Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1915, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRmÂAY, MAY -8, 195 daY eîtiiîtii,- %;.1i.ios ti IriTJaI ('fNTEST MYRivnPEARCE IS s u teeî,îrt, "ti1.,f1 lîir' ti,t I rL 'A ai- .l,4rtisitl, 5,2 FILED WITlI CITY 61V EN ANOLD PLAT FOR SALE-Grab' nli ra ir oofti([De roar îîld' s il iakt lai borme (. P. ,avers, LertYvillIe. Fln FOR SALE-A ne- aiut,, eotatrUila-r tirt'dtoi) boîgr s gît îdoIition.A lbert panze'r, oiIra- .,,t- as1 tas',1Ave , 'trea, 111.:36 ,2 FOR SALE olCheste-r W ut t,,pgs,7 -weeks old. The t- lrr Oak. aria 'Tel . 10-M-1. A K , i îîib, t FOR SALE Rural Ni-a )tîrkr, andoe Harve@t Kng Seod ioaa.a'- i oit-e eatlflg pltatoes. C.S ilerty ville. Phne24;7-112 FOR SALE-l'or tht- r.-îaîîder of the- -esion 1 iWi s tI il art riIrr )3 îandi tti. oggo t $1 a sit'illtinof 17, W . P (leHinge. ,ibertyvîllfi-:l i.f FOR SALE-20 pige iGa-etks (Ad J 1, Flood, Mlwaukee av(,e, 3uienorth of Lbertys-ilie.:35 P 2 FRS&LE-Buy Wisconsin Iirown ;ëed Corn and Seed Potatoes. Sure- to ipen anddo weiiinthioeaiitY. Have several of the best inds to select roui Onir a few moure bushieis to seIl. Buy now. F. W.t[chlicker, Libertsville, Phone 236-R. C33t1 FOR SALE-Youn-g perfectiy nîatcbed drvng, wt 1100 Ib@ eaeb, ao choice of 2 famlly horses. Owned by 1ev. Helse, A. 6i. Sbwernian. (ifimer. Ili. 3lctf FO I SALE-S. C. R. I. Red eggs for hatehingz. $1.00 for 15. Stock [<or sale. lisorge Demlow, Libertyvîf le. Phone 273-J-2. :3t FOR SALE-Fisoher Piano, injgoodèoXn- dtion. Ceap. Appfy ai tu.YvRetau- rRft, Lbertyville. 3a il FOR SALE-Twenry-five htadtolgeuierai purpose borses. rom 900 to 1 1300 Ibo., f-o mare@ are in [uai. <Seera ets of second baud liarneia and wagîîn,. Terins, cash or on lime. N.R Ladd, phone 4, Libertyvil le. 33c i We bave a number of fine bomne@ for «ale or rent. Uvmond &Austin Libertýv- ville. C-33 ti FOR SALE-BWaek drivfng borse. £'beRp If %aken t once; singie burgy, 3 oeated trap. 3 net single barneas, 12 passengor bus. Mrs. . roadhead. AreRa, ili 34p3 FARMS FOR 8ALE-inTraver@eCounty Minnesota and Robert, . .,inluCabboile aid Lutheran ettleruent. Very fine land, the richest soil in thei world and wbsre crope are sure. The eathîet lîtuate to lie found nywbert- Low prîces for lando. For particulars address Gso. J. Vabderwal, Dlumont, Liln ;l12PI 1 We have calse forfarmso varions sires. If yon wasbtu sii or exebange your farta. Calor write usparticularo. [FI] Cochra & MeCluer, 40 North Dearborn st., Chicago. 35c4 +. FOR RENT ..... ...... FOR RENT-Gîîod b.laru aud garden W. H. tpplev Pioue -112-J. Llbertyville. X-etf FOR RENT-I [ne (or twoiuruisbed roonis on Ne-wberry Ave. I nquire of J. W. ('010 Lhertyvilie, Phoiw 1116 J. 3cLf FOR RENT-Paiiture for 10li or@we.. Telephone Area 42, 3Stf FOR RENT-A modern -room suramer cottae onGraysakW igflii, bath, rmnning watr.C-o-t-&-glrbed if[ detred. Cal or addres The ilexali Store, G.raysiake, Ili. Phone il. 33p41 FOR RENT-l have land lu village ru rent for cltivation t C. C. peland, Llbertyvlile. 36p2 + WANTERD + .... .....q + . . WANTEO-Good girl [or general bouse work. Tlephone Llberty ville 22. l.3ftf WANTED-Poland ['ina Chester Whie Pl". Addrea, nlth partleiilars IlitW.' B." Lake.Coutv Independeut. 3c6r3 WANTED-Men who desire to earu n r $125.00 p"rmî,nî arite us 10 day for position as@.laleso,ti. -ery opportunlty for advauement C-tral P.troieqiu Co., Cleveand, )0111, 351,1 flATR WANTED-Hilitrti iark,-t îîrjie IWANTEO-k I ,îanîd tlaid o ai liulr honefo ou kiisfo h,ýIITe B Y ROBT._CONOLLY, DIvart n, 't i G>I.l' kli,17,*14 _____ 1i ite A'- 111 i,î.ii 7,2 Roleri fl, onoffo hansiarteîl fit 1111 *5.s.sSS.t...SSssseSS.'iC.rt-t uîiîî pî t-etdîngs tîgaf il),) 'îîlî liadsN ra-u urîss î îîrî-s S kas;klîg for îfîln couîrse andl sîluplar in Il iq 'I tlt ,LiberaI terlIl-' tîl.a' ing he reasîlfs waa fll -I i City resî ef e ars Wri,~ îîayeîîltnî îgî'erk 'IarseilIlesai tour îî'cfockFr- l)tFiîeî Par ýtiîisli Co îr-'fv iIdax fîeîîoî 'ir. <'olllo isrep- rî-neîhIteîfb.,îAt ilrlies sPopeîîantd WANTEO (;,',' gilfr ecI, a.îîl hous-. worL, Appla'i-I t i'ou St. tle1îhîî.-224 i Lîlîri îIle l lollowinîg artliî-tlîgeial agaiinf Ors i , I t'îî tîl5 5 lîî ilt'tf lîls Il-itioîî ai rac <al' l î, ilt-s -î OF 'LITTLE FORT', MWaîî 'ealî MlaS Mayor Pt-art e hai- mat rec)leci d front "toc" SfeLa tglîi lit anîîohI relie \Vis h le lîrizen er is, lîS i lii îîrlIgiual bîtît-pri ut plat oîf Lltle lFort inIlte year 1841. fi e pfat oas e t Iuie-i orlgîually by i elauglilî 's fa- Ille'r. Vietn blîed lellie t'lt-fi 0 b Ils- ,on 1anîd nomi 'llîc- illîîîgh lîiîlafpet- ImpiloMas or Pol to î îîfîfafîfreclit- oilîore ilîîuîîlîe fitand lie wa55 illet r ilIL __________________________ s*..sssfil' 11011as lb' 11,111U)atiI'lti i 'ite- ilavo tî s l i>o iirîig clîî bit oi tlîirtîndavso fler flie balîoîts wr,'flc lfat franîil d . il. ,)-i cIth flthai *! LOST and FOtJND *,i.îîîao î.î îîî Yle' îî,îîil: effoi, uni rliîl ' ilt tOi lgeii LOS Sf a îtîtîîtî Iî, iI .1 II l- t-lt onllîl Isîs lî21l, fîîr il l- li q'i i -la i 1of1,î i 1 )1 fîn a - lillît tîl ' l -4 lt ii -1 t-s Thrplat tîl .iîîî 5 S if il sur t!,l1ý su o,ý pII. ts joli, f i lll.lllll andîfoullr commisîî, t v r a edoîî il I a p ni ut' it - i (,r,, . at sslîî,'l Vf' S i i andîlR. If. ,aîgiii'i li the' fîllîîîsiîg a- comi s- Conll* vwep cnddatsiners: Npfooiî L.îîîlîî. ChIarles IL q. MIC L AN O S Il.-t Tiba ileifît- rîlîlof 1,llftisshiow- larileiîait(] Tfîîîîîî.Il l'as iii- Tfîî-t ' Il fîî tilt,'oub li teti ailaf ilit îî.tî Itî! aaslî av- tii, 'i na 'tIt., is .1-i f S' . < ' qT e (lrloî1 ifi i tlatît l t ,iîi iii S Tih, plat ova iîild, lit, ecoîrdtr ~i )rit 4 skcî S-a aî i Itu J'A , l di.rt-s l 11M ftinie t iaeI ltI (1, 0< el-l 'i i t l, I \ il Brot,, ,t lti fîo asii it'rl lv s tifrîîî îic f ko i Il mas bledla-\'ti , t. l Tutu ~ tatndtI 1itieare on,,> tortstilîg t atuie, b-'i tc alndti ) I t hf l aî lul Ii e is t a MLI IL I I, voties (astifor (tîiii] at-wr,' îot f)il )l It ( ' o ÂHR F ND II Pifoi,'hi 1-uet lie .1n iii court Iboutse SIIEI i-u~ IJLI îîThfli., inonîîîd . lpiîeîOm li a(i1 tl its lîof plit) U TIFS CALLEI) IN an ci rgs fti o that ,l voteds oi )tll hl1:ltti IL lION LACE STRIKE' lîiuu fla ta- ifrn- lte-s wnoihlît-s ('] ains îktri-ad ii(11h iii . eficar gîesthat ntos er '2.140 fegafIiilel as s tsila in in treand Zion lil. taY 24-Tht-ar 1tiII!, a-i Iae f or Orvin.,aand that lli lîî îIir strettsîîî,îgiîriîiit trs' trouleiara Zioîî<'iy caine te a lit- î<tîiîiltn. y f sii o't-r (rvis by a uLtwrbadotbutflsue st-ins staiet ido mornlng a fit-n fie, îualrhs0of ai lt-ast-50 otesas.nota'.Wtat-.nota' knoon an Du- -fth - tiesreund woik :_Tlîat lie la intormed and bt- eau ir-ttas irailer]d "I)ogan a' treef. lîî-îenfliai Orvis took at lt-ast feu andl a-latisb no Sheiiidanî rondl ssas Thty are afraid tes wouflfît- mO -i paities Otht-ilepolls, t-iît-rt-d wîtîî iat-si reti ltrtî ofl ilic- tSi lut-and fested by file ofrikers and Sherlff F, iheni lto tht- rotm bin hlch tht-e liîd irett uilî<of i 1. Griin waa sent for t0 come to Zlîn jt-iîîonî aaen hg bht-id.îrtseutt-d Tiie plat shows ( lie oxist-eceîof an and take cbarge ot flic situation. Ht-;fihentîto it-e judges and îlît-u abt-n îdddan it-ear aloeeflie Sheridan rond arrived there sbortfy litfort- eigbî o-. ît at-e wrt- cbafenged t ht-s were bîridge is nota fo<atedi This canot-il Clocit accompaîîled by ta-o deiîutit--i aaorn lit, Orsis voîîching for their the 'ater triîe ravinîe îoback op Ilu They i once pruceedet to tht- fat-t-Iiting lt-gai soters. to tht- guiiy tii aconiderahie depifi fartory and Slîtrltf Grîffin and ont- 9.-Thatlfie la lntornîtd and be- ad furnilied power for offerniing a lt-puIysîîtttd teisevs taitht- lest-s thai OrvIs made use oflilquor large aa andi grist i nlîlIlotît of t--t- nortil end of tht- factaîrs-abife tht- and mont-n in lils tanvss for election îîfl inillis dlsapîa'areî ni-ara ago. citler depuis aas statfont-d ai thtpîrior to and subsequent 10 tht- prl- soutfh end. Paptin A.A. Wal',1.r maries, and thai dîrlng thet ure prior MARRIAGE LICItNSES. tals ano resnt.SO hatestr', pe-"î 1; it-clion lit- eofered saloons, treat--__ cautionî o'as aken lu ste tîat ti l<ngsoiers ilierelo and opeîîî mont-y iii ArhiStielîlîl SI ilsil i I siriklîrpakors at-re 00f iierfered ibis nianner and in other a-a-,s for XCII,'Xinicet.ine 0 a ith i iiiaîv waas Tht- ireseiict-,' fileî'Iltrîlose 0f înflaeneinc svie". coi îJohnî K. Sayiiî i.iîtisillii'X tft-coleriff nu doîîîîhll î lieffeet on 1t irars i o tithi- coi ij oi in o rnt of gîl î 1. i a 5M Sia rk . Lake Foretai .._' flt- sirikers for tht-s'offpet-lnîo rt--i e rîî ntii isa- 1,nîîIl ruties-k 'tXai tEgol '26 'istan) e of ast.svkinid. andîlbt-nond pflt- i1 IIITlîat le i. inîforîîed , btlie sos Sn, aa î .dîî Cki-. cliiago li îîîg picket-s on the Northi ',Vsierii'aid charges iliai Orvs smuade prolo- ,î 1c,ljeusen, Ciciîat-Il.... 6 tracka ou 27i1ianîl 29th sireets. thent-ises irior [o t-iectioîi to varions part- 'tnhiL JsnsauteI iiot-i..Olilt-,Il was no fardier uose nmade loii ileir le,,,assirng filsera ibat fnlconsîdera- Arthuri 1-aempf, Mifýaoîkte pari, ýil tfrthîrilr s oie hwaou id gise filitiMIarie Blimasna ie .....l2 Thei-facrtor -npi t eaalked îît o unl, o 1- iot, seand pald for by it-e Richlardl '.laias o. Vasto ....O2 tht- facton sud ail aonorderîs anti cîits .coîlîrars ltt-e sialutes. i.t-ioîra M. Sebiii. leorîa, 111i _' quîîi@.Ta-o of tlie depuf jes. boa-tver, ' il That eaciî of tht- ten votri avt- \\. Bellow,'.Milmaikt- .:A at-rt- letfIi sateh tht- faciory and'iniîotîîed II105t-as lias tng lîenin Xia OiConoîîîr, sanie 12 fafer ini tht- dan i-o more a-trt- 1saorn i), were noi. as fie b luform IlaiiiirE, Itizmîn, itacine 11 Irought liii from Waukegan b heilt ed and btlit-ses. lt-ai voiers and urlli t.Slgiusiî tail sherlf About 9 o'ciock ta-o of tht- ihaf ilîev should nof hase lit-tn per-slt-t Mî-oi lwauike2 strîkers at-rt- arrestt-d on Stat-aart niîîted to casi thir sot-s, aîîd iîîas. Clara laîderus. saine........ o ranis and ta'Xen In Waukegaii. Tht- 1ranch as t-s did sot-itir votes G eorge .1. Pilzt-. Nliloaiikee- .24 a-trt- eharg-d aitb dlsiurbing tht- sîîoîîd mot lhave ouîted for Orvs lit11ele t-î îa-dt, sauft- .. fiet-e and Intihmdatîîîg enîployen at1 rt-uest is made ftatIhese ten soit-sNIck eîa-îKi-toia . 2 the face a-orks. fît- doduried front thet- ofai number Mars Anidersotn. sanie ...1 The igbt wîll îîo doîîbît- ea lbi"r, ufvotes secirt-d fbs OrvsIs lmier I.Petersonic 'îîago 24 ont as'taraai I-t-d iti (onpny 2 hat in addiio i ieO-itO.Vîlîî.tPeterson, sanie ..... L4 deelare tit-> a-I figbi io a finish aud lie I, nformt-d and btlit-s-sibat Vdssard H. IWrrv, TuiînbltiM . i 3211 a-lu flot compiromise- iii anY way tut1tht-n- a-trt-ott-rs a-ho castitheir lV'Itanior Johnson,. samie 11 ..ý ,2 compiy a-tb tht- demands madt- by sot-s for Omvis despite tht- fart that (arici.. Sirî<ohtrg. Rocheter, Wis, 28 the- union. On tht- other baud,- tht- tileyt-rt- not lt-gai votent. unio me saythe hav th digity 1lorence Fort-mati, saine ... ».. unin iet ss- li-> av th- i.glt t13.-That he ts iîtforuîsd aind bh Arleniîls W. aliaiey. ('hleagîî 5'2 of their union îo maintaîn and tht-v1 lies-es thai the len peuple, btfort- 'tartt-ia Paine. samne ..... . 45 plait to tlgbi liard îo ket-l tht-men meuîiloned. a-trt- soliclted aîd luinu- ,îîîîîî in Pizyiinkî, Miloaukee .....22 frontî toint- lack io 550 k. n ed tu do so by Orvis. XOýiztMiler, sanie ..... S...t Ai tht- hearlng 1n Chicago lin Fr1 'tMichaeî l.,t-nrî-tiîGravsisake. ....3 ay aterncooti .udge lBurke Ill said Ilia T.sliIer. McHenry .... 26 FATHER Of GEORfiE ýo have asked t-e question as fate'1'altsJ .r>Miwue.....3 att110 or il4 p-n.. abth.r or noi an eiection coutest had bt-tn PRITCIARI IS D AD hlelanud he is said io lisse laid con sidraIestes <b tis point. The' AT ACI E9 s replied in îhe lîtgative but _________la short turne fater it hsd ht-tn filed. ('oucerning the dtath ut Hlugli cummîssiout-r Orvis declarpt-Iay Pritchard, faiber of George Pritch- ihat lie had nu objecthins teutelîro- ard, of Wauiuegan, s Racine nea- ,eedings but he pobnted out that uni- paper oui Sattîrday had t-e foa- der tht- 240th Illinois, Page 56, it is ing to ssy: licumbent uîîon Mr. Conoily as con, Hugh Priacharil. pioncer resideuit testant io shoa- that tht- ballots have ot the- elty. former ressort-r of tht- not bteu itertt-red a-th shuce tht- tua-n ut Mt PItasant. sud ai ont- count of lise judges sud clt-rksofu time s mt-mbt-r of tht- Racine polic-eleectlon, and such evidence must be deuartment, died esrly this mornint-, clear sud satlstactory bt-tort- tht-rt- at is home 101$ Washington ave-i can be a rpeount sud a declsion rt- nue. Hhs death occurred lu tht- bouse turned differeut than that returut-d a-here be had resided for tht- past hy the judges and cierke of election. 40 years. Ht- aas 77 ytars ot sgt-. "I have postive proo,-'.%Ir. Orvsf Mr. Pritchard a-as tht- son uf Rob. dtelart-d. That tht- ballots5 In three trt sud Margret Prtchard. He- aas precincis a-trt- opeued beta-een tht- humn lu Caernanvonhre, Wsis,. No- tfie tht- judges' rt-oms a-trt- made vember 24, 1827, andt came to Amntrica sud tht- ballots flit-d with the city aith is tather hn 1842 sud settf ectrk; btsides the compilant ca> lu Racine couty ou tht- farta now not show dlean bauds lu tht- leeton, occupleit hy tht- eouty asyf uni ct-me- lu auequtabie proceedhng aud of tent Ht- elstt-d a-th Co. K., Etghth Ihat 1 hase ovtrwhelming proof. 1 Wisconsin Volunteer Ifntry in tht- . aiso have lroot that this move la part [ali ut 1861. being utustert-d out at lot a plani to sirt-ugthen tht- quo a- Memiphis, Tenn . Sept, 16, 1864. Ht- rsnio proceedin-, sud thei ouly pro- particiPatt-d in 24 liatîles sud 16 cet-ding tht-y tare reiy on.' sklrmlsheim, If the concil decies to recount the On May 10,1866. hbe oas uarrit-d halois the mayor sud connilssiont-rs tu Margery Owetn of (Columbus, Wis. thensolvs -ndier ihe lata are t-e Tht-rt- sursive hum a a-îdowansd four ones l tu ake sudsi recount. ebtren, Nrs ..1.E. ('rteetIrs. MaxI pat for ostm. itiiîliis'al rs tck, G E.rePicadsdMr store, Waukegan. :l(;,1î iiit . H-served ses-trai terns atua-n tntsaurer ot Mt. Pitasaut. aI WANTEO-goud girt fotr generai bouse o eiug s. meniben of tht- Rachuie po- work. Phone 1011--R, It- ltflice force durlug tht- t-ghtles Alice 't- 1lîiiîiygnt-. Pilet- 'ýifito SI TIii lt-if 'edt-soîî, Kenti-lia .. 28 Annait o h.îiinson, Osanie . ... ...3 Citai le Saut'r, fîlaaukes- .. 27 Alla q i ailu. 'i uiîîlît. .W'ts 111 liiirIen BuirkI.,iM adisnli\VXs, 40 Ni-lî-le Frquhilar, f'itislîurt-l'a 3s Ioh îl ttrîî.iicNfiIo3uk3 Siari T re iillîl-. naill . ..-. . JohtniW. Sîaîîptlu. Oxford.W'is .25 I-va IE,.euii.Zion (lisy. . .. 19 Jiack Vtisley. Milwaukee- ........11 EIetiîr Moser, sanie.. - . . .18 Tlîioîlore C. Nehson. tChicago-.... 27 Detlia Olnisîed, nanie... 24 H4enîry tC.Ande-rson. Ketiosha. 22 'targaret Neinstaedt. saie- 2 2 AXrthîur Andrea-s, Kt-îosîa ......23 Vrîîa Moîzahon. sanie............22 Viîîer R. Landeck. Chitcago .... 2 3 Aminy M. Stark, saie ............23 Itoy K. Hitcheus, Chicago. .....36 lus L. Werînuth. samne ... ...27 Itîbeîî I-IMorris, Milwaukee. ...22 Clara C. M. Reich, ('lintiîville. (liffoid A. fHall, Waîikt-gaii ... 22 Viieîti,- l-olptn. saine . .. . .. 21 Jot- Zîhaitis, North Chicago, 317 Vietons Zefananska. same.130. Albert E. Holstein, Milwaukeet-. 1 Niiia iemlîerg, saInt, 26. Peiter .1. Shust, Carbondaie, Pt-n., ill1itîîZbah. Waîwaiosa. SVî- 2,1) Sanîtîel Oison. Racine. 21. Up %D Bector te Work. j t aro Andt-rson, tame, 22 Tb* Ea*rmo Payse 1a doctor Is Wi"tiaîîîi runîni.fl<ubbltoiî 'tX'i te. sa »Mou s he arrIves. If thse Pa 2". tient mcven vitla lt.ut, ifus t 'tliEdn-a lrooi, Johon iCnet-k, Wis. returned. ' 1. REAL MATTE TRANSFERS Furtoîshed by LAKECOUNTY Tf TLE & TRUST Co. Abstracis of Titie. Tilles Guarsiei-d. Masonic Temrple flldg. Wasîegani lii 1- .1, hier, 1 i I1.Ta t--îlatnd XiI iningiiiî' ulîtl t, îîîî n l'as l.aI-,. ioep \t-pi 5liiiiîgtiîii niîi l-alster, lots G andlî l',iT'eed andid Wlliligiuiios stîbîlillsioi itu l'a,(iLake. W, 1), Miars i1, iiîirlt aîîd hu8bniîa Iodl) F. 't'ip ie ,- r part lot s, block 1, Sfîaîls \oo'subîdiv ision in secti uî 1l. West Aîtiocbap. W'. 11, $1. Sianîsli aaanad a-fe tII Jase! fufa aîîd a te. loit.32, block 29. \'ash- bîtrîîPark. Northi Ililcago. V 1), $750. T ,J ONeill andl aifeto lRobe-rt f. Goînsalvsa loiti;l:ý itlils lilgh-1 land Park subdîhiviosin W t>D. I, 5400 Miay 1.,, 1915. -larîbia'A Brtt andîl liubaiid îo L .i Zipricli. 1W1 acrt-silusectiuns 1 and 2, Via iap. 't' tD..$24.000. A W. ililenhotise et ai, îîî ShiIl ws, s tr, lblocks 20t andl 29,. tet-pt lots 47 and 48. bitock 21, ('hicago Iigli' lanîds. W. Si C.'W 't't okpr amuîl afi- o V -r Sktîiiiîîrî anîl a i, îîîrilî Mîîî e-t Ix ýp e-î~ î 11st luît ii) Ilt 2ýhîlîîî I. 14, Hihllanîd Park, 't.tD_ , 1800 t W, A Rosint- and a-îte, et ai. io Nli chat-I NicSa-eteny. lois 231, 24,2 'andî 26, lîork ', Rosînt- tît-Iti.liotii. Lalk ,. WD_ $250) W A't Rîotitel antî if, t-t il .lb Si ,rtartICunniuingamilotf17. îloc k 2tiotsîng îros n ulîdis ision. Roîund ha' . %S't D., $25, bîîsbanîl bI-Sari %W. Osol, 1ai- e Iin sout,uîhest cornier sectioni :10 4312, i rireid tW 1D_.$3.000, James X, Kennedy anîl aile îîî Alexander F. Beaubt-iii lot 21, Sun- derlilua sotdls ion lu section 26 E4 12. 'W ,D.,$1. Nias I S, W45 iliamNlifliols andîîh alto il)Xtfeather fudiaii club. lots 1 and '2, Cedar Park lunI-ast An- iioelî iap, XX'DO, $100, I-da-ard JiDlve sud a-te to I-Jinur Si Paîtersoît, part of soutb 5.4ý Section 33. Libertyville ta-l. W. D.. $1 Frank 1B.llieill and a-lfa to Ris- ard M. thissoil. undlvided ont- third ut uorilîeagt i1 northa-est 14 40 acres Setioni :;. iIbetrille ta-Il X' tD, $1.200. Chicago T. & T.Co., Truste-, to St-vert K. Lund, lot 17, block t.,'Mar- shltaldale subdivision. Granita-pl) Dt-td. $200. Chicago T. &T, Co ., L~ouis O Itynulut- and wite. lot 2, Iîl<ck 1, iarshalldsfe. Dt-ed, $175. Miary A. Laa-rence to Eda-ard T Thielen and a-lft- parts of lot 25. As- sesor Plat ut Northa-tst quarter ascionn 21, 'taukegan W. D., $1,27, SNias 114, 1915-C. E.BMont to Jo sî-îh Krais. loi 7, Eiunt Park in st- flouî 25, West Antiocîs ta-p.W, D. 'X, B. Walratli sud a-île io W.K. Smîith, lot loi, Sbaa-s subdivisioni on V os leke. W. D., $200. .1, R. Roney sud a-lfe te, Gent-vit-s- 2 C Rouey. 245 acres lu sections 12 and 311, XXaucouda ta-p., sud 72.84 acres lu 2section 7, Fremuont ta-p. Q. C., $1. 3 C. H. Carpeuter sud a-ltt to Aurrîl- 3lia Daw-son, iots 4 sud 5, block 40, 5No 937 Waukegan Ave.. Highland 7 Park. W. D., $1. 2 Estate ut Margaret L. Watson [o 1sabella Mi. Watson, lot In village ut 9SNillîburn. W. D., $1. 2 taud H. Tuif and husband to NI. J> 1Suni. lot 7, Cutmîingsand Cos North Avenue addition, Waukegan. W.1D., $10. Laura E, Spra-ut- to Bertha L. Ht-rs-hberger. i0_ acre lot in village uf r>rairie Vit-a- W. D., $250. E . A.'tmmings and waite 10 Adami S îrlaa sîtnl wife. lot 29, block 9. Wauk-gan iHighîlanîds, Northi Chltao W. D,,$250. E. A. Ciniigs and taife io Paul T. dabîek and a-it-, 'lot -17, block 9, Waukt-gan Hlighlanîds. Northi Chîcago W. D_, $250 - H. C. Burrid ge & Son -Nu rsery Stock1 TRANSPLANTED Cabbage, Cauliflower and Toma- to Plants. FOR BEDDING OUT Begonias, Geraniums, Petunias, Salvias, Verbenis. Hanging Baskets, Wrndow Boxes. Fairholm Gardens Phone 1 02-Rî Dymsond Road 111tstll . Theodore H. Durst. President. W. B. Smith, Vice Presdent. F. W. Churchill, Secrefary and Manager Hon. OeWitt L. Jones, Gan. Countel TELEPHONE 8a1 SECURITY TITI£ & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLE GUARANTEED Capital $1 25,000.00 WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS "Bell" Telephone Directory GOES TO PRESS IMMEDIATELY Ail changes in présent listings. and ail new listings should ble arranged for at once. if you are without service, orderua telephone now and your name wiIl appear in the new book. Chicago Telephone ('ornip.iny A. R. Andrews, Manager Telrphont 9901 BEN iM MILLeS. Attnles HIGI4WAY NOTICE. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. ROAO WORK IN THE TOWN 0fr t-o)îl ,, tee i- herei 9o-in t h.t hesa).1WARREN. -rib, sEeoi itheti-ladWfl) î,sd' es mlent of Bliend)) Silli,-l'rad. lýfll attend Proposais a-lu be received for the the C.ounty )2îîîît 1o Lake )'lnilty ai a teri gradlug and building of gras t- roads tiierrol toi, i îîîieî, ai te courti Hoa,,e in) luthe- Town of Warren lss follows: Waukegai..iliIsald o Clysio0n the itst onldai Telegraph Road Iu Section136; Me ofi Juin ni-at. lqOi. w)îen ad Ishere au) pet-ntlias nf ând alm-taîni id Etati-are <'fore Road lu Section il. tiotiiied and r"unesteli to il-ent ithe sami- 10 Proposais a-ll be recelved up to the- sail court for nilludIcâtIoný hour of 2 ). tm., June Sth, 1915, at the WILLIM IVRICH ST neî-îtlk, -t onfce of the- County Superintendent Wautera.a 111 .IyI0 id19v": of IHghways, p Maî i14-21: Plans and specificatlons are on fie ADJUDICATION NOTICE. at hia offce and with the Commission- Publie notice la hereby given that ers uof Highways or aaid Town. the- Subscriber, Adalfitratrtr of the <'ertlfled checkt for Fitty ($50.00l Estate of Ferdinand W. Schulz, of l)ollaii required aith bide for eacii Fox Lake, Ilinois, deceased, a-lu at- o tend the County Court of Lake Coun- uEO P. FINLON, Tow-n Clerk, ty, at a terni thereof to be hôlden a, Gurnee, 111. Ihýe C ou rt -H ouzei-as in Wauke tu- May 15, lýieus W.kIY Mau 21-28. i....4 sal ou iuty, uon tte is .ouuna fiyMy Z---b, aUne C Jufy, ut-st, 1916,a-ht-n sud a-ht-rt al I BEN4 5M.MILLER. AttorDay pensons having dlaimts against sait I ADJUDICATION NOTICE. estate are notifled sud requt-atei t-l isi- lt-ic e s-elis sntatte sîli, lîresent sanie tW salO Court for atsehi-E-tthe -t ue iss l îîTnî.in,î of Luitte F54irleie teed, el I l)attend th, juîdicatioîî toiety Court lor iat otity. ai a temetreo EMMA SCHIJLZ, 111 le hoîtîeiî ci tC <'rt Hijîîst- tîa-i.i-t-ao j Âtmlulatratrix. Ilaid 5111 ton0 thei- t"MatdaY nifst-f XXaukegan, Illinois, May 17, 1915. nextu l9s.,taheîî anidsiero ait itneîoiis s&vaî cli-i altaainît saîiesustp r fe nitd ast Wkly May 21-28t, June 4 i-eosinte-i a iteiu tt-esaieI-ah ,il' c on o &dludicatloîî 5ilitk, 5st Vou can reaca 15,000 p.sons we.k. JON 8GRILE ly through the Indeotndent. .v , 19ls" u -Page Eight A OVERTIS IN RATES 6c per lse racu ts ItiO Less than 5 fimes, 25c insu ion .. FOR SALE 1 1 1 1 a VW9 ING ertion insertion . i

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