LDIAMOND LAKEJ Paul Ray and familv ut Libert'zviite, apent Sunday <ix (. I.Ray s. Mr. and Mr@. k. Kan@, tenevieve and Mrs. Lohman visited relatit-em at Elgin Sunday. The Ladie@* Aid wîiluet witb Sire. Darby Thursdcay afternoon, June 17. Mms Mary Johns4,n and daughter of] WBuketan. spent Thursday with her tather, a. P. Bartlett. E. Sehroeder and lamily wmre gup@t g of hors this week. the Harimlan fangly t tWaukegan iast àb%, Eiiroy' nertineti ber ioter. Mis. .. W.WYWeavsn of Chicago, a few dey at 'rotf.sd Sire. Bau mbaî. of!riiciagîî, wssk. are goefseo! Mr. aind M rs. A. Lo wel. lire. Henry Kublank suffered easicre Loyd Ray and tantt.î of Waterloo, &ttack Of beomatiini test week buti ýIowa, arrived hers. tasx week for ft.' licIter. .sommer. Miss tva Turobull of Wanconda. spent Cildrn's [1ver execiseo wil tic lîeld et a few daya Ibis week wifb ber sister, the choreh Sunciay evening Jue 13. et Mus. W. A. Shaw. 8 o'ciock. MMs J. H. AYngey andi Nina Ronee Waukegan v1stors Satuuday were: spent Sunday wifh George Rosa antiMr@. tleuby. Mr. and Mrs. Albertf lyer. fanufy In Chicago. Frank Dyer. Misses Diraanmd Bésýiu-%filis Mr@. E. H. McDonald and Nrs. Chl. anti Pearl Ray. stroni of Evanston, wcre cleies ler. John Schneider and mother.' Mrs. (0. Tuesdey. MMs ChUsetrom le orgaizinig 0", Mr. anud Mrs. F. Lubkeman ut & cams for adoption loto thlicIfoa Prairie View, vl@ited at Elmituret Sun- Neighbors. day. Chas.Rioil is viiting with bis sister, Dr. M. A. Cran.' ant if!.. Mr. sud Ire. Mr. .J. L. Iving. . Sclirooder.anti Mus.' Berry were if I Kniggs anti famif v mot ored to Elgin caliera Satnrday. Palatine Sunday anti @Peut the day wifh Nrs. ehmerz i seiuuly ilii t] ber relative@, home bsre. H. A. Watson, Thos, Rus-cil, John Hotiae anti W. J. Willianms affendeti the - ____________ Masonie meeting et Sillburn lest Thurs-1 TVANHOE day evenlng. .____________ S; L. Tripp and f. E. Payne fool, autoBi Rernrite and tamilvid Mî 1r. and foade ot our church people f0 the>con-Ilites i. S. lol1ih a< ti dantt ecre vention et Milîburu lusf Tuestiat. We.ukeiauzeau-. Friday. Mise Elien (ioswiifer i.. seriousîy ilii Emnmi Chaniferlain do-1 li.- e- wiîiu pneumonie. lier si@eferorniLong jwlttu a puni. iridai ii. . lîe Grove le witb iqi andi a treineti nurse s Tue-ider <Ici., wtlîa Irioie in ettendane. l'h.'VanPiew tainiiv .qent SîmdaY at1ý The pupils of ttie -boul gave a very Gages Lake. pretty enfrtinnent test Thursday Sorte front ibere atenîtel fui i s Pa evening whfch tirew a big crowd. On et Libertyville Thursday evenîsg. Fridey Ithe echoof yeer cloeti andtheI Mrs. H. C. Payne enxertained relatives eidren hlit a picute. Owirg f0 flic trom i Wîodstock aud Crystai Lauxette lied weaf ber they coufd bot go ltb firsf of the week. woode outil altermoon but that jîroveti Ruby Kuebker i.' home truni Watîke- ample finie fora thorougli enjoy ment Of!gnfrtîsme aaiu the affair. 1I_ 1 am prepared I to do painfing anti decoreting. Estimnates furnisheti un application. J. Phili moreArea. 17p4 Mis. Neftre Smirît f revleke viifeil lier tiaugh ter, Sire G ran t Luskrpèýnlyv Mns. John Shepherd entertained' Mr. anti Mrs. Engene Smifh and trile son o! Wankpgan. Sunday. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ire. fRutherford R. Mi-Crini-.ferîuîe-ly Rguiar meting o!fIe Board ot Trus- j ~ ] Mre. Amie Adame. a-tîo is mpenuing bner tees uftheIcvillage o! Aue et fIe village I. .... . ,, ,J bonermoon in fiue midteofetthe Eîîropean hall Mdorday, June 7, 1915, ie.t Kn fChcg,@pu atwar whcrc ber buetiast is a war e-tain- Prosent, Watson. presitient: Imustfl5. Ms it an !C@aoset« pondent, bas wrîxxen ftters im e x Wells, Iving. Rusself, Knigge. murne, week wifhb ler osister. SMre%. H. Ai libt. pr1ce 0bIlaly niIied e Aibrecît. Absent mouse. M. W. Knedier aud chu Teef went te> huelaiiloin tihe treni-iten and tiifthe The mîniuofthîe previous meeting L.ake (leneva Sundey. [rut with tbe Russian ami-, anti ee ver. raid and pproved on motion o! Mies. Fred Grebert anti cliltiren @peut lierseit is neyer ouf ut beariug <if tlhe Russelflati Kigge. Tuesday anti Wednestiey in Chii-ago. guns. .Thc freamnurer fbsn reeti bie regular Mfr. and Sire. J. Richardselied as their Mr. anti Mr@, Arfthur T. Aldis enter- montîly report whlcl vas audtedt hy gucets Sonday Mfr. anti Mr@. W. L. taineti a nuniber of triendm Sundea *vater. fIe finance committee anti accepteti on Hutelitoge anti daugbfer Caadys o! noon, emong then, Mi.« Louis.ë rs-l motion o! Irving and Russell. Glenview, anti Ly@eTripp o! Liberty ville. e,! N-w York. T'h. folio wing bllei were reati: Nr. anti lre. Fred Lubkeman &pent Mi@s Leura Steele visufed Sunday wilh Publie Servies CO, bilb-........# 25 Sondai et Elmhuust. frientsisn Wilimete. ts. L. l'sipp, sswer pipe----------.....2 40 Miss GraS o! Chcago. le spAndlsg the TIcelbig open air diance helîl Saturtiey Publie Ssrvice Co.. streef ligIte .... 458 week witî Mis. Bert Snieti. -eveninga t Onwenrsia Club was greatly Lake Co. ludependent, pubilsing 2 75 te nisno rito egtejoeilyafremnbrc u oit W. J. William@, sf reet work-.. .-,50 Mn."Re u o fAliao egt, noe b ag ubrc n Roue. Brut.......................... 40 14 spent Thorsdey witb SIdre. Wm. Stanclifi. tfolk If was moveti ly Russell ant Irlvingi Dr. C. W. Baker uant famîty anti LUI A baby boy was borni fo Mr. anti Sre. fIat aIl biilseh. llo5eed anti warrantsl Mitüheff nmade e trip fo Joliet Suntisy. Thomias Doulas Tuetday, Miay 25tti. drmvm an thre treasures in paymenf. Cors Elodgkins anti Fred Luka ver.' Word vas received bere of fIe marri- Motion carrieti. Zion Cify cletors Snundey. &e o! Mise [futhI Jane rels-crt. daughter Moved ly Russellt anti Wel le fIatthfe ___of_____ Id r. andi Mis. E. S. aîvrt anti Mr. bili oifB. B. L.ebbe for pomping boilti -...,Aflberf Mercer Blackniau -n Wedensday, lng15e mloveti anti warrant lie drao 7n~ May 12t1, et Lus Angeles. Calise on die treammye 10 paymenf. M otion Calvert vas Iorme.riv of Lake- Forest carrieti. Mr, anti Srs. weber and temlily epent anti bas many trientis ber.. Meting adjoomneti on motion ot Sunday at,-enrÎ NMeysres. Lake Foresft & feateti the Chleaio 1lin- Kniggs and Murrle, M. antiâtMes. Jo. Amnanta anti son of perials Sunday by a score o! 12 to 4 . T. F. Swan, Cierk. Ro.îund Lake, anti Mu. anti Mrs. C. 0. Onwetsi&la (li eneti for the season Frankln anti tau*Ifer ut Evanston. on Decoratton Day. Springfield, Ill., Jone 2-Practicaiiy vioiteti et Bernai An ann's Sunday. Unclanged fIe InJunction anti alafe- MssBraeAinspnStnaetTeWelevieCulOefed ment bill directeti by fhe commit tee içBraaman@etudautTeWolvleChcDerel o! fiteen againsi duseputabie bounes hom0e. Township vent fu fhird readnin nh. lous Mr. anti Mre. WiII Frost of Round The Cildrcnso Day prograîr uet 3:00 ibis affernoon. Thill111provides fIat amy cifîzen Lake, @pet Suntiay wlf h fier hume ocelock nexf Sonday atrrernoun. The May fle ijuriti,..,.em...,n n .g.ra . a.rne nfiteuvsee fhe chancer courts diretet agaInit PrOPertY allegedti o le useti for Inn- moral purposesandt fat suchd dor- derly Ions.mamy le abaled by court ortie, Iflthe prayer o!f the peli fluait is uplreld. i-lit Day Churcli Snndaî ficloul 10:80 a. n. Preaching 9:45 p. ni. Sulject. -Love. Law, Lbr 11 . 1 ZDeerfioed1 By T.F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent Be& Av4rd visîteýd wtt hi@ parente numbers, la. Iccu care!utty airangei.ý communion servicesJung 201, at 3:80 p. m. Taïk 1, fhe 1ev. George Robirt@, Jr., passai o9 fIe Lake Foréit Preby. terian cdurcI. Ail are cordiaffy invtteti fa came anti bing tfIel trientis B. Hlarrison Keli, Peosai, BUY TIUCT IN IIHIILND PARK Nfr. anti Mn. Adolph 1, Lidstem are f0 estahitsl a lantine mev conntrY homne luit South o! Highilandi Park. afong fthe lake, noril of ihe Northi Shore Golf club, on si tract o! tartY-two acres, whlcI vas acquireti !rom William F. Dummer and o1hers. TIe praparty. hIlcI lias 1.600 feet or froniage aloag tire lake shore, anti la recogmizeti as on. o! thre mont at- tractive Pieces of acre property on il. noril alors. was .tor several year oceuPied i hfe "Gad'a Hill" encama»- ment, nov locateti ai Arden Shrore, La'ic Bluff. TtIf 15covered i rifla lantisome ïiô- of O imber anti la traverseti by se-ea exeedingly picfursque ra- vines, Tf ls understoodthetrsrevenue stamPa on thc document indtcated a consîderafion og 8160,000. il, Muff wèe te ftdayguets o fi us that if is goi Wiliman. succe8stui lu Principal R. L. Saudwicl..otflieeiiieid Sgiilts High 80110o1l ne,. a peasiriz addtres rt lb.'graduation exercices o! the eight lî grade aex the tu-h ii asselubly hall Thursday-eveuing T Atitur Smmp- son presented fthe graduat" - ifh fteijr J pie ni as M ies Flîrenu-e isbrn -ef Highland i- flic lt y o!te r ganizat ton. Mitss Lois Shepard o! Gurnee, sec- fary oflice county association, aiso was present as a guest of lionor. Mng. Emmna llinskey of Oklahioma, who ta liere f0 celebratee librtliday of hier mother, Nîrs. Van De Nlari, was pres- cnt and gave s îalk on "How It sensi Park, efuent 'e b-w days ofitliý. o-k 10 live in a prohîiiion sate." viiting Mies Eleanor Aive ~rs. Young and Nirs. Yost, flic lwo Miss Grace Seblie was fli- oeri.-d guist -l îf- onîie ijjýstru1 f High- land Park. John I <rolax. Ir . cut bis tut Satur-1 div with un axe. LARE FOREST àMr. and Mr@s Wn. NV. Keite v utfUbi. cago. who have faken the Arthur Meeker plae, *Arcady Farm.' for theý summrer moved out Tbursday. The marriage ot Miss Lydia Mark, daughter ut Mr. and Mr@. Clayton Mlark ot this citY to John Kîmbafi Savîlle, son o! Mr. and lire. Wm. Savifle ot Boston, took place Satnrdav, June -.tb. t the home ut the brides parents. Calîptaîns wlîo were ln charge of the sthort xalk, Mrs. Young troini flicviesw- point of the winuer and NIrs. Vost fronfliceIpoint oft.' ]oser. Bath spokie in a mosi opimistir manner. Ther areabo t.1?- nprbrs in cnt fine. A strenuons campalgo fs oe te waged in an effort fe tncrcase flic memberebili ro 200 before flic convention nextftali. LAME ZURCH Miss Justine Fox and ipineti, Jiolis ocre Ciiicagzo visîfires -aturdla.--. Mire Fred iîîî'ît..na a ir wî visiter Wpdnp-adtîv. SuéiC7 eraldiii.- lrai lkt.' bai haitun iaek l fitaes. Herman aud Joint S-neider and taniilY aud fleur> luu.uig t , ili .e lunerallti! Johin ti-iti uutChti-egui. Sîurilas Nfr. Hein was a we4 kniîwu trienti o! ail thte Lake Zur. i p tî. , His ieanli was -aeti by learý lauîi.ze. Tke <Imege Camp biris relîîrrîed Mhin day fo Evaüton. Mdro. Edward Yuungi lf arriiigti-o. visiteti with ber paeute fhe pa-t wee.'. Mies Netti. fHillinati atfendcd te exer- cices af ficer lirove, Park Fritav. being Field tiey of thte Paittue Hîgit se-boul. Russeit Biankenburg out Gary. Inti., viid Sundev wifh bis mnotiter, Johîn Blase-k and sou ot Wanconda, ocere Lake ZurIc-h vri>iirs Saturdey. Mi@s Miidred Audrewg retorned atter opendinir a week in Cliieio. Mro Wi. Eicbmen wad a Chicago visiter. Chas. Seip andi fâmily ozâj<aeiBe, wer visifurs bere Suoti.,. The Lake Zurich Aid Acociety lield tueetiug aif%,ibe cburecb 8Undtey eeenrng. f ftî orger f0 attend the expei8es Susifey .veninlr, Jus.' 13. fuie day liiig Chilidreris [)av. Howard ia.:kiey of Cintiin. Indiana, visixed ea i te Bieukenburgirome Son.Asy wtîere lie wi e snow ut.tstig e rb Ier mut ber. Mr. and Mrs John Fink andi tiugbter Margaret vîsîteil et thc home of Mr. and Mdrs. Loutis Knfgge. Phillip Yîoung wilf nove tîack into bis butel eîîmetîiue tiis week. Mir. Fred Seip, wbo i@ vie;Iiting la California reportsef sh @le ie baving e spietidid tiue, Mr.,Matleew andi tanily of Palatine, @peut Soniey Icrein thtsr sommer bonis. Dr. Scleridiig ut Palatine, was a visîfor Sundey. 1 id. and IdM. Smith anti daugîrer o! Clicagu, wiii again reide et Bintn. borg's cottage for tle summer. im Elfa Fetidier and Delta DaIms of Wauconds, store the gacets o! tmse MYrflie and MIllle Reiter over Bunday. MdiessEdma Prusa, 'nIa ieworking ln Chic&ago @penutSOudiyaseer home. The bain dances lven af Herman Kotieus Saturtimy svemig vas wel attentiet. Mise Elizabeh enl 'ue lsvisltlnir et the tmof tber grandinoiber. A nomber o! men ftrim 1er. took a trip f0 Lake Foret Sonday. Thc roof o! Abet, Prelm'a garage ie beiag erfcteti andi lanoms wsek hie expecte f0 lave if comple.andi rady foroe. Mms. HB. undmacber 1le visii ttg wf f ber daugbter ln Chicago. Mr. antiMmNuse1.. Jackson enteriained relatives freiniChicago over Saturday sud Sondai. Mlr. and lMus. James Smettnger attend. ed the show et Dmrington gafurdoy. lîtstory wtil ot lie known. He snid lie laiti vriffen 1 ftic sctîoof director> et Gurnee, aeklng theni f0 torget lits actions dîîrlng the. last yeer endlilve Mia e ris'chance.le isid they could give Mort i anew tart by turnistiing, lim o-iti a recornmbridatioii H.' aýk j cd NIr, Simîpson f0 place tits. endors.' mient on lits teaciers cerîflicali'. Stev,-ns oas gtven many upphîrtuin îles f0 rcform before le ilnally %oasý nisëd eteAf Pr lits dlialîipcuîrit tie'il w a. foiind tliat lie lîad caslî,.-d a nitm- lier of wortvies., checks,, aioiutl luii al ID-c cvru!l hudreul dollarsTii prex cnt pi osevulfon is i.iiotiier caviii lier.' and nmade gouti <viciai ot tht- c-heck, .Sip' eft t2ii<î w ItiSlient Grittint luniake good aus cîller chiecksî I bat lue liati caslied saindii Ciniglit corne tu the surface.ire SteestIi employetiln a barîk ai LodaIsniui i said!f0 lie a liard-morkliig woini iîî.fer son, wtîlle iriclined to dissipqfc uit finies, it al<id to lhave been an iexce-l lenf teactier aI ofluer limes. Untier the clrcumistane. Il le f. tf litut lits requeste for reecomimendtiîons M iihave tf0lbe refuseti. Se ture i's the Iateat s.d.i Youruw carmLmM he right up-to-dot."Setter y a cen abat ij e . yeet abead in every paricduled» the a .teis beWhd Jacksor pouwerand requisites for yearst The eaç keep peop other cars The new J 'tiEN.' I. J. SPRA4UE o É i FALLS 2 STORIES; ready for, BI SENT TO HIOSPITAL!Ri S',aukegan,,"Jus.' 5 RP â TE ",encrat it J.Sprague, s gunemittbjaka andt 79 heurs nf age, w-sa eeriouefy ln- joureti totiay wtuen le reilf ro tfjei truway taflua cts Io hbts eop on M'a- fer mîreci down among a pile o! scrapi Iron in flic yard betow. fils Injuries consisf o! a scalp wvounti over 12 Inciies fong wtîichtî ook !0 stitches te close. Mir Sprague was leaving bIs sbop on his way home sehen tb. accident occurreti. Walklrng down flic long run.. wsy whictî Ieatis to the second floor whcre ltues sop ta locatei, lie lost lie balance anti fel mb flic yard. The I dtIs l ed eciby a blasksmitli as a lort1lng place for scrap iron otti wheelm anti tires. Wfien Sprague feli bis heati struclr une o!f fie tion tires ant ilifeut a scalp wounti almoat 12 inclies long. The Police were somnoncti anti he was iiiaccd t nan ambulance andti aken f0 flic Jane McAisfcr liospîfai. Fo ran lîour Dr. Kalowsky liat Sprague on flic oPeraftng table. Twen. ly-two sfifclies were faken intnhli scalp wound. *General" Spragup le weli known un Waukegan. bcbng a Miasean anti à member o!flice G. A. R. For some yeare lic lias been doing otitijobs In tlic gun Uine andlias been living wifli his tiaugîfer. Mrs. L C. McKay, of Sheridan mai. DEERFIELD ANO EVERETI SCIOOLS il A V E EXRCISES Deerfieiti anti Evereit seloolsla hid fleur commencement exercises Friday evening. .Iune 4. In selool asembly blli, Deerifielti, vlen titis progamin va. randereti: Piano solo-Miss Ida Knaak. Novelleife, Seutmann-Op. 2f. No. 1. envocaion-Rev. C. Orsloin. The Clamg o! île Forge-Gades. Sallntoy-Hmrley Semsldi. Atidress-R. L. Ban4îIwck. principal1 o! Deeztid fownshiP 1gbsclool. VaedIctory-Edward Therclen. Prèfentatbâof o!dulll8m»-T. A.1 Simpson. Deerftelti sehool, clamso! 1916-Dor. otliy Supple, Dorotily Reiclel, Lillian Scirvat, Suas Easton, William -WflhtlW William Boaffher, Harley Schmidt Etivard Therrien. Evereit sehooi-Mary Sneddon, Col- cte Convay, Florence Corcoran, Ma- bel Mmm. n cars lead in essentials-good looks, ýeasy riding. These are necessary sif the car is going to please you Sto corne. isy riding qualities of the Jackson >le driving them. more years than raare driven by the saine people- Jackson liat caught on unth the good uyets. You will make no mistake if ie one yourself. New mode! $1250, delivery. ROWN & SMITH, Agents IOUND LAKE, ILLINOIS fMI AUTOMOBILE Co., Sta Agta*s. ChwNag AUTO Non-Acid Non-Corrosive Carbon = Rernover THE ONLY SAPE AND ECONOMICAL WÂY 1 Iverv garage nîaîî kîîosws vleîhe hitrîs earbon (put o î<i v ue that lie htrus onît a poritioniof ; the.tWî lei u i ee huii sera pig is pro- hibitive ini Cost. R. S. Wheeleî'. of the Lineolît Higlîway Garage sa vs, ' Purgene is the Best Liquid Carbon Re- mover we have ever used." Anvone eau reinove carbon with Purgene, and save lahor, timneand imie. Price $2.50 per quart. Onie q uart will eleaîî a 4-evlijder four tiîîîeýe On sale ini Waukegaîî at the followiîig: Rexali Drug Store, 139 N. Genesee St. Beach Garage, 334 N. Genesee $t. Mainn's Drug Store, 364 Franklin St. E. Miatson, Local Rep., 708 North Ave. Phone Waukegan 1736 Or by Prcpaid Express The Industrial Technlcal Producte Co., Chicago. 6243 Broadway. Phone, Sunnyside 3234 Satisfaction Guarantoed or Xonoy Efnd anîed tre f nam mdqnalty.Pediree he srrouing atree t iep. ýEeyte ur ]PETER BOQK.- AGENT ]Phone 192-J l-_LLibortyvillo, flL Miss Elsie Liberty of Chipago, was the week-end gue@t of ber aunt, Mrs. M. floren berger. lire. Fred Clavey entertaiued the Ladies' Aid o! St. b'Pente EvangelijîsI churcli Thuroday atternoon. Otto Ott of Mnneota, i.-iisiting relative@ here tht, week. Mr. and Mr@ Geo. Karsh announce the marriage of their daugliter Catherine to Frank eauian of Crus Plainem, Wis. Wedneeday niorning in thi. Holy Cross ctîurch. Mms Ernest Melchior andf sun Edward of Chicago, were the week-end guests <t the' home of F. H. Mpyer. Mfiss Elizabeth Clark ofI frving Park, visited at the home of W. A ý Wliig Saturday and Sundia '. Nfr. and Mrs. Frank Suppip and datîeh- ter of Chicago. epent last week nt thie home of Richard Suppie. Mra. Hoffman and son Andrew of Lake 111-. POSSI ' You Meay i«« bave lo«t amy money b%*thtei probabafti.p ame that you Win, momol r a4ts,, uius 700090a cln.kh, Aceount and P&Y ~ il by *hm.cký Cotai*l, it. à the , most commimt way of tranacting yoisr Open a Checking Account. THE CITIZENS' BANK "MA KE TMS ]SA" TOUR BUSINESS HOMKE" 3Sde Depouit Box« for trat Areo4 inois TWEN¶ üANQI TEMI State Corr Here ai Stal The Won suce Union the itaukel niglit ait wbic bers who w of the memit ed recently,, The affair pi every sense menibers of Present. Milss Epha secretary or one or thed ent. She ga the W. C.1 She spoke whtch is f0 b rail and did "Ysimultaneoma.s- YEIilIT ARE WIIEREIOBUTS 0f EXPECT THE TAX DE.13 'i :9-peecourt tldl a JETED AT THE DECAMPJN(i6 PRIN. CISIONVERY SO0Nýlfo the state and nflote theoeau or county. -445 /'11bÂI i luthe niesu nie, Attorney Beau-. PERANCE HALL CIPAL__REVEALEDI Stie's At torney [lady extcrtitte bien, counsel for Wesfcrfield, had talc- Iv ecision tront the Stîprenie en an appeel te the Supre '20cort aafl esodigSertay Tbe posftive wiîereabouts O! Char- 1 crrt seifine t eflà mentit witt -e- If is on ihbis question that a dec'ision ,d Predicts a Big o eth ,oleat Ournee, wfio le t Ea against former County Treasurer: attorney sayjs ibere le a question - [te Convention, trait of worfhiess checeks a!fer lie liad Wesfertield. Somethtng like $7.500 ,te whethcr flic counnfy houfd sitet nenis Christian Tenue', been ousted frnmis ;position liy theý are Invofved ln the suit. flihe money and turnfi i over te tl hef a are bnqet Grne ehoo tustes ba ben e- Like ail flic treasturers who lied stafe, or wliether the state liseil ea temple bonquertdaytablsbed and, strangely. fit wssStev-1 preccded hini r. Westertild with- shoutd Institute nuit. [htet-lt e e-ens himselt wlio rcvealed lits prestt hl sbstefw ento e A lbi lan been lntroduccd ln tIe plhc toent-eightncw eni-Inheritance fax money paid-,J.jso his tegislture which provides that ail ln- 'cre securcd as areutaeo res idece.Office. Itfotoi tis amount tht flihe herifance fax money belongtt to the 5ership content wlich clos- The Information was reveaeO <n afLktruhfl<iaeànte hsl l iewt h or lte eceived todey b T iA uýcounfYoLkfrogiffesaeesa.Thsif0in thfccut were tlie gucassof honor. lterrbaT r tor ne esig elin tt' tonyDd ,s )rovd t bea suces inSimsoncouty upernteden of Jîidge Frost alter hearing ithe Pl-ftat even Ifi this bill becomes a la'w of fic word. Sevenfy echools. In fuis leffer Stevens satdi f te oganzaton erelie lesetaying with lits motiier ai Lutdn,1 dence In flic case ruled fliafftie mon. il canneoffect thle local case but fli oranîatin wreIll. H-e cxpreesed flic greateet con-jey lield by Mr. Westerfild ûeloiîgs raflier cases Iliat dcvcfop later. i Mlarshall, corrcsponding trition ror lits actions et Guroce dur-r fthc state association, was Ing thie lant year. admftfing If was disfitigutshed guesta pres- sufftctent f0 cause hlm te be onsted, ave an address on "55ri.at but said l'e ls now thorougtîly repent- T. Il. is Accomplfshing." aot anîd arîxtous f0 tture over a ne w o? the niaie conventlun lest. He eaid litis helîifh demands that be held in Waukegan nerf lie go West and lie fa anxlous to <fart u Jnot leistate fo predict lite anew ln is profession o! teaching Ing to lie one o! the mont ln sorte city ln the Wes t where lt FUI > embe feren ti Thefru unifed or Ire for ( local cen splendid fthc dowi If was followed Counfy .J marîlial Woodmer psrec.ed teau. V eiited dut being flic W. A." crossing e! fthe or were pIs. eeased m finest &hi scen lier. The pi court bot pruceedeel Clayton s eth f0 tetery the dead i Thre han. bac'xto til This ia of lailng ders uniti o! doing custoni ln year was If la an rarTieîdI years. year new Itif p5~rob; in lin.' if sas Wood nen decoratp largestc Woodniliî servi,-"- oiders wl ia murli I Ire. Heyde. A pern. Assoociati f officers a! SPreside Vice Pr( Secrets Personi, C. T. H ecemoni. et the c these nont Band mn 'Near'e -C. B Reading «'The S "My Cour Decorai tTîtese S hlode ri Odd lFec Trite-o Royal A Royal tli Lady t ri lie. flanci s ie Edîfor o! 1 notice tis'ougl } i*g o!flihe fwoM the "«drnn.'n,"i two tridnî thelln. TI agair In aftended1 s@Itely z lound on féring fhe as mny mi