IRommel and Lieder atîertied a birtbday party nt Mrs. lIrrttrois lit Shermrerville.. Miss Mamie Siji.strîîm if Higitlaird Park mas ttie wek-end guest "trI Simi (irace Sillit. Mise Marie ltRcrriecof Cicago mas the week-end guest trf \lissm Nalel Hîreit bei ger. M rs.Frer] Kergep riandti ldrer iof (Chi. cago citent stei a îls toif ast wiek vitsiting ber ptarentis. Il,. and M rs.. WI. Itettis. Mcr. and Mirs. Jiiei.Nla,îa i ftPairie te, n %etc aeeki-end gueste ut tire ltt Tie ofl f.. B a-tort. The NI ssir,nîércSSotietyc fthe I re'tly- icrian tchurch nii iw ntranelh:'ie Jý i.. 'etier. Sr . 11birsday. Mr. rand M rs. tles and childced tir- ted elatit ietin erwin bmaday. Miss Ida Stryker of Chicago sm ciiltiag ut the hotm. of lier brother. Fred S t yker, Alice Rockenhack 15 lutte Ilil. witb îîaiacy @ore tbcoat. Lttle Frances TownecrîifPrairie Vîcu, viised bec aunt, Mis. Mahle!Scitufer laet week. Firsi dane iteiimcsason at Hertel@ Park Pavilion, Hall Day, Sat.. May 22. Ntic. and Mr@. Osorge E. Marey of the Ki.nwood hiotel %iti pars the sumnier ut the Onwraeitsia lati where they have taken a cottage. Mrî and NIrs. Juv Morse Ely tiare taken Miess naie trowa'e iiumée ht-c.for the mnanmer. Mr. ant i irs. Heurs- H. iule. wbo bave beu an the city forc te wirrter have retlnnid ao ibeir tome fierteon Lake Ave. Mc. and Mcc. Girg.- Ielauglla bhave iepeni.d thelr couintry hoe .forcthe uin tirer tîtoriths. Mr. and Mcsé A. WatsoniA .1cîtîtr miii opien their couintcr hume about Jitir 1. MisesSarah Farmeil, daaght.r rtf Mr. and Mcs. firanger Furweli, bas retucned tu Laki. Forest froit a vipil iii Liverpoiol, Englaud, miiihber iister, Mis Heir.v Bos@toni. &Ire. Frunk Riead a as culled to tiii city Saancday by the secitît i hasesof ber, Mciý Marshlal Stiut5wicii. Mc, Siiuthi(tdit-ilSundtay uiiýitg. Ilesides hec hncbtil t-be lcuves a littie dauagter uni. yeac îtd, aitdl faby imo weeks îîld. NIc and Mc, Joiti Tipludy lad as tbetr guiemSriidav Mc. aîd Mrs. Arthr Leittard, Mr. and Mrs. Mleyer, Miss Meyer, 'ttiu Lii-btey unîl Hoctensme Matter. ail îo' Chicagoi. Friday nigbt dnring tite. evi.ce stortu tiesahe btrm telciigi-ag to Rit-bard Kennedy n us stcack by ligbttiitg atnd convrieltely destcoyed. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Compittha, hecaneade tu rie uhai 1 stated tit Mt@. Caroline ue as, a-île oi J. N. Buscis, tad reportcd to tht- Sta&tes Attorney nf Cake Coun&y Ibau i wm pedtiing liquor lu 'teru Tomu>sbip lu violation o! the Iam. I1nid make sur-h a sitatemeana ou or about tha 2Otb or 21st day oi Aprii, 1915r, ai theling, iiluols, sud 1 bagad sncb statameut on reports Sisalt 1iad heard. 1 have iound ulion inve@tigation tisai te statement I made r-gardiug Mrs. Busch mas not rus, sud that Mr@. Basch neyer matie snv compisint or repot i 1 tae Stales Attorney o! any kLud or nature wbsuecer regsrding mc pcdoliug or @eeliiug liiuor in Vernon Townsip, sud 1 wiss la publir-iy ilhdraw sur-b asatement regarding Mrs, BuseS sud apologze 10 ber for hsving made salue. 1 make this stauement lty ant irlriy so tisai tie publie uray knom that 1 mes lu titi. rong, sud iu ordax' ths uaijs"i msy le donc to Mcc. Busi-i. 1 mîlh have tiis steuncnt publisheçilhante Lake County Indeîieadeut for tierse e cressIv l>ated titie 2itfi day t! Aprîl. A. 1). Martin Kular. c-May 7-14-21 M. - ýp1ffl=û the flUS tSL U Iffeff Péà* PaVIllon, fRait Day. Bat., 11May . -Ella Sauer rot Long <.rovc, @penut Stur. day sud Sauday with ber sioter, Mrs. W. sebar. Till Mitehell speat iroin Fiday 1u Mouday with avîouiirii t lOak Park. Frank Wells had thta i-toctuni. 10 get ekicked on thebs bYî a hotrse lasi meek. Mr. sud lire. J. A. Masgon @peut Satur- day sud Suuday aetthe C. B. Lasurru home iu Deerielil. The Ladibs' 'rattit -eiietery socîeay 7 iii auset luthe Ttwu Hall n Thursday taltercoon. May 27. Thtis ii lectiiîn. Spaclal rates on ail graoduatfion photos ai tlo>d'@ Studio, Lifrertyt lie.3 A. G. Maeîher and daughîter F'orenre mers Chicago vioiîtrs last Fcriuyv. Go t0 the Hall liai trtm hall Friday uight ho niabtt), MN et-bool eutertainmeîitittriu irtoaur. Retresth- nient I litcerCtI it JohnH aser I Oît ioi. client a lsw days of lest ineetauttht- irtrt ofr iiil anele, H. S. Coani itcv. Hauptcuecer and arilry îiiîîed into the parsonage lit4 aeek. LAKE ZURCH SIrer-fai cates tii ail graduiatioiioters ut Btyd's StuioLit.blert3 cille. 3 tusell Blankenltrrg ri-tucriiei tome fcîîîîrait)rx tetîded vt rt tSt r-tritic. iii .%Ir@s. led Blati ivwtor ruhitlatit re stctfî M un iay. Nicm. W ai. lititrit- iîrrori a trip tir Chicago Motudrsit() 4- i. r m eter. M ce. IL BentIer, a fîrr- illiiirrrtire %lVestvit, biiepitai. Titi. nte rtai nzrteri ,r .titb tir.1.0Lke Zut tir pubi- tlrr Ii'tid 'I'L-t "'iW mas ael atteinded airdilpraire i'itu iii gî e 1 tti lurItr-riit tprie I t a ii hi. giren aguiti Frtda.i cvetîîlng tluy 21. visîted flciends nlaine Snnday. MIisses4N ioia Htruce antI FcancesKent ofl Palatinte, mecstire gutrsef imis Elizabîeth Mi-Curty Saturday îandl$on- dury. A few oftelthe bi rou)iit re,iiriî cd hall ut Quentin s Corner-' Sîtaa Misses Mary iîrdtî .andl FrIta f crisia ilsiti-d abeir liacentt ritéttrdaY anti Sun- tiay. Mc. and MsIc. i;.liriowitke left Ir r i ia- go Sondai- éshere tuer n iilis-re. Miss@MliddAndrews., liiflis fie visîlîutaiFinki. lttfor Ciciagto to spenil a 1cm du e. Mise liDorotir Foit. t tili i isitiiîg lt the houle tfflber auîrt. %lrc. F. fiai k. 1). McTagàcart opeut Suniday ait Waa- conda. Titi.graduationa i-ertîtes tif lthe -igliti grade miii hi. gien Mas v 241h. i Mcs. Fred C. 't-tp wv.Ciiiiiuiawriir Moaday. Mise Aria Si-ittîle rt tcrMircîesota, 5Mondeirt i stit rer sîster. Mrce Ai irt floetts en tedrri g fîier sistec r f ri eie titis weel,. lice.Jattes Ftrit-iiiin ci-turnier!Satur- day afi-r bfing ta the st. .ýtitliiiy'e liospitai t mi rît nir. Lîîtrni vai la- té liilri ra t Sitor suilar. NOW IS THE TIME TO GO TO CALîFORNiA Sec ti' <aIi;iirra Expociti- inlure the i-ast Sunemmer i niimarrive.- wsa-r lte deislittîi i-ite'.iit aiitg ti ti-etire Pacifi- Cria. And t tail ioituiCi foirniu i inte grPait r-rîîîrrrrt and waitt tirehi-ast of tract-Iititrrws., the Chic-agor, 5h ha unie & st. I'aîuil Rai i uuvbas îîî idiiitheiv sttîitrfî PAIFmi l'C LIM TED.-- tlins te a ottyl-equitllii'd train n tii eet-y r, r1iitrtre iofcofrixki antît trîi C cance. 1i im tetémii vt -fare train -tIre asti-ct ntir-,xreài l -[et ti tiiSiaF atua- i prtcîrfed îfîcongb servi -e mithiot ifiangi- t r an- direct 1u bot$an cranciet-itanrd Loe Angaees. il arrie ut elher tecrinaila inte mocntug. giviug ubhetourist a full day ta get htutias-îidiug the Incoas-en ies mitreit attend lte snriviag ita stcaage iiy aiter nligitlail.' BotlitExpositions tasn be vielteil fori thc oene ou- lare, sud for a 1cm dollars1 more you i'au sectise catira PacilecCoaât,1 retinig bomne vit Ihe Puget Soudi eountccand os-artheCblcao. Miwauke & St. Paul's picturesque "Trail of tbsý tilymt)ia.'Thiislino plerce.s&ree great mouinuaha rauge-the suow.eapped Cas- cades, te forestcd Bitter Boots sud tbe mlgbty Roci.s, pi-ovidlng seauery in a1 greafer exuent than visa!y ollaci route. LiberaI sbop-os-ers privilegesare aiiom-. eti sud innunerabeslIde-trlps arepossible, lnclndiig'trip t10 t. Rataier National Park and iPllowsuriue National Park. sud in Coloradto. Fier ilueraîed western travel litera- Inca sud informuation about lares, trains sari ici- and ti r- particulaca, apiy to Local Agent ot the Chicagot. Ifilmaukea & st.Pati Ralmay. Want, For Sale, etc ad, 10f1th. IN. DEPENDENT resch 15,000 pacsons -weekly. Waukcgan. 'Niay 13. -Two men mccc Placcd -under acrest lut. Tburaday aflernoon hy Date-t- Ive Sulas Nichols rof the "J" lina andj mccc booked ri ttie central police sta- tion on a charge of iîeiag aire r thie ves. Thes' gave their namtes as foiiaws: JOSEPFI BROWN, agad 69. GODFILEY JACKSON, agad 32. Niellisl sam the men as they waik- cd arross the cailroad tracks fleur Watcr street. Hi, suspicions wera aroased ber-anse of tmo odd iooking bund les (bey mena r-arrylng. Ha waik- ed up to tht-at, demanding te know what thcy liaditn the packages. Brown stacted ar-ros the strcct. Jack- son mas arcstcd and Brown then re- iuned and sabmitttedbte rrest. Brown had a large jilece otf tac- parîiin sncb as might be nscd to coter- a wagon. On ibis canvas mas, print- Pd: "Talthe Pacifir- Tel. and Tel. Co* I Inside of ihis canVas wat fonnd a;r large qîîartiiy r fcopper mira wbicb bud been tut file short iengths. Somne of tue aire bail beeti ros-ercd miihj insolîatioîîn btt usliîad heen bnrned off. Jatckson carrled a grrnny tack ili wiaîrlpartli iiied mifli short lenigi lis tif ireav y ropper mire. Brown liadt a parir otf aire nipîters rit, fil îrtî et antd Del ecise Nichoaisr-onu sider', tii-i mii'of the rîrost incrîrniri-1 alitîg irîgsin tis possession. Titi. tm en,îcîîacordirig ta Nit-hol, laiir cd rt-i w cvýri tnot liaitners. Ht- riýthi ies, tird iIn tireyhad pîr-keri i)t 1hie rire riuîrg lthe railroad t rack Il. 'th ii t ii re h t i rt tc-eiit takcir frer titi-M --raniicrad on the' \orrweeterri rosîl ottlt-irals cri' îrttfied Tiiev bute ioi teowi' lufeiy sa an effor t is tîelîg madi. ta deterirniî'aiethen tir noetliii Telegraîth or ieiephoni. roîttianfes baie lbd aur a-ire of late giten aîreiinc lreacirîg before Poiliee Magistrale Taylor titis morning. Titeir case wm ioiitini-d for teti davri ta gîte the lialte tifie tri condur-t an investiga- ltin.The lrios-arc' beclîiri-d udec $504 b onds. Nichiliras beeti a deteclit tlri tam t'tpio ' vrîf tire i -. aiload for st-rcl 7i'ac'tand ta one.t thIeinost ecipin t mnieilai tht' corps of dates-titi,, Hi 1 uatchtuniss and attention ta hui iteossiras brokent îp îettr sthier- cciori the' caîlcoads lanaîd at-ar Waukegan anrd bas wenîthlie ceenît of seridintri nianyt- tirre-i titth' botuses of crc rtio n. î11 leii eiiendahie and ,la bighis rpgarderi hi-eii.officiais ot the coud. MORT STEUE ONCLE TOM'S CABIN Under Largeet Waterpro@f 100 -PEOPLE -100 W" cLF« Nodypa&d Souef ati.. , or . Ue» u WILL l..A EXIIISIT LIBEItTYVILLE 810 U2 POWER SPRAYýING AND WIITEWASUINQ Clean Quick Gauranteed Work. ICew Saris, Chckeu liuses, ets. j F. JELLEY Pih.. 319-R Libertyvilr, Ililinois Buttons Covered, Drus PIaiting, HF&MSTITCHING Ail t,%cii miaide nn sud maitsd backlt teirda3 receired. OUT OP TOWN ORDEsiS RECEIVi. 0(-R CARkFIL ATTENTION. Write or irioli for Pl',tog hart. PAReR.. EmlMriderisg L Braiding Co. Phone central 1i649 36 S. Saie Si . Roata 6t4 N arth Areiri Bidg., State & Monroe Sic. In the Light of ri1restonéi. Exfras OU who kaiow, know tire values froni experience; but Ynote, also the specifications in this cross section. The sanie relative values apply in ai sizes of Farestone tires. For instance, in the 30 x 3 inch, you pay only 40 cents more for the more mileage valties represented in these extras. And only a trifle more iii proportion for the larger ases. Lea iateriai and lowèr grades ore traps to anako salas on prices. The Pirestone organisation, the largest iu the wocid epecializ- iug on tires, can maill and market tire.s ad tubes et à lowec coit to you.the oser, t hau any one eise ln the Vin.! Entraconfi, aifin.:ma., ttw. 6W.c Oi UtCmtoCmttRd F5i 4tl6é t,h bmt,« aoa d.lne5,.i il I. gag i. F~ i-an..ràSi -FWn. .4h... .er..Uh ii 03 9CO J i, 6i. 5bi 1- . 11.1eni.t.nse.. 3ti 0 i. d t. M3.4 19t l221 W3. 4AU .7, 3,.l94 4.4 27 3tr.55 4m.40 5 5%as.kaOi37 .5 35.5 3 .93 9 5.70 REE MOTOR OPN LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. i1992 for LAKE COUNTY onig ln order to improve the dairy herds of Lake County in production of butterfat CRAB TREE-FARM Lake Forest, Ii. Class A by State of Illinois Oflers to he Dair.j l'armers of Lake County 1 ) UR I1N( ilM Ay Ten Pure Bred Guernsey Buis 0f lmported stock et JUSI ONIE-IALF USUAL PRIC E obtained for such builsn No finer bulis wr ever offered for sage. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hirst Granil Dance 01 mg Seasoil IIERTEL'S PARK PAVILION * MALI' DAY. ILLINOIS Salorday flIqbt, May 22udt, 191 Music by Herteleï Orchestra Every Accommodation A good time aasured Don't miss the f irst one OUJR FINE BREAD GOES FARTIIEST Our iir ecsweet andi wholeoluiît eaiis well woctb waiting for,.lBat yen dîon'î havet.'tr watt. Our bakinz as lotie in large' quantities and at regailar boucs. Begini now ask for Lihertyvilla braad neat timue yoîî order freui ycur grocer, or get i verv day at the home of the bast bread muade--titi LIBERTYVILLIE BÂKERY FRED JOCHEIXN Prop. mu O PPORTUNITIES, like adas, are slippery and Inard 10 isold, unleas firmly senzed. They sie through tisa firigers and are gona ccc one is awara. 'l'O Malzt--he Most of Opportunitice tirt nMay lic gcased lîy advertisiu>g, use 'l'lie Inrleîenenrat's rlas- eifiid pages. It is a mighiy eiusivc. opportun i'y uliat n.enapes uthosa miso advcrtise in Tisa ludepaudent. Prom is ibrinsautis of readars Tise ludapeudeot is picetty sure uo attord tise ativartiFer tuaitishe opporinnîties titat hie le saktug. WER PEUl c Commi davit B i.-That ond coun 2-That talii prcC ci- sr 3 -That thro, autl c L t.-Th3t 10 b clerir 2.-That ed t hast, accu 3.-That O cvi coula Ive 5 ti-sîrd I test tarol the qcia hi- heu!f moc i ng an allia lames miten fît the ball tic touai lop ort vne! an lois lniIi acre Coi tucned c fbai the ho,. the car-e fe havetil sihly fia alaholîgt whear 1h jadge of an aifl rit halbil te C-iy himsëif t-ace iii. itrokeit. he ticsf tant aere ,lot ire t the fact '-e rred, sloud ih, oAts as ire pers iiad an hom es-e to abld ttooks. m rithec pl tilm. davits t ltari se i driifg i plad for Ire aiso le a vio la M" -They rînduefir Ilon ut Orvis sa ficiais ut any ther paced wi rceicvcd dais ln they me me ltat pestercd aiderfI shouid t .regard t( ccîully i bring ot

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