Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1915, p. 8

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pARMUF-fON sAtt-JDTraver.eCouty D Midnnemota sud Robert. S. D. 1ta Caahollce V IV sud Lutheransettemeat VerY fine band, the riche tsit in the worid and NO N C~ 1 V li uaeeeosàre@sure. The heaitiest 54WPME LB5AY A DVERTUS I N G elimate to te fourdaenywhereLow M N S~ S FN Qeo. J. Vanderwat, iluront M n 2pl 1______ RATES ý Xaukegan m Inisters and Justices of We bave catis for fane uto var ous s es ý he pesce who have beenx lixing a 5c per fine eacn insertion If you wich to ectl or eachaige your i ten cent revenue tamp to &eh mar- Leaa than 6 lunes, farrn. att or writre USparticulare. [B] inage certificats In comPltance to 25c firsi insertion Cochrau & tci,'Iuer, 40 North Dearborn lwhat îhey belteved t be the law, st..__________35(.4_ ill now discontinue the practice as + FOR RENT .1tiie resutt of a ruttng recetved from + ]FOR RENT e attorney general at Washington. + FPOR SALE + 4. . . . . . .+. . .. . rom the wordlng of ttie law ft . . . .. . .. . .. . . ýisentîctu benecessary furthie tamp FOR SALE-.-i> Ceter White pige, FOR RENT--oneortwofunimshd rois oti ,be affiaed by the phraseotogy was on Newberry Ave. luquire of J. W. L'oie, oeh eslreadBre0 h wek I.The Burr fOak- arai. T . Libertyville, t'band 1fnieJofftce 10-M-iol. A. B. ,,mbc ::,: _________ 1844.__3'_________ inintiers declded tb learn definttely whettier or flot te eeepce Sand eehn ra4 tcfî use revenue stamope. @(,meFO The repty froÀ the attorney gen- Irec k.FO RENT-A modemrn-roomieurn ner 1eral would seem to settie the mnatter :5e2 cottage on G;raystat.e. Etectric iglls, and thle chances are that the pran- Sbath, ruoaing watt-r. Cottagze ftrnistiedtilce witl be diacontlnued. Some of j the if desiret. Cati or addrecs The Rexailli e mnhstere -have felt ttîat It was lotte Store, Grayslat-e,.ii Phone il.:1:04 iA ite a nuisance to affix these stampa r. B.and te majority of them have heen 3.Sctf FOR RENT-Good bouse, barii andlIobtiged to stand the expense them- Ant lorsalenewgaso;ine rangefselves as they naturally disliked ta J. L. ant 6 boile cook tove. W. H. ApeY, charge a couplte wtth the extra ten- -thi f Phone 212-J, Lbertiitle. 2iëtfIjcent fee. FOR SALF-Rural New Yorkers Earvet Kîng seed Potatýes, alo @ chotrs eating ptitatoee. . iA. Sch Lertyvilie. Phone 2t,7-9-2. : FOR SALE-For the reniainder of eeaaon f wil MItPartridge MWyanai efflata $1 a geeting Of 15. W. GeHinge, Libertyville. FOR SALE-20 pige (6 weeks old.J Food, Milwaukee ave., Il mile@ nord Lttertyville. 35Rp2 The- reventue law frst went Into 4. WAiTEDetteet the wording of the measure FO SL-Bîidnglosor ereage t seme l.0 ndtcate that the county Area. Sire. Fitzflerait, tamerîun Bofel, ..+. . . . . .+.+.+. .I erk woîtlithave 10 place a revenue Area. 34c2 WANTEONlien witiu destre 10 earn over stantP on tadi license issued. Mr. *j2.iuo( per nmont il write iete daY for 1[endee miade an loveýstigation anit FOR SALE-2- year-otd BHolstein Buit, position as catesmiati. evrrv pporuity 'recmîeuIdhie information that lie T. Cý Zersen. Libertyviite. Phone 290J2. fuor advancementn Centrai PetroteuTm would îlot have bo Issue the- stamps -44t Co., Clevetand, 0tii iSpi h ui t îiaî hey nmust be placeit on ail -OR AL-Home.lianem. wgon- - _ ertfIctëssent tîack 10 bis office for FO sRrSALE-Hhorse. tuig arn maron WANTED-Prîvafe bearders tuy sieet,i record or else placet on the fnac Young and sound. %V. A. Shaw. phonue day or tîteai Iloine uooiug. APPlY inrage certificate given b lihe marrv- 162 J, Are&. 111. .letI seond heuoe tiet, side uof kair street. îîîg coopte iin oruertf0 ma'ie the toc. ______________________1 Mr@. J A Sales. Lier9ville. 111 35pî2 I1funent lt-gai. - FORSALE tluy Wiscîtasin 6(ir,îwn SeeORoo d oad in.,.. u iVpte pfut-n asupb e prleet Coru and St-st Pîtateu. Sure to ripen WNE-t ad rîaenr iehcpafr-ta stt otw- and do wellIn thioislocatîty. Haveseveral home for four girls for te chiminer qujte generally bY local riniîiaers ot the bet tinte lu sPetit rou, Osly a vacatioîn. Mrs. C . G.Frank-lin, 1714 ,îd justices. few more bushel18 tseilt. PuY aow. F. Rtge Ave.. ',vanislon, Il.t 3(2 I _____l_____ W. Sýcllcker. Libertyviite, l'houe 230-R. W Aflfle agentFO Ct WANTEO-A reiabie agent l t sel "1ur A RE T D O c3if Hard , 'Nortiiern grown \urs ry 'sf0 t FOR"SALE-Young prfctymachtj 3vthis viciitr. Liberal ecoue bu ai S O I~ II 'fN driving team, wt 1100 lbs each, aio reepoosible parti. Write boday ëelci ng SMOKI G IN IION choie@ af 2 famlly horoees iwoed b>- -refereace. McKay Nursery Co . tien Ziot, City, May 15-Calvin Rotf mey Rer. lHeloe, A. (il. Schwermaiî. Cllie, fir> aîeeileWim. N urseries at mc. a Young mano! 17 years and a il]. 31etf Waterloo, Wja. P'-)p2rinfer by trade. mas tied this norn- FOR SALE-S. C. RI Rfd eggs forWANTED-School teaeher for districtin btfrJuic CE.H efo hatchiagr. 01.00 for là. Stock for sale. na Libertyville forer omng year. lu- stiuokiiig a pipe and for tiaving ig- Gere Iemo, iervcil. %hnejqutre th .sleoffice. 35,c2 'relt papers n it us possession. Rotb- 278-..... .....i.. mflesr iwnai arested under a section SWANTIED-Gouud girl for gent-raI boue o!hue Zion Cily ordiniances Nliich FOR SALE-Fisciier Piario, iog,îod:con. work. Appt>- Sre. RN. Scott, Division nakes il a nisdemeanor for a boy un Millon. Cbeap. Apply t Lyric Retau- Stu, telephone 234 R Libertyvitte. 35tf der 21 lu smoke any pipe. cigar or rant, Lbertyvfie. aletf cigare!, or 10 carry any cigaret pa- WANT TO BUY-100 or more accea pers or niakings' in bis possesaion. FOR; AETaryfvha ognnlirtprovet tarin, Mail description ant The accused smoket a pipue on Sheri- purpom bare., tram 900i to 1 s-4001lho., liwest pote. Roibert C. apennett, 195 dan rosit o11 the evening o!flte lîtb lîwo mars are ina bal, Several @et@eof lwauakee Ave., Chicago, Il. :4p2 suit was acreeteit by Capt. Walker. second bant harassa aad wagons., WItneases claimet Rottmeyer smok- Terme, cash or on time. N. ît. Ladd,WNTOG d girl for general bous e et on, thal occasion andt it was found phione 4, Luerbyville. SBclf wark. Pione 1019-R, Lbertyville. 3 f ncsarltIedt tectyce Wu.lbavea lb q1ier oIf âne bones ton --- ..-office 10 bring bhe týensus book In le ôr teMot. Dyv.maud& Austin. Libertv- + LOST and POU»D 4 oriter to prove te Attorney- Fabry, et- ville. '.33,1 ..+ .+ .î. ~.+. +l.tortey for Roltmeyer, ltat bhcboy .semne.-~FOUN-Dark br,îwn mare, 'vel \v as utîder age. Fabry tunali>- gave Ini FOR SALE-Biack triving hors@, cheap about 110)0, bas one w-hite foot and! on ttîis point and tien triedtbo tbrow If bacon at once; single bipggy, 3 seatet otiier marks.fa-uer raui have saine@bic oiit fle case on lie grounit that fi trap, 3 seta single harnees, 12 dasseger payiag for this ad atd iare ebargst. Fî. "as luot a violation o! lie law. bu. Mrý -dh. -.1,.. ,. ..1._ FOR SALE-Sgecond hanit motorcyctes, 1 twin cyi. Expesîsor, jusîike nea-, $12,; 1 twia Reading Standard, $100.fil; 1 sngle ExeelorI$45 00. These areaIl, bargaine Calant ses e j .Liberty- ville garage, Phione 202, 34c2 FOR SALE-Baled ha>-, unter noof. tlmotiy ant laver miet, 816.00 per ton; also :1:3 lear oIt reuusered Poiaut China boar and sow, J. . Morris, near Evereta station. P O. t)eerfield. e33tf A. Néteon, at Ibritian Bro . farm , libe r- t.vvitte. '14e2 LOST-Biacl..Gauntiet ttvnear Cameron Botlt. Area. Fitider plefime phone 2961-R2. 3c LOST Case with 14) four pairs of eyev1 glaosees Cati ulLitertj vilte fil 35p1 FOUND-A (:&se (orltaining eye glaose. (Jwter eatu lave came t'y îroriug property audpayitug for tbîcad. Barry (iteasou, Ltbertysitte. Phione l2f'-àdI CI Patromize-Your 1boon Merbuis WHIO ADVERT[SE By EARNEST V. MADISON you help bim vou heip the newspaper that heipe îthe îom-utiat belpo your tate that helpe your country. Do you cee what a rippie of good you are doing when you traite with the nierchant who advertiaes. litle acte like these are the bagit- of gooti patriotie citizen8hîp. The country uewspaper'Ne the greatest educationai force for good that the world ha@ ever koown. Take it al îhrough, to, the advertisitîg nerchant handies better goods than the nierehant who doec flot advertiee. For one thiag lhe i generally more progressive and kee1,e in better toaoh with the boures of supply. "hinik this over. htaven't yoo fouod it go witbin your owip experience? The better business mai a mtrohant'i@ the closer lie can sel his waree. Adi ertising merchants are better business meni. Thie've got to ho. Look over Ibis issue of the TLAK. i : Go i'CF'l R.I lles4 the ad@ ini its columns.1 Then make up your mxtîd that'you ar. goitng to enîcour- age good citizetîship by i)atroniziug the tocrehaute who keep up t.he 1Japer wbieh tîjeana c@oînuch to your Conuîlî\v. It will lie a deed weil doue. Oit-c some minor questions ralseit by Attorney- Fabry lie case a-as beit uîîder adiisement for 10 tays. Want, For Sale, etc ad@ ln the IN. DEPENDENT meach 15000 persona ANNOUNCEMENT The management af the LYRI1c i. non under ne- cttr and w ie t e s 't e " "'t a ,e e - i t , p e o {RIoiAM I12 1 si wil h big dont]-.bilt ,pietiures. -bit-h 've trust iii me-t with popular approvai. O>ur -fbring for opening Dight inciudee THEEPHANTOM o! the VIOUN lu tibres acte. wiîh Francis.Port and Grai.. Cinar.1 d Attefeature CHAS. CHAPLIN World*@ greatest ccîmedian, in a eoaiedy Wreini "THE NEW JANITOR" Satuernay TH-E VAUDRY JEWELS Ia two sac@ e auring Eîdna ai- son. An eliting t eteetis-e etor>- of tbnils. CAUGHT IN A CABARET Twu reels of riat and screstme aith greateet comedian of aIlj tume, Cham, Chaplin. THEII4UMAN MENANÇE A modera day probem playintwo acte. witb liie emational auîreas Ciao Matisn. ".Netor" epmedydama HIS WIFES HUSBAND Wi ilîle Rhode@ sud Ja", Dil. Ion. Oas of chas. Chuspltn,@ la-st efforts TWENTY MINUTES OF LOVE. These prognanie are bluîit up to al standard uadit lutouwn to a prite., hring tl i ad--Ikiddies"@, and bave lie taucb of your flue, vou knioirait work ant ao play- ma lt-s Jark a- DuO SaBoy. -AUI «bs [Oc Shwsatt7 Tours for mutuallanteet LIEROY TEXIPLEO r r or MMkj'IJWM A33VU MD 'ClIECKS III3RE f Waukegan, May 15. L A pretty young gtrt check forge who lle id to have passed a numbe of bad checks ini this city ta causin, quite a diaturbance now tii JaneE 1ville, Wiaconsain, wiere she wae eeîî iteoced tb the industriai echool fo liaealng a fraduient check. I I)l pears that the Janeavitte po lice ae well as the Punlterton people are dîssatia§fled wwlîhlber belng sen to an lnduatrial schoot and are takln1 atepe to have the Young woman sen to the etate'a prison. tustead. Misi Ailes BaUmgartner, atlas Agnei Smith, who eaysabahe t twenty yeari id, ls one a! the best "inown anui Mioet Wanted women forgera In th( country today. It le charged that Bihe Pasaed worthtess paper In LoE Angeles, Oaklandl, Seattle, Butte, St Paul, Minneapolis, Fond du Lac, Osh kosh, Madison, Racinîe, Kenoaha, Chi- cago and Waukegan. Her arreat In Janesvitie totlowed the pasehng of a check on the limrt National Bank of that clty, payable oir the Pirat National Bank Ini Chi. cago. She represenied tierseif as hie lng the iravettng ,,c,-it of a movung Picture concern. Just what forgerIes the Young wom. aur comîltied In 1Waut<egan are flot known, for, according to the piolice. no comptlaunt has hepn made 10 theai of lte witl regard to surih a forger. fti s very probable, however, that the forgeries coutd hai e faken place and the facts flot reporisît to lie police. As nearly as cari fe learned the Young womaîî her-.eff contesseit that Wau.kegan was on ofet h, places in a hicdi he Passedfhait 'palier. ANNA KING LOSI A VALIANT F16IIT MAINST D EAÀT H Aller a beroit- baille iasting over six years, Mfiss Anna King, an oper- afor emPioyed by the, Chicago Tele- iahne compatîy, loi'! life's battle againtiefIa t terrible and relentteas enemv to healbi. luberculonis. Sie diet Sundav mornlng, at the 1Lake County Gtenerai baspibal at a-bld, place she tuas tieen sunce tast Novemnber. For six years lisa King bat heen afflcted aiti lteetieease ait about lbree years ago elle paît il is first ti a-heu her leg became infectet and waa amputatet. However, thia dit net tîreyent her returnlng te her emPloyment andt after the operation she a-as back at the board wlth hec saune hapîpy emile and the sainte cheerfut voice liat was known to neariy every phone user tin bown. Early lu N<)vember elle broke itoan ait a-as sent froin the home o! iNfrs. ROY Hill, '901 North avenue, aI wiicb pîlace she was living, 10 the Lake Count>- General hampital. lntdaflng the consideration gîven to emnplores by the Chicago Tels- phone com pany fil leiteresttng te knea- fia?. -bei Miss King's condi- tion nece8sitated removal ta the a.- pitl. the company orteret her ta'ien there andt erer sunce maintained bier ln as conîtortable qîtarfcrs as lie Place affortet. On recels ilig' ord o! lie girl's deali.SIcr'. Hltwired Miss King's raier, W. it. King. wio ls ln a hos- E' -I MARRIÂGE LIC}ENSES. Illîsha Il. Pelten, IMilw-aukee, 50. Rose Font-t, saune, 45. hifecbt-rît-yen, Milwaukee, 21. Anna iopp. samne.iii. Eltita 11,tielden. Milwvaukee ..50 Rose Foniti saine............... 48 Herberti îeyetr. MNilwaukee ........ Anna Hopp, sanie............... 18 Willia ni. Pyt-, Chicago .........39 Florence H. Bell, saine.......... 27 Joli n E. (Soetz. Mlwaukee.....26 Grace 1. Trail, saine.............. 24 Octave Victor, Mlwaukee ......... 27 Ainla R. Bardot, saine. ........... 27 J01111 Batuira. North Chicago ...27 Kalle Mozowska. sanie----------..24 Peler Di. Canney, Russl..legai age Ratherine M1. Dwyer, sanie,.iegai age James W. Hagenba.cci Chicago .... 32 Claire Ratant, sanie------------..28 Rda-art T. B.ippey. Hartford, Wis. .23 Eva L. Loos, satnie-------------..19 Charles K. Rippey, Hartford, Wis. .26 Lauella Sonîentag, sanie--------.20 Williamn J. Ray, Lovington. Ill., 40. Louise Clementa, Mlwaukee, 34. Arthur Kriplin, Milwaukee, 23. Emma Strenge. sanie. 20. William Lambrect, Milwaukee, 22. Lucilie Ormanski, gmre. 20. ltera-yi R. Brenton, Chicago, 21. Bertha F. Soyon.s, sane, PL. M -ller W Cowan, Dexter, Ga..23 Blancile Stepiens, Chicago ...21 Frank Graffallner. Mlwaaukee ..21 Anna Sîntth. saine...............18 III - a k n ti A y v H. C. Burridge, & Son - Nu rsery St ockI d.TRANSPLÂNTEDCabbage, Cauliflower and Toma- I 1to Plants. I FORI BEDDING ODUT Begonias, Geranium, Petunjas, f Salvias, Verbenis. ):Hanging Baskets, Window Boxes. I Fairholm Garden& Dymcnd RossI REAL ESTÀTE TRANSFERS Furnished by LAKE COUN TY TITLE & TR UST Co Abstracto of Tille, Tfilles Guaranteed d Masonie Temple Bldg. Waukegan. it MY S. 1915.-Chicago Tîtle & Trusi eCa., tb lirank lPanker, lot 68, iWilson, second subdivisilon ai Long Lake Deed, $17-5. H. J. Berger ano itwfe 10 Anton Chrlitensen, Northwest 40 acres of tflortiest t/ sectioni 38, Grant town. ship. W. Di., $10, Mbay 11), 1915 -. A.l'aseow and WlIfe f0 J. I, Hoeruer Jr., lot 7, (es. cePt west 75 feeti, Stanton'a suili vifsion in section 1l, Grant township, W. D.,$5.000. Lydia R. L.iîle andt busband to Ida tErnst. lois 5 andt 9, block 4, fljberf- son's cubii on. Lake Zurich. .> D., $2.000. Il A. Tayloto u W. v. Il. Amos, tract of land lu northwesî 1/4 section »i,:, Warren twu. W. D., $3,000. J. K. Derlng ant wîfe to H., E. Tip- Pett, part nortli 4 section 36. Anît- ocb twp. Q. C.. $1.00, B1. E. Loungman and wife Io T.& X. Lindendali, lot 22, block 21,'.91a,. burn Park, Norîth Chicago. W. D,, $250. Estate o! Nina fD. ilammilIi deceaq. ed) 10 Rose E. Joroberg, ltI21 Liconus third subdivision of Fair Grounds. Wau'iegan. Deed, $3.-l G. A. Trieger anid wtfe to Raymond Preganzer, part northeast Y4 sectiont 26, West Antloch twp. Q. C., $25. Mlay 11, 19l3.--4Haltli L. Ettis to, Win. Eltîs, lots 1. 2, 11, ant 12 ' bock 3, and east part block 7, aild street at- loining ini Lakeside subdivision lIn secý lion 34, Avon twp. Q. C., $2.300.. Estate Mf Mary Sbufeldt, deceasea, 10 E. E. Keating, 120 ,acres in south- weat '% section 31, Ela twp. Deed, $18»94.50. E. E. iCeatlng and wife 10 G. W. and H. J. Lageschulte, 120) acres lu southwst VU section 31. Ela twp. Q C., $ 1. Beni. Parmalee and wife 10 R. W. Shea, lot 1, Pearson' Little and Bro, ganas subdivision, Waukegan. W. D. $ 10.00. P. A. Smnith andt wife 10 B. S. Ham. mnn, lots 23 and 24, village of IVaq- conta and 2 acres in northweat V section 36, Waucanta twp. Q.C. $ 1,000. C. E. Smith and wife in John pet- raski and itle. lots 15 and 16, blocit 6, Dreyer's subdivision, Northt Chica- go. W. D., 8450. Thiomas Cole and wife to Anna M. Luox, lot fronting on W. Jackson et., bast north of Washington ebreet, Wau ,egan. Wn. D. $750. MaY 12, 3915. Master in r.haneery t,, Johnu Griffiît, lot 8. block'2. (Char- tes. i..liarder. Jr.. subdiv ision, Lake Foresi t) eed. 344 Securiîy Savings Banik 10tu 1Cand [llsM,(fretl 'est 3o> t soîlil i 1,1 feetlt 4. block 2. North West adti- ion. Waokegan. Deed. $1. tFE Sayier and a ife fo Franuk S, ete,.lt 19, block 4. Waukegan Hîgl lands,. North Cthicago. W. D. $460. H. P. Miller and wife to J. W. Mc- Nichiols, lots 1 and 2, Cedar Park on Crooked Lake. W. Di. $500. May 13. l9i5.-George Quentin and wife to Edwin Austin, Part of original lot 3, Village of Luhertyville. W. Dý $4.000. C. A. Newcamb, Jr., to John Itucar, lots 8 and 9, block 5, Wabun park, Northt Chicago. Deed, $2.250. A. F. Beaublen and wlfe to John and Lual Latkovie, eaeî bal! lots 18 and 19, block 3, Hutchunson & Company,$ subdivision, Waukegan. W. 1). $1.100. On@ Mothod. Mns. Grlmly-ls there n0 way you cao 'break yourself o! tha't habit of talklog ln your sleep? Mr. Grimly (tremulousiy put hopefullyt-Do you think It would belp any, my dear If you'd ]et me taik more wben I'm Bwake? -Pucit. Mis Opinion. 81i1 (resedint>-. Here's a guy l ent crazy that nover uam teibackus Or liquor or Plared carda." Hank- «He didn't; went, Bihe allers wseai .-K"§" aCity star. Ph one 102-»R Ubm.-Iyvillm, III. f System To safeguard those in the home is the paramount desire of every man and woman upon whom others are dependent. The Great Safeguard, the protective agcncy with the longest reach and the swiftest sumn- Mons is the TELEPHONE Assistance of the kînd that's needed is within constant hait day and n ight over the tclephone. Be the trouble Fire--Burgiars-Ilnesa the subscriber has flot only the use of thc tele- phone but also the co-operation of the opera- tors'in getting speedy relief. Can you afford to be without this protection? Cali the manager'a office for rate&. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager lEN Mi MILLA1. Athanne To James Gorman and Madge Gorman l'lIADJUDICATION NOTICE. and Io Whom il May Concern: lttnire O IV s rhi-t, e > RI- tha i h -- i ll - , N ot- lmirtlui gi rpt- I l hatit iller î',,)rs f f5he lai iul adTri icia . ment oi ikreîud Ste» uide'e,e. dîîiii anue.,iti sgiulieLav e à,Xarelbuuseiîepens Lien te C-eittî Cuni of L84 ut. t aterre ,-, agat net thete tel ,iuuat ng <lv -tsit pro perty theft-n ohet- a ritut tha Oe ot lri r-wtt. 1 vtu-b, I toat rack, 1 iraaing Wsukegan. ill said ( tnIn ît e-i'tM"lais.>board. 1 gels -vrlu.1 diiittg table, -I et Jaiy eu t.Il,, 5 i eiiiti ait-i Sent- &i> penroni havlti ,, t-i.,,,, gsiii' si.s-iF-taie are tining chairs, i1 Pair Portiers, 2 pie(-es nottaied suit reqtuestedi ou ceettthiesanie te ail eloth, pirturem, i kitchen table, i &%id Court for adluuivt>coiit kitcheji cabinlet, 1i aas board, 1 iplce WILLIAM DIETRIHL TE1 ' v'.t- natting. foc the suto of $1 7,for the HENRY ) T t SI'L. , Waatsgsîu. Il].. %la, o.10 s, , utoriag and leepig of setlinpoperty hiA à L I 2 n n J u l 1 . 1 1 1 3 l a M a > - 1 , i > 5 - Anîd u are furtier nolified that the ADJUDICATION NOTISE. unde.-slgnad vili oeil sai propent> ai Public notice la berehy given that Publie auction ta tIcsilgbest and bai lie Subscriber, Âdmlnimtratrtz o! the bitter forecas, on Saturda>- the 29th Entelle o! Ferdinand W. Sciuiz, o! day af Ma>- A. t). 1915, ai Ibm haur of Fox Lake, Illinaois, deceasot, viii at- 2:0f o'clock la the atteruaaa aat the tend the Cont>- Court a! Lako eCoua- warehouse nanof oTrepta# & bmon'e ty, aI a terni thereof 10 b. bolden at store, in the village of Libertylville. the Court House.ln Waukegan, la Illnois, l.o.ectotce staI lien sot d aim ot alt County, on the first monda>- o1 $87.75, togýthsr vitlitheonate and Jl>- next, 1916, whea and wbere ail charges of enforciag sait lien. persona baving daisan attai>! Dated hhîs 121h day of May- A. D 191,-. emate are notified and requestedtot Treptow & Taylor. prenent saine 1.0 sait Court for ad- L. FI. Morris, Attorney. judication. _________ EMMA scHTTIs, Admintamrtit. Waukt-gan,ilîlinote, Ma>- 17, 1915, Wkly May- 21-28, June 4 Vnu can readti 15,000 pamnen weeât- ly through the Indaendont. Dom*81le Animal@ and Poison. Boni. of the tom«Ue anml. arM ta. lems *entle than umaa bifga te P01OUBOf !Certain kbld>.. On Ihé Other hant the>- Show legsrnetting power than men n b ler poisons o! a tuffermot nature. Theodora H. Durst, President. W. B. Smuth, Vice President. F. W.-Churchill, Secretary and Manager la Hon. Oewitt L. Jones, Gen. Counsel %'. TIELEPHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. iABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEEI) Capital S$125,000.00 WALJKEGAN - - ILLINOIS ~vol The S Traci % 1 OTHER Past w Total Busine the veeb Nuaube N'uînbe Total 130. Total Buoine las the rOpPed The fo In Ali *Tip«t ,Jackson Meyer b subdlvlss J. Outtiri la Grs *ber bous 7 ln StU L&bo foi bougiuî a division la Avi bought I6 ion on Mus for lun W* quater s 1cr for $2 iougtt a hie aveu' lougt a Oeo Sln W& m oud hou con"dai] West qui township. Jn/Cub vin W. I bader, t lands, Io aMme te of propet ln L& tvo Jota ILake Zut $2,000. section Keating re-sold il and Henu Ilaicon] tuought il fronma14 Ina Hig Salves h avenue f $1.540 Bt dmore aho's a, as. W. In Wau a bouse north o! lee for s Chanton lot aI the Hickory AnnaM. street, n freux Tht Ia Nor *asaignedl on Wrigi tween 181 State's day that £a pecial June. Hi tu ho ta] bipecia He admi Inventiga few days Fox Lakt day. Tii an Wh( 0' baviaI ady vo lie Ifali thxe infelr il" Bell

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