Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1915, p. 8

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-page Eighit _______ LAKE~ COMUNTY LN'DEPENDENT, FRIDÂY, JUNE 11, 1915. WANTED-To lov 1l tain ai&d REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 1tarn, thaexL-treasoutheast corner strî ol-i, >'. i'.L. EH.Alleu, Lovëlali unîa of Lake County, about 42 acres. Deed, Furnised by 10.00. £711>i Store. L.îb,-ds~. ii LAKE COUNrY TITLE &TRUST Co.1 June Pl 1915.-Ast. H. Craig and *JMàI~~~~~~MUUIFRU ~~~Abstractscf Tille. TitllaiGusranteed.wfeb arA. isolt3 oc WANTED-idai ried couple. tour pa<o- Masonic Temple BidX. Waui'agan. ."A"e cMrA. sison10loti bock AcDVERTIS IN G of LitE :r., .¾ra, Ili Man muer have 12 sîy q9,,9_T.-T. .Smit md 'W*'D,, #2"01,0 soins experiana.' in garileninig, lowor cul, wife t0 Emina Lawson, lot 178, fa' Charlotte L. -îlcDonald aid hushand RATES ti '. poultry raieing,, arjngz for ,,ree, LogLktubiiinoW 10lMande H. Brady, lota 24 aid 2F, cow etr. A god home lb. year round 5T WaSmi6thearndel Park. W.n.. $1000 SC per ine escn insertion at a good ealary for the right parties. MT».W. S lth17, aidwfetong1Lke boPrbyeianLeague of Chicago 10 Lais ib 6 inCaCall or phone env ..veninz aiter (6:30 . MC. n 1 lt17,Sa' Churoh Extension Board of the Pros- 26c frstinsertion W. Martin. Aras. lit, Pho'ne 138R d8tfi bytery of Chicago, lots 1 and 2, block ______________________ T. W. Smith and wifa to Olive Law-: 21, aid lot 5, blockt 9, Washburn Park, WANTEO-A rliable alleutt 0seilI ouri son, lot 179, Sha'w'a Lýong Laite sub- North Chicaga. Deed, $10.00. ekr b liardis, Nortliern growu Nuraary ctovk- division. W. D. $100. t j June 4, 1915--Consumera Co. te, J. gu 4.,.î FO B LEis lb vicinity . il.arai terni@ lu aý James Brown and vIfe to F. R. E. Lorkin, norti, 264 feat of lot 6, In- FOR SALEreaponileparlv. tlrite todayeneiosing Smitb,'interest In lots 12 and 18,1gleside Highlands and laid south of .4............. . ralarencas. MecKay Nursery Co, (Gain. I Bnltt. SÉbdi,71slon af Hagle Point. soine. W. D.. $10 00. FOR SALE-%*ariono places of furnitu, Offica)l'ardeeville,, Bm.. Surgaries et jW. D., 81.00.j Jack Drogiar and wife tu Bronis. lirs. R. H. Pritchiard. phone I1(11' Waterloo, Wis. 38t-2 June 1, 1915.-B. F. Boyd aid wifa îaw Penar, lots 16, 17 and 18, block Libertyville WANTED-Good to~1 W. A. Gase. 40 acres In north %7,1 ot4Ciao. Q .,$. Libertyviiia , ~ gir for generai bouse northeast 14 section 14, Wauconda , NrbCiag. Q . 1 FUR SALE-Youtig perfetiy rnatcbad work. lird C. S. Durisud. telephous' (62, township. W. D., $10. driving teain, wl 1100 Ihapaîcb, aiea Libartyville. 37etf B. R. Hoysradt to Cannie Hallier, NÂARRIAGE LIGEINSIES. choira oor.2 familv borses. Owned by - lot In southeait 1% section 7, Hastý aRe. Baisa, A. il. Scbwarrnîîn. Gilmer. WANTED-Poi&id Cibna Cbester Wbita, Antioch. W. D., $2,300. Edward Taîensky, NtIlwaukea, 27. lit. 37etf Pige. Addreem witii uariiclarg 'J. % . .Cag n i nL . Vn Kîte Miller, West Allia. WIS., 28. B.'* Lake County lîdepeudent 36C3 A.HCrgadwietL.RVa Joseph A. Kiss, Milwukee, 21. FOR SALE-Twenty.fivehsadofgeieral ~ Pattai, lots 1 eand 12, block B", Alice H. Olsen. saine, 19. Asi M. Paul, Zion purpoee horses. froin 900 to 1800 Ibo., sANTED-3ood girl for ganerai boise Craig's subdivision Aîtioch. W. D., John Barry, Milwaukee, 32. Florence Johnson,8 tw mre ae n ai Svra stsolwok.Phn lt(R.Liervvi $.31f$40.. Violet Heyl, saine, 23,. sw e ehad arin rsi es a @etagos. OlilvhoreHock aid wife ta E. B. Na- Normai L, Johnson, Milwaukee, 34.Stanley Latouche. lN secnd an hane@ ad azoA.Ollve Hok nd if toE.B. e- Anina1D. Miller, saine, 19. Agies Serofin, sain, Terme, càah or on gime. N. K . add, WANTEO-Good girl for genarai bouse ville, lot' 9, blockt 4, Hook and Ne- William A. O'Hara. Kenosha, Z3. Har D. Hulise, Camr phos , L ,ltyii.t f work. Telaptions Librty ville 22. cffItf villa's Long Lakte subdivision. W. D., Isabelle Panrin Manistea. Mich., 22. Golden N. Fields, Fi poe4 ietv3e$400. Lloyd Carey, Kenosha, 22. larE.Wls1 We have a numbar of fine bornas for+4 LOST and FOUND 4 W. M. Brinkinan aid wife to M. U. Gertrude Clark, sanie, 23. Wltr .Wie *j*4.James W. Smith, Chicago. 22. Carnie Buzche. sain( sala or rnt. Dvmond & Austin Liberty-. 4.. .. . . . . . . . . . Leonird. soutb 10 feat lot 6, aid Esther L. Wolf, Milwaukee, 22. Don O. Drowî, Gra3 ville. V-37 -tf LOST-tllaek and White Pointer dog, north 15 feet lot 7, Brophys subdivIs- M4fka Tyakia, Wiukegan, 25. arîShpBm isaivily tioked, epottad. Rard for Ion Fox Lakte. W. D., $376. A a Domella, saine. 21. FARMS FOR SALE-I Travers founty eturn tuoM' M. Wright. Haif Day. 38ti Chicago Title & Trust Co.. ta Frank Fnaînk SUeckles, Aitioch. 22. hiinnBoita and Robert, S. 1) , n i'atboii ________________ ..~.»h___ Anna Lilia, Russell, Ili., 20. r ru'r and Lutherai sttlement. VerY fiueL laid, the richemt ou in the world audt whara crop@, are sure. nTh eaithieatt elirnaie to be found anywbere. Low pnes 3for laide. For partieulari ddreoes1 Geo.J. Vinderwal, Dumont, Miii. 32pl1 W@ have cail forfarme of varions suzes. If you wish to @@Il or elchange youn E fsrrn Call or Write us particuiars. [B]c Cochra & MeCluer, .10 North Dierbornr St., Chicago. 35e4c + OIR lENT + .............. FOR RtENT-Goad boue. barn and garden. W. a. Appiey, Phone 212-J, UÀbertyvilie. 36c11 FOR RENT-Oneortwolurnhahed roams on Newbrry Ave. Inquire oi J. W. Voie,t lÀbertyvilie, Phone 186J. 35eti +A= +tqI5D 4 + .'..'....+..... WANTEL-At once, experisnted *tenu- grapher snd cierk. Arcady ?arm Miii- lag Co , Randout, lit. 3801 LOST-Gold bar breast pin somsewhere between greanliouAPe ud LakePside ecmre- ter.t. Mrs. Thos. t'oriatt, Libertyvllle.1 37P2 4MISOELLANEOIUS + i HAVE CLIENTS with an unlimit- ed amount of money on hand t0 loin on Lake County rail estate at low rites and easy terme. Your caîl or correspondence will ha held ln strict- est confidence. R. B. DIXON, Gurnee. Iii. Wkly. 2t Judge Landis Saturday took under advlsement the case against Henry Johnson, a fariner living near Bar- Millon, MI. Johnson was irraigned on a pies of guiity to a charge of tlhrýeatning with a shotgun and chas-j lng off bis farin Chiarls R. McCop- pick, a fedarai vterinarian, during the period of the hoot and mouth epi- demie fast tell. Johnson sutd ha was afrald hi@ stock would be kiiled and thereby lose the profit on bis year's work. He added thue shela ln bis gui were blanks. taft moe aud n na aaill<f.tdmauig r we mom of Mo v Mer Iwg Iluit am iw ir.pportualtU& fer mme Ihra~mnjfdjtu ra4*m.:ud o m » ~~gi iow a* odtwCaPMU rIETYIL .9 LLlfl0" City ...........22 saine..........22 North Chicago... .38 re ..............321 meron, Mo.I .. 2- rrankford, Mo ... .231 Milwauktee...37 le ..............36 aysl.,ke........ 32 ae . . . . . . . 32 Melingen, loit , Wilson's 2tilu 5Uii anfi M.-Werbo, Waukegai, 22. ri~ w u vision ai Long Lakte. Dead. $150. Ida Janvi, saine, 20. W N T. D. MiliS and wife ta Ida A., aid Roy Swansaî. Milwaukee, 21.a C. J, Arbogast, pii't loti 3 and 4, Nip- Marny 'Koscielaik, saine, 18.C US O R persînk's Club subdivision Fox IL'e. William T. Duganna, Altoona, Wis.47 W $1.Lulu Nostrand, Mlwaukee ...... AT L. T. Butin to W. J. RathJa, lots Joerhanci sic utv e sa....2 MA T L AT F R 4, 5 aid east 7 test lot 6. blockt 19, John A. .Mcnnis, 1ulutb. Minn.. .81 and lot 1 aid wast 10 teet of lot 2, bouisa B. Stricklaîd. clty ......... 23 Tweîty misiîg cords of firewood' blockt 25, Lakte Bluff. W. D., 8,0. George N. Otasell. Lansing, Micb .. 89 nt Fort Shieridan have i'-d to ltae suin 000 IEta H. Gardiner, cama ........... 43 moninig o! Quartenniaster Sergeanl E. Hans H~asen and wife ta Myrtie Stanley Waiattsla, Cie3go ....21 G1. West hefora a court-inartial. Ha C. Stabl, lots 34 aid 85, blockt 1, Or- Frances Loreit, North t'hicago ..18 is charged wlth dîîîerîing s vouchier vis' subdivision, Waulcegan. W. D., Bart M. Fate. Highland Park ...21 for 110 corda *hen oîly 90 wene ne- $3,000, Emma S. Staffen. saine .......... 24 ceived. the dififferencea arouiting lh 800.Aloys Sitala. Two Rivera, Wis . 24 value 10 $200. West la prepîring bis A. F. Beauibiai and wifa ta Jjbn Mîrtha Huis.z Wiiana, Mini ...20 dafense. aid Margiretta Nichelson, west 42 Chinles L. Williams, Chicago ...40 An Investigation o! the quarter-ý feat lot 12, block 10, Ladd aid Slitilda Edv.'rds. saine......... 37 masters office hy Cîpt. W. B. Scalea Georges addition, Waurkegan. W. D. Francis Saman. C'rosa Plains, Wls.38 bas been finisbed aid Col. W. J. Nich- Catherine Karcb. Deerfiaid ....24 oison, ln coimand. Tburaday daclar- $10.00. Louis J. Zern, C'hicago .......... 32 ad evarythhng in good order. Juliha Morai toAna L . Hart, 40 Anntta Liepe. saine............ 25 Ma4or Fredericit C. Sargent as acres ln southwast 4 section' 14,1Ira Kruzeigi. Shahoygan, Wis.... .27 succeeded as poat quartermaster May Librtylle twnhip Q C. $.00 ýSema Marobu, saine............ 24 12 hy Major W. F. Crote, bis four Libntvîla uwnhi. Q C, 8.0. Willium H. Wepner. Itiponi Wis... .26 Years o! detached duty having ex- J. W. Pfanneisthli aid wife ta C. E.* MIatilda F. Sudy, saine.......... 36 pirad, aid the change wa follawed by Wheelock, west %4 lot 20. ln section RySwanse, Milwaukee ......... 21 the regulir checking-up procese. $250.- 16. Wanconda township. W. D., $400. Mary Koscielnik. cama............. 000 worth of movible property at the ýune2, 115-emuelSchwrtzpont. inciuding even the iockBantha Jue , 95.euue charzTheobald Oster. Milwaukeea....24 trunks, buving ta hae accounladfor and wife ta Wm. S. Keith. lots 1, 2, 3, Anis B. Jurus. saine............. 20 ________ Schwartz Nortb Avenue subdivision, Theodore J. Flact. IMilwaukee..21 Indepeadent reaches ail ponts I Waukegai. W. D., 81.00. L. P. Marvin. et al., ta Al. J. Licht- Florence Richardson, sane ....18. Lakte County. The amateur hasebali maiagar's muet puy for the time playing aud 1lu)th of lita is net ail strewn with aiso the tax for the new fical year. roses as saine people think. Clubs finishing before the fiscal Atler havlîg the worst kiid of year, vli not receiva a discount. weitber for gîta recaiptsanad haviîg Clubs cominenclng theseason lu Aplit aIl around bad lucit witb evarything muet pay a tax of $2.42 plus $10, for aiong comas Uncle Saine ta make life the îew fisal yaar, maiting a litai harder. Tbey inuit psy a war rev- Io! $12.42. Even bail clubs that do net enue ta!. balong ta the league are uat exempt ITT'der tbe war revenue act which froin paing s tax under the îew reg- want loto affect ast fli, alil bse- ulatis. , bail clubs cburging admission te the If amateurs get togathar aid charge gaines directiy or lidirectiy. muat admission te the gaines they une puy a registry tax of tan dollars for Ilubie under the law. the fiscal year. Uncle Sains treasury wiii haest This rling affecta bath of the large , iaat a bundned dollars richer ln the tains ln Wiukegan, several ln Lake monay Il aili recelve tram hauebali county, aid practicaliy avery bas&- trams hln a'e count>' aid Waukegai. hall teamIn 1the nation. Thete ar ,, Thera are, aomea eght or ton clubs tan dollars inuit ha psid by July 10, atln the nouity that wiii coma under which tuae a new fiscal yaar starts. the lax lai' aid wyl have te utay Bail clubs cammenciîg the sassin 12.42 each. 1 prier ta the aîdiîg of the figcal year lTe ladepeudent leade aIL the I nterest of the Consumer Not an Announcemnent, but a Statement of Facts Yes!We have Doubled and Re-DoubleO and are agam Re-Doubling our Yestmanufacturing facilities and our production. Yes This greatiy increased production enabies us to purchase mater- Yes. jais at very low prices. VeSt Factory organization, speciai machinery, large capital and intelli- I* gent direction ail contribute to low cost. Butt The above is flot alone sufficient for radical price reductions What then is the Real Reason? Ug«tu-For years we bave devated aur time. aur energies and aur best thought ta the manufacture and refinement af "FOURS." We know "FOURS." We believe in "FOURS." We are prepared ta buMl 'FOURS"-the safe, simple cheap ta opçrate, thoraughly tried and praven CHEVROLET (VALVE-IN-THE-I-EAD) "FOURS." In the interest af the cansumer, we recognize the fac( tdut the retail dealer muet work on a narrower margin. the distributor muet wark on a much narrawer'msrgin, and the manufacturer muet work on a Thf H-4"BBY GRANfD" Tourin Complote wilth Electnic Lights énd Starter $750 Ir. O. B. Unt,, Xioh%=a REÂD FOR D IVIiRY CHEVROLET MOOR CO. Of fllnois 1444 Michigan A&ve. Chicaoo very much narrawer margin, enabling the cansumer ta secure fan himacif an honest and serviceable car at sa near 100% value (figured dollar for dollar) that he may na langer be submitted ta the violent shrinkage, in value af his car wbon the -annauncement period- arrives, which sa uinfortu- nately camnes in the very middle ai the naturaI driving and riding season. The above frank statement and the efort ta, meet the conditions are the moot real reasons far aur 1916 prices --- and note, the cars have it been cul a single hairline in quafltg. ePrices H-2 "ROwYAL MAL" Roaster $72 Comple with Elmitria Lights and Startn$ u 2 IF. 0. B. ilint, KiChIMMi PHONE FOR DEXONSTRATION Ce A. SCHRECK Local Dealier Phone 267-M-2 i bertyville, Ill. DITi FL Frank Hurle OFFICI Latter Moto, racer pt vas vit ef the v1 fig tami Ainal upi tha mot Thedi ?hed Theodore H4. Ourit. Prosident. W. B. Smith, Vice President. F. W. Churchill, Secretary end Manager Hon. OeWîtt L. Jones, Cen. Co.,nsei TELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $1 25,000.00 WALJKEGAN - - ILLINOIS In ,whwa ut Guru develop Il . iremn ille pai Ba5h bis spay ai et the f ahead c bell roi latuc t he Irai 'vers ci the dybi ir.mi T>efare h On th the lad 1 '"luae. shal Ha, fast clip ha prepi the lime had pus taken Il havi a toak att ried no 45 mUlei marshal' OetIn, mai ble mnita 1 Heni the lel get hlm badl turc muet ai, niaking came Ir Mien "eVOMI I le final 'et e f I lnr '4m w i ..on the s loto tht bruah. tu, the It «Wbere replied: bruah h. . He hs that lHa head. atie the villi oecampc Sam Hu Which h casa on The s tning aumshed auddaulj the othi TI'bt thi a woîd, speedou fing frai duriîg i

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