'/".'s.0~. ~5. ~L~LF~j ~!ii V42.iL'E L~ V IIJ..LJA Y, j5IA Y TA 'R"D! flflYTmT'alv -rn-va-.-. . 'is. - NWDRASTJC RUE ARE- TO RAISE BAtTALIOj"I 15 PT INO EFECTThree Companies Have Been IS PUT CTOIC TODAY Raisedin and Around Chi- Waukegau, MaY 25, Noboy Taken on Interurban Riglit shoulder arma. Order armA; Carat ashngtn Sre 1 prt carmas. Cam t W shigtonStret oloh werm the commande thaetwere ýýitho Aàving a Ticket. heard by people passing the Blium. 1 berg-Wetzel hall Saturday nlght. Pea- W«MdEN KEPT IN THE RAIN. Ple Inquired of one another chat i An Investigation diaclosed that a Incident This Morning When cholecoiPany of Annenians were RiIn Camne Down Excites In- g8etting In readiness to anawer the digniation of Patrons. ceailiof their country In the event ot h er enterlng this struggle. Watikegau, May 25.i An'entire battellon la being raised Parsons who b0arded southboulid I and around Chicago and will be interurban cars thia mcrnin;4 ai under the.cammand ot Harry Manook- Washington ana Genesee street cere Jan of Chicago. He la 5180 drîIll mas- tlId that they muat have a ticket Il ter for the battalion of three com-ý th9Y cIslsed ta ride. Two comen panies, until the, 4tfferent companiesi wre etcietetracetu, a partîcular have selected their omncers. car hiehthe un a nmind; one The compg.ies as tbey rua In ro. UM W» esc edto folow thelr teps tatioa are: A company at Chicago;I OU" éalve the car, blieg, forced LO B Compaany drills and waa orsanizcd' Ia t:f h 0sntoe. teet West Pullman; C. Company, com- ý li Wuminng, uttheconductor posed of about sixtY men, was organ- exPWanad that it waa a new rule and ized la Waukegan. The uniforme se- In substance as olowa: lected are those of the regulation AU1 passeagers boarding Interurban ODlive drab. The rifles are the regu- cesU leaving Genesee aad Washington 'lation 2Prin0feld. streets Inust have tickets or they caa- 'h Each man la suîiposed t0 furaish Dlot. board the car; the car ciii con- ' is own equipmeiî. The entIre Out- ti-U~ taking paaaengersaia other, lit according to Major Manookian, Street o«Dnera o! the city even if they 1ciii cost each man about 1sixty dol- have fno tlkets-but, at Washingtoe.lara. teet thoy mut bave tickets.", There are about twa thouaand Ar- William ackman. manag rof the 1menians lathib ortbera part of 1111- North Cbicuo Lumaorcoeny, mwnis," said Major Mancookian, "aad I Ire tee vomen ordered froua the Car nw If the 1atherland cas la danger ls, t0sliasrt, ha sac the man denlad we couid reîy on bavIng about twelve 9sltalo Theretore, he asked hundred trained men, but there ard "WV»t's Up?" and the conduptor about five bundred too Young 10, taire f5akl'y tbld hlm of the nec order uP the miiitary, ao tbey have 10 be th" heccame affectIve 4<day. augbt. That la the reaaan that we '. thOughtIt Il W1 a joke at frl have organized Ibis battallon. We b« 4~0 1M" showed me fitcasait. Ip ant ta make these men better sol- eaU411, rottest place af busineas Idiera." «* à acw. 1 as tlid tbu they would "la the event Ibat our mother ceUna. taking on cash customera at cutydr 0 o1 a u c the trions crossingoalaong the Uino cill be aufficetiy trained 10 admit but fé e s14ar couId persoasbecsait-them tututhe national guazýd, wch ted la the cars at Wasiagton strsaî a choIe lot of aur men dectaresi their viÇ&90t tickets,4" saiti Mr. Sackmen,' haxlouanesa ta do." eellulaI:' "This applies oply fi the The Wauisegan camîsans' ciii drill lniaaWbaa3 cars, that 19, hse ha every S(tu rday night, rus te Rvanston. It doesn' t affect the *Itsrnato cars chich rua to North 'S1IT TEPTIW c4bom 1Y." âJ R M ic»d 4 9104uatioe cas keen ail day ikitb l~ L Z Sva00ps piersona cho, after they bcd AU W'U Ibopged tbe stop, o! the car at Wash' j1yqgl ÎT ua 1111414,sireet. ere tbld they couldn't 1C~~ 4~ ri" Ï11,08nies, h"y aiticket.; thora- fosft iuy bai to misa a car by going ala Pgychasing lhe tickets et the Wompan's federation and -the 1loj 01Q& The conductors tatedi Cmfèôa IbDàgae thuy âd OdersDot o tae cash cus- t00113X W Addtee cars ai Weeký'ÔVffe'1%-ttt WVdatoc street. ' - 1--' 'The ausden cloud-burst on the pub. ONE BREEDS A MILLION. lic tiis mriag it them as a boitt 1>1M a clear sky, No previnus, an. One FIy Is Said to Breed a Mir- neuntcement that such cas ta be the ilt. ' plan cas, gven ouI. Juat chat the .n iiû..t larpobe or hope la cannaI ha guessiesi qeul s gan., i "Dy th public.à AULIE WORKS ALL DAY. The wee'r Of June l4th bas heen And.thenewrul wored it ay.de8ignatesi as «"seattbe liy ceek.» late cnine rownor of lda.At a meeting of the Womaan'a fed- le ie oatauoa dcapur t rm eratton and the Commercial associa- miduring thc day dozens upen doens lion, at the offices of the CouemerciàIil De~ aopieuwenîta othe car at Waâbieg- associlatio Monday, It u@ca bocd ton street, Ouly Ib ho turued back anid that the ceek of JOas 141h couli -bd toitu perchase a ticket. Thun they set É"is, for thatproe badintarun aeronsa thedirset te, th e RsI.a e ii)r! ý station and makO their purcbase bc, t. ..cere uel .yie radtescarde 8 foré "hcy cOulà board the car--ansi thaïsirenre er y suce aesulbutil t nifle out of ten imes lbey couisi miseablrnaevr ucekubti a 6 tbft éar. WIîývdf.bat It caa ha imirovesi upon for the coining year. Af er the carsis uWby, l'in Just going to ride 10 are Iabulated as la Intendesi, citizenks "aihnt' corner in avoid the rm," cli libchrougbt face 10 face citb the .aid one coman, aasse stood ln the amonul, spèDt in PrIvate garbage dis- dewepour w1tb no umbrella over ber peuil ans i Ie nece ssty for a muei- beLCipal garbage disposer or Ilcnertot. I "'Ca't halp IL. Thats tfli rule- éýiènce ban' prove that gathib n get A ticket." said the conductor, andi breed ilsad for th f re"as*ntae cf ourse, she miasai ber car; watt- wek ot ue 1411 habas lici etasié esi 16 miaules fo aft noer bceuBe the t talètn e uthé dtibag'c asdiwM'f ficrpour cas se severa-ansi thc coin. the Ëi' at the acme tfle. *Thaun t*Od t panY Dot no more tram ber in the cen vlS caua ho curasit anube. t --tbey)Jaidt gaI ber nickel.1%6Imeleportance of 'kliilg off the "Wbat's Ibe mater-are the afrais 1 i Ylb l&ic oll part cf th. ydar 'fi In ]ot tbe conductors collect tbe mon- becd(e o s e tia it kélgicctlia; ' Y?' là thal ehy llaey eesi us after breeding îbillitieé,T1e 'tbàt ýâùh tickeir asilc anc ma*ho aigu cas coulid kili on lune l4th *ouli ie t" or chU asaibak aftor thRe ticket. producor tof a mIilaiOtRef hà£j¶ «"rte'. my nickie; 'm Just going 'heVi reatest esil, tu sIdigt 'm t to tie cemtery," said! on. cot a Plortfl the bcdunabiek y tu ohé tinderesi ber Wmoncy tt he conduc' Of ailtitindi i sgrýbuge aWba W i s for "à had bis hansi on thRe billi tapa, lacérln Iocallitli, iôntl'ry, l*i éïfuib HO e Pliesi: "Sariy, can't bclp t-go City Oi'dinaiicès, ThisalW ktri* *à Sot a ticket." done at nlkht, but a siemiaalglt àgiM 11IV haathe price and i won't MI» i lliisoen iRe startesi. ' till car bY golng sitar a ticket," Ii l arbage lying âri'siyru1 le theo greét- rf gO.f roman, addlng, dellaebly, *,'» est isrducer Ot ,If'!'lIlnhala têI' >fý tu eélta rovingavcue.Inooas cfpir ansi forish. 1<111 ie gavba5é W r7011 put 'nueil ai f er me thet c'Y." and 'seat fthe ly,,lxs the .1611'là, Blshould wory," amols«i tie adolited for the vvv, r'h ! ifle 14tw22 th qeorraths i(:Ily, as; be 88w thae IL réac, dro1ýuci .to the akîn, "cai. 'zxPs c "i*rýdp-'i. baqi » te curbIna nuch disgustîad b'ý si. oitai ri r 'tligt-rny thè andi vaady t tu o1 i m a i ,, I»~ j WRen (loi laid out the nortb shsore He idà more for Waokegau tiaa forcny city alQug the ahane -wbat dlsfituremienté; bava corne, were made bi' lnàivlsiusîî. Yoo beer aiea say Ihat Wauke- gan Iacka leadershp-thone cby don'I 1the men tWho gay i.- becoata Waukagaa bas advrancedi more in th. out four' jeans than la 16 yeors peltsy We've à9*= i te davelop aur leagons beadeo e'veflot beau à o oawkers oileader%. The big Icaidans are bRasa ciR a bt gond Jqiorg. -Waukcgan actevr loarnasi la chéer lcêebbr. 'IthInil o? l'ie !cc ibleing WIiéveryboiy han jainesi lu on vithaut cnyissension. TiRe meanest man an earîh la a geai man chq navet does any goosi. Na man Ïell" mata bis tamlly ilo a commualty chere ho can't get the bae achoola. the hast cbni-C4es ansi tRe best social con- ditions for lia faually.Tharefare, it's '«P 10 Waukegae 10 keep apece An those #lnos. Witil ail aur asivantages. Wau- kei abouisi bave at lèat 1.50 moze persons as residèbi. Why abouli mca Jln Ibis Com- metelal'Club baut te gel a chance ta do eôiouhhtor the loca; juat bo do nome geod. Waukcgan ougilî la support tIse relIgions ansi aducallondi lastitu- tigieto!thé c4ly, eapéclaily the Y. M. t.l. A. Why? For lhe geood tiReést itution$s can do, Tiaena'a no hope for Waukegan unicea ce do support these mnati- tutiojis. TiRe hast store ia the ana chich teadeae sebeat bervice ta, is trade. FIltcee yeano' ago tieRi-c re acviiia"gIccesàiOl fiomuetobl'As- snciatina le the country-tasiay Ihacre 'à4 3 ,000. A war of cillas la nar on; Wau- Isegan cants 10 cxcu't lîseif ta keep tiRe balance of brad, la 1ita bordons. Waukegaa baseal the stores il neodo f6r the noat 2go yea.nLIf you do4ble the population, stîlil you'll have eneughtares. lt'e tiRe lncu"asid uaumber of mttrs that provailta thon. cltaady lb Ilinse tram giving bella,' b'au'IéIuts bpatri6ns. Tee muce coipeftlîon la Ibese lac ol decoptivo and a failurel Wa, acaied ou.1riit aducation la WaukiEý-w'ce ed to toatuilthe b ' boena-hIfacburere et Usetult PraduclA ralbor tban par- nlttiné thêta t tahiàai taàîtRe lfst't'hln ifi heielii cbooilai to iRco'i-.c a soekce.Teacb thein la hab ePIUGXlIW. i balieve a Wuko$an no* bas 118W dPlI it.l' -Ahi W4Laegln ouellt, W itep p cal 'dliUttRI 101 of h6"Y"buildtng: ,jlgia W cri'" ouilin"t bits te tha'aéaithe of ho$ tissu t'&»Wl tc alsitain It-btïtiESIL 1oual be %Mt bhifsthé boys of thé dota- ii«"imas alan iabuld i hve <is' a' fi'.* ôe*lb io' fig. 'lc~nla'as',ho mâ di lR boère cilt ùtfail-evan .if 'ei i ii isPthLaIeneel Wautre. fita bcuei àn aoc e cinî -lv ie er. Wa naesa ) larO . IAL CIRCLE.' ('arisaandi iéel4kchaulé ual s thé ptalomihiag tiwlin l eateÎ411emeaî ThroshouId mýore.LI'tEIARY CLU~S lt's PL lÉEA c hich cause boira ahi lIis ï o go to pieceog, Ail egeuo'e cones oely froua théire .Watuk.ucbsu nuglbn oncer- archeotrs,et.t aa lna mali ts, Wby alcn't the business meof IRe ct ll ouong mon luta lhiRi homles cOi tala » lam det busi- ness mablejiO.sbowlng tbeu tiRa "lais" ciii "outil' In a personac ccy? 41, ol Wcukcgan men aboold cake up laihOl -bthe 0Woma'Club là do- ie~-aoa$51gui'. Ibair vtes a Mile 4 000ta Ischlp the club aloeg anlâ biRs , t .rigilInla 1ced défit'. Berna. técelobt te Y,*& cy oeýa îniil co-tiRé mirit Irom Cism Ora tWis club rbas beîp- ed bccillfy thé City. Stop siiafiuriàg the lava la ar- dcr ta ol c 11111te trade or make Whan youtry lao beautify yoor place ansi a naighbor denesyaur efforts by erecîlng a huga blli- board acrons the sîreel. iRe via- tles bis nigijt; hbas Interferesi with yonrs. Waukegan naeds Icamcork. Waokagaa neads tiais motta #ils ihoms. "There is no gosaip nlatRia bouse. Wbea It la gener- allY adaptod then the ciIy cl adivanca, Do'I mix the Commercial Club wiIh politicm; clien yoil do il ciii bega ta dis. 00 No tqwn aven tises aboya its leadership. Wa neasi the biggeal. tise hast mon ai tiRe beas aot or schools ansi aur churches. We muet pay'salaries Ihat wclii gel these ig meu. Other cibles have adivanced mare Iban ce ie these Unes because liey psy big- gar salarias ansi Ihus gel blggar leaders. The man chai sa@a e muaI re- duce our taxes and tus thee city chaaPiy in one cho @tndus le lb. btghvay and blocks the piogres. of the city, Dont ta6et Cht IPiÔu, as c lax- Payer, ave a »ersoàaal Interne tin IRa nec vtiaiclbtche iigh achool, etc. lu !nct, youmay sky: It'. mina.. Accordiijgîy, if iftgl you's Ibrou giah Itvindi Midsame ofthIe cosl. ioa't forgot that if 99 par cent aoliRe' polibîlans ara graftais,, yau 51111 hava lerI chat You Put la lb. Scaresi thé Ocu'ô. Thraugh ~la 4 il*aY éccîdeatl it. -Ie 'hlm basibeau M il Uday lui a locleal ad loncly bous.. IfWen'SyoU ucdi%d?"' bai ah Ûite chelis iab- Sent, rotrain Il bbhbai amily bcd baen discoveresi calItj e te eaffect. ad, "jida' ttif'ghten jeu .tostay tilare ga long i a410roa il cm s. fui scai-esiaI ra," vwu Tiua's pett tcou4i*esalo'a"bu t th lla 4lernpon I1vws les t 0 o e00.i~ u s g Im adi-éd ils mribg LiRI l# ct1 scaa% rigilîont fil My flonaèi' An Uautorhunsts Race, "(RosIs' ?Wiy, 0f cou" blieno are. £blotte," saisi a luiseat t*cip éI. thèse.uthii s~i- aufj~pt te Atet fHomea5 Th i p IIlaodr te ~~t a I lt2" ThutKéde al nasis wftt c M*dreiwii- le 1*ec ti ïi ""iua b4*' iltsae miliar ds. iitc& f55wC 40@UaOmeWnbsal tlt est Conddie a. R .COIOii The N. C .IC LVA bebi thisaireg. * WautkeganLàocalo, * ular alm eat bsjh greqt clu rOOMa la t eeln 'i.l e deoeies i tatia iota"t, front Flot.Ilr niK,.Gog r n u e . B ai clay an si M arg a ret O e e fe lluRc n , .e eg c as y jh.. ç a v e a v e r t a r st n a c i ' re v ie c 4l aa n n a e t K v t d a t on *'T iRafol îovieg 0of h a bari, and V d ife n o « U . m a d e P la n s fo r au l e c r sa sS o c ia l t a e s i it a a ro e c p c t tu P h b . hel4 l anei. th. Th oe i l s W ho 'a - eral M o ad s tro u p fl . h a iu. M an ive r. M M s rorie 'È reen. M ary ara*n aondayeft 1arroae- R*cipe, lalagher, r'AtlaeanaLus.T'~ip Ilie, r-MryAtinonan iWs 1Aauisceuaents rare recalv- A The citY c un il et thefir M onday na g an Ra y coos theWls. n June r2, m eeg votesi ta do alay d t a.i INDIANA ARME N TELLS A RW'rig ln okw d 1# ., n ue2 ou ii i g or t b. cou nil prooW . M A IK A L E &T O R Y . 1 *96, t 3 OM ' ck lsu i G v h1 VL U. ,ina la, t e local paper for wh loch th airtha M h buel d a t m r c i aea ts, bave been recelvtnàg*810 tber moalli. dont 01 44. ax qe o!expue î s,&5Dito MM]leMera --an I'.'Xii> a The ne c co uc l are r i g t b eut d- t 1C5.0 '. but ln e a gosa. cfle. 1., fariner 1p d o r e o n e x pD e n e s là e e v é y D capo - ta et k 1UtL' â w M r â y C u v b y In d ie n & . f o r e a n . c c li n'e n 9 8! i t a d e a f W u - Bilea., ef" Ch 1si'~ g ,~ a c " s er ati r e gan ir. 'T ins,, W ite h o', 41* 'Mr. '. W Cok l onthesiel; ett. le gara profta. 'The a o f eniPlyed as a mtorman on tb.eClii' lu ra. 5'. W. 000k laorbIs. aick111aUt E a esseri of uccieail> Cae ans ilIwaukee eot Peis-lans abieg mcdrfo iSU"e P UU lkà o Issue of the 1Vatmars- Oscart JeiRawsoAge se 5, maouai tare nmb fiabiaa tclu Aa A oui m»*-la partfoilovît iviy t bis houasoo' South ihU4~ iaige umher h tit lubéteplan- "4*'JOaosea",teonacOa I have expert- .Street suedytvic oeng o? ducbatc,'f ning te go. Speclai meeting Thuya- manteà *rîlà the.nuseetOfditOreel ehl ie badlbeen seriously litisiece day ta complet. 'tha esot.alYsis et fertilisera and have made a , Chrietzuta is,H. ri set thé ïia'r'tc- A genunea olsi fashianedsi urprise study e<tihe neais of differest grainas. AlisIer boaoi for a lime. Itr. joie-i party accurresi at'bbc borna c or *r."The qWm4aa la oflen mcde by thlin.a ansi M i. Guy Curry at evanilge xerien"q that tie u"0 or om sur. la Was um ln e enbut bd lived when a num b r of th i r e d u p. CM lfertjlisoza iii injure the AM Iand l W ukegan over tbrty ye rs. U» Pe re w th Ca d ab ai. nd th t fisS ater beir euSObas beau cou, ho the tlm e afitbs llnà as ho cas cm Parde of vit atae. Thed an mencai that It must b. kept e'V. poyd sa arenr nad Nirs. abodane o gosi ats Th etnleg té an erMeous opinion et a cariea!ulE. L .Upt!an of Noh G oiaa.estreat. cals speet xlecanbly cith auchit..andi correct ns. of commercial -fer. iHe leaves a ele. , ucaraiTflaay The guests departesi ut a lie heur tila.,Il Wey _are usa ellle ttafi ternoon at Ico O'clock ~ I.>ue euhman exrastaa 0 reretiljea cihon arotation o! cropis, la- Ret., Jullus Lorimer of lb. Scedia the removai of the Currys anduaany cludif1g dorer ansi tureing doce gresi uredau rci flitn.it g o o si is he a f ar t I e m t li, t h e ir n e c - A u e s o n W insli e i h j u ie L T u hrai. 7 h 1 8 ai 1 1 iii O a b * o o c I net e r - h o m e . l a t = u1 .la iesu a shca s e so de v@ Mec hrn The Uopla Supper Att he Metodist commercial fertilisera are net ua. F .Bmotad, the diectay m n. W v n n r m s s T h o e t M lse t le tb e a sîvea d o al ca l i caI:a.t.Bwtu l a b church taro r vn missoiriroi sinu l istetsietl acr ay anoge cot4 tï; h te be a pOplar andi Wcli atîcadeosIDJtete otbtI atemto fl o ed ebgt oÎëf affair. -Mr ePefmoebsIioed&m othi'l4bWakegan anal Laie - 1155 the.Use of commercial fertilizaruconty directary. lie statbu o cIi City couecil met cIth ail memberis la oans e b.hast investamen&eta Ot'bv c es oervt ao pr se t; m inute s Of ]Rat m eeting read m a e . SevcnTu ar a& O 1 t ak a rue- îhae mco li er@id vilI have ti o le , u t a n si a p p ro v e s. A b ill fr o u a t ie N rth a ow n . I l'a u fno o r e . aiso et L b t sh e w o t i m a bo" la t e oai. e e a C hicago L am ber an si C ORI C. c am e anC OpM . e gi frvtngeoefha ttfhb. er nom11 te e it tie. In at he u er . ccd Lab 11P oi'discussion. The bill ca mne for a* in k vis lane- ai of h e e a il theun ty o a k M u j g cou~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Fléi acen-.0I07 a tn I-1Oh4 iq coil thebiseval ceaile 01n Jonc lad aI i thehame of Dr. and dermin Nelson raiflathie Polet tiRa Juase t laI fWll aba-1 lii'lIaW&Wutslsn otbCul other firme veto turnallggliRe lien ise fj . eil co or sot.trouate .W .Jble.NrhCut COR I for ' *250 p or to n , 11011-s a m d e h n i g f i c s 4 ,=uf ovs i .*î S tre e t, i ii o c tet 11e m i r ag e o rtli re. Sd seconde si lat bill be ali ae ri va it, Ob 1î te si o o d #« jo nis ae's Blister, b M vr , L oèud so H i a ec $ 2 .5 0 r at ; a a'e d . c d i' e to r o u s s ', a n d i @d 0 . trÏ i k a n i, e b lm i I n és^ , a b i a ti r T he tre isa er-- r por w a , y Rd b a * d e.ot e h y ea»S d to atu b &co* e. or lr . red ourley. ?IId y - d&% tt rrbe reasires- reprt ca r Ui 1' ' 1 FM w as mot a eood renfiléeati Duilh, Mien.,.e"irirlie ls ansi accePlesi.The nec treasuren'î ekeit bIson, ý4tI harvastuai là buis' ln the gréan businéss. Thise- *duiég bond ofase res ce eclai. Themis 0Me u i et sacrea Dlgeai q4OU, il.ftciiits.place at 4 o'éIe*cb' lr. bondo! l. tesauer i fiai h-or 1if. nce or tofme s ouiad aeblitSaI triciliand la th. daigtt"roi Mr. and dinince toeltae ameulcof suo,ooo. veto ukDM iJW d.il no ioducej lra Jowt amt. A letter vas i-ccd asking Ibat ace v hie 1 Wb oi-bis biti ncttSha, Ordialie le Pmd alOwng dri htwaIl 'àoed Ou , , i a oliuervisor I!ll'r ien of Liberty- Ohonsieca ha p Sret. six ng Mdrm inc ièb ove ld 'vpile wcs a Waukegie basins» vister sioponWdsarbstea.This l getl b Boosi lian. lTafeuMa*b . Dcly's Armny et K. of C. bail Labo len iRa dry &erritory en 'Northbsaide. m VM 67 ' andi I-hàrte 'utes I ba rent at tse bail Sueday, 7 te 4. Acton madeancd Iseconded Ihat lutter.-es.ton 'eaae ibll.scDplyCrnrCna a e hs laid n tablof cri-adunia* aqp d hipluaty et ra Md cIvedi a ltter franDr. George Loin- Thi pont ! xbeeding tbbcsaloon IIhthcb,,e lnaof >Il S eraclu, luger, superintaissiat of 1he i)UnniiF territory on thiis nonî6 Sidacames up uV tsiouad cci brelleisasYiluln le ehie i tates tisi;t1îlIe svet ysr u lie pruen ocncî ~ kdl ousis description of IRe tva mca via cere Il ntsedispoisesi lb ,déke i' luAléh.Aiît acSe 0< 'à- killesi by a train bere a tac sicys ago extension. î i#'tu at ciat tâtei #1 dace colce aer bbc descripti or Thea finance comrnîîîee raportusi #«tUsdi Ihhhainoeémàrgayiaw, ceg cf the men viRa empesi tram ta f tiRe cîty cîati 1"0k ca'übi t K illa sabout eai gqdAiSem, arte. his Institution. e; aidthal ail !rought davin i te I. àA lfi vaàs 15Si i i e00 11119 n cils " tiRemen Who ascapaifrtr tiRe la- thr mie s and srië ùlAt iai 'J. i. tlîuîioe cota socks ad undercear. naace sauita caae 'oahi siirte vm i ct thae giuJsi ili iroc ha cessary te hury ibe mm wi6il daàete Iy' oj44'i Ionintfd dasltepter bring records of ëdan dri lb at oà 4w . ~d un flubo gùS the P. dià M.Notion nmade and arriaài Ia t 11ea ooi stand wfia Street and allcy committce arrange bte! beccuso 6* li0 t ery a. with propcrty Owens 6e Sýoutia Lin- Yi* , fi~ire. laet soui î s- 1 lVo oin lbtrae 1bheteen lotis &à.0 lth, taeCisd tawilutof! bsy.lleis u S 4F u »~m sut Lni îiý ou ncneor botiï stdâssic) ala l lai mcd I-axwct Ibrea Mt- ~ to ill up ýheitches on'ecadiaide of iages tf .l e. e I iriser agoi th street. tn vil1pfJa I bg1iea Sý IZo > T h ie treet coin lsiner as eu-m s .Ftor te bcu t lav ils~ e ft,,n'_w ~ ocered hy council ,10epi'rCba&e tva'cthJ a! ,1e'n l R.é car a o f cru éleds to ne e horpa ir tate ba 6 b lk r a ~ a a e o r < i W »~1 3t-est. -' rftM* Mahllsî haorutM <5 nefeo'diii communication cas necaived inua lb*éléýth. ds. Wno s ejt = f*i .Inê~.Sf Park bord, stating Iat if theCity' ble /*lsr <ebýrhv m 9aSoe aeTedy w0010 grade tiRe Itreet froua Second haveimade'acSsore le liais Aeld." venue te the parkiste park board,____ V'o4îd put on cruabi atone, ýThc e -~SIu ONPOI aLg~,M~ 5 huaIe ad alîcy couemittea cure or- PDESN ONPOI- r -gn M 1 ci-ad, te taite op the coi-k cith pocer ABLE 1;o 11111e aurplniîaandi axctement &ct..ý,iâ,cas caoaed le Waukeganan sin.o lid e r th e Ju d ic ia ay c o m m itte a th o e f o n si P lu i i v îsYi id e F ft y 1 ut hl ,ia î 105-107 N. l en s e s r e t f lh PAcre. 1617 .'nee rý ft1s ý luesbion of i'avoking 'the Ilcemeaof -..,-e cs"Y.d oaeT ng~~~~~a c510 51 c a O liii ho Re, so n - e si lu ttA n il Loir gboa,wa e tiléd te al ai&-d 1ify gses6<enpa ar foa £window annOuncsnenI t-z týâtait bosa oedmae n cald bsouasé Pitahg casParacr. stpontie -con-'A b a t City tt ee Y -t c ord re site d ra v ti s v a i àà ftO& . l ist In ' , ( 5e & ioy 2 £1 5 'P such au oiianace. 4M pin a girls' ccaing appar'el, !uteîshbingî asévère 151k Mmed Ifd&îï earil, ansi showcoaeos'fitbre&,agshow 8. P'. Camaron atf Cedîr Rapids, la., M atlit, W§,caacagea asb e dispaSci of St public as a iibor bers on Sadiy. Ma'f, cpUi unsaelrtg'Il gMyI1'î The i ble -de ! i e e n pIs~< ~ ~ l inu ho àlhitsihriIklâUk 6f cote peuh stMIsys, ue ta MU i,6eJ2jlM tctiil ta théS- t"lean a? ecnln leseasia! halrdk>1as go~ti ce hases- alpeine 71 a t, WIîI1 es,i e 6tUli hloa atn&the b.PoilaI. lboe, 2«U, criticiéga4R t ti N01bisClaiego- 4b«. cii 'Je ifs Satui'dâytà su. in lqmsticta Ihalf cottisa-ie*e*ilag laS i@* éMôii e-a! naspeugLa ut ori il Si' niilà lckbugl Ié *r11 a*tçr fitduAtbilhwy XM Ps'Ytbdfskî, Mi Pb>Iihb léWyop TVhe lAdebâemont Wcal lid esiy- timywanciig w pnî Nul 6 -sr it à~ »iY bltit "ýlotIs Utti coahdIi- ta'eki siaoéÏagu lêb t kIlor Th aubi eo l'ab 6oty daiàtOohau 6 am l bu t uv éahig l ' iw S' ga* t ie 'pellUg a t 1.iine'1&Dcois no el a6 thhows: . Won. Loist. Pc.: Ubhia'chool ..... ....2 I 40 Pob4itl sbool .........o z oo 2 ti ail w mot ldu 'ta MIL x*' mla 1. i se ~iha Ms~*, F« ma" tara votes OttA Ti New Ru Ouse HITS I jPu4iio oense% rr Reg, ln cont theb streel atiion Tu those bal board tb Washlngt -developa Ive ail aI Froma ginning psitted la "h off icesala purchase Auclor or for thia many lias tion like a car ten a ticket- Tias c 'Tbon min? p station A for a gho ten timem ting ibre persan c lhug as m coliocei stand, ls or easos Howey pie stli change. ln The S I ccsn v gel on Il There opinion i put such they cao tain tick crs conU Iron bas entitled1 Ole Pc car bea ed IRe ca aI Waat wouid ha calil ha' ticket o street an lng over cage. ductor. btry a tig 'hie n( local car TM1 Mir. at ed Tuead trip sel conais tesi district 1 cere ac, Blair 01 The m of Chics, am 1o! Wautkegi tac days saisi tha coesin s an actre tic, bec. lage an luanet yc sauth ais iSerfor crg ksnm I'gT-O ýr- L&", ÉlOi i N,ÉV -DlDT-n A IF 119 A ",