Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1915, p. 11

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-4M QOUYIN EET.FmYITN .î ÀS s U 5. #T0Y I3ÂYRfN Ta#ÂSÉ S O Farmors Discover That corn PIant0d AfterWard Is Making r --c Asa Setter Showing. acio re tttistfg nîm for reaign-i Ing aIttis lime. Borne go aa fur as to SUNSHINE NEEDED NOW. accuse hlm or virtuai treachery to the' administration, to hie part>' and per. 'This WiII Save the Dats and haps bo the counIry leif. Ryc-ýStrawberry Crop Bids - T- 1 Fair tn Be Heavy. CRISIS FEA-REO THROUGH BIIVAN 1 T armers tbrougnout Laite coun- itles slléged Ihat Mr. Sryan has lae nid and coeinfort te the oppon. etnIaoftité prient International pot. icy c? thé administration, especiali> n German>'. Evcry effort w&S made lu convince thâl nation taI 1h18 coun. try la prosecntng à nitted front fer humnit', cîvlîtatlon and eatabliah. cd 5&W. Now lt larec"niz ed itere taI uniest the course pursued b>' Mr. Brjan là emPhâalaly condemned b>' lte nation à criais ina> be precipîlal. ed for wltlcitMr. UrYan himgeiY, In vlew Of hi@ cl, CannoI hop@ to escape resPOntibîîîtY. Tite minute Mr. Bry anaà raOllîllton becama known in Watinubon cFertlonO trom hi@ stan- dard aOuaàt-led and trusled leader be- bnouge. This mornIng be awokt b lnd wuto doua brasen and tht- bouhe defared as a rOsttit ut the t-aantof the- nighl. lippe>' wurkn ut the lace factor>', tait ilcare of maChInes, and Zion poltre Ioda>' deeisred with no Leslitaocy that Il thIe attacit utaside to intiit date hlm because he had telîl on working In face o? the sîrike. Min Bacta on Job. The ZMon Police Ioda>' ucre author- Ity fr the stalement that aI leanî ithrêe worîîern bail returneal 10 the- lace plant and resumeal their jobs. TiîeY gave the- names of E. Wtikin- 1son, Char]@% Humphrey and Pal Turn- P-r. Others, it ls nald, exîtect 10 re- surne their jolbs ver>' suon but tht- MiarshtaltFlelal Company' bas ual citanged ils altitude of not tating lte ettIre force of strlkers hart. Tht-y maiutainlte>'ull laite onl>' those uwhom tbcjP vwlgoh t>' have tuseoveit-d ta the crnthal tîtis year ta ot as rugged as thet-ornt maltera andl enio>'eti a social Umt titat has heen Planted since. Tho 'a fier whlch Set-y. %Iagili of thte Wau. crn planted heforé the- rain shows kegan Commercial t-lub gave a talk up yeliow anti ickly looking uhîlion Co-operatton amiotg bankers." the- rm ttitsnted sînce la mut-b more NIr. Apple, former ht-ad of the stat iîeaithy. Thtus the farmers wiîu werel bankers' assoc1ati.ýn u Illinois, nos lower about llantIng 00W bave 'the connected with a Hilghland Parli batik istigh on those wbo planted firet for, gave a. talk. The escale Ilnspected the Indications are that thelr corn Sheidonhurat atjd la!it fur home about uilt yleld a higger crop.',oco. The raina have made the oatsanard rye ver>' anit. If a god sunabîne cornes to ripen Il hOwever, witbout a IjvT ur bt-at>'wlnd lu btuw il down there wilil ND~IY~NE~ lie a good croit. The rye and ostEXTa are ver>' tati St this lime andal r F IT-OW tîulte top heat>' as a rt-suit. Thug tht j tarfuera are hoplng Ihat te rain y stit-l la tabout lant and that the>' ulîl C T .VST R gel îlenly et gond warm sunsbine f rom now on. eCilflreftleui tlt Moéldent Wilson to- "aY Courmwir Lanslng annOunced that tit* ne t tdarman>' would go fOrward Io Berlin tht. afternoon andl wetsd b. gîvten out for publication ln Prida>' nmninngnws"pp. Me Ilid te United Stinsé would eut walt for lltliOUctlGn frein Ambasander Gerard il Berlin Of t# roculPt Ihîr. before Uivln$ It out. Mr. Lanâlng suld the *41rd Of codlnq 1he oo4 was under Wiy. Tité note la about 1,560 worde n iegth. Washtington, 0.D.C,, juq. .-The t41Pital ie abiaze tod.y wth ceetO- MenI oter the ro@Wuton lof Sacre- tory Of Biais Sry«e. Thia action "a flraImntond b>' h1M aU t trda>', but waa forcadl mbthit éOpe yester- gay when Mr. Btyana ve* qncern- ln$ te nature Of te rjoindk 1e b, *s ent10GermnY vrs rejectsd b>' ti, çmbinet. Man>' who diasunatitesecpelarys Â1TAC[ MUVSE UT Niffi-WIN. DOWS ARE DROEE Sam TIppe>' 2719 Gabriel avenue, ZMon Vty.l>tant evening tbougbt lte <ePrmans or the Engiish uer. alois-o- Ing bis bouse andl Ibis morning ho felt ait the more cetnain that surit use the cage. Accorubng ta reports from Zion, Tlppe>"a home, ownea b>' a man nantea Irwine. emPloyed ut the Rockeler stores, asa fusiitatûîl with hunka ofttcual, rocks, sticks, etc. durlng the- nigbl anal Le la unable il) taxplalo the resn unlsas It was an ai- tack frnm theo ait>, or, perbapa tht aillies. lit-a titite certain it Wasnt a submarine ats£k for all the biows weje give on the eferior O! tht 111U*AUT SAQ ANMS Twenty-five repregentatives of Lake county bankil attended the- sannae meeting of the Lakte Counlv Bankeras association held at Ares Wednesday afternoon when thesc oùfifirrs were eiected for the coYfllsg year: Prealdent-H. C., Waukec ya National Batik. Vice Prouideait-krank lteed, Lait Forest National B3ank. 'Secy.-Carroll Orldlpy, ,ib)ertyvilie Trea.---a. L. Tripp. Executive Com.-John t.Fulton, Waut këgan PeoPies; B. Ji. Mlletr, Liberty- ille National; A. W. Vercue, High- land Park. The baniters talked oer biusinesa A great man>' people Who wanled eariy melons anddIurnatoes net themn out eariy. The rold raIna stunted tht-m and te>' are greatî>' dwarfed ai the Present ulîL pour indications for an carl>' crop o! an>' conseeqence. The farfters say 'that Lad te raîn>'speil cume carlier that it wouid havehe- cd raîber tItan tnjured their crops. The trawberry crop appears ta have suftered no damage from tbe rainv wealber. The plants are full o? hios- noms and there are lots (f green ber- ries on them. The rain>' weather ban glu-en tht- plants so mucît nourlshmnto Ibal there le the hare possliitl> that the rots cannot absorb enough nour- intiment ta support the man>' blossome and the bernies may be large. There la nothing defînite to Indicate tiIs bowever. Tht- growing o! strawber- ries Is a growfng induztr>' lu Wau- kegan especiali>' among the people Who bave Ibeir own lutIle truckt gar- dens. When te state W. C'. T. Il. conven- tion corne..tu Waukegan negt fall, Ntayor William W, Pearce «Jii ca oni>' present the .Iey of the City tu the three hundred or morlë vistors, but lni addition wiii make a speech of wel- corne, extending tu the delegaies the pleasure It glvelihe City tao ntrtain them. The maypr bas sccepted the Intation extended to hlm by the local W. (1. T. U. tu perforni these cour- tesies. g ,. - I. OPANTEO Delle Qq Lue... Ext onuls ..rsae xjire il viii lie a uval>' on.. Imm wFTH 0F TUE PUST ZISS I*5-507 Nepth R.~e.... DE. obaukogua, it. mu;,,', !rtsuê Continus For a Fe hf-m We have been granted a temporary day-to- day lem. extmnsion, andi with it Cous e hModo tbat ««7u effort must be to close ogar tle reniaining st ock wtth the lsait possible delay, &4d qtit thus premi. To accomplish this purpose and abide by the landia rd's dociion vo have unmm~ifufly dlw*h1t1. "eilag -nothing has escaped-it s a case nov of get what we can dle 0f coot. or 14 D4tl 1al. take aur word for it, corne and ose for yourself. T hink Vhba.t it eans to you aiduh Ir ~to, wy 1h. htgk est class wearing apparel at prilon that are neit to nothing. If you can't save at I" 8M 1-3%7 don't beuy. lEerytbing. Thoctsends ef dollar. w.h1 p Mgr 50c ÔN TUfE DOLLA*R I NUW WAEK S&8RT. MIl wlite and blaék-andl- white eheeks. Regular $1.50 v-aIiîes, at ..... cg WOMEN'8 OGÂTS. Stylisît *$8.00 to $10.0Ot gaiîmeiît4, 'l " for ........... dvw WOOLSiERGE SKIRTS. Iii plauinblack anîd navy; $39 ....... 1.49 AIl oui i$1.50 anîd $2.00 values, for this 9 SiýLK WÂgqsu~sW. SPRING BUITS. Big tal ul vle oAI]i înîst 1w elosed out nt $1.50 and e2.0 styles; sale LU Dqlow Cost Prices79 WOMEN'8 WASH cmrzID E 'S C A S.W] NT U<U Q DRESSES Two great lots..elttob lsd u;sl New O150and $2.O()st.vleýý;;Oeltt lo dou;se Nt S .'Ilo prie: YJuts to, $5 ait $1I-94 prie: 79c VaUes f 3.a V9 35 The Printzess Stoý1,re-. 105--107 Novrtb Geneçi.. Street, W*lixl&gAs COATS AND SUITS. Onîe bi.g lot; ail good styles -for this sale ........1.95 LONG KIMONAB. 0f flowered irepe; regîîlar $1.50 values, for £N STYJL EOOT83. New cbeëks auîd colors; values to $12.00 .....4A BNAUWUL S8HZ $3.00, $.0 n Washinton. 0.n nt Vit- i je- àrPia. but hi 100111f sei«V- ,,i» of ïtith mdii n' ïf. 'O" lpià"ý rm-a SENSÀTIONAL IN. ment: willbe asked.Il 19 said the NO.5EM6TO N DICTMENT BY TUHE has been co-:peratUng with the state's A 6 I 'T I R R eD ir tht-rf- lo any direct prou! or whethD . y OR. JURY RUMO0R D ti-r th( ite holes ta get te evdericp Ra MR1 ITS StKVIU Just What It WîIlIBe Is Not SekflOEact known.nt R ie_ teiiel utR- The lac, that sorne of the witnesse.9 ekt xctIpoeet Give OutDefiitel ButRu- cone from Kenosha cotînt> would 'I. From the Electric Lin# Se. mors Are Rite. dirate that the state lntends la con- fore Rate Increase. durt a probe toto the murder of Ingoif Th. Marcit grand jury whIch was 1lHansen, whlcit occurred at Russe"l LIVELY HEARING COMINO. recailed b>' States Attorney' Oady for a few ueks ago. At the' tirme the tâh pecal esson, erelmpnnatedauthori tien were unabie ta secure an>' Further lestimony relative lu the sessio, wereimpann I. nformation bt Il tla reîîorted that antpooa tte(bcg iwue le morning by Judge Claire C. Ed- iattempt ilil be made to get state-prosifthCicg&Mlwue wards. The jury at once slarled out ments front Homne of those who have Railrnad Company ta bave Ils pas- on wat enpcte tobe oe o th hee nîbpoeapdb b preent tnger rates iocrpa.4ed was gis-en on on wat e epeced o b on ofthe eensti)ponap tobe regnt. Mtntlay In(hicago befoe the -tate longest and hardent 9inds put up ta Indictments probalîly will be return-pbi Giio omsin a. grand jury In Lakte county in a long ed In the case of the murder taI toui ii TlTI os ommissirl on. n tme. place ai Rondot r nty.< T t-' b ompon. gnt-rafe cntnd W hIl e th e - g ra n d ju ry w a a pi e e d m e n ts m a y bc re tu tiitd fo r th o s e su s i î lio t c m n y l n n c s a n th tu spert-c>' utîtthe- warnitig that tht-y setdo h rm.VelI hyýn h o fl* iacè n h WOUll b btId aroutale i anyot ut-tedof itecrie. Ten f tt-ynet-a of an inrase. Iis direct test- the grd b blu r del albe i f a t-n efare found In another state te>'cou b. 1 on y 'wa ýentered lhrough the quel#- tublicanrd ur w-njurd lb retot a b u te extradited. This ouid not be dune li n of Attorne y' F. W . Bul, cosinnel plc rt um Iod a' a rn t s about the wlîhout an indcîmet. There are a for lite rallroad, and bc was cross- cotrtmn ta a ndatilasote tnumber of other cases sut-h an as- amndb>GereTRorc7 t lirees tat ses9tinalcas lata aults. robberies. etc., uhich viii be atreifLk oet ieF consideredl by the, Jury. The na-lîrâught lu the attention of the- grandiatre'o at oet turc ufthlie rase ruuid nttblielearned j ilry. Other Town@ Reprosented. further than tite unaulîtientir report The towns of (iHencop. KenilwortJI that it concerned soine county oait]--- and Highland Park ut-rt aisa repro- rial. Il uasarumored tilt titis case UîtnAnlnoRoncas n eteil aItht- hearing.P woul case prfoun sesaton lintn Asti ofRogeran, a, .The electrit- raiiroad la r-ee king an wou l cae îîofond enatMn~iss Marie Olllng on ZMon City WEIlincrease In rates of from 1.41 cents Orîginaîl>' Itwuse thought tîtat thebP marrled Sunda>' aflernoon at the per mile ta 1.75 cents. * rad ur wul le bt t rm it-e Waukegan Baptint parsonage. M r. Mr. Rogers said the lowns along thé lm work Inside of one or twn days at Austin la the son o! Wiilis Austin of rialît of wa>' are flot objecting go tile outaide as Ibis la lte time usual>' Waukegan, and Mrs. Austin la a pop mach ta the proposea tucras» In the required. If was given out Ioda>' onuluar young woman of Zion. The>' are tares as they are to the Inadeeîuacy *what is considpred gond autborlty. tu reside at Rogecr&ns uh@re ha is of the servi«.. Efforts wil ho made * that the jury ilil not "aPiete ils In the graver>' business. itu obtain a itttermeut or the service work htfore the end of the week and before the utilities body entera stiy may not finish before the Middle or fittding. nettweec. D E.Claite an he ontrt-tfor WitAseteon thei Service. jetwei .E lre a h otatfr In Odaisconnootton msny fortin ilta it nown that State's Attorne>',tht- big Improvements on the Mr$. 1î eiet hobv caint Dady bas sulyPoenaed some 300 or 400 Richard Seara place et Gage's Lakte. isoersdnswobv caint wltnesses lu testlfy and the taking G. P. Graves. Chicago, la the at-hIu,,e lbo eléctria rad are expffe t of aIl this testîmonY wulît be entremet>' tact. The contrat tla close ta $0 O iappoeres wuttes.., and It Ilssaaid 5slow work. and wili hé the beglaning of tuo sta Xe hsburtindI 1 Iftuse Impossible le get sny def- extensive building on the big Sears f.rtlfy tean tu thulr tand. laite lUne on the nature of the indict- oBlate b>' the witiow of the Chicago The ,nozt healng will ho hoisi on ments that wlli be asited but report millionaire. Juusa 1. Prment InuicionsBrq fihat

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