LAXE CMI4TY IND.1YEN1EmtÀ lbh Cuntv Inbcenbent VALod country boy, aged 14; honest mn vliug *dit te unusual advertisement b iit Boa. WeI, a "good couintry boy, one wliola wflhng to work" ia indeed a rarity tlese days and it la our opinion tlàat tus advertlsement wil bring an unusual nmr c f r"eoe. It sonnda 1k. old times to read such an adver- tisément whlch, of late years, have been very infrequent. Thiduents hi subiceas fomal de heapeto akeMe nota daytfr iuure; akae. Ita yyu set amide Iro everence dt y.o h aethi ~e o hi aokntry. Show ter eelree d n ather han ipdeaue for yd ouelveas id, inti apite o b othis couaty. Ii lias been a, long ban and, from, the* ~Ie i wlicli the infected cattle zoM"ered in Chicago =Ewtorne track, one cannot help Imt-onder if il real- W vas necessary to be as strict as.the authorities verei. W're flot experts enougli to say, but, if those prise cet 4" roved, vhy flot the ordlnary cattie? It's 1k. show- 7favoritizm 10 lie artistocraoy over the ordinary cas oidvidual. _____ WABTED MILONS WOULD HÂVE BUILT NAVY. A> moeig an array of Étartling tacts presented byMr Mmsn Mai-m in bis book, "lDetenseless America," he loeconcernng which the American public bua been i ~~ycomplet. ignorance to the present trne:. While the. have been deluded ut a. belloft Ilat consclentlcua ~unyon the pat cf th Congress in reSponsible for the. o anée d sorry conditiona of, our navy,, ijze indispu- lefact is that, "Duringtéfr 5jw ulbpr. eqentury we spent $,5,OOs PpVwbUe thInle sanmeperiod Germany p 'a7~O. Neathougli during the. period naaed rGermany 11 3per cent leus on lier navy than we did on our, she Êauh ore powefful nay than ehave. The differ- L ~ eprsetos una f:overh laabillion dollar. "HAd sntour naval appropriations, as economlolly as ha*@e Grasduring tboepast 15ypars, vo- migit have had aèebattlelilps th&n wnov bave, a&Ul-super-dread- of lhe Qa. Izbt type, the. latest and rnoèl paflrn.Thi nuberof up-to-date super-dreed- voula va ir orethan doubled the baiUll ot oui nàvy. W. àlould have outclassed Englsaad asind, àëen bam the outrageons and dl&z vS în . goeke2Kse, oue ofthie Most efficient a"- tle lavy.D4emmt ever had, gives it convin- Re deles that upt. a tew year ago no naval roat oould pas ia 'n e iac i d.dnot bave snio f hoth a Norteriand a Soutiern senator, amemberofthie con*tltV on naval afairs. What a pîclure of politlcal infamy? Hov does the 1 ion1k il? "hAit of Waukegan people for h.>' YAL RES RVEhea not evon suapected theAtauch a To ourse might ho taken. But wbite te 9R6A IZATON erves are An ho orgenized. #È# M ÀTONAiO&s..mer of tact the latter or- BE APOP LARONUgenizatlon As thie mole logical on., À PO ÜLÀRONE orAWaukegen, for hi, ciA>' la the pitl on outaide of Chicago suitahi>'Pugo - iatvttelargo hart-r.l'he.Mis- AÎMnuneMent- That Battery bostNabv"lie Ah"- been atationet i, #to Be Mustered Out Came Chicago ftoi h. mais ofh naval f as a Complete Surprise. serveg Aer. and tlas probable tut Ithe goverement vili piovide a su1it eable boat for Waukegcn. TIOE REASON IS APPARENT. ________ lAhas been dimlcut et Unies to keep h. local battery>'op ta required ise. Wukqgan Said 1o Be More This lias been a tramendous mtAmAn Leaical Location for a Naval on the officers. Waue£egan hem not :~ReerVeOrgaizaton. boon unique n hi respect for At la ResrveOraniatin. ver>' diMulttn an>' CIA>'h ise of Weukegen to get ulilcint recruita, 4'lq» .annuncmen' rceled ersWhie the raquiraments are thet the tb$-Bater 'ý" ls t bemustere batte,'>'suouîd ho recruited not tenu thon 13 e there aea lysvet la th organisation et pr-ena. fé, ln a navet reserve compan>'IAtla not necessar>' to have so man>' mole. bersa. PiMfA>'resorves vouiti mie quit. a representattWe aboules. This yull enable the offIcermlan charge te, exercime gi-oaA cars tn recruAting mol- bersancd on!>' repreentative youg imon of h. communiA>' viii ho acoc* et. Thie chances are hat h. nv organisation ilîl be extoillely "opu- tar, one roason being that a boat ujil 1>. provided for taking cruisea on Ahe laie. Boatvain H. E. Osnof0<Wauegae ls a capable man Au place le cbarge of sucli an organisation. He bas bcd mnany y>'ars of experience n actnai service aed AtIvauId ho dillicut o fiet c mor fleft uistructor. 80ATSWAIN H. Ef. OLSON. ~ 4hwlng jgqle to bencharge ofthe naval A ou nn d a pubic fe- nem l lnhonor of an American "ttec fgPOS e organlzaton uhich -lé to bho un a ew ev >'cnago. la degeribtW #1s0oiflafi Wauiegan. t to s Bouton trient, a cloue r.atirg, O lie saitd enthuslatimlly: "Jini lAwv grand, Ilallse emord gl.ui'pare. fl*tat t A ta o rPieet 1' i»Sorti 0 eofwrde'I bave evur -b4 %ÏM. Iamt o a h.naalc' lstetoi» SAMONH68IT 15 FÀR FROME£NDE*g BATTLERI3SUMED- Samuel Schwartz Takes the Stand That Saloonkeeper Cannot Self a License. HE GIVES HIS REASONS. Says Ho WiII Produce Affi- davits to Show Some Not Entitled to a License. Waukegan. May 25. And atili thie saloon figlit continues! F'or hop imthAbr.lias bran a li At .i p houht that the saloon- b«epri *ho did not securo licensea hils, year baid hecome rolgneii -to iler fatee cnd bcd docided to enter qmus other lin. of businesns. Thie n- obienne bowever, of Samuel Schwarz Athtk' license ho granted te Franke Potkovie shows that the flgbt le not et4ed hy an>' meani. le sddreseing the couneil on Nion- *cy ncgut Schwartz sald tbat Potwvo- sak hai been ln he saloon busitîce for ni* years and waa ontiled t i ilcenue. Ho said tat if Petlýocsek uns net entitiod to one Aat be uoulà belp the ciA>' oMils te securo affidavits afio*ing there are sevez-ai saloon- keepers wbo were granted lirenses wA4o vere net n business before the saloon regulation ordinanco vont intn effeot AniDecemhor, 1913. iAdolpli Diming, a saloonkeope'- who vas refusod a liconse this yoar, Irecentl>' mado a suAIt,' tatement uith regard to liconses bolng losed more entitled teo Athonban'e. Just what.ho ntends te do !s nct knowli. 1 ikharti takes th stan I Aat even. Il a seloonek6eper should oilbs place of - buqinese Aat ho couid net sl bis ilemoebocause t An non-ranferabie. Hec maictaifla Aat asacloonkeoper dons 'Dot necesieril>' hava te ormain la buuiliesaito boid a license-in other *ordo Aat lie con carry bis lE; C.c.. &round n bis pockec for a ycar ccid#U bAeth eniitled to one tbe next leer If lie irai fit to pa>' fr t. T'he ot>'official ta(,? the stand that Ptkovsek under the salon or- Idinence la net entitled ta a ilcense si t la evident tbcy do not intend to grant. tie roquent. ifSchwartz carries ont is announc- ed -cton hoe. viiiproceed te f 'tiniili evlenee hicb mc>' i-euin causing, thc tîonsea ho ho taken f rom soune abroti>' An businoa.e bore. LOcàLMAN INVENTS NO MRUTCIi; TMES OIJT PATENT RIOilTS === == I Oo phHribar of Waukegan Invuts: and Patent New tClùtchfor Autos. Word bei eeon received bore that pgtesqt rightji ucre inaued Josenph Hiri- bar of Waukegan, an employe of the 0$*# Pprothers Maufacturlng Com- M4 of' North Chicago. The patent luç~tch .tbat cann e put t> e - Açcoydtag to the Inventor liseuse and application las unlmlted. It ma>' b. vend for piano playerB, photo-. grsUi, lock or emorgency brakea. on automobiles ratchet drille. boisting machiner>', etc. - It la the intention of the inventer te foi-m a corporation for the manu- facture of the clutoli and voile tu- wards this end will be started now as &Ui patent rlghta are clear. P. C. Gbon, at presenA the employ- er of Bibar, hiasnlien asked te man- ap thceaue corporation and bas de- CALL FOR 9108. ffeoled bide yl ho received for the audli$ig of Alie recorda of the Lake Coupt>' Canerai Hospital from h AimeAth. propert>' vas purchaandi from the Lako Breeze Sanitortum Company' up to the present tie. Bliear e t be n net later than »Ma» on Jani th, te be addressed Ate Ob»irman Le eCounty ffantorium ClrIaWttce. and left with Count>' Clatb Lau AXHende.. WiLLIAM STRÂTTON, Chah-man, TRfiO. H. MEYER, EDWÂRD , MAR1'N. WIYMa 2, June 4 clared hjs vîllegnees to do no. Mr'. Hiibars le yeil keoun Au North Chicago and Wsukegan, baving uork- ed for bis prestet employers nome yoars. lita fellow ucrismen bave keoun for moïne ime Aat ho ban hoeen uorklng on nome 9drt of an in-! vention but Just ubat ilA wns h.> did noA discovor end Hrlhar bcd not dis- close the information until is ideas' were patented. Even bis employeda did not know' what Erubar uas uorking on, yet Abe>' had e good idea and wben the neyas spread of bis paenlng a cou ciutch ilA did not surprise hem n ny. Observlng l<lddle. 1 Iu s Hia*vathea chool oue or the pu.- Pls@ ati: ý'hêpig wutnAgo aer A!.. sti-alle" slthe teaclier aaed i*t was meant b>' slle' "A tlald di-,", the uitile boy ansuere&-Kaufa City' Star. short!>'M E cft .ai na n Iozicated (iN R LC IITO conditio n. i V ~ ln a- quarre! thet foiioved ho as- saulted Chiot Qunner's MatesBagen, breaking- liAs au. Ho wu eloce lei the lai! at' Houghton, Michùým, untiR A T Y- T ATJ6N v:rd could b. omnaei oW h i ngton. r A Washington, Admirai Blue or- Master at Arms Sohumacher dered that Abe prisoner bc sent to the Returna From Hancock,I training station andA a general court MIch., With Prisoner. martial held Aere. Acoordlngly Chiot ________ Muter at Arma Schumaclier wau ASSAUTED N OsentR front the station to bring bina fA bas been the custom lu h pact Otto Sohuliz Assaulted His Su- to hoid -ost of the genorai trials k - t. NewYkadis ahe beliet of the perior uffcer and BoitO o2cers bora that h sending of His iaw Bone. Schultz to the station to be tried Ia tihe tarting of economnic moasures b>' h sovernment. 'the third general court martial 1ionmerly wlien a man commltted an Aat has been held lan the bust or>'off Offense that necessitated a generai thetranin sttio wil b bed teretrial lie vas sent to Nev York to ho Ah.trinii tatonui! h leldthretrled. No matter wliere h. offens neit weel vlien Otto fSchultz, a mia- m$tbv encmitd 'l chinist', mate, la trlod for assauiting enthlied n big enmnens and the station and breaking bis superior oflicer's olScuré believe Abt thora la a pi-oh- Jaw. abilit>' or holding a gond miny of the Chiof Moter aet Arma Sehumacher general triais uhere tihe offense la vas sont Saturde>' on oiýders from Ad- committed n the west at the station mirai VIctor Blue to Hancocle, Michi- In the future. ganto bing ackSchutz t the i&euitz a ifacing. sccordin& o h tranig satonhoho ol fo egen Jnaval code, a sentence of from hi-o rain tti nHoabrived fth bislpria-to ive years at the naval prison, oner Monda>' mornlng. Bincse'.bat thriBotnrPrtmu. tume h prisoner ha, oeen lield untJI a trial la convened. Thmos "Colorado" Rivera. According to word brougbt back b>' 're,&'. ar e ie rivera known Àe Mr. Schumacher. Schultz bad heen Colotuedo. TAie fr»t isAn11Utah and terrorizing the members of the naval Aroua. and la 1,300 Mme long; th. resorvo of Mchigan uith uhoiniehosecond tea criver hi Texas. »0 almles bcd heen detailed. According to thi e ln entlthe h.third Ai An h Argen- report sent to the station, Schultz Ane itepublc. le South Amerlea, and Drastic Price Re<Iucions on Coais Ail beautiful new styles in fashicuis most favored colors and matcrlals Rogulur 7.50 and 8.00 Coa..... ............. 3*98 Kegular 10.00 and 12.00 5 0 Coats ......\................0 Regulari.OO79 Coate .....................9 Kegular 18.50 to 25.00 129 Ca....... ..............129 Saturiay onIy A Wondorful sale et WASH DRESSES W. urge you tb bhuj wash dresses'tomnorrow because we don't thlnktae extreanely low' prices wlII ever prevai agaîn. Our gééat wash dresses, 'ýofles, crepes, o andies, etc. Several styles, values te 3, Saturday............... 10 Handsome vash dresses, oite great lot, pretty 14 styles, Satuu'day ......................4 Regular 5.00 wash 2.9 dresses ..- ...................... ... 29 Regular 7.5ÙOto 10.00 wash drsses......... ... . . .. .. WIFE DE WMIIE Waukegan, May' 25. M'.iEther Jinkens, Hickory anti Conter slreet,i dArd this mori-nnaut Il:30 et the home of lier parents, Mi-. and Mns. Nordsti-um, aged 20. @ho loaves à dcughter of four yearm andi hi-oc biothers and a *Iter as "li as lier parants. Her husband las wA$the Ul. 8. armY ai the Mexican liorder and Abus cannot get home lea ime for h. funerai. Mr@,. Jiticens lian bean miok ror Avo yeRas ith consumption. Cannet Loce Rosi Gose& W. cannot loge &an>' ree.l o. li-hende pais troni our sight. but oui- live are h. stronger and more beau- tAtul for Abat friendghip. Efort cend "cIev"ement arc fôrgotten, but thc 1009-9g90sai-ugle cMd the victor> VOR are armaor for nov contens t oia7. »*appneslivc on as useetMlmle. Se1f-iaorilce abides asuusesbauff. Wbatever of gond ue have knou'm, la oui-a es long as wc love h. go". -"WB,- le Moi" n.hom houAquailfedti o beau about lA claim tAbathAe expression "Wai-la hell"' did not originate ultli Cenesui Sherman. JasA hou, when ced b>' whom the ierm wus a t used St le Imposaibie teoBa>. Moitine Muman Fat. 'lbcur oeIhmkl~s Abat Winii ult huma. fat are boume essozlice a superh«etiaicuoil:bat there arc Praeltia didlculAiea le the va>' of AhiA-application tlse. I h il Quallty, Style, and Lew Prices Are Attraction$ Hoers Pis Store Guaram. tees te Save Yom Mocey on Every Purohase Made Suts Prlced Ilegardless of Cost Every good style and coler in dozens cf choice fabrics. &Ogular 15.00 .7 Butti ........ »-8 7 Pot.gular 22.50 2 euts............. ...2 .50 Regular 25.00 and 27 !1500 suite...............:....1 W Regulafr 35.00 and 40.00 185 Suifs.....................65 Extre Spoolal Satiuriay Ooely Beautiful os W.ol Serge Wash Skirts Thursday 2.98 Whilte pencil stripe serges that wash perfectly. Hand- menwbutton trimmed yoke toe. :2.le8 Saturday ony ...................29 We Cut the Prices âmep1y. on A Il ;Children's Cus MTaow Beau fittie stles ln the mgst preçtical calors and mna- terla,inzesu2 to 14 yeams Kegular &.00 to 6.00 -.2e95 v lue .... ......... Tomorrow and ail next week this store places on sale Thewads of Dollars, Worth of Iighm Ia*IOS. Dependable Apparel for Women At Prices that have neyer in Waukegan been equaled. If you Madam, have the Iegst-Idea that you want to buy a COAT, a* SUIT, a DRESS, a WAIST, a SKIRT, or anything else in we arlng apparel by ail mean s corne here tomorrow, beçause prices are wonderfully Iow. Shop around If you wil-sthen corne here, for we know that -by, comparison -in style, quallty ' and prices you'iI flnd ileins as usual Ieading ail others., AOurCelebrated $LOO0 ý> - *,.* Con ed to be the best $14» VYUI~LIWaist in the country, are..specially priced tomorr w at...........i .bg c Womnen tell usthat our.waists t .OOU arc sold at 1.50 and 2.00 elsewhere. ý was given arme lesve ana relurneu -