Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1915, p. 9

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LARE COU.IN-Y INDEPENI)EN'T, ___ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII.-NO. 35.' PART TWO. LEBERTYVILLE. ILL. FRIDÂY. NIAY 21, 1913. POUR PAGES. $1.50 PMR YSAR IN ÂDVA1NCE 816 iELAFARM FUATURE Tu WEEK IN REALTY NOYÉS The Schufeldt and Bartlett Tracts Sold at Big Prices, Totaling_$43,000. OTHER BIG TRANSFERS. Past Week Was a Busy One- Total Loans Were $88,000 -102 Transfers. Business of tise recorder'a offie for tise week ending May 15, 1915: Numiser of tranufers, 102. Number out bans, 28. Total number ut instruments fiied, 130. 1 I Total amount et lbans. $88,M'000 Business bas beîn a littie quiet dur. - in tise veel. Loans bav e agaiu 0> topped off. ýJURORS AIe NOAN FOR TUil JUNETERM OF COUNTY COURT, Many Cases Are Scheduled to Corne Up for Hearing in the CountyCourt Then. TEN JURORS FROM HERE. This Township Has More Jur- ors by Far Than Any Otier in the Entire County. A panel of Jurera vas drawn on Tuesday and wiii appear in county court here on June 29, 191-5, Tise l$t shows lisat lin ut tise jurors ore are train Waukegan. This la an un usually large number. Tise lute law terua lu county courtI Ibis year prom- Ises ta be a rery busy one and rnany cases will 1w dlsposed of. Fuiiowing la a liaI of tise jurors vlîo hivp heen Tise foliowIng are tise more Import-1 drawn ta serve: on sut uls liroUgisout tise county: lna*Antiocis tawlshir,. llarry E. TIPpott houglit tisree io!m lu Cinqula- pin subdivision lu Fox Lake froua .Jacksun K. Dering and Cari F. Wls- Meyer bougist a lot ln Sisady Nooli subdivision on Laie %Marie froua Mary J. Outhrie for nominal considerations. lu Grant tuo nisip, Johna L. Huer- ber bougist trom Louis A. Paisan lot 7 ln u tnas subivision on Fox L&ke for $5.000, and Clara Crîsman bouutbt a lot lu Nlpperslnk club sub- division trou Anna C. Anderson for à nominel consideration. Els bougist five lots lu Lakeside subdivis- ion on (rsysiake from Hallie Le Elils for $2500. In Warren townshsip, Wn. V. B. Amasniought 93 acres lu norîbvest quarter section 3troua Henry A. Tay- lor for $3.000. lu Lakea Forent, John Orimftb bougit at maters ale a lot un No- hie avenuetufor,40.41. Asi bt a50 ontlot on Lake streel "ouGeorge Quentin for 84,000. la Watsconda, Buvuan S. Hamn- moud bougbt troua Page A. Smitis for 81.0S0, 1.0 lots i village ot Wau- couda and aiso tvoacares lun nrtis- weet quarter section 36, Waucouda township. IuýCuba. Santard Peck sold te AI- vin W. lb.. and Artisur Mi. Ritten- bonder, blocks 20 aud 29 lu subdivis- fonutfIota 9 and 19, Ciicago Highs- lands, for $3,000. and tisîy re-sold sams te Marl Dreyer for excisange ot property. lu Ela townsilp, Ida Ernst bougist twa Jota lu Roberlanusa suhdivision at 'Lake Zurich froua Lydia R. Lylle for $2000. Tise Mary Sciutildt faim lu section 31 vas sold to Edvard E. Kealing for $18.994.50, aud Keattng re-soid tieseanme farm ta Garett W. and Henry J. Laerchulte for a nom- inal considîration. John Zippricis bougist 189 acres ln sections 1 sud 2 troum 1artsa A- Bartiett for $24.000. -lu Highland Park. Robent' L. (Ion- Salves iought a lot on St. Joisns avenue trom Tereuce J. OWNeill for $1,540 aud RImer T. and Seins V. >kdmore bougist a 50 tout lot on St. hins avenus. soutis ot Vine, trou ic>as. W. Stoker for $3800. In Waukegau, RulaeW. Bshes hanght a isouae sud lot onuNorths avenue nortis Of Ridgîland frouaBen Panna- lie for a nominal consideration. Clulon C. Green bougist a 30-tot lut 51tishe corner ot Grand avenue aud Hickory street froua Securlty Baunk. Anua M. Lux bougist a lot au VicIas-y street, nortis of Wasiington atneet, troua Thomas Cols. iu NontisCiicago, Sarsis J. Glaser aaaigned lu Willard C. Fincis 14 lots un Wrigit and Honore streets, be- tveen 181is sud 19tb sîrels. States Attorney Dady admitted lve day tisatinl ail proiability hi .111 oeil a special session of tise grand jury lu June. Hienys Ibere aaeveral cases tu be taken up at ths . aensd be lixpects about a dozen Indictments. He admitted tisat he uaay make an Investigation ofthtie charges made a le. days aga that tise bar-rooms lu Foi Lake ara ruuniug openly ou Sun- day. Tiis charge vas made by tise .~a. wvisa vanarrested ona charse ýot iaving stahhed anotiser inn. 1fr- %lady vonld nul state poiltively tisaI be intsuded lu takéi this action but $ho. inforences vas tt hi ho 1. Bl. S. Kuiglt, BinIou. W. A. »coit, Bentan. Fnank %licMaison, BinIou. liarry Crawford, Newport. James IH. laitNewport. Ed. Gareît. Antiocis. Wmn. Girard, Auliacis. (lia. Gregory, Grant. 1 Cinyton Crasp. Lake Vjlls. Wm. Pester, Avon. Chrlis WIVçtman. Avon. Rer C, ~Warren. Philo Waruer. Waulieg ROY "il], Wau<(egan. - R C. Hill, Waukegau. X H. Benidict, Wacukegan. Wm. Wrighst, Jr., Wankegan. Willilam Walker, Waukegau (N. C. D. A. Grady. Waukegan. L. J. Yager. Waukegan. Roy Héydeiker. Wsukegau. Wm. ttaddacker. Waukegan. Carl Matin, Wsu<igau. A. F. Canra, Waukîgan. Adam Boehm,. Fremont. Willam Vickevy.' Frimant. Frank Green, Wauconda. A E. Kiîrvan, Waucouda. John Brunker. Cuba. Ben Chus., Cuba. James Courtney, Cuba. Joe Liaik, Verpan. Peter Duffy. West Diertleld. Alvin Raais. West Deiriield. W. T. Gaurley, Deerfield. E. Speilman, Deeffieid. J. L. Udeli, Disrfield. J. Kîlley. Deirihld. ARRA1M CHILI, DREN PRO6iRAM AT STATE CON VENTIWb Mis Luchle Evans speut Tuîsdsl lu Waukigan arraugiug for tise ci drens program wviic i viibisepari of tise convention program to hi bel. lu Wsukigan troua Siptembir 281 tc Oclaber lot, hy tise' W, C. T. U. Tise program i wicis Mrs. Evans ai rauged visile hure yesterday wvîl ib caliid "Unclo Sam's loyer Garden,' sud il wi1l hi rendered on tise vorI nigist of tise convention. Il vilIlim mediately tolkow tise address tht will be givin by Misa Auna Gordon the national preaidint, Tise idea wv are isaping lu creste hy tisis cild' prograals tisat of youug Otldre» tise natIon'a flowers. appealialg la lh( people for national teuaperance, ail Mns. Evans. "Il .111 precade. Misi Gordonsa speech sud visen thse Inter est ufthtie menhirs preseutla is t ilÉ iseigit. 1 ixpecî Iis program ta issv a wonderful uoral effecl on ail vis ae il." Mrs. Evans tatI the City Tussdai eveniug sud ixpects n ual t rnsun tiI on -tise date ofthtie convention. Assistant tate's Attorney IL Mt Runyard bas just sent a ltter totli members of is graduating laie a tise University of Wisconsin lu allen tise decennial reunion tisat la ta bq LAKE COUNTY'S-CHANCE 0F KEEPIMI JUDfiE LIES IN ELECTION 0F EDVIARDS CLAiRE C. EDWARDS, Circu-it Judge. j very voler luntLake county soutd menace ta tise election of Judge Rd- j remember tisaItishe Judiciat Election wards. foi he CrutJd1c da ute Tise istory of legi8latie elections ifo thee ircit udgs ad aJusice1 l this district migist bu reiîeated ln of our Surîreme Court wttl lake place:tise approaching judiclt eerion and ou Monday. Jane 71h, 1915l. lise people of Lake county awake tise Every voler ln Lake County tsat 'nîuruing alter electIon ta lsd tisaI t anta Ihis counly to etain uni ut tise NtcHenry county issd bien given Ivo Iisree Circuit Judges snd viso gaver tise circuit Judgeshlpsansd Ihal ihis catin- retaining of Judge Claire C. Edwards, ty isad hein left outlnlutise cold. as une of unr Circuit Jîtdges. ehould Wh',blth ie press of Mllenry couuty turu ontI on etection day an d vote are treating lise candtdacy of Judge for Judge Edwards antlhii two as ýSnîIley for Judge Dounellys seat ou sociale Circuit Judges, Charles I-. lise circuit hencis largety as a joke, Donneliy of Woodstock, and Arhur or for tise purpose uf extendîng Judge I. Fs-ost of ttockford. -Sm'!leys acquaintance Iinugisunt tise Judge Edwards has more ta four counties, If lai'e couuty visisea mnade gondi as a Circuit .ludge in theuta assure tise election of Judge Ed- short lime bu lias occupiîd a seaI on yards,'lise volers of ibis caunly musI tise circuit hencis, sud bu la an honnor go lualise poils on eleclion dsy aud lu this, bis home couuty aud whiie vote ta retain tise tune sitllug Cir- thîs la unanîmous for bis re-election, cuit Judges. bu musI recels mure voles ln lise Tise supporters of Judges Danusily four counlies tisaI Judge Smlley or sud Frost, in tiseir respective court- ise viii he buaten. tics, are working earnîestly for the Since bis appoînîment ltalise Cir- re-elecîbon ut Judge Kdwards a<lung cuit bencis. Judge Edwards bas iseid witis Judges Donully and Final sud court at Rocktord, Beividere sand curlaily Laku coiin:, siould do Ilke- Weodetock, and visile net one iaw- vise by gi vlung lise1itîrc sittiug Ci-. yor lu tise Iirse counlies named la cuit Judlfus earnest sud hearty sup- oppoalng lise ru-election ot Jndge Rd- port. wards, fi must bu ruemhered tisaI Rucent reports frou, McHenry court- bis tvo associale judges, Douneliy ty Indicate tisaI Judite Sualey viii sud' Frust bave te advantage over tail far short ut defeating Judge Don- SJudgu Edvards utfuany years serv- nelty In bis home cotity, but it lces on lise circuit hencb vhîcis ias must bu remembered tisaI Judges sxlîudud tlier acquaintance Int Donnelly sud Frost are encis strong every village, townshsip and haraiet Ibroagisoul tise mire district sud the 'y lu the tour counities. sud visilu Judge ouly ste proposition for Lake Coun- il Smiluys caudidacy -10îîrobably dl- ty la to sutirely eliiaste tis ecau- rrected againaltishe scat beld by Judge didacy ut Judgu Smiley lnu Lke Coun- Id Donnelly, uvery vote cast for Judgu ty by giviug onu vote to escis of tise ýo Smiley ln' Lake County la a direct tisree itling Circuit ,tadges, r- R- at t, re Id 13s r- La re 1o Ly IL. 4. le at id le held there nxl monts. Mr. Rtinyard vas prealdînt of the 1906 clas. One of tise lettesaias been sent t a rn B, Rose, clerk a! tise United Eîstes coutaIShangisai, ChIsna, Tisa affair promises la be a big sticcian and vil!, meais tise eturu for a lime of uaany collage mounvisa have drifted ta dit- tirent parts ufthtie countr-y,i WELL ICNOWN WAUz KEGAN WOMAN DIES; IN COMA FOR WUEK Mrs. Westerfield Passes Awat, Tuesday Evening in Her Home on Porter Street. HARDENI!fG 0F ARTERIES. Became Unconscious a Week Before Her eath-Leaves Husband and 6 Children Waukugau, NIa>' 18. Friends and relatives vire gieved to hear of tise deatis Tuesday ovin- lug ut1Nra, FIdele Westerfield, 69 yegas ut agi, ot 415 Portes- street, viso had beun uncOuscious- for a .eek bufore tise trne of ber dealis. She heaves a isband, five daugiters sud une son. ishe vas Weil tnovu lu this City,. baving livîd bine about tiity yeas beforeiwvicis lime se iad lived in Evaneton at vbicb place se vas hura. For aune lune Ms-s. WesLer-1 A DARIN6 JAIL DE. LIVERY IN RACINE; 2 MEN, 1 WOMAN OUT Waukegan Police on Night Vigil for Escaped Fugitives But They Get Past. CAUGHT IN EVANSTON. Thieves Even Steal Thousand Dollars From Sate of the Ra- cine County Jail. Wisatlnla elieved olx, wtise mosl daring break for liberty ever made ln thse history of thse Racine eonnty jail was made llonday nigist wisen ttree notorlous safebiowers, on1e of !isem a woman. made guod their es- cape, steallng a tliausand dollars rrom thie jail safe, besides iaking lise siserlff's revolver and tise guns that were talten troua thern aithtisime ut their arreat. 'Tisey yene arrested early Ibis morning by tise Evansion Police wiso had received a message from tise po- lice of Racine f0 lie on tise look out for tbem. Ail the towns ielveen.Ra- cine and Chicago, Includiug Wauke- gan. were uotified to be un tise look nue. According te tise police of Racine the trio who are: MARY MILLER, aged 23,. CARL L. MILLER, age 29. CHAIRLES JONES, viso gave bis age as 37. Tbey made goodl their escape througi tise help et tise voluan. They were arrested for a safe blawing job aud were being held pending their trial. Tise voman was given priv- llegea of tise jail visile tis e nuwîre locked up lu cells. About 1: 30 tiais a. M.. tise voman, seeing ber chance, took tise keys troua biles. They were thse guegseot Ra- cine couaty and their taxi buis vere beiog pald out ofthtie coffers of tise county. Thse îiree were decorated with ion. Not thse iron cross,' but lron bracelets prescribed by thse law as vital necesl- sitlu for sucis people. Tbey passed tbrougs Waukegan en route t0 Ra- cine about ten o'ciocit. Prisoner Summuns Sherift. About 2 o',clock tiIs morning one of thse prisoners. unabie to sleep, walk- ouI of his ceillsnd knocked at Siser- ffEaulHaward's door. "Yedbetter get up,' sald tise pris- , Snr omne o' yer convicts has es- Fugitive@ Caught ln Evanuton. At 4 a. m., a black automnobile en- tered Evanston at Chicago avenue. Il was ordered to hait and its occupants were arrested. They were tabiou.te 1tht. station and kept until Cape. George arrived. Thse money vas flot founid on tise j fugitives. "Vell,' said lthe sheriff, "l'rn glad t ihey lefIt the Jail standing. Also, we ehsve rigit ro hi proud uf oui other prIsoners. Aller the Miliers and Charley Jones béatItilanyhody in thse Jal could have waiked out, but no- body did. They ail stuc'( like gond feliows.", t Thse Millers are waiting triai on chargea ot arson. Jones la walting trial for alieged isorse stealing. Thsecapture was affected by Police- men Thomas Dicicenson and Chsarles Patch ea' Chicago avenue and Main street, iu Evanston, fifty miles troua Racine. Thse machine vas being driven fu- riousiy soutin l Chicago avenue visen tise police opened fire vits Iheir revolvers and brougist iltat a stop. While chauffeur and passeugers were being questionîd and aearched. thse rmachine cnrrying tise sheriff and po- lice captalo froua Racine dasised up and tise prisoners were Identified. îlearO3i for tise stoien money aud several revolvers visics iad beau taken train thse' ite, proved fMille. tnder tise pillov ounvisicis tiese irlt 1"aelteved tuey vers cacned vuen vas sleitilus and liberalai hi,- npaltise burgtaris cisAnged froua tise tour- Tise Ibres tisen vent 10 lise jailistfe visîcis as upen and took troua il n thouzaud dollars lu cash ieongiuj to tise cauuty. Aftîr Ibis tbey fore- id lunlise shuriffVs desi contniniug tise gune vhicis hadbhein Lakin train thei aItishe lime ufthlier arreat. Not heiug satiafiud vilstisuier ovo arma- meut thuy to tise revolver beloug- log 10 tise sberlft vicis as isanging on lise door ufthtie jaîl ofice. Leaviug lise jail lhsy vent direct- ly 10 tise raillay station sud tank s train for Kenosisa, Arriving ln Keno- sa lisey blred a taxi sud slarlud for Ch icago. Dly ibis lime thelr delivery bad hein discoverud sud ail points Ibrougis viicis lhey voutd have te, pasvers nolified. Tise first message recelved by tise Waukugau police vas at 2:M.5 Iis morning visen s long-distance tels- pitons message lnformed tise local po- lice ol tise break. The second mes- sage camne ai 2:55. This vas atter lise Racine police had discovured Ibat the trio had ired a taxi lù Kiiosa aud uxpected 10 drive by automobile 10 Chiscago. Ou recelvlng tise second message field issd bien aliig vils isardenlng the Plice.brs ln. .asuY 90t On ut arterles aud il vas kuov tisat tise Job sud duspalched police 10, se vas fait tait.ig.Tbe clinaaInS chailtise roads froua Kenosisa. came w~ih ber tapsîtîgloto uncon- Officurs Coona, L>yonsansd Lîrcise scionusas about a week ago. vire sent 10 tise nortis sud ut tovn Her daugltetrî. vi W. H. Board ln a tax i 10 valci ;for tise fugitives. of Argo, Ill., Mrs. P. J. itoard ut Wau- Tise Ibne atched unlii dayilgisl but kigan, Mrs. WV. D. lirougiston otfPort- vire flot reyarded for lhier vigilance' ]and, Mde., Mns. W. il. May of Indian- sud l la helleved hureslisat tise ma. spolisansd ire. Johnî Laux et VWau- chsine took a round-about route. kegan yull not att be able to bi-pres- ItI as isardly possible tisatishe fug- eut at the funerailibecause of thier ilives could bave golIen rancis tan- lnabilîîy to gel hure on lime, visetiser tissu lisy dld because every are Mra. May utflIndianapolis sud rosd leadlng lntoChiscago vas being Mra. Brougistun ut Portland. vatcised sud svury police oMfcîr alung Her son, Carl Westerfilld, uft tii the route tisey isad laken had a cuci- CitY, .itis bis vite, w ill ho prisent aI plute description o! escis. tise tuerai. At nine oelock tise local police Tise tuneral yll lie aItishe Parler vere lnforuaed ofthtie arreat lu a etreet home sud Ik train ta Rase message received frouatise Racine Po- Hil1l. Tis eIset rites viii he niad by lice tisaItishe siseritt vas ou igis a> tise Rev. Funston ofthe lse rt Mitiso- 10 hriug back tise disperate trio viso diat churcis at onu oclock. isad been plcked up b>' the Evanston Tise tuners! vlilbu b>' carrnages Police, froua the home to thie railvay station Thuir ride back 10 tise county jail theuce b>' train lu Chicago. ai Racine vas not as ixcltlng as their Tise G. A. R. are tnslng oue of their miduigst cdashs. stauncheat supporters vils tise deatis 0f course tisey bad more compauy ýof Mis. Westerfield. lier htqsband la but lise compan>' tisiYjad vas nul su old army man asud il vas ber di- on tise saine social plane as lise>. 11gbIta accoua-pan> huap buesismaite' Their tsaveltng companlons isappeuad tise remîtes-y Mimons!l day sud dec- uIohi ul1sut iiit orale lise graves ufthue dead soldiers. witie the conductor a! tise tour vas Evauston, Uiberlyviliii sud Wllpetti 1tise siserlff hiineit. Tise>' paasd 'ýPaper8 piese copy. lisrouglx waukeîgan la 1.0 sutomo.- Agre .e to Pay Ail Costs and the Damnages and Prosecution Is ThenDropped. Thrîee inu vre arraigned biture Justice CisUrcitll ut Grayalake Tisurs- dey mornlu, cbargîd vus isaviug stolen seviral quarts 01 milk troua tise farinera living lu tise viciuity of (Inys- lake. Tise min ars-ested were: FRANK J. REHM. FRANK NIESEN. josEPH NELL. Reisi la tise proprietor Of B bottling 1 ort ai Monavllle, iocated a tev Inmiles troua Grayalake. TISe otisen 1.0 1men are iinploied byb-ina. 1For saine limie tièrciss visaloft mils lutiste Grayalake milk statian !or tise wiscausin Condeussd Milk Coin- pauy had noticed tisaI froua 1.0 to tisiai quarts of uailk vas laken froua their cana each morniug. For tise lest 'week tisey iad eatabllahid watcbers and accordiug latiste evideuce tisaI came ont attse trial today, tisey an. tise saine Ibnes min corne muruing att- or rnorniug sud ltake tise milk. Rebua claimed taday tisat Ihere vas s misundirstandins, as is aid hi isad received permission troin a tarin baud lu taise tise mtlk. He agreed 10 psy lise farinera for aIllishe mIlk taken sud ase ota y ail tise coutrt conte, lnj addition to nefraining tram sncb mcl.! Ion lu tise future, Iu cunsIderatlon of this action tise state's attorney 1made s motion that tise prosecution ise dropped sud tise Ibrai men vere dlecbsrgid troua custudY. The Piratei% amateur base baIl tesin af Wauketan ismu mat tice luo Ui- anr cle alitrt..The Pirates are a uuifarmed teain, rangiug In agi t ru 17 ta 22 yiars. M. A. Davis, i522 1 iarket street, Waukegan, la tise man- -ager ofthtie tinam, ANTIOCII VOTES TO HAVE A NEW TOWNe. SIIIP H16Hi SCIOL Election Was Held on Saturday, and But 32 Dissenting Votes Were Recorded. ELECT BOARD ON MAY 29TH. This Is the Second Township ta Vote for High Sohool Inside of a Month. Lest Baturday votera of Antiocis townshsip voted to create a township higi saciool district ln Autiocis lown- diip. Tise vote stood: For, 102; aguinat, 32.1 Il la seen tisat tise sentiment vas strongly for tise proposition altisougis tise total vote wwas very amaîl for tise township, hetng many limes ha- low normal. On lise 29tb. tise votera vote ta elect a townsisip bigis sebuol board wisici sailproceed w.11k plans fr0 tise erection 0f a isigis sciool build- Ing and get thînga under way for lthe maintenance of ils final tovusislpisgis scisaol. Thse csrrying ufthlie plans ait AniS- ocis la hm-nItant as Il Marks tisa sec- oud be achool tisat bas beau vofed by a townsisip In tise Pei MOUtIJL Leas tisan a monts aga Wauicunda voted 10 eslablisis sucis a scltuol and slips w111 he pusised et once lu atart work on theiseh'Igscisool. Tisese i<e. scisoolà vill be belli and maintained &long: linos similar to tisattishe Waiskegau huui'sesbAg. Thse ereptian ut tise new hbia cisols naturally vill divert somevisat froua tise county attendauce at lthe Wauke- gan acisool froua the dialeicte vis,- in tise ne. seisools ar-e tlu nis. BUt, as lise Wsnkopn aciool i-aa heu gelint cru.ded'tisa alithoemiQu of it nalurali>' .111 nul feel very donei7 O,., tise adventot tise nviecOowls. 0E TAIN(I ÀTC Carl Kreger Aocused WitIi Having Stolen Gold Watoh From South Side Man. DEFENDANTS PLEAD GU1tTY1 HID IT IN HIS STOCKING. Pleaded That He lntended to Give It Back-Took It Idere- ly for Safekeeping., Waukegan, May il Carl Kriger, aged 37, emnlqied an a tarua baud for Rqbert Dady of Norths Shseridan rosd, van arrested et 5 o' dock Tuesday aflarnom o» com- plaint ut Hialuar Soueli. 17%May street. .ho camplalned tisatishe toml- un isad stolsu has gold vatcis viicis hi valusd at $29. Kreger van given a hbast n upo- lice court betore Police Magistrale Walter Taylor Ibis moring snd epun tise recouanendatian ut Assistant States Attarney Runyard haovas isound aven ltiste grand jury tu bouda of $600. Hievan unable ta becure a hondàmau and musI lauguisis lunlise couuty jsil untl lishe grand jury takes up tise cane. Tise police Bay tisaI Sons>! reaidoi ln a houai avued by Dady. On Tusa- day Dady seul Kreger ltetise bonse lu paint anoe sermons. Wisile ha van ar1a vanS thore Mra. Sanell missed ber huzband's gold vaîcis aud aInonce sUspeCoid tisaI Kregîr bsd stolon Il tramn tise top of a bookcase. Sise stsppid ta tise teiepisune «d sumnued ber busisand visa vaset ovrk aItishe wlre mili. Ulsan bis a&> tPT.rival home bu askud Eriger If i o bad tise valcis. He says tise fla.w de4ted IL. 'rien hi aumuaanod tise 'Do"i Kreger vas siarcbid and tise vtft vas fouud Inside bis stocklng. lu police court Ibis 'âlnng hao ad fbtK1e touud lise valci lyiug on tise bot and bu vas afraid someono vould steal il s0 ho pickéd it up. 'He asart- ed ltaI hb bd ahi isui % u bi Uraail pocket so hi put itlin himestneling. Tise Police cousldored il a plénibfle stury. but nul seMeloiento luin the fîliow bis treedon. o 1eg car ta lise taxtçOis at Kenosisa. CHAR6E TIIRME MEN WITII STEAL* IN4i MUCII MIL K Interesting Case Was Heard Before Justice Churchill of GrayslakeToday. flan 1.-r the a-ty the )th r ~th HIe. i of ,nd 1 - ai.. - pain. 1

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