Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1915, p. 6

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LAXR COUNTY E&IDEPENDENT, 'RIDA Y. MAY 28, 1915. I .tapern9s ai By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent_ SprqgW rates on ail graduation photos at Bcb«o Studio, Libertyville. Dorotiry Hoicorb was a Chicagof vistr Wedneelday. Violet Porterru. ha@ returned frou as two weeks vîit tn Chircago.1 L. A. Murrieaud T. J. McBride tool motor trip to Racine Sunday. ir. and Mrs. J. L. Roder are speuding9 severat days ai Palatine. lire. Relien-a Hotcomb) viited tins week wtir relatives lu Ocouoxuowoc, Wl.. Mmr. J. L. trving le spending the week as tihehorne of her parents lu Wads. wartir. tire. Wm. Crvpley etrtained her brother, Oscar Penny oiý:ChiCagrJ, SUn- day. Rave you -) acre or more. vacant or luprored (liai you <isir vseil. Ses Bi. D. Boya, Libertyville. Be iras more eustomers (han land. il Tire F. N. C. wli give an ioe cream social ai . M. Ray@ Wendeeday even- lng, June 2nd. Everyoue attend. CI Mrs. A. F. Sireldon entertained a nom- 1 ber of riend@etai oSfes Tueeday ater- noon. Tirere will be sîreial Mieionary ser- vices aitirhe cirurcir next Suuday evening ai ô p. m. Clritian Endeavor and preachlng services <iii be comhmned. C. E. topie, "Tire Calit of Foreign Missions for Mauey, Menand Prayer" Therew<ilii ha a etersopticau lecture on "Moiramm- edanse, Cirltantys Gretest Rivai" iiintrated <itir 74 colored sides and speciai umusic irisbeen arranged.1 At a meeting of tire business men of tirs village ou Frday, May 21,et, tire Area Comme"la Association <as formed. Tire purpose of tirs association is 10 locate at (hie place tire Area 011 Mg Co.1 and to erect a suitable building for is1 use. Attire meeting Friday lflteen mem- bers joined and there have aine been fi vs otirers <ciro have ignittsd thirlrdesire tu affiliats, whir <ii bing tire total membersbip tu twenty. On Saturday, Mav 22, at iigh noon oicnured tire marrlage of Wm. Stairake of Chicago, and Marguerite, daugirter of Mir. and tirs. Ciras. B, Alvord. Tire wedding <as slemnimed ai ihe parson. âge, Rev. Zabel ofitciatlng. Tire couple <ere attended ir, Rea Alvord, Lîsie Smithr of Kenosira, Wm. Bauman oi Chicago, aud Be@@ Alvord. A wedding dinner was erved aitirhe home of tire brides@ parents alter whici tire pair let 4cr Miwaukee and iroui there to tire Dette. trs. Stahuke iras reided ai ibis Pace tor a number of yparg and bise made a bot of frieude <vio rperîbered them iandsomely lu sil-er. cut glass andl inen. Mr. and %Ira. Statinke <itI resîde lu Ciicago. Lat Frlday evening a riurîiler of $yIAMOrD LAK Thre F. N. C. <viii give an ice vream social at 3. NM. Ray'e Wednesday ci-eu- Ing, June 2nd. Everyone attend. ci P'aul [Ray aud iamlly of! Llerty ville, spent Sunday at G. Mi. Ray*@. Misses Myrtie Brockmaan d lveyin Towner vieitEd Arthrur Brockmau, <vio le in a Ciiago iruepîtal Frlday. tirs. E. Schroeder entertaîned Mr. and tirs. Sawiscir of Rondout. Wednesday. tire. Mary Jolrnsi,n asud dangirter of Waukegran, spent tire wrek-enîl <cir ber lather, H. P'. tartieit. Tire D. L. Cemetery Society ill mset witi r@r. Whirtney of Libertycille, Thursday atternoon, J une 'Ird. Annal election oi ofliere <ili ire ield. Misses Anunaaud Elsle Baner and Mir. and tirs. Ed Mitchell 0t Chcago, Ciras. Ost and <lie of Palatine sud Penny Andrswm of Lake Forest, <ers gueste 01 Mir. and tirs. Earl Kane SundaY. Mms Andersen and chirldren of Chiricgo, are @pending several weeks <itir ber parents. Mr. aud tirs. E. Schroeder sud Dr. Crans and wilie <ere in Waukegau Saturday. Miss enrietta Lowell, Wll Lowe], Mir. Keudedy aud tMr. Jacob@ ioi Chicago, spent Sunday ai A. Lus-rl'e. E. Sciroeder and tamlly sud Mis Mary Ream of Libertyvilie, epent Sun- day ai South ir lîn. unudav choîrl <lIlis ield at 10:.10 Sunda.v moruing. No services in tire aiternoon as tire temorial services <ili ire ield ai Ivanirve Sunday aiternoon. LzIL-iE im Special rates on alil graduation pliotits nt Boyd's Studio. Lihertys-ille. 13 Clark aud Josephine Wood of Chircago spent tire <est end suti r. and Mr@. Ciras. Bergecirerger. tir. and Mre. Fred Lubteman spet Sunday <cir relatives lu Arlingion Helghiq. Louis Hotie is enîoYinz a twuî <ees4 vacation. Be @peut last n'rklu nOkia-i borna, and Kansas. tir. and tire. Si-bar are entertaluiugi tire former@ elter sud chirid trom Ci.1 cago. tir.ani] Mrs. lBert Satali speni Situr-1 day aud Suuday <itir relatir e" in Des-j plains. MisClans Kruegs-r elent part ii seti <eek nt Lime. Mr. sud tirs. Will Saur aud mon spent Wedueeday of ast s-eek ai Wni. Stan-i lifi 's.1 Mir. and Mr@r.r,%lieut Duseet ere Chi- cago iitons u$aiurday and Suiîday. Tire entertalument sud iazaar given iry tire HatllDa Sciovi lasi Frîday nigiri <as a declded screwse Seveniy dollars <vasleared. Julins Reliecc ot Park Cily. Mout., 1te hreefor liii seeks. tirs. Fieuesand ciid ren <iii gui tari.. <iimin tu s eeni tire muturirer. Sersrai olftirebL. H. Kriger's fienilu gave lier a farweli cuiprise iast Trur-das- nigîit r Mrs K ri-ger vii Il r-ue iii uets-il ni liis s-e-h lor flllInge. Moit tIi-lsexpectis to tu, joue- tor <une tinte. [I. LKE z~i~1LK. FOREST OFFIc ~eer~ te/i1 aBoyd'eStudoLîbertyville. i î~ICIALS [IRE DETEi vwturi;Thursd~ay î aî'ltte IVES TO FI6liT Graduation exercses of tire Teactier Miss Justine Foxujei.Mseula____ Training lisse were ireld in lte Prem ndniey-i@ ui terian cirurch Tirursdlay evenug. M s eeC goOsiitzStudy Hire Sleuths to Run Dom Margaretir Plagge played o1r Piano Tire sutertainruent (Athtie Lake Zurich Gamblers, Beer Pedd Ciimes, Miss Oison of Bers-vu sang an public sehool was rejeated Friday even- n terVoao C lem e H ee o!helid ing and a goori crowd attended. and ________ltor Ecangelical chUrch read tire l2lst t'iidren's day wîll bc obeerved lîcre Private detecttves have bee Psaltm, ec. t)raborne rnlni@ter of the June 13, by having esePrcisesg by the It ta reported, by the Lakie Po Pr@yein hrhdliee h ivc-ciltdren in tire churcir. ciaIs 10 dîscover and repîort tioe.sheia crepu crdlvrthe ins-oca- lattons orthlie law, in tireir ci tio. Tre ddrssto he lai <as Mr@. R. Dentier le iucreaing rapidl.v in agatuast vice. made by (harlet Schenelie. Supt. 1v1 healtir and <iii be atble tu return horne Sncb Information and evld( Teacher Trainiug in Illinoleis. ilornias rtcthie hosptai thie week. tireY miglît obtaîn may be Pr <vreaare t ir adIte Bry E. MissRePrrn dMnle oe betore the grand Jury next in wereawadedto r. ad M@. arr Mise@ Rse reh andMame Hke-an effort tu get indictmients. Moore, Mirs. J. àé. Reichlt, Jr., Mis. Meyer were Palatine callers Siînîay. privale detectîves wil tuvestig Cay Jarviesud Misses Edna Frlt»eh, MisEia chedrntriie areotItvltosaait Margret Ptgge.Aun Peerisn Luis bllnd Pige and beer peddlIng Humn, Emille Knaak and [leue and Viola aunuier ofi iriends irvin Chicago Suuday, There Is nothiug lu the ard of the ciy provided agaluet Rockeniracli. dre. Fred Sip %vas a ('icago visor îîverîng or beer sud other lut( Th ie Wouran's 5isslonary seiety of Saturday. wtren ordered betore time, b the Presiryterian cirurch was entertained hrs. Irving Soit) and srin Melvîn wpre aileged tirat peddiers have b iry trs. John Vetter. Si. Thursday viiting Chicago relatives tfor une wekllcltlng front door to door lu afternoon. Siam and Laos wsre the rsturning home Saturday. Aot Lake o reilet othldiu counnrles stndied. Mrs. F red Haggiei tMrs. Leo, Brînker irad a tainlly reunion tearneri of the reported Ca th iepeietlt h etn.Mrs. bhe Sunda". Soine who were asked denied tnire vie sdevint dthe ieing ireedge of the attair whtle Othes Kuaa le th deotins.Siolesvi its The graduation exervîses wel'e given thier eYe aud advleed patient iu both countries were tlId iry Mesdames M- 1 nt he c* rvi. Acordlz .othesi.t,.., ..ri Fred Mieyer, Reicheit, Jr., sud S. P. Ruicirion. tics. tireboru <was appoint. sd a delegate iv tire qnsrterly niseting ai Arlingivu Helgirts tire 1lho ltdune. Tirere s-il(te <s-iaI sinalug lu thie Preebyleriau iburcîr ai every morning service,.tir. Sarleti <cii delicer au lluetrals-d lecýture oun Japan next SnndaY es'ening, May 3Otb. Misses Mlarie sud Loretis Erems sere busiesses Tbursodiy reuiing ata l'ina Siower l iinuopiieiren i to iesCatirerins Karcli <viose marriage 10 Frank Saoran ofi Cross Plaine. iakeseplace MWdnesday ruoruiug, Juns- 2nd, in tire Holy Crossg ciiiîrrili. Tire table <as adurned witir mînali colored electric ligirto, piuk roses aud cirysaniiremums, tire laiors aud place carde <ere of tire sanie bue. Covers <ere laid for fitteen.' Tire Atar sud Rosary sii.iety of te Holy ('rose cirurcir <viimes- t sitireirnie of Nrs. Geîî. McDonaid Wedneeday slter- noon. Miss Mildred Wiittug e8 viiiing ber aunt. Mliss ElizabuethrClark o! iriug Park, tris wes-k J. A. Fieciei. Sr-. intertained hii Sunday enirool lisse Saturda.-1 eceniug at i@ irsioie tirs. H.Zociler viflSVuLegah. le viei- ing ber daugliter, IMcc Ed 0iiiitlhis ces-k. Mise Eleanor tieYer <as tire Sunday sud londisygt-et vi Mies irs-ne Muivrilis- or Ciicagîî. Misé; i.îllîau Eggers o i uago, stiited ai tireironie of ber unnie, Fred (loren- berger Siturday. Nrs FHarold Floweirjiard dauuibi'-r Joune utHot Spriugs. Mont.,are r îtînig at tire hmnusfvS.P. Butcirison). Medarnie J. A. Stryker sîd iie'î W'esoliug atteuded tireW. M. S. brairili mneetinig of tire Uited Es-sugelicral churcir ai Bedick, Ill., for oseeral da< m. tirs. Anderson and danglîter of B[hue. esstiu. ins . wer-e tire guse iofthiru roffin. C. B Eiacto Tliîueday. Miss Minnie S-linloIofut Iitgo, V isited lier ister, tire Sciilie seecai Id ave lasi seek. <Os-ne surprimeu Risc. anud Mre, L5Oel 51 ______________ __ tirs parsonage, brinilus-w-lithtirs-m Mr&. LydiaHBn ttiuuite I illi thaou ure iarons ivudeiuuffe ranud nuinsroue articles V O Olnuigupmti.,n. oi k*heo <ars. A social esei-s-oms- <vs5 OLOC. B. 1Essîrîn entertaiiued lus (su, sons spent, a cr ich rheladies served Tewdin suton fMssl aad fausulies Manday eseiiins at dunuer reresirmenis. Bey. and tirs. Zabie have Tbreasa Miller voft.iiv Lake- and tir. i oo fhs-9i itdy asked tirai au expresslin ofthiri utre- %ticliiwl Leuzeir or Grayelake. s-aesolut- .5irnrIitsbel tiedr biidtau( siutizei t aitIre St. Petesre viurt 't-i- she ieestd r)An uliatlon te pubihlhsd. %,01,u at i:).,s-dur-eiliy uuîrnîns- by Wyles ofl Highlanîd Park. vi-rd eek-end Tire Seiawka (Nebrraska) Nesi uroni- itev. Francis Epsteiu. Tire bride <asai- guesîs ai thue homeus-oii urr-d iedsrsadt. ies tire nese oi tire death tf Fred tended irv Mis Auna Marie Stock.-<chle Bave you -, aires or mors-. vaciant îor Bur-din. by bieng struck iry a train ou the srouai s-as atteudr-d hy Willîlatui itprosed huai youu sllî ru eil. Ses lire Mnissouri Pau'ilirens. Bis body -a@ 1 Leii7s-u.a turutlîu'r andstiessr'cescociate. Fi. Il. Buuvu. lilcrtvvi lis- HFlias moure Ionrui lirigbeide tire tris-t ensar IUinTirebride is- edauglter If ;Mr-. lir- i-iuouuuuiirruu andiuu. 1It N"l. TIers-rrnaiiie us-r-e hurred n tirs- larul Wegeruî'r, sud lia-i resîir-ti ouitire iemeter.n ai Nu'hiusu Li Fred iturdietI -esriuus-i-dtcts s dcus. --'- wse bora J uly 3l,1 M65I,7.inuLake I'nt Tr- .romi-lir s cir viftir. and tIre. V N O aud <ent iv Nebraskasin 18854. Bs-sas John Leuzen ofi Volo sud le nos onats-e ------- married to Emma Griuier lin DZl. Heu1 ai Grirysiake lu tirs- hards-arr-busneuss. l'ie play eiritl-d "Our Fiey Ladies isaves a <ite anti four datuglitescebeeldes Tirev ,-t fur a lriuisymfliituI th irungiAid ' iill ir-gis-en iy thI1<auluor i-uir birs parente,. 'Ar, sud tirs- IlL ,turdiuititire Weet. Tus-y <iii aku- Ilsir bone luai-ridai-vs-oeins-. tiay *2, aitirs-Wouod- oi res, sud twa i5iero. tire. Wil! tryeam-tarir hall luivanbnre. lEis-ryluodlyilu Kntlgge oi Ares and tirs. il A A * ueley ' ___________i-led. Aius-ton 25c. of Highland Park. He s-s ei-ltnusn Idepenident: NMors readers than ail tir. <sud tire. toy Ciraur-lain aud In wetern and sautireru Lake eoatnty. county weekîtes comblned. utile duuglîter-of Lis-i -tyville, epsrit DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE THIS MONTII AIL SAVINGS DEPOSITS NADIR IN OUR SÂVINOS DEPÂRT- MENT ON OR BEFORE JUNE 5th WILL DRAW 3 FER CENT COMPOUND INTERT FROX JUNE lst SI Opens an AccouaI. THE CITIZENS' BANK "KKTHIS BANK YOUR BUSINE88 HoNk Boxes for rent Area, Ilinois Mrs. George Foiug isud dans-lis-r-s il Round bats-, <ere s-isp-t itirs Drrffer hume tidsy. Us-oration exercises <iii tue ieid aitirse cirurcir Sunday aternavn iegînning at 2 o'nîock. Rev. Ream and Attorney B. Ù, Miller at Lîbertyvilie, sud Rev. Faine 0f (iris place <iii be tire speakers. Alter lire ei-icises tirs soidis-re graves <clii ie decorated. tis. 'auPlea usi@-itsriairing a niece sud litile daugirter. i-ts. Brand, wue sud ile ison spent tire week-end ai tire tarsouage. On Suudsy morning and evening Rev. Brand gave interestins- talieonuiu t iristp tirons-h Palestine. Tus-ce <cr11te an iv rei-m meiloautire cirurcir las-n Wednectia3 veing, June 2ý Everyous- invited. adi-t1I tir,,.A. ,L ortIer' tul %]Irs. J. DortIer ant i tItis-daugliler il Ar-a caltr-d bers- tIonday.i Want, For Sais, ec a d$ In thesIN.- DEPENDENT ranchr 15,000 pensons Tire Lake Zurich putîl i-bcoul cliueed irboniday, May 24, fîîr tire sumnier vaca- tion. Mie Lucile Weiýr hirise iesntire gucet o! tirs. Jas. Dacideon for tire pasi <vr-<u Ars. James ilyuîîîd irad the -Cisiip Fire Girls as lier gursts Friday aîud Sain rday. tirs. George Bratdkr- and îlaîgliiur Geraldins-, retnrned home Sunudiy. tirs. ilm. iB. Elcîmaiî. Jr . vlsiýd lber aunt, tMr@. R. RentIer. sli ii l iin lire Wtestside hospital. tirs. Howard tiarkls-y is viiting lier moirer, tirs. Dora filaikenibîrg Tire oiiing viflire rîtaîle niltaLe laîe sortie ui" nexi wes-lr tire. Doris Blankenbnrg and moin Ruses-I were Chicago viitoro Mondisy. Nrs. Fred Selp and Nrs. Jefferson ciit Mouday for their r isit to Nebraska and Caliiornia to attend tire exîosiions. Misslioris )Andrews of Chiicago, seirt Sitnrda.v sud Sunday w«tIilier ier, Miss tidred Andrews. tirs. Emil Flcke <as a Chiciagoî vislrîir Mîiuday. Mise Duroiry iFox. wmlhoi la- bi-,-iii s ing bei isitut, tIre. F. P.Clarkt. lt Sistiii- day forrlber bhune in5 ('ninago. Miss liara i'rusia sas a t'liiîagî--aller Trirday. M r. aîîd M re. i iuîîu ii sntniSlnr anud Sund&y v fwc,. Mis Mabel Fesse irise usin ieitiitrc ai lire ioiiii'ovf trs. Carl Ernst. 'l'ie Laike Zuirichr Ci înu,rvi'al Clu lu orgauized Tirursday ereuîng. Tihe puîr- Pose oft ii esscisoatruu i uuîie te ECT= I VICE; wn the' Ilers n lîreîl ,rest of- tail via-, snipaign sncs- as ýreseîîted Igste amt Kambting, rluances t the de-. axicants1 but itlsl been s0- tireir et- ods. could ire mpaign. ,d lcowl-1 tera wiuk ce. lle Foresti and its specil charter, tlie sellng of Intoxicants Inslde Its borders le 001 permîssable. Il le ru-i nîored iliat this section ls eielg vto- lated esery day sud thei officlile bave just tott-n on tire right track and hope 1v take advantage of thier lu- foirmation before the cuiprite liaie irad thelii nie to rover Up. Tire exact amount of evidenci' ln tie liands ofthlie officialsIs le 01 lnown lutit is belleved enoîîgh tu warranti thpir preseniirg It before thie grand juîry ns-st nonth. tOf cambling thei1 officilaisbslier e iiey are on tire riglit1 coad. lasi sssek iiey arrsesd tour- teen ln a raid and It le eaid lirai allier raidis are uow cvntemplate.d. Tliers- are a nîrmier of peup~lé- (roui Wauks-gan <bal ps-ddls- mper ilirougli oni that tsrritory but<hstIr-r « not thev <ilIlihe atlecieîtor <vieiber' it atîplies tluijîst <unie iiiLaIke For- est Iii 001 known. Tîrsre have alwavsse repiorts tiat blid pige exisied lu Luake For, est but tuls apparenib iIs th ir tI active campaign eerr ltueted1 againet ihese places. Some inters- ig resuit4 are expected. FOUR iENERATIONS REPRESENTED IN A IIiGI. PARK FAMILY A Cincaso paper on Sundai- cou- ilatidd a gosipIciînîre, shoirolg Ntr iI id Mr.sEnill Ruduiltlutof <IHilandi Pari,. It is douluttui if l vii ,til jlis possuiui-tuto ind a tanîlîs s-bci forms <oîphl -ia natio d ur-t i 'licagiiaitanti is residr-it o'! tirs-Chicago ;itaraut"s- Surprt y nonuua tus Il Is home ai Ililgi village il Lake Zurich. Tire niins usis i îd lPark 1 lusuin a ltiîs-rPark -'1 lit- 5ruiuf <if th lî-i>tddiîg is inî tilt- liat iîg. '1 wli! i iisassi ation are alviii, vios:Pr.vsi- Svisa k us-of t lis-fuaili I* Vii os,' pii, d&ut, J. i).FFru, Secretar3 , (ail I.riu"<, tlirc-.are.hovin. thie ChLuuicaoaîuî.u i i 'itent '., lasi-ti til dPrdis lia vbt-s' i Jrtpro î i îy lirîtuil <'-du' <if i e Presl , Jutes Suetiîger. Treacurer, says satifil ('ultotil-r". Aus.k aîr y ias-r rftu-s itt'cu ls-sinitî BH. 'is-liiii-oard of (i)irei lurs, i uîul Thiis r "lina',four us-tiirauiiius. t rait. ' i. lRo 'er. Paul Si'liallenkiuir, Allthe pa.rents tliruuiigli flue fouir get1. Walt,- Plagize. Berruan Heliet. F. C eraulionu.are aie The- parentse if, --- --- -- --- --- Seit, . tI rauuiîng. Msr. snd \trs. Rîdolîu l s n NOW IS THE TIME TO GO WEST bixtv secuititi setditg iru eatl ________ lifuthue ormerlI-ui ccii 1 Ihr D A N C I N G ____i___the l îuu iu iof uhu.ltter lersxi- Erljoy Scerlery and Sereine En Rouie. tîtirul atutîlu drsaryr. Thirso Sgli ui. air ides] tirte tý,, sisit lils- 3uaru.. titi' ge ofNMr. ltîuiuîlîlî s tatîtý Panittut Coastî aud se,- tire gneais -o- Pr, Joisepht Rîullpî. lui 93s sar-, t li- E V E R sliins ants-rautif--o ansd Sani iegos. age nifilr-,. Muark ('onrîraîrl ite' V Tiro <n cl lh is sdeligltu,iir Exps roilnirlienr iof rs Ruidol lui, Tirs-i ail ti,,, au,- li hui s-r igi. nu1and ltouiiili dtjoi i loi]ustt lis-aili .S A T U R D A Y ih o l is-i urs-ple- iut i-ruiuof attendi ig, tire 'u'1I' îeMtr antd Mr-. .Joseph lu itidolip t i 5-t , r < SuISu' tiier hvlia- ut 'P~I irue u orui ns-ar Caàrlsbadu. iiuuu arrîseul '4 tria, w thlit, a teur umilesocu, u uu S.ii ut auail prieible-'-i(t Ns EST NOIXi.viluer at] grewiopp ulisre tihes- vid itN GT Ali gou i us thirs uruic urihirrii i ineeiutineantuter otnil telitsiud coitu-'IG H htsluu u iiiturreesîne "4railIiie ttie Mr. u l lîulu was itti sul utJ11 tire i il,\ lu.u Tits toute i - s-ru- li r utut u ,iî It' xi ant ai eî a n uit <uuîiutspo lus-ne ur ttis- of i1lu ,îutiîriti-v. He îutatutgeul Io t l P ark P a vil*ion gîtîtu,.ý lu u - st ii îagutiiuent. viauli-tlu ii. luuuver, and lied tut this lIAI! " ,ILLINOI .%oul I-ssu, d sviuteirsu-nir uCS uuuttin i unttuî inci'nnati. s-lisr-v 'es i<lue sui;eii r-îbserir iiiujed lui l'l oiuguOier wit tu lMassanrek, air-1 tILN MPIuiN.*ud as-euond train,. "TBE ciller ru Titer-. lis tarit vue of ul.'1 f lf N Cio, 1.1 A illi'i Tus-se trait's tir vil- l riaiicruattewiapsr-s luitiluat ciy. C~~ornle and H ave a '..oou 1111e sesel. eluipp; is-d CuI lan3 -Wlie:d .sttr ren-tainintittir-eabout tîrres- ' are and maruned Iry cvuipan u li ears lis- s-s-lt tuSt luis, <chers-ir- e us e m es:p ep p:::pp....... AlleirtNonu iai-e seen the attruniitulus- t tIrseue w ho s-as to ire NIrs. fi ___________________________________________ (if te Pug-el Sound Cuntry. jriirni-y dolpit, aîtd after a lunef couitslilu vise Southr over the ,Rainier-Shrasta" Itoute niarrts-d. lis- rame to Chilcago lu tSi.ý ivt Calituuria-îreit lotir Expousitiuon- snd for a tms- kehut a notion clore. OUR FINE BREAD GOES FARTIIEST then rrturu irouie direct.,<itiu change Liter ls- condunued a aimaiti js-ss-ry ai rars. uiî tire stselPquilupLed 'FA('ii C aboli on ihe <vsst ide. <is-e e e re- tOur ines- eset andu whaiseome breallisi LIMITED ' ruthtie Ciiag ilivankes & niained until lire early '60s.,<tien ire'-l w 'uurirt waitiog for. Burt yvu ulvuf St. Paul Raisvay. embarlred lunlire turnituîre business. lia%,c iI ait. Our btking te dune lu large $ide tripe to Yellowstone Park, Rainier Hs- <as put ont o! businesiry tire qusotitie@ and ni regîriar irours. l1egin Nlational Part, sud Iu Colorado are ire of '71. lifter s'il-i lis engaged iu nom- -ask for .ii.ertvviiis- bread nsat tbnte avaiable on tis -'GRAN[) CIRCLE tIre maîîutacturiug or? ritre He yotru rder front your grocer, or get n eserN TOI' R-'oi tire Coast. retirs-d froubusnsas amont îs'enty iiay at tte borne of ts et. bt rend made-thle For informatiaon about fa6re. ttue ofvi N go trainr@, sud for western tracs-i literainre. Maer' Carirnann, Mit. Rudoipirs I IB EIRI YV Ia Fi.a E -B A .& K ERY appiy lui Loi-ai Agent <f tire Chiiuo, (ailier, s-as haro lu Germany nearly F E O H EX rp Milwukee& SIPaulRaila.v. 90 years ago. lHe came ta tua rcoun- PE O H E rp _____________________________try in 1849, setiiing In St. Loute,s p <chers-e s'as marrted lu 1S52. He _________________ POW ER SPRAYING rstirs-d trout active buinecs about, AN» IITWASIINQ Is-nt seare ago. PPORTILNITIES, like eest, are lippery and AND _n* ,.. , ., O isard iv hold, uniisasefirmily eeized. They isuds- itiougirtie on s-s1ne's.s-re Clean Quick Gauraarteed ' 'o mn ec usuîccr-astnly matie love Work. s-lieu ishe açiaraid lu the iread. Aico umar eer devlss-d a gri-SI business' CowBansChckn dnss, ts 'C-lisme "" rîtu lilad asthrme.Aden-ý Cow BrusChkke Itoses, ts. ids. enlargecîltonela. defeclive lisar- 1ng, mynlia,.1t,,,-n.,orne.tram htsaut- F. J ELLE tary ucondiions (liai vsakesn tire In- F. J LLEY dividuai, until tire germe o? dîsease Phone 319-R UbestyvUhle, Ilinois'gelbini<n lutieir-despotIc cluicir. To make the mont of apporinnities tirati nay lus gr-aeped iiy advertis'ing, une Thre Indepenîleîîî's nas- sufied pagi-s. I is a miglrty einsiv.opportnitiivliti escapes tirose s-ho adventise iu Tire Independent. Fro i t tiuunsands of readers Tire Indepsndent le pretty sure tri atiord tue adeertirer nest tire opportunities tirai irelt seeking. O niy Wa R Witt 1Lmale I ,,nion hall ai a two last et aureen .11, L' favor Beca kegan <as de Tirat i l tirhor cd iry (lamei was ut 1usd tr iinauin tus-esf Ilire a onut rai 'ireyut id Me ment < thie col vouinge 4'an dc work o er men wVay. " of lire î--ausinp ugauet ,ire <nl Tire wonld i-i-cl21, The have cu .-ni-tt i BeU latI i arpenT As tc Pst on .t a t say 7ii Il fs grani ni accpi tor tire cent lot conipro bei <v-s- from Jt auri pas 191l, ti iry man lime wlll irouîr afi Tire day ulg votlngi LcalN Local N Local N Lakce Fi Mtsmt uise ire asescri s v od iu ,hfidi Don't if YO If yo tisys <vi alsisys Fee Ih tirere le cal np ont. li sevei)Rl Scient diion C erpecter couple C peried i ysars oi n reali coverlni <corse t ('reste iriciy o phione v eniirely nîaking Ssages. Tirern ung tira fect es-e are tar zens of Pïfts ix for LAKE COUNTY only In order to improve lthe dairy herds of Lake County in production of butterfat CRAB TREE FARMi Lake Forest, 111. Class A by State of Illinois Offers to lthe Dairy !armers of Lake Countyj t)UlIN6MAy Ten Pure Bred Guernsey Buis 01 lm oled stock at JUSI ONIEIt1ALIF ISUAL PRICrobtained for sucit bulis. No (mner bulis were ever ofiered for sale. E asc bjLAý 1 3 wookly. fi à

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